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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: FAndoM48 on June 19, 2015, 06:14:13 PM

Title: [ NezuCenter ] ( Majisuka Gakuen Fanfiction )
Post by: FAndoM48 on June 19, 2015, 06:14:13 PM
So! I have ditched thoughts about school for now, and decided to spill my fanfic ideas.
One of them was this.
The story revolves around NezuCenter, but I'll insert some other pairing love from time to time.
I'm not really good with long fics, but I decided to give it a try and see where it'd take me.
Anyway, here's the first part of the prologue ( I suck at prologues, sorry ) and I hope you uh... Like it.  :kneelbow:


'Friend' was a word Mayu Watanabe didn't quite understand the concept of.

She knew what it meant of course, being the intelligent girl she was. She just didn't know why people had friends in the first place.

She was never involved in a close relationship with someone. Her mother was dead before she even learned how to speak, and her father was always too busy.

She easily learned how to take care of herself at an early age due to her parents both unavailable, thus, she learned how to be independent, shooing away anyone who tries to approach her, thinking of them as a bother.

Her only company became her books and her trusty iPod, either of which never failed to keep her entertained as she struggled with the thing called 'life'.

Growing up, she came to the point where people of a certain age realize something significant. She realized what her goal in life was.

That goal came to her when she was taking a regular walk with a twist.


It all started when Mayu woke up one morning, feeling disgusted with life as usual.

Declaring the start of another morning for her, she bathed in warm water for an hour and afterwards,  got dressed in a simple t-shirt, shorts, and a pair of sneakers. Her usual getup.

She left her house without saying goodbye to anyone. She lived alone after all.

While walking, she thought of changing her routine a bit and strayed from the usual path she took when strolling.

She popped a piece of flavored gum from her pockets into her mouth as a reward for such a genius idea.

She passed a number of places in which people didn't come to often, so she decided to claim a place of her own to be free alone.

She overheard a few soft groans from somewhere beyond a bunch of bushes she walked past.

"Idiots going at it in public," she guessed, rolling her eyes.

More groans. They were a bit more louder this time, and it was obvious that they came from a girl. Girls, to be more certain.

"Lesbians?" Mayu's face twisted in disgust.

She continued walking in a fast pace, until she heard a loud shriek.


Curiosity flooded the girl's mind, and soon enough, she found herself going through the bushes, peeking slightly.

It was a wide desolate park hidden among the trees, and standing at the center were three people, one of them on the ground. Seemingly unconcious.

"Itano-chan!" one of the girls cried, falling to the unconcious one's side.

A manic giggle escaped from the last one standing.

"This is fun," she grinned, staggering towards the two of them.

"Please, stop," the other pleaded, spreading her arms widely to protect the one laying coldly on the floor.

Another giggle.

With a powerful punch, the crying girl was thrashed sideways, away from the crazy-like one's path.

"Rena!" A voice from nearby shouted, "Your melon bread's getting cold!"

The maniac stopped, merely a few inches away from reaching her prey.

She let out another giggle and turned around, walking towards a hidden Mayu's direction, "See you soon."

Mayu scurried out of the way to avoid being seen.

Her eyes followed the maniac to the other side of the bushes once more, where she joined with another girl that was a couple of inches shorter than her.

She turned her head back to the two girls earlier, only to find them already heading her way.

She casually exited the bushes and walked slowly away.

The bushes rustled and out came the two girls.

Mayu tried not to be noticed, but to her dismay, she was.

"Help..." the girl cried, an arm slinged around her shoulder for balance, the arm belonging to the one whose conciousness was absent.



Title: Re: [ Untitled ] ( Majisuka Gakuen Fanfiction )
Post by: Megumi on June 20, 2015, 10:15:25 AM
This is interesting.
Looking forward to next update.

Title: Re: [ NezuCenter ] ( Majisuka Gakuen Fanfiction )
Post by: sophcaro on June 21, 2015, 07:39:19 PM
I like Majisuka Gakuen fanfics, especially Center/Nezumi's ones. I'll be reading  :)
Title: Re: [ NezuCenter ] ( Majisuka Gakuen Fanfiction )
Post by: FAndoM48 on June 22, 2015, 01:45:11 PM
Mayu turned around.

The two girls were on the ground now, the still-concious one giving in to the other's weight.

She looked up at Mayu, eyes glistening with tears.

Now, the most sane thing a Mayu Watanabe would do was probably to ignore the two and continue walking as if she witnessed nothing. But she did otherwise. It wasn't like she wasn't sane at that moment though. She was merely curious with what exactly happened to them, and that was a reasonable enough explanation for herself to help the two out. And after she's gotten an answer, she would kick them out of her house immediately.

"Can you still carry her?" Mayu asked with an unconcerned tone.

The asked girl wrapped her other arm around the other's waist and gripped the arm around her neck.

"I think so.." she blinked, standing up.

"Follow me."

And with that, they started walking, their distance close from the start, slowly widening.

"I'm Kumi, by the way," the concious girl panted, trying to keep up with Mayu's pace.

"I don't care." Mayu replied coldly.

They reached Mayu's house after what seemed to be an hour despite how close it was to the park they came from due to the number of times Kumi fell while carrying her 'friend'.

When they were finally inside, Mayu sat on a couch in the living room, gesturing Kumi to lay the other girl on the couch across her.

She did so and sat beside her, shifting uncomfortably in front of Mayu.

"Who was that girl who looked like she got out of an asylum?" Mayu asked, finally able to take care of her curiosity.

"That was Rena Matsui-san. Tomomi-chan's..." she points to the girl beside her, " friend."

Mayu raised an eyebrow. "Best friend?" she asks, as if the term was completely new to her.

Kumi nodded.

"They... They got into a fight."

Mayu leaned in closer to listen closely, her curiosity growing.

"It was because of me. Tomomi-chan was supposed to join some club with Rena-san. She wanted me to come with her, but they didn't allow me to join. They said I was too weak. Then Tomo-chan got angry at them for not letting me in, and..." Kumi's head gloomily drooped downwards, "...that happened."

Mayu popped another piece of gum into her mouth.

"What is this club you're talking about?"

"Wind Instruments Club," said a wheezy voice.

Both their heads turned to the one who was just unconcious a while ago.

"Majisuka Highschool's crown jewel. The Wind Instruments Club."

"Tomo-chan!" Kumi assisted in helping her sit up.

Mayu couldn't help but smile in pity with what she heard.

"A Wind Instruments Club? That's it?"

"Not just a Wind Instruments Club. It's the top yankee gang in Japan. Rappapa," said Tomomi weakly.

"And you're in it?" Mayu laughed, "Doesn't sound so special to me."

Tomomi glared at her.

"Oh, believe me. It is. The top of Majisuka gets to look down on such a wondrous scenery. Much better than the crap we see around here."

And so, Mayu was silenced.

And after a few seconds, a smile returned on her face.

"Interesting," she mumbled.

"Let's go, Kumi," Tomomi nudged her.

"A-Already?" the girl asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded.

"Exit's that way," Mayu pointed to the left, watching annoyedly as she watched the two scramble to their feet and out of the house, hearing a loud 'thank you' from Kumi before the main door was shut.

Mayu was left to ponder alone in the living room.


How she always loved being.

"Majisuka Highschool..."

She grinned to herself.

Finally, something else will keep her entertained.


That was the second and last part of the prologue.
Thanks to anyone who read it, and waited for the update.  :kneelbow:
Chapter 1 will be up tomorrow, I think.
Thanks for reading, again.  :shy1: