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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: akbdaisuki48 on May 31, 2016, 02:24:32 PM

Title: Unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) - COMPLETED
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on May 31, 2016, 02:24:32 PM

so i was shipping happily when i stumble into this beautiful FMV by @kwangJESS

and after a several chat ... i think ill try to write a fiction from it  :nervous < thank you for let me write for this FMV @kwangjess
it'll be my first dark fic, and um... its really makes me nervous
working on it now, it'll be three shoot long and ill post it within this week

i don't know if anyone likes dark fic in this forum, but since this would be my first attempt on dark fic, really open for suggestion

thank you


Description :

48 G is a world scale organization, An Assasination world scale organization. Their agents are abducted from their parents since a very early age, to be train, to be evoke, to be remade, as anything but a human, a cold blooded assasin.

No name is their first rule, only rank to identify their agent. Ju (ten) is no exception, despite being the organization number one prodigy, "Ju" is the only thing she deserve as a name. then, one day, Yokoyama Yui, the 48G general manager, assigned Ju whose one of their best agent to observe and dispose mission, to a sweet, ordinary High school student, Miyawaki sakura. a Mission far Too ordinary  for assasin as high level as Ju...or so she tough.



Ju / Matsui Jurina : Reach rank 10 while she was just 12 years old in the world biggest assasin organization, 48 G, she is entitled as a prodigy, while excelent at dozen of martial arts and weaponary, with her stunning look, and deangerous alluring aura, Seducing always been Ju specialization.


Miyawaki Sakura : a sweet normal high school student. quiet, polite, smart, anything a parent could ask for a high school it

Yukoyama Yui (Yuihan) : 48 G general manager. trained directly by 48G founder, Takahashi Minami,  no one ever defeat her at close range combat..or at working hard
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: genkingblack on May 31, 2016, 02:42:08 PM
There you go!  :onioncheer:
In the end you can insert the video :bingo:

Good luck for fic~  Asobina Asobina~   :kekeke: :kekeke:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: Ruka Kikuchi on May 31, 2016, 03:57:30 PM
Can't wait! >w<
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: Weird Panda on May 31, 2016, 03:59:45 PM
Some fanfic has such a nice epilogue, but it doesn't meet my expectation until I read the first chapter. But truth be told, as sakura and Mayu horror movie is about to release so you're planning to make a dark theme fanfic is not a bad idea after all. You got the right timing. The thrill is there. I'm looking forward to it!  :peace: 'n :heart:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: hackata48 on May 31, 2016, 05:27:24 PM
I once made Jurina slice her own head off and killled Acchan infront of Takamina.

And everyone loved it!

Go for it!
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on May 31, 2016, 10:54:34 PM
i am! thank you for tell me how

and ill take on your advice yesterday tama-san

asobina~ asobina~ :grin: :grin:

  lol, actually ... i find this kinda fun too . thank you 

@weird panda

thats actually why this is make me nervous  :nervous :nervous
but ill see what i can do with this . yoroshiku onegaisimasu


well...actually... when i first saw this, i seriously thinking that this would be a perfect job for you hackata san

and thank you, ill go for it   :mon beam:

Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: Genkikid on June 01, 2016, 05:54:14 AM
Watched the FMV and now getting excited for the first chapter
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_dark) epilogue
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 02, 2016, 01:40:42 PM
@genki kid
thank You! and good luck on your exam  :onioncheer: :on study:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 02, 2016, 01:43:41 PM
based on FMV by KwangJESS

WARNING : the three chapter will contains Violence and mature scenes...a bit.... i try my best to keep it at JPHIP boundary but... well... warning



--- - ------ ---- ---- -----

its summer, but  clouds oddly cloaking the blue sky, the dark window in that empty school corridor bends the weak morning light  to a thicker color.. ... almost red.... almost makes the corridor looks like it was bathed in blood

a certain girl, wearing high school uniform, walk steadily  along the reddened corridor. the girl stop her step in front of a  class room, and as her eyes met the teacher inside, the teacher smiles brightly to her

"ah you finally here!" said the teacher "okay class, today we have a new transferred student, matsui san... please come in"

and as the one mentioned entered the class room, every single eyes are drawn to her existence immediately. her silky straight black hair that waving beautifully as she walks, her dazzling smiles, and mostly, by the sharp confident looks  in her eyes

" matsui Jurina, nice to meet you all " she bow politely

the gracefulness in the way she moves makes the sensei minds went blank for a while, it takes a couple of seconds delay before the sensei could regain her sense back"erhm!!  uh...o-okay... Matsui -san, you can sit...hmm.. ah there.. beside Miyawaki"

Jurina then smile to her sensei that obviously blushed to her, and walk straight to her designated seat, ignores all the gaze and little squick her class mates gives for every single moves she does

as she sit down, the sweet girl beside her nod her head politely to her

"hi, i am sakura miyawaki, nice to meet you" the girl said, smiling sweetly

"im Jurina matsui, nice to meet you"

i am Jurina matsui...or so it seems this time... no our first rule


they don't usually talk, they are born as a human in flesh, with a red blood just like yours and mine, running on their cold vein, no name is their first rule, but they never need one...they never deserve one

stolen from their parents from before they could even remember, to be  rising up by teared them up, torn apart, mutilated their humanity into pieces... make them grow as  a being that everything but human

an Assassin

no name ... is their first rule...

a name is useless, their existence are pure only to erase another existence as they are commanded to do. they can pretend laugh, but never understand happiness, they can cry in a blink, but never known what is sadness, they never  been thought what is anger, or madness, or... love

no name is their first rule, only a code given by their organization; the oldest and the biggest assassins organization in the world, 48G

her code is ten,  Jyuu.. ju, as ten is her rank in  48G.

48G only taken the best seed from the best genes out there

oh... but the organization never doubt they pay a right price abducting Ju  from her   five star general father, she  grown up  as one of the greatest  assassins the 48G has ever seen, she was only 12, when she succeed the number 10

------ --- ---

"a mission for you" said the one that sit behind the giant desk on that dark oval room, Yuihan, the general manager of 48G. Ju take a look at the documents yuihan handed, the documents for her mission detail

"undercover mission?"

"yes, infiltrate the target school, report the target activity for a month, then dispose the target "

Ju scanning the documents in her hand, and her eyes glued to the pictures of a sweet looking girl on it

"miyawaki sakura, 18 years old, high school student" Jurina raise her eyebrow to Yuihan "she seems too sweet and young to be targeted by our organization"

"...and is it bothering you Ju?" said yuihan slowly, but her eyes feels piercing

Ju return the sharpness of Yuihan gaze back at her, and calmly answered with a sweet yet deathly smile "have i ever being bothered ?"

yuihan smiles back to Ju

"good... you would be Jurina matsui and would be transferred to her school start tomorrow , blend in....enjoy school lives that you never had before...return in a month with all the information you gathered...  clean up the it clear?"

"done" said Ju while winked playfully to Yuihan, her attitudes always get into yuihan nerves, but Yuihan always restrain herself, reminding herself the girl is one of the best assassin they had

Ju walk out the room, with the documents in her hands, her eyes goes to the girl once again. why would the organization targeting such a girl?

"oh.. and Ju"  Ju stop her step and turn around to meet the general manager serious eyes

"she might not as sweet as she careful"


"J-jurina san...someone might come and see us"

"then let them be" said  Jurina, her lips once again pressed on the other girl lips, her hands  busy roaming in the girl white tights, send the poor girl a shiver with every single touch

"ahhhhhh" the girl helplessly squick when Jurina's hand became  more daring under her skirt

"hmm...kojima me more about our class...that girl beside me she troubling you?" whispered Jurina from above kojiharu sensei lips, teasing it with her hot breath

"s-sakura? is ...ahh...a smart and sweet student...a bit quite...but everyone loves hERRR ahhhhh !!!" kojima sensei withered under Jurina's hand, and fall to the floor in that empty class room

tsk ... nothing again?

its been a week since her mission begun, and ever since Jurina has been collecting data from everyone around her, black mailing them, manipulating them, and mostly by using her speciality; seducing  them. but even after all of it, Jurina founds nothing, sakura is just a normal girl, a sweet diligent high school girl if anything, the one that every parents wish they daughter would be

her grades are excellent, she is kind and friendly to anyone, she is a member of melon pan alliance club (whatever is that club doing, its doesn't seems dangerous at all) , she never date anyone, even thou she is obviously one of the most popular student in the school

Jurina face darkened, not just that she need something to be reported to 48 G, but mostly because this far, she don't have a clue what kind of data her organization expected her to get from such sweet innocent high school girl

Jurina gritted her teeth, finally come to a conclusion,she have to close her distant with the target herself, to unravel sakura herself


Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: Genkikid on June 02, 2016, 02:07:02 PM
What secret the "sweet normal" highschool student Miyawaki Sakura is keeping...
That Jurina and Nyan sensei scene is something
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: hackata48 on June 02, 2016, 03:34:30 PM
Let me guess....

Sakura is one of them Crow's Blood Super Zombie Soldiers or something.....and she doesn't know it
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: Weird Panda on June 02, 2016, 05:04:07 PM
You didn't ruin it. You're doing good! Still waiting for the tension to raise up... :on gay:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 03, 2016, 01:33:02 PM
@genki kid
 i thought you were on exam!

but well... refresh a bit won't hurt ... maybe  :lol:

the choice is between torturing and seducing... and well.. ju end up seducing kojiharu senpai :roll:
I'm afraid the next chapter also would be a bit pg.13 (so again...erm...warning...) 

idk how to commenting this, either say yes or no would be spoilers alert :nervous

but well
i plan to post the next two chapter in within a week, since i originally owe this fic for a request

and if you still feel like reading until then hackata48 san... lets see  ;D ;D

@weird panda
you got me :nervous

still two chapter to go ...
but thank you very much  :hee:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: Ruka Kikuchi on June 03, 2016, 01:51:28 PM
OMG Jurina is an assassin!

Now she is trying to learn about Sakura.

I wonder what her secret could be.... I wonder...

Ahh Jurina being seductive~ >/////<

So good! Update soon!
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: Genkikid on June 03, 2016, 01:57:46 PM
I WAS on exam. My exams end at 4. And i read the chapter when I'm already at the dorm. :P
It does refresh my mind. And help me getting the formaldehyde I inhaled out of my system. :on drink:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 04, 2016, 01:34:27 PM
@genki kid
enjoy your post exam days~  :on roll:

@ruka kikuchi

glad you don't hate it, thank you, i will  :grin:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: Genkikid on June 04, 2016, 05:15:04 PM
Post exam days... The good thing is I have a week off from univ :on roll: The not so good thing is I will have another exams starting on 13 :on study:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) first part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 05, 2016, 01:13:27 AM
@genki kid
uwah..another exam  :catglare:

my professor once told me, test came and go but once you became mad, you stay forever mad LOL

enjoy the week off, and good luck on the next exam, stay sane  XD
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) second part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 05, 2016, 01:19:29 AM

again ...WARNING : THE THREE CHAPTER MAY CONTAIN VIOLENCE AND MATURE SCENES (really try to make it inside JPhip borderline but...yeah..warning)

--- - - ----------

The  bell rang, marked the school has over for the day,  as usual, sakura smile sweetly to Jurina, before takes her bag and leave the class room

Jurina thought it was wise to keep her distant, and  it was wrong...

"Miyawaki sakura san... " said jurina, halting the other girl from leaving " do you mind staying for a while? i like to talk to you"

a slight confuse shown on sakura face, but still , she lightly nodded. "yes sure, what is it Matsui san?"

" do you mind to wait until the class empty?"

the previous slight confuse on sakura face drawn clearer, but she doesn't seems to mind it neither,  she just slowly nod and sit back on her seat

only takes few minutes later. the class now only consist of sakura and Jurina

"so...what is it Matsui san?" sakura turn from her seat to face Jurina, and her heart skip a beat as she found Jurina sharp eyes all over herself, sakura almost could feel Jurina gaze piercing throughout her body like an object

a gaze so powerful, locked not only her eyes but her whole body, sakura is immobilize, she could only stare dimlisely, when Jurina and her wicked smirking lips ... hovering slowly to her ... closer.... and closer

Sakura aware with what would happen next, but her whole body just stunned, so when Jurina hot lips finally landed on her awaiting lips ... sakura could only helplessly jolting from the strumming sensation

Jurina eyes watch in silence, when her kiss makes sakura eyes slowly closed, and drawn an expression she was intend to hunt from that young girl face

after a kiss that feels forever to sakura, Jurina finally pulled herself, still locking her eyes with sakura eyes, still same dark smirk on her face

"sakura, i like you...going out with me"

its not a question, nor a request . it is more like an order, and it just meant to be fulfilled. with a blank expression, sakura find herself slowly nodded

the smirk on Jurina face grow into a menacing grin, and once again, she goes to sakura pink lips, only this time, kissing biting it with all the passion her heartless heart could fake

Jurina don't feel like wasting more time, she start unbuttoning their school uniform bit by bit, while keeping the other girl under her charm. to devour Sakura completely, right there, right away, on that hollow class room, make sakura completely hers

in the middle of their burning session, hovering over the gasping girl beneath her,  yuihan words hammering back to Jurina's head

'she might not as sweet as she looks like... be careful'

-- - --- ------- ---- ----    -------------

days passed...only to make Jurina more puzzled

ever since that day in the class room, the two are inseparable. Sakura would make a bento for Jurina, and they would eat their lunch together on the roof top, while share a sweet kiss once or twice. moreover, their togetherness has somehow became the school hot topic, the gorgeous transferred student and the school princess,  can't be helped if the students always tried snapping their picture whenever they together, Jurina even find some students make a SMUT fanfic of hers and sakura. (Jurina read it later, and give it to sakura for her amusement... make sakura blushed like crazy)

but still...Jurina finds nothing ...

she contacted 48g, asking more detail for the data they request, and their answered only sprung more questions in Jurina's head 'if you don't find anything in a month,'s all the data we need'

her curiosity consuming her, she need to get closer...

"sakura..." Jurina called when they enjoy their lunch break together as usual


"can i stay over at your place tonight?"


sakura lives alone. that night, Jurina take a peek at sleeping sakura beside  her, tossed their under garment that shattered on the bed from their previous activity, and  wear only her white shirt back, before soundlessly, step out of the bed, and start roaming in the house.

she check every corner, every edge and every rim, only to find nothing. Jurina could not be more irritated

she is ready to go back to Sakura's room, when her super sensitive ear hear a rustle in the wind, Jurina immediately turn her body around in a rapid move

there, behind her, in the middle of the dark, she find sakura looking at her. a big silver knife...flashing in her hand

"...jurina...what are you doing?"

driven by her killer instinct, Jurina hand quickly find a sharp edged trophy nearby,  but before she could throw it to sakura, her trained eyes catch something else in sakura's other hands

a red



... apple...


sakura then gently peeled the apple in her hands with the knife

"i feel like eat some apple, a bit hungry after....what we did" sakura said while blushed a bit "are you wake up because you hungry too Jurina?  you want some apple?"

Jurina let out a sigh, cursing herself for almost make some stupid mistake

"i rather eat you" said Jurina, she then take the apple and the kitchen knife from sakura's hand, sweep her feet, and carry her back to her room. this time, she'll make sure the girl won't wake up even if the house burnt with fire.

-- - - --- ---

weeks has passed...

jurina came back and spend more nights at sakura house, so often, that she had her own toothbrush in the bathroom ... still...wherever she just... a normal house

keeping her eyes close to sakura, demand to find any open crack , Jurina don't know since when, her brains start accumulating data that don't have anything to do with her mission

that sakura touches are warm and kind, that her hands are small and soft, and she like to tangled it with Jurina firm hands, that she always slightly shivering every time they kiss, that she would sometimes muttered in her sleep, that she'll pouting like a puffer fish if she angry

and that whenever she found sakura eyes looking at her when they together, Jurina could find nothing else, than a genuine ...happiness... the kind of happiness, a dark being like her, never experienced before...

Jurina still don't know it, but something has growing slowly  inside of her, something that Jurina never know she could ever have


"ehm..ah..yes?" Jurina snaped back from her tough and find sakura looking at her with concern

"you okay? you look kinda lost"

"sure, hem..what did you said again ?"

"....tomorrow is a weekend ... so...if you are not busy...can we...have a date?" said sakura while shifting her eyes away, slightly fidgeting. Jurina walk her home that day, as she always do, and they had arrive in front of sakura house

"sure, whatever you want princess"

"really?! thanks Jurina!!" a really bright smile bloom on sakura face, and she jumped a bit

Jurina looking at the girl beside her, looks really happy by a simple thing like that, and something lighten up inside of the darkness deep inside Jurina soul. she doesn't realize it...but her own lips has formed an unfamiliar curve

not  wicked..not dark..nor fabricated

a fair smile

Sakura has make Jurina smile, for the very first time in her life

but as fast as that smiles comes, that fast too its faded,  Jurina realize something wrong with sakura, sakura -who notice Jurina gaze- slowly  wiped her nose, she then looking at her hands... smeared with blood

"sakura!!!!??" Jurina put her handkerchief right away to stop sakura nose bleeding

"i am okay...i..i always had nose bleed when i got too excited "

"lets get in! " Jurina takes sakura into her house, sit her in the couch and apply an ice pack to her bleeding nose

"I'm okay really... "

"ill buy you some medicine okay, ill be back in a while" and Jurina dashed outside, she remember theres a pharmacy nearby.  while being confuse with her own action; why she felt so rushed, so disturbed, and so uncomfortable looking at sakura not being well, Jurina take out her wallet from her bag to pay the medicine, and her handkerchief fall from there

Jurina slowly pick her handkerchief from the floor, sakura's blood is there

Jurina bathed on  blood many times before, she could  taste it inside of her mouth every time she close her eyes, smell it every time the wind blows

yet, Jurina never see a blood as black as that ever before

-- ---- - ----- --

"Jurina...this crapes taste really good!"

"really?" Jurina leaning towards sakura, and take a bite of her crapes " is good!"

"geez, jurina..the cream is all over your mouth " sakura reach out  her bag to take a handkerchief, but Jurina stopping her hands, and trail butterfly kisses trough out sakura face with her creamy lips


"hahahha..sorry sorry" Jurina then clean the mess she make, lightly licking and sucking the cream from sakura face with little kisses . on her cheek...on her chin, and when she finally reach sakura lips ... their kiss just inevitable ... a long wet sloppy kiss

a cherry on top of their date that day.... their first...and last date


after make sure sakura nose has stop bleeding, jurina spent the night on sakura house, convince herself she just want to cover more data, blinded her mind from the fact that she is over reacting.  find herself restless, and sleepless. jurina sit beside sakura all night long, watching over her.

just before the morning sun rise, Jurina phones release a weak buzz

Jurina gritted her teeth, knowing from who it is.  she look at sakura sleeping face, before taking her phone and read the text from unidentified number there

"end mission today. dispose target"

Jurina would not realize that she is biting her own lips so hard, if her own blood do not dripping from her chin and spattered on her phone screen

...its time...

sakura wake up that morning find Jurina sitting next to her,  greet her  with a dazzling smile

"hmm...jurina? are you awake all night?" said sakura, looks still sleepy...yet clearly concerned

but Jurina only smiles to her "so...where do you wanna go for our date?"

Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) second part
Post by: Weird Panda on June 05, 2016, 01:59:24 AM
Mission abort, Jurina! MISSION ABORT!! Why you still hanging around with her.
 *Whisper* Btw author-san, do you post the full version on your blog? :kickass: :angry:
Just kidding  :lol: thank you for the fast update
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) second part
Post by: Genkikid on June 05, 2016, 11:26:33 AM
The last day!! Sakura's a hentai?!
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) second part
Post by: Ruka Kikuchi on June 05, 2016, 03:03:40 PM
Jurina!!! What are you going to do?! >___<
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) second part
Post by: hackata48 on June 05, 2016, 06:40:00 PM
Is Sakura a Xeno?
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) second part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 06, 2016, 01:41:02 PM
@weird panda
 psst *whisper back*  :lol:

since its dark i guess it has to be at least this far, but it would'nt go further than this   :oops:

@genki kid

sakura is helpless in front of  don Jurina  :wub: who wouldn't ... its Jurina (the last comment are totally biased by oshimen preferences)

@hackata 48

a xeno... hmm i wonder .. is she?  :grin:

@hackata48 and @ rukakikuchi , i would try to post the last part in a few days ... if you happen to feel like read would be there... maybe ...  :nervous

thank you for reading
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) last part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 09, 2016, 01:28:51 AM

and again..for the last time WARNING : contains violence and mature scenes 

-- -- - - -- - -

its a nice sunny day, sakura and Jurina strolling in the park, have a tasty lunch,  watch a good movie, and eating sweet crapes all their way back . laughing happily, teasing each other, having a date ... a really nice date

its already dark when their reach sakura house front door

" ju...will you stay tonight?" sakura asked

Jurina smiles to sakura, pushed her to go inside the dark house, and as they in,  Jurina close the door behind them and pinned sakura to the door, Jurina face only inches from sakura, she could feel Jurina's breath steamed in her cheek


" hm?"

"Jurina....i love you"

and Jurina kiss the girl...hard ... with her hands ...stabbing sakura

Jurina could feel sakura screaming inside her mouth, but she keep muffled her with her kiss, and stabbing her again...and again ..and again

and again

and again


again...even long after sakura's body fall in her arm, still as a wood , Jurina keep stabbing her... again... and again

she can pretend laugh, but never understand happiness, she can cry in a blink, but never known what sadness is, she never been thought what is anger, or madness ... or love...never ...until that day, until that day.

when she stopped by the glisten of sakura's blood in her hands...finally... finally the assassin understand...

that she have falling in love with sakura

"...Sakura..." Jurina try to move sakura's still arm "" she called, answered by the silence

Jurina.... i love you

and Jurina laughing ... a frantic laugh.  ....with the saddest tears, keep falling from her eyes, screaming in her laugh, howling like a wounded beast.

'Mission clear'





Jurina  waking up in a grassy park the next morning, she roamed aimlessly last night and end up fall asleep there.

her phone keep annoyingly buzzing, she take that dammed thing out her pocket. countless missed call reported on the screen

"hello?" she picked it up

"Jurina! finally!"

"yuihan...whats up?"

"you sure you finish the target"

" sure"

"just like the plan? in her house?"

"in her house" Jurina dragging her tone, really don't feel like talking

"we sent clean up team right after we receive your text, but.... "


"we lost contact with the cleaning team...and...not one of them ever came back "

"what?...thats... impossible..."

" sure you killed her?"

Jurina put down her phone, and run to Sakura house

---- - -- - - - - - - --

Jurina reach sakura house, catching her breath , and convincing herself of being delusional . she stroke her eyes, once... then twice .. then thrice ...

as she could see sakura in front of her eyes, wearing her school uniform, smiling  to her

"morning ju! why you still not ready?? you gonna be late for school"

Jurina could not answered, she cannot even move her single muscle

"you left one of your uniform in my house, lets change silly! kojiharu sensei are scary when she is angry"

jurina let herself dragged by sakura. they go to school, eat bento together as they always do. Jurina keep lost in her thought, and sakura making fun of her face that looks kinda stupid

the day end fast, and Jurina walk sakura to home.... just like she always do

what is this...

am I ...  dreaming?

in the middle of their way, rain suddenly start pouring

"lets takes cover Jurina" Sakura says, they  running to a parking building nearby, keep themselves from the rain, stand side by side on the rear of the building.

Jurina realize that sakura shoulder are a bit exposed to the rain

"sakura, lean over here" Jurina pulled sakura waist to make the girl closer to her

and when Jurina take her hand back, she realize it has slicken from something that is not a rain....  blood as tar... smeared all over her hand

Jurina take a slow glance at sakura, found  blood seeping from her school uniform


sakura only stay silence


"...i am sakura" the girl slowly turn her head to Jurina,  and Jurina spines chilled right away

"i am sakura...or seems it be..." she smile, but its not sakura sweet smile Jurina ever know, its the most disturbing smile Jurina ever seen

"we never have a name aren't we...its our first rule"

with the words, Jurina instinct takes over her body right away, she slashing sakura with her hidden knife , only to slash the air, Jurina tried again, her hands as fast as  lighting, but sakura even faster, their fight didn't last long, one of sakura kick send Jurina flying to inside the empty parking building.

two or three of Ju ribs broken from the inhumanly strong kick. sense danger , Jurina tried as hard as she can to stand up, but failed. sakura stop  in front of a car she passed, her eyes catch something in there,  Jurina watch in horror when sakura easily shattered the car window with one hand, and grab an iron bat from inside the car

dragging the iron bat, sakura strolling closer

" are not sakura... sakura died yesterday...i..i kill sakura!! who are you!!" Jurina scream to sakura who now straddled above her

"i am sakura you know... but sakura you know are not me" an odd smirk grow on sakura face

"w-what do you mean??"

sakura chuckled a bit, before slowly hissed "sakura you know is my alter ego. after  escaped from that dammed 48g, i went on endless rampaging, cant help it, its the only way i know to having fun *chuckle* ripped off some limbs... breaking some bones... until one day, my unconsciousness  aware that if I keep like that... i would die.

"Thus... sakura born, she takes over our 'normal' life ever since. sakura aware I'm exist inside of her, she notice me as...what it was again? ah...her cute!  but she don't have my memories, nor my brokenness ... she is the boring human me  "

She think I'm some short of her guardian, whispering guidance from inside her, so cute!

"while I... one of your worst of our kind! fruits of their lunatic human experience ! they modified my cells ... to the point I'm no longer human... not even an assassin ... a creature far more dammed, tainted deeper than anything "

but i am not! she is my alter ego, the human me! while I...I  am the worst of our kind

she getting closer and closer "they think i would never awake again aren't they? only send one assassin to kill me "

the way she spoke just getting rougher... but Jurina sure that she did not misheard the last sentence

"i am... zero"

and with the iron bat, zero began to banged Jurina haphazardly

"i know who you are since the very first! you smells like bloods! you filthy creature!! "

each swing feels like one ton pillar falling to Jurina body, Jurina tried to block it with her hands and feet

"and sakura was such a sweet girl...always listening to me....until you shown up you dammed assassins!"

her bats keep slashing Jurina

"i tried to warn sakura ! but I've been locked in the dark !   all I could is spoke in her dream, makes her mumble in her sleep, that stupid girl...she kept shut me out! "

the last swing send Jurina limbs to numb, now she is completely open.

" that night she let her guard down,  finally i could seep a bit in her mind while she awake, and guess what...we caught you sneaking like a little mice! i keep whispered her to stab you! we already hold a knife, so why not ?? i keep tried take over, but that idiot sakura shut me out again! "

smirking, Zero beating Ju body even with more ferocity than before

"that stupid girl, do you know she really loves you!?"

Zero keep rained Ju's body with iron bat

she loves you!!  HAHAHA !! since the first time she look at you when you entered the class! even after i told her you are going to kill us!!  filthy assassin !! that stupid girl! she really do love you!! hahahaha!"

"and she locked me ever since that very first day we saw you, when i told her to kill you or killed by you!!"

Jurina limbs are broken, her face smeared with bloods, but its not her body that hurt the most... its ....her heart... crushed even more than her body

zero keep beating, Jurina start losing her focus, she could feel it... that she would die there

in the brief of her consciousness that fading fast, an odd coincidence let her eyes met zero eyes, and deep there, Jurina find it; the warm eyes...the warm eyes she love

from the puddle of blood inside her mouth, jurina coughing broken  words, choked  with  her own  blood. words she really meant to say, even if she had to die saying it



and with all the strength she had, with her torn bleeding lips, she smile...a real smile sakura once thought her....ready to take the final blow

 but that one last hit  Jurina sure would finish her off are not coming, Jurina take a glance, to find Zero halted her bats in the air..

Jurina eyes widen, as she found there, in zero wicked face, the eyes she knew, slowly back to her once again ... sakura eyes

Jurina reach out her bleeding arm reach sakura

thats when she witness dozen of bullets flying through out sakura body

and blending with  stream of bloods on  her face, tears start bursting from Jurina eyes

No!!! NO!!!!!! SAKURA!!!!

sakura body that full of holes fall onto Jurina, Jurina try to wrap her arm to sakura body, but before her broken arm could do that, someone pulled sakura from her

"ju! you okay??" Jurina could hear yuihan voice and  sounds of a lot foot steps

"take her!! take her!! shoot her brain!!" she could hear someone southing, and sound of guns firing like a rain following up

sakura!!! SAKURA !!!!!!!!!!

thats the last thing Jurina could remember, before she lost her consciousness


they are born as a human in flesh, with a red blood just like yours and mine, running on their cold vein . no name is their first rule. but they never need one, they never deserve one

they can pretend laugh, but never understand happiness, they can cry in a blink, but never known what is sadness, they never been thought what is anger,or madness, or love

but even in the darkest soul , in the most tainted existence, love could find their way to ones heart

Its been a long time since Jurina surpassed rank 10, but she keep Jurina as her name, because its a name that the only thing she ever love known her for

"one, the general manager calling you"

"and how many times should i tell you" the one being called turn around from her seat to look at the youngster in front of her

"i have a name, its Jurina"

Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) last part
Post by: Ruka Kikuchi on June 09, 2016, 01:49:22 AM

I did NOT see that coming!

That was amazing!
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) last part
Post by: Genkikid on June 09, 2016, 03:54:08 AM
🎶We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place🎶 (We found love-Rihanna)
That last scene just make me want to sing this song :on speedy:

The group know all this time what "creature" Sakura is!!! :on yellcard: :on yellcard: :on redcard:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) last part
Post by: Weird Panda on June 09, 2016, 05:02:03 AM
Why do u do dis to them :mon waterworks: it's such a great fanfic but... why do u do dis to me :mon cry: hue huee
Thank you for making such a sweet yet nerve-racking fanfic :mon angel:
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) last part
Post by: hackata48 on June 09, 2016, 07:02:54 AM
Sakura is a vile Abhuman! She must be purged!

(I am a Sakura Oshi and I am both mad and Happy)
Title: Re: unravel (jurisaku_3S_dark) last part
Post by: akbdaisuki48 on June 10, 2016, 02:22:37 PM
its done, thank you for read it till the end :grin:


don't worry, they distinguish sakuraZero body with blue fire afterwards, we are safe

i am sakura oshi..and now I'm going back to some fluffy to clean my head

@genki kid

now that song glued in my head too  :catglare: 

they are..but because when they found her zero has turned to sakura, they need ju to investigate her first before...before .... erm...yeah   :sweatdrop:

@weird panda
in the end Jurina gave sakura her hearth, and sakura give Jurina a name

isnt it... somewhat happy  :oops:

thank you for read :)