JPHiP Forum

The PIEHOLE => H!P Crapola => Topic started by: initial on August 02, 2014, 01:43:53 PM

Title: AB (after berryz)
Post by: initial on August 02, 2014, 01:43:53 PM
Now with the sad, or exciting (?) news of Berryz Koubou's "indefinite suspension", one question is, what will become of these talented young women.

Shimizu "Captain" Saki
I'm not sure what will become of Captain. Possibly MCing H!P concerts.

Tsugunaga Momoko
Pretty sure her Tarento status is close to being secure.

Tokunaga 'Miss Eigo' Chinami
Not sure, but hope she will have an acting career. Her high energy, and loud voice can lead her to theatre.

Sudou Maasa
In the past she has wanted to do more acting. hope to find her in many films and jdorama cameos.

Natsuyaki Miyabi
It's only natural that Miya takes a stab at the soloist road. She has the style, the attitude. reminds me of Maki Goto.

Kumai Yurina
Of course Yuri will get a modeling contract. Possibly do some tarento stuff and the occasional jdorama cameo.

Risako Sugaya
Another voice that needs to remain singing.  Risako might do some music projects, but her soft spoken personality needs to change if she's to earn more TV spots for promotions.

After all these years, so many singles, albums, PVs, and great DVD magazines, so many of us can only say, thanks for the great memories. It will be tough not having a new Berryz product, so this makes the future exciting. :cry:

Berryz Koubou, thank you so much 

we all feel the same
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on August 03, 2014, 04:21:54 PM
I don't know about solo singers because just about nobody has had a fruitful solo singing career aside from Goto after leaving Hello! Project, and even Goto's was a little short-lived and it was also outside UF* entirely. It's not really even about whether they could do it - cuz Aichan for sure could have - but whether or not they have interest and if the company can find a good way to push them (if they stay with UF*). If Aichan didn't have interest, with her talent and obvious love for performing, it's hard to say if anyone would. It seems members drift more and more towards other types of work. Maybe most of them look at graduation as an opportunity to fill dreams that they couldn't fill as idols, and for very few of them that would be "more singing and dancing, but this time solo". Ponderi.
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: Ruka Kikuchi on August 03, 2014, 04:45:47 PM
Does anyone ever wonder if Berryz Koubou will continue, but with new members? :huhuh

Is there a possibility of that happening??? :?
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: john_hung on August 03, 2014, 08:51:35 PM
Does anyone ever wonder if Berryz Koubou will continue, but with new members? :huhuh

Is there a possibility of that happening??? :?

( (
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: shirenuファクトリー on August 03, 2014, 09:17:51 PM
Nah, I don't think that would happen... I do think a part of this is making room for a new group (gotta put all those trainees somewhere eh?!), but not as a new Berryz Kobo... Something new altogether
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: kuro808 on August 04, 2014, 12:34:23 AM
I think most have a chance to do acting along the lines maybe except for Yurina... She has more opportunities to be a model than anything else. 

As for soloists... that's hard because they all have fatal flaws that make them sink quick.

Momo is the lone one who can do the jack of all trades and still has a backup plan with her degree :nervous

In the end, I think they can do whatever they want to do because they have enough experience to get there
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: J-Triumf on August 04, 2014, 01:21:25 AM
Maasa seems to have a good range of possibilities... :lol: (

And apologies to my fellow Miya fans, I couldn't help it... :nervous
Quote from: IRC
[01:09] <Aluexander> so what do we expect about their post berryz careers
[01:09] <Aluexander> do we know what they were studying in college?
[01:09] <J-Triumf> Yurina = model
[01:09] <J-Triumf> Momochi = Momochi
[01:10] <J-Triumf> Miyabi = glue factory
[01:10] <Aluexander> lol
[01:10] <Aluexander> terrible
[01:10] <Slack> ouch
[01:10] <shirenu> .................................
[01:10] <Slack> yeahhh that was a little too far, j-tri
[01:10] <J-Triumf> the rest = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01:10] <J-Triumf> sorry
[01:11] <shirenu> lol
[01:11] <J-Triumf> I did feel guilty after saying that one
[01:27] <shirenu> would u say that miyabi is headed towards greener pastures

In all seriousness, though, a question I hope gets addressed soon is whether some (if any) of them are remaining in H!P once the group finishes their run. Others have suggested Saki sticking around as a dance mentor/instructor for the younger H!P members, which I can totally picture, and theoretically Buono can still be a thing if Miya and Momo remain on board. In fact, Momo probably seems most likely to stay with how strong and established her idol persona is. Risako could also remain as a solo act, but the idol market hasn't been friendly to soloists for a while (and she would really need to start working on her vocal control--even her simple lines seem forced sometimes). Any bets on who stays or goes?

Reviving the Berryz name with a whole new roster is 99% not gonna happen (still a 1% chance of course because TROLLOLOLOLOL ( With only one "outsider" joining their ranks and no new members replacing those who left, the H!P Kids are pretty much their own thing at this point.
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: Rina the Robot on August 04, 2014, 02:14:01 AM
Since the girls mentioned in their blog posts that they've been mulling over the decision for a year now, I thought back to some of the weekly Q&As they've done that might shed some light on how they're thinking now.

For example, this weekly question, "What's something you want to try doing in work outside of being an idol?" (

The responses actually seem fairly indicative of what they might go on to do afterward, since they match their personalities and all. Plus in multiple Q&As Chinami has mentioned wanting to travel, especially going overseas so maybe she'll do that. Captain and Chinami have also mentioned a desire to get some qualifications (college, maybe?), while Maasa has mentioned traveling but not as much as Chinami. Yurina also mentioned modeling multiple times, while Momo's career as a talento seems pretty secure. I guess at this point our main mystery is Risako, but she's the youngest so there's plenty of time for her to figure it out.

I'm still sad that we're having this discussion no matter how much I respect their decision to enjoy their 20s  :cry:
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: sayumi_fan on August 07, 2014, 01:26:38 AM
So...  with the news of Berryz going "on hiatus" (yeah right, they will be GONE forever, I guess!) ... what will happen next?  :?   :smhid  Just a few random wonderings by me...
* C-ute goes too within another year?  Noooooooo!!!
* Another new unit out of the kenshuusei to set H!P up for another 10 years?
* What's really the future of S/mileage...  could they take Berryz' place with a regular rotation of spring & autumn concerts?  (IMHO there have been far too few concerts by S/mileage, at least released on DVD/Blu-ray)
* Will Tsunku ever again allow units with a fixed line-up, not replacing members who graduate?
These are all just idle speculations and wonderings, so any thoughts appreciated.  I am not so good at analysing this stuff, work occupies FAR too much of my time!  :angry:

[I originally posted this in the postwhoring thread and then Rina kindly pointed me here]
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: Rina the Robot on August 07, 2014, 04:45:28 AM
^ What happens to C-ute after this is probably my biggest question. What makes the difference between Berryz and C-ute, who's to say they aren't next to go because they're all getting older? I get that the Berryz members have been notoriously disparate (pretty blatant about not always getting along, getting less promo, generally considered to be weaker performers) so them wanting to move on actually feels natural. But I just wonder how much of that is just difference in passion for performance, or if their age is actually a factor or what.

Not to distract from Berryz because this is definitely their time in the spotlight but I think a lot of fans are wondering similar things. Oh well, guess we'll never know (until someone tells all a few years down the road like Onyanko Club members or various other idols :P)
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: sayumi_fan on August 07, 2014, 07:17:58 AM
^ I totally agree, C-ute's future is my big worry in H!P right now, I adore them and think they go so well together, and I hope they are stayers.  Jeez, although Perfume are in a different category and it's questionable whether they can even be named as 'idols', but they have been going since a similar age to C-ute (and Berryz) and are still going strong...  and even stronger now with world tours!  So...  it's not a requirement for groups that have been together for a while to continue if they have popularity.  Even if they changed their schedule in a couple of years to leave room for other activities too, but continue at some H!P events.  As you say, only time will tell.

Have there been any signs in blogs etc of C-ute considering their future as there was with Berryz?

I have less worry about S/mileage at this stage...  they have survived a major line-up change so that is always possible (so long as Dawa and Meimi stay in...  for my preference!)  ...  and they are younger.  I hope they get more promotion after the hiatus of Berryz begins.

Some other random stuff:
* Of Berryz, anyone know if Momo finished her teacher studies yet?  And have any of the others done university studies?
* Poor Miyabi, J-Triumf says 'glue factory'.    :lol:   :P  Greener pastures, Shirenu?  omg, you guys crack me up!
* Yurina as a model...  definitely, she has the height and overall presentation for it.  Could this also apply to Chinami?  Or not?
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: initial on August 09, 2014, 12:32:46 AM
with Miyabi and Momochi gone, buono! is a past project as well, right?  Dang, just got myself disappointed with that thought.  :cry:
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: sayumi_fan on August 09, 2014, 08:30:48 AM
^ Yeah, it kind of seals the fate of Buono! though the fact that all reference to them on the H!P site has gone even before this probably means they were already goners.  I was mourning their loss already, they were so full of life and spark and all, but this does seem to put several more nails in the Buono! coffin   :cry:
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: nachdenki on August 10, 2014, 02:46:08 PM
Some other random stuff:
* Of Berryz, anyone know if Momo finished her teacher studies yet?  And have any of the others done university studies?
As far as I am informed and people here also hinted Momochi seems to be done with studies - she wrote her thesis and even appeared in a university magazine as a graduate or something if I remember correctly (not the typical graduation pic thing from highschool etc but it was an article about something... the department maybe I didn't read it). She also didn't mention any further studies in other directions.
Actually I just looked it up now,
the blog entry mentioning writing her graduation thesis (
the blog entry mentioning she's done (a working adult) (
About the other members I don't know. There was one member I have in mind who also goes to university now but it's possible that it's a member from C-ute even...

In regards to C-ute's future, I've always disliked this wake up call effect that comes along with graduations/disbanding/official hiatus.
They might now think "huh, even Berryz stops, what should we do in the future?" - but since they are a smaller group that sorted few members out already they might have a few more years if the agency doesn't put any pressure on them. Though fewer members also makes it easier to decide on a hiatus someday~

I don't know about Berryz members future.
Like shirenu said, solo plans never really worked.
Only Reina with Lovendor is a recent exception that although not really solo they might be able to continue with music if up-front finds/invents something for them that works.

Since nobody mentioned H!P graduation yet it's in theory possible that Momochi and Miyabi could continue for a few more years with Buono! together with Airi. Momochi and Miyabi both also seem professional enough to continue even if they actually want to do something else just to have a relatively safe job for a little longer.
And Momochi also likes Buono!, she likes rock, guitars.
For me that would be the best possible thing to happen and I think also the best possible thing for Momochi and Miyabi if they want to continue being idols because Buono! is already somewhat established and Airi won't leave the stage anytime soon either.
However Airi herself mentioned on her blog that she wants to perform as Buono! once more (guess it will happen during the berikyuu Budokan and maybe one additional time if Berryz ends their activity with a big bang at the Saitama Super Arena or something with c-ute as guests), making it sound like she knows Buono! will be gone after Berryz hiatus. But maybe she doesn't and it was more like "at least once more, in case...".
The Buono! radio show didn't stop... yet.

For Momochi I have my own theory.
I think it might be possible that she actually wants to go on hiatus. It's contrary to what everyone believes and to all her efforts to establish herself as idol known as Momochi.
But I think of Momoko as a person who would exactly do that to archive an even more important goal (for herself).
They all said they started discussing the hiatus one year ago, around the time Momoko had to work on her graduation thesis.
She clearly wants to work with children.
Puripuri princess radio show has stopped and instead
she joined Oha Star, introducing a teaching segment for children.
She didn't do any PB/DVD except for Hawaii-related things in a long time (long in idol years) - certainly not due to lack of fans interest. To me it seems that for some reason she didn't want to anymore. Maybe because it doesn't look good having a lot of bikini photos on the internet when you want to teach children.

More than anything I hope I'm wrong.
If you have good arguments to prove me wrong in my assumptions regarding Momochi, please do so.

For the rest of the members, I hope they have enough savings  :sweatdrop:
Not sure what Chinami could do.
And Maasa? Acting maybe but will she get the jobs without being active in Berryz?
Yurina could maybe model, true.
Risako, mystery indeed. Is "wanting to be a diva" a job?  :lol:
Captain could certainly do something else with dancing since she seems to like it. I didn't think of her as a trainer/instructor before but possible, but she could also do musical stuff maybe not as lead (singing?) but yeah.
Miyabi could become a fashion designer or also model (like Koharu?) or both, but she could also continue singing as mentioned above.
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: Chibs on August 10, 2014, 07:38:50 PM
^Yurina goes to university
Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: muppet on September 22, 2014, 07:08:38 PM
It is truly amazing how long the great majority of the original kids stayed with it, continuing to perform at
high levels, despite the fact that no group was ever going to be allowed to eclipse the many reincarnations of  the flagship known as
Morning Musume.

Whether they stay in entertainment, or we just see them once in a while on "oldie reuninon shows", here's to the Kidz and Kana!
Wishing them all wonderful futures as young adults and beyond!

Massara Blue Jeans/Special Generation - Hello! Project 2008 Summer Wonderful Hearts Kouen

Title: Re: AB (after berryz)
Post by: Ruka Kikuchi on December 30, 2014, 06:58:27 PM
If you haven't seen this, you need to.

BE 約束の果実 (