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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: FAndoM48 on April 24, 2015, 04:47:32 AM

Title: FAndoM48's OS Collection [KojiYuu]
Post by: FAndoM48 on April 24, 2015, 04:47:32 AM
Hi. :3 This is my first fanfic that's posted here, and I'm quite a newbie in making fanfics. Thanks for reading if you managed to read til the end though.  :)

MAY 13

May 12. It was the day before Haruna and Yuko's so-called Wedding Anniversary. Haruna, for once, wanted to do something special for the little rascal she found herself married to, since she realized that she rarely showed her affection for her. She took her phone and messaged Yuko, asking if she was free on the next day, since the whole of AKB had three days of rest for their next concert. An immediate reply came; 'I'm free', it read. Beside it was a goofy emoticon that, to Haruna, sort of resembled Yuko's face. A small smile made its way to Haruna's lips as she texted back. 'Come by around six'. "Nyannyan?" A voice entered her ears. She looked up. It was Takamina. "What's with that look on your face?" she asked. It was then that Haruna remembered that she was in the studio to practice with Team A for the next performance. She was seated near the table in the corner spending the rest of the five minutes they were given to chat with her wife without a care in the world. "Are you texting Yuko?" Minami asked further, leaning in to take a peek at their conversation. Haruna pocketed her phone in a flash. "Nyannyan! I wanna see!" the midget captain groaned. "No! It's private!" Haruna struggled to keep her phone out of reach. She stood up and raised her phone to the air. Minami pouted, "Unfair, Haruna! Unfair!" she jumped with her hand out reached, even still, the midget wasn't able to grab it because of the girl's 164cm height compared to her 148cm tallness. "Practice!" Yui, Team A's current captain, shouted, as she asked the other members to take their positions.

When the tiring day in the studio ended, Haruna excused herself from Takamina's sukiyaki treat with the juniors along with the captains of the three teams; Yuria, Yui, and the other Minami. She made her way to her apartment to drop off her stuff. There, she looked up easy recipes for dishes. Afterwards, she went grocery shopping for ingredients. By the end of the day, she was able to prepare for whatever she was doing on the next day. She decided to call it a day and set her alarm to an early time. She would need as much time as possible, since she never gave any thought about cooking before, and she didn't remember learning anything from one of the early segments of AKBingo; the segment that had something to do with cooking. While she thought of different possibilities on how her plan would do, she found herself slowly, slowly, drifting off to sleep.

Haruna woke up with a surprised jolt when she felt something move against her back. She tried to move but she found herself restrained by a pair of arms around her body. "Nyannyan~" a familiar voice giggled. "Yuko?!" Haruna half-shouted. She broke out of Yuko's restraint and sat up on the bed. "What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to come over at six!" Yuko sat with her, her face filling with confusion, "It is six. Look." She grabbed her phone, turned it on, and showed it to Haruna. It was May 13, 6:48 AM. "I meant 6 PM, you idiot!" she exclaimed as she hit Yuko with a pillow. "You didn't mention it!" she retorted, blocking the hit. Haruna looked down and sulked. Her plans were ruined. No more surprises. Or so she thought. An idea shone in her head. "Yuko, I—" "Happy Anniversary, wife~" she was interrupted by a hug from Yuko. It was a tight hug, with Yuko nuzzling her neck. "Y-Yuko! Get off," she groaned, pushing the pervert away. When the both of them finally calmed down, Haruna spoke. "Yuko... Would you go out for a bit? I need to do something." "But—" "Please?" She pleaded. Yuko sighed and obeyed. She threw her legs over the bed and stood up, walking towards the door of her bedroom, with Haruna tailing behind. They reached the exit to her apartment. "Be back by six, okay?" Haruna reminded with a soft tone as she watched the short girl nod silently and leave the room. She felt a bit guilty with how she treated her, with today being their 'Anniversary' and all...

It was already two in the afternoon and Haruna wasn't making any progress with her 'surprise' at all. A number of failed dishes were scattered on the kitchen floor. She had merely a few hours left, and with this, she decided she couldn't do it... Alone. She grabbed her phone on the nearby table and searched through her contacts until she found who she was looking for. 'Chiyuu'. She quickly dialed the number and waited for the other line to pick up. "Hello?" A small voice answered. "Tomo? I need help... Are you free right now? Can you come over?" Haruna rushed with her words, "I want to do something for Yuko." The other line was silent for a moment, then replied. "I'm on my way."

Haruna paced back and forth until the doorbell rung. She opened it and found Tomomi Kasai, and a number of familiar people gathered right behind her; Erena Ono, Mariko Shinoda, the midget captain, and Minami Minegishi. She let Tomomi and her fellow AKB members inside, leaving both Erena and Mariko on the cold floors outside her apartment room. "Don't you two have jobs?" she asked. "We're free today," they said in unison. Haruna gave them a suspicious look, but let them in anyway. "Tomo," she turned to Kasai, "Why..?" she pointed at the other people lurking around her mess of an apartment. Tomomi grinned and said it would be more fun and faster if other people helped with whatever Haruna's plans are. Haruna sighed and discussed the plans to the people inside the apartment. Tomomi and Erena were cooking buddies, while WMinami and Mariko cleaned every nook and cranny of the filthy home of hers along with Haruna herself, who put away her precious belongings that were scattered across the room. They were done by 4 o'clock. And with that, Haruna thanked them as Tomomi and the others excused themselves, Mariko proclaiming that she will treat them for ramen, followed by loud cheers. She was alone once again in her now spotless apartment, with the meal they worked hard on displayed perfectly on the table near the kitchen. Haruna decided to take a bath to decrease the hours she would wait for until her beloved squirrel comes back.

Meanwhile, a few hours ago, in a desolate park near Haruna's apartment, Yuko walked around, kicking a few pebbles with a pout on her face. "Has Nyannyan forgotten that it was our Anniversary today?" she mumbled to herself. She stared at the silver ring on her right ring finger. Then, her face brightened, "Could it be that she has a surprise for me?" Her hopes rose up to a dangerous height. But then, another thought shot through her like a bullet. "It can't be. Nyannyan's not like that," and continued to walk around with a face of solitude, "And besides. Usually, I'm the one forcing her to celebrate our day of marriage." She spent the next few hours debating whether her dear Nyannyan has a surprise for her or not, and whichever ended up winning was unknown.

Haruna sat on the couch wearing a casual dress; although she was staying at home, it was still a special day for her, so she can't wear such a plain dress as her house clothes while celebrating it. The matching silver ring she bought with her perverted-old-man-like wife gleamed on her left ring finger, as if she truly was married. She stared at the clock. 6:02. 'Shouldn't she be back by now?' she thought to herself as she started panicking, but then again, it's only been two minutes. She was exaggerating too much. A few more minutes later, a slow, dull knock was heard on the wooden door to the entrance of her apartment. She stood up and walked towards it, and opened the door. Yuko had her eyes glued to the floor. "Haruna..." she mumbled, "Have you forgotten—" she was interrupted by a warm, tight embrace. Haruna pulled away and looked at Yuko's face which was shaped with confusion and shock. "Happy Anniversary," she smiled coyly. A smile engraved itself onto Yuko's face. Seconds passed as she stared at her 'wife', the smile of hers gradually widening. Haruna led Yuko near the kitchen so they could eat together. "I really thought you forgot about our anniversary," she sniffed, tears of joy pooling in her eyes, "I never expected you to do something like this." Haruna laughed. "Are you crying? You should be happy, right?" Yuko nodded tearfully and continued eating her meal with her beloved Haruna.

Yuko ended up staying over Haruna's apartment, since they both didn't have work on the next day, and didn't have anything much to do. For the whole of the night, and the following day, the two idiots spent the whole time in each other's company, satisfied with just themselves. And maybe a bowl of ramen or two.

"By the way, Yuuchan... Why are you wearing your ring on your right hand instead of your left?" Haruna asked, "I'm wearing mine on my left." She showed her the familiar silver ring that mirrored the others'. "Why is that?" Yuko replied with another question. Haruna pouted, "I'm married to you, remember?"

Since that faithful day, Yuko saw the matching rings they bought in another light. She started wearing the ring more often and wore it only on her left ring finger.
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: shanju on April 24, 2015, 05:47:58 AM
Great fanfic  :twothumbs
You have to write kojiyuu fanfic more often
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Korisu29 on April 24, 2015, 06:08:46 AM
nice fic ...  :mon lovelaff:
moooreee pleeaaseee ...
ah, by the way thanks for your nice fic ... hihi
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: arawche079 on April 24, 2015, 06:17:51 AM
Nice story

More kojiyuu :kneelbow:
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: FAndoM48 on April 24, 2015, 10:20:40 AM
Omg thanks all of you TT W TT
I'm making another KojiYuu fic right now. I'll post it either later or tomorrow. Thanks for reading :D
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: yuuchans on April 24, 2015, 11:01:46 AM
GOSH THIS IS SO CUTE~♡  :deco:  :inlove: :wub: :wub:

Please update moaarr of this soon~☆  :hip smile:
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: JoeYee on April 24, 2015, 02:27:32 PM
Hey there! Good job on the Kojiyuu fic.(´∀`)♡
I felt Yuko's pain when she thought that Haruna forgotten about their anniversary but hey, i love the fluff!
You're doing other Kojiyuu fics right? All the best in writing!
Thank you for this fic and hope to see many more Kojiyuu fic from you!
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: ChibiRine on April 24, 2015, 05:40:13 PM
Hey! I wasn't expecting that you will post here! :mon XD:

I gotta say, you're really good! I'm really glad you had the confidence to post your fanfics here. :on gay:

I guess I'm going to expect more KojiYuu from you? :mon inluv:

And, this is your entry for the KojiYuu Week, right? :dunno:


It's too great, I can't utter right now. I've been reading this for the 5th time. :hehehe:


See you at Facebook :mon bye:
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: FAndoM48 on April 24, 2015, 06:50:49 PM
Is it that great? o A o

Thank you so much, anyways~ :D

I never thought about using this as an entry for KojiYuu week, but, hey, great idea! :D

I gave some thoughts about it for about three hours—okay, I thought about it for like 10 minutes. I decided to publish it here. :D

Thanks for reading, see you in Facebook too~ :D
Title: Passcode (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on April 24, 2015, 07:47:46 PM
Hi, again. :3 This is an extremely short KojiYuu fanfic, and I am really sorry for the shortness of it all. An idea shot through my head and I just had to make it into a fanfic. I thank you for taking your time to read this. :)


Haruna stared at the phone lying on her coffee table as she sat on the couch. A puzzling look slowly formed on her face as she processed the reason for whatever the heck it was doing there. The phone obviously wasn't hers. It was Yuko's. She took the phone and examined it further. Turning it on, she was greeted by the set lock screen. It was a picture of the both of them. It wasn't recent. It was an old picture of them; back when Yuko was still in AKB48. Haruna shook her head before she got hit with anymore waves of nostalgia and fumbled with the touch-screen gadget, attempting to expose its contents. Her access was blocked by a passcode.

A set of numbers lay in front of her, the password having consisted of four numerals. Her slender fingers roamed across the screen, tapping occasionally to figure out the passcode. She tried different possibilities; the numbers that represented her idol group '0048'; Yuko's birthday '1017'; a whole lot of passcode possibilities ranging from Team K's first stage date to Yuko's last concert until, she was down to randomly tapping numbers with what's left of her luck by her side to maybe make an unexpected correct guess. An idea for the passcode sneaked into her brain. There was a slight possibility that it would work, and another that it would fail. But still, this was her last hope. She had entered the first three numbers before the phone got snatched from her hands.

"Nyannyan, what are you doing?" Haruna looked up and saw Yuko. Apparently, she was too focused in Yuko's phone that she didn't hear nor see her come inside her apartment.

"You haven't been going through my phone have you?" Yuko panicked, making her look like as if she was hiding something, which, she probably was. Haruna shook her head innocently, brushing off her suspicion  of Yuko hiding something, and explained that she had been trying to figure out her passcode the whole time. Yuko simply laughed and sat on Haruna's lap with her back facing her, where the latter gladly wrapped her arms around her waist as she rested her chin on Yuko's shoulder, watching her enter the passcode she had been trying to solve. And indeed, she was right.

The passcode had been simple all along, and yet, she had not realized until the last minute. The passcode showed how much Yuko loved her, and was quite glad that she did, for she loved her squirrel just as much. '0513'.

For most of you who haven't figured it out yet, the password was the date of their anniversary. Just... Putting that out there.  :D
Title: Re: Passcode ( KojiYuu Extremely Short OS )
Post by: ChibiRine on April 24, 2015, 07:52:10 PM
I love it! Even though it was too short, it made my KojiYuu feels satisfied. :mon inluv:

Title: Re: Passcode ( KojiYuu Extremely Short OS )
Post by: JoeYee on April 24, 2015, 09:02:35 PM
Aha! Ohmaigod.
An awesome fic!!
Kojiyuu FTW!
Thank you for this story! (´∀`)♡
Title: Re: May 13 ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: jhom_09 on April 25, 2015, 03:03:01 AM
yay.. :luvluv2:
kilig much,.  :luvluv1:
thank u for ur awsome fic,..

sulat pa more,.. ahahaha
Title: Re: Passcode ( KojiYuu Extremely Short OS )
Post by: Korisu29 on April 25, 2015, 03:57:15 AM
aww ... so cute ... i love it ...  :mon lovelaff:
Title: Re: Passcode ( KojiYuu Extremely Short OS )
Post by: yuuchans on April 25, 2015, 07:10:26 AM
That was really cute (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ :heart:
hope to see more coming soon  :hehehe:
Title: Re: Passcode ( KojiYuu Extremely Short OS )
Post by: arawche079 on April 25, 2015, 09:21:50 AM
Short........I like it though...

Title: Re: Passcode ( KojiYuu Extremely Short OS )
Post by: Dianalrs on April 25, 2015, 11:56:15 PM
That was nice  :twothumbs
Title: Happy Birthday (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on May 01, 2015, 05:18:58 AM
Ah, I missed having ideas for KojiYuu fics... > W <
Anyway, thank you for reading, if you read it. :3


Haruna Kojima stretched her worn-out body one night right when she reached the comforts of her apartment. Once again, practice today was unbelievably stress-inducing. "They could have made it less stress-ier," the airhead pouted as she thought to herself. At least she had the day off on the next day. She checked her phone. 'April 19 12:08 AM'. She smiled and mumbled to herself, "Happy Birthday, Nyannyan." She walked to the direction of her bathroom, humming the tune of the song 'Namida Surprise' with her head slightly bobbing side-to-side.

She laid her purse somewhere after she passed the living room. When she finally reached the door of the bathroom, she picked the dry and clean clothes along with her towel near the hamper beside the door and went inside. She closed the door and lay the clean clothes on the sink, her towel on the doorknob. She threw her shirt over her head and took off the rest of her clothing. She walked to the bathroom door, opened it, and threw the used clothes on the hamper. She closed the door again and showered with warm water.

After she was done, she took the towel from before and wiped her body dry. She changed into her clothes and exited the bathroom. She took a smaller towel from the hamper and proceeded to dry her hair with it.

She entered her bedroom and was greeted by a huge package with a note on it. "Happy Birthday Nyannyan! Love, Yuko" it read. Haruna smiled without noticing as she reread the short sentence over and over. Then, her eyes locked onto the package. It was big. Big enough for a short person to fit in. She squinted her eyes at it. She had read about things like these in a few manga's that Mayu recommended to her, and if she was right, Yuko might be hiding there, naked and ready to pounce at her the minute the box was opened. With a scissor in hand, she carefully sliced the sealing tape and slowly opened the box. She was half-disappointed and half-relieved with the results. Sitting there inside the box was a big plush toy of a cat.

She took the plush that was almost half the size of her body and wrapped her arms around it. It was soft. She plopped down on her bed, still hugging the toy, and slowly fell asleep.


The wardrobe beside Haruna's bed rattled. It opened and out came Yuko. Dust covered her. She let out a small cough, careful not to wake the sleeping birthday girl, and brushed off the dust around her body.

She sneaked to the side of her bed. Haruna was hugging the plush toy she bought for her tightly. She tried to take it away from her arms. Haruna groaned and tightened her arms around it. Yuko scratched her cheek. "This is harder than I thought it would be," she thought.

After a few more failed attempts, Yuko managed to get it out of her arms. She smiled triumphantly, and lay on the bed facing her. Haruna made a small groan and tried to feel where her plush toy was. She kept groaning until she seemed to have found what she was looking for. She snaked her arms around Yuko and hugged her tightly. Yuko made a smug grin and nuzzled Haruna's neck as she too fell asleep.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Dianalrs on May 01, 2015, 09:13:27 AM
Good :twothumbs
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: arawche079 on May 01, 2015, 10:22:16 AM
Kojiyuu....update :cow:
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Haruko on May 01, 2015, 07:23:34 PM
Yuko is so sweet.. I want a little part 2 :D
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: FAndoM48 on May 02, 2015, 01:32:53 AM
Extra scene :


Haruna, with her eyes still closed, woke up.

She felt her arms around her plush toy and smiled.

The so-called plush toy moved.

Haruna opened her eyes and almost screamed in shock.


Yuko opened her eyes drowsily and sat up.

"Morning, Nyannyan..." she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Don't 'morning' me! What are you doing here?!"

"What do you mean? I mean, why wouldn't I be here?"

Haruna pouted and felt for her phone on the bedside table. She turned it on to check the time.

"It's five in the morning!"

"It's five in the morning on your birthday." Yuko grinned' "Anyway, do you like my gift? I thought of you when I saw it."

Haruna's eyes scanned the room in search for the plush and found it on the foot of her bed.

"I... Love it, actually..."

"Yay~" Yuko pounced on Haruna and hugged her, "I'm glad you love it."

Haruna hugged her back.

"By the way, Yuko..."


"How did you get here, by the way? I swore I locked the door last night..."
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Korisu29 on May 02, 2015, 04:19:15 PM
aww ... so cute ... i hope you can make extra scene about this fic again ...  :mon innocent:
super extra mega scene!!! hihihi  :mon lovelaff:
thanks for your update ...  :mon XD:
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: JoeYee on May 02, 2015, 06:37:07 PM
Aha.. Full of fluff! Kawaii desu..(´∀`)♡
Thank you for this story. ≧∇≦
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Dianalrs on May 03, 2015, 10:54:11 PM
Good!  ;)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Haruko on May 04, 2015, 04:58:08 AM
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: yuuchans on May 04, 2015, 06:28:06 AM
LOL  :cathappy:
Yuko got busted breaking through..  :rofl: :rofl:
PLS make more of  extra scene author san~!  :cow:
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: arawche079 on May 04, 2015, 08:05:58 AM
nice more...
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: kuro_black29 on May 04, 2015, 03:25:21 PM
Yuko and her ways...LOL
thanks for the os author san~
niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: junchan48 on May 04, 2015, 03:43:37 PM
I read it, author-san!
Nyan, Yuuchan have many ways if its all about you~
Yuuchan always know how to make her 'cat' happy XD
I love it, but can you gimme more please~?

Thanks for the fic anyway~^^
Title: Re: Happy Birthday ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: FAndoM48 on May 05, 2015, 01:24:38 PM

Extra Scene 2


"Mariko! Hurry up!" Yuko whispered, jumping up and down, "She's almost here!"

"How can I hurry up, when I'm carrying this?" The tall girl replied, walking in a slow pace while carrying the somewhat heavy package that contained Yuko's gift for Haruna.

When Mariko arrived right in front of the doorstep of Haruna's apartment, Yuko rummaged in her pockets.

She withdrew her hand at looked at the item she held between her fingers. A key.

She shoved the item into the keyhole and twisted it, unlocking the door to let Mariko heave the package inside.

"Where did you get that key?" she panted, laying the package down.

Yuko grinned and pocketed it, "Nyannyan gave it to me as a gift on our first wedding anniversary."

Mariko looked at her suspiciously. "Why?"

"So I don't have to pick the lock every time I make a surprise visit."

Mariko, who seemed satisfied with the answer, laughed and asked where the package would be put.

"You can put it in her bedroom."

Yuko walked across the messy apartment to where Haruna's room was located.

Mariko placed the package in front of the bed and stretched her strained muscles, glad to have her job done.

"Thanks a lot, Mariko," Yuko grinned.

Mariko smiled and excused herself, "Good luck with Nyannyan."

Yuko walked Mariko to the door of the apartment, when suddenly...


Footsteps were heard from beyond the door.

There was a sound of rattling.

The door was being unlocked.

Mariko quickly looked at Yuko with a worried and frightened expression.

"Hide," the short girl mouthed.

Yuko made a beeline for Haruna's room, while Mariko tried to fit herself under the couch in the living room.

The door opened.

Mariko shifted uncomfortably.

When she heard the footsteps lessened, she rolled out of the small space, and silently went out of the room.

Yuko, on the other hand, hid in Haruna's wardrobe, with the door slightly open to provide a small opening for her to see through.

After impatiently waiting for an hour or two, Haruna entered, fully-clothed, much to Yuko's disappointment.

A smile entered Yuko's face as she watched Haruna lift her gift in the air. Her smile gradually widened when she saw Haruna smiling herself.

She waited for the tall girl to fall asleep before she exited the wardrobe.
Title: Marriage (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on May 12, 2015, 06:00:14 PM
KojiYuu's Wedding Anniversary <3 <3
Last day of KojiYuu Week <3
It's 12 AM at my place right now, so yay to late night fanfics am I right? ...No? Okay.
Thanks for reading if you read it wholly :3


Yuko has been thinking since that certain incident when the midget captain chose Haruna as someone she wanted as a wife. The worst part was, Haruna chose the midget too, thus, making them a couple.

She had been thinking.

What if she married Haruna?

That way, no one else would claim the girl as their own.

That way, Haruna would remain only hers.


"Nyannyan, let's get married," said Yuko, looking over at the girl who was fumbling with the buttons of her PsP.

"Sure," Haruna replied.

"What." Yuko's eyes widened.

She wasn't expecting a reply that fast. In fact, she wasn't expecting a reply at all. Let alone the fact that she didn't expect Haruna to approve either.

"Why don't we get married?" Haruna turned her game off and pocketed it (which she rarely does), then looked at Yuko.

"You're really fine with it?" the girl asked reassuringly.

Haruna nodded.


The matching rings they bought to commemorate Yuko's graduation had another meaning to the both of them.

They wore the silver rings on their left ring fingers as often as they could.


Yuko was happy to see how her fans reacted and supported her 'official' announcement of the both of them getting married.

A lot of them congratulated the two, and it brought a smile to Haruna and Yuko's faces.

No one was going to take her Haruna away from her now.


A few years passed.

Yuko came across an article.

It was about Haruna.

A fortune teller told her that she was going to get married during her age of 28 and 29.

She had just turned 27.

If the fortune was true, a man would come into her Nyannyan's life soon, and she would be replaced.

Yuko huffed.

"Lies," she thought, "Nyannyan's already married to me..."

Her eyes trailed along from her arms to the gleaming item in her left ring finger.



Haruna came over at Yuko's apartment that night, as she always did when she had the day off.

"Haruna," Yuko called, snuggling closer to the girl on the couch, "Is it true you're thinking of getting married?"

The girl pouted and wrapped her arms tighter around Yuko.

"That's right."

"But..." Yuko frowned, "...I thought you were married to me already."

Haruna giggled.

"Idiot... We aren't even official."

Yuko stayed silent.

"Anyway, Yuko..."

The older girl hugged her closer, the both of their heats mixing, and thin strands of hair entangling with the others'.

"...When I graduate, make sure you actually propose to me by then, okay?"
Title: Re: Marriage ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Claito on May 12, 2015, 08:01:59 PM
It's too sweet that I need to take in water. XD
Title: Re: Marriage ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: junchan48 on May 13, 2015, 06:00:04 PM
The short one, but sooooooooo chessy~~~
NyanNyan is surely a smooth talker XD

Keep going author- san!
Thanks for the fic^^
Title: Re: Marriage ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: JoeYee on May 13, 2015, 06:29:09 PM
Uwah.. Kawaii desu (´∀`)♡
Thank you for this OS! Hope to see you write more (⌒o⌒)
Title: Re: Marriage ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: yuuchans on May 14, 2015, 02:07:25 AM
Short but sweet (≧▽≦)づ♥
Hope to see you write more then :deco:
Title: Re: Marriage ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: l3utt0sai on May 15, 2015, 05:12:36 PM
 :cathappy: :cathappy:
too sweet ,pls write more
Title: Video Games (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on May 18, 2015, 05:37:46 AM
Finally got out of the writer's block, only to find myself back after finishing this fanfic. Anyway, thank you if you took your time to read this. :>


"Nyannyan!" Yuko bursted through the apartment door, arms spread widely, shouting her beloved's name.

She stood there stupidly by the doorstep for a while, waiting for an answer.

When she didn't get one, she closed the door and proceeded inside the apartment.

She went towards the bedroom.

The door was closed.

Yuko decided to redo the failed entrance she did.

And so, the idiot idol burst through yet another door, shouting Haruna's nickname, only to stand again for the next few minutes, blinking idiotically.

Haruna was in the room, though.

She didn't notice even the slightest thing.

She was focused deeply on her PSP with her headphones on.

Yuko sighed.

Since she was too scared to bother the older girl; the last time she bothered Haruna while playing with her gaming console, they didn't talk for two whole weeks, she exited the bedroom and closed the door silently.

She took a bag of potato chips from the kitchen and plopped down on the couch in the living room.

She turned on the TV.

"Why?" she mumbled.

She opened the bag of chips and took one.

She ate it slowly, mumbling to herself still.

"I even got the day off tomorrow..."

She kept whining softly until, eventually, she fell asleep on the couch.


Haruna groaned and turned her PSP off.

She had tried playing Yuko's route in AKB149 Love Election for the nth time, and failed again.

She was certain that putting on headphones would give her an advantage, but alas, it didn't work.

She saw no point in playing the game anymore if she couldn't even successfully finish Yuko's route.

In fact, though she didn't want to admit it, the only reason she bought the game in the first place was to repeatedly play Yuko's route. ( And maybe her own route from time to time )

She jumped off the bed and stretched her long unused muscles.

She had been sitting on that bed in the same position since she woke up. She used her first day of her week off mashing the buttons of her PSP while playing that certain game.

She decided to cool herself off with a glass of cold water.

She exited the bedroom and walked to the kitchen beside the living room.

She was surprised to find the television on and—to add up to her shock— Yuko sleeping on the couch with a bag of potato chips on the floor.

Haruna sighed to herself and went back to her bedroom to get a blanket.

She carefully spread the blanket on to Yuko's body, the younger girl squirming with a smile inside the heat.

Since it felt too lonely to sleep in the bedroom, Haruna made herself comfy on the one-person sofa next to the couch.

Her long and slender legs hung dully over one of the arms of the sofa, while her head rested on the other arm.

Her position was quite funny, actually, but nonetheless, she fell asleep.


A few stray rays of sunlight found their ways into Haruna's eyes.

The girl opened her eyes and winced.

Her hands shot up to her face to cover herself from the godly rays.

When she finally recovered, she sat up, hands still covering her eyes.

There was a weird weight on her chest and stomach.

She removed her hands and opened her eyes.

Yuko laid on top off her, nuzzling against Haruna's neck.

Haruna blinked slowly for a few times.

She ran her fingers along Yuko's dark brown hair.

The younger girl squirmed against her.

Her scent wafted up to Haruna's nose.

She wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closely, breathing in more of her fragrance.

Yuko snuggled comfortably against Haruna's skin with a small smirk growing on her face.
Title: Re: Video Games ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: shanju on May 18, 2015, 07:49:45 AM
This fanfic was so great :D , ill be more than happy if only you write your story little longer :D
Title: Re: Video Games ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: yuuchans on May 18, 2015, 08:51:51 AM
So fluffy and cute~♡  :wub:  :twothumbs
Title: Dreams (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on May 31, 2015, 07:07:10 AM
Goodbye fanfics, hello textbooks. /cries in a corner
Thanks for reading if you read it :3


"Kojipa..." A small voice mumbled.



The woman sitting at the far corner of the room, eyes still glued to her Nintendo DS, replied upon hearing her name being called for the nth time.


The small voice from the bed continued mumbling.


The mumbles continued until the woman couldn't take it anymore.

Annoyed, she looked up from her gaming device with a frustrated expression.

"What is it, Yuko?!"

There was a person whose body was covered fully in a blanket on the bed.

Haruna stood up and walked over to the bed's direction and uncovered the small figure.


She gazed upon the pained expression on the young girl's face.

She was clutching onto a pillow tightly.

She seemed uncomfortable.

Haruna's frustration subsided and she sat beside the sleeping girl.

She tried to soothe the girl's troubled expression by stroking her hair, but it didn't seem to work.

Having no idea what else to do, and since that expression on Yuko's face was getting worse each passing minute, she decided to lay beside her, with their faces only inches away from each other.

"Koji.. pa..."

Yuko's words were getting more and more silent, and Haruna had to get closer and closer to hear them more clearly.


Their noses were barely touching.

The younger girl's face calmed down a bit, but there were still traces of her uncomfortableness.

With a face of realization, Haruna thought of something that might calm the girl's nerves, and couldn't hold the sigh of relief that escaped her mouth when she thought that it might work.

Yuko let out a small groan when the puff of air tickled her lips.

Trying to experiment a little bit, Haruna wrapped her arms around the small body, and after a while, felt arms snake around her own.

With that, Yuko's troubled expression disappeared, and was replaced with a completely calm one as she nuzzled against the newly found warmth.

Glad to have her squirrel back to normal, Haruna slowly drifted off to sleep while holding the small body close to her.


Yuko woke up in the darkness of her room.

She tried to feel around her bed for her dear Haruna, but alas, she was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe she's still not home," she thought.

She felt her way towards the door of the bedroom and tried to find the light-switch and switch it on.

"No electricity?" she mumbled when trying to find a source of light failed.

She exited the bedroom and soon, exited her apartment, with the help of the faint moonlight entering from the windows.

The corridor was suspiciously deserted, but then again, this sight wasn't at all new to her.

She took the stairs, believing in the possibilities that she might run into Haruna.

She didn't.

She reached the end of the stairs and the exit to the apartment building, without running into Haruna. In fact, she didn't run into anyone at all.

She went outside and was greeted by the cold winter air. In the middle of summer.

Yuko scratched the back of her head, confused.

She stood there in the darkness.

No streetlights, no nothing.

Clouds slowly covered the moon and stars, giving Yuko no hope in finding light.

The girl wasn't claustrophobic. She never found the darkness scary.

Only balloons and losing her loved ones scared her.

But her state right now was different.

Fear struck her in the dark.

She never felt so uneasy in her life.

She felt...


"Kojipa...?" she called her Haruna's nickname.

No answer.


She was desperate to find her...


...Desperate to feel her touch again.


Tears swelled in her eyes.

"Koji... pa..."

She fell to the floor, crying.

She gave one last desperate call, before breaking down completely.


A flash of light.

Yuko raised her head.

The clouds covering the moon disappeared.

Not soon after, Yuko was engulfed in sheer brightness.

Her eyes screwed shut, nearly blinded.

When she was comfortable enough, she opened her eyes slowly and found herself in front of her apartment building in broad daylight.


A familiar voice called.


Yuko woke up in the darkness of her room.

She tried to feel around her bed for her dear Haruna, and found that she couldn't move.

A few rays of light sneaked their way through the closed curtains, marking sunrise.

The few strands of light guided her vision.

A pair of arms were snaked around her small body, those arms belonging to her one and only.

Title: Re: Dreams ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: ChibiRine on May 31, 2015, 08:19:16 AM
KOUHAI! :mon inluv:

Huhuhu, I'm gonna miss you. :(

Thanks for the wonderful OS! ; u ;

At first I thought someone's dying or something. XD

More, please? :(
Title: Re: Dreams ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: JoeYee on May 31, 2015, 04:01:23 PM
Ehehehehe.. Kojiyuu.. :shy1:
Very nicely written.. Hope to see more Kojiyuu fics from you. :glasses:
Good luck with your studies! :onioncheer:
Title: Warmth (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on July 10, 2015, 02:23:06 PM
Here it iiiiss! I'm back with an OS!   :hiakhiakhiak:
Anyway, thank you for reading, and I am sorry if it is short or in anyway dissatisfying.
Now if you'll excuse me, I shall go back to my terrifying pit filled with Algebraic Textbooks.  :err:


Yuko stared at her hands, moving her fingers one by one.

"What're you doing?" Haruna asked, sitting beside Yuko on the couch, "Are you fascinated by how you can move them or what?"

Yuko shook her head and continued scanning every inch of her hands.

"Hey Nyannyan, can I see yours?"

She grabbed Haruna's hand before she can even reply.

Yuko touched the older girl's fingertips with her own and pouted.

"Your hands look better than mine," she said, interlocking their fingers.

"No they don't," Haruna sighed, slightly tightening her grip on Yuko's hand.

"They do. I mean, your fingers are slender and beautiful while mine are..."  Yuko stared back at her free hand, "...just dull fingers."

Haruna rolled her eyes.

She loosened her grip on the younger girl's hand and grabbed it by the wrist.

"These hands are small, adorable and soft, and I love them," she says, slowly raising the hand in hers up to her cheeks, "And not to mention, these hands belong to you."

Yuko's fingertips came in contact with Haruna's cheek.


The two of them stared into each other's eyes for a little bit.

"Yuko...?" Haruna said softly, earning a quizzical hum from Yuko, "Your fingers are cold."

"Ah, sorry!" Yuko apologized.

Haruna removed her grip on Yuko's wrist so that the girl can move it freely.

Yuko rubbed her hands together in order to generate some heat, and was surprised when she felt Haruna's hands on hers.

"Are they warm yet?" Haruna asked.

Yuko grinned widely.

"They're warm~"
Title: Re: Warmth ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: takagil on July 10, 2015, 04:21:53 PM
Eheh short but cute  :oops:

Thank you author-san  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Dreams ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: takagil on July 10, 2015, 04:27:34 PM

NyanNyan was worried...  :mon inluv:

Thank you for the OS!!  :wub:
Title: Re: Warmth ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: sophcaro on July 10, 2015, 05:39:54 PM
Cute  :thumbup
Title: Re: Warmth ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: JoeYee on July 10, 2015, 06:29:00 PM
It's short but it was a sweet OS. :glasses:
Hope to see you write more Kojiyuu and all the best with studies!
Title: Just Jealous (KojiYuu OS) - COMPLETED
Post by: FAndoM48 on August 05, 2015, 11:57:30 AM
Two fics in a week. Wow, that's a first in a while. Anyway, it's been a stressful week, Ricchan's graduation and all.
Hope you liked this fic. I missed writing KojiYuu. :3

Just Jealous

Haruna took frequent hidden glances at Yuko as she played with her PSP.
The squirrel was running around the theater's backstage, hugging the other members like there was no tomorrow.
Why shouldn't she, though?
She only had a few days left as an AKB48 member, anyway, so she needed as much skinship with her friends as possible.

Haruna did know that fact very well, but the girl couldn't help but feel...
She was accustomed to seeing the younger girl like that, but there was still something oddly different, as if Yuko had more affection towards the other members than she had towards Haruna herself.

She puffed her cheeks at the thought and buried herself into the world of her games, ceasing her glances at Yuko to avoid getting anymore annoyed—or in her case, jealous.

"Alright you guys, return to your respective teams!" Takamina, the General Manager, shouted, clasping her hands together and ushering the members to take their places.
"You too," she mumbled to Yuko, trying to untangle herself from the pair of arms wrapped around her.


"That's a wrap, guys!"
The midget's voice gave the other members a sense of relief.
Except the whole of Team K.

"We're still not done here, Takamina-san," said Yui.

The Team K members, with the exception of Yui and Rie, groaned.

"Aren't you being too harsh, Yui?" Takamina asked, giving her a few soft pats on the back.
"Yeah, Yuihan. There's always tomorrow," Yuko approached her junior and placed her hands on either of her shoulders.
Yui succumbed to her seniors' words and called it a day.


The lights in the theater were dim, and the members were already packing their bags.
Haruna was still busy gaming, when she heard Yuko's voice again.

"Hey, midget! Treat me to some ramen!"

After hearing Yuko ramble about things in order to persuade Takamina, the midget ended up treating Team K to ramen, takoyaki and sukiyaki.

Haruna glared at Yuko who didn't seem to notice.
She puffed her cheeks again out of annoyance, grabbed her bag, and stormed out of the theater when she realized Yuko wasn't coming home with her.


Haruna unlocked the door to her apartment and slammed it shut after entering, stomping her feet until she reached her bedroom.
She felt frustrated with everything. Yuko, especially.
She didn't care if it was jealousy boiling inside her. She was infuriated by Yuko leaving her hanging in the theater. Moreover, the shorty didn't even bother asking permission to go with the others unlike how she always did.

She groaned and took out her PSP, furiously mashing the buttons to rid her off of her fury.

A while later, she heard her doorbell ring.
'That would be her,' Haruna thought to herself and rolled her eyes.

She opened the door, and indeed, was it Yuko.
The minute the door opened, the squirrel pulled Haruna into a hug.

Haruna was a bit glad with the action, but being the one and only Haruna Kojima who rarely shows affection, she acted coldly and asked,
"What are you doing here?"

Yuko didn't say anything and hugged her tighter, nuzzling her face against Haruna's chest.
"I'm here for you," she heard her through a muffled voice.

"After hugging everyone in the theater and leaving me, that's what you'll say? You're an idiot."

Yuko shifted her head to look lovingly into Haruna's eyes. She grinned goofily, "I have you all to myself, but they don't, so they'll miss me when I'm gone."

The tall girl pouted. "I know that. Don't you think I don't know that? But don't you think you're loving them a bit too much?"

"You're just jealous," Yuko smiled and hugged her tighter. She knew her Haruna too well.

"Am not."

"Whatever you say. Now let's go to bed. I'm exhausted."

The two walked back to Haruna's room, and Yuko practically threw herself onto the bed.
Haruna sat on the bedside thinking over little things.

"Yuko...?" She called, making sure the other was awake.
"Yeah?" Yuko answered.

"I'm really not jealous, okay?"

Yuko giggled softly. "I love you too."
Title: Re: Just Jealous ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: ChibiRine on August 05, 2015, 12:39:04 PM

CUTE AS HECK! :on gay:
Title: Re: Just Jealous ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Claito on August 05, 2015, 01:38:52 PM

"Yuko...?" She called, making sure the other was awake.
"Yeah?" Yuko answered.

"I'm really not jealous, okay?"

Yuko giggled softly. "I love you too."
Title: Re: Just Jealous ( KojiYuu OS )
Post by: Korisu29 on August 06, 2015, 10:13:54 AM

"Yuko...?" She called, making sure the other was awake.
"Yeah?" Yuko answered.

"I'm really not jealous, okay?"

Yuko giggled softly. "I love you too."

I love this part too!!  :mon determined: