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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: eel_96 on May 07, 2015, 05:51:17 PM

Title: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 13] UPDATE!
Post by: eel_96 on May 07, 2015, 05:51:17 PM
At first there was just one type of humans, normal humans with just ordinary life and knew nothing about this world's truth. But one day some of the humans started to gain special powers. No one knew how they gained these powers, not even themselves.
However not everyday people gained powers, it happened occationally. There was no specific time but everytime there's an eclipse people started to get their powers.
At first they could hide the powers and lived peacefully among normal people but no matter how hard they tried in the end there were people who found out.
These normal people who found out scared by the powers and considered them as a danger to humanity. They trained themselves so they could surpass the superpowered people and eliminated them from this world. They called themselves as 'Sweepers', and the superpowered people as 'Specials'. At first there were just few Sweepers but as times went by the numbers were increasing and it's getting harder for Special to live.
Everytime the eclipse showed up Sweepers started to hunt down the Specials until no one remained and then they did it again in the next period. It felt like when you became a special, your faith was decided to die very soon.
For years this method was always a success until the tragedy 3 years ago which leaded to change of everyone's faith.

3 years ago...
"I can't believe it! You're one of them?" A girl shouted angrily at the other girl.
"Yes.. I won't say sorry though. This is my job, i was born to kill all of you." The other girl answered calmly, almost no emotion.
"You deceived me this whole time? Everything was just a lie?"
"Even.. Your feeling for me? Is it a lie too? Please tell me Haruna." She said teary.
"... You're not belong to this world. You're a danger Yuko."
Yuko still couldn't believe this whole time was just a lie. She really wanted to believe in Haruna.
"We have been together for months. I thought i have known you. But well i'm wrong. I don't even know anything about you."

"Hahahahaha!! Are you mad?"Suddenly another girl stood behind Yuko.
"Go away Gekikara. She is my prey. I'll finish this quickly." Haruna shouted to Gekikara.
"If you can't kill her i don't mind to do it for you though." Gekikara said.
"Just go already you insane." Haruna shouted angrily.
"Hihihihihi~ fine then." Gekikara left the two of them while laughing like crazy.
"Looks like i don't have much time left Yuko. Goodbye then." Haruna suddenly dissapeared from Yuko's sight and then appeared in front of her and stabbed her with a knife. Being too shocked and sad by the truth made Yuko couldn't avoid the sudden attack. The fact that the attack came from Haruna just worsing her condition.

"If you really mad at me survive and then kill me."

After that Haruna went leaving Yuko who was dying.
"You're not seriously kill her Kojima san~ She's not going to die just because you stab her." Gekikara laughing crazily again.
"Stop your annoying laugh. Do you forget my weapon always has deadly poison on them? It's enough to make her die. No one ever survive." Haruna said not even bother to look at Gekikara.
Gekikara just lifted her eyebrow doubting Haruna.
"It doesn't matter she can survive or not though. I just need to kill her later if she still alive." Then Gekikara left while laughing.
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Prologue]
Post by: ChibiRine on May 07, 2015, 06:06:02 PM
Life is really unfair...:frustrated:

Ohmygosh, my poor KojiYuu heart :depressed:
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Prologue]
Post by: wmatsui fanfic. on May 07, 2015, 09:17:18 PM
Oh very interesting fic I love it, will there be more couples, I want yukirena

Please update soon I want to know what will happen.
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Prologue]
Post by: arawche079 on May 08, 2015, 06:24:25 PM
first chapter please
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 1]
Post by: eel_96 on May 08, 2015, 06:41:36 PM
Thanks for reading and the comments.. :)
Fyi there will be more couples like wmatsui, sayamilky and maybe more..


"Nee chan!! Where will you go?"
"I'm sorry Mayu.. I really need to go."
"Don't go nee chan.."
"I must finish all of this crap."
"Let me go with you.."
"No you can't.. I promise i will be back Mayu. Goodbye.."

#beep beep beep
"Oh god this dream again."
It had been a routine for Watanabe Mayu to woken up all sweaty because of the same dream since her sister gone missing. That dream was the last time she saw her. It was a great lost for Mayu. Her sister, Oshima Yuko was perfect for Mayu. She really looked up at her sister.
'It's been 3 years. I believe you will come back. You said so. Please don't make me doubt you sis.'
"Where are you going sis?" Mayu asked to the photo of her and her sister together beside her bed.

"Mayu! Miyuki chan has already come!" Mayu's mom yelled from downstair.
"Oh crap i'm late!" Mayu quickly prepared for school.
"I'm coming mom. Just ask her to wait a minute." She answered while getting ready really quickly.

Few minutes later...
"Milky.. Sorry for the wait."
"You must be wake up late again right?" Miyuki said annoyed.
"Sorry.. Tommorow i will ring more alarm."
"You still won't wake up early. I know that Mayu." Miyuki laughed.
"You are so mean Milky." Mayu pouted at her but she just laughed seeing her friend annoyed.
"Oh just shut up.." Mayu walked faster leaving her friend.
"Come on Mayu.. Don't be mad. I'm just joking you know." Miyuki caught her up.

"Hey look! The sun!" Miyuki suddenly yelled.
"It's getting dark."
"Eclipse.. Just like three years ago before neechan's missing." Mayu whispered to herself.
"Huh? What did you say Mayu?" Milky asked.
"O-oh it's nothing." Mayu just walked again quietly.
"You okay Mayu?" Milky asked worriedly.
"A-ah yeah.. I'm okay. By the way let's go quickly or we will be late." Mayu pulled Miyuki's arm and secretly looked at the sun worriedly once more.

Break time...
Since morning Mayu just sat quietly still thinking about the eclipse and her sister.
'Is the eclipse mean something is happening sis? Something which made you went leaving me three years ago.'

"Hey hey you see the eclipse this morning? It really gave me goosebump." A student talked to her friends.
"Yeah i thought something scary would happen." The second girl said.
"Luckily it just lasted for some minutes." The other girl said.

Mayu thought distracted by the girls chatting.
'I hope what those girls talking won't happen.'

"..Yu... Mayu.."
"A-ah Milky."
"What are you thinking? You seemed lost in your mind."
"Nothing..." Mayu told Miyuki.

'Is she thinking about her missing sister because of the eclipse?'

"Huh?" Mayu looked at Milky.
"What?" Miyuki said confused.
"Nothing.." Mayu laughed it off.
'I'm pretty sure Milky was talking.' Mayu talked in her mind.
"Are you sure you okay Mayu?" Miyuki asked again.
"Yeah yeah don't mind me." Mayu reasured.
"Okay.. How about we eat now?" Miyuki suggested.

In canteen...
Mayu didn't feel like to eat right now when she remembered the eclipse again. She just played with her food since they sat.

'She must be thinking about this morning eclipse.'

"Like i said before i'm okay.. I didn't think about the eclipse or my sister." Mayu said irritated.
Milky just stared at Mayu confusedly.
"What?" Mayu asked.
"Nothing. It's just.. Startling since you yelled suddenly." Milky said.
"It's because you kept talking about the eclipse and my sister." Mayu told her.
"What are you talking about? I had never talked about that Mayu." Milky got more confuse.
"Then who was talki.. How.. Ah just forget it.. Maybe i'm just halucinating." Mayu chuckled.
Miyuki just kept silent and confused but she just let it go.

"Ah right today i can't go home with you guys my mom asked me to accompany her shopping. I think you must go home alone Mayu." Miyuki told Mayu.
"No problem.I can go home by myself.. You think i'm an elementary kid?" Mayu chuckled.
"Yeah you look like one Mayu." Miyuki mocked which made Mayu pouted.
"Look Mayu.. It's Kashiwagi senpai." Milky whispered.
"Where?!" Quickly Mayu looked at where Milky pointed.
"Oh man she is gorgeous like usual." Mayu smiled like a fool. Suddenly the said senpai looked at Mayu direction and smiled. This action made Mayu blushed and abruptly looked aside.

"There there.. The blushing Mayu again." Miyuki said. "Until when you will just see her from afar Mayu? Just try to approach her will you? You will never make any progress if this continue any further."
"I can't.. Just think about her always makes me blush how can i control it when i'm facing her?" Mayu sighed.
"You really are hopeless Mayu." Miyuki shook her head.

"I'm going first okay.. My mom has arrived." Miyuki said while putting her belonging to her bag.
"Okay.. I'll going home too. Bye.." Mayu waved.

"Ahhh.. I guess i will drop by the park first." Mayu continued to walk while humming her favorite song.
"Watch out!!"
Suddenly someone pushed her aside and prevented her from being crushed by a big branches which fell from above.
"Ouch.." Mayu hissed.
"Are you okay?" The person asked Mayu.
"Yeah i'm okay.. Thank y.." Mayu surprised that her savior is no other than her favorite senpai.
"Kashiwagi senpai..."
Mayu still couldn't believe what she saw.
"Are you okay?" Mayu waken up from her shock.
"A-ah ye-yeah.. I'm okay. Th-thank you so much senpai." Mayu bowed.
"Ah you're bleeding. I'm sorry.." Mayu bowed once again.
"Ahh don't mind.. It just a small wound. It's good if you're okay. I'm go first then. Bye Watanabe san." Yuki walked away.
'She know my name?? Oh my god!!' Mayu screamed happily inside her mind. She looked at Yuki again and saw she couldn't walk properly must be because of the wound. Mayu caught up to Yuki.
"Senpai let's go to my place.. It's not far from here. I'll treat your wound for expressing my thanks for you." Mayu offered.
"Nah it's okay.. You don't need to." Yuki refused politely.
"I don't accept a no senpai. Come on.." Mayu insisted which made Yuki didn't have another choice.

At Mayu's house...
"Please sit here.. I'll take the kit first."

Few minutes later Mayu came with first aid kit and drinks for Yuki.
"Let me see your wound senpai." Mayu said.
"Ah okay.."
"What's wrong?" Yuki asked since Mayu suddenly became silent.
"Your wound.. It's gone."
"Huh?" Yuki looked at her own wound and it really was gone. "No wonder i didn't feel anything since a while ago. But... How.."
"I'm pretty sure your wound was pretty big. And now i can't see even a scar there." Mayu still shocked.
"Yeah i'm sure of it too since i really felt the pain right after the accident." Yuki said.
"What have happened to us?"
"What do you mean?" Yuki asked Mayu.
"I don't know if it's just my imagination or it's real but i feel like i can read people's mind." Mayu confessed.
"What?! How come?"
"Today i answered my friend when she said nothing to me. But i'm sure she had talked to me. And sometimes i felt like i heard so many voices too."
"We need to prove it. Yours first.. Hmmm... Let's try this." Yuki put her hands behind her back. "How many fingers do i make?"
"...5?" Mayu answered hesitantly.
"Again.. Now?"

"Is it not just coincidence i got it right? It feels like someone whispered to me the numbers though."
"Okay one more time. How many.."
Yuki pulled out her hands and actually she made 5.
"I keep thinking 3 although i made 5. I think it's not a coincidence." Yuki reassured Mayu. Mayu just nodded cause she still couldn't believe what she had got.
"And now it's time for proving mine." Yuki went to the kitchen and back with a knife.

"What are you going to do senpai?!"
Yuki sliced her own arm. "Ouch.." And in no time the wound started to be healed liked nothing happened.
"No one should know about our powers." Yuki said seriously.


Here's the first chapter...
Feel free to tell me anything about this story.. :)
Thank you!!

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 1]
Post by: qweakb on May 08, 2015, 09:59:02 PM
Wao... Change story though some part still the same XD
Love ur story... Welcome back
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 2]
Post by: eel_96 on May 10, 2015, 04:25:07 AM

Since Mayu and Yuki found out about their powers yesterday they sticked together today to find out more about the powers and if there were other people who got those too.
This sudden closeness between them had made a big commotion at school.
Since the school princess whom everyone admired suddenly together with an unknown first year.
This matter also had effect for Mayu's bestfriend, Miyuki. She's so curious on how and why were they so close liked this.

"I must find out about this. She said to me she couldn't face Kashiwagi senpai but look at her now. They always together since morning and looks like they are talking about serious matter." Miyuki said jealous looking from a far.

"Senpai.. How about we continued at my house today?" Miyuki heard Mayu said that to Yuki.
"Okay.. Wait for me at the gate after school." Yuki told Mayu.

At Mayu's room...
"Senpai look at this.. An article from three years ago. There's a report about some people witness humans using superpowers but police just let it go since they didn't have evidence." Mayu told Yuki.
"And so in the end everyone just forget about those things and think everything were just their own imagination.." Yuki continued.
"Correct.. I think i'd heard something like that too." Mayu recalled.
"Yeah me too. But i didn't pay much attention to it." Yuki said. "And our powers, we can assume that we're not the first ones and there's other people too."
"Right.." Mayu nodded.

'Are they saying they got some powers too??'

".. Milky?" Mayu suddenly said.
"Who?" Yuki asked.
"My friend, Watanabe Miyuki." Mayu told Yuki.

'She knows i'm here?? How can..'

"Milky i know you're here. Where are you?" Mayu said again.
"You say she is here? Where is she?" Yuki asked searching for Miyuki's whereabout.

"How can you know i'm here Mayu?" Finally Miyuki opened her mouth but still nowhere to be found.
"I can hear your mind."
"I can read people's mind. Did you get power too Milky? Kashiwagi senpai can heal herself." Mayu said.
"So i'm really not alone." Miyuki suddenly appeared. "I can make myself invicible."
"Just like i thought." Mayu said.
"I can't believe it. Maybe i have friends who got powers too." Yuki commented.

Little did they knew that someone was watching the three of them from a tree outside Mayu's room. She took out a paper which was a photo of two smiling girls.
"Rena chan i found the monster that made you suffered and gone. I will kill it even if i must kill the innocent girl."
She looked at the mention girl once more.
"Watanabe Mayu huh? I'm sorry but you will die soon." She smirked and then left.

Some where in Tokyo...
A day before...
#knock knock
"Come in."
A young woman came in. "Grandfather.. Tommorow we will start the operation to eliminated all Specials."
"Hmm.." That was all of his answer while reading his newspaper.
"That's all i need to tell you. I'll take my leave then." The woman bowed and about to leave the room.
"Do not disappoint me like your father did Haruna. If you failed this time i'll make your sister to be the next leader."
"I won't failed. She will never become the leader as long as i'm alive." Haruna bowed again and then leave.

'I will become the next leader no matter what.' Haruna looked back at her grandfather while clenched her hand tightly and got out from the room.

"How was it going?" A girl asked when Haruna came out.
"Like usual he threaten me he'll make my sister to be the next leader. It piss me off." Haruna said while walked ahead.
"Then you just need to success so he can't say anything anymore. You have me here so no need to worry." She caught Haruna up.
"Of course i will Sae. I must be the next leader no matter what. By the way where's Jurina and Sayanee?" Haruna asked.
"Sayanne is searching her target and Jurina said she's found hers." Sae shrugged.
"Wow it's fast. That new girl is pretty amazing isn't it? You won't find your target too?"
"I don't have any reason to just focus on one Special. I just need to kill them all. Every Specials are just the same, they took everything from you." Sae clenched her hand really tightly.
"What if.. This time.. One of us is Special too? Everyone is possible right?" Haruna asked curiously.
#cuckle "I never think about that before but it's obvious isn't it? I'll kill her too. She'll just bring everyone down." Haruna smirked and then left her.

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 3]
Post by: eel_96 on May 12, 2015, 02:49:06 AM
Here's chapter 3....
It's starting to go deeper to the story..


Like usual Mayu and Milky walked together to school. Everything was normal like any other day before they arrived at their class. There was a huge commotion in front of their class. It seemed like all of the students not just from their class were surrounding someone.

"Kyaa she's so cute yet so cool!!"
"Let me hug you Jurina chan!"

Mayu and Milky walked to the crowd.
"What's happened here? Everyone are gone crazy." Mayu talked to Milky.
"I think they're cheering for someone." Milky answered. "Hey hey what's happened?" Milky asked to one of her classmate.
"Jurina chan is here. Oh my God she is so cool." She answered and then started to do her cheering again.
"Jurina? Who?" Mayu asked.
Before Milky could answer her bestfriend, Jurina shouted at Mayu.
"Ah! Mayu senpai! You're so slow. I've waited here like forever." Jurina shouted while coming to their direction.
"Huh me? You're talking to me? We know each other?" Mayu asked confused.
"Of course i'm talking to you. You may not know me but i know you very well. I like you." After that Jurina did a sudden attack by kissing Mayu by her lips.
"Hiii.. She kisses Mayuyu. You're amazing Mayuyu!" Milky gave two thumbs up to Mayu.
Everyone including Mayu were stunned by her action, of course Mayu got the biggest shock of them all. While Mayu was still progressing what had happened everyone were screaming excitedly.

"Kyaaa~ she kissed her!!"
"I'm really envy you Mayu chan!"

"What the heck are you doing?!" Mayu pushed Jurina away.
Jurina just grinned at Mayu. "See you later senpai.. I'll come again soon." Jurina bowed and then left the scene leaving Mayu stunned.

Not long after the bell rang so one by one they started to go in to their own class while still talking about the scene before.

"What the heck?! That was my first kiss.. She took it even though i don't know her." Mayu complained when they reached their desks.
"Geezz you should happy Mayu. She's our school idol as famous as Miyazawa senpai." Milky told Mayu.
"Really? Why i don't know her then? Actually who is she?" Mayu asked Milky still a little bit annoyed.
"She is Matsui Jurina a 3rd grade student from our middle school section. An ikemen type like her always popular in all girls school like ours." Milky told Mayu grinning because she's talking about Jurina.
"Middle school girl not even in our grade? No wonder i don't know her."
"You're lame Mayu. Everyone knows her. She even has a fanclub in high school section. That's why don't just read your manga." Milky pouted.
"Don't tell me you're part of it.." Mayu said couldn't believe what's just she heard.
"Of course i'm in. I like ikemen like Jurina chan."
When Mayu just about to answer Milky the teacher came in and so they must wait to continue this when the break time came.

Break time..
On the way to the canteen Mayu and Milky walked pass the basketball court since the canteen was next to the court. They could saw Matsui Jurina was playing with her friends and all her fans surround the court.
"I just know she is really popular not just by middle schoolers but also high schoolers." Mayu commented.
"You should pay more attention to your surrounding Mayu." Milky said while shook her head.
"Watch out!!"
The basket ball fled right to Mayu direction. Since she's not an atletic type her reflect was poor so she couldn't avoid the ball. In the end it smacked her head till she's knocked out.
"Oh my god Mayu! Are you okay??" Milky became really panic, she shook Mayu's body but she's still not waking up.
"Are you okay?" Jurina came running a little to the two girls.
"Can't you see she is faint?" Milky said a little bit annoyed.
"Oh my god... I'm really sorry." Jurina bowed.
"I'll take her to infirmary." Milky ready to piggy back Mayu but Jurina stopped her. "No.. I'll take her. It's my fault so i'll take the reaponsible." Jurina lifted Mayu bridal style which made everyone screamed excitedly. Since today Jurina was hitting on Mayu had already hot topic because of morning incident and so it's becoming hotter now.
"I'll come too." Milky was about to follow them when Jurina reffused.
"Just leave her to me senpai. You're about to eat right? You'll sick if you skip your lunch." Jurina gave Milky her best smile.
"Fine. Better not do anything bad to my friend." Milky threaten her.
"Believe in me senpai. I'll take her now then." Jurina bowed and then left the scene.

"You can stop your acting now." Jurina said.
She brought Mayu to the old building which no one came anymore.
"You know i'm in her since the beginning huh?" Mayu talked to Jurina but somehow she was different from the usual Mayu.
"Of course. I always get what i need." Jurina folded her arms.
"Wow so cocky Jurina chan.. Okay then let me introduce myself now.. My name is Nezumi." Mayu smirked.
"So you change your name huh?"
"My name always change and so my ability. I'm the brain using type now. Want to join me to become my killing macchine?" Mayu offered.
"Heh you wish. I come to take revenge for Rena chan. I'll kill you." Jurina took her knives from her back and jumped to slice Nezumi's throat.
"Woah take it easy little girl. She'll die too if i die." Nezumi easily dodged all of Jurina's attacks and made her knives fled away.
"I don't care." Jurina pointed her hand to Nezumi's direction and then a light came out from it. "See? I became a special and got this power. Even God told me to kill you."
"Even though i know where your Rena chan is?" Mayu smirked seeing Jurina stopped.
When Jurina was distracted Nezumi came closer really quickly and suddenly a choker was on her neck.
"What the heck is this?" Jurina tried hard to take it off but it wouldn't come off.
"It won't come off unless i want it to. And you know what? It has a reeaally deadly poison. And it will be released if you disobey me. It's so fun right?"
"You threat me now. It's no use. I better die than following you!" Jurina shouted at Nezumi.
"Hahahaha.. Of course i know that.. That's why that choker doesn't work just like you think. Actually your choker doesn't dangerous at all, it's just the trigger and the one that can kill is its pair. And Rena wears it. She doesn't understand it can kill her though. Sooo tragic." Nezumi smirked.
Jurina took her other knives. "Don't try to use Rena's name to threaten me. She's already died! Because of you!" She launched the attacks again.
"Who said that? She has not died just a little amnesia." Nezumi caught Jurina's hand.
"How can i trust you?"
"It's up to you whether you choose to believe me or not."
"You're really cunning."
Nezumi smirked. "Usually i killed my previous body after i got a new one but this time is special. I want to see your desperated face more." She explained.
"You think of us as your entertainment?!" Jurina shook Nezumi's hand.
"How about you join me and i'll tell you where is she. And of course i won't kill her. If you're not interested i'll just release the poison since it's not fun anymore. She's just your stepsister so it's not a big deal right?" Nezumi shrugged. "Ah but i think i saw her memories, you two love each other more than a sister. How interesting.." Nezumi laughed.
"..." Jurina clenched her hands tightly.
"Fine. I'll join you. But remember not to touch Rena chan. I'll kill you for sure if you touch her." Jurina said hatefully.
"Good." Nezumi patted Jurina's head. "That choker plan really work out well thanks to this brain." Nezumi laughed and left Jurina.
"Until next time Jurina chan."
"I still can't believe her but... Tch.. Wait for me Rena chan. I'll find you."


More characters will show up after this chapter...
Please tell me what do you think about this story... :)
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 4]
Post by: eel_96 on May 15, 2015, 03:47:45 AM
Jurina walked on an street. But it's somehow too quiet till you would shiver just by standing there. She kept walking looked at her surrounding until she saw a girl back. She recognized the girl. She was ripping a man's body while laughing like a crazy person.
"Rena chan?" Jurina tried to call but just a whisper which came out she's too speechless by what she'd seen.
The girl looked back and laughed again. "Ah.. Jurina..."
Jurina knew since the first time she saw Rena. She wasn't the Rena she knew.
"Who are you? What did you do to Rena chan?"
"I'm Gekikara. I'm replace her since she's gone. Hahahaha.."
"It's a lie. It can't be..." Jurina lost her strenght to stand.
Seeing Jurina liked this made Gekikara laughed again. "Are you mad?"

#drrrtt drrrttt
"Ugh.. That dream again.. So annoying." Jurina sat up and took the ringing phone next to her. "Hello?"
"Yo Jurina chan.. You're asleep? Hahahaha.." A girl on the other line asked playfully.
"Just straight to the point Sae.. What's up?" Jurina answered coldly.
"Huh so cold like usual. Haruna chan told everyone to come to her place. She wants to introduce someone. Quickly come here. Bye.." Sae hung up before Jurina could said anything to reject the request.
"That annoying bastard."

At Haruna's place...
"Finally you come Jurina chan.. So slow." Sae complained playfully.
"Shut up Sae." Jurina walked pass Sae. "Sayaka." Then nodded to Sayaka and just got another nod from her.
"You two are too gloomy. I can accept Sayaka since she always likes that but you Jurina chan.. Act so cheerful and cool like that at school and so cold like this here." Sae said and so got a glare from Jurina and Sayaka.
"Stop this already guys."
"Haruna chan... They are too scary..." Sae ran to Haruna pretending to cried.
"Stupid.." An unfamiliar voice said from behind Haruna.
"Who is this mean kid?" Sae asked Haruna annoyed.
"She is our trump card." The girl walked to Jurina and Sayaka.
"Nezumi here.. Ah Jurina chan." Nezumi waved to Jurina. "And you must be Yamamoto Sayaka. Nice to meet you." Nezumi bowed.
"Hello i'm here too little girl." Sae said irritatedly to Nezumi.
"You've met her Jurina?" Haruna asked Jurina.
"We met yesterday."
"Oh man you guys getting mean to me each day. Gah." Sae walked to the corner of the room upset.
"Of course we know each other. We're partner right Jurina?" Mayu clung her hand to Jurina's shoulder. Jurina shoved her and walked away to the nearest sofa.
"What? Partner? Isn't she your target Jurina?" Sae asked excitedly forgot that she was upset before. Sayaka just watched quietly from aside.
"We made some agreement few days ago. For Rena chan's sake of course." Nezumi said.
Jurina stood up and pointed her knife to Nezumi's throat. "Don't you dare to say Rena's name. Especially in front of me." Nezumi smirked seeing Jurina mad.
"Put your knife down Jurina chan." Nezumi said calmly.
Jurina still didn't move.
"The countdown is starting~ 3~ 2~"
Jurina put down her knife.
"Good girl." Nezumi ruffled Jurina's hair. "I like you more. I know you won't neglect your Rena."
"Stop it." Jurina slapped her hand.
"Remember it has automatic sensor when you disobey me Jurina chan." Nezumi smirked.
"I'm going. I can't take it anymore." Jurina left the room without even listened to Sae who was calling her.
"What happen here?" Sae asked.
"We just made an agreement."
"What agreement can make her that tame?"
"Everybody has their own problem. Don't interfere Sae. I'm off too now." Sayaka walked out from the room.
"Hey we've not finished talking." Haruna stopped her.
"Hold it till i finish my target. I need to wake up early tommorow since it's my first day at school. See you at school Sae." Sayaka left the three of them.
"She is going to school? Why she never told me before." Sae said to herself.
"And why she must tell you?" Haruna said then left with Nezumi.
"Hey! You guys are so mean! Hey! Don't leave me alone! Geez.."

Next morning...
"Ugh why i feel like worn out? I don't feel like sleeping even a bit." Mayu messaged her shoulders.
"Mayu! Quickly wake up! Miyuki chan has come." Mayu's mom shouted from down stair.
"I'm awake mom!!" Mayu answered to told them she's awake.

Few minutes later...
"Oh my Mayu you make Miyuki chan waits for you everyday. I'm sorry Miyuki chan she's such a lazy pig." Mayu's mom said.
"Oh come on mom. I'm not that late." Mayu protested.
"It's okay aunt Watanabe. I like to wait here every morning since you always gives me really tasty breakfast." Miyuki said playfully.
"You'll the one who become a pig Milky." Mayu teased her bestfriend.
"Hah.. You wish.. My body is sexier than yours." Milky replied.
"Enough enough. You'll be late if you're not going now." Mayu's mom reminded them.
"Ah right. Let's go Milky. Bye mom." Mayu walked ahead.
"Thanks aunt and see you later." Milky bowed and caught Mayu up.

"Hey Mayu what is that on your neck?" Milky pointed at a little cut on Mayu's neck.
"What's here?" Mayu touched her neck.
"Look.." Milky held up her mirror.
"What is it? I don't remember when i got this."
Suddenly Mayu saw a sight of Jurina mad and pointed a knife at her inside her mind.
"That can't be true."
"What's can't be true?" Milky asked Mayu.
"No nothing."
"By the way Mayu i see you spent time more often with Jurina now. Is your heart has swayed from Kashiwagi senpai?" Milky teased her.
"HAHA.. So funny Watanabe. She's the one who always comes to me." Mayu answered annoyed.
"Hey you're Watanabe too. But you like to be approach by school idol like Jurina chan right?" Milky ran away and laughed.
"My last name same with you is my biggest regret." Mayu laughed.
"I know you're lying. You love me so much." Milky looked back still walked toward an intersection without looking at her surrounding.
"Milky! Watch out!" Mayu shouted seeing a bike came really fast toward Milky direction.
All could Miyuki did was closed her eyes and wait for the crash but suddenly someone pulled her from the way. At first she thought it was Mayu but she was someone Miyuki had never met.
"Th-thank you very much." Milky bowed.
"Don't mind it." The girl amswered without even a little smile and then just left Miyuki.
Mayu ran to Miyuki.
"Are you okay? That damn bycicle he ran away. Who is the girl who saved you?" Mayu asked all panic but got no answered from Miyuki. "Hey Milky are you really okay?"
"I'm not okay Mayu. My heart feels like going to explode. She is so cool..." Milky said still looking at the girl's back dazzled.
"Who? Your savior?" Milky just nodded still dazzled.
"Just look at her coolness. Short hair, not talking much and just go right away and then her guitar is just make her cooler."
Mayu didn't get a chance to see the girl since she left behind she just saw the girl's back so she couldn't say much to Milky. "Isn't that our uniform?"
"Ah right! I didn't notice before because she is just too cool."
"You always like ikemen type. Jurina, Miyazawa senpai and now her."
"No no no... She is the coolest of them all. It's decide! I will be her girlfriend!" Milky pumped up her hand and then left Mayu behind again.

In class...
"Morning class.. Today we have a new friend here. She comes her due to her family's business. Please come in miss." Shinoda sensei said to her class.
"It's the girl from before! Mayu! Mayu!" Milky woke Mayu up who sat in front of her.
"What's up Milky?" Mayu woke up annoyed.
"Look.." Milky pointed at the front.
"My name is Yamamoto Sayaka. Nice to meet you." Sayaka bowed.
"It feels like fate. Maybe we really are match made in heaven." Miyuki said excitedly by herself.
"That's all?" Sayaka just nodded at the teacher.

"So cool."

Milky could heard some of her friends whispered among each other.
"What's wrong Mayuyu?" Milky looked there's something bothering Mayu.
"I think i've seen her somewhere." Mayu tried to remember.
"We've met this morning Mayu."
"Right.. Maybe that's the case."

'That's not it.. I think i saw her with Jurina too and Miyazawa senpai and someone i don't know same time as when i got this cut. What'd happened actually.' Mayu touched her neck again.

"Okay then where you should sit." Shinoda sensei talked to herself.
"Sensei. She can sit here." Milky said suddenly.
"Okay you can sit there Yamamoto san beside Watanabe san." Shinoda sensei said and once again Sayaka just nodded.

"Hey we meet again. I'm Watanabe Miyuki. And she is Watanabe Mayu, my bestfriend. Let's be friend." Milky extended her hand to hand shake but got nothing in return.
"No thanks."
Usually you would feel annoyed by that kind of attitude but what you could see from Milky's face was happiness.
"So cool..."


It makes me uneasy since there's no comments even just 1 comment...
So i'm just wondering whether i should continue this fic or not.. Hahaha...
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 4]
Post by: Shawn3 on May 15, 2015, 10:26:59 AM
Don't stop!!! Please continue it. I really love the story
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 4]
Post by: no-chan on May 16, 2015, 03:44:39 AM
Awwweee....please don't stop writing this~ :(
I love it so much ... :love:
My curiousity is killing me now....please continue,okay? :D
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 4]
Post by: phoenix0i on May 16, 2015, 06:28:22 AM
This fic is really makes me wanna read each chapter.
Thank you author-san.
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 5]
Post by: eel_96 on May 17, 2015, 01:53:03 PM
Thank you @shawn3 @no-chan and @phoenix0i...
I really thought this fic is really suck and no one like it..  :cry:
With your comments it really put me at ease knowing there's some people waiting to see how it ends.. #fiuhh
To be honest i really want to continue this fic.. Hehehe..
So here's the chapter 5... Thanks once again :D


A girl sighed seeing Matsui Jurina all clinging toward Watanabe Mayu. Hugging, kissing, all of those made the girl somehow not comfortable.
"Your sighing while watching them all lovey dovey won't change anything Yukirin." The other girl who sat beside the sighing girl who no other than Yuki said.
"What? I didn't sigh because of them. It's just... Just... Hmm.. I'm tired of today lesson. Yeah.." Yuki made an excuse.
"Yeah you're REALLY GOOD at lying Yukirin. You're looking at them all the time." The other girl in front of Yuki said.
"Oh shut up Sae. I didn't do that."
"You need to approach Mayu too Yuki or Jurina really will steal her away from you." The girl beside her lectured Yuki.
"Mou Yuihan.. It's not like i like Mayu or something. She can go out with anyone."
"But you feel uncomfortable when she is with other girls especially Jurina who'd confessed to her. Your face tells everything." Yui said perfectly correct about Yuki's feeling.
"Gotcha!" Sae laughed which made Yuki pouted.
"But these days i feel nervous when i'm with her. And i can't look at her eyes." Yuki hesitately admited it.
"You're too timid Yuki. Look there." Sae pointed at a girl who was tailing and trying hard to be talked to by the other girl.
"Miyuki? And who is the other girl?" Yuki asked Yui who was a student council president so she knew everything that happened in this school.
"She is Yamamoto Sayaka from class 1-2. A transfered student." Yui said.
"Oh so that's the girl who is said to have snatched away Miyuki's heart." Yuki commented.
Miyuki was one of the school princesses. She was the school director's daughter, kind and pretty, she just liked almost perfect. But God really was fair, one thing that she lacked, she was famous for being an airhead. That's why Mayu always just couldn't let her be alone. Even so everyone still admired her. Not to mention lots of girls had confessed to her and no doubt boys from other schools too. But she always rejected them all. So when Miyuki liked the transfered student it's become a huge uproar inside and outside her fansclub.
"Woah she is really persistent altought Yamamoto san doesn't even look at her." Yuki amazed by how persistent Miyuki was.
"You must learn from her Yuki. If so, i'm sure Jurina won't stand a chance against you." Sae told Yuki.
"How can you so sure about that?" Yuki doubted.
"Believe me. I'm quite proud on myself about this things." Sae reassured.
"But it's too hard for me to be like her because Miyuki's a prodigy at lure everyone without she even know."
"That's why you just need at least 30% of her ability." Yui said.
"Just try it Yuki." Sae told Yuki.
"Okay okay miss president, miss school's idol.."

School was over so some of the students were getting home and so was Mayu. She was walking to the gate when suddenly someone called her.
She was just about to run off thinking that person who called her was Jurina when she saw her favorite senpai.
"Senpai... Where have you been? I haven't met you for so long." Mayu said so happy to be able to talk with Yuki again.
"You always busy with your girlfriend lately so i don't want to disturb you." Yuki said teasing Mayu although actually she did that to hide her jealousy.
"Wha.. She's not my girlfriend. She's really tire me but i can't resist her. She's like everywhere." Mayu shivered pretending to scared by Jurina.
"So where is that little devil? She is not following you today?" Yuki asked.
"She will have intensive practice after school since today." Mayu said a little bit too excited.
"Ah for the basketball tournament next month? Finally.." Yuki talked to herself happily. "Oh by the way where's Miyuki?" Yuki asked Mayu.
"She must be somewhere with that new girl. I feel like being dumped by her." Mayu pouted which made Yuki laughed.
"You're so cute Mayu." Yuki pinched Mayu's cheeks made her face as red as a ripe tomato.
"Mou senpai.." Mayu looked aside to hide her blush.
"Want to go home with me?" Yuki suggested.
"Un.." Mayu answered still not looking at Yuki.

They walked together in silence just enjoying each other present. After some time of silence Yuki asked Mayu for the first time.
"By the way Mayu how are you?"
"I mean your power.. Have you managed to control it?"
"Hmm not that good.. Sometimes they're just come into my mind i don't know how to stop that." Mayu said a little bit down. "And something's bothering me.. I somehow can't hear anything from Jurina and Yamamoto san. No matter how hard i tried i just can't hear anything. Is it just a coincidence or.." Mayu told Yuki worriedly.
"Don't think too hard about it Mayu. Maybe you just haven't controled it well. You will manage it somehow. Don't be so depressed okay?" Yuki patted Mayu's head.
"Un." Mayu nodded, happy, getting a pat by Yuki.
"Ah right.. I must buy some groceries." Mayu said. "Just go home first senpai. It's getting dark."
"No no no.. That's why i can't leave you alone. It's toO dangerous. I will accompany you. Or you don't want to go with me?" Yuki pouted.
"No! That's not it!" Mayu said panicly.
"Hahahaha.. You're really cute Mayuyu." Yuki pinched Mayu's cheek again. "Let's go."

"Ah sorry senpai because of me you go home late." Mayu said apologetically.
"Nahh don't mind it senpai. I'm happy to accompany you. Let's go.." Yuki held Mayu's hand and started walking.

#deg deg deg
'Oh God my heart is about to explode. Luckily she can't read my mind.' Mayu said inside her mind. 'It makes me curious what she is thinking when we're holding hand right now. Ah no no what if she doesn't feel anything? It will just break my heart. Yes i better not know what she is thinking...'

"..yu.. Mayuyu.."
"Huh? Ah sorry senpai." Mayu woke up from her thought.
"What are you thinking made you that lost." Yuki chuckled.
"Hehehehe.. Nothing.."
"Hmm you make me curious. Unfortunately i can't reading mind like you."
"Mou senpai.. Ah! How about we cut through this park. It's nearer."
"But it's already dark Mayu and no many people there. Don't you think it's too dangerous?" Yuki told Mayu.
"It's okay senpai. I often go pass this park at this hour. Come on." Mayu walked first which gave Yuki no choice but to follow her.

"It's really quiet Mayu." Yuki was getting nearer to Mayu each time she took steps.
"Calm down senpai. This park is safe." Mayu reassured her.

Suddenly Mayu and Yuki heard a loud scream not far from their whereabout. Not thinking far Mayu abruptly ran to the source of the voice.
"Mayu! Don't go there!" Yuki tried to caught Mayu up but failed.

When they got there they could see someone wearing an oversized hoddie which made Mayu and Yuki couldn't see that person's face was cutting a girl throat.
"Another down." The killer said with a smirked.
Mayu and Yuki were about to run away quietly when..
Mayu stepped on a fallen branch.

"Ah an intruder.." The killer saw Mayu and Yuki.
"Oh Mayuyu and Yukirin."
"Who are you? How can you know us?" Yuki asked.
"You don't recognize my voice Yukirin? Aww how cruel of you. Even though we are friend."
"You... Sa-Sae?" Mayu gasped hearing what Yuki just said.
"Bingo." The killer opened her hoddie. "My true identity has been found out. Oh man how unlucky i am."
"You really Miyazawa senpai? Why did you kill that girl?" Mayu asked her voice was trembling.
"It will be a long story. To put it simply i'm a Sweeper and i kill Specials like you two and this poor girl."
"Sweeper? Special? What the heck is that?" Yuki touched her forehead couldn't digest what she just heard.
"It's okay if you don't understand Yukirin because soon or later you will be dead by us, Sweepers. But now i just want to test my little friend." Sae pointed at Mayu. "How good are you to be our friend. Although it's not really you actually." Sae ran really fast ready to cut Mayu's throat.
"What do you mean? Ahh!!" Mayu just closed her eyes ready to feel the pain but she felt nothing.
When she opened her eyes someone was standing in front of her stopping Sae's attack.
"Not so fast Sae chan." She swung her knife toward Sae but Sae dodged it on time.
"You.. You still alive. How can.." Sae said couldn't believe what she saw.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you Sae but i'm not die easily." She smirked.
"I know it! Man! I know she didn't kill you. I should have go to kill you myself!"
"She really stabed me though but i still can't die, i must stop all of this."
"Hmphh.. Yeah.. JUST a stab with no killing intend even just a bit." Sae chukled sarcastically.
"What do you mean?" The girl asked confused by what Sae said.
"It's time to go now. I don't have interest to fight you now." Sae walked away from there.
"Hey what do you mean?!" The girl asked again but just got a waved from Sae.
"Sae!" Yuki shouted running after her friend.
"I'll talk to you later Yuki." Sae kept walking without looked back which made Yuki stopped.

"What is she mean by that? But whatever.. Luckily i made it on time." The girl said to herself.
"Nee chan..." Suddenly Mayu said quietly looking at the girl's back.
This made Yuki looked back at Mayu and the misterious girl.
The girl turned around facing Mayu. "Long time no see Mayuyu.." She smiled showing her dimples and squirrel teeth which Mayu missed so much.


Finally Yuko shows herself...
Will she stay? Or...
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 6]
Post by: eel_96 on May 20, 2015, 09:33:55 AM
Finally chapter 6....
Here's the explaination of Sweepers and Specials...
Enjoy!!! And leave comments okay.. :)


"Long time no see Mayuyu.."
Mayu started to cry seeing her lost sister again. "Nee chan.."
"Oh come on Mayuyu. What you do first is crying after we haven't met for years." Yuko chuckled.
"Of course i am baka nee chan! What do you think you've done, leaving me like that!" Mayu said still crying.
"Aww come here." Yuko hugged Mayu. "Sorry for making you worry this past 3 years."
"Where did you go? Why you never come home?" Mayu asked.
"I must finish all of this mess first before i can come back home." Yuko smiled bitterly. "You know, i can't let everyone in danger. Especially you.." Yuko patted Mayu's head.
Mayu smiled hearing what Yuko just said. "Is it connected to what Miyazawa senpai said before? About Sweepers and Specials?"
"Yeah it is. But it will be a long story to tell you about this. I don't think it's wise to talk here." Yuko said apologetically.
"Then let's go home." Mayu pulled Yuko's hand.
"Like i said i can't go home till i finish this Mayu." Yuko stopped Mayu.
"Ano.." Finally the forgotten Yuki opened up her voice. "How about you guys go to my house? I live alone here and it's not so far from here so if you want to..."
"Is it really okay we go to your place senpai?" Mayu asked worriedly.
"Of course it's okay. Beside i need to know too since it's also concerning about Sae." Yuki said.
"Thank you very much.." Yuko bowed. "Ah by the way i'm Mayu's sister, Oshima Yuko." Yuki made a confused face.
"We're stepsister and our parents decided to keep our own last name so it is different. If you wonder why.." Yuki made an 'O' face.
"Oh yeah i'm Kashiwagi Yuki." Yuki bowed to her.
"Ah!" Yuko screamed suddenly made the other two shocked. "I know you.. The school's princess from Mayu's middle school right?" Yuko suddenly getting excited. "You do well Mayuyu." Yuko whispered and patted Mayu's back.
"Hahaha.. I'm not school's princess."
"She said so.." Yuko pointed at Mayu. "You're the most beautiful senpai. She talked a lot about you back then." Yuko blurted out which made Mayu shocked.
"Aaaahhhh!!! It's getting late! Let's go now!" Mayu dragged Yuko and Yuki to change the topic.


"Yes mom.. Kashiwagi senpai will tutor me that's why i need to sleep over at her place." Mayu talked on her phone.
"Like i said.. We just planned this on the way home. Since it Friday we think sleep over will be more effective. I'll come home tommorow morning. Okay?"

"Finally.." Mayu dropped her body to the sofa.
"You didn't tell her about me right?" Yuko asked when Mayu came.
"No.. Like you asked nee chan."
"Good.. Let's start then." Yuko drank first before she started.

"I still don't know since when this all started but 3 years ago like what you experience now it happened to some people too, including me. After that eclipse i happen to be able to control time."
"Can you go to the past or future?" Mayu suddenly cut in.
"Umm it still in progress. Let me finish first Mayu." Yuko said a little bit annoyed. "And now i'm forget what i'm about to say."
"Sorry.. I'll shut my mouth up." Mayu pouted.
"Okay.. So there's this organization which called themselves Sweepers and they're here to kill us, Specials, that's what they call us. It seems after i research for a bit, each time Specials appear they will kill every last of us but the last time they failed to kill me. I can't understand why but maybe Haruna.. Ah nevermind that.. Let's continue.."
"Who is Haruna?" Mayu cut in again.
"Oh come on Mayu! You still like to cut people talking."
"Gomen gomen. Please continue?"
"Sweepers are divided by two classes. Ordinary Sweepers and the Five Assassins. These five are the most dangerous. Haruna and Sae are part of them."
"I can't believe it. Sae? Since when?" Yuki asked couldn't believe it.
"Since before 3 years ago she's part of Sweepers but she's promoted to Five Assassins since 3 years ago."
"So who are the other three?" Mayu asked seriously this time.
"It seems there's a new member since one of them died in the last battle so i haven't get any information about her. And then there's this girl, i never know her name nor her face. She's so quiet just like her killing but one thing i know is she really hates someone with invicible power. She always goes after that power user first."
Mayu gasped. "Milky!"
"What's wrong?" Yuko asked.
"That invicible power user is Mayu's bestfriend, Watanabe Miyuki." Yuki told Yuko.
"What?! She is in a really big trouble. No invicible power user had ever survived too long." Yuko told the two of them.
"I must warn Milky about this." Mayu took her phone and went to other room tried to call her bestfriend.
"Hey Mayu let me tell you the most important thing first." Yuko called Mayu but to no avail.
"Milky is in danger! She is more important!" Mayu's still trying to call Milky but she's still not answering.
"It's okay Yuko san. She won't calm down until she knows Miyuki is okay now."
#sigh "Okay then.. I'll continue. Actually these four are not the real threat. Why no Specials ever survived in this war? It because everytime this war begins there is one Special who will betray us and become part of the Five Assassins. It's always different person each time. Last time she was called Gekikara. She's crazy.. She killed almost half of us. And after some times passed she's gone, she's no where to be found now. I don't know if she is alive or not."
"Why they want to kill us even though they are Specials too? It's getting more complicated." Yuki held her forehead. "So who is it now?"
"I still haven't got the reason of the betrayal and who is it this time but this Special always have one same thing."
"What is it?"
"Their power.. It always mind reading power."
"..." Yuki couldn't said anything after heard this statement.
"You know who is it?"
Yuki nodded still didn't say anything.
"Who?" Yuko held Yuki's shoulder thightly. "We must kill that person quickly before it's too late."
"It's.. Mayu."
Yuko's grip loosen up. She was too shock to even said anything.
"Don't tell Mayu about this yet." Yuko told Yuki.
"I won't."


A really short update..
Sayamilky story soon..
Please tell me how is this fic.. Thank you!!!

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 6]
Post by: kuro_black29 on May 20, 2015, 04:49:30 PM
Wonder where i read these before..??

urghh...cannot......cant remember.... 'banging my head on wall

It good author san....keep up...and please continue updating~
THANKIESS for the update.. :heart:
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 7]
Post by: eel_96 on May 22, 2015, 05:04:20 AM
@kuro_black29: Since this is a rewrite maybe you have read the previous version :D thanks for reading and your comment :)
Here's the update.. A lot of Sayamilky here..
Chapter 7.. Enjoy!!


Few days later..
Mayu and Miyuki walked together to school liked usual. Mayu had told Miyuki about what she heard from Yuko. That day Miyuki couldn't say anything and just kept quiet till the end but the next day she had come back to be the usual cheerful Miyuki. This worried Mayu but she couldn't bring out the topic afraid it will let Miyuki down again.
"Ne ne ne Mayuyu! You know what? Yesterday Sayaka finally talked to me. She just said 'Go away!' with her cool annoyed face though. But isn't it amazing?" Miyuki told Mayu excitedly with her smile like always.
"How can you still talking about that transfered student happily like this when you're being targeted Milky?" Mayu asked couldn't take it anymore. She worried like crazy about Miyuki but Miyuki looked like didn't think about it seriously.
Miyuki stopped and smiled bitterly. "I'm scared too you know. But if i didn't become my usual self i wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. I will die in stress first even before she killed me."
"Don't talk about dying stuff Milky! I won't let her touch you! I'll read her mind first before she even think about harming you! I promise!" Mayu held Miyuki's shoulders reassured her.
Miyuki chuckled. "How can you read her mind if she hasn't thought anything? Baka.. Anyway.. Thanks for worrying me Mayu." Miyuki hugged Mayu tightly.
Miyuki released Mayu still holding her shoulders. "Don't be too worry okay? Let live our live like usual so we can still have our hope to beat those bad guys."
"I never know you could be this wise Milky. You always look like a baka." Mayu said seriously which made Miyuki much more annoyed.
"I'll let it slide now since i saw how worry you are for me." Miyuki crossed her arms.
"By the way about Sayaka.. Have you heard that your fans club is planning to beat her up if anything happen to you? They really pissed off because you're attached to Sayaka so much." Mayu asked.
"Really?? Those girls.. Sometimes they really go overboard. But don't worry Mayuyu.. I won't let them touch Sayaka chan.." Miyuki shrugged it off. "Let's go.. I don't want to be late."

In the midst of a noisy lunch time at school a girl was sitting alone playing her guitar at the rooftop. Dispite of her usual cold and rude attitude somehow she's so calm and warm now. It looked like a completely different person.

"Sa~ya~nee~~" Miyuki came from behind the said girl.
Sayaka stopped her playing annoyedly when she heard Miyuki's coming.
"You! I've told you before! Go away! Leave me alone!" Sayaka's back to her usual cold and rude self.
"Your words for me are increasing everyday. Hehehe~" Miyuki smiled cutely. "Make me more determined. I'll try harder Sayanee..." Miyuki made a thumb's up.
This made Sayaka much more annoyed. "Geezz.. Who said you can call me that?"
"Why i can't? It really suits you. I like calling you that."
"Tch.. Whatever.. Why won't you give up? I never have intention to be friend with anyone.. Especially you!" Sayaka pointed her finger right at Miyuki's face. Miyuki got a little bit of shock on her face. This made Sayaka smirked and thought this would stopped Miyuki and so packed her guitar and ready to leave.
Although being taken aback for a second by Sayaka's snap didn't make Miyuki gave up instead she smiled showing her eye smile.

"Because i like you." She said innocently.
"What?!" Sayaka stopped her doing.
"You asked why i won't give up? It's because i like you Sayaka.." Miyuki said again made Sayaka blushed although she tried really hard to hide it.
"You're crazy.. I always rude to you and you said you like me??" Sayaka couldn't help but blushing since it's the first time someone confessed to her. She turned around and made some distance between them.
"No.. You're a kind and warm person." Miyuki said.
"How can you be so sure? We just met. You don't know who i really am. I'm not like what others think." Sayaka told Miyuki.
Miyuki shook her head. "I'm sure deep inside you're not a cold and rude person. How you save me on our first meeting and when you play your guitar. I can feel your warm and soothing side."
Sayaka turned around and looked at Miyuki's serious face.
"Are you kidding me?" Sayaka asked, decreasing the distance between them.
"No.. I'm serious.. I can feel your true self being kind and warm." Miyuki reassured Sayaka.
"...." Sayaka looked surprised by what Miyuki said.
"Hmphh.. What a strange girl.." Sayaka chuckled a bit.

"...." #silence
"What?" Sayaka looked at Miyuki because she got no response from her.
"It's the first time i see you're smiling. You're so adorable Sayanee..." Miyuki hugged Sayaka.
"What are you doing?!" Sayaka pushed Miyuki away, taken aback by what Miyuki did.
Miyuki could see Sayaka's blushing like crazy.
Sayaka abruptly walked away from the scene leaving Miyuki chuckled happily received that reaction from Sayaka.

'Why is my heart beating like crazy? It's suddenly so hot here.' Sayaka held her chest tightly hoping to make it calm down a bit.
"See you at class Sayanee!!" Miyuki shouted cutely at Sayaka.
"What's that nickname?" Sayaka protested while running away.

"Oh God.. What happened to me? My heart is about to explode. Stupid Miyuki.." Sayaka stopped under a big tree at the back of the school's building. Not so many students knew this place, even usually no one came here. This was why Sayaka loved this place beside the rooftop.
"What a romantic scene i got." Sae came out suddenly from nowhere approaching Sayaka. It seemed from today on Sayaka must find another place since Sae had found her at this place.
"What do you want Sae?" Sayaka asked coldly, hid her doki doki heart.
"Back to our cold and rude Sayaka.. I still can't get it how Watanabe san said she likes you. You even intend to kill her soon. What a poor girl." Sae leaned on the tree in front of Sayaka, crossing her arms.
"You still remember Miyuki's your target right? The invicible power user.." Sae asked and ended up saw a little shocked on Sayaka's face.

'Right.. I must kill her. How can i forget that a while ago? I must have gone crazy..'

"What? Don't tell me... You forget it.. Woaahhh.. That Miyuki is amazing, made our Sayaka forget her target." Sae said amazed. "Are you starting to like that Miyuki?"
"Are you crazy? Of course not! I'll finish this up soon. Just you see." Sayaka pointed her finger at Sae's face.
"Yeah yeah.. You still can say that now.. Be careful Sayaka.. Or you'll end up like Haruna." Sae shrugged.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Sayaka didn't understand why suddenly Haruna's name was being mention.
"Nothing in particular. Just be careful not to fall for Miyuki."
"I like Miyuki? Don't kidding me. This talking is getting insane. I'll go now." Sayaka walked away.

'why is it getting harder to hate you now Miyuki. Am i really starting like you? No! I mustn't! Your power is too dangerous. If just you didn't get that power.' Sayaka thought was full of Miyuki.

"Let's just hope so Sayaka. But seeing you now i doubt you won't end up failed like Haruna." Sae said looking at Sayaka who walked away slowly.
Sae looked down at her watch. "Well it's time to go back to class.."

Some times ago at canteen..
Yuki was seen eating alone at one of the table. It was a rare sight though. Usually Yuki always ate together with either Yui or Sae or both since the three of them were bestfriend. But today Yui who was a student council president had urgent council things to be handled and for Sae, since that day Yuki and Sae still hadn't talked to each other. Of course this made Yui curious to death wanted to know what had happened between them but whenever she asked Yuki or Sae they always said nothing's wrong. After some times she persistently asked and still got no answer she finally gave up and let them be.

"Senpai." Yuki lifted her head and found Mayu stood in front of her.
"Ah Mayu.."
"Can i sit here?" Mayu asked.
"Yes of course.. You alone? Where's Miyuki?" Yuki asked since she couldn't find Miyuki anywhere.
"She followed the transfered student right after the bell rang. Seriously.. I felt like being dumped these days." Mayu said irritated.
"Hahahahaa... I see Miyuki really likes that Yamamoto huh?" Yuki chuckled seeing Mayu irritated face.
"Yeah.. This is the first time she's so head over heels for someone. I never know it will piss me off like this though." Yuki laughed because she never saw Mayu so pissed off like this.
"Don't be mad Mayu.. You should be happy for her for finding someone she likes."
"Yeah i know that.. She's kind of picky when it comes to love. So.. What about you? You alone too?"
"Hmm.. Yeah.. Yui is doing her council jobs, she said it's really urgent and Sae.. You know right?" Yuki smiled bitterly.
"You still haven't talked to her yet senpai?" Yuki shook her head sadly.
"There's too many questions until i don't know what to ask. And not to forget she always avoids me too.. Gah.. I'm confused Mayu." Yuki sighed.
"I'm not better than you senpai.. Since that day i can't get in touch with neechan again. She just left again. Stupid oneechan.." Mayu pouted.

'Everytime this war begins there is one Special who will betray us and become part of the Five Assassins.'
'Who is it now?'
'I still haven't known who is it now but this Special always have one same thing.'
'What is it?'
'Their power.. It always mind reading power.'

"..senpai... Kashiwagi senpai.." Yuki backed to reality.
"Ah sorry Mayu.. What did you say?"
"What are you thinking about, make you space out like that?" Mayu asked worriedly.
"Nothing.. I'm sorry.. Hehehehe.. Maybe Yuko san is searching who the Five Assassins are. Don't worry too much Mayu.. Yuko san sure is really strong." Yuki reassured.
"Yeah.. I'm sure she will be okay. By the way i just remember.. I haven't heard the last member of the Five Assasins. I was too panic about Milky." Mayu grinned.
"Ah about that.. Hmmm.. Yuko san still hasn't known who it is. That person is too mysterious." Yuki felt so sorry not telling Mayu the truth.
"God.. This's becoming more and more complicated." Mayu protested.
"Nah let's forget this for now Mayu. Let's eat.. The break time is about to finish." Yuki tried to change the topic.


Next chapter will be more focus on Sayamilky couple... :)
Please leave your comments... Thank you..

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 7]
Post by: qweakb on May 22, 2015, 10:07:50 AM
Omg, you have updated more chapters since I last comment XD
Lucky, you have decided to continue the story if not I will be regretted to be away from fanfic for awhile..

Omg,what happen to kojiyuu past 3 years.. And also what will happen to me mayu and milky... Can't wait to know more about them. XD
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 7]
Post by: Shawn3 on May 22, 2015, 12:17:59 PM
Thank you for not stop writing this story!! XD
I really really love it! Please update soon  :)
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 8]
Post by: eel_96 on May 26, 2015, 01:34:45 AM
@qweakb: i want to update as fast as i can hahahaha.. Yeah thanks to @shawn3, @no-chan and @phoenix0i who stopped me..
@shawn3: thank you very much i'll try hard to write as fast as i can... :D
And now please enjoy..
Chapter 8....


'Really.. What exactly wrong with me? How can i forget that she posses invicible power sometimes? Gah.. Why after years i do this suddenly now become so hard for me..'
Sayaka walked down the corridor going to her class with lots of questions running in her mind. She had been really cunfused since when Sae asked her if she really forgot about killing Miyuki. And so today she determined to avoid Miyuki as well as she could so she wouldn't be swayed anymore.

"Sayanee~~" Suddenly someone clung to her arm which was put in her pocket. No need to look at the culprit, Sayaka already knew who it was.
"Let go of me Miyuki. I'm not in mood to deal with you." Sayaka tried hard to get away from Miyuki but she held her arm really tightly.
Everyone around the two of them started whispering and gossiping. Not to mention there were Miyuki's fans too to make sure Sayaka wouldn't do anything bad to Miyuki.
"I won't let you go until you agree to eat lunch with me today." Miyuki grinned and held Sayaka's arm more tightly.
"I tell you one more time. Let go of my arm." Sayaka stopped from her walk.
"I don't want to.. Promise me first." Miyuki kept persistent which made Sayaka couldn't keep her calm anymore.
"Go away! Why do you want to be friend with me so badly!" Sayaka pushed Miyuki until she fell on her butt. Sayaka never intended to push Miyuki that hard. She was about to help her up but all of the Miyuki fans club members there already came to help Miyuki so she discourage herself.
"Why do you hate Watanabe san so much? She just want to be nice to you!" One of the fans shouted angrily at Sayaka.
"Yeah! You don't need to be so mean to her!" The other fans shouted too.
"It's enough guys.. I'm okay." Miyuki stopped her fans and tried to stand up.
"But Watanabe san.. She is really mean. We can't let her do this to you anymore." They said.
"It's my fault.. I'm the one who is too clingy to her that's why she is annoyed."
In the middle of this Sayaka who didn't know what to do walked away from the scene.
Because of so many girls who was asking her if she was okay Miyuki couldn't go after Sayaka and just could watch her walked away from there. She was somehow feeling guilty since because of her everyone hate Sayaka more now.


Lunch time....
'..kill her.. Miyuki.. Invicible power... Dangerous..'

"It's here again.." Mayu suddenly looked around her panicly made Miyuki surprised. "Who is she??"
"What's wrong Mayuyu?" Miyuki asked worriedly.
"She's here Milky.." Mayu said still trying to find the voice's source.
"The Sweeper who wants to kill you. She is here right now." Mayu told Miyuki. "I've been hearing this for a while. I think she is a student here. From what Yuko nee said she is in around the same age as us."
"Have you known who is she?" Miyuki asked.
Mayu shook her head. "I haven't found her. But i'll find her soon.. I think.. These days i hear her more often  than before. I'll tell you right after that." Mayu reassured her.
"Thank you so much Mayuyu.. You really are my best friend." Miyuki hugged Mayu.
"Of course.. That's what a best friend for." Mayu replied the hug.

'I can't be swayed..'

Mayu heard the voice again. "I hear her again. I think she's in trouble. I'll follow the voice. I think she's going to our class direction. Meet you in class okay?" Mayu then walked away rushly.
"Okay.. I still need to buy drink.. Bye.."

'Gah.. This is frustrating.. Why she must being nice to me??'

"What is she thinking about? Just who the hell is she?" Mayu kept running catching the source.

'I shouldn't have come here. It would be easier if i didn't know her.'

"Wait a minute." Mayu stopped realising something.
"Milky is nice to her.. Shouldn't have come.. If she didn't come.. She just met Milky.. She is.. No way!" Mayu ran again to the source. But now she didn't just search aimlessly, she searched for one person who came through her mind right now.
There.. A girl was leaning against the corridor wall. Mayu could see that she was troubled by something.
"It can't be.. Yamamoto Sayaka.. She is the Sweeper." Mayu couldn't believe it. All this time Miyuki liked the person who was going to kill herself. How could she told Miyuki about this. "It will break her heart but i still must tell Milky. For her own safety.. Yeah i must call her now." Mayu hid behind a wall and took out her phone to call Miyuki.

'I must kill her now. The longer the harder. But..'

Mayu waited for Miyuki answer while still watching Sayaka from a far. On the second ring Miyuki already answered the phone.

"Moshi moshi Mayuyu? How's your investigation going?"
"The Sweeper.."
"You find her?"
"Don't freak out okay?"
"Okay okay.. Just tell me already.."
"It's Sayaka. She's the one who wants to kill you."
"Milky?" Mayu called her friend, which got no answer from her.
"Are you sure she is the Sweeper?"
"Yes.. I've checked it. She is the Sweeper."

Suddenly a bunch of girls came approach Sayaka. Mayu knew them as Miyuki's crazy fans. They always made troubles for her. They dragged Sayaka away from there. It looked like to the old building.
Mayu watched the scene with her own eyes.

'Milky mustn't know about this.'

Mayu didn't want to tell this to Milky since she would go there for sure. Mayu just thought it's too dangerous to let Milky alone with Sayaka since she was the one who targeting Milky.
"I'll go back to the class now."
"Okay.. Thank Mayuyu."


"Guys guys!! hah hah.."
"Calm down.. What is it? Why do you have to run like this? Hahahaha..."
"Have you heard it? That Yamamoto Sayaka, the new girl, Watanabe san's fan is dragging them somewhere."
"Who said that?"
"I saw it with my own eyes."

Miyuki walked to the girls. "Where are they going?"
"Wa-watanabe san.." All the girls surprised by Miyuki sudden question.
"I-i think they brought her to the old building."
"Thank you guys." Miyuki walked fast leaving the canteen.

"Is it okay to let her go there?" One of the girl asked.
"I don't know. We better don't interfere with their problem."
"Yeah you're right. Let's go back to class now."

'Is this the right choice to come help her? But.. It's my fault this happen to her.' Miyuki asked herself while walking to where Sayaka was brought.
'I must help her.. Even thought she doesn't need my help i can't let her be.'


"You think you're so great because Watanabe san likes you huh?" One of the girl who looked like their leader shouted at Sayaka. There is maybe about 6 of them cornered Sayaka to the wall behind the old school building.
"..." Sayaka just stared at her.
"Stop staring bitch! Answer us." The girl beside the leader slapped Sayaka really hard until her lip bleed a little.
Sayaka still not said anything. Actually Sayaka could finish these girls easily but she didn't want to be stand out because of this. So she just kept silent and did nothing.
"Hey! Are you dumb?"
"Watanabe san is being kind to you because she pity you who doesn't have any friends!" The other girl shouted and pointed her finger right at Sayaka's face.
"And look how cocky you were this morning. So annoying!" One by one they shouted at Sayaka non stop which made Sayaka boiled up but she tried hard to endure it.
"..." Sayaka clenched her fist tightly to hold herself back.
"I think she won't say anything. Let's just give her lesson not to be cocky."
They started swarm over Sayaka. Slap, kick, punch all over her body.

"Wa-Watanabe san.. Wh-why are you h-here?" The leader stuttered.
Miyuki ran and stood in between facing the them.
"What do you think you're doing huh?" Miyuki let out her dark side to them.
"We-we just give her les-lesson not to-to be cocky li-like this mor-morning." They scared of Miyuki, they never thought Miyuki could be this scary.
"Don't you ever dare to hurt Sayaka. And don't even dare appear in front of me. Or i'll make you drop out from this school! Go away!" They all ran away from there heard the threat. Since Miyuki really could make that happened.

"Are you okay Sayanee?" Miyuki helped Sayaka up but she was rejected.
"I can get up by myself." Sayaka got up and walked away with lots of cuts and bruises all over her body.
"Why didn't you fight them?"
"This is not your business. Leave me alone."


What's the reason Sayaka become a Sweeper?
Next chapter Sayaka's past will be revealed..
Thanks for reading.. :)

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 8]
Post by: kuro_black29 on May 26, 2015, 08:08:08 AM
 :on gay: :kneelbow: :on drink:

Those fans..ohh people..==' stop hittin~
Sayaka so cold to miyuki~ LOL
miyuki..drag sayaka to infirmary~
Yeah...why she become one..???

Thanks for the update~ :thumbsup

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 9]
Post by: eel_96 on May 31, 2015, 07:43:38 PM
Update!!! Sorry for the wait..
Thanks for the comment kuro_black29 san :) here's the answer for your question... Hahaha
This is pretty long compared to other chapters.
Hope you like it.. Enjoy!!


"Cheer up Milky." Mayu said when she saw her friend sighing since morning.
"How can i cheer up Mayu. It's been 2 days Sayaka doesn't go to school." Miyuki looked down.
"Isn't it good? She's going to kill you Milky." Mayu whispered the last part so no one could hear them.
Miyuki just kept quiet.
"How can you still like her after you know the truth? You're crazy Milky."
"She's not that bad like you think she is."
"How can you be so sure.. You just met her, haven't even a year Milky." Mayu started to frustated. She just couldn't understand her friend's thought.
"I just know okay? I can feel deep down she is a kind and gentle person. She just hides it for some reasons."
"Really.. I can't understand how you think Milky. I just can pray for your safety. You won't listen to me if it's about her right?"
Miyuki grinned. "I promise you i will be fine."
"Alright alright.. Don't do anything stupid okay?" Miyuki nodded.

'Sorry Mayuyu but i need to hear directly from Sayaka her reason to kill me.'

Miyuki looked down at Sayaka's address which she got after lots of trouble.


After lied to Mayu that she had to go with her mom, Miyuki went straight to the address she got earlier.
"This is where she should be. Please be right." Miyuki press the bell button.
Not long after the door was opened and there she was.
Seeing Miyuki was the one outside her house Sayaka was ready to close the door.
"Wait! Sayanee.." Miyuki stopped the door right before it completely closed.
"What do you want?" Sayaka stopped but still not giving any sign for Miyuki to come in.
"How's your wound?"
"You come here just to ask me that? And how in the hell do you get my address? Just go if you don't need anything from me."
"Wait!" Miyuki stopped the door again. "I need to make sure something important. Please let me talk to you." Sayaka just kept quiet. "It won't be long. Please..."
#sigh "Alright. Keep your promise." Sayaka finally opened her door to let Miyuki in.
"Thank you."

'Wooaaah.. It's the first time i come to Sayaka's house.. The house and its' owner match really well.'

"What do you want to know?" Sayaka sat at the sofa waiting for Miyuki.
"Ah right. Sorry i'm to amazed by your home. It really match you well." Seeing no answers Miyuki knew she must ask her questions now or never.

Miyuki cleared her throat. "Ehmm.. You are.. A sweeper right?"
"How can you..." Sayaka surprised by what she just heard. How can Miyuki know who she was.
"You didn't hide your mind properly these day. Mayu hears you. She told me just now." Miyuki told her.
"Tch.. Screw me. It must be because i think too much." Sayaka looked at Miyuki and smirked then walked toward her. "So you know about my hate for your power and that you will be killed by me soon? There's no need for me to hide it anymore." Sayaka kept walking that made Miyuki backed away until she was stopped by the wall behind her. She pinned Miyuki to the wall pissed off. "Can you still saying that you like me now?"
"I'll always like you no matter who you are." Miyuki's answer made Sayaka boiled up. How could be an idiot as stupid as Miyuki.
"Are you dumb or something? And you still come here even though you know i'm going to kill you!"
Miyuki looked at Sayaka and smiled. "I know i'm stupid.. But i want to believe you won't kill me."
Sayaka chuckled. "I can't believe it.. You know.. Our condition now really makes my job easier.. We're alone here. I can kill you any second."
"But i believe in you.. You won't kill me." Miyuki said made Sayaka more pissed off.
Sayaka grabbed Miyuki's collar. "You really pissed me off Miyuki! Why are you so sure i won't kill you! How can you said you like me when you know i'll kill you! Huh!? Tell me!"
"Because you're just like me Sayaka.. You always hide your true self." Sayaka loosen her grab.
"You know.. My parents never care for me. I hardly see them. In their minds are just money and money. I always left alone at home just with maids... And so to make myself better and hide my sadness i always act cheerful outside. It feels like if i didn't do this i would never taste happiness.. I feel the same things from you. Your cold and rude attitudes are just acting. You do this just to run away from your sadness." Sayaka looked down.
"Let me help you Sayaka. You don't need to bear these all alone."
"What do you know about me?! Because Special like you my parents died. Because your power exists i lost my family.. I will never see them anymore..." Sayaka tighthen her grip on Miyuki's collar.
Miyuki closed her eyes waiting for what she would get next. Instead of pain she could feel Sayaka loosen her grab.
"Gah.. Forget it. I won't do anything to you now. Just go away." Sayaka let Miyuki go and then walked to another room.
"Wait! Sayanee.." Miyuki called which made Sayaka stopped and looked back.
"Please.. At least tell me your reason to be like this. What had happened?"
"Then what? What will you do after that? Huh?" Sayaka walked back to Miyuki.
"You can do whatever you want to me. If that really can help you if i die then so be it." Miyuki said.
"Hmpphh.. You're the most idiot girl i ever met.." Sayaka smirked.
Miyuki just kept quiet and looked really serious about it.
"If you really said so don't regret it later.." Sayaka said looking at Miyuki's seriousness.
Sayaka let Miyuki go and went to her sofa.

"It all started 8 years ago.. I remember clearly every details that happened at that time. It was Sunday and my birthday. It should be the best day of my life because my parents promised me we would go to a zoo to celebrate my birthday. I was so happy until i couldn't sleep so I woke up early and helped my mom to prepare for our lunch. Everything was perfect, we saw so many cute animals, ate lunch my mom and i prepared, it was the best birthday ever and i felt like i will never forget that day. It's true that i never can forget that day.. But in different way.. The happy memories i got since morning were all ruined in just some minutes..."

8 years ago..
"Sayaka.. It's getting dark. Let's go home.." Sayaka's mom said.
"But mommy.. I still don't want to go home." Little Sayaka whined.
"Let's go home now Sayaka. You have school tommorow right? I promise we will go here again together. Okay?" Sayaka's dad persuaded her.
"Mou.. Okay then.. But you really promise to come back here right?" Sayaka asked while pouting cutely.
"Of course.. Come on." Sayaka's dad picked Sayaka up and then the three of them walked home.

On the way home..
"Mommy daddy i want to walk pass the park." Sayaka said still on her father's embrace.
"But it's night already Sayaka. No one's there." Sayaka's mom said.
"Just this one time.. Please.. Please.. Please.." Sayaka used her cuteness to lure her parents.
#sigh Sayaka's dad smiled. "Okay then.. Let's go.."
"Is it really okay honey? Isn't it too dangerous?" Sayaka's mom asked worried.
"It's okay.. I'm here so you all are safe." Sayaka's dad reassured.

The family walked together pass the quiet park. When they were about to reach the exit suddenly someone stopped them from their track.
"Give me all your belongings or i'll kill you!" A man holding a knife said threatening.
Sayaka's dad put Sayaka down and so her mom held her hand tightly.
"Mommy? Daddy?" Sayaka called them scared.
"It's okay Sayaka.. We will be fine." Sayaka's dad patted her head and then nodded reassure his wife.
He stood in front of his family. "I'll give you what you want but please let us go after that."
"Okay.. Now come here and bring them. Quickly!"
Sayaka's dad walked to the robber, brought what he asked carefully.
"That's all we have. We can go now right?" Sayaka's dad asked.
The robber smirked and then disappeared made the three of them surprised.
"Where is he gone suddenly?" Sayaka's mom asked.
"You think i'll let you go after you see my face? Stupid.." A voice was heard but they couldn't find the source of the voice.
"Please.. At least let my wife and daughter go." Sayaka's dad said an tried to protect his family.
"Then you will be dead first." Suddenly the robber appeared in front of Sayaka's dad and then stabbed him over and over again.
Sayaka's mom screamed.
"Daddy!!" Sayaka screamed.
"I hate your heroic act. You will watch me helplessly while i'm killing your beloved family."
"R-run." Sayaka's dad said.
Hear that from her husband Sayaka's mom ran still holding her daughter
"No you won't." Then the robber disappeared again.
The robber suddenly stood in front of them made them stopped.
He stabbed Sayaka's mom many times. Sayaka couldn't do anything due to shock.
After he satisfied stabbing Sayaka's mom he looked at Sayaka smirking made Sayaka fell down trembling.
The robber grabbed Sayaka and Sayaka's mom and then dragged them to where Sayaka's dad lied helplessly.
"They're still alive little girl. At least to watch their daughter died." The robber laughed.
When he was about to stab Sayaka police siren was heard.
"Shit." The robber stopped. "You're lucky little girl. I really want to kill you. But we won't meet again. You will never can find me so don't even try. Thanks to my invicible power those police will never can catch me either. See ya girl." After that the robber disappeared.
Sayaka looked at her parents and started to cry. "Mommy daddy..." She came to them. Her mom and dad touched their daughter cheeks softly.
"W-we love y-you Sayaka." Sayaka's dad said.
"Be a good girl okay?" Sayaka's mom said.
Their hands fell down.
"Mommy? Daddy?" Sayaka shook their body but got no respons.
"Mommy! Daddy!"

Back to present..
"After that the police came. When they came my parent were already died. Because i was the only one there i was interrogated. I told them everything about the robber power and all but no one believed me. They thought i've gone crazy and so they frequently sent doctors to my room. And when i was being held at the police station for weeks, that robber was still roaming outside killing other people. Police really are useless. He wasn't bluffing. Police really never could catch him. If just i had become a Sweeper back then. This would never been happened." Sayaka looked down.
"... H-how can you became a Sweeper then?"

"Morning kid.." Suddenly a man came in to Sayaka's room.
"What do you want?" Sayaka just sat while hugging her knees on her bed.
"I know the person you're saying. I'll help you out." That mysterious man told Sayaka.
"Liar.. You're just another doctors whom sent here because they think i'm crazy."
"No i'm not. I know what he is. Why does he have that invicible power. He's not the only one with powers like that though."
Sayaka just kept quiet looking at him. Thinking if she really can believe this man or not.
"I know you still can't believe me now. But if you follow me you won't regret it for sure. I really can help you find and take revenge on him... If you believe me feel free to follow me." Then the man went out from the room and without much thinking Sayaka followed him out from her room. She didn't have any choice since no one believed her.

That night they found the robber immediately. He was killing another family when Sayaka and the man found him.
"He is insane. For how many more people must die because of him?" Sayaka said disgusted by the psycho robber.
Heard familiar voice the robber looked aside and found Sayaka and a man looking at him. "Ah look who is here. Long time no see little girl." The robber greeted Sayaka. "Who is that man? You bring another prey for me to kill? So nice of you.." The robber chuckled.
"Just like my informant said you're so full of yourself. It's pissing me off." The man said.
"Lot of people told me that but no one could do anything though. You know why? Because i have this." The robber disappeared and appeared again in a second. "So.. What will you do?" The robber put his hands into his pockets and looked down at the man.
The man pointed a gun to the robber. "Of course i will kill you, you stupid Special."
The robber laughed. "You think you can kill me with that?"
The man smirked.
"Okay then. If you really sure try it. After that it's my turn to tear you apart." Then the robber disappeared again from the sight.
The man just closed his eyes with his gun on his side. All Sayaka did just watched what would the man did. Suddenly he pointed his gun and fired several times to empty air for Sayaka's eyes.
Slowly the robber body was appearing drenched in blood but still to healthy to die soon.
"Ho-how can you k-know where i w-was?" The robber asked trying hard to move.
"Don't underestimate Sweepers. You're nothing hard to kill for us."
"Sw-sweeper? T-the rumour is r-real?! Pl-please do-don't kill me. I will change. Please.."
"It's not me to decide. Sayaka.." The man gave Sayaka who just watched the whole time the gun.
"Wh-what is this gun for? Don't tell me..." Sayaka took aback.
"Take your revenge for your parents' sake. Can you accept how your parents died by him?"
Sayaka looked at the robber. Just looking at his face made Sayaka mad and wanted to kill him.
Sayaka took the gun from the man's hand.
"How could you let him go after what he did." The man smirked. "You can do this Sayaka."
Sayaka walked to the robber with gun on her hand.
"Please spare me girl. I'm sorry for what i did. Please." The robber begged.
"Did you her my parents begging you? Why i must let you live when you killed my parents?" Sayaka pointed the gun to the robber head. Her hands were shaking really hard but she tried hard to endure it. And then..
The robber lied lifelessly with blood all over him. Sayaka looked at the man.

Back to present..
"President told me everything about the Sweeper and Special stuff. After i heard all of that i decided to become a Sweeper too. He adopted me and raised me. He teached me himself how to become a Sweeper. I promised myself to kill every invicible user by my own hands. And so since that day i live my life killing Specials one by one."
"..." Miyuki looked down and kept quiet.
"So now it's my time to kill you too. Specials like you shouldn't have live. I've told you everything. So..." Sayaka pushed Miyuki to the sofa and put her knife in front of Miyuki's throat.
"Sayaka you stupid!" Miyuki looked at Sayaka's eyes. "You knew killing him was useless but you still tainted your hands because of him! How idiot are you!"
"Shut up!" Sayaka pushed Miyuki harder. "What do you know about me?! You never know how it feel to see your parents murdered."
"Yeah you might be right about that but what i know is killing people won't make anything better. Your parents must not want all of this happen."
"Then what must i do? Must i just let him go? President was the only one who believed and helped me figured out what i must do! If you really want to help me you should have come at that time not now!"
"Just shut your fucking mouth up!" Sayaka pushed Miyuki harder and ready to cut Miyuki's throat.
Miyuki closed her eyes waited to feel the pain.

"I was scared." Sayaka put her knife down and so Miyuki opened her eyes. "I was scared he would kill me too after i went out from police station... When i found that robber and he was so helpless all i could think was that if i get rid of him i won't be scared anymore. I know i was just a stupid coward. I've known from long ago that killing Specials are stupid."
Sayaka fell down beside Miyuki and cried. "It's too late to help me now Miyuki.. I've drowned into this world top deep and too long."
Miyuki hugged Sayaka. "No.. It's not too late. I'm sorry i couldn't help you at that time. That's why i will help you now. Please let me help you Sayaka."
"But what must i do? All i know is this kind of life."
Miyuki made Sayaka looked at her and swiped her tears away with her thumbs. "Don't kill anymore. Let's do things like any other girls do. I'll always be with you."
"Yeah of course. I promise."
"....I'm sorry.. For everything." Sayaka let Miyuki hugged her and felt more calm by it.


Finally Sayaka's past revealed.. Other characters' past will be revealed too soon.
Who will be the next huh?? Try to guess it.. Hehehehee~~
Thanks for reading.. :D
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 9]
Post by: qweakb on June 07, 2015, 03:48:41 AM
Next...hmmm... Jurina and rena past XD

Omg, hope that sayanee and milky will be together in the end...I mean happy ending
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 9]
Post by: phoenix0i on June 07, 2015, 02:35:43 PM
Nice turn of events. Finally! SayaMilky is together!  :love:
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 9]
Post by: The Ray on June 07, 2015, 03:38:50 PM
congratulations to sayamilky :twothumbs

Thanks for update author-san :bow:
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 9]
Post by: purnamazaki on June 07, 2015, 06:29:56 PM
I want jurirena ..
Thanks author-san
 for update
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 9]
Post by: purnamazaki on June 07, 2015, 06:30:09 PM
I want jurirena ..
Thanks author-san
 for update
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 10]
Post by: eel_96 on June 09, 2015, 10:58:31 AM
Thank you for reading and leave comments @qweakb @phoenix0i @The Ray and @purnamazaki :)
Next will be a little bit of Jurina and Rena past to be revealed.. Just like qweakb san guess..
Please enjoy chapter 10... :)


Sayaka walked passing the school yard alone with some bruises on her. Not long after that a girl caught her up made everyone put their attention on the two girls.
"Sayanee.. Wait for me.." Miyuki clung toward Sayaka. That's not a shocking news for everyone in school. What made them shock was that Sayaka didn't resist Miyuki like usual.

"Hey hey hey. Look. Watanabe san and that trasfer student."
Girls pointed at them and started gossiping.
"What happen? Why that transfer student doesn't resist Watanabe san like usual?"
"I heard Watanabe san saved her from bullying yesterday."
"Are they dating now?"

"You're popular now Sayanee." Miyuki talked to Sayaka still clinging.
"It's your fault. I don't want to be popular. It's annoying. Beside i'm popular because they hate me."
"I'll make them love you too."
"What will you do?"
"I'll just bribe them with my cuteness to love you too."
"Hahaha.. I don't need that Miyuki. Beside they will just be nice to me in front of you."
For the first time Miyuki saw Sayaka laughing. Not just Miyuki but everyone around them witnessed it too.
"Aww you're so cute Sayanee." Miyuki ruffled Sayaka's hair.
"You're messing up my hair Miyuki." Sayaka pouted while fixing up her hair.
"You're really cute. I love you much more." Miyuki hugged Sayaka.

"That idiot.. How can she is swayed by her own prey?" Jurina watched the couple while drinking her milk and leaning to the barrier fence. She witnessed everything from the rooftop.
#sigh "I should have just kill that invicible girl from the very start. I found her first before Sayaka did. Look at what happen now when i tried to respect her."
"Ah shit.. I run out of milk." Jurina pissed off when she couldn't get any milk left inside the box.

"You really are a kid. Piss off just because you run out of milk."
Jurina turned around. "Shut up Nezumi."
Nezumi chuckled.
"I see you get out more frequently now." Jurina said.
"Mayu is stupid still not aware of my existance."
"But if you get out too frequently without important matters she will find out really soon."
"It's okay.. You know.. Last time Rena found out just in 2 days after i first took control. She's the fastest so far."
"Don't talk like you know Rena chan that well. It really piss me off."
"See? You're really a kid with bad temper. But that's what make me like you."
"Tch.. Just go straight to the point.. What do you want?"
"We got a job tonight. Be ready at 10. Don't be late!"
"Yeah yeah.. I won't. That's all right? Good bye." Jurina walked away.
"Hey i just get here. At least accompany me a little more."
"I can't stand be near you for too long. I don't know when i can't hold myself not to kill you." Jurina stopped and looked back a bit then left Nezumi there alone.
"Hahaha.. That kid really needs to learn how to respect older people. It's time to go back."
Nezumi closed her eyes then in a mere second the look in her eyes changed.

"Huh? Where am i? I'm suddenly in other place without i know again. These past days it's getting more frequently. Maybe i must tell senpai about this."

Jurina walked home alone after the school ended. She was going to prepare her equipment for tonight hunting. She was whistling and ran a little while sightseeing her surrounding. She always shew her cheerful image outside.
"Good evening Mrs. Tanaka. How is your flower shop?" Jurina greeted one of her neighboors.
"Oh Jurina chan... Today is a great day. How's your school? Any interesting story?"
"Gah.. Just another boring lessons." They laughed together. "Ow.. It's already this late. I must go now. Bye Mrs. Tanaka." Jurina waved.
"Be safe Jurina.."

Jurina continued her walk till she saw something or you could say someone unexpectedly not really far from her.
".. Rena chan?"
Jurina ran chasing after Rena. But because the street was busy she could barely see where Rena went. Until in the end she lost her completely.
"Where is she? That's really Rena chan right?"

"Hi.. I'm Jurina. You must be Rena chan right? Nice to meet you.." Jurina grinned to her new sister.
"Rena.. From today on she will be your little sister. Be nice to her okay?" Rena's dad told her daughter.
The shy little girl just nodded and looked at Jurina blankly.
"Please take care of her Jurina chan. She's a little bit too shy toward new people." Rena's mom sighed, trying to made Rena be more welcome to Jurina.
"Leave it to me Mrs Matsui. I'm sure we will get along well."
"What's with Mrs. Matsui?? Call us mom and dad.." Rena's mom told Jurina.
"Yes Jurina chan.. You're our daughter." Rena's dad jointed in.
"Hehehe.. Okay mom dad.." Jurina said being shy.
"I'll take Rena chan then. See you later mom dad." Jurina grabbed Rena's hand and dragged her along. "Let's go Rena chan.."

"...rina.. Jurina.. Hey! Jurina!"
"Ah yes.. You don't need to yell Nezumi."
"I won't yell at you if you're really listening to me. What happened with you?"
"It's nothing. Let's just finish this quickly and then i can go home." Jurina couldn't stop thingking about Rena. She was so sure the girl she saw before was Rena. But how could she find her again?

"There's something bothering you. You're different than usual." Nezumi suddenly said after they finished their job tonight.
"What? Like i said.. It's nothing."
"You really can't lie Jurina chan.. You're thinking about something. Hmmm.. Let me guess.. Matsui Rena right?"
"Shut up Nezumi. It's not your bussiness."
"Too much privacy although we're partner." Nezumi acted hurt.
"I never want to be your partner in the first place."
"Hah.. I hate this side of you.."
"Just leave me alone! Tell me who you want to kill and Rena chan is save. That's all."
"Alright alright i won't bother you anymore." Finally Nezumi gave up, or not?
"I'm going now." Jurina walked away without looking back even a bit.

"Hmm.. This might be even more interesting now.." Nezumi chuckled.

#sigh "It's rude not to greet your old friend properly Oshima san. Furthermore you eavesdroping too."
"Your sense is good like usual. But sorry.. I never consider you as my friend."
"Ah too bad.. I like you though."
"Can't imagine that girl is the new assassin."
"Ah you mean Jurina? She's pretty dependable right? After Sayaka becomes useless now. How is it? Finding out your own sister is becoming your biggest enemy?"
"I'll just find a way to drag you out from Mayu."
"Unfortunately it's impossible without my own will."
"I'll just need to use force a bit." In instant Yuko was right in front of Nezumi ready to punch her. Having a good reflex Nezumi dodged the punch and middle kicked Yuko on her side.
"You want to drag me out from this body with that ability? You sure have a big mouth."
"And you sure are so full of yourself."
Suddenly without Nezumi knew she had already felt sting on her left cheek.
Nezumi chuckled. "You're improving since the last time we met Oshima san."
Nezumi gave Yuko a hook punch but Yuko ducked it perfectly and then she kicked Nezumi from below aiming for her chin.
"Strike.." Yuko smirked.
"Not bad.." Nezumi spat blood. "You don't hesitate even a little although this is your sister body. How cold are you."
"Your appearence might be Mayu but you're still not her. I can apologize to her after you die."
"Since when you become this aggresive?"
"And you're calmer now after becoming Nezumi."
"I'm tired of Gekikara's like brutal behaviour. It's more convenience this way. Don't you want to know how's Haruna doing now?
"She has nothing to do with me."
"You lose your composure a bit." Nezumi laughed. "It's time for me to go. Inform your sister about me and Jurina. I don't understand how can she still not noticing me. Oh.. And i can't wait to see how will you drag me out from this body. See ya.." Nezumi waved and in a sec her body fell on the ground.

"Nee chan.." Mayu opened her eyes for a sec and then unconcious again.

"Ugh.. My head is hurt."
"Mayu.. Are you okay?"
"Senpai.." Mayu saw Yuki rushed to her side. "I saw Yuko nee chan. She's talking with me. No.. That's not me. There's someone inside of me. And i can feel she is dangerous." Mayu held her head trying to sit.
"Mayu... Let's just forget about her now. You need more rest." Yuki tried to make Mayu lied down again.
"You know about her already. I'm sure nee chan knows about her too right? Why do you never tell me?"
"Yuko san told me not to tell you yet."
"Explain to me about everything you know. I need to know senpai." Mayu shew determination which couldn't be resist by Yuki.
"Alright.. I'll tell you now. But promise me you will take a rest after that."
"Okay okay i get that."


Jurina sees Rena, Mayu knows Nezumi existance, Yuko starts to show herself in front of Sweepers.
What will happen to everyone next??
Please wait for the update!! :D
Thank you very much!!
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 10]
Post by: qweakb on June 13, 2015, 04:13:06 AM
Wao.. I did not expected to guess correctly.. Hahaha

Er... Mayu try to talk with nezumi? Or take control? 
Er... Jurina meet rena gain? Kojiyuu meet? Hahaha.. I Don know XD
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 11]
Post by: eel_96 on June 16, 2015, 11:43:33 AM
I think you must be confused a bit by wmatsui part.. The scene where Jurina introduce herself to Rena is actually Jurina remembering her past. I'm sorry i forget to italic that part.. Hehehe.. :D
@qweakb : thank you for reading.. :) actually Mayu just know there is Nezumi in her, she haven't talked or trying to take control. For wmatsui i think my mistake i just explain above is the one that makes you confused. Hehehehe.. Jurina just saw Rena on the street but she lost her again. And Kojiyuu haven't met. Yuko just show up in front of Nezumi.. They will neet soon though. :)
Not need anymore words here's chapter 11....


A girl was seen sitting alone under a tree eating her lunch. Dispite it was lunch time with chitchat and laughter everywhere she chose to be alone.
"Rena chan..."
"Ju-jurina?? What are you doing here?"
"Hehehe.. I want to eat lunch with you.." Jurina answered while sitting beside Rena then opened her bento.
Seeing her sister Rena just smiled and then opened her bento too.
"Do you always eat lunch here?" Rena just nodded while ate her bento.
"Why don't you eat with your friends?"
"Quiet place is better. It's just too noisy out there. And why don't you eat with your friends too?"
"Because i like being with Rena chan. You're much more fun than my classmate." Jurina grinned.
Somehow Rena blushed hearing what Jurina said. She tried to hide it by continue eating her bento again.

Since that day Jurina came to that place frequently. The two of them ate lunch together almost everyday. At first they ate quietly just sometimes Jurina said something and Rena answered it. But as time went by they became closer and closer thanks to Jurina persistent.
Jurina started to discover that Rena was not that quiet actually. And Rena found out that dispite of Jurina's mature side she also had childish side too which also, she just shew in front of Rena.
"You know what Rena chan? It's the first time i see you laugh after i become your sister for 2 months. I love your laugh. You're much better with a smile."
"Mou.. Stop it Jurina.. You're always praising me."
"Why don't you show this side of you to others?"
"... I don't know but i can't. But somehow i feel like i can do anything when i'm with you."
"It's good to hear that." Jurina said looking straight into Rena's eyes. For some seconds they're just keep staring at each other.
"Ah... Lunch really makes you sleepy." Jurina broke the silence. "Let me take a nap on your shoulder." She moved closer and then closed her eyes.


"Matsui san... Matsui Jurina!"
"Ah hai sensei!"
"Is there anything more interesting out there than my lesson?"
"Ah no sensei. I'm sorry."
"Although you always get good marks don't mean you don't need to lis..."
#ring the bell went off
"Alright today lesson is over. Don't forget to make your homework."
The teacher went out and everyone went out from the class to go home.
"You're saved by the bell Jurina.."
"Gah.. That Matsumoto sensei really tick me off."
"What were you thinking made you that drown in your thought like that?"
"Nah.. It's nothing Kanon. I was just spacing out."
"Is it your sister again?"
Jurina just kept quiet looked aside. Her best friend got it right. It's true that Jurina always told Kanon about Rena. That's why she could easily guess it.
"I know it. What happened? What makes you spacing out often like now?"
"... I saw her.."
"Really?? Where? How is she?"
"I don't know.. I lost her and i haven't seen her again after that day." Jurina looked down.
"Don't be so down Jurina. You will meet her again soon. I'm sure of it." Kanon patted Jurina's back comforting her friend.
"Thanks Non.." Jurina smiled bitterly.
"Let's go home."

#phone ringing
"Yuki. It's me Yuko."
"Yuko san. Where are you now?"
"I still can't meet you guys now. I'm in the middle of investigating lots of things. Ah right i have something to tell you."
"Yuko san.. Mayu has known it."
"Huh? About what?"
"Nezumi... She can feel Nezumi inside her. I told her everything we know."
#sigh "It's time already. I know we can't keep it a secret from her forever. Please take care of her Yuki."
"You can leave it to me Yuko san. I'll protect her no matter what."
"Thanks Yuki."
"Oh right. What did you want to tell me?"
"Ah.. Be careful of Matsui Jurina. She is the new assassin."
"What?! You mean Matsui Jurina from our school? Are you sure?"
"Yes. I saw her talking with Nezumi that day. Be careful Yuki. I'll search about her more."
"I can't believe it. Now i'm understand why she's so clingy to Mayu. Thanks for the info Yuko san. I'll tell Mayu as soon as possible. Please come back soon Yuko san."
"Yeah. I will. I'll go now then."
"Okay. Take care."

Sayaka leaned to the hand rail looking down to the yard from rooftop. She enjoyed the wind and quietness up there. It had been a while since the last time she felt peace inside. Since that accident all in her mind was killing Specials.
"I know you're there Miyuki. You don't have to hide yourself." Sayaka suddenly spoke up.
"I don't make any sound. How can you know i'm here??" Miyuki finally shew herself and walked to Sayaka.
"I can feel invicible users presents so whenever they become invicible i still know where they are." Sayaka turned around to Miyuki.
Miyuki surprised by what Sayaka just said. "You said.. You can feel.."
Sayaka chuckled seeing how funny Miyuki's shock face was. "Yes i know everytime you stalk me Miyuki. I just pretend i don't know. I can't believe it, you even followed me once when i was taking a bath. Pervert." Sayaka chuckled.
In a flash Miyuki's face was as red as a tomato. "What.. So embarassing.. I don't think i can face her anymore." Miyuki looked aside and whispered to herself.
"You're so cute when you're blushing Miyuki. That's what make me like you." Sayaka said suddenly made Miyuki blushed even more.
"..." Miyuki looked at Sayaka for seconds didn't say anything. Sayaka was just kept smiling waiting for Miyuki to say something.
"Ehh... I.. I.. Too... You.." Miyuki couldn't said anything made Sayaka laughed.
"What are you saying Miyuki? You must see your own face.. It's so funny." Sayaka laughed harder.
"Mou Sayanee.. Stop making fun of me.." Miyuki pouted.
Sayaka stopped laughing. "Hah.. Thank you Miyuki.. Thanks for giving me a normal life." Sayaka patted Miyuki's head made Miyuki blushed again and again.
"Today you keep blushing over and over again Miyuki." Sayaka teased Miyuki again.
"You're so mean Sayaka.." Miyuki whined and punched Sayaka lightly, Sayaka laughed again.
"Thank you for believing me too Sayaka."
Sayaka stopped laughing. They just kept staring at each other for some seconds. Without they realised the gap between them was decreasing each second. When their lips just milimeters away...
#brak the door burst opened
In instant the two of them moved back.
Miyuki looked at the door. "Ma-mayu? What a-are you doing here?"
"Yamamoto Sayaka.. Answer me honestly. You've met me before right? I mean the other me. You know about it since the first time we met right?"
Sayaka was too shock to answer Mayu. She didn't expect Mayu to have realised about Nezumi.
"What do you mean Mayu? What's this all about?" Miyuki couldn't catch up with the conversation.
"Yeah you're right. I've met Nezumi before i came here." Sayaka finally answered.
"Is she really on the Sweepers side?" Sayaka nodded.
"This is all a lie." Mayu crouched down. "All this time i search for that betrayer and in the end she is in myself. What must i do now..."
"Mayu.." Miyuki came closer to her friend. "Can you tell me what really happen?"
"Milky..." Mayu hugged Miyuki crying.
After Mayu calmed down she told Miyuki everything. On the side Sayaka just could sit quietly watched the two friend.

"I'm sorry Watanabe san." Sayaka said after Mayu finished telling Miyuki.
"It's not your fault Sayaka. You was part of them. It's too dangerous if you told us." Miyuki reassured Sayaka.
"If you really have quitted you should have tell us Yamamoto. Although Miyuki already believes in you i still can't trust you. You can just pretend to be in our side then when the time comes you kill all of us."
"It's okay Miyuki. She's not wrong. It's hard to trust someone who has committed to many sins." Sayaka smiled bitterly.
"You too must be careful Milky. Don't trust her too easily. It's for your own safety."
"Mayu chan!! Sayaka's changed. Trust her! Why can y..."

#drttt drttt
"My phone.." Mayu ignored Miyuki.
"Hello senpai.. What's wrong?"
"There's something i must tell you Mayu. Can we meet now? It's urgent."
"Hmm okay. Let's meet at my place."
"Okay see you soon."

"Come with me Milky." Mayu dragged Miyuki.
"Mayu!! Stop this already!"
"I can't let you being alone with her even if it just a sec." Mayu pointed her forefinger at Sayaka.
"She won't harm me Mayuyu!"
"Who knows!"
"It's okay Miyuki. You better go with her. I understand how her feel." Sayaka told Miyuki.
"Let's go.." Mayu dragged Miyuki again leaving Sayaka.
"See you tommorow Sayaka chan.." Miyuki waved while being dragged by Mayu. "I'll text you tonight."

After the two of them left Sayaka turned around and leaned to the fence looking to the sky, sighing.
"It really is hard to change your life."


Pretty short update but i hope you guys enjoy it..
How is it? Please leave any comments how you think about this fic.. :D
Thank you for reading..
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 11]
Post by: phoenix0i on June 16, 2015, 04:02:02 PM
Can't wait for the next update.
SayaMilky cant be together that easy.
Gonna wait for some WMatsui moments.
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 11]
Post by: kuro_black29 on June 17, 2015, 07:30:55 PM
really hope sayaka changed for good...ganbatte sayaka

and still waiting for wmatsui to meet each other~

so what Yuki gonna tell mayu..??

Thanks for the update~

:nya: :kneelbow:

:on gay: :on drink:
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 12]
Post by: eel_96 on April 07, 2016, 01:40:02 PM
Chapter 12

"Senpai.." Mayu greeted Yuki when she came in her room.
"Oh Miyuki is here too."
"It's been a while senpai."
"So what is it so urgent?" Mayu asked.
"It's about the new assassin. I know who it is. And you won't believe it. It's Jurina."
"WHAT??" The two of them shouted in unison.
"No way!!"
"It can't be!!"
"Where did you get this info senpai?" Mayu asked.
"Yuko san called me a while before."
"Yuko nee? Why doesn't she come herself to me and tell me?"
"You know it will be hard for her to go again if she meets you Mayu." Mayu pouted.
"How did she find out senpai?" Miyuki asked to break the awkward silence.
"She said she saw her talked with Nezumi before. Do you remember it Mayu?"
Mayu shook her head. "No.. I was just awaken when Yuko nee's fighting with Nezumi."
"What must we do now?" Miyuki asked again.
"Pretend we haven't known about this. Although i'm sure Nezumi already know we find out. But always be aware."


Every evening after school Jurina walked pass the street where she saw Rena the other day. It had been almost a week but she still hadn't found Rena.
"Was that just my imagination?" Jurina sat on a bench at the nearby park. "It's been almost a week but she is nowhere to be seen. Please let me meet her again God."

"Who is she?"
Jurina looked back to the voice source.
"Nezumi.. What are you doing here?"
"Just finding an answer for my curiosity. Just like i've thought. You saw Rena chan huh?"
"That's not your bussiness." Jurina stood up and walked away leaving Nezumi behind.
"You look desperate Jurina. Do you want me to tell you where is she now?"
Jurina stopped by Nezumi's words.
"I don't need your help."
"Really? I really will tell you. But of course with one condition."
Jurina waited for Nezumi to continue. It was a lie if she said she wasn't interested by Nezumi's offer.
"Bring Yamamoto Sayaka back to her sense. Kill Watanabe Miyuki and she will lose all of her stupid hopes to live like normal girls."
"How can i trust you you will tell me?"
"Same question again. It's always up to you Jurina. But i know in the end you will do as i say." Nezumi laughed and then left Jurina.
"I'll kill you when i find Rena chan. Just you wait Nezumi."
Nezumi stopped and turned around a little.
"By the way Jurina. This girl has already found out about me. So i can't go out that often. Oh and i think your identity has already found out too." After that she walked again leaving Jurina.


Few days later..
"Alright everyone class is over. Don't hang around. Go straight to your home." Sensei said dismissing the class.
Everyone including Watanabe Mayu tidied up her belonging. She did it quickly didn't bother to put them properly because she knew her best friend would run away from her and dragged along that Yamamoto Sayaka.
No matter how often Miyuki had convinced Mayu that Sayaka wouldn't harm her she still couldn't be at ease. Who knew she just pretending?

"Milky.." Mayu looked back just to find empty seats.
"Tch that girl. She really runs away from me with that Yamamoto."
"Hahaha.. You think you can run away from me. Unfortunately all of your plans have been leaked to my head. I'll drag you home Watanabe Miyuki." Mayu talked to herself which got confuse stares from her classmate.
"You look scary when you're talking to yourself."
Mayu's thought distracted by the sudden familiar voice.
"Se-senpai.. What are you doing here?"

"Heeee.. Kashiwagi senpai is here."
"It seems the rumors about Watanabe and Kashiwagi senpai closeness is right."
"Ah i'm jealous of her."

"I just have something to do near your class so i thought of visiting you to go home together. Let's go." Yuki her arm to Mayu and dragged the blushed Mayu, which she didn't notice, out of the class.

"Let's go eat something before we go home."
"I must search for Miyuki since she is going with Yamamoto today."
"Oh... I'll help you then."
"No no.. You don't need to. It's quiet far from here. She really don't want me to interfere." Mayu sulked.
"It's okay. Actually i have investigated about Matsui Jurina and i got a lot of news. That's why i went to see you."

For the rest of the walked Yuki told everything she knew about Jurina. The more Mayu knew about Jurina, the more she felt pity for her.

"She always looks cheerful. I never thought she has a sad past."
"Don't be affected too much Mayu. Remember she still one of the Sweepers."
"I know i know.."
#drrtt drrtt
"My phone.. Wait a minute senpai." Mayu walked away to answer her phone.

Few minutes later Mayu ran panically to Yuki. "Senpai! Milky is in trouble. They ran into Jurina. Jurina is going to kill her."
"Where are they?"
"At XX park. Let's go there!"
"Wait Mayu." Yuki stopped Mayu. "I know how to stop Jurina. You go there first. Buy me some time. I'll go there as soon as i can."
"What will you do?" Mayu asked.
"There's no time to explain. Just do what i said."
"Okay. Come quickly senpai.. See you there."

'Please be there. Please let me find her quickly God.' Yuki prayed running to the place she was sure to find the girl.

"This is the right place right?" Yuki stood in front of an appartment. She looked at the paper in her hand to confirm the place. The appartment was in a really terrifying condition and not to mention looked like it will be collapse anytime.
"How can she live in a place like this?"
Yuki came in.

"This must be the room." Yuki knocked the door.
"Coming.." Yuki could hear a girl voice from inside.
A girl maybe at the same age as Yuki came out.
"Can i help you?"
"Actually i'm looking for a girl. Her name is Matsui Rena."
"You know about her?" The girl asked.
"Hmm.. Kind of.. Is she here?"
"You really know about me?" The girl asked excitedly.
"Matsui Rena san?"
"Yes.. I'm Matsui Rena.."

"What's wrong Rena?" Another girl came out from the room.
"This person here said she know about me Airin. That's amazing."

"I need your help. Can you come with me? It's urgent." Due to a really little time she got Yuki cut in the conversation.
"I'll explain to you on the way. Please come with me. My friend's life is at the line."
"What can i help?"
"Don't come Rena. Who knows she's lying? It's too dangerous."
"But she said she knows me. I can't let this chance go."
"But Rena..."
"I might not know many about you but there is one girl there who surely knows you." Yuki reassured Rena.
"I will be okay Airin.. I'll be at home again as fast as i can."

Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 12 part 2]
Post by: eel_96 on April 07, 2016, 01:42:13 PM
12 part 2

Few hours before..
"Sayakaa~ i have a place to show you." Miyuki pleaded showing her cuteness to lure Sayaka.
"Night is coming soon Miyuki. We better go home now. I promise we will go there later."
"But i want to show you something really special. Tonight is the best time to go there." Miyuki pouted, crossing her arms.
"Oh come on Miyuki. Don't be mad." Sayaka tried to cheer her up but she refused.
#sigh "Alright alright. Let's go there. But not to long okay?" Finally Sayaka who couldn't bear seeing Miyuki mad, gave up.
"Yey!! You're the best! I promise you won't regret you go there now." Miyuki hugged Sayaka.

"We shouldn't go in Miyuki. There's a no-entry sign outside." Sayaka said worriedly.
"It's okay if we're not get caught. I often go here lately and no one is here. It's worth it to break the law really..." Miyuki said reassuring while opening the gate.
"Please come in." Miyuki motioned Sayaka to come in.
#sigh "Alright.. It better really amazed me.. If not..."
Miyuki was just motioning Sayaka to come in again.

"Wow.. I don't know there's a place as beautiful as this."
Sayaka amazed by the lake before her eyes. The bright and clear moon up above them lighted its' surface made it much more beautiful.
"See? It's really beautiful right? Not many people know this place. You are the only person i tell. Not even Mayuyu."
"How can you find this place?"
"It was an accident. I was roaming around and then i found that gate because i was curious i went in. And when i realised i'd been gone here frequently."
Suddenly a knife was thrown to Miyuki. Fortunately Sayaka was deft enough to catch that knife.
"Jurina.." Sayaka already knew who it was by the knife.
"Come out here! Don't be a coward like this!"
"What a coincidence to meet you two here.."
"You following us?" Sayaka pulled Miyuki to her back.
"You think i don't have other work to do! That wasting my time. This is my place. I often come here."
"What do you want from us?"
"I don't any business with you SENPAI." Jurina emphasised the last part. "What a lucky day my prey come directly to me." Jurina pointed her finger at Miyuki.
Hearing that from Jurina, Miyuki clutched Sayaka's cloth more tightly.
"It's okay Miyuki i won't let her hurt you even a bit." Sayaka held Miyuki's hands to calm her down. "Go hide behind that tree."
At first Miyuki hesitated to leave Sayaka but after Sayaka reassured her, she finally did as Sayaka told.
"There's no way i let you do that KOHAI!" Sayaka also emphasised the last part.

In a sec the two of them clashed in a full speed. It's like a non humans battle.
Jurina tried to slice through Sayaka but all of them were dodged by Sayaka using the knife Jurina threw before.

From a far Miyuki watched the two of them fought while praying for Sayaka safety. She could see their style of fighting was completely different. Jurina did a lot of light but really fast movements and once in a while when she got some chances she would launch her deadly moves. On the other hands Sayaka just made a little but efficient movements. All she did was dodging and then when the time came she made sure her opponent wouldn't be able to move anymore.

"Mayuyu.." Miyuki grabbed her phone quickly then pressed the speed dial.
"Mayu! Please help us! We met Jurina. Sayaka and Jurina are fighting."
"Calm down Milky. Calm yourself first. Where are you?"
"At the no-entry land near XX park. Quickly come here Mayu." Mayu could hear how worry Miyuki was.
"I'll go there as soon as i can. I'm near the park now."
Miyuki hung up her phone then watched the fight again while praying.

"How can you change your mind easily Sayaka? She was your target and now you protect her with your own life." Jurina asked while still launching her fast attacks.
"I never want to be in our dark world since the first place. My condition dragged me in. I find light in her."
"I still can't understand you. Every Sweepers even the pres will surely hunt you down and kill you. You betray the organization. If you stop protecting her now i think you still have hope to survive."
"I love her.. That's the reason why i do all of this."
Jurina slowed down for a sec hearing this statement. Of course this thing didn't slip out from Sayaka's eyes. She noticed the impact from Jurina hearing this topic.
"I know you understand how i feel. Your feeling for someone, makes you willing to do anything."
Seeing her chance Sayaka kicked Jurina hard made her thrown away.
"Ugh.." Jurina held her stomach where Sayaka kicked her before. It hurt so much till she couldn't get up.
"You're lose Jurina. Stop chasing after Miyuki. I warn you." Sayaka grabbed Jurina's collar. "Answer me!"
Jurina didn't say anything instead she just smirked. "You forget one thing Sayaka. And that'll kill your friend there."
There were lights around Jurina's body. "Say good bye to Watanabe Miyuki." It's too late for Sayaka to dodge the light.

"Sayaka!!" Miyuki who was talking with Mayu ran to Sayaka when she heard her scream.
"Sayaka!" Miyuki held Sayaka's body, shook her a little to got some answers from the girl.
"What a-are you do-doing Miyuki? Quickly run a-away from he-here."
"There's no way i will leave you. I've made a promise remember?"
"Gah.. I can't bear seeing this lovey dovey scene." Jurina walked closer.
Bearing all of the pain on her body Sayaka tried hard to get up and pulled Miyuki to her back.
"I won't let you touch her Jurina."
"Move aside Sayaka. I don't want to kill you. Beside you've been stung by my light. You won't be able to move."
"Enough already Sayaka. You'll hurt yourself more. It's my turn to protect you." Miyuki helped Sayaka to move back.
"You're pretty brave huh? I appreciate that. But your bravery will just kill you."
"Just you see." Miyuki hid herself.
"You think just Sayaka who can sense you?" Jurina threw her knife and luckily it just sliced Miyuki's right ankle. But it was enough for her not being able to stand.
"Arrghh.." Miyuki appeared from her hide sat helplessly while holding her sliced ankle.
"Miyuki!" Sayaka tried hard to go to Miyuki but her body just didn't want to do so. "Damn!"
Jurina walked to Miyuki with her knife.
"I'm amazed you can change Sayaka's mind senpai. I even never can talk to her without an argument. So ironic you must die because of the person you love. Goodbye Watanabe senpai.." Jurina held up her knife ready to kill Miyuki.

"Hold it Jurina!!" A familiar voice stopped Jurina.
"Mayu chan.." Miyuki whispered.
Mayu saw Miyuki and Sayaka condition.
'Oh God.. I must buy some times for senpai. Please be quick senpai.'

"Just stop all of this already Jurina."
"Mayu senpai.. What a right timing. Do you want to see your friend killed?"
"Why do you want to kill Milky so desperately?"
"What any other reason can be there? She's a Special and i'm a Sweeper. I'm just doing my job."

'Think Mayu think... Ah!'

"You lied. You have other reason. Nezumi made you do this right?"
Mayu saw Jurina flinched.

'Strike!! Now after she wavered i can read her mind.'

"What a stupid kid. Always do what she told you to do."
"What do you know!"
Mayu knew how short tempered Jurina was. She witnessed an incident which Jurina raged before just because of small matter. It wasn't that hard for Mayu to piss her off, distracted her from Miyuki. For now...

Mayu saw two girl at the park. The younger one was crying because she fell a while before and her knee was hurt.
"Oowww please don't cry Jurina."
"It's h-hurt Rena chan.." Jurina continued to cry.
#kiss "I've taken away the pain with me. You should stop crying okay?"
Rena kissed Jurina's knee where she hurt. Just like what Rena told her she stopped crying the moment Rena kissed her knee.
"Let's go home. I'll treat your wound at home." Rena stood up and gave Jurina her hand.

"Oh yeah i know. You just like to kill people."
"No! You know nothing!!"
"So what is it? For the sake of someone? Huh?"
"...." Jurina just kept silent by Mayu's words.

'I get it right again. Senpai's info about her is right. Where are you senpai. I'm almost run out of words. I need to say more.'

"A lame excuse to kill people. You're selfish. Sacrifice other people to save your precious someone. People you killed also have people waiting for them. Don't you think about them."
"Shut up!"
Suddenly Jurina already in front of Mayu, pushed her down and put her knife in front of Mayu's neck.
"You don't understand how i feel! Rena chan is more than just precious someone."
Mayu knew she shouldn't talk anymore.
"I'm sick of you and Nezumi! Just go die already!!"

Jurina looked at the source of the voice. It was Yuki who called her. Jurina saw other girl beside Yuki. After she recognised who the girl was she couldn't hold her tears and all her anger was replaced by relief and happiness.
"Rena chan..."

"Hey!! Who is there?!"
"Oh shit the security is coming! We better go now if we don't want to get caught!" Mayu quickly got Miyuki and helped her ran away.
"Mayu chan! Sayaka!" Miyuki pointed at the helpless girl lying on the ground.
"Senpai please help Yamamoto san there!"
"Alright i'll get her. You go first Mayu."


Double update for chapter 12!! :D
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 12 part 1&2] UPDATE!
Post by: Puririnpha on April 08, 2016, 02:19:54 PM
Thx for double update author-san
Please update soon  :on GJ: :on GJ:
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 13] UPDATE!
Post by: eel_96 on April 16, 2016, 08:21:47 AM
Chapter 13

"It's already out of control too much!"
"Calm down a little Haruna. We will fix this. But we won't find any solution if you're not calm down."
"How can i calm down Sae! First Sayaka left, Nezumi can't go out freely too since Watanabe Mayu found out about her and now Jurina met Rena. She will leave too. Rena whereabout is the only reason she is with us. How can i face grandfather? He might give my sister the pres position. I can't let that happen."
"You know what? All of this mess was caused by you."
"Wha do you mean? What did i do?"
"Oshima Yuko." Sae could see a little shock on Haruna's face. "She's the one who's helping out Specials."
"...." Haruna just kep quiet.
"We all know you didn't kill her 3 years ago. You still like her right?" Sae waited Haruna to answer.
"What do you mean?" Of course Haruna couldn't tell Sae about her feeling. She should be her enemy but she let her go and now everything was in a mess.
"Just admit it already. We all know."

#tok tok tok
"Ah yeah come in.." Haruna was saved by the knock.
"Excuse me Kojima sama.. Miyazawa sama.." A girl came in. She looked really nervous till she just stood straight near the door she just came in.
"Furukawa Airi if i'm not wrong."
Haruna walked near the girl slowly. "I'm sure you know why you're called Furukawa san.."
"I.." Haruna kicked Airi right on her stomach made her thrown away.
"That's the only job you must do and you failed."
"I.. I-i'm sorry.. I've tried t-to stop her.. B-but sh.." Airi was stopped by a kick from Haruna again.
"We don't need any excuses. What's so hard to hide an amnesia girl from Jurina? You failed your job means our deal is done."
Airi shocked by what she just heard.
"No.. Please.. My mom will die if she doesn't get her treatment. I don't have anything to pay the bill. I'll do anything in return."
Haruna grabbed Airi's collar. "You failed your job and you still dare to ask us help you? You sure have guts huh?"
She already about to beat her up again but luckily Sae stopped her. "Haruna..."
#sigh "You're lucky this time." Haruna let go Airi then she went out from the room.

Sae turned around facing Airi who was half beated up. "I'm not helping you. I just think she shouldn't waste her energy to kill you. You can go now."
"Please Miyazawa sama.. She is everything for me. I can't live without her."
Sae just looked at Airi quietly. She perfectly knew how it felt to be left by someone special for you.

#sigh "I'll give you another chance."
Airi looked up full of grateful.
"But she mustn't meet Jurina anymore. You must make sure of it. Don't let her regain any memories too. She will go find Jurina surely if that's happen."
"Rena chan mustn't remember her past?"
"Why? You have any problem?"
"Oh no no.. I'll do that." Airi said that but actually she was not sure if she could do it or not. It was true that she wanted her mom to always be with her. But now she also want Rena to remember her past. Living together for almost 3 years would surely make anyone got attach to each other well. At first Airi really didn't care. She just did her job and so her mom wouldn't leave her. But as time passed and she got to know Rena better it was getting harder to see her desperately tried to remember.

"What's wrong? I see hesitant in your face."
"Huh? Oh no i'm okay. I'll make sure she won't meet Jurina."
"This is your last chance. Remember that well. Our deal will end surely once Jurina meet Rena."
"I won't make any mistake again."
"You better don't. Report to me everything. What will you do and what has happened. Got it?"
"Yes Miyazawa sama.."
"You can go now." Sae dismissed Airi.


"Okaeri.. Where have you been? You've already gone when i wake up Airin." Rena walked to the front door to greet her friend.
"I have some things to do.."
"Ah at least leave a note for me so i know where you are."
"Gomen gomen.."

"Ah.." Airi nodded a little when she saw someone was sitting at the living room.
"You must be Furukawa san.. My name is Matsui Jurina.. Thank you so much for taking care of my sister. Nice to meet you." Jurina bowed to greet Airi.
"Oh it's nothing really."
"She tells me a lot of things Airin.. I think i will remember soon if i meet her often." Airi could see a excitement from Rena which made her felt much more guilty.

'I'm so sorry Rena.. It's not like i don't want you to remember your past but... I don't have other choices.'

"Hmm.. I think it's time for me to go home.." Jurina looked at her watch. "I'll come again. Good bye Rena chan.. Furukawa san.." Jurina took her backpack.
"Thank you Matsui san.. Be safe."
"Mou Rena chan.. Like i've told you. Just call me Jurina. We're sister you know." Rena chuckled seeing Jurina pouting.
"Hehehe.. Hmm.. Take care... Jurina."
Jurina nodded satisfied. "Hmm that's better. See you later." Rena walked Jurina out.

"So.. Where have you been Airin?" Rena asked while she walked back in.
"Just meet my job partner. Hmm.. Rena.."
"I get a new job."
"Really? That's good Airin."
"But we must move from here."
"What?! No! I can't go."
"Is it because of Matsui san?"
"..... I can't let go of this chance Airin."
"How can you be so sure she really is your sister? She might be lying.. She even doesn't look like you."
"I want to believe in her." It was true that Rena also couldn't find anything similar between her and Jurina but...
"Let's just stop seeing her nee? You can remember your past in other way, not just hear what she tells you."
"Honestly i don't want to show you this but i have no other choice." Airi took out papers from her bag. "Read this by yourself."
"This is..." Rena read everything carefully not a single word left.
"See? She's an orphan. She lived in an orphanage since she was little. She just have the same last name as you."
"Why they have to lie to me?" Rena couldn't hold her tears anymore. "I feel so stupid. All this time i believed them."
"This is not your fault Rena. You just want to remember your past. Let's forget about them okay? We will find your past at our new home."

'I'm so sorry Rena chan. I don't have other choice.'


Few days later...
"Ne ne senpai.. Here's the list of Specials i found this week." Mayu gave Yuki a piece of paper.
"Woah.. This is quiet a lot right? You're really good at this kind of thing Mayu." Yuki amazed by how well Mayu did her job in finding this many Specials in just a week. She knew how hard to find people with special power which they would try hard to hide for sure.

Ever since Mayu found out about her double personality she thought she must do something to stop all of this. And when she said this to Yuki and Miyuki, Sayaka who was happen with Miyuki that time suggested to find other Specials and grouped with them to fight Sweepers.
It wasn't like Mayu had accepted Sayaka by doing what she suggested but her idea was just seem right to do for now.

"Nah it's not completely all my works. Yuko nee helped me a lot."
"So happy to hear you two finally get in touch again."
"Yeah i'm really happy about it. Beside now we work together so we can meet each other often." Mayu giggled happily.
"Aww you're so cute when you're giggling like that." Yuki pinched Mayu's cheeks.
"Mou senpai.." Mayu pretended to be annoyed to hide her blush but deep down she was completely happy.
"So.. Want to meet the first person on the list today after school finish?"
"Hmm.. Okay i'll wait for you at the school gate then."
"Let's ask Yuko san to go with us." Yuki suggested.
"Will she be able to come with us?"
"Nah i'm sure she will. This is exactly what she's doing the whole time right? So she will be glad to get some help especially from you. I'll ask her later."

"I think it's time for us to go back to class. See you Mayu chan.." Yuki patted Mayu's head then walked away to her class.
"Gah.. Why must she do everything that makes me always blushing like this."

After school finished..
"Milky today i'll go to the first person with Yuki senpai."
"Want me and Sayaka to joint you?"
Mayu looked at Sayaka who's just finished tidying her stuff.
"Nah don't mind me. How about you two go to the other? The faster we find them the better right?"
"Okay then.. I'll go with Sayanee. I see you've let just the two of us together." Miyuki circled her hand around Sayaka's shoulder.
"It's not like i've already approved her completely. It's just you seem happy to be around her. Don't do anything stupid or you will regret it for the rest of your life." Mayu threaten.
Sayaka just smiled calmly. "I won't."
"Okay then. I'll go first. Bye.."
"Let's get some ice cream before the searching?" Miyuki suggested.

Outside the school gate..
"Yo Mayuyu." Someone called Mayu when she waited for Yuki.
"Nee chan.. You really come." Mayu hugged Yuko.
"Of course. I must protect my little sister."
"Awww so sweet.. You're as cheesy as usual."
"You better learn from me so you can use it for Yuki and grab her heart." Yuko teased her sister.
"Mou.. What are you talking about?? I don't like her or anything. She's just a senpai." Mayu averted her gaze from Yuko.
"Ah Yuki chan!!" Instantly Mayu looked back to greet her favorite senpai.
"Gotcha! See? You're reacting just by hearing her name. Love is sooo sweet.." Yuko kept teasing Mayu.
"Mouu.. Nee chan..." Mayu complained which didn't heard by Yuko.

"What are you two talking about?" Suddenly Yuki who was just arrived startled the two of them.
"Se-senpai.. You startled us."
"Hahaha.. Gomen gomen. You two seemed really enjoy talking with each other."
"You just arrived?" Mayu asked in case she had come earlier and heard her conversation with Yuko.
"Un.. Sorry for the wait.. Hey Yuko san.. Long time no see.." Yuki bowed her head.
"You greet your will be sister in law this late? Ckckck i can't believe it." Yuko pretended to disappoint.
"Nee chan!!" Mayu complained while blushing as red as Yuki was.
"Ehmm.. G-go now??" Yuki asked to change the topic.
"Sure." Yuko observed the two of them while enjoying the sight in front of her.
'You two really need a push to have some progress. Time for me to do my duty as an older sister.'

"So... This is the first person?" Yuki asked when she saw a really horrible house.
"Yes.. I'm sure we're not wrong." Mayu checked her data again.
"Tano Yuka, 15 years old, living just with her father, can make her body penetrable." Yuko added.
This house looked like will be collapse anytime soon. How could someone live there?
"You stupid daughter!! You won't be able to run away this time!"
"Aahhh!!! Let me go!"
The three of them could heard a loud yell and crash from the house.
"What the hell?!! You're not human! What the hell are you!?" The man who was supposed to be the father yelled.
Not long after a petite girl got out or ehmm... Went pass through the door to be exact. She was crying and accidentally bumped Yuko and fell.
"Wh-who are you? What d-do you n-need?" The girl, Yuka, asked in the middle of her crying.
"We're here to help you. We know you're special and we need you." Mayu told the younger girl.
Yuka scared when Mayu said they knew her ability and so she would be an experiment. She wanted to run into her house but her evil father was waiting to beat her up too.
'What must i do??'

"Excuse me.. Who are you guys?" Suddenly a voice came from behind the three Specials. She didn't see Yuka who was still sat on the ground.
"Tomu!!!" Yuka stood up and ran toward the Tomu girl.
"Who are you?" She already knew Yuka's evil dad must had abused Yuka again but what she wanted to know was who were the three girl in front of her.
"They said they know my ability and they need me." Yuka said made Tomu being alert and pushed Yuka behind her more.
"Calm down we won't harming you guys." Yuki reassured.
"Can we talk in other place? I don't want to face the loud man inside that house." Yuko pointed at her back which was Yuka's house.

The five of them finally settled in a cafe nearby. Yuka and Tomu sat on the opposite side with Mayu, Yuki and Yuko. After they got their own drinks Tomu start to ask.
"So what do you mean by knowing Yuka's ability?"
"First let us introduce ourself." Yuki said. "My name is Kashiwagi Yuki, like this girl i have a special power, my wound will heal fast by itself. This is Watanabe Mayu, mind-reader and Oshima Yuko, time-controller."
"Okay... I'm Muto Tomu, no any special power and i think you guys have known Yuka. Back to the topic. What is going on now?" Tomu asked.
"This will be a long story... You better prepared yourself to hear this." Yuko sipped her tea.


"And so we are collecting as many Specials as we can and train them to control their power."
All the time Tomu just kept silent listening to Yuko's explaination.
"I never thought there are other people who got power like me. I thought i'm the only freak in this world. I'm not the only one who have strange ability Tomu chan." Yuka said happily. "Thanks for letting me know. When will i start?" Yuka asked Yuko.
"I'm sorry but she won't join you guys." Tomu finally opened her mouth. "Let's go Yuka." Tomu put her bill and Yuka's then dragged Yuka out from the cafe.

After quiet far from the cafe they finally stopped.
"What's up Tomu? Why can't i join them? It's my chance to control my power.." Yuka yanked her arm from Tomu's grip.
"Didn't i tell you not to believe strangers too easily? What if they're just lying and they will do experiment on you. We even haven't seen their ability right?"
Yuka's mad slowly turned to a smile mode.
"I never expect you to be this caring toward me." Yuka tried to hug Tomu but she was rejected instantly.
"I'm just telling the truth. Let go of me we're in public. How can you still joking in this kind of situation." Tomu tried hard to push Yuka away from her.
"You're so tsun tsun like usual. But thank you very much for always helping me." Yuka ready to kiss Tomu but then stopped by Tomu's hand. "I let you hug me and now you want to kiss me. No way!" Then Tomu broke out from Yuka hug. "Let's go." Tomu walked away leaving Yuka.
"I'll make sure you won't be a tsun tsun on me anymore Tomu. Hehehe.." Yuka said to herself looking at Tomu's back leaving. "Wait for me!"

Another Specials appear...
Please leave you comments below :) thank you
Title: Re: [eel_96's fanfics] Life is Unfair (REWRITE) [Chapter 13] UPDATE!
Post by: Janix123 on April 22, 2016, 10:03:58 AM
OH GOSH. Can't wait for the next chapter update. KYYAAAAA!!! :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak: Yah really love the plot. Would be nice if theremis more Sayamilky moments but it's fine if you won't.  :hee: :hee: Keep up the good work.  :wriggly: