JPHiP Forum

The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Library => Topic started by: DO Me DO Me on September 05, 2006, 12:45:17 AM

Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol (complete)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 05, 2006, 12:45:17 AM
Writer's Note: some of you might've recognize this story from another forum, yup that's me. My stories have been known to be very emotionally charged with lots of twists and surprises.

This story takes place around Aya's FRIDAY incident and the months after. If you haven't guessed already it's a GAM fic. :lol: This was the very first fic I wrote but it took me a year and 2 months to finish it (finally finished it last month) with at least 2 other fics finished before it. As a result my writing has changed a bit since I began writing it but I'm very happy to finally finish it. There's 17 parts but they're quite long so take your time. Enjoy. :)

enough about me, on with the story...


Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (
Part 6 (
Part 7 (
Part 8 (
Part 9 (
Part 10 (
Part 11 (
Part 12 (
Part 13 (
Part 14 (
Part 15 ( (different ending (
Part 16 (
Part 17 [FINAL] (

References for Parts 1-10 (
References for Parts 11-17 (
Title: Part 1
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 05, 2006, 12:46:17 AM
Milestone: A Reluctant Idol

Part 1

"Forgive me, Mikichan." Aya whispered as she stroked Miki's now long growing hair. Miki, sitting beside her on the couch stared blankly into space, avoiding eye contact with Aya.

"How many times have you asked me that?" she sighed.

"I'm sorry." Aya apologized.

She was apologizing for her relationship with w-inds Keita Tachibana, something Miki had to find out through the gossip magazine FRIDAY. For the last few months Miki had suspected something was different between Aya and her. They gradually stopped spending time together although it had been declining ever since Miki joined Morning Musume. This time they were hardly talking at all. Only during concerts do they talk but it was only small chit chat and lots of picture taking. Miki knew there was someone else involved but she never expected it to be that bastard Keita. When she found out about them she became furious at Aya and she never gets that way especially with Aya. She complained that her relationship with him is breaking them apart as friends. Aya defended that it was only for a short time, a publicity stunt, when she was actually trying to prevent Miki from getting close to her. She knew Miki always had a thing for her and almost everyone in Hello Project knew too, it was quite obvious. However, Miki never really confessed her love to her. That was strange considering that Miki was a girl who always spoke her mind, and when she didn't like something she'll say so. But when it comes to Aya Miki would turn into a lovestruck fool and become a completely different person. Whenever she was confronted by other members telling her to stop beating around the bush and tell Aya already Miki would blantantly deny liking her. While Aya never minded Miki's advances on her (because she sort of liked her too) it was Tsunku who told her not get involved in such things unless she wanted to ruin her career. With that warning she had no choice but to slowly break away from Miki which brings to where they are now.

Miki had forgiven Aya all those times she apologized yet she was still very hurt about it. She did not like the thought of her girl being shared with anyone else. If only Aya knew how she really felt about her. She'll never forget the time when she almost confessed to her. It was during the making of the HP All Stars PV that it almost happened. They were so happy to be working with each other again that they spent all their time together during that whole promotion of that single. They were sitting alone in the corner thinking no one would notice them. But it was hard not to notice them when Aya was sitting between Miki's legs. That was then Miki decided to take the plunge and tell Aya. As she opened her mouth to speak the next thing she knew there was a camera pointing right at them. Miki hid behind Aya in embarassment then glared at the camera for ruining her chance. She made another attempt some time after but was shot down before she could say anything. "We're just being girls, nee? It doesn't mean anything." Aya had replied. It broke her heart to hear that and she would get angry at herself for not telling her already. She would then take these pent up feelings and take it out on the others through her attitude and unwanted touching. Members tried unsuccessfully to hook them up together, hoping it would end Miki's rage upon them.

"Miki, say something." Aya spoke.

Miki snapped out of her gaze and her eyes finally met with Aya's. Her doey eyes always made Miki's stomach tingle inside. "What? I've forgiven you already."

"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." Miki scoffed.

"Liar!" Aya retorted.

Miki turned around once again and sighed heavily as her eyelids became heavy with sleep. She thought now is the time to tell Aya how she really felt about her. Maybe then she'll dump that Keita and finally be hers. She opened her mouth but the wrong words came out.

"He hasn't touched you, has he?"

"No, of course not!" Aya answered, slightly offended by the question.

Damnit Miki, stop being stupid! she said in her head. "How long do you plan to keep this up?"

"I..I don't know."

"Pfft. You don't expect this to go on for a long time, do you?" Miki scoffed.

"We'll hardly see each other anymore."

Aya didn't say anything.

"Why are you doing this for anyway? Setting you guys up like that. It's not like you him though, right?"

"I..." Aya hesitated.

"You do?"

"Well he is a nice guy." Aya answered.

What? Please don't. Miki pleaded in her head.

"It's just a publicity stunt, remember? It's nothing."

Miki sensed a little doubt in Aya's words. "You promise you won't let anything happen to us? I don't want us to stop seeing each other." Miki hoped Aya sensed her hint.

"Of course, I promise. I won't let anything come between our friendship." Aya answered and touched Miki's shoulder.

Hmph, "friendship". Miki scoffed at the word but her anger was quickly diminished by Aya's touch. It felt like electricity running through her body and she turned around and faced her once again. She leaned on Aya's shoulder and smiled. Just the scent of her made her melt into a puddle. Miki told her she felt tired so Aya offered her lap for her to lay on and of course Miki gladly accepted. Aya felt bad, however, for letting her on like that. She thought many times about telling Miki that she knew all along, but, she loved her job and she didn't want to risk it. Somewhere deep inside her she loved Miki too. But then there was something else in the way, Keita. Though it supposedly started out as a publicity stunt set up by their companies, over the 2 months they "went out" they actually got to know each other and maybe even like each other a bit. Aya wouldn't dare to tell Miki that, it would break her heart. She'd hate to lose a friend like Miki. Somehow she felt like she had been set up by this whole incident. She was now trapped.

"We should do something tomorrow." Miki spoke from her sleep, breaking Aya's train of thought.

"Yea, sure." Aya agreed. Suddenly the phone rang. "Hello?" Aya answered. "Oh, Keita?"

Keita? Miki scoffed. The nerve of him calling this late!

"Yea, I'm fine." Aya said.

Miki sighed as she had to sit and listen their conversation. Aya giggled a few times and mentioned Keita's name again. That name hits Miki's head like a migraine. She didn't like the happy tone Aya was giving off talking to him. The flame of jealousy began to grow within her once again.
"Oh? Tomorrow?" she heard Aya say.

What?! Miki couldn't stand to hear anymore of it or that wretched name. She got up. "I'm leaving." she mumbled as she headed toward the door.

"Wha-? Miki, wait!" Aya called to her but she was already gone. She pouted as she returned to the phone. "I'm sorry Keita, this is a bad time. Goodnight."

She hung up the phone, sunk her face into the couch and let out a loud groan. Miki heard her through the door. She turned around and wanted to go back. She realized she might've overreacted but she couldn't go back and face Aya. She turned back around and kept walking away. The echo from her high heeled boots masked the sound of her cries.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 05, 2006, 01:06:01 AM
outch i feel so sad when i read it...

with just the 1st sentence we get the atmosphere..
""Forgive me, Mikichan." Aya whispered as she stroked Miki's now long growing hair. Miki, sitting beside her on the couch stared blankly into space, avoiding eye contact with Aya"

it looks so realistic too...
"She thought many times about telling Miki that she knew all along, but, she loved her job and she didn't want to risk it. Somewhere deep inside her she loved Miki too. "

good job here. i'm looking forward for the rest of it ^^
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: tanakachi on September 05, 2006, 01:06:10 AM
omg aya being friday'd O_O!!...
what lucky guy got to be with her!! lol
my god this is good!, cant wait to read the others! keep up the great work!! :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 05, 2006, 01:56:09 AM
Damn Keita! More Aya/Miki!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 05, 2006, 01:56:18 AM
Quote from: tanakachi
omg aya being friday'd O_O!!...
what lucky guy got to be with her!! lol
my god this is good!, cant wait to read the others! keep up the great work!! :D

but she actually did get FRIDAY'd last year although surprisingly no one really made a big deal about it. :roll:

ChrNo, you brought up something else about my writing. I tend to write stories based on real events so it really does have a realistic feel to it. :lol:

Thanks for the comments.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: bluekinoko on September 05, 2006, 04:55:32 AM
Hey, I wanna read more to this.

I have become a mega Miki Aya shipper.

you write so well it makes my heart ache.

well done..

Another chapter?
Title: Part 2
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 05, 2006, 02:03:42 PM
Part 2

"Hey! One more beer!" Miki demanded.

The bartender brought it over to her. He was unaware that she was Morning Musume's Miki Fujimoto because of the wig and dark glasses she wore. Even though she was 20 and legal to drink she still had to keep a low profile as not to ruin Morning Musume's good image. Although Aya was still underaged, Miki would buy beer for them to take back to either her or Aya's apartment. There they'd get drunk and sing karaoke loudly until the neighbors complained. They'd wake up hungover the next morning wondering where all the mess came from. One night Aya had drank way too much and passed out on Miki's bed. She was so tempted to have her way with her but she had too much respect for Aya to do that. Instead she gave her one single kiss on the lips. Though it was short it felt like the world to Miki.

Good times. Miki thought as she guzzled down the bottle of beer. That was only a month ago. It has been a week now since she left Aya's apartment that one night. During that week she tried all she could to avoid her at work. Aya confronted Miki at one point and said that it was her that was pushing them away from each other. Miki knew she was right but she just couldn't see Aya the same way after what she did. She even went so far as to follow Aya around one night. She was envious seeing how happy she was with Keita. The way she laughs and smiles at him, putting her arm around his. It seemed like there was much more going on than Aya had told her. Miki felt like the only thing good in her life was being snatched away from her. What would be left for her now? Her career? Screw it! She thought. It hasn't meant anything to her lately, especially since her solo career (which was her other good thing) was taken away too. If she had a choice between the two, she'd rather be with Aya. Now the bottle has become her friend recently. Aya had told her not to drink unless she was with her or in the company of the older Hello Project members lest something should happen to her if she were alone. But she wanted to be alone anyway, that's how she's been feeling lately. As she finished off the last drop she felt the alcohol reaching her head and decided to stop before she wouldn't be able to get herself home. "I'm done!" she yelled out and threw some money on the table.

But she wasn't really through yet. She stopped by the convenient store only to get more beer and then hailed for a taxi to take her home. Inside, the driver kept bugging her with stupid questions. She remained quiet as she started drinking a bottle.

"You know what? You kinda look familar." He said looking at her from the rear view mirror. "You look like you could be a member of that group Morning Musume."

"Yeah?" She finally spoke. "Which one?"

"Hmm," He thought. "That cute one, umm...Ishikawa."

Miki glared at him behind her dark glasses.

"Pshh, she's a brat." She scoffed. "How about Fujimoto? I think I look like her the most."

"Nmm, nah she's a bit scary." Replied the driver.

What?! She glared at him once more.

"Isn't she the one that's mean to everyone?" He asked. "You don't seem to be that type of person."

I am her, dumbass! She yelled in her head. And I'm not THAT mean! She really wanted to smash his head with one of those beer bottles, but decided it wasn't worth losing her temper over (or perhaps a life).

The taxi had finally reached her destination. As she got out she realized that she was at the wrong place. By then the taxi had already driven away. Instead of her apartment she ended up at Aya's.

"Damn!" she griped as she fumbled for the keys. She had been given a spare key to Aya's apartment because after all they are "friends". Miki came over so much that people suspect they were living together.

As she entered, the whole place remained the same as she left it last time she was there a week ago. She noticed a little box on the coffee table and picked it up. From Keita. She read and opened it. Inside was a necklace. "How nice." Miki scoffed as she threw the box down. She opened another bottle and chugged it down. "Congratulations to the lovely couple!" She toasted to the air. "Kampai!" By this time she was feeling fuzzy.

She turned on the stereo and Aya's "GOODBYE Natsuo" was playing. "Aya you dork!" She snorted out loud. Aya was such an egomaniac. She loved hearing her name. She loved listening and looking at herself, naming things after herself. The girl was absolutely in love with herself. She probably loves herself more than I love her. Miki thought one time. Maybe that is why she never noticed her affection towards her (if only Miki knew she knew).

Miki sang along while she stumbled around the room until finally landing on the bed. She could smell Aya's scent on her pillow as she held on to it tightly. It flooded back memories of when she'd spend the night over. But still reminded of the past week she threw the pillow across the room. The ceiling almost seems to be closing in on her as she tried to focus her eyes on it. Her head felt dizzy and heavy and she eventually fell asleep.

It was probably close to an hour when the door of the apartment opened. Miki could hear two voices, a man and a woman's. She turned over and yelled out. "Hey shut up there! I'm sleeping!"

"Huh?" said the female voice and footsteps came foward. "Mikichan? What are you doing here?"

Miki woke from her drunken slumber and looked up. "Ah darling, you're home!" She slurred. "Give me a kiss." She raised her arms up and puckered her lips.

"Miki, you're drunk. What did I tell-"

"Wow! What are you wearing?" she cut her off, looking at the black dress Aya wore. "Did that dummy Keita get you that 'cause I don't remember you getting that."

"Is everything all right?" Entered the male voice.

"Keita! How the hell are you?" Miki squeaked.

Aya, completely embarassed by Miki's behavoir, turned to Keita. "Keita, this is a bad time...again. I'll see you later ok?" He nodded as he gave her a hug.

"Feel better Fujimoto-san." He said to her.

"Un." Miki mumbled.

Aya waited for the door to close before she went at Miki.

"What's wrong with you?" She said very aggravated.

"Now you want to talk to me?" Miki mumbled.

"Me? You're the one who's not talking to me."

"Did you have fun with loverboy?" Miki changed the subject.

"What? Anyway, why are you drinking?"

"You want one? I think there's still some mo-"

"Miki, why are you acting like this?"

Miki squinted her eyes trying to look up at her. "You don't spend time with me anymore." she whined.

"The reason is because YOU don't want to be near me. You've been avoiding me for the past week. Everytime I get close to you you back away like I'm diseased or something."

Aya was right, Miki had be treating her like she was a leper. She was very possessive when it comes to Aya, but she just couldn't stand the thought of her with someone else.

"Not even a 'hi, how are you?' or anything." She continued. "Why are you being this way? As a friend, I thought you'd understand."

"Why are you so happy when you're with Keita?" Miki blurted out. "I thought you didn't like him."

"What? Have you been spying on me? How could you?"

"I...I..." Miki stuttered.

Aya scoffed at her. "How could you do that? And I'm only just...pretending." She said half truthfully. She realized that she did have a good time when she went out with Keita. She was starting to feel guilty about it now.

"Why?" Miki mumbled. "We'll never see each other anymore if you start to like him. Why are you doing this?"

"Because of my career-" Aya blurted then corrected herself. "I mean..." She didn't finish.

She looked at Miki nervously hoping she didn't hear her. It seemed like she didn't because she was half asleep. She was still upset that Miki had to spy on her. She couldn't believe she did something like that. Then again she was fooling herself as well. She shook her head and realized why was she even telling Miki this, she isn't going to remember anything anyway.

"I'm sorry Miki, you need to go." She said quietly this time.

"Aa, can't I stay? I'm already here." Miki pleaded.

Aya gave up. "Fine, but please don't talk to me."

"What?" Miki watched Aya leave the room.

Aya settled herself in the living room on the couch. It was getting late and she didn't feel like dealing with her drunken friend. It was Miki's fault for the silent hostility between them this past week but it was her fault for getting into this situation in the first place. Damnit, why did I agree to do this? She thought. It's only making it worse. She wondered who she should feel sorry for. Miki, her always so strong friend who has now turned herself into a drunken mess or Keita, who was absolutely clueless to the real reason why she's only going out with him. Or perhaps her own self for thinking only about her career. As she pondered these thoughts in her head Miki incessantly called out to her.

"Aya, come here!"

"No, you've completely embarassed me back there. Leave me alone!" She yelled back.

"Ayaya!" Miki growled.

"Shut up before the neighbors complain!"

"Aya!" But her calls were ignored. Miki felt too tired to get up and go to her so she kept calling her. "Aya, please come here." Her voice lowered to a desperate plea now. " you!" She suddenly began to cry. "I love you!" She yelled louder but was unaware of the words she was saying. "All I want is to be...with you." She whispered to herself now between her sobs. "But I've waited too've missed my chance." She eventually cried herself to sleep.

In the living room Aya clenched her teeth, fighting back the tears that were forming. She finally heard the words Miki wanted to tell her, but she didn't want to hear it. Not like that. Miki wasn't the kind of girl who'd make a fool out of herself. If anyone knew Miki better than anyone it would be Aya. Despite what everyone says about her, Miki was really a sweet girl. Her behavoir since she found out about the incident was the first time Aya had seen a big change in Miki and she felt responsible for that. She realized that Miki was desperate now. Aya herself was feeling frustrated and confused.

"Miki..." She sighed.

bluekinoko, thanks for the compliment. It's funny since writing's not my best form of art. And I didn't think I'd end up writing fanfics either. But it's fun. :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: sousora on September 05, 2006, 02:24:31 PM
I'm really enjoying this, can't wait to see more :)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 05, 2006, 03:57:39 PM
wow...i can't find the words...
so touching
"The taxi had finally reached her destination. As she got out she realized that she was at the wrong place. By then the taxi had already driven away. Instead of her apartment she ended up at Aya's."

...sad..and yet sometimes funny
"Aya was such an egomaniac. She loved hearing her name. She loved listening and looking at herself, naming things after herself. The girl was absolutely in love with herself. She probably loves herself more than I love her. Miki thought one time.Maybe that is why she never noticed her affection towards her (if only Miki knew she knew)." and of course the dialogue with the barman, and when she is drunk...

...and it really sounds like to be true...
"Miki wasn't the kind of girl who'd make a fool out of herself. If anyone knew Miki better than anyone it would be Aya. Despite what everyone says about her, Miki was really a sweet girl."

the way you wrote it is so good...we can feel how miki is...;_;

a really good job. so there are 15 chapters as good as those two heh...really nice :) and it really doesnt matter if they are long !
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: tanakachi on September 05, 2006, 04:25:20 PM
wow, that was a really sad chapter, cant wait to read the others!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: black velvet on September 06, 2006, 01:58:35 AM
I read this story at JPM, and it's actually what made me turn into such a huge GAM shipper. I'll go ahead and re-read it again while you post, because it's that damn good! :D

Anywho, the second chapter . . . Miki the drunk was entertaining, and the part where she stole a kiss from Aya was heartwarming, really. But, at the end, I could feel my heart sink at Miki's confession . . . :(
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: asheravel on September 06, 2006, 03:17:52 AM
i read this fic in the other forum, omg it was soo good, some tender moments n sad ones here and there =)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 06, 2006, 04:18:40 AM
I remember reading some of this on

Milestone: A Reluctant Idol

I see, clever....
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 06, 2006, 04:54:41 AM
^ :P hehe you found my secret, I like playing with titles too.

Oh you quiet JPM lurkers, you need to speak up! Your comments are important to us. :D I admit too that writing this story made me a GAM fan too. It started out as my way of making Miki the victim rather than the "villian" because at the time most fics with Miki in it portrayed her as the bad guy so I did the opposite.  There seems to be a similar formula to GAM fics: one of them wants to confess (usually Miki :P) but the other has a dilemma (usually Aya :P).

Thanks for the comments. Now what I'm doing here is going through the story again and fix mistakes or adding more detail but still retaining the original story. So with that I'll work on Part 3 now.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 06, 2006, 04:57:15 AM
Quote from: rndmnwierd
I remember reading some of this on

Milestone: A Reluctant Idol

I see, clever....

Aw...thanks for spoiling it. :(
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Sukoshi on September 06, 2006, 12:10:12 PM
wah! M.A.R.I has made it's way over here!  I love this story!!  it's so good and sad and everything inbetween that it's worth reading again!

oh oh ! and does this mean that perhaps E.R.I will make it's appearance here too??!  that was one of the first h!p fanfics I read and still most beloved! (and thanks to you I'm a crazy kameshige fan!) :heart:

but anyways keep posting cause everything by you is so addictive ! :heart:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 06, 2006, 02:27:05 PM
Quote from: Sukoshi
wah! M.A.R.I has made it's way over here!  I love this story!!  it's so good and sad and everything inbetween that it's worth reading again!

oh oh ! and does this mean that perhaps E.R.I will make it's appearance here too??!  that was one of the first h!p fanfics I read and still most beloved! (and thanks to you I'm a crazy kameshige fan!) :heart:

but anyways keep posting cause everything by you is so addictive ! :heart:

HAI! I plan on posting E.R.I. too but I'm gonna end up re-writing it again to make it longer and better. But yeah, I think I made alot of people become Sayumi fans because of it. XD And that's what I try to do with my fics, make people like my characters even if you don't like them that much. The current fic I'm writing is about Takahashi but that will wait till I'm finished with it. I've learned my lesson from M.A.R.I. :P

Anyway, I couldn't post the next part last night cuz my internet was being screwy, but it's coming right up after this. I like having these stories in their own thread, it makes it easier to read them.
Title: Part 3
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 06, 2006, 02:27:52 PM
Part 3

Miki woke up to the sound of an alarm. She turned over and pounded her left fist into the nightstand. "Itai!" She yelped in pain and realized she was not in her room. She turned over to the right side and picked up the clock and unplugged it off the wall. "Baka!" She yelled rubbing her hurt hand with the other. She adjusted her eyes to the light and looked around. She was in Aya's room, on Aya's bed, but no Aya. Beside her on the bed was a note. She got filled with excitement as she picked it up. She was expecting it to say something like "Wake up lazyhead! Time for work." or some cute message. Aya would leave these notes whenever Miki spent the night over because she would leave for work two hours earlier and leave Miki to sleep some more. Miki never saw the need to go to work so early, Aya just wants to be the first one inside the studio.

As Miki opened the note it was not what she expected. "Clean up your mess before you leave." is all it said. Disappointed, she crumpled it and threw it on the floor adding to the empty beer bottles that were already strewn all over. She looked at the mess and tried to recollect what happened but she couldn't. "What did I do?" she asked herself. She hoped she didn't hurt Aya any more than she already has. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was still wearing yesterday's clothes. Her face was quite dismal and tired. She checked the time but forget she had unplugged the clock. The watch on her wrist told her she still had a good hour before work. She checked her cellphone and found that she had one voicemail. She clicked several buttons and listened.

"Hey Miki, this is Mari. Don't forget dance practice tomorrow. See ya then."

Miki checked the time of the message and it was made yesterday which meant practice was today. She could go home and change because she didn't live too far from Aya, but she didn't feel like going home. She wondered if it would be all right with Aya to borrow some of her clothes instead. Only one way to find out. As she dialed her number it rang several times before her voice mail came on. Guess she doesn't want to talk. Miki figured. As the beep sounded Miki left a message.

"Hi, Aya. It's Miki, I was just wondering if I could borrow some clothes for dance practice today. I don't feel like going home. So yeah. Ok, bye."

She hung up and sighed. She probably wasn't going to answer back anyway so Miki was prepared to go home if she had to. She was trying to remember what happened last night. All she could remember was Aya telling her to leave, maybe something about Keita but the rest was fuzzy to her. As minutes went by she figured Aya didn't want to answer back and decided to clean up her mess then leave. She took half full bottles and emptied them out in the sink. She knew she shouldn't have drank but she couldn't help it. Suddenly she heard her cellphone ring. She ran to it and picked up. "One new text message" it said and she read it.

Go ahead.

That's it. At least she answered, Miki thought as she returned to Aya's room. She searched for a T-shirt and possibly track pants from Aya's dresser but everything she had was either dressy or pink. She managed, however, to find a cute pink terry cloth outfit, tank top with matching capri pants. Miki let out a grunt but decided this will do. The girls are going to get me big time. Miki was definitely not a pink girl. With 45 minutes to spare she scanned over the room hoping it was to Princess Aya's liking and left for work.


Miki's head was still throbbing as she entered the studio. She really wasn't in the mood to do anything today. In the hall she saw Eri and Sayumi walking from the opposite direction. They bowed to her as she passed.

"Good morning, Fujimoto-san." They both said politely.

"Mornin', how are you two?" Miki mumbled as she continued walking on without looking at them.

They paused and looked at each other, almost surprised, before answering back. "We're fine."

"Good, see ya at practice." Miki answered as she disappeared down the hall.

"That was weird." Eri noticed. "She actually said 'good morning' to us."

"Yeah, she actually talked to us." Sayumi added. "And that pink outfit is so cute! She should be like that more often."

"I think she had a hangover." Eri pointed out, rubbing her head indicating Miki's headache. "Kinda bad if she had one all the time."

"Too bad, it makes her much nicer and cuter. But I think I'd look cuter in that outfit though, huh?" Sayu made a goofy smile.

Eri knew that was coming and scoffed at her. She walked on without her friend. "And everyone's saying I'm the weird one."

As Miki entered the kitchen she saw W by the stove cooking breakfast. She tried to ignore them as she got herself some coffee but there they were in her face.

"Goood Morning! Mikichan!" They said together.

Annoyed, Miki had no choice but to answer them back. "Mornin', what are you two up to?"

"We are making Pan-keeki!" They said together again.

Their talking in unison annoyed the hell out of her. Luckily she no longer had to deal with them ever since they graduated from the group.

"Want one?" Asked Aibon, finally breaking the unison.

"Huh? Well, ok then." She answered hoping that will get them to leave her alone.

W squealed with delight as they went to fix a plate for her. Miki stared pensively at a light spot reflecting on the table, sipping her coffee as she tried to remember what happened last night once again. I hope I didn't screw up anything. She worried. She'd hate to lose someone like Aya, even as a friend. Suddenly a plate slid in front of the spot she was staring at.

"Jyan!" W cried in unison once again.

Before Miki was a pancake in the shape of a heart. It took her by surprise for a moment but she managed to crack a smile.

"Pretty cute, thanks." she said. As she poured syrup on it she thought, Oh Aya, why are you doing this? You're tearing up my heart. She cut off a piece and took a bite out of it. Hmm, not bad. She ate some more as she kept thinking about Aya. Suddenly Keita came into the picture. Keita. She growled in head. If I hear that name again I'd... She began cutting up the pancake heart into pieces, her knife scratching hard against the plate. She didn't notice that two more people entered the kitchen, one of them a familar face.

"What's eating her?" Nacchi asked W.

"You mean, 'what is she eating?'" Nono corrected her.

"Nacchi! Ayaya! Do you want some pankeeki too?" asked Aibon.

Suddenly Miki stopped cutting. Ayaya? She looked up and there she was. Their eyes caught one another's but they quickly glanced away.

"Good morning, Mikichan." Nacchi said to her.

"Good morning, Abe-san." She answered back. She didn't say anything back to Aya.

"Good morning, Miki." Aya said.

"G-good morning." Miki choked as she averted her eyes back on her plate of mangled pancake.

Aya looked at her strangely before asking, "Is that my-?" Miki nodded her head quickly referring to Aya's pink outfit. "Oh, well, it looks nice on you." She said to her as she and Nacchi walked out of the kitchen. Miki got up and went after her in the hall.

"Aya!" She called to her. Aya and Nacchi stopped in their tracks. She told Nacchi she'll meet up with her later and Nacchi walked on. Aya didn't turn around as Miki approached her.

"Did I...did I do something wrong last night?" Miki asked.

"No Miki, you didn't. You were just drunk, that's all." Aya replied.

"Did I say anything?"

Aya avoided mentioning what Miki had said last night. "Uh no, you didn't. But I think you might've weirded out Keita."

Miki tried her best not to cringe at his name. "Oh he was there? Well, tell him I'm sorry."

Aya finally turned around and nodded her head. Then an awkward silence ensued.

They both looked down, staring at each other's feet. Aya almost wanted to giggle at the sight of Miki in her clothes but she kept her face still. Miki glanced Aya up and down a few times. She still looked beautiful even when she wasn't looking happy.

"Yea, I've got dance practice to go to." Miki finally broke the silence.

"Oh yea, have fun." Aya said to her.

They paused once again as if something was suppose to happen. A hug? A handshake? Or even a nod? Nothing. They just went their separate ways.

Come on, when are you going to tell her? Miki thought to herself.

Come on, tell her already. Aya thought to herself.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 07, 2006, 04:16:40 AM
Ah! I loved E.R.I.! I read it, like, three times! I think that will be a big hit here.
Great chapter DO ME-san!, can't wait for the next one.

BTW, I squealed when you mentioned W....
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 07, 2006, 01:55:14 PM
I LOVE IT!!! I cant tell you how much I love love it..I just do!!

I cant understand the MARI and ERI stuff though..whats that about?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 07, 2006, 02:21:34 PM
Quote from: Mikan
I LOVE IT!!! I cant tell you how much I love love it..I just do!!

I cant understand the MARI and ERI stuff though..whats that about?

oh they're just acronyms of my story titles. I tend to play with my titles too. So this story's shortcut as M.A.R.I. and another story is E.R.I. (Everything's Really Insane) I had an unfinished Sayu fic called NG (Nothing Girl) and the current one I'm writing is Ai'm in Love, which is about Takahashi. Do they have any significance to their stories? Maybe.

I left my USB drive at home so I'll have to post the next part later. :doh:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 07, 2006, 02:24:38 PM
Lol thanks for the explaination~
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 07, 2006, 05:19:39 PM
Part 4

"May I be excused? I'm not feeling too well." Miki lied. She got to the dance studio first, hoping to get out of practice before everyone else came.

"You know what we said about that." Said the choreographer. "You got to call us ahead of time if you're not going to make it, otherwise you're wasting our time."

"But, I suddenly just felt it right now."

The choreographer rolled her eyes. This is this the second time Miki's made an excuse to get out of practice. "Fine. Sit out and watch over there then."

"Thank you." Miki bowed and retreated to the back of the room. She mumbled something under her breath about the choreographer needed the dance more than her because she was fat. She sat down against the mirrored wall and buried her head in her arms. She wasn't in the mood to do anything today. Why did she even show up? Besides, the dance was too easy and she could easily get it down in no time by watching back the tapes.

"Osaka Koi no Uta" was the name of the new single. She remember reading the lyrics and somehow related to the song. She swears that Tsunku must be butting into their personal lives and uses them to write his crazy songs. Some of the lyrics seemed a little too personal to Miki. This is "Ishiyoshi's" song though. She remembered thinking. It was going to be Rika's last song with Morning Musume. Finally, it would be Miki's last time singing and fronting with that songbird. By which bird she meant the crow, and a dying one.

Miki heard the door open and the sound of chattery girl voices entered. The gang's all here. She thought, still in her balled up position.

"Kawaii, Mikitty!" She heard someone say. "That's a cute outfit you're wearing."

Miki looked up and saw that it was Rika who made the comment. "It's not mine, it's Aya's."

Rika replied with a silent "Oh."

"For a moment there I thought you suddenly went girly on us." Entered Yossi.

Wish I could say the same for you. Miki thought and smirked at Yossi who dragged Rika away with her. They were being flirty in front of everyone. Miki scoffed at them. Why couldn't Aya and her be like that but together? She couldn't help feeling envious of them. She was then interrupted by other members' comments about her outfit then the choreographer called for their attention.

"Listen up. We'll have another set back because your buddy back there," She pointed at Miki. "Isn't feeling well, again."

Well, geez, might as well tell them my life story too. Miki scoffed in her head.

"Ehhh, again??" Everyone cried.

"Are you ok, Miki?" Someone asked.

"Layoff on the bottle next time, will ya?" Yossi joked, not knowing that it was true.

Miki let out a sarcastic "ha ha" then got up and left the room.

She sat outside the door and listened as the new song played repeatedly. She hummed and sang along to it. Despite all the crazy crap Tsunku makes them do he does make a hell of a catchy song. She could hear some of the members groaning in frustration.

"I missed my mark because Miki's supposed to be there." Someone complained.

"Fine, I'll fill in for her." Replied the choreographer.

Miki sat there, thinking to herself. Stupid, why are you acting like this? Why can't you just tell her? You've known her all this time but you can't even tell her this? Now you've missed your chance, stupid. Keita has her now. Keita...grrr, I hate him! She let out a grunt. This is not working! She decided she should confront Aya today and tell her how she felt once and for all, maybe even apologize for anything she might've said or done last night. Whatever it was. She practiced coming up with some speech out loud to herself.

"Aya, whatever I did or said last night I didn't mean it. I was just drunk, you know? And, I love you. NO! That sounds crappy." She sighed. "Ayaya, when you're drunk you do or say stupid things. Argh!" She was losing her cool. For a girl who always spoke her mind she had trouble getting the words out. It's the curse of Aya, she turns Miki into a blubbering fool. However, she'd never let anyone else see that side of her, risking to lose her attitude she was so known for although she hated being labeled the "badass" of the group. She sighed as she tried a few more times to come up with a better apology, finally she just started saying random things.

"Ayaya, run away with me." she sighed and giggled to herself. Then she spoke a little louder. "Ayaya..."

"Yes?" A voice answered.

Miki turned her head and almost screamed. She stood to her feet.

"Ayaaaaaaa..." She lost her words. "Yuuuuuu....Yoooooo...." She puffed her cheeks and let out the air. She really really wanted to kick herself right now.

Aya looked at her funny and started to laugh. "You are quite strange sometimes, Miki."

"Vocal exercises." Miki lied.

Aya nodded her head but knew that wasn't it. Miki grew quiet which made Aya quiet as well.

"You really don't remember anything from last night, do you?" She asked Miki.

Miki shook her head. "I'm sorry if I-"

Aya waved her hand. "It doesn't matter, when you're drunk you say things you don't mean."

"Yeah, that's right. I didn't mean it. What did I say anyway?"

Aya shook her head. "Nothing really." She replied but she knew what Miki said was definitely not nothing. She looked at Miki who was looking down, lightly kicking at the floor. She asked her, "How are you feeling?"

"Ok, I guess." Miki replied.

There they were again, standing in front of each other like earlier. What's going to happen this time? Aya felt somewhat sympathetic and went up to Miki and hugged her. It caught Miki by surprise.

"You got me worried last night. I don't like seeing you that way." She said.

"I'm sorry." Miki apologized. As she stood there with Aya's arms around her she felt her heart pounding. Tell her now. said the voice inside her head. It felt like there was a lump in her throat but she took a deep breath. "Aya, I-"

"Where's Fujimoto?!" a muffled voice cut her off. "She wasn't suppose to leave!"

"Damn!" Miki cursed as she pulled away from Aya. Strike three, is it? Times a hundred. "I'm sorry, I have to go back now."

Aya nodded her head. She watched as Miki cursed under her breath again and went back into the studio.

"I was just sitting right outside!" She heard her yell.

Aya approached the door and peeked through the little window. She could see the rest of the group dancing while Miki sat herself on the back wall, her head buried in her arms again. The guilt returned to her, what was she going to do about her? It wasn't like Miki to sit around and do nothing. Suddenly she heard her cellphone beep. "One new text message" it said. She clicked buttons.

Hey, pretty girl. I know you're at work but I wanted to say hi. -K

She smiled but almost stopped herself immediately. She took one last look at Miki through the window and saw that she hadn't moved from her position. Realizing there was nothing else she could do, she walked away back to her own business.

After practice a concerned member came up to Miki.

"Mikichan, are you ok?" Asked the little leader.

Miki looked up at her. "I'm ok, Yagu-san. Just feeling a bit tired that's all.

Mari nodded her head. "Yeah, work's getting harder. Sometimes I wish I could take a long break from it all. Anyway, I'm glad you at least showed up. Do you think you can catch up? We'll be doing TV appearrances soon."

Miki nodded. "I'll be fine, thanks."

She watched as Mari walked away and left. She got up and proceeded to leave as well until she was stopped by the choreographer. She handed something to her.

"Here, make sure you study it." She handed Miki the video tape of today's practice.

"Thanks." Miki replied.

"Don't forget what to do next time if you're like this again." She lifted her hand indicating a phone. Miki nodded her head. There were still other things to do around the studio but Miki couldn't wait to get home.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 07, 2006, 11:07:09 PM
Update good! Yay!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 08, 2006, 02:28:01 PM
Part 5

It felt like ages since Miki had stepped into her own apartment though she only had been gone for a day. It looked like Aya's apartment but in reverse except it was left in disarray. Bottles and trash were left around since the past week. It was dark, the curtains were still drawn in. She was glad to be home even if it was a mess. She plopped herself on the her bed. The sheets felt cool against her skin. Normally she liked this feeling but this time it made her feel sad and lonely and she yearned for something warm. The aching in her head has now found its way to her heart, creating a whole new kind of pain. She was breathing hard like she was dying. She closed her eyes and just made herself think.

Why couldn't Aya be hers? She thought. They've practically did everything together. Helped each other, took care of each other, comfort each other, eat, sleep, laughed, and cried together. The only thing they didn't have was love, that kind of love although they strongly cared for one another. They even saw each other naked, so it was only natural for them to be together, right? Guess not. Maybe Aya just doesn't see her in that way, she thought. Then Miki realized that all that stuff happened a long time ago. As they've gotten older and when Miki joined Morning Musume, maybe that closeness slowly began to go away. Maybe they realized that things no longer were innocent.

Miki remembered the day they met. She watched Aya from backstage as she performed on stage. She admired her greatly, being such a highly regarded soloist and Miki only a novice then. She was so afraid to approach her and introduce herself. As Aya stepped off the stage she passed by Miki.

"Oh, you're the new soloist, Miki Fujimoto, right?"

Miki nodded her head.

"Nice to meet you. Call me Ayaya." She shook her hand. It felt sweaty but Miki didn't care, someone recognized her name.

"Mi-ki...ti...uh..." Miki stuttered like a fool.

Aya didn't hear her well so she said what she thought she heard. "Mikitty? That's really cute!"

And that nickname stuck with her ever since. Everyone thought they'd be rivals, having similar song styles and such but it was quite the opposite. Soon the soloists got together and became a great unofficial duo. If it weren't for the Tsuji/Kago duo, the Matsuumoto duo would've been the most popular pair. They did everything together, they couldn't be apart from each other. It got to the point where people couldn't tell them apart sometimes. Miki was in debt to Aya for helping her become known as a soloist. Unfortunately, as much as it helped it didn't stop her solo career from being cut off prematurely.

Miki grunted at the recollection of that memory. She tried to think of something else. The day she fell for Aya. It seemed so long ago but she remembered it well. It even had a name, "Shall We Love?" Yes, it was during the time Gomattou was formed. She remember being in the dressing room admiring the extensions that were put into her hair because her own hair was short back then. Aya came in squealing at her.

"Oh my gosh, Mikitty! That looks so hot! You should actually grow your hair out." She squeaked.

"Eh, really? You think so?" Miki asked, twirling the hair between her fingers.

"Yea, really. If I was a guy I'd think you were hot." Aya giggled.

That made Miki blush.

"Aww! Kawaii! Well, I can't wait to get mine done too!" She said and wrapped her arm around Miki's shoulder. "See you later, hot girl." She tried to say in a deep manly voice. She kissed her cheek and skipped out of the dressing room.

Miki touched her cheek. Somehow it felt different from the other kisses Aya gave her. This one made her heart stir inside. During the whole taping of the video her heart never stopped beating like that. From then on it would always do that whenever Aya was around.

Miki sighed, snapping out of her memory. She turned over and sighed some more. Why did it take her so long to do this? All those years she kept those feelings inside. She blamed her joining of Morning Musume, their busy schedules distracted her and kept her and Aya apart. She even finally grew her hair out just now remembering Aya's comment about it. But it doesn't matter anymore. It's too late. Aya doesn't even call her "Mikitty" anymore.

Though she'd rather waste the rest of her day thinking about her Miki still had work to do. She spotted the video tape she was given earlier on the dresser, took it, and went to the living room. She popped it in the VCR and watched. For the first twenty minutes it repeated just the introduction part of the song.

"Gosh! Some people are slow!" Miki complained as she fast forward the tape. It was simpler than she thought. Since she was one of the lead vocals there wasn't much dancing for her. She wanted to turn it off now but came upon the part where she had entered back into the studio.

"I was just sitting right outside!" The video played back. Miki cringed at the sound of her voice on the tape. She sounded like crap.

She saw the choreographer scoffing at her on the tape so she scoffed back and was about to turn off the TV this time, but she spotted something else. From the far right the camera barely got a shot of the door. In the window she saw her. She came closer to the TV and stared. It was Aya and she was looking at her. Miki paused the tape and stared at Aya's blurry face. She wondered what she was thinking at that moment. Maybe she wondered what Miki was going to say to her. Miki shook her head, I could've said anything. She thought. She traced the outline of Aya's face with her finger, tapping the screen with her long manicured fingernail. She spat out lines again asking Aya to be hers. Then she found herself moving face close to the screen, her lips hovering over Aya's face, but she stopped herself.

"What the hell am I doing?" She grumbled to herself and let her forehead tap against the glass of the TV screen. "Give it up, Miki, it's too late. Just stop it now."

She backed away and dropped herself on her couch. She turned off the TV and sat in silence. She finally made up her mind not to chase Aya anymore. Maybe she realized that she didn't love Aya as much as she thought because if she did she would've had her a long time ago. Then again fear strikes even the strongest of them, but Miki shrugged the thought. It didn't matter, whatever the real reason was it was already too late now. If Aya's happy she should feel happy for her too. Or just let her be.

Yeah, that's it. No more. Miki nodded as she made her decision. She turned the TV back and rewound the tape back to the beginning. She pushed the coffee table to the side making room for her to move around. She stretched her body while waiting for the tape to finish rewinding. As she play it back she kept her concentration on the dance, focusing on nothing but the dance. She put power into each dance step and a lot of emotion into her singing. She never stopped to take a break but just let the tape run on. She didn't even faze a bit when she saw Aya's face appear on screen again. She kept dancing and singing even after the tape had ended. She made sure she had it down, her dancing sharp and her singing right on. And when she finally stopped her body trembled from fatigue. She paced around the room catching her breath, the sweat glistening on her face and arms. She went back into her room and finally drew the curtains back. It was already evening but the dim light still made her eyes squint. She opened the window and felt the cool breeze touching her skin, drying off the sweat. She dropped herself on her bed once again. The sheets felt colder against her skin and this time she was liking it.

"Yeah, I still got it." She sighed with satisfaction.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 08, 2006, 04:01:06 PM
wooot 3 chapters too read xD

Part 3
"Hey Miki, this is Mari. Don't forget dance practice tomorrow. See ya then."

i felt so nostalgic...i really miss Mari in m~m, or h!m...

Miki in pink...wth that's was so funny to imagine XD

the W part made me laugh so hard..."Their talking in unison annoyed the hell out of her"

""What's eating her?" Nacchi asked W."
that made me laugh but i d'ont get it XD

"Finally, it would be Miki's last time singing and fronting with that songbird. By which bird she meant the crow, and a dying one."

"Ayaya, run away with me." she sighed and giggled to herself. Then she spoke a little louder. "Ayaya..."

"Yes?" A voice answered.

Miki turned her head and almost screamed."

i felt as surprise as her lol...i still wonder if ayaya heard what she was saying...

"Hey, pretty girl."
when i saw that images from the special english lesson last year came to my mind...miki saying that..XD XD bad wasnt from her heh...

"See you later, hot girl."

"Aya doesn't even call her "Mikitty" anymore."
is that true ? :o

"She traced the outline of Aya's face with her finger, tapping the screen with her long manicured fingernail. She spat out lines again asking Aya to be hers. Then she found herself moving face close to the screen, her lips hovering over Aya's face"

that one scared me...

"but she stopped herself.

"What the hell am I doing?" "
way to go girl XD

aah....keep on updating !:D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 08, 2006, 04:22:45 PM
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: stefy on September 08, 2006, 05:27:27 PM
Really really good fic i think maybe i'm begining to like GAM alittle more... i feel sad for miki... is she really gonna give up?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 08, 2006, 05:58:16 PM
Quote from: ChrNo
""What's eating her?" Nacchi asked W."
that made me laugh but i d'ont get it XD

It's like another way of saying "What's up with her?" or "What's bothering her?" Just the fact that Miki was eating at the time made it sound funny, I guess.

"Hey, pretty girl."
when i saw that images from the special english lesson last year came to my mind...miki saying that..XD XD bad wasnt from her heh...

"More more pretty girl!" XD

"Aya doesn't even call her "Mikitty" anymore."
is that true ? :o

The whole nickname thing is not true. I later found out after I wrote this story that Aya actually calls Miki by "Mikitan" or "Tan", that would've been more realistic to put that in there but I left the story as it is. That Gomattou part would've been cute if it was real. hehe

Quote from: stefy
Really really good fic i think maybe i'm begining to like GAM alittle more... i feel sad for miki... is she really gonna give up?

Sympathy for the devil. My job is done. :lol: Well it's still quite early so you'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Yay thanks for the comments. :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 08, 2006, 06:07:20 PM
Yay! you are online! I hope this means more yummy updates :P

and Lol@ the whats eating her gag :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 08, 2006, 06:14:23 PM
I'd post the entire story right now since it is complete, but I thought I'd let you guys wait and savor the moment. :P
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 08, 2006, 10:30:16 PM
Nooooo! Miki cant give up :(

Shes not gonna give up right?

Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 08, 2006, 10:47:31 PM
Sigh, great as always DO Me-san!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: len.chan on September 08, 2006, 11:09:12 PM
I have to say that I've already read your fic at JPM (i don't remember if i commented something there... yeah, i'm one of those lurkers XD) and I love it from the start. Now that you're posting here i can enjoy reading it again ^^
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 10, 2006, 05:13:05 AM
Part 6

Aya was glad to see Miki looking like her old self again the last few days. She noticed how together and focused Miki was with her work. She'd watched Miki at dance practice behind the glass window of the door that lead into the dance hall. She practically showed out everyone with how much she had caught up with the dance for the new single. Aya could see that Miki had what it took to be Morning Musume's #1 girl. Miki has kept in contact with Aya once again but it only consisted of short phone calls. She even casually asked how Keita was doing during one of their conversations. However, they haven't had the time to meet up in person lately even when Aya had asked Miki many times. Her form of excuse? Morning Musume's "busy schedule" which had some truth to it. Aya felt a little disappointed that they were limited to these short periods of communication. Miki didn't seem to mind though, Aya noticed, but it was starting to bug her. She almost felt like she was being ignored. She realized now that she missed being around Miki.

Now she wondered how long this charade with Keita would really last. They've gotten along fine although he was still very much clueless about what was really going on. Sure, there were times when she had fun being around him but this was different. There were things she couldn't do with him like she would with a good friend, like Miki. She could try to do those things with Keita, however, it'd be a whole different context with him. She just suddenly felt bored now, trying to hide things back and forth. All this to help her career but it really hadn't done anything to make it better or worse. No matter which direction it went, someone was going to get hurt out of this whole situation. Aya felt terribly confused and frustrated. She wondered what the whole point of it all was.

"Aya, what's wrong?" Maki asked her.

Aya snapped out of her gaze and realized then that Maki and Nacchi were staring straight at her.

"You ok?" Maki grew concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She lied as she quietly sipped her iced tea. She remembered she was there because they were discussing Nochiura Natsumi's upcoming tour.

"Waa, I'm really nervous." Whined Nacchi who felt like she was starting all over again in H!P. It had only been a month and a half since she returned from her suspension. She was worried if everyone would welcome her back, but of course they greeted her with open arms. Things definitely weren't the same without her.

"Nervous?" Asked Maki, "You've done this since the beginning."

"But I'm not a natural performer like you, Gocchin. I still get nervous from time to time." Nacchi replied.

Maki smirked at the comment, Nacchi was being too modest once again. She then changed the subject. "Maybe we shouldn't call ourselves NUN. It makes us sound old." Maki said, referring to the actual word, not the acronym of their name.

"I know but 'Nochiura Natsumi' is too long to say." Nacchi pointed out. "But I'd hate to be a nun, living the rest of my life unmarried." She sighed.

"Well it seems like one of us has found a way out of it." Maki said pointing at Aya with her eyes but Aya missed the joke because she was staring off again. Maki rolled her eyes. "Aya? Hellooo! Come back to earth!" Aya snapped out of her trance again, this time flushed with embarassment.

"I'm sorry, sorry." She apologized.

She had not only been caught staring and daydreaming several times today but also in the past few days. Aside from the upcoming NUN tour, Aya has had a lot of free time lately. She had not been going out with Keita as often as everyone thought they were. The magazines claimed to have spotted them at several different places which wasn't true at all. They knew better than to be out in public like that. Most of the time they went on dates set up by their head companies. Occasionally they'd hang at each others' apartments but nothing more happens there. All this free time had bothered Aya. She was so used to working all the time whether it was a new single, a PV, or a CM, she was always working on something. If she wasn't working then she was hanging with Miki but that hadn’t been happening lately.

Just then Morning Musume passed through the cafeteria as they headed to the stage to shoot another episode of their show. They greeted NUN as they passed by. Aya noticed that Miki did not even look at her. She was disappointed by that and decided to catch up her but at the same time she didn't want to leave the other members of NUN. Instead she decided to make up some excuse.

"Um, bathroom break!" She said quickly and got up. She tried to dash down the hall but her high heeled shoes hindered her. Nacchi and Maki just looked on, shaking both their heads.

"She likes someone." Nacchi figured.

"Of course, Keita." Maki pressed the obvious answer.

Nacchi shook her head. "No, I think it's someone else."

"Eh? How do you know?" Maki wondered.

"I know. She had this look that was like-" Nacchi demonstrated the look she had saw on Aya’s face earlier to Maki. It was sort of like a sigh/pouty type look that seemed to imply longing for something. Maki noticed that Nacchi had made that face as well earlier. She snickered.

"Who is it, huh? Who do you like, Abe-san?" Maki grinned.

Nacchi blushed as she accidently gave herself away. She then tried to deny it.

"No one. None of your business."

"Ha! I knew it! Who is it? Who is it?" Maki badgered her.

"No fair, you tricked me!" Nacchi pouted.

Aya managed to follow Morning Musume from a good distance. She eyed Miki who walked behind the rest of the group. She seemed in good spirits though, her arm was around Mari's shoulder as they seemed to be carrying a friendly conversation. Aya noticed how pretty Miki looked, her hair growing out nicely which she somehow didn't notice last time. She wanted to go talk to her but she couldn't find a way to get her alone without the others noticing. What do I say? She thought. "Miki, we need to talk."? Ok. She slowly crept closer to them but her cellphone suddenly rang. She cringed as she tried to muffle her phone. She then chickened out and ran away. Miki was the only one who had heard the ringing. She turned around, letting her arm fall off of Mari, but she saw nothing but an empty hallway. The ringtone sounded familar to her but she shrugged it off and returned to the rest of the group.

Aya cursed at the phone for its horrible timing. She looked at the missed call. It was from Keita. "Thanks alot!" She scoffed at her phone. By the time she caught up with the group they had already started taping the show. Disappointed once again, she returned to her own group looking defeated.

"You ok?" Maki asked again. "Took ya awhile."

Aya didn't want to say she was in the bathroom when she never was, so she tried to think of something else. "Uh, I had a call when I got out." she quickly said.

Maki nodded her head though she could tell something was going on. She didn't want to butt in though.

"I'm sorry." Nacchi suddenly piped up.

"What?" Both Maki and Aya asked.

"I'm still trying to get over what happened the last few months. And this whole unit thing, I just always felt out of place with you young ones. You really don't need me."

Maki and Aya were taken back by Nacchi's comment. They shook their heads violently in protest.

"Of course we need you." Said Aya.

"Yeah, Abe-san don't think like that." Maki added.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Nacchi apologized. "I guess I just thought it'd be better, maybe to have someone closer to your age. Someone like, Miki. Yeah! Like a Gomattou reunion or something. You guys were a good unit and I'm sure Miki would love it huh, Ayaya?"

"Yeah, she would've loved me." Aya accidently murmured then immediately slapped her hand to her mouth. Rather than blushing red her face went pale.

"Ayaya, are you all right?" Nacchi asked.

Aya shook her head as she sped off and away from them once again. Nacchi and Maki looked on with confusion once more.

"Something's up with her." Nacchi figured and Maki could only nod her head in agreement.

Aya ran into one of the empty rooms of the studio. She sighed heavily as she tried to get herself together. What was that about? You're really losing it now! She thought. She hoped Nacchi and Maki didn't hear that last comment she had blurted out. They must think she's going crazy now. For the past few days they've noticed that Aya had been acting strange. They'd teased her about Keita, thinking she had him on her mind. She let it pass off as that although that wasn't the real reason. Something had been bothering her lately, but she couldn't figure out exactly what it was. Somehow she knew it had to do with Miki. But what? Isn't this what she had wanted, for Miki to leave her alone? Not like this. She thought. She sat at the table on the floor and buried her head in her arms. She sighed, feeling her warm breath on her face. She lifted her head now and stare blankly at the wall.

What is this feeling I'm feeling? She thought, her chest felt like it was about ready to explode. It felt painful and she wanted to cry. "Why?" she whispered to herself. "I don't understand." She buried her face in her arms again and sobbed. "What am I going to do?" She then stopped herself from crying, trying not to ruin her makeup. She wiped her face and sniffed loudly. Suddenly she felt a buzz on her side. Her cellphone was vibrating. She had turned off the ring after her goof up in the hallway earlier. She took it out without checking who it was, pressed a button and blurted out the first name on her mind.

"Miki?" She paused and then later realized. "Oh, Keita. I'm sorry. Tonight? Um, yeah, ok." She replied absentmindedly. "Ok, bye." She hung up and sighed on the table once again. Why did I say "yes"? she argued in her conflicted mind. Keita had asked her out tonight but she really wanted to talk to Miki and straighten things out once and for all. She was tired of keeping this secret from her best friend. Maybe Miki would hopefully understand about her job situation and back off. She just couldn't find the time or the words to tell her. Somehow Aya was starting to feel different about Miki now. She wondered if Miki still had those feelings for her, if she still felt the same way she did that one night. It didn’t seem like Miki did anymore, but somehow Aya wished she still did.


*adds len.chan to the lurkers list* :P Yes! you can enjoy it again since I've fixed my mistakes from the first time I posted it :lol:

rndmnwierd: yay, you know my color :D

KrazyForKamei: (btw, awesome name :D) don't you lurk around JPM too? I see your name so many times and wanted to say how cool it is. hehe Anyway, there's 11 more parts I'm sure Miki can get through them all. If she had given up I guess you can say there's no point in continuing the story ;) hehe
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 10, 2006, 05:28:10 AM
I'd put your JPM nickname with the little degree symbol, 'cause that looks cooler, but I can't figure out how to make that little circle thing.

Poor confus-ed Ayaya. I can't wait for your next post!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 10, 2006, 05:36:08 AM
Yeah i do lurk there. It seems scary there though so I dont say anything *is a chicken like that* XD. It didn't seem as scary here so I actually post :P. And thanks...i thought it was pretty creative of a name ^_^
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Seagull on September 10, 2006, 11:30:26 AM
I have read this fan fic on JPM and I must say that it's one of the best fan fics ever. :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 11, 2006, 02:16:41 PM
Part 7

Another show over with, Miki reluctantly thought. She was really getting tired of playing these childish games with people who were many years younger than her. She knew her face will definitely show the expressions of how she felt about the taping when it finally would air on TV. She found herself wandering around the studio, walking behind the cameras and stepping over the many wires and cables and avoiding the staff members. She then stopped and noticed Eri taping her "Maido Arii" segment. She decided to stay and watch with the crew. She couldn't help but laugh along as Eri playing Eric Kamezou cracked "old" jokes at the annoyed Yuko. Miki then saw Eri pull out her metal briefcase and brought out the latest HP  releases. One of them in particular caught Miki's eye. It was Aya's newest photobook, "A". Miki remembered Aya telling her about the photobook a few months back when she was in China shooting it. Aya’s countless hours had finally paid off, "A" was finally out. It was much larger than the standard photobook, Miki noticed, but of course who would deserve it more none other than Aya. Miki had a sudden urge to look at the photobook now being held in Eri’s hands. She anxiously waited until the segment was over before she would walk over to Eri to ask if she could see it. As Eri cheerfully walked off the stage Miki silently stalked behind.

"Eri, Eri!" Miki called out.

Startled by the anonymous call, Eri dropped the heavy silver briefcase she was holding and it hit the floor with a bang. Eri quickly spun around to see that Miki was right behind her.

"Ah, Fujimoto-san you scared me." Eri sighed as she tried to undo the tie of her costume. Miki stared at the metal briefcase which now lay on it's side on the floor.

"I saw you holding Aya's photobook, can I see it?"

Eri was taken by surprise by this odd and strange request. Nevertheless Eri bent down to pick up the briefcase, opened it, and handed the brand spanking new book to Miki. Miki took the book and held it out in front of her. Aya's face was beaming all over the cover.

"It's huge!" Miki gasped in a forced act of surprise.

"It's a closeup shot that's why." Eri blurted out.

Miki shot a glare at her. Airhead, I meant the book! She grumbled in her mind.

"If you want it, you have to pay for it." Eri replied.

Miki sneered at Eri, "No, I don't want it. I just want to look at it."

"Just saying, I tried to do that once and they told me I have to pay for my own photobook!" Eri said as she focused her attention on fumbling with her tie and trying to get it undone. Miki rolled her eyes at the struggling girl before placing the book down and standing upright facing Eri.

"Here, let me." Miki took the tie carefully into her hands and unknotted it. Eri remained still, slightly uncomfortable as Miki took her time. She was standing too close to her. "There", Miki said satisfyingly as it loosened.

"Ah, thank you very much. It was choking me." Eri sighed in relief as she pulled the tie off her collar and rubbed her neck. She looked up at Miki and noticed she was staring at her.

"You know, you don't look so bad as a guy." Miki snickered, her smile looking quite devilish.

"Don't say that!" Eri pouted and whined. People had said that so many times to her. Miki could only laugh at her.

"Well thanks." Miki gave Eri a rather tight hug, her hands wandering down her back.

"Yeah, ok." Eri squeaked, trying to squirm out of Miki's strangely exploring arms.

Miki then picked up the glossy book off the floor, "I'll return it." She smiled and ruffled Eri's hair leaving it in a jumbled mess, "See ya!"

Miki walked down the long and strangely quiet hall as she flipped through the pages of Aya's photobook. Not bad. She thought to herself. The pictures were very well taken, thanks to UFA’s best photographers. She thought out of the half dozen photobooks (at least that many) of Aya's this one really represented her. It seemed to capture the true essence of Aya: sweet, sophisticated, beautiful, natural, charming, and of course, sexy. It was done so well that it was almost as if she could feel Aya's presence. Aya seemed to be radiating off the pages of the book with her beauty. It felt so real to Miki that she felt her heart start to stir once again. No, no. She shook her head abruptly trying to shrug the weird feelings in her off but it only kept getting stronger. In a haste decision she retreated herself into an empty room which happened to be the same room Aya had just been in only minutes earlier. She leaned against the door and sighed with great discourse.

"No, don't let this happen." She placed her hand over her heart. It continued to beat hard and steadily even after she thought she had calmed down. She looked at the photobook in her hands and as if it were on fire she threw it on the table in front of her. It landed, opening to a picture where it looked as if Aya was staring straight at her. Miki went to the book and stood over it as she grazed her eyes upon the lighthearted picture. Ah, you really are so beautiful. She thought once again. She felt like she was trapped in Aya's gaze and unable to be freed by it. She felt her body weaken just by looking at the picture. In a last gesture she finally fell to her knees and broke down.

"I can't do this." She cried. "I can't let go of you. My heart won't let me." Tears fell on to the pages of book, landing on Aya's cheek in the lifeless picture. Miki briskly pushed the book away from her as she bawled on the table. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fight the feelings inside her. For the last few days she had tried to hide behind this facade. She was never over Aya, not one bit. She thought she could ignore her but each day was eating her up inside and it was as though little devils were constantly tugging at her heart. All the bad feelings were coming back to her now. As she wiped her eyes she caught a familar scent in the air, "I can even smell you." She whined. "You're haunting me everywhere I go." She remembered the ringtone she heard earlier on and she was pretty sure that had been Aya's as well.

"I have to call her." She said as she pulled out her cellphone. "Maybe she's still here." She fumbled with the buttons but stopped just as she was about to push the call button, her cell screen flashing the private cell number of Aya’s. Her thumb hovered hesitantly over it but she somehow couldn't get herself to do it. Seeing as she couldn’t simply press one button, he threw her phone down in frustration and as it hit the floor, it suddenly rang. She quickly picked it up and looked at the screen. "1 New Message" it read. She checked the message, it was from Mari. Mari was asking if Miki still wanted to eat out with the other girls later. Though Miki wasn’t really in the mood to she replied back with an "Ok" trying not to be a bad sport. She briefly checked the time and realized that she had better get going if she really was going to meet up with her fellow comrades.

Miki slowly got up and made sure her face was dry. If anyone were to ask about it she would just say she was rather tired. She exited the room without noticing she was forgetting something as she left the book to it’s own on the table.


At the rather fancy restaurant, the girls were spread across one side of the wall in two booths. Miki sat at the end of the booth and was quiet as she just plainly watched the pieces of yakiniku sizzling on the grill, remembering to turn them around with her chopsticks. She glanced around at the rest of the girls who were with her. They seemed to be in their own little groups, Eri and Sayumi jabbering on like two machines programmed to never stop working, Konno was staring at the yakiniku wide eyed as she piled pieces of cooked meat onto her plate while Makoto made fun of her eating habits. One onserning little group was  Ishiyoshi who were getting a little bit too cozy in the corner. Miki had always felt like an outcast among the group. First in her own generation and now with the group as a whole. They didn't seem to realize that her placement in the group had probably saved them from even more loss of popularity. Still, it wasn't like anyone was giving her credit for it.

"Fujimoto-san." She heard a voice call her. She looked up and noticed it was Eri who had addressed her rather properly. "Did you return that photobook?" She asked.

Miki wanted to scoff, she thought it was something important. "Yeah, I did." She forcefully lied.

"Oh? Someone at the studio called me saying they couldn't find it." Eri replied.

Miki could only shrug her shoulders as she took a quick sip from her glass. She turned around and noticed one last piece of yakiniku on the grill. She quickly reached for it but her chopsticks clashed with someone else’s. Looking up, she saw Reina almost immediately retracting her hand back.

"Go ahead." Reina said, trying not to offend Miki.

"No, you can have it." Miki insisted.

Reina was surprised by Miki’s unexpected answer. "Really?" she asked and Miki nodded. Reina’s face beamed as she took it and placed the savory piece into her mouth.

Miki smirked. Reina needed it more than her anyways, she thought, but she noticed that her face was getting a bit chubby. She heard a ring and and instinctly pulled out her phone. Her cell phone showed no caller ID and she looked up to see Mari answer her phone. After a couple of "uh huh's" Mari finally ended with a sweet "I love you too." Mari quickly hung up and by this time everyone was hooting at her which made Mari turn a deep shade of red.

"That was Shun, right?" Someone asked the obvious question.

Mari nodded, her face still red, and stood up, "Sorry, but I have to go. Everyone enjoy your weekend, ok?"

Everyone nodded slyly at Mari. Trying to get out of the crammed booth, Mari found herself stuck in the middle with very little to no space to move about. She had no choice but to crawl underneath the table to leave the place. "Kawaii!" Someone shouted and everyone burst into laughter. Getting up from under the table Mari turned around and stuck her tongue at them. She then noticed that Miki hadn’t laughed or even paid attention to what was going on, she seemed off in her own thoughts.

"You ok, Miki? You haven't talked all night." Mari asked the dazed Miki.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit tired." Miki answered as she snapped out of her thoughts, "I think I might go as well." Miki got up from the table, apologized to everyone and said goodnight.

"Don't forget, futsal practice coming up." Yossi yelled to her just before Miki reached the door. Miki simply waved her hand, not bothering to look back.

Mari soon caught up with Miki outside in the parking lot.

"Is there something wrong, Miki? You can tell me." Asked the worried looking little leader.

Miki shook her head slowly as she stared in thought on the ground as she walked, it was way too complicated to explain.

Mari didn't want to bug Miki any further. "Well you know you can always call me if you want to talk about anything."

"Thanks." Miki quickly replied but she knew Mari wouldn't understand her situation anyway, "'s everything going for you?" Miki quickly changed the subject of the conversation.

Mari sighed, "I didn't think being a leader was so hard. I've been constantly working."

"Really? It doesn't seem so bad."

"Eh, that's because you don't get to see everything. There's a lot to it."

"I guess I'll just wait till it's my turn then." Miki said lightly as she flashed a quick and sarcastic smile.

"I think you'll do a lot better than me, Miki." said Mari as she was in the process of hailing a taxi.

Miki was surprised by her comment. She watched Mari get into the taxi.

"Tell Shun I said 'hi'." Miki told her and Mari nodded before the cab drove off down the street.

At least she's doing well with her relationship. Miki thought as she stood watching the cab turn a corner and out of sight. She walked along the illuminated sidewalk, thinking to herself as she went. It was getting dark out but she didn't want to go home just yet. She wondered what she was going to do now seeing that she still had time before she would go home to bed. She looked at the phone she held tightly in her hand but she still didn't have the courage to call Aya again. She sighed, not knowing what to do or where to go. Suddenly she spotted an old familar place, the bar.


rndmnwierd - Alt + 0176 :D or you can always copy and paste hehe

KrazyForKamei - really? I feel the opposite :lol: It's the fic forum here (and Eri thread) that got me posting here again.

shunjunsweden - *adds another to the list* ooh that's quite a compliment there, thank you very much :oops:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 11, 2006, 10:39:37 PM
Ahh yay! Miki didnt completely give up. I knew u wouldnt let me down :P And an Eri appearance too with a side of Miki gropeing. Absolutely positively amazing!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: tanakachi on September 11, 2006, 11:18:18 PM
wow, i guess miki still has feelings for aya!, cant wait to see wot happens next!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 12, 2006, 04:18:42 AM

Aha! Thanks a lot e°! I shall use it wisely. Or just everywhere I can....

Go Miki! Go! Fight for your Aya! Don't let the man get you down!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 12, 2006, 11:54:00 PM
Note: Before you get confused with this part, I'll explain the format. You know in the movies there's a split screen of 2 characters doing things at different places but at the same time? Well that's what I tried to do here except it was hard to write. hehe Probably the most difficult chapter to write out of the whole story...and 11...and 15...and anyway. :P

Part 8

"Argh, damn this headache!" Miki complained, rubbing her temples as she sat up in bed. It was late and she desperately needed to sleep. Insomnia had been keeping her up the last few nights. During the day she could hardly keep focus at work but she dare not let anyone see her that way. She kept her usual "don't give a damn" appearance but inside she was slowly breaking down again. She had stayed in the bar for who knows how long that one night. She sat in a dark corner sighing and sulking to herself. She hardly drank though, promising herself not to repeat another incident like the one at Aya's apartment. The memory of that night was still fuzzy to her. She never thought she would find herself like this, going crazy over love, or the lack of. She used to scoff at people with problems like that, but now she knows how it feels.

She looked at the sleeping pills in her hand and swallowed them without water. Her face twisted as they slid down her throat. She laid in bed and waited for them to work their magic. The ticking of the clock on the wall echoed so loudly in her head. She wasn't looking forward to the next few days which scheduled a futsal practice, dance practice, and TV appearrance. It's futsal practice tomorrow, right? Ahe asked herself. She leaned over to the nightstand and read the crumpled memo scribbled with a reminder. Errr. She confirmed it with a grunt. She stared at the ceiling above, rubbing away the feeling in her throat the pills had left earlier. As she tried to make herself comfortable she heard a faint noise outside her room and realized she had forgotten to turn off the TV. Irritated, she got up and went to the living room. The music channel was playing PVs and just as Miki was about to turn it off, her favorite singer's PV came on.  

It's an eternal unrequited love
I love you

Miki sat on her knees and watched. She was entranced by it, frozen in her position. She exhaled deeply and then shook her head. You just had to come on at this moment? She scoffed. It's the song she's been playing on her radio show for the past month, fans constantly requesting it. And while she always hummed along with it she was just now seeing the video for the first time. How could she have forgotten? She was there when Aya shot the video. The director had even asked for her opinion of what the main background should be. Miki had chosen the pink sakura background and a wise choice it was for Aya looked absolutely amazing in that shot.

Not knowing
If you're awake or asleep
Lazily, I dream of you

She got closer to the screen and leaned her forehead against it. She could see colors of flashing light through her eyelids as Aya's voice began to form them into shapes in her mind. Her body felt so heavy that she could hardly hold herself up but she couldn't help but stare at Aya. She sat there gazing at the screen, listening.


Fleeting, fleeting first love
As well as a love full of kisses
I even fell in love once
Without realizing how fast it happened, but...

Aya opened her eyes when she heard her voice. She had left the TV on while she was sleeping. She yawned and smirked as she saw herself on the screen. So cute. She thought. She was happy how well it turned out. Whoever decided to use the sakura background as the main background had great taste, she absolutely loved it. Taking on a more mature style was something Aya had been working on for almost a year. Her last few singles had been slow paced from her usual cute upbeat songs. She remembered trying so hard to look the part that she stressed herself out. Miki, who was there when she shot the video had tried to reassure her. "Come on, you're 'Ayaya', you can do anything." She remember Miki telling her. She had gotten over it, of course, but having been so focused on looking the part Aya never realized the words she was singing.

They call us lovers
But what are you looking at?

That's weird. She thought as she laid there in bed listening. She closed her eyes and thought about it. It felt a bit eerie how it seemed to coincide with the things that were happening now. It was as if the situation was turned into a song. But it must have been written a long time ago. Perhaps it has been going on for a long time and she hadn't noticed until now? Of course, one person stuck out in her mind from all this.

Even if I become an adult
And fall in love with someone else

Even if I have a wonderful wedding
I will always love you

"Would you really be happy for me?" She asked as if Miki was there. "Miki, I know this has been going on for a long time. I just didn't know what to do about it. I didn't mean to lead you on this way. I love you but I just want us to always be friends. Even if we suddenly go our separate ways I don't want to lose a good friend like you. Can you understand that?"


"I want to understand," Miki whispered. "I just don't know what I want, I really don't know. If I can't have you then let us just be friends forever. But, I just can't see you with anyone else. It would break my heart. I don't want you to go away. Please...don't leave me."

This love is a graduation
I'll wait for a new spring

An eternal unrequited love...

The song was over. Miki opened her eyes and Aya's face was gone. She turned off the TV and teared up.

"Why? Why can't I just say it?" she sniffed. "Aya, I love you." She turned her head and saw the phone just a few feet away from her. She felt the urge to call Aya right now even though it was already late. It shouldn't matter because they used to talk this late at night but that has been a long time ago. Would she even talk to me? Miki wondered.


Aya turned off her TV and sat there in silence. Now what? She glanced at the clock and realized it was quite late. She picked up the phone beside her and held it in her hand. She heard the dial tone droning but she hesitated to dial Miki's number. No, she's probably asleep. I don't want to bother her. Aya thought. She was about to hang up the phone but she kept it in her hand, deciding whether or not to call. She remembered the times she and Miki had spent talking on the phone. They'd talk all night and it was mostly Aya doing the talking, talking about herself. Miki didn't seem to mind, Aya thought, she was always a good listener. She probably enjoyed Aya talking about herself. Now she wondered if she still does.


Miki finally got the courage and began nervously dialing Aya's number, slowly pushing the buttons to stall time. As she hit the last number she felt her heart pounding as she anxiously waited for the other line to pick up. Several deep breaths later only the busy signal came back to her. Miki frowned in her mind. "Aya, I love you." She said into the signal. She dropped the phone on her lap and started crying again.


Aya dialed Miki's number and patiently waited. Her hand shook as she held the phone, she didn't understand why she was feeling so nervous. Unfortunately, only the busy signal came back to her. Eh? What is she doing? She wondered disappointingly. She hung up and tried again and once again it was busy. "Oh Miki." She sighed. "I know. I knew it all along." She hung up the phone. She looked around her room and sighed. Seeing that there was nothing else to do she went back to bed. "Well, goodnight then." She whispered into the air and closed her eyes.


Miki heard the static noises of the phone and then a voice recording came on. "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again." She faintly heard. Miki finally picked up the phone and hung it up. "I guess she's talking to Keita." Miki assumed, frowning and wiping the tears off her face. Another missed opportunity, she was running out of chances. She exhaled deeply as she rubbed her temples again. The effects of the pills were beginning to get to her now so she slowly staggered back into her room. As she laid there the song remained in her mind. Aya's voice echoed in her head. "Please, I give up. Just let me go. I can't take this anymore. Just let me sleep." she mumbled desperately as her eyes started to close, heavy with sleep.

°°Zutto Suki de Ii Desu Ka (credits:

and that is why "Zutto..." is one of my favorite Aya songs :D

KFK - yeah, just had to put Eri in there somewhere, esp. as Eric :heart:

rndmnwierd - yay you got it except it's the other way around °e hehe
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 13, 2006, 01:38:50 AM

when i clicked on your "last post", the jph!p radio was playing Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari 2 lol...i had to turn it off to be in the atmosphere...and then i put Zutto Suki de Ii Desu Ka...i can imagine Miki looking at Aya, and everytimes she sings "anata" she looks back at her...hehe...

this was awsome...i really love the part where they were almost talking to each other...and the phone part, even if we 've seen that so many times in movies, here it was just...Wow...:cry:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 13, 2006, 10:12:18 PM
:doh: :doh:

Sorry 'bout that °e! I got it this time though! Ha!

Great chapter as always °e and I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 14, 2006, 03:09:40 AM
Quote from: ChrNo



Ditto. :o
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 15, 2006, 12:46:26 PM
The damn love confession part really frustrated me...its just too tense!!

*runs around in a circle*

Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on September 15, 2006, 05:32:04 PM
This fic is so beautiful I had to read it twice.
GAM's relationship is so intense. I also love how you have little sprinkles of everyone especially KameiShige :heart:  
Can we expect to read ya other fics soon? *crosses fingers & toes* XD
Title: Part 9
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 16, 2006, 09:54:20 AM
Part 9

"Miki!" Coach yelled.

"Yes?" answered Korenaga.

Coach shook his head and corrected himself. "I meant Fujimoto!"

Miki was sitting on the players' bench, dozing off, her head buried in her arms unaware of her name being called.

"Fujimoto!" Coach yelled again.

Miki jumped up to her feet. "Yes?!"

"You'll be on the yellow team. Go up there!"

"Yes coach." Miki put on a yellow jersey and walked out into the court with the rest of her team.

It was only a practice game and the girls of Gatas Brilhantes H.P. were divided into two teams. The red team was Rika, Asami, Mai, and Ayumi, with Nono at the goal. The yellow team was Yossi, Miuna, Saitou, and Miki, with Konno at the goal. As the whistle blew for the game to start, everyone hustled around chasing after the silver ball. Miki trodded along the sidelines, not really paying too much attention. Her mind wasn't all together since last night. So much for the pills. She scoffed. She really didn't want to be there today but she tried her best to focus on the game. The red team has gotten the ball as they closed in on the other team's side. Yossi teasingly taunts Rika, who has the ball, and it was pretty obvious that they were flirting around on the court, Miki noticed. Yossi manages to steal the ball away from Rika as she tells her team to push forward. Yossi could see three red players ganging up on her as she reached the goal. She looked for an open player and that was Miki.

"Miki!" She yelled to her and passed the ball. Miki turned her head at the sound of her name but reacted too late and powerkicked the ball over the goal. The referee blew the whistle.

"No good!" he yelled.

"Come on Miki!" Yossi grunted in disappointment. "You were right next to the goal!"

"Sorry!" She apologized as she got back into position.

The ball went to the red team as they gained ground to the other side. Yossi manages to steal the ball once again and passes it to Miuna who was then intercepted by Asami.

"Miki block her!" Yossi yelled.

Miki, distracted once again, was unaware of the little Country Musume girl running towards her direction until she felt her body hit the floor...hard. The whistle blew once again. Gasps and footsteps came toward her. As Miki opened her eyes she saw her whole team staring down at her.

"Eh? What is this?" She mumbled, shaking off the sudden blow.

"I'm so sorry Mikichan!" Asami apologized.

"Fujimoto, are you ok?" Coach asked.

As they picked her up she felt a sharp pain in her back. They sat her down on the bench.

"Korenaga, go in for Fujimoto." Coached called.

"Yes coach!" She answered as she got into position.

Miki looked up and saw Yossi glaring at her as she returned to the game.

"Fujimoto." Said coach. Miki's eyes were on him now. "What's going on? You're one of our best players out there. What's gotten into you lately? I've noticed you haven't been playing well in the last few practices. Don't be getting soft now, we need all the training for the tournament coming up soon."

Miki looked down at the floor, feeling apathetic rather than guilty.

"You haven't been drinking or taking any medications, or that sort of thing?" He asked.

Miki shook her head, lying about everything.

"Well, stay focus this time. You're vice captain after all, you know? You should be helping out the others. Now get some ice for your back."

Miki got up and limped over to the cooler and got a bag of ice. She winced as the coldness touched her skin. It felt like it was burning rather than cooling. She limped back to the bench and grunted. She had never felt pain this bad before. She gritted her teeth trying to prevent herself from tearing up. In her mind she wish she hadn't come, she just wanted to go home. A few long minutes had gone by and coach called for a time out. Everyone came running back to the benches, huffing and sighing, happy to have a break. Yossi intentionally bumps into Miki's as she passes by her.

"Meet me after practice." She said sternly as she sat down. Miki could only glare back at her.


Miki slowly limped her way into the locker room. She saw Asami heading out.

"Ah, Miki, are you ok? I'm really sorry." She apologized once more.

"It's ok, it's just a little sore." Miki answered. "Where's Yossi?"

"Somewhere in the back." Asami answered.

"Ok, thanks." Miki said and limped on.

The locker room seemed quiet and empty. The sound of metal squeaking echoed off the walls. Miki looked through the rows of lockers, all of them looked the same, it was like an endless maze. It would've been easier just to call out Yossi's name but Miki was somewhat struck with a feeling of apprehension though she didn't know why. Yossi doesn't intimidate her at all but she walked cautiously, careful not to make a sound and then she finally found her. Her back was turned to Miki and she was wearing nothing but a towel. Water dripped from her blonde head on to her muscular shoulders. Miki couldn't help but stare at her body which was so manly and womanly at the same time. She felt awkward coming up to her like this and looking at her, but she couldn't help it. Underneath her towel she can almost see her the curve of her...

"Hey! What are you staring at?" Yossi yelled at her.

Miki's face flushed with embarassment as she got caught. "I'm...I'm sorry."

"When I said meet me after practice I didn't mean like this." She turned her head and shook the water out of her hair.

"Sorry, I'll just come back later then." Miki replied and turned around but Yossi stopped her.

"Since you're already here anyway." She motioned her to come foward. Yossi was sitting there wearing next to nothing yet she was not at all embarassed as she went at Miki.

"What's up with you lately? You played like crap today." She said sternly.

"Coach already gave me that lecture." Miki sighed, coughing up an attitude.

"Yeah, well I've got more to add." Said Yossi. "I know what's bugging you lately. And her name's A-ya-ya. You've been screwing up everything ever since you found out that Aya and Keita were going out."

Miki clenched her fist at the sound of that name.

"What's this? Jealous, are we? You're so lucky she's no longer on the team 'cause if she was and that happened it'd be so ugly right now." She looked at Miki who was beginning to fume. "Come on, you knew about it and you didn't do anything about it? I mean what happened? I thought you two are together, right?"

Miki didn't answer her and Yossi realized.

"Oh? I was pretty sure you two were. Seemed like it. I guess people should stop spreading gossip around the-"

"What do you want?" Miki cut her off, getting aggravated now.

"All I'm saying is you better drop this crap and focus on the tournament. We are going to win this no matter what so you better get yourself together! And not just that but with Morning Musume too. Now that Yagu-san's the leader, she has to work extra hard and she doesn't need you to drag her down with your personal problems." Yossi got up and dug through her locker. "But this tournament, even though it's still a few months away, I really want to win it. This is something I'm really good at." She turned around and faced Miki again. She took a deep breath, feeling slightly embarassed for the next thing she was going to say. So she lowered her voice. "Besides, Rika ain't putting out unless we win."

Miki choked on the air and snickered at Yossi. "What? So it's gonna be my fault that you're not getting any?" She started to laugh and it echoed loudly.

Yossi knew Miki would react that way. She couldn't stop herself from going up to her and pushing her hard against the lockers behind her.

"Hey! What the hell?" Miki grunted, trying not to show her pain as she glared at Yossi.

"Look who's talking!" Yossi yelled. "Looks like you won't either. For all we know Aya and Keita are probably banging each other right now!"

"Shut up!" Miki yelled back, fighting back the tears that were forming in her eyes.

Yossi sneered as she wiped a tear off of Miki's face. A wave of sympathy came over Yossi and she suddenly found herself leaning toward Miki's face but Miki turned away. "Funny," Yossi said, pulling back from her rejected pass. "I always thought you had a thing for me."

Miki didn't say anything again. She wanted to leave already. She was in too much pain and anger to deal with Yossi anymore but she wouldn't let her go.

"Can I go now?" Miki asked as she tried to move away, but Yossi pushed her back again.

"I just want to make sure you understand all this." Yossi confirmed.

"Don't touch me!" Miki yelled, pushing Yossi's arms off of her.

Yossi held her back again. " you?"

"Stop it!" Miki growled and suddenly threw a punch at Yossi and just barely missed her face. Yossi countered by slamming Miki into the lockers again. Miki came at her once again only to get slammed again. Loud thuds of Miki's body against the metal lockers echoed loudly, yet she kept persisting despite how badly defeated she already was.

"You wanna fight huh?!" Yossi yelled, clutching her towel with the other hand. "I have no trouble beating the crap out of you like this!"

Miki glared with rage as she went at Yossi one more time with full force. Like a bull, Yossi charged at Miki, slamming her really hard against the lockers one more time.

"I-TAI!" Miki cried out in pain and fell to the floor gasping for breath.

Yossi stooped down over her and shook her head in disappointment. Water from her hair dripped on Miki's face.

"I thought you were different, Fujimoto." Yossi sneered, rubbing her shoulder. "We can handle one less player on the team but too bad we need you. Look at you, you're so pathetic. You better get yourself together and stop screwing up. Now get up, you're embarassing me."

Yossi got up and disappeared somewhere in the back of the locker room. Miki laid on the floor huffing and throbbing in pain. She wanted to lay there and die. She cried softly to herself. The pain on her back has spread to her shoulders. It felt like her body was shattered inside. She grabbed onto the bench and tried to pull herself up. She began to walk but was reduced to a dragging limp. She whimpered in pain with each step. A few minutes later Yossi came back fully clothed.

"You're still here?" She asked. She watched as Miki limped toward her. "Damn, you're really busted up. Sorry, but you were asking for it." Miki got close to her till she up to her face. "What? You want to fight again? Save it for a game, Miki!"

Miki just fell foward, collapsing in Yossi's arms.

"Whoa! Get up!" Yossi cried, trying to prop Miki up. Realizing it was her fault Yossi decided to help her. "Do I have to take you home or something?" Then she thought for a moment. "Or I guess you can stay over. Come on." She put Miki's arm around her shoulder and tried to help her walk. Miki was weighing her down, dragging her feet. "Pick yourself up! I'm not going to carry you out of here!" Yossi growled and Miki stood up and assisted herself as they walked out of the locker room.


ChrNo: Yeah I know, don't you hate when that happens? :P

rndmnwierd: it's ok! hehe :D

Mikan: It is huh? makes you wonder if they'll ever resolve it, but I won't say anything. :roll:

lil_hamz: Beautiful? :embarrassed: You're too nice. You mean my other fics like E.R.I.? Sure, but I was going to rewrite it before I post it here. Plus I'll post new fics here too once I get them done. :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 16, 2006, 03:08:14 PM
Are you adding more detail to these than the origanals?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 16, 2006, 03:18:26 PM
Quote from: Mikan
Are you adding more detail to these than the origanals?

a little, I'm just fixing little mistakes and maybe change a sentence or 2 but not enough to change the story. Like on this chapter, no one pointed out that I had put Mai on both teams when one of them is supposed to be Miuna. :P

But my other story E.R.I. I've been wanting to rewrite it for sometime to make it longer, even though it was good as it is.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 16, 2006, 03:38:48 PM
Oh! thats cool

Gee...I should do that with Doki Doki...Bluekinoko did the first few chapters...I think she said she gave up cause there was too many..

What I really came back to this story to comment on was the fact that I thought you brought new chapters with you!!

I got all excited...Oh well, never mind ^^ Always next time!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 16, 2006, 05:34:36 PM
this chapter was aweessomme! Yossie VS. Miki *has the urge to scream Mortal Kombat!!*. I feel for Miki though...when u have personal practice is the last place u wanna be *knows from experience*. And Rika not putting out unless they win was great. I can picture that for some reason XD
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 16, 2006, 06:19:40 PM
*hums out MK theme music*
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 17, 2006, 12:26:56 AM
Damn...Yossi being the hardass.



That's so fucking HOT!!! :twisted:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on September 17, 2006, 07:05:26 AM
I'd never thought Miki would lose to Yossie that bad, but then again when it comes to Ayaya, we all know how much of a puppy dog she becomes.

YIPPEE I can't wait for you to post E.R.I. I like the title already :D
Title: Part 10
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 17, 2006, 09:42:25 AM
Part 10

Puffs of smoke escaped Aya's mouth as she breathed out into the clear night air. She took her cigarette and inhaled some more. "You shouldn't smoke. It's not cute." Miki had once told her. She could't remember when she had started doing this but Aya stopped after Miki had told her that but ironically the habit has returned because of Miki too. Miki wasn't the only one who had a vice but Aya knew she should stop for it was starting to affect her voice. She stared out of the open window, looking at the city lights and people walking below. Thoughts kept running through her head. Things were going crazy now and she wanted to get out of it before it gets worse.

"You shouldn't smoke. It's not cute." Said a voice behind her.

"I know, you told me a hundred times." She replied as she turned around. She was suddenly surprised to find Keita standing there. Then she remembered she was at his apartment. He looked at her strangely wondering when was the last time he told her that. "I'm sorry." Aya apologized. "I just hear that all the time."

"Well you should listen, because it's true." He said.

He came up next to her and looked out the window with her. They exchanged smiles and glances with one another. She really regretted "going out" with him though the truth was that she never considered this as going out in the first place. He was a nice guy and all and she felt sorry that he had to be put into this mess for her sake. He took the cigarette from her hand and threw it out the window. She slightly pouted, wanting to finish it.

"Come on." He said and led her to the couch. They sat beside each other, glancing and smiling again. Keita spoke up. "I know our companies set us up and all but in the last few months I've really gotten to like you."

"Oh, I like you too." Aya said half truthfully.

"Maybe we should consider making this official or something?"

"Oh! W-well..." She stuttered.

"I'm sorry!" Keita apologized. "I didn't mean to sound too foward."

"No, it's ok!" She answered. "It's just I have too much on my mind right now."

"Oh, It's ok, I understand." He replied, feeling slightly rejected.

They sat there in an awkward silence for a few seconds then Aya spoke.

"Heh, I bet all your fans hate my guts." She snickered.

"I should be more careful around yours. They could kill me." Keita joked. They both laughed though they knew it was true. Those fans can get really insane.

"This is the life of an idol." She sighed and Keita nodded.

She wondered if it was really worth it now, her career. Was it worth deceiving and hurting others? She knew this wasn't her, but she felt trapped. They were silent once again. Aya nervously watched Keita from the corner of her eye. She can see him leaning over attempting to kiss her but she avoided it by turning on the TV. It just so happened to be showing one of her many CMs. She gasped with excitement.

"Oh, look! It's me! Don't I look cute?" She laughed nervously.

Keita snickered. "Looks like you had fun doing it."

"Oh yeah, very fun. I just shot several CMs for Gogo no Koucha awhile back. It's a funny love story. Something about falling for the wrong...person." She stopped herself and realized what she just said. That caught her by surprise and she suddenly grew deathly quiet now. Keita didn't seem to notice.

What's going on? She thought to herself. She didn't know anymore. She suddenly found herself leaning her head on Keita's shoulder for it was the only comfort she had right now. He was taken by surprise by it and proceeded to go further by putting his arm around her shoulder. But all this time it was Miki that was on her mind. She wondered how she was doing for it has been a long time since they both talked to each other. She just felt like crying, on the verge of breaking down.

"I'm worried about Miki." She blurted out loud and caught herself once again. She cursed in head for thinking out loud again.

"Oh, how is she these days?" Keita asked.

"Good, I guess." She lied.

"Good? Then why are you worried?"

Aya shrugged. "I don't know."

"Well she must be glad to have a really good friend who's concerned for her."

Am I really a good friend? She thought.

She closed her eyes and sighed. She could sense Keita leaning over trying to kiss her again but she avoided it once again by saying she should call Miki. She got up from the couch and called her cellphone. It rang several times before the voice message came on. Aya hung up and pouted. She checked the time. 10:34pm. What is she doing? She thought.

"No answer?" Keita asked as he walked to her.

"No, I guess she's busy."

She felt Keita's arms around her again and this time felt his lips against hers. She gave up trying to avoid his advances, besides, she kind of liked it anyway.

"I'm sure she's ok." He said, hoping it would ease her tensions.

Aya nodded. "Yeah."

He led her back to the couch.

"You're so beautiful, you know?" He said as he kissed her again.

Aya suddenly found herself in one of those "caught up in the moment" situations. Confusion ran through her mind as she tried to figure out what she should do. She couldn't help how good it felt to be kissed like that, she never felt anything like that before. What the hell was Tsunku thinking setting her up like this? What happened to maintaining the whole virginal image? He must be really stupid. This might be her only chance, she thought, and before she knew it she was in the bedroom with Keita.


Miki splashed cold water on her face and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. The flourescent light wasn't helping her already pale complexion. She glared at her own reflection. She didn't recognize herself anymore. Who are you? She looked down at herself and examined the hickey marks that covered much of her stomach and torso. She looked behind her and the sore on her back has now turned a reddish purple. Miki wished it never happened. The moment she had stepped into Yossi's apartment, she knew something was going to go down. Yossi tried as much as she could help her sore back but it only made the pain worse. Though she was quite a touchy person, Miki herself didn't like to be touched and the fact that it was Yossi doing the touching made her even more uncomfortable. Suddenly one thing led to another and now Miki's filled with even more self-loathing and regret. She let out a loud grunt and suddenly heard a thud against the bathroom door. She opened the door and found her clothes balled up on the floor. As she picked them up she saw Yossi sitting on the bed talking on the phone. Miki knew exactly who she was talking to. Yossi put her finger up to her lips as she continued talking. Miki locked herself in the bathroom once again. She put on her clothes and stared into the eyes of her reflection again. She was really hating herself right now. She then heard a gentle knock on the door this time. She opened it and Yossi entered, scooting Miki out of the way as if she wasn't there.

"I told you to be quiet." She said as she bent over the sink to wash her face.

"I'm leaving." Miki murmured as she tried to get out but Yossi grabbed her arm.

"What? No 'thank you'?" She smirked.

Miki shook away from her grip but Yossi grabbed her again.

"Let me see your back." She said as she lifted the back of Miki's shirt. She examined the growing bruise. "That looks bad." is all she could say. She turned Miki to face her and then examined her stomach this time. She snickered. "You mark so easily." She said, running her finger across Miki's abdomen. Miki gritted her teeth, trying to resist the feeling from Yossi's touch. She saw Yossi's face coming close to hers but Miki turned her head away.

"I'm leaving." She repeated and walked out.

Yossi caught Miki just before she got out the door. "Hey! Remember, not a word! Rika would kick my ass."

Miki scoffed at her as she closed the door. She wished Rika would find out along with Yossi's other infidelities. Yossi doesn't seem to care at all though, Miki was just another face to be forgotten. Unfortunately she has to see her everyday because of Morning Musume. Add Rika into it and that's even worse.

She still had a slight limp as she entered the elevator. She immediately checked her cellphone and noticed she had one missed call. Realizing it was from Aya her heart skipped a beat but at the same time she felt sick to her stomach. Deep inside her wanted to scream. Her body was pent up with so many emotions, she couldn't take it. It's over now. She didn't want Aya to have anything to do with her anymore, not even as a friend. Aya's probably too busy to even care because she has Keita now. Flashbacks of what happened an hour ago stabbed Miki's mind. She clearly remembered something Yossi had told her.

"You know why Aya's with Keita, right? Tsunku-san's making her stay away from you."

Hell broke loose inside her head when she heard that but she couldn't do anything about it after what she had just done. She wanted to die now, she thought about it so many times. She leaned her head against one corner of the elevator and banged it repeatedly. "Aya," She cried. "I'm so sorry."


It was completely dark and only the sound of their breathing can be heard. They fumbled around blindly, not knowing what to do. Aya giggled playfully but deep inside she was terrified. How did it come down to this? She thought, laying against the cool sheets. She reached out her hands into the unknown and found his face. She held on to him, not wanting to be lost in the dark.

"Are you ok?" His voice asked her.

"Huh?" She choked. She knew what was going to happen. Luckily the darkness masked the terrified look on her face. She swallowed the lump in her throat and answered, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"We don't have to, if you don't--"

"No, it's ok." She said but her mind was saying the opposite. Her heart kicked inside her chest. She was afraid but she couldn't get herself to stop or say no.

"Ayaya..." A voice whispered to her.

Ayaya? She repeated in her head. Keita has never called her by that name. She opened her eyes and thought she saw a ghost.

"Ayaya, I love you." Said Miki in front of her.

Aya opened her eyes and let out a scream. She turned her head and found herself on Keita's shoulder.

"What? What's wrong? Are you ok?" He was startled by her. Aya screamed again and backed away from him, falling off the couch. She looked around and realized she was still in the living room with Keita. She must've fallen asleep on his shoulder. Realizing it was just a dream she started to cry tears of relief. Keita knelt down to her and held her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She cried against his shoulder, not knowing what she was apologizing for.

"It's ok. You must've had a bad dream." Keita comforted her.

She let go of him and wiped her face. She got up and walked over to the open window, taking deep breaths of the windy air. "AHHHHH!" She hollered, as she's done so many times in her (Gogo no Koucha) CMs only this time she wasn't acting. Under her breath she mumbled...

Daisuki, Miki. Daisuki.

OMFG! Did I scare you guys? :P

Mikan - hehe sorry about that, I hate when that happens too. But lookie, 7 more to go!

KrazyForKamei - well something's gotta motivate her to work hard. haha If I remember, Gatas really did win that tournament (back in summer-ish 2005) right? I don't want to know. XD haha

JFC - not to mention beating the crap out of Miki half nekkid. :lol:

lil_hamz - The the GAM relationship Aya rules ALL. Period. XD  Yeah it's amazing how girly Miki becomes when she's with Aya. Everytime I watch them it's like Man, Miki just got owned by Aya. haha
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: tanakachi on September 17, 2006, 12:01:21 PM
you scared me!! i actually thought that aya and keita was actually going to "do it" :O
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on September 17, 2006, 12:35:08 PM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
OMFG! Did I scare you guys?

Man you scared me real bad. I was like "Noooooooooo Aya," then I went "Miki you too ???!!!" :lol:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 17, 2006, 06:51:37 PM
Miki Aya Miki Aya, I love how the story goes back and forth. Even though I've read it before, I was still on the edge of my seat.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 17, 2006, 07:37:46 PM
AH! That wasnt nice >.O. I got so scared. The whole time im going, "No. Aya. Just say no. Say no. No" Thankfully...she didnt *whipes sweat off forehead and relaxes*
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 18, 2006, 12:03:07 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
OMFG! Did I scare you guys? :P
*quietly raises hand from the corner of the room where he's cowering.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 18, 2006, 09:26:37 AM
Yay! More More!!

I was a little surprised about the keita thing too. It would make sense if she did. I think a lot of people have sex because they feel guilty. Miki is an example ^^

Wow, Yossui is a prick! haha..
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 18, 2006, 11:02:10 AM
wow...i'm completely speechless after reading these two parts...
now i'll try to find words...

Quote from: DO Me DO Me
Part 9

Miki got up and limped over to the cooler and got a bag of ice.

sorry...i couldn't help myself thinking about " boxu !" XD XD XD
and i had to calm myself down before reading again XD...

"Hey! What are you staring at?" Yossi yelled at her.

*remembering aibon in hawaii*..........XD

"Besides, Rika ain't putting out unless we win."

i was like..."did i understand that one correcly ???  did i ??" XD

what fallows after is so intense...can't find a word ...or maybe one...or tow...
awesomely great.

Miki just fell foward, collapsing in Yossi's arms.


now what to say about Part 10...huh... didn't scare me...i thought "well...they are desperate..."
you really did surprise me when i read nothing happend hehe:D
Aya opened her eyes and let out a scream. She turned her head and found herself on Keita's shoulder.

"What? What's wrong? Are you ok?" He was startled by her. Aya screamed again and backed away from him, falling off the couch.

made me laugh so hard...
i felt pity for Keita hahahaha...

She still had a slight limp as she entered the elevator. She immediately checked her cellphone and noticed she had one missed call. Realizing it was from Aya [...]
 "Aya," She cried. "I'm so sorry."

outch again...:cry: that part was....:cry: time i'll look for words ... are an amazing writer :)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 18, 2006, 09:46:27 PM
sorry no updates today, just replying to comments hehe

haha, seems like I've turned a drama story into a horror story :P I wouldn't do that to Aya, Keita's too girly for her. :roll: I remember on another forum we were joking around about having no kind of hetero sex in fics. :lol: I couldn't write that anyway, and femslash is just as hard. To tell you the truth this story was originally a kind of story that would be part of the perv section BUT I couldn't do it, I couldn't get myself to write it. And you can't convince me so don't ask :P Plus GAM was already a couple in the original story so the whole story is completely different. Then again I don't even know how the original story went anymore hehe.

Since I'm not updating today (I'm letting you all recover from the shock :P) I'll share some little references of where I got the ideas for my story from. So starting from the beginning:

Part 1:

Aya's FRIDAY incident is the base of the whole story which makes the story take place around March-ish 2005 or something.

Miki's failed love confession came from these pics from the HP ALL STARS thing:
( ( (
that looks suspicious huh? esp. in the 2nd pic where it looks like the camera came in right when she was about to confess and she's hiding behind Aya all embarassed because the camera ruined her chance. :lol:

Part 2:

Miki's already 20 by then so Miki + beer = drunk (legally) :lol:

The conversation with the taxi driver was based on her other taxi story from the English lesson show on HM.

Aya being an egomaniac is from my observation of watching videos of her. She does seem like she's into herself. I remember she named some animal at a zoo after her. hehe

Part 3:

nothing really here, but there's a touch of comedy from Kameshige and W.

Part 4:

Dance practice from watching all those practices they show on Musume Dokyu

Osaka Koi no Uta was the upcoming single at the time.

Part 5:

all that stuff was made up. In their Futarigoto together they revealed how they actually met.

Part 6:

Nacchi came back from her suspension and NUN was still active at the time.

Part 7:

I just had to put my dear Eric Kamezou in there. :P Although the actual segment that Aya's PB was promoted was back in March 20th and Eri was playing Waitress Elise Kameyama on Maido Arii.

Mari and Shun's relationship is mentioned here

Part 8:

"Zutto suki de ii desu ka" was Aya's latest single at the time. It sort of became the theme song of the story :lol: I love this song.

Part 9:

Gatas were actually training for a tournament during the time the story takes place.

Part 10

I heard a rumour that Aya smokes so I thought I'd put that in there. :roll:

Aya's Gogo no Koucha CMs (the ones later used in "Ki ga Tsukeba Anata") are mentioned, esp. the part when she screams at the end of them.

And there's my references for parts 1-10 hehe. As you can see I'm sort of following this timeline in HP history, maybe that's why my story has this realistic feel to it. From Part 11 onwards is where the story starts getting :o!!! hehe Those who already read it that's why I'm waiting out a little till I post the next part, just letting others catch up and get a few more comments. So thanks again for the comments. It really does encourage me to write more :)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on September 19, 2006, 01:39:39 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
Aya being an egomaniac is from my observation of watching videos of her. She does seem like she's into herself. I remember she named some animal at a zoo after her. hehe

Miki also said on the Music Station Goumattou performance that Aya always looks into the mirror and says something like "Aren't I cute today"
Yup so Aya = egomaniac should be pretty much right though Sayu's coming close :lol:

Well I'm about done with my recovery and all ready to take on the next chapter. Who else is up for more? ;)

Forgot to mention earlier that the 1st pic almost looks like Miki wanted to... kiss Aya :p
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 19, 2006, 04:21:40 AM
They do look pretty cozy in those pics. But Miki is the Touch Demon so...
Title: Part 11
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 21, 2006, 02:14:41 PM
hmm, I guess you're all ready for the next part. I just want to say that this was the 2nd hardest chapter to write because it's just so...well, you'll see plus I had lost the original part a long time ago from a disk error so this was what I could remember of it. I don't know if it was just as good as the original but people responded well to it. Well here it is.


Part 11

Two hours late. Miki hadn't shown up for work this morning. It wasn't like her to miss it. Phone calls to her apartment and cellphone were unanswered. The manager had asked all the futsal members of Morning Musume of her whereabouts but they didn't know where she went after practice last night. Even Yossi denied knowing where she went. Frustrated that she had to be absent on one of their busier days the manager went up to the person who knew her best.

"Miss Matsuura?" He called to her.

She was sitting in the cafeteria and he had interrupted her conversation with the other members of Nochiura Natsumi. She looked up at him, not expecting him to call on her.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Do you know where Fujimoto is? She's late and she's not answering her phone."

Aya found Miki's absence strange as well and began to call her up on her cellphone. Just as the others attempted earlier Miki wasn't picking up. Aya shook her head. "That's strange. I tried to call her last night and she didn't pick up either."

The manager sighed in defeat. Aya felt a bit guilty as if she had something to do with Miki's absence. She decided to help out. "Um, I've got nothing to do right now so I could go over to her apartment now and check on her if you like?" Aya suggested and then looked at her fellow group mates. "Is that ok?"

Nacchi and Maki nodded their heads, feeling concerned for Miki as well. The manager was greatly relieved and he told Aya that once she found Miki that a serious talk was waiting for her at the studio. Aya nodded assuring that the message would be delivered. She stood up from her chair and said her goodbyes to everyone as she hurried out of the studio. Nacchi and Maki looked on.

"It's so obvious now." Nacchi suspected.

"What is?" Maki asked while skimming through a magazine.

"She just made that excuse so she could see whoever she's seeing."

"Keita?" Maki stated the obvious again.

"No, I said it was someone else."

"Um, Miki?"

"Haha, you're funny, Gocchin. I'm sure she'll check on her but that's after she sees this person."

"Eh? How do you know all these things, Abe-san?"

Nacchi pulled down Maki's magazine and looked at her. "I told you, I know these things. It's like instinct or something."

Maki stared off for a second and then a huge grin emerged from her face. "Ah ha! Is that why you left early the other day? You went off to see someone too, huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Sneaky, Abe-san. That's sneaky." Maki nudged her.

"Mou, Gocchin! Leave me alone!" Nacchi pouted, taking Maki's magazine and popping her on the head with it.


Aya stood outside Miki's apartment building. It had been a long time since she came over. Her heart beated nervously as she made her way inside. In the elevator she tried to think of what to say but her mind was blank. As it ascended higher to each floor the suspense was building up inside her. When the doors finally opened, her heart was now kicking inside her chest. Her shoes echoed in the quiet hallway and then she was there at the door. She didn't come over just to check on Miki, she also wanted to tell her how she really felt about her. Last night seemed like a wake up call, she thought. It had stopped her from doing something she might've regretted. She hesitated before finally knocking on the door. After several seconds Aya pulled out her spare key and opened the door herself. She hardly used it much since Miki was always at her place, or used to. She slowly peeked her head inside.

"Miki?" She called out. She stepped inside the dark and quiet apartment. Her foot tapped something and she looked down at it. It was a beer bottle and she spotted more around the place. She shook her head disappointingly not knowing how long the place had been left in disarray. She called out to Miki once again but there was no answer. She finally headed toward her room where she came upon an awkward sight.

"Miki?" She called once more. At first her mind did not register the scene before her. Miki was laying out on her bed face down with one arm hanging off the bed. Beside her on the nightstand Aya noticed bottles of pills with one of them spilled all over the nightstand and floor. Beside that appeared to be a crumpled note. Only one thing came to Aya's mind.

"No!" She gasped, holding her mouth to stifle a silent scream. She fell to her knees and was frozen in place. She couldn't believe what she saw. "No, no, no!" She shook her head violently, hoping it was just a dream. What have you done? Her mind cried out. She wanted to go up to her but a force of fear kept her back, dreading to feel cold lifelessness. She balled herself on the floor and started crying. How could she do that? How could she leave me like that? She felt something inside her just died right now, like a big gaping hole in her chest. "Miki..." She blubbered. Her other half was gone. She was gone and it's all her fault.

What now? Her mind asked.

"What now?" She asked her mind. She looked at the little white pills on the floor. She didn't want to but her hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it gathered several pills into her palm. She looked at them and they were almost as pale as her hand. She dreaded the next thing. Why must she follow the fate like that of the familar star-crossed lovers when they had never been together? Maybe in the next world. She thought as she lifted her hand toward her mouth. She closed her eyes and opened her hand, letting the pills fall to the floor. Then she screamed.

"I can't!" She mumbled between sobs. "Not this way!"

Suddenly a noise had interrupted her cries. She looked up and saw Miki stirring in her sleep. She grunted and turned over on to her back. Her body fidgeted slightly and she fell back asleep. Aya looked up dumbstrucked. Wha-What is this? Aya approached Miki's bedside. She watched her chest slowly rise and fall, the sign of breathing. Aya sighed. Sleeping? She thought as she cried tears of relief. She took her hand in hers and it felt warm. She sighed once more. Oh Miki, don't scare me like that. Aya felt Miki's hand squeezing hers as she shifted in her sleep again. Aya attempted to wake her up.

"Miki? Miki?" She whispered.

"Whatever! Just follow the instructions!" Miki spoke from her sleep.

"Miki? It's me, Aya."

"Ayaya?" She mumbled. She opened her eyes slowly though they were still heavy with fatigue. She smiled weakly at Aya. "You are so beautiful when you cry. But...don't...cry." She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Aya managed to crack a smile through her tear stained face, relieved that Miki was okay. Still she didn't understand the scene that laid before her. Did Miki really tried to kill herself? Did she have something to do with it?

"Are you cold?" Sleeping Miki interrupted Aya's thoughts. She took her arms and hugged herself and giggled. "There, now it's warm."

Aya giggled back. Making gestures in her sleep was common of Miki to do. She remembered those words Miki had said to her. It was a few years ago when Aya came to visit her in Hokkaido. Cramped in that single bed together, Miki suggested they should hold each other to keep warm and Aya agreed. However, she realized that it was during the summer that she came to visit. "You sneak." Aya sneered at the sleeping Miki, but that didn't matter. She had almost forgotten why she was at Miki's apartment till a phone call came to remind her.

"Hello?" She answered her cellphone. "Oh yeah, she was sleeping." She slowly crept away, trying not to disturb Miki as she exited the room and went into the living room.

Miki tossed in her sleep a few more times till her body couldn't sleep anymore. She suddenly opened her eyes. Bright light pierced her still tired eyes and somehow she felt that something wasn't right. She turned her head to look at her clock and realized she was more than two hours late for work.

"Oh, damn!" She cursed as she shot up in bed, but a pang on her side stopped her. She moved slowly till she was sitting up in bed. Her back still ached from her injury and the painkillers she took for it didn't seem to work but it sure did knocked her out. She stretched out her body and let her head drop, her long hair falling over her face. She really didn't want to go to work and face everyone plus she knew a scolding would be waiting for her as well. As she was about to lay down again she thought she heard a faint noise coming from the living room.

"Huh? I didn't turn on the TV last night." She was certained. As she stepped on to the floor she felt what seemed like pebbles under her feet. She looked down and saw the mess of pills all over the floor. The memo about futsal practice laid crumpled on the floor as well. "What happened here?" She wondered. She must've gestured in her sleep as always, she figured, and knocked over the bottle. From the look of it it appeared to look like a suicide scene and if someone had walked in they might've thought the wrong thing.

Miki stood up unsteadily at first then staggered her way into the living room. The noise became a voice and the voice sounded familar to her. When she found the source of it Miki nearly jumped back as if she saw a ghost.

"A-Aya?" She stuttered.

Aya looked up and was surprised to see Miki as well. "Oh, Miki!" she gasped. "Yeah, she's awake now. Hold on." She placed her cellphone on the coffee table, leaving the caller on hold. She then made a dash toward Miki and threw her arms around her neck. "Oh god, Miki. Don't scare me like that." She said, her voice muffled against Miki's shoulder.

"I'm...sorry?" Miki replied though she didn't know what she did to make Aya say that. She was a bit skeptic, wondering if Aya was really there with her, hoping those pills had not given her weird side effects. Aya's arms around her neck felt real, Miki thought. She took her own arms and wrapped them around Aya's waist. It is real! Miki realized. Aya pulled away, teary eyed and sniffing.

"Why are you crying?" Miki asked her.

"You didn't show up for work this morning so I came to check on you and I just...I just thought something horrible had happened."

Miki then remembered the mess back in her room and figured Aya had thought she tried to kill herself. She sighed, slightly smirking. "You thought I was-? Aya, I would never ever do that." She assured her and suddenly felt Aya holding her tighter.

"I just didn't know what to think." Aya sobbed. "I haven't seen you in awhile. I was so worried about you. I thought I lost you just now."

"I'm sorry I scared you." Miki whispered. She felt so happy feeling Aya's warm embrace, she didn't want it to end.

Aya smiled. She took Miki's hands in hers, feeling her warm slender fingers. "I have something I want to say."

Miki looked at her and listened.

"Mikitty..." She merely whispered.

Mikitty? Miki repeated in her head. It has been a long time since she's been called that. The way Aya said it made her heart stir.

"Mikitty, I love you." Aya confessed.

"Eh?" Miki huffed, completely taken aback by Aya's words. "Is this a dream?" She denied until she felt Aya's lips touching hers. Now she didn't know what to believe.

"It's not a dream, Miki." Aya confirmed to her.

Miki took her hand and brushed it lightly against Aya's white cheek, tracing her jawline with her fingers. It was soft and smooth. Her touch sent a surge of electricity through Aya's body as her eyes burned into Miki's, making her weak inside. Then Miki felt like she lost control of herself.

"Oh, Aya." Miki sighed, pushing Aya against the nearest wall. Their lips hovered over each others as they breathed each other's breath. Aya eagerly waited for Miki to return her kiss but Miki couldn't bring herself to do it. The painful memory of last night still haunted her. She wouldn't dare let her sinned lips touch Aya's, instead she turned around and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I can't." She said remorsefully.

"What's wrong?" Aya wondered, slightly disappointed.

"What about Keita?" Miki covered up.

Aya just shook her head. "I don't care about him."

Miki was relieved to hear that but something still troubled her mind. "But..." She started. "Why does Tsunku want you to stay away from me?"

Aya's face dropped and she didn't look at Miki. "I'm sorry. He just noticed how close we've gotten and he didn't want us to get involved."

Miki scoffed. "Why does he care? It's none of his business."

"He said it would ruin my image and eventually, my career."

"Your career?" Miki emphasized.

"I mean with me being important to Hello Project and all."

"So wait, you knew I loved you all this time?" Miki asked.

Aya nodded apologetically.

"And you didn't say anything?"

"I didn't know what to do! I wish I never agreed to it. I just felt trapped." Aya explained but Miki was occupied by her own thoughts.

"So I had no reason to be afraid to tell you all this time?" Miki asked herself. "I could've just told you back then the moment I felt something for you?"


"And then we could've been together right now? If only I had said something back then maybe you would-"

"Miki!" Aya interrupted.

Miki snapped out of it and looked up at Aya. Her heart suddenly sank right then.

"Miki, I'm sorry." Aya apologized.

Miki turned around, trying to hide her pain. She hated showing weakness, especially in front of Aya. "How could you do that to me?" She mumbled.

"Miki, I'm so sorry. I was just torn between two things, the two things I really care about. But I've realized now that I made a huge mistake. I wish I could take it all back and start over again. I wish this never had happened. Please, forgive me." Aya bowed her head to her. "I really do love you." She whispered.

Miki turned around and saw Aya bowing before her. "Say it again." She said.

Aya looked up, "What?"

"Say it again." Miki repeated.

"I really do love you, Miki."

Those words melted her inside. She couldn't get mad at Aya, not after hearing those words coming from her mouth. Anything she said could weaken Miki in an instant. She looked at Aya and their eyes met once again. "It's ok." Miki mumbled though she was still hurt by what Aya did to her. But for Aya, Miki would forgive her for anything, or so she thought. She was too distracted by the fact that Aya wanted to be hers, finally.

Aya smiled. She wrapped her arms around Miki's waist and squeezed her. Suddenly Miki's moment of happiness was shattered by the surging pain running up and down her back. She grunted in pain.

"What's wrong?" Aya asked.

"It's nothing. Just a futsal injury." Miki huffed as she cautiously backed away from Aya.

"Aww, you're hurt? Let me see." Aya began to lift Miki's shirt but before Miki could stop her the blank look on Aya's face told her it was too late. Aya stood there dumbfounded at what she discovered.

"Oh, I see." Aya painfully whispered. "You're already seeing someone?"

Miki shook her head.

"Heh, who am I kidding? I guess I should've said something a long time ago." Aya fluttered her doey eyes, fighting away the tears that were beginning to form. "It's my loss, huh? I'm too late, ne? Maybe I should've just..."

Miki couldn't hold it in anymore, she thought she could let this slide but the pain was eating her up inside. She suddenly felt the growing rage inside her and released the caged beast.

"Shut up!" Miki growled. "This is all your fault!"

Miki's outburst made Aya jump back a little as Miki continued to lash out at her.

"You knew all this time and you let me make a fool of myself? Do you know how long I kept this inside? Huh?! Crying, hurting, losing sleep over it, wondering if you ever felt the same way! And then crying, hurting, and losing sleep some more because I thought I could never have you!"

Aya opened her mouth but nothing came out but then she managed to choke out, "My career..."

"Your what?" Miki shook her head in disbelief. "Come on, Aya, you can do so much better than this company. All this wouldn't have happened if you had just said something."

"I did that for us!" Aya defended, "What if it was us on that Friday magazine? We'd be doomed for sure. I was only trying to help us."

Miki let out a sarcastic laugh. "Pssh, I don't believe that. You did it for yourself. You always cared about yourself and you only. You know, you can have everything in the whole world because you're Ayaya."

A huge silence fell between them and tensions became thick. Aya could not believe what Miki was saying to her but now she realized she was right. She couldn't look at Miki's face but she could feel Miki's eyes burning into her.

"I don't ask for much." Miki continued. "So why can't you just let me have this? You're all I've got, you know that? You're the only reason why I'm still here in this company. Everything I had has been taken away from me. But, I guess that doesn't mean anything to you either, huh? You're just a spoiled princess, you know that?"

Aya didn't respond. Her jaw slowly began to tense and tighten.

"Maybe I should address you princess from now on. Is that better? And I'm just a poor little pawn for you to mess with." Miki mocked. "Is that what you wanted, Princess Ayaya? Is everything to your liking, Princess Ayaya? Isn't this what you wanted, Princess--"

"Shut up!" Aya yelled and slapped Miki across her face. Shock, followed by another silence ensued. Aya looked at her hand and couldn't believe what she had just done. She looked at Miki who was totally caught off guard by it. She reached out that same hand to Miki. "Miki, I'm sor-"

"Don't touch me!" Miki growled, rubbing away the warm sensation from her face. "Get out! I don't want to see you ever again!"

"But Miki-"

"Get out! You don't love me! You don't-" Miki ran back into her room and locked the door. Aya went after her.

"Miki!" Aya cried, banging on the door. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that."

"Just...go." Replied a weak and pained voice behind the door. "Leave me alone."

Aya could hear Miki bawling through the door and then felt her own tears coming. She had never seen Miki so hurt like that and she was the one who caused it. Seeing that there was nothing else she could do to fix anything, Aya backed away and proceeded to let herself out of Miki's apartment. As she headed into the living room she remembered her cellphone and noticed it was still on.

"Oh, no!" She cried as she picked it up. "Hello? Hello?" But there was no response. She looked at the screen and noticed the caller had hung up awhile ago. She dreaded if the caller had heard any of the argument between Miki and her. She gathered her things and headed toward the door. She turned around for one last look, hoping Miki would come out of her room, but she didn't. Aya closed the door and walked down the hall back toward the elevator. She swore she heard a muffled scream just now but she didn't dare to turn around. She couldn't go back. Never again.

what's that sound? hearts breaking? hehe I mean, awwww....:heart:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: tanakachi on September 21, 2006, 04:36:04 PM
:O....omg, cant wait for the next part!!!! :O:O
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Seagull on September 21, 2006, 04:42:37 PM
One more time I must just say that I really really love this fic :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 21, 2006, 07:03:43 PM
now this time you scared me DO Me DO Me ! XD

reading the part where Aya confessed her love to Miki and all the intense moments after, i kept thinking " heh ! wait the phone is still on !! stop that you two !! someone is listenning !! wtf !!" heart was going to explose untill i read the last part...and here "fewwwww"...but hell ! that was a good chatper DO Me DO Me ! intense, sad,...awesome. you are going to kill us ! i don't know if i will be still alive to wait for the 6 other parts XD
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: HiME on September 21, 2006, 07:09:52 PM
Great fic.

I haven't finished to read all the parts yet, but I printed it for later reading :lol:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 21, 2006, 07:24:46 PM

This part made me giggle, but then my jaw hung open for the rest of the story.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 21, 2006, 10:34:14 PM
Oh maaaannn! I thought they were finally gonna get together then it got worse....U sure know how to keep us on our toes. I could barely blink while i reading this. It was intenssseee. Great job once again *glomps*
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 22, 2006, 03:02:05 AM
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Sukoshi on September 22, 2006, 11:31:09 AM
ah sorry I never got to say this before but part 11 was my favourite chapter of the whole story!! it's just so good !  and everytime i read it i become like this :cry:  yet I love it !

oh and because you mentioned it earlier I kept listening to Zutto suki de ii desu ka when reading the story:D   the song lyrics really do go so well with it!

great update! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 22, 2006, 11:41:14 AM

Keep up the good work.

Thank you for writing out all the ideas you get. It was so cool to read them all. It seems you did a lot of planning and everything fell in nicely. I hadnt seen those pictures of Aya and Miki before so thank you - I finally got to see them!! They look so peaceful together!! Its super cute!
Title: Part 12
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 24, 2006, 07:44:43 AM
Part 12

A few days later. April 10th. Dokimiki Night (unaired show)

Aya entered the radio station that was about fifteen minutes away from TV Tokyo and about twenty from her apartment. She first stopped and sat down in the lobby area, thinking of what to do. She regretted going there, she had no reason to come but she knew why she was there. It's the same building where she does her own radio show, but there was no show to do tonight. She walked along casually trying not to look suspicious. Staff members recognized her and greeted her as she walked by. She just now past the room where her own radio show was held and kept walking straight. She passed several other rooms and then she finally reached the room she was looking for at the end of the hall. She stared at the sign in front of the door, focusing on one single word that began with "M". Just as she was about to enter a figure down the hall headed toward her direction. Aya panicked and jumped behind a huge potted plant in the corner. She peeked through the leaves. The person was practically buried in the oversized hoodie sweater he or she was wearing and did not see Aya hiding. She immediately recognized the sweater, one that she had given to her. She was compelled to follow her inside, several minutes later, that is.

"Ah, Matsuura-san?" A staff member recognized her. "Miki's about to start her show soon, should I tell her you're here?"

"No!" Aya answered immediately. "I mean, it's ok. Could I just watch from the production room?" The staff member nodded at her request and let her in the room. She surprised everyone with her entrance. She put her finger to her lips and told them not to mind her. She sat behind the huge console board. She never really seen this part of the studio yet it always fascinated her with the many switches, buttons, and knobs. How do they know what to press? She wondered and then turned her attention to the huge window in front of her. It was the only thing separating her and Miki, who has buried herself in her arms on the desk just several feet away from her. She didn't look so good, Aya thought and felt the bad feelings returning again. What am I doing here? Aya realized. She figured it was her cue to leave before something happens but it was too late, the show was about to begin. She remained seated next to the other radio staff who paid no attention to her, as she had requested. At least it was dim in there, she thought, hoping Miki wouldn't notice her.

"Are you ready?" Asked the radio producer. "Please test the mic." There was a silence. "Um, Fujimoto-san?"

Miki sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Oh, sorry." She apologized.

"Could you test the mic, please?"

Miki nodded and leaned toward the mic. "Testing, testing. 1, 2, 3." She said in perfect English and the producer gave her the thumbs up.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

She nodded indifferently as she got ready to start her radio show. She was clearly not in the mood to do it but at least she didn't have to make herself up for it. She pulled back her hood and shook her long hair out. She put on her headphones and waited for the cue. She was informed earlier that she'll be having a guest on the show which was rare. She wondered who it could be. A warning light flashed before her as one of the radio staff began to countdown.

"San, ni, ichi." He said and the red sign of the words "On Air" went on. The playback of the introduction followed.

Morning Musume...Fujimoto Miki no...Dokimiki...Night! It said followed by some electronic music. The producer waved his hand and Miki began to speak.

"Good evening everyone! I'm Miki Fujimoto." She said in a rather chippered voice. Another good thing about the radio, Miki thought, is that she could pretend to sound cheerful when she was not. Tonight was one of them. "Eh, what should I talk about tonight? Hmmm. Last minute things? Don't you hate that? I do and I've seen it happen several times. Whether it's doing something last minute or telling something to someone at the last minute. I mean, what if you had something really important to tell to that someone but you've waited too long to tell them and now it's too late? No good. So I say, don't wait too long to do something, especially if it's very important, especially if it's something that could affect the rest of your life. Sometimes, you may never have that chance to do it again." She paused for several seconds.

Aya bit her lip trying to overcome the guilt and tears that were forming. She knew that comment was directed to her. Ok, I deserved that. She thought. At this point Miki still hasn't noticed Aya's presence was just a thin clear wall away and continued talking.

"Ok, then. Now we have a letter from a listener, Iishi-chan. She says: Dear Fujimoto-san, how does it feel to be under the leadership of Yaguchi-san these past few months after Iida-san's graduation? What would you do if you were leader? I would also like to request your friend, Matsuura-san's new single. I love it! *heart* *heart*" Miki nearly scoffed at that last few sentences but she couldn't do anything about it. She finished off the rest of the letter and answered the question.

"Well, as you know, Morning Musume has gone through many changes throughout the years. We've had three leaders, starting with Nakazawa Yuko-san. Yaguchi Mari-san, hmm, it has been almost three months, right? Yeah, three months or so since she became leader. She is definitely different from Iida Kaori-san. At first she found it difficult to take the position of leader which is understandable especially when it's something you've never done before. But she eventually caught on with the help of others and Tsunku-san, of course." Miki cleared her throat as she continued. "Yaguchi-san's a hard worker, though sometimes it seems like she has so much to do. She can be too busy but she's always there when you need her. She may be little but she does a lot of big things and I admire that. And I hope that one day, when I or if I become leader I would be as good of a leader as she is and the ones before me. Oh, that reminds me, Nakazawa-san once told me that I reminded her of her when she was my age. Who knows? Maybe I'll be a leader like her. Is that a good thing?" She managed to break a little giggle here after all the seriousness. She then paused for a few seconds. "Ok! I hope that answers your question Iishi-chan, and here's your request: Matsuura Aya's 'Zutto Suki de ii Desu ka?'" She looked up at the producer through the glass to cue the song and it began to play. Just before that Aya had ducked away from Miki's sight, pretending to tie her shoes only she wasn't wearing shoes but boots that had no laces to tie. She peeked up to see that Miki has buried her head in her arms again.

Miki hoped the listeners will buy that little sappy speech she gave just now, although she meant most of it. Aya's song was making her depressed yet she endured it only because it was Aya. It has only been ten minutes of the show and she wished it was over already. She took off her headphones, got up, and indicated to the staff that she'll be out for a minute. Aya watched her exit the room and proceeded to follow her. She watched Miki enter the restroom down the hall and wondered whether she should go talk to her or not. From the way Miki looked back in the studio it doesn't seem like talking to her would make anything better, especially since that day which was the last time she talked to her and could very well be the last time she'll ever talk to her. Just give up, Aya. She said in her head discouragingly. Several minutes later Miki emerges from the restroom and is heading back toward her direction. Aya retreats back behind the potted plant, cursing at herself for being stupid for hiding from Miki. She heard Miki's footsteps stopping midway and heard her say something.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Miki asked.

Thinking her cover was blown, Aya almost came out from her hiding place when she realized it wasn't her that Miki was talking to.

"Geez, hello to you, too." Answered another voice. Aya peeked through the leaves again and saw a figure in front of Miki, their back facing Aya. It looked like a guy from the baggy pants and baseball cap. He didn't seem like any of the staff she knew. She wondered where Miki knows him from.

"Rika doesn't have a show today, huh? So why are you here?" Miki asked.

"I'm not here to see her." Answered the other person. Aya listened to their rather short and bitter conversation. She finally recognized the voice of the other person whose gender she had mistaken (many times), but it wasn't her fault. What is she doing here? She wondered. She listened to them but wished she hadn't for things were being revealed to her that made her skin crawl.

"Well I have no business with you, so if you don't mind I have to get back to my show." Miki said sternly as she entered the studio again leaving the other person outside. Aya heard the other person chuckle as she followed Miki into the studio several seconds later.

"I can't believe her." Aya whispered angrily. She finally crept out from behind the plant and proceeded to go back inside too but the red light outside the door indicated the show was back on air. Disappointed, Aya could now only wait outside.

"That was Matsuura Aya-san's 'Zutto Suki de ii Desu ka?' It's been doing well on the charts since last month. Good for her." Miki spoke into the mic as she moved on to the next subject. "Ok! This is something different on the show. A slight change from the usual, but change is good sometimes, right? Tonight we have a special guest and I'm a bit nervous because I rarely get guests on my show. I wonder who it is, ne? Let's bring them out."

As Miki skimmed through the cards in her hand she realized who it was and let out a big Hell no! inside her head. She said nothing for a few solid seconds from the shock of it and realized she had to continue talking.

"Right...Our guest tonight is none other than my fellow Gatas team mate and Morning Musume's subleader, Yoshizawa Hitomi-san!"

Suddenly Yossi enters the studio and sits down a few feet away from Miki. She slipped on her headphones over her baseball cap and leaned into the mic. "Good evening everyone! I'm Hitomi Yoshizawa, captain of Gatas Brilhantes HP! Nice to be here tonight." She announced with great energy.

"W-what a surprise." Miki stuttered, her face beginning to form a glare.

"Yes, it is, huh? Glad to be here." Yossi added and smirked at Miki.

Miki returned her smirk with a fake smile and looked down at the cards in her hand. From what she read, Yossi was there to talk about Gatas Brilhantes and the upcoming tournament. There were questions on the card she was suppose to ask her. So she did just that, going by the card simply asking Yossi the questions while she answered. Nothing fancy, no elaboration, not a pause or stutter, just cut and dry questioning and answering. And so concludes the rather plain and short interview. Out of the corner of her eye, Miki could see the producer gesturing at her to continue talking for there was plenty of time before the next segment. She rolled her eyes and sighed, trying to come up with something else while she and Yossi stared each other down murderously.

"So," Miki started. "I hear there's a special day coming soon."

"Yes, how nice of you to remember my birthday. I'll be turning twenty!" Yossi cheered.

Miki gave another fake smile. "Planning anything special, now that you'll soon be officially an adult?" Not that there's anything you haven't done already. She finished in her head.

"Hmm, I haven't thought of anything, really. Maybe a small get together with some friends. I suppose my family might have something too."

"Get together, huh?" Miki purposefully emphasized in the wrong way. "With Rika-chan, maybe? Or Maichin? Ayaka-san? Or..."

"Or you?" Yossi countered. She knew she struck a nerve in Miki for her face was starting to fume.

UGH! Miki thought as she imagined Yossi putting a mark on her imaginary scoreboard Yossi: 1, herself: 0. Miki couldn't think fast enough to get her back and changed the subject.

"So, our new single's going to be released this month." Miki said, still affected by Yossi's blow at her.

"Yes! 'Osaka koi no Uta' It'll be our first single without Iida-san and it'll be the last single with Rika-chan." Yossi replied, smirking ever so slightly.

"That's right. And so goes another example of the changes that Morning Musume goes through. Yossi, you say a monologue in the beginning of this song. Could you recite some of it for us right now?" She asked apathetically.

"Sure." Yossi replied and cleared her throat. "Ahem. Itsumo zutto issho yatta kara kizukahen katta...nande..." Suddenly Miki bursts out laughing, interrupting Yossi's monologue (on purpose). Yossi sneered at her asking, "Eh? What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry." Miki cracked up. "You just sound funny talking in Kansai dialect. Don't you think it's funny that Tsunku-san made us sing this song this way?"

"It is different." Yossi went along. "I had to practice it so many times. You remember during the making of the PV how many times I messed up the monologue?"

"Uh huh," Miki answered lightly and rambled on without thinking. "Yea, Rika-chan must've been tired holding on to you, but you didn't mind though 'cause you had your face right next to her--" She stopped herself. "...her." She ended abruptly. "Oops, didn't mean to give the PV away." She then said rather sarcastically. "Everyone, be sure to buy it April 27th, ok? Now then I think we should play a preview of the song for everyone, what do you say?"

"Let's." Yossi answered, staring at Miki ferociously.

"Saa, here it is, Morning Musume's 26th single 'Osaka koi no Uta'. Jyan!" Miki gestured for them to cue the song and it started playing. Miki took off her headphones and grinned slyly celebrating her comeback but it was suddenly dashed when Yossi spoke to her.

"Got a problem, Fujimoto?" Yossi sneered.

"I think it's quite obvious." Miki answered.

"You think you're so slick? You better watch your mouth. I could ruin you like that." She snapped her fingers. "I already know your weaknesses, Fujimoto. I've got you once, literally."

"That's it!" Miki shot up from her chair and threatened Yossi with her fist.

"Are you trying to start this again? You know what happened last time." Yossi scoffed.

Miki lowered her fist. She knew with her current mental and physical state that she was not able to take on Yossi again. She slammed her fist on the desk and then ordered the radio staff to "Stop the song!", but it continued playing. "I said turn it off now!" She barked and the music finally stopped.

"Is something wrong, Fujimoto?" Asked the producer.

"Yeah! I don't want to continue the show." She answered.

"Why not?"

"I cannot continue it with her here." Miki yelled, pointing at Yossi.

"You better watch where you're pointing." Yossi growled, slapping away Miki's hand from her face. They both were standing up now and in each other's faces, bumping into each other's shoulders, and eyeing each other down. "Come on, then." Yossi was giving her the go ahead.

"Look, whatever issues you two have resolve it some other time. Let's just move on to the next segment. We can edit this part later." The producer absurdly suggested.

"No! I'm through!" She bent down and bellowed into the mic, "Oyasumikitty! Goodnight!" She then stomped out of the studio.


"Yaa, yuu, yooooo." Aya mimiced Miki's "vocal exercises". The light outside the door still glowed red as she impatiently waited for it to turn off. "Yaa, yuu, yoo-kyaaa!" She suddenly screamed as the door flung open and out came a raging Miki who did not notice Aya standing on the opposite wall across the door. "Ah, Miki?" She squeaked. Just as she was about to run after her, Yossi also came out and the two finally meet.

"Ayaya?" Yossi was surprised to see her. Aya glanced at her up and down and then started to run after Miki. She had already lost her at a corner and tried to catch up though it was hard to run in her boots. As if anything else could slow her down further, her phone had rang. She answered it while continuing to run.

"Hello?" She answered and then stopped in her tracks completely. Her face bore a concerned look for the frantic caller on the other end. "Calm down. What happened? What's wrong?" She listened while looking out for Miki but she had long disappeared from her sight. Aya turned her attention back to the caller. "Oh, my god!" She exclaimed. "You too?"
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on September 24, 2006, 09:38:35 AM
I'm left hanging at 2 parts and both connected to cellphones :lol:
Who was Aya talking to at Miki's apartment and then again when looking for Miki? And boy these 2 chapters were long and good. Kept me intrigued with every word.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 24, 2006, 01:28:31 PM
i can't choose between hilarious and sad...XD

"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Geez, hello to you, too."


Get together, huh?" Miki purposefully emphasized in the wrong way. "With Rika-chan, maybe? Or Maichin? Ayaka-san? Or..."

"Or you?" Yossi countered.


omg...i'm still limited with words...just have to say that the part with yossi/miki was so great...and the way it end is...:o

great job^^
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 24, 2006, 08:19:07 PM
I love the Yossi/Miki fights...their intense but kinda funny at the same time. And GAH cliffhanger. Why must u torture us so? I think itd be pretty funny if Aya went and beat up Yossi for hurting Miki...then again she definately wouldn't maybe not so funny @_@
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 25, 2006, 12:14:06 AM
Quote from: lil_hamz
I'm left hanging at 2 parts and both connected to cellphones :lol:
Who was Aya talking to at Miki's apartment and then again when looking for Miki? And boy these 2 chapters were long and good. Kept me intrigued with every word.

hehe, when I first posted this story no one really mentioned about the callers from these chapters. Yes, they do have some significance in the story and I guess I"ll give you all a's the same person.
Quote from: ChrNo
i can't choose between hilarious and sad...XD

omg...i'm still limited with words...just have to say that the part with yossi/miki was so great...and the way it end is...:o

great job^^

I guess I have a thing for making fun of serious situations. :P
Quote from: KrazyForKamei
I love the Yossi/Miki fights...their intense but kinda funny at the same time. And GAH cliffhanger. Why must u torture us so? I think itd be pretty funny if Aya went and beat up Yossi for hurting Miki...then again she definately wouldn't maybe not so funny @_@

Like I said above, I have a thing of making fun of serious situation. And I think I blame K-dramas for my cliffhangers because that's how they always end their episodes. hehe

Yeah, that would be funny if Aya got back at Yossi. Too bad Sukeban Deka wasn't around when I wrote the story. :lol:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on September 25, 2006, 09:35:42 AM
You too? YOU TOO WHAT?~ aHhhhh!!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 25, 2006, 10:07:35 PM
Having a thing to make fun of serious situations is a good thing lol. It lightens the mood :P and *now has visions of Aya kicking Yossie's ass with a yoyo* Thatd be very very interesting XD
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 26, 2006, 01:30:41 AM
"Yaa, yuu, yooooo." Aya mimiced Miki's "vocal exercises". The light outside the door still glowed red as she impatiently waited for it to turn off. "Yaa, yuu, yoo-kyaaa!"

Lol, that's so cute.

Ah! So much tension, I wonder who the caller was? No really, I forgot...

But hey, a cheer for you: Go go e°! Go go e°!
Title: Part 13
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 28, 2006, 03:46:56 AM
Part 13

Two Days Later.

"So, then what?" Maki asked, chewing the end of her straw as she listened attentively.

"After he got out of the taxi, he ran all the way to the place where they were supposed to meet. But then, something happened." said Nacchi, her face full of dread, not wanting to say what happened next.

"What? What? Tell me!" Maki whined.

Nacchi started fanning her eyes of the tears that were beginning to form. "So she thought she got stood up but he was on his way to her. But before he got there he...he got hit by a car!"

"Oh, my god! What happened next? He didn't die, did he?"

Nacchi stopped tearing. "I don't know. I haven't seen the next episode yet."

Maki nearly fell out of her chair from the disappointing answer. "Argh, Abe-san. Don't tell me things like that. Now I'm dying to know what happened next."

"Ah, isn't he cool? So sweet and senstive." Nacchi sighed, thinking about the K-drama she had just gotten into recently. "I wish it was winter again, watching that snow makes me want to play in it back in Hokkaido. You should watch it with me next time, Gocchin. You too, Ayaya." She glanced at Aya who didn't even move a muscle. "Eh? Ayaya?"

Aya heard her but didn't listen. Her mind was off wandering again, like a balloon drifting far far away. She was tired and frustrated. Nothing has been going right lately and all her efforts to fix things were useless. What else could she do? Suddenly the string of her mind was being pulled down as she was snapped back to reality by the flailing of Nacchi's hands in front of her face. "Huh? Uh yea, cool." Aya agreed but didn't know what for.

Nacchi pouted, slightly annoyed from being ignored. "Ayaya, you've been really quiet for the last few days." She grew concerned. "What's wrong? You were like this since, since the day you went to check up on Miki. Is everything ok?"

"Or did something happened between you and this person you are seeing?" Maki mumbled.

"Gocchin!" Nacchi hissed and nudged Maki.

"Oh no, everything's fine." Aya lied, chuckling nervously. She was surprised they haven't figured out what was going on by now, not that it was any of their business anyway. They definitely knew, however, that there was someone on her mind but they didn't know who. Aya hoped it stays that way. Just outside her peripheral vision, Yossi and Rika were passing through the lobby. She followed them with her eyes until they disappeared from her sight. Somewhere, a voice inside told her to follow them. At first she hesitated but eventually got up and disappeared down the hall in the same direction, leaving her fellow group mates behind again. She didn't know what came over her but her mind was scrambled with random thoughts now. She sped unusually fast in her high heeled boots until she finally caught up with the couple halfway down the hall.

"Yossi!" She squeaked.

Yossi and Rika stopped in their tracks and turned around. A surprised look came over Yossi's upon seeing that it was Aya who called her. "Ayaya? What's up?" She asked. Aya came at close proximity to them and stopped. Her face showed no sign of emotion but she was feeling furious inside right now. After a few awkward silences Yossi looked around and waited for her to say something. "Yes? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes, I do." Aya answered and without warning she slapped Yossi across her face and with the same hand she used on Miki days before. She held back the pain that was gradually throbbing in her fragile hand as she ended their encounter with, "Happy Birthday!" and stormed off back down the hall, leaving Yossi and Rika completely dumbstrucked.

"Yossi? Why did she do that for?" Rika asked, examining Yossi's face.

Yossi rubbed her cheek from Aya's weak slap. She merely giggled. "Hey, Ayaya!" She called to her. "Tell Miki I said thanks for the early birthday present!" She smiled villainnously and Aya could sense it though she didn't look back. "Ayaya!" Yossi continued to call to her. "Ayaya!"

"Ayaya! Ayaya!" Nacchi yelled, shaking the girl by her shoulders. Aya shot up awake, huffing and gasping. Sweat dripped from her forehead and a look of fear came over her as she looked around. "Are you ok?" Nacchi asked, feeling Aya's forehead with her hand.

"Where am I?" Aya asked, feeling lost for a moment. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and sighed deeply. A dream. She realized and dropped her head.

"You're in the lobby." Maki answered her. "You really creeped us out there, staring off like that. You didn't respond to us or anything. Then you fell asleep and started doing weird things." Maki then handed Aya her cellphone. "And your phone kept ringing so I answered it for you. Tsunku-san wants to see you in his office right now."

She looked up at Maki with wide eyes at what she just told her. "Really? Right now? For what?"

Maki shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know but it seemed important." Aya nodded her head as she collected herself and stood up. She glanced at her group mates who could give her nothing but blank looks on their faces. She then started down the hall. What does Tsunku want from me? She thought though deep in her gut she knew what it was about. Suddenly she felt her stomach turn completely around when she saw Yossi heading in her direction. She tried not to panic.

"Ayaya!" Yossi greeted her warmly. "I didn't get to tell you the other day but I was wondering if you want to hang out with some of the girls to-" but Aya walked on without stopping or even looking at her, "-night?" Yossi ended. She turned around and watched Aya walk away. She scowled wondering why Aya ignored her like that but soon turned her frown into a little sneer.


"Miki, how's your back?" A concerned Mari asked. She looked at Miki who was buried in her arms on the table which seemed inappropriate to do in the cafeteria. She's been doing that a lot, Mari noticed, wondering if the girl had been getting enough rest. With their busy schedule, futsal, and other things going on in Miki's life, Mari wondered if it was starting to take a toll on her. Even she herself had been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work they've been doing lately.

"It's getting better." Answered Miki's muffled voice, shifting herself in her chair to get more comfortable.

"Will you be ready for the upcoming performances?"

Miki lifted her head and looked at Mari with her tired eyes. She nodded her head. "Yes, of course. I'll be fine."

"Good, because I need you to work hard and encourage the others to do the same. I feel it's time we should step up as a group, especially with this new formation. As the next oldest member I trust that you will help me out sometimes."

Miki nodded her head again. Yaguchi-san's acting a bit strange. She thought. She wondered if she was handling her new role well. Lately she noticed that Mari had been confiding in her, but Miki wasn't of much help. She felt a bit guilty though, feeling she should take some responsibility and help Mari and the group. Then again, that was what the sub-leader was for, and she wasn't the sub-leader. On top of that, she had her own problems to deal with.

"Have you seen Yossi?" Mari then asked her.

"Why?!" Miki barked, her head shot straight up. She calmed down and answered, "I mean, I haven't seen her." She giggled nervously but Mari didn't noticed her overreaction.

"It's ok, I'll find her later. She's always running off somewhere, it seems." Mari figured as she leaned her hand against her face. "How about Aya?"

"Why?!!" Miki barked again and calmed herself once more. "Sorry. I haven't seen her either." Mari nodded her head, saying she understood and went about her business. Why does she want to know? Miki wondered. She watched Mari take out her cellphone and messed with it, trying to do something about the awkward silence that suddenly fell between them.

" are you and Shun?" Miki finally broke the silence.

"Oh, we're great." Mari answered cheerfully, but somehow Miki wasn't convinced. She looked the way Miki had looked for awhile now, tired and bothered by something. Maybe she missed Shun, Miki thought. At least she had someone to go to after all the chaos of work. Sadly, Miki realized she'll never have the opportunity to do the same. She never thought silence could be so loud, it was driving her crazy. Miki wished something would happen to get her out of the situation. Then as if something was listening to her thoughts, her cellphone rang. It startled her but she was even more surprised to see that it was from Aya. She immediately cancelled the call and continued what she was doing, nothing. Her phone rang again and she cancelled it once more. Stop it, already! she growled in her head. Finally, her phone beeped to indicate a text message was sent. Frustrated, Miki decided to read it.

Tsunku's office. Now. It read.

Surprised once again, Miki got up and said goodbye to Mari without explaining anything to her. At least now she had an excuse to leave all the silence back there. The halls were like an endless maze to her and somehow they seemed to stretch for miles into the unknown. At one point she got lost, in her mind and sense of direction. She had an idea why she was being called to Tsunku's office but she didn't know what was going to happen. She then spotted his office at the end of the hall and with each step the feeling of apprehension grew inside her. She finally reached her destination, hesitated a bit and finally knocked on the door.

"Come in." Answered the muffled voice behind the door. Miki entered and greeted Tsunku with a bow. She then saw Aya sitting in front of Tsunku's desk but didn't say anything to her. She sat in the chair next to Aya and avoided eye contact with her as well.

"Ladies, I'm sure you know why you're here?" Tsunku asked, glancing at both of them. They both knew why they were there but none of them said a word. "Very well." He sighed. He stretched out his hands and cracked his knuckles as if he was some gangster boss but he failed to look the part. "Now, I don't know how far it's gotten but I'm going to put a stop to this now. I can't have this going on in the company. You know very well what it says on your contracts or at least you should know. Not only does it apply to outside the company but also within. So I hope you do what's expected of you if you want things to go smoothly."

Aya and Miki just sat there frozen and quiet. They knew they did nothing wrong and even if it was, it was none of his business anyway. Miki spoke up out of the two. "Who are you to tell us how to live our lives?"

Tsunku raised an eyebrow. "I'm only doing what's best for you two. The life of an idol is a hard and sometimes harsh one. You think you can go on living normal lives with your statuses? It's impossible. "

Miki smirked, coughing up an attitude. "We are NOT together, if that's what you're thinking, Tsunku-san." She scoffed and glanced at Aya who did nothing but stare at the floor. She then returned her eyes to Tsunku. "But what about Yossi and Rika? Why haven't you stopped them? I don't it's right for us to be accused for something we didn't do while those two have been together for a long time, it seems."

"Ah, those two." Tsunku smirked. "Stubborn as ever. I warned them so many times but they don't listen. I told them there will be a consequence for their actions." He leaned forward and spoke in a low voice. "Why do you think I'm graduating Rika next month? She'll have Biyuuden and many photobook shootings while Yossi has futsal and subleading Morning Musume. They'll be so busy that they won't have time to see each other."

Miki mentally scoffed. He thinks of everything, huh? She thought. Somehow she didn't think that was right, even if she did hate Yossi with a passion now. "That doesn't seem fair." She protested. "Our private lives shouldn't have anything to do with our work."

"Fair? It's for their own good. Like I've said, you are idols. Privacy is almost unheard of, so you must be careful what you do on your own time. It's better to do nothing rather than try to hide something that might be found out. But please, don't label me the bad guy here. I do have a reason for it." With that said, Tsunku opened his desk and took out a large envelope and plopped it on his desk. It was quite thick and full. He opened it and spilled the contents out on his desk. As Miki and Aya leaned in for a closer look they found out they were photos and not the professional kind taken by UFA.

"What is this?" Miki asked, grabbing a handful of pictures and flipping through them. They were pictures of other Hello Project members, some with guys and some with each other. They were taken by paparazzis who always seem to find some way to invade their personal lives. It seems no one was safe from their stealthiness. Many photos seemed a few years old. Tsunku must've been keeping up with this for a long time, Miki thought.

"All those photos together nearly cost me a third of my salary trying to prevent them from being published in those tabloid magazines." Tsunku said. "See? I'm only trying to protect you guys. I would never let anything happen to give a bad name to this company. I admit, I made the mistake of involving outside people in this current situation, but you know it would've been much more devastating if they found out something within the company. I cannot always watch over you guys every single time, so you must be vigilent of yourselves as well." He leaned back in his chair and sighed. "It would be nice if we could all live normal lives and still do our work. Even I wish I could sometimes, but that is just a distant dream now. This is the idol life, there are no normal lives. Now if you don't want this to happen you'll do what I say, right?"

Miki shook her head. She knew he was right but what could they do? "Like I said, we are NOT together, in fact, we're not even friends anymore so don't even worry about it." Miki declared. She then looked at Aya again. "And you. Why aren't you saying anything? Don't you have something to say about this?"

Aya just shook her head cowardly, on the verge of crying.

Miki scoffed at her. "Whatever." She sat back in her chair and thought long and hard. She thought about the last few years working in this company and all that had happened to her up until now. She figured it was about that time now.  "Ok, Tsunku-san. I know what to do." She made her decision.

Tsunku listened and waited.

"I'll resign from Morning Musume, and Hello! Project even." She said without any hesitation.

"What?!" Aya finally spoke up. "What are you doing?"

"Fujimoto-san?" Tsunku was surprised as well. "Are you sure about this? Losing you would be as bad as losing Matsuura, or Goto even."

Gomattou? Miki thought. Whatever happened to that? It was the start of everything, she remembered. She sucked in her teeth and sighed. "Whatever. I've made up my mind. Besides, I'm used to having things taken away from me anyway. I think I can handle one more." She looked at Aya who now returned her glance with a horrid look on her face.

"No, don't do it, Tsunku-san." Aya pleaded. "I...I'll quit."

Miki laughed at Aya's response. "Yea, right! You wouldn't do that. Didn't this whole mess started because you wanted to keep your job? And now you don't want it? Geez, can you ever make up your mind? You really don't know what you want, do you?" She turned back to Tsunku who thought long and hard.

"Really, Fujimoto. Think about what will happen if you do this." Miki shrugged her shoulders, she had nothing further to say. Tsunku sighed in frustration but didn't try to oppose any further. "Very well. If this is what we have to do to stop then I'm sorry it has to come down to this." He jotted down something on paper. "We'll make an official announcement in a few days then." He then slammed hand on his desk like a gavel. The judgement has been made. Miki got up and bowed to him as she exited his office. Aya still sat frozen in her chair trying to make sense of what just happened. She looked at Tsunku with her tear stained face but he could only stare blankly back at her. As he was about to say something to her she shot up from her chair and went after Miki in the hall.

"Miki!" She yelled. She stopped Miki midway in the hall but she didn't turn around. Aya ran up to her and faced her. "Why? Why did you do that?"

Miki's face was cold and unresponsive. "You don't have to worry anymore." She spoke solemnly. "You're free to do whatever you want. I won't bother you anymore."

"Miki you're being unreasonable. You didn't mean that, huh? You don't want to quit Morning Musume, do you?"

Miki's face tightened for she knew Aya had figured her out.

"Baka!" Aya yelled and shoved Miki. "Go back there and tell him you didn't mean it! You didn't mean to say that! And what do you mean we're not friends anymore? Why are you giving up like that? That's not like you at all."

"What is me then?" Miki asked. "What else is there for me? Everything I had is ruined. I might as well have nothing at all. Besides, I didn't hear you say anything back there. Maybe I wouldn't have said what I've said. I'm not taking it back though. After all that, how can we go back to how things were? How can we go back to normal? I can't. My thoughts of you are different now. I just can't stay here and work here knowing that you're around. I can't deal with that." She started to walk away but Aya stopped her.

"Miki, don't." She pleaded, wrapping her arms around Miki.

"You know," Miki choked up on her words. "I wanted to be the first to say 'I love you.' But I guess I couldn't do that either. So please, just let me go."

"Miki-" Aya whispered through her tears, holding on to her tighter.

"Goodbye and good luck, Matsuura-san." Miki said, looking straight into Aya's eyes. She brushed away Aya's arms off of her and walked on. She stood straight and tall, like a soldier marching onward, retaining the dignity she had left in her. But as she turned the corner of the hall she broke down and ran away.

Aya could hear Miki's running footsteps until it faded away and she was alone with the silence. She fell to her knees, completely overwhelmed by what just happened. She didn't want to believe it so she closed her eyes tightly. This is a dream. She thought, but when she opened her eyes again the scenery hadn't changed. She was still at the studio, sitting in the middle of the hallway outside of Tsunku's office. Aya hung her head. "No." She dreaded and started crying all over again. She's gone, Aya realized. She'll never see her again.

"Aya-chan? What's wrong?" Mari had spotted her, heading in her direction. Aya stood up and wiped her eyes. She shook her head as if to say that nothing was wrong when it was clearly obvious that something was.

"Something happened?" Mari asked.

"Yaguchi-san, help me!" Aya cried. She slid back down to the floor and cried once again. The short Morning Musume leader bent down and held her. "I don't want to lose her, Yaguchi-san. I don't want to lose her."

Her? Mari thought. She must be talking about Miki. "It's ok. That's just Miki being Miki." She consoled her.

"No, it's not ok! She's gone!" Aya bawled.

"Gone? What are you talking about?"

"She quit. She's gone. I've ruined everything!"

Mari held Aya's face and spoke down at her. "It's going to be all right, ok? Look at me. It'll be ok. Ok?" She then shot a look at Aya as if she was trying to tell her something more with her eyes. Aya eyes widened as if she understood what was being said. She shook her head in response.

"No!" Aya broke away from Mari's arms and ran the opposite way down the hall. Mari called to her but she was gone. She stood up and brushed herself off and looked around. Now she was alone. She looked at both ends of the hall. She knew of Miki and Aya's situation for some time now and this time it had escalated into something greater, she suspected. She looked ahead of her now and was faced with the door to Tsunku's office.

Maybe he'll have an answer. Mari thought as she went up to it and knocked on the door.

"Come in." She heard Tsunku's voice. She opened the door and entered, giving him a surprise. "Yaguchi-san? How may I help you?"

I'm not helping you guys at all with this suspense huh? :P

Mikan - You'll see ;)

KrazyForKamei - hehe I didn't want to give it away but you were kinda close about Aya getting back at Yossi. Unfortunately it was just in her dreams :P

rndmnwierd - you got it backwards again! it's °e :lol:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 28, 2006, 04:30:59 AM
Ah, damn! I'll get it one day! Maybe if I use it enough...

Great chapter °e! It's all coming back to me now.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 28, 2006, 05:54:07 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
I'm not helping you guys at all with this suspense huh? :P
Damn you...:P
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on September 28, 2006, 09:36:20 PM
There's one thing I'm pretty sure of, Miki didn't leave UFA otherwise there wouldn't be GAM now :P
And poor Mari, she's so gonna get busted by Tsunku about her and Shun. Oh wait... don't tell me.... Mari left instead of Miki right?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: jafeijai on September 28, 2006, 10:29:34 PM
OMG....just started reading this fic....but the plot is KILLING ME...why must you be so good at cliffhangers?!?! XD anyways, i can't wait for more of this's AMAZING..
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on September 28, 2006, 11:11:03 PM
Haha! nice...I loved Ayaya slapping Yossie even if it was in her dreams lol. I was pretty close haha. But the rest...sadness! Miki cant leave...or ill pimp smack her. I swear I will
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on September 29, 2006, 05:02:09 AM
Quote from: lil_hamz
There's one thing I'm pretty sure of, Miki didn't leave UFA otherwise there wouldn't be GAM now :P
And poor Mari, she's so gonna get busted by Tsunku about her and Shun. Oh wait... don't tell me.... Mari left instead of Miki right?

haha well it didn't go that far into HP history in the story. But it's funny cuz when I wrote this story, pre-GAM fics were the thing at the time, and right when I was finishing up my story GAM formed! It's like OMG! someone's listening to us. XD

Quote from: jafeijai
OMG....just started reading this fic....but the plot is KILLING ME...why must you be so good at cliffhangers?!?! XD anyways, i can't wait for more of this's AMAZING..

Welcome! Poor you, you must've spent a long time reading through the story. hehe j/k But I've done that myself, sat down and read through my whole story. I didn't know it was that long. :lol:

Quote from: KrazyForKamei
Haha! nice...I loved Ayaya slapping Yossie even if it was in her dreams lol. I was pretty close haha. But the rest...sadness! Miki cant leave...or ill pimp smack her. I swear I will

Aya only gets to pimp smack Miki. :lol: Now that I think of it, a Sukeban Deka themed fic sounds pretty cool but I don't think I have the time to write one. hehe
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on September 29, 2006, 05:28:45 AM
Aya pimp-slapping Miki would be foreplay. :twisted:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on September 29, 2006, 11:44:28 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
Part 13

"Yes? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes, I do." Aya answered and without warning she slapped Yossi across her face and with the same hand she used on Miki days before. She held back the pain that was gradually throbbing in her fragile hand as she ended their encounter with, "Happy Birthday!"

XD  "happy birthday" hahahahaha...too bad it was a dream hehe :D

"Why do you think I'm graduating Rika next month? She'll have Biyuuden and many photobook shootings while Yossi has futsal and subleading Morning Musume. They'll be so busy that they won't have time to see each other."

hehehe so that's the reason :D ...i guess it could have been true XD

your chapter is very long, but things seemed to get faster when two of them entered Tsunku's office :o


"All those photos together nearly cost me a third of my salary trying to prevent them from being published in those tabloid magazines." Tsunku said.

that's why we have those cheap PVs ? hahahaha XD

"No, don't do it, Tsunku-san." Aya pleaded. "I...I'll quit.

Miki laughed at Aya's response.

so did I XD

then...what happened in tha so :cry:

"I wanted to be the first to say 'I love you.' But I guess I couldn't do that either. So please, just let me go."

"Miki-" Aya whispered through her tears, holding on to her tighter.

"Goodbye and good luck, Matsuura-san."


"Come in." She heard Tsunku's voice. She opened the door and entered, giving him a surprise. "Yaguchi-san? How may I help you?"

I'm not helping you guys at all with this suspense huh? :P are good XD

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: Part 14
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 04, 2006, 06:50:33 AM
[cue dramatic music] :P

Part 14

April 14th.

Stop crying, idiot! Someone will hear you! Miki thought to herself but it only made her cry even harder. She wiped her eyes, smearing the warm salty tears across her face. Her cries bounced off the cold tiles of the bathroom walls. She had been inside the stall for almost thirty minutes now. She didn't plan to get out anytime soon. The next thought in her head was, Why? Why here? Why couldn't she do it at her own place where no one could find her? That's because she wanted to be found. If they didn't notice her then they will now. The thought of it made her sick that she wanted to throw up. At least she was at the place to do it. Her knuckles were white and taut, gripping a sharp pair of scissors that she had found earlier in the dressing room. She saw her reflection on the blade, her eyes were red from crying. Her thoughts scrambled around in her head, deciding what she should do next. She took the scissors and started scratching the tip of it against the grout of the tiles on the wall. She gradually pushed it harder creating a loud grating noise that sounded worse than a certain fellow group member's singing. She separated the blades this time and examined the edges. She then hovered one of them over her exposed naked wrist, curiously wondering how that would look like. Then she gently touched it against her skin. Deep inside she didn't want to do the enevitable but the pain of all that had happened to her in the past month had finally driven her to the edge. She hesitated for a minute before finally grazing the blade slowly but gently across her wrist.

"Itai!" She squeaked, holding back the pain. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Ah...that felt...good. She thought. She looked at the crimson line forming across her wrist. A smile emerged from the corner of her mouth as she tried it again going deeper and harder this time. She yelped again, gritting her teeth and huffing her breath through them. Her grimace became another smile. She did the same to her other wrist without flinching and suddenly started laughing maniacally for no reason. All the bad things in her head had disappeared momentarily. She felt like a load was taken off her shoulders, seeping through the lines on her wrists. She watched her blood drip down the palm of her hands to the tips of her fingers and on to the floor. She was amazed to see something of hers from the inside. She was in a state of euphoria, her tensions released through this warm dark liquid. For a moment she had forgotten everything until she suddenly came into her mind like a flash of lightning and reality came back to her. Miki tried to shake her out of her mind but soon realized what she had done. She stared at the blood pooling on the floor as her wrists continued to drip.

What am I doing? She realized. She held her wrists and tried to stop the bleeding but so much blood was lost already. Suddenly all the bad feelings came back to her and she knew that she had made a big mistake. "Please, stop." She pleaded but the blood seemed to spurt out with each pulse. She looked at the locked door in front of her and wanted to get herself out. She stood up suddenly and felt dizzy, then slipped and fell forward. Her hands streakied the door with blood. She was now laying in a pool of her own blood. It began soaking through her clothes, wet and cold. She felt it touch her face and watched it dissipate out under the stall. She called out for help but her voice was weak. Her vision became blurry from newly formed tears and suddenly she blacked out. She faintly heard someone entering the restroom a few minutes later, followed by a scream. Another sound was the sound of pounding that she thought was in her head. Lastly, she heard her name.

"Mikichan! Oh my god!"

Miki barely lifted her head but she couldn't make out the figure in front of her. "I'm...sorry." She gasped weakly and closed her eyes. She now felt herself falling into deeper and darker sleep.

"Mikichan!" The voice called louder.

Miki snapped out of her mind and saw Rika looking down at her. "Huh?!" She jumped back a little. She place her hand over her chest and felt her heart vibrating rapidly inside.

"Do you know why we're meeting here?" Rika asked, looking around the lobby. Miki looked around and noticed they were the only ones there. She shrugged her shoulders pretending to not know but she knew why they were here. Suddenly tears automatically flowed from her eyes as she tried to wipe them away quickly. "Miki, what's wrong?" Rika asked.

Miki shook her head. "Nothing. Something in my eye." She covered up badly. She cursed herself for thinking up such a horrible thought. She would never go that far, yet she already felt dead inside. What was left for her now after this? She quickly dried her face before the others showed up. Gradually they came, in pairs or alone, wondering what the meeting was about too. Another single, another album, another sports festival, another audition or another FC trip were among the guesses from the girls. They chattered amongst themselves not noticing Miki who sat still and quietly the whole time. Somehow they were intimidated to approach her. Mari was the last to arrive, apologizing to the rest for being late. She glanced at Miki and both exchanged glances. Minutes went by and finally a staff member comes in rolling a cart with a TV on it. After setting it up he inserted a video tape into the VCR and played it.

On the screen Tsunku's face appeared. His shirt was screaming (louder than his background vocals) against the bare white wall behind him. The solemn look on his face told everyone that what he'll say was something very important. Then again he always looked that way.

"Morning Musume, how are you doing?" He greeted.

"Fine." Everyone answered the screen absentmindedly as if he could really hear them.

Miki scoffed. Oh my gosh! He couldn't come in person to announce it directly? Baka! She crossed her arms and lowered her head, only listening to the recording now.

"I bet you're all wondering why I've called you here today. I have a very important announcement." The recording continued.

"It's probably about the audition." Someone guessed for there was one currently going on in search of 7th generation. There were ridiculous pauses between Tsunku's words as if he knew the girls would respond after to what he said and they did. He went on about how much the group has changed over the years and how each member has grown in their own way. The girls took the comments and praises warmly, not knowing what was coming to them next. Miki shook her head at all this filler. Hurry up already. She grew impatient. Then again she wanted him to delay it as long as possible for she had no big speech to give when he finally makes the announcement. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She sensed it coming soon and got ready.

"As of today, April 14th," Tsunku said and paused. "Yaguchi Mari will resign from Morning Musume. I hope you'll all support her with her decision. That is all. Good day."

"Eeeeeeehhhhh????" Everyone cried out in unison.

Here goes. Miki thought and stood up. Wait a minute. She scowled and realized that wasn't her name being called. "What the fuck?!" She said out loud and suddenly all eyes were on her. She covered her mouth as her face began to turn beet red. She sat back down in her chair and remained quiet. Everyone's attention quickly went back to the TV screen which now showed fuzzy static and dead air. Soon afterwards Mari got up and faced everyone. She gave them an uneasy smile as she waited for the questions to pour in.

"Yaguchi-san? Why?" The Rika asked. The rest echoed after her.

Mari took a deep breath. "Minna, I know this is a complete shock to you. I don't know how else to put this, but lately I've been thinking long and hard of what to do these past few months." She looked up and all eyes were fixed on her. "I, I just felt that there are some things in my life that are more important to me right now. But I'm not saying you guys weren't important to me too. I love you all and I'll always love Morning Musume. I've never regretted being in it. It's just, I can no longer be your leader, I'm sorry." She bowed deeply to everyone. "I'm so sorry, everyone. I don't blame you if you hate me because I've let you down, because I couldn't represent how to be a good leader to you."

"I don't understand." Subleader Yossi spoke up. "What have you done wrong? Surely it can't possibly be that bad. And we're all here for you, right?" Everyone agreed in unison.

Miki could not believe what she was hearing. Everything wasn't making sense. Why wasn't she up there apologizing to everyone? Mari didn't answer her last question or was it that Miki didn't hear her answer because she was lost in her thoughts right now. All she could think of is that this had to be some crazy dream and when she wakes up she'll be back in her room at her apartment. Perhaps she was drunk again but quickly dismissed the thought from her head. When she finally snapped out of her thoughts she really thought it was all in her imagination for she found herself alone in the lobby. She smirked to herself. Her mind must be going crazy, she thought until she heard someone call her name.

"Miki?" Mari called.

Miki turned around and Mari was standing next to her. "Yaguchi-san?"

"Are you ok? You've sat there for a long time." She asked, placing her hand on Miki's shoulder.

"What?" Miki blurted. "You mean, you really are leaving the group?" Mari nodded her head. "But I don't understand. Why? Why did you do that?"

"Miki, I knew what you were going to do." Mari replied.

"What? You mean you knew that I was suppose to leave the group?" Mari nodded again. "But why? You didn't have to-"

"You wanted to quit because of Aya, huh?" Mari said directly. Miki was taken back by that. She lost her words to say as Mari continued. "I don't mean to sound nosy but I overheard your argument last week. I was on the phone with Aya."

Miki suddenly remembered that day, how she woke up and wished she had died. Then she nearly died from the shock of seeing Aya at her apartment and then remembering seeing her on the phone. Miki glared at Mari. "So, you heard everything then?"
Mari shook her head. "Not everything. But I had an idea this had been going on for awhile. This is what's been bothering you huh?"

"Why do you care?" Miki sneered.

"I care because you guys are like family to me. And even though we've gone through many changes all these years, I still care about you guys. Even if we don't get along, even if we have our differences we're suppose to be there for each other, right?" Mari fought back tears that were coming on. "And because I know you're better than that, Miki."

Miki stared at the floor. "If you care so much then why are you leaving?"

"Because..." Mari paused. "Because I can't do this anymore." She sat next to Miki and started crying. Miki wanted to shrink away from this emotional outpour for she couldn't handle any of it, not even her own. She felt awkward sitting there letting her now former leader cry her eyes out, yet it was obligated for her to do something about it. She rolled her eyes and reached out her arm and slowly placed it on Mari's back, patting her gentle.

"It's ok." Miki said what she thought was appropriate. "I think leading a group's hard too."

"No, it's not that." Mari said between sobs. "I can't balance this and my life anymore."

"But isn't this your life, what you want to do? Why don't you just wait till you graduate? It won't be long now." Miki bit her tongue as she said that for she thought that wasn't helping at all. Mari didn't seem offended by it.

"I thought I could but I can't wait anymore. It's been hard to keep up with things now." Mari sighed.

"What did you do anyway?" Miki wondered, extremely curious at this point.

"Heh, you'd think it's stupid." Mari shrugged and then changed the subject. "Anyway I thought I'd just follow my heart and do what I think is right. You should do the same. So you should work things out with Aya. I know you love her," Miki blushed as Mari said that. "So I'm sure things will work out."

"But, it's too late now. We're not even friends anymore." Miki replied sadly.

"I don't believe that. I know Miki Fujimoto doesn't give up so easily. Besides, it's not your time yet, you're not an old veteran like me." She chuckled a bit and Miki manages to curl the end of her mouth into a smirk. "Maybe I don't know your whole situation, but I think there's still a chance to fix things. Unfortunately for me I can't take mine back, but, it doesn't matter now. I just felt I had to do this even if everyone doesn't agree with it."

They must've sat there for a good while, mostly Mari doing the talking and Miki listening and nodding in agreement. Pretty soon they realized that it was getting late, or at least it felt that way. They decided to call it a day and go their separate ways. Mari stood up and said one more thing.

"This may sound funny and I didn't mean to take advantage of your situation but I want to thank you. I couldn't think of any other way to break this to everyone so think of this as helping both of us out, ne? Good luck, ok?"

Miki nodded her head, "Thanks." She replied. At least she hoped Mari was right. She watched the former leader heading down the hall until she disappeared from her sight. Miki remained seated for another few minutes. She leaned her head back and sighed. "What a day. What. A. Day." She closed her eyes and wished it was a dream again. It was unusually silent around her but she could hear the ticking of a clock in the distance. Then the sound of footsteps came in and it was getting louder and louder till it suddenly stopped. Miki opened her eyes and saw someone standing before her. She looked up and stared blankly at their face.

"A-Aya?" She choked and stood up. There they were standing in front of each other. Miki didn't think she'd ever see her again. Aya seemed well, beautiful as always. Maybe she just found out what had happened. An awkward silence fell between them, Miki really hated moments like this. She felt frozen in her stance, unable to say anything. Aya, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said the other day. I'm so so so stupid. Please forget everything I said, forget all that happened. Let's not stop being friends. Miki's mind rambled on. God, that sounds so lame, but I'll say it. She opened her mouth and got ready to repeat her thoughts. "I'm-"

"Come over tomorrow." Aya interrupted her and the silence between them. She then got really close to Miki's face, so close that she thought they were going to kiss. "Please?" She merely whispered, her breath touching Miki's face.

Miki nodded her head vigorously. "Y-yeah." She saw Aya smile at her answer and bowed her head as she walked off and left. Wait. Did Aya just spoke to me just now? Asking me to come over? To her place? Did she mean meet her at her place? Of course, stupid. Where else? Her thoughts fought with each other. Miki felt what she had felt all day, completely and utterly confused. Anymore surprises? She looked around the empty lobby. She had expected some camera crew to jump out and yell "Gotcha!" but there was none. The lobby was completely deserted. Miki could hear the ticking of the clock once again as she looked up at the time. She had been here way too long she thought as she finally stood and started to head down the hall.

"What a day." She repeated what she said earlier, stretching out her arms over her head. "What a fucking crazy day."

lil_hamz - *pin pon* for you. You found the underlying point to the story. :D (see bottom note)

JFC - but not in this story :P

ChrNo - cheap PVs haha I didn't think of that but it makes sense :lol:

All this GAM stuff and it was about Mari the whole time. :P Well not really. Many of you already figured out in the beginning. The title is in reference to Mari (hence its acronym M.A.R.I.) but the story's about GAM. The "milestone" (turning point) of this story is Mari's resignation from MM. The story should end here. j/k :P but what about GAM? 3 more to go. :roll:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: sousora on October 04, 2006, 09:05:52 AM
I'm dying for the rest here x_x
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on October 04, 2006, 02:35:53 PM
jfksqgklmqmfgqjdfkhjlkgh !!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.... !!!

that sounded freaking realistic...
damn you ! so good...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...i'm going to be late at school because of you !
but thank you for this chapter :D

the first part reminds me of Pinch runner...sounded like koari + Maki...omg i laught so hard when i saw maki slipped and fell XD
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
She took the scissors and started scratching the tip of it against the grout of the tiles on the wall. She gradually pushed it harder creating a loud grating noise that sounded worse than a certain fellow group member's singing.


and then the second part...OUTCH...djfldjsklfsdlf !!!

Miki scoffed. Oh my gosh! He couldn't come in person to announce it directly? Baka!

"I don't mean to sound nosy but I overheard your argument last week. I was on the phone with Aya."

"But, it's too late now. We're not even friends anymore." Miki replied sadly.
"I don't believe that. I know Miki Fujimoto doesn't give up so easily. Besides, it's not your time yet, you're not an old veteran like me."[...]
"This may sound funny and I didn't mean to take advantage of your situation but I want to thank you. I couldn't think of any other way to break this to everyone so think of this as helping both of us out, ne? Good luck, ok?"


sorry gotta go, can't say more...but anyway, you've already killed me
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ferrar1 on October 04, 2006, 03:59:08 PM
I actually joined just to read your fanfic..... not actually :P  but hey your story is definetely 1 of e best fan fics around.

Its e way it blends almost seamlessly to what happened to Momusu and e story seems so real. GJ *akiba style

Anyway the part about e song zutto suki de ii desuka, made me think of another song by Miki, Giniro no eien. The part of the lyrics tt went

恋人 (lovers)
永遠の恋人 (we should be lovers forever)
会話がなくても通じちゃう (even without speaking we can communicate)
以心伝心 CLOSE MY EYES (lets communicate telephatically)
あなたの夢が私の夢 (your dream is my dream)

離れないよね (please never leave me)

:cry: :cry:

I remembered e music fighter episode where miki said that she & aya rarely speaks but somehow they know what each other is thinking about.. and i remembered these lyrics.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: jafeijai on October 04, 2006, 05:06:27 PM
damn you.....why must you be so good at writing fanfics?!?! XD
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on October 04, 2006, 09:52:46 PM
oh man! that was so sad with Miki and the...yeaahh...but YAY for savior Mari. Shes may be short but she makes up for it by being super awesome and stopping Miki. This was a great chapter as always pressure...but I want more dammit! XD jk
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 05, 2006, 04:09:53 AM
ChrNo - haha I was almost late for something before cuz I was reading someone's story too. :lol: Yeah, I was kinda thinking about Pinch Runner when I wrote that suicide part. (OT: I don't think that fall Maki had was faked which is why it was so hilarious XD) Anyway, no one dies in this story esp. not GAM. :P

ferrar1 - wow, I wish I knew about those lyrics, I could've used them too. And thanks. :D

jafeijai - I have no idea, this is actually the first fanfic I've ever written but it took a long time to write.

icarianwings & KrazyForKamei - Yeah! More GAM! Btw, OMG I just saw the preview of their new PV. It's so... XD
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 05, 2006, 05:07:07 AM
°e is cool! °e is great! °e really needs to edit her paragraph breaks!

Lol, j/k. Actually, I'm not. Damn, I love this story but damn, is it hard to read!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ferrar1 on October 05, 2006, 06:03:00 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
ChrNo (OT: I don't think that fall Maki had was faked which is why it was so hilarious XD)

really !! i thought it was very real as well but i thought they would never have left tt in LOLz :D

anyway im waiting patiently for the rest of the story to unfold. btw would u point me to the direction where e rest of ur fan fics are?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 05, 2006, 06:04:46 AM
is it too long or compacted or something? I really don't know how to format stories but I figured as long as you can read it it's ok. Only recently I've started spacing out dialogues so you can read it better. But just let me know if I need to fix something.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on October 05, 2006, 06:20:12 AM
Quote from: ferrar1
I actually joined just to read your fanfic..... not actually :P  but hey your story is definetely 1 of e best fan fics around.

Its e way it blends almost seamlessly to what happened to Momusu and e story seems so real. GJ *akiba style

Anyway the part about e song zutto suki de ii desuka, made me think of another song by Miki, Giniro no eien. The part of the lyrics tt went

恋人 (lovers)
永遠の恋人 (we should be lovers forever)
会話がなくても通じちゃう (even without speaking we can communicate)
以心伝心 CLOSE MY EYES (lets communicate telephatically)
あなたの夢が私の夢 (your dream is my dream)

離れないよね (please never leave me)

:cry: :cry:

I remembered e music fighter episode where miki said that she & aya rarely speaks but somehow they know what each other is thinking about.. and i remembered these lyrics.
Do the "T' and "H" keys only work periodically on your keyboard? You should get them fixed so that you can type ALL of your words properly.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Sukoshi on October 05, 2006, 11:15:38 AM
Quote from: JFC
Do the "T' and "H" keys only work periodically on your keyboard? You should get them fixed so that you can type ALL of your words properly.

Ah I'm sure his T and H key work perfectly well and that he was just trying to type °e aka the wonderful DO Me DO Me :heart: but then again with the way kids are typing on the net these days....:doh:

*Ahem* back on topic...great chapter °e!  Miki's dream was really scary since you are so good with visuals!  and the whole yagu-san thing was sad:(   During the chapter I was like :o and then :doh: and :cry: :o by the end!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 05, 2006, 06:34:59 PM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me
is it too long or compacted or something? I really don't know how to format stories but I figured as long as you can read it it's ok. Only recently I've started spacing out dialogues so you can read it better. But just let me know if I need to fix something.

All you really need to do is space out some of the longer paragraphs. It's hard for the slow minded to read otherwise and when I try, I skip over sentences and combine them. It makes for a really weird story.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 05, 2006, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: rndmnwierd
All you really need to do is space out some of the longer paragraphs. It's hard for the slow minded to read otherwise and when I try, I skip over sentences and combine them. It makes for a really weird story.

funny you should say that because I skip over some sentences in my own story. I guess that says something huh? (or it's because it's my story and I've read it over so many times hehe) :lol: But no problem, that can be arranged. Thanks for the tip.

Quote from: Sukoshi
Ah I'm sure his T and H key work perfectly well and that he was just trying to type °e aka the wonderful DO Me DO Me :heart: but then again with the way kids are typing on the net these days....:doh:

that's what I was thinking but I didn't want to sound full of myself :P :roll:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on October 07, 2006, 09:26:44 AM
Ahhhhh!! Those last two chapters were well worth the wait.

Standing by for the next ones!!
Title: Part 15
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 11, 2006, 09:01:51 PM
back on track. this was the 3rd hardest chapter to write, a 6 month gap between this and part 14 when I wrote it awhile back.

anyway, hopefully it's reader friendly this time. I tried to space out my paragraphs as much as I can. But now it just looks super long. :P

Part 15

"Hey." Miki greeted Aya.

"Hi." Aya greeted her back. "How are you?"

Miki shrugged her shoulders apathetically as Aya moved from the door to let her inside. Miki felt like she had stepped foot into Aya's apartment for the first time. It felt painfully awkward being there and she almost didn't recognize the place though it still looked the same since the last time she was there almost a month ago.

"Do you want anything to drink or something?" Aya offered but Miki quickly sat down on the couch without saying a word. Aya got the hint and sat on the opposite end of the couch from Miki. There they remained silent, hardly looking at each other. A sigh or yawn would come up every few minutes. Aya could just barely see Miki fiddling with her fingers in the corner of her eye. She found it annoying but not as annoying as the silence between them. She was sure that Miki felt just as uncomfortable and awkward as she was. They were never like this, not then, why now? They always had something to talk about, it didn't matter what it was. Aya sighed in frustration for she knew it was up to her to do something, she did invite Miki over after all.

"What's up?" She finally spoke up, for lack of a better question.

She heard Miki sigh, more like scoff, in response but it got her to stop fiddling with her fingers. She could think up a hundred, no, an infinite number of things on her mind right now. Most of them began with "why?". Why this? Why that? But before Miki could open her mouth to say something, her eyes caught something on the coffee table. It appeared to be the newest issue of FRIDAY, this time it didn't mention anything about Aya. She was relieved but something else caught her eye. She leaned in closer and read the headline, "Exclusive: Pictures of Morning Musume member and Boyfriend."

"Is that-" Miki finally spoke.

"Yaguchi-san?" Aya finished for her and nodded. "Yeah, all that for being with someone."

"What? Is that why she quit? That's ridiculous!" Miki retorted. She never heard such an excuse. "Ugh! What's going on? Because I don't know anymore. Everything's gone crazy!" She leaned her head back and let out a loud grunt.

"Yeah, she really freaked out." Aya spoke quietly, staring off across the room. She caught Miki's attention who now sat up and listened to her. "Should've heard how scared she was when she got caught. She called me after it happened. It was that same night you did your radio show with Yossi and-"

"Huh?" Miki interrupted. "How did you know about that?" She asked because she knew that show never aired.

Aya covered her mouth and silently cursed to herself for bringing up something Miki didn't want to hear. "I mean, I was there, at the radio station. I came to see you but you just ran out of there. What happened?" She asked, though she already knew what happened.

"Nothing." Miki answered her coldly. Just the answer she expected from her, Aya thought. She turned her attention now to the Friday magazine on the table and picked it up. She flipped through the pages till she found the pictures of Mari and Shun.

"Yaguchi-san and I have been talking lately." She started. "She calls me because she was concerned about you, especially after what happened to me last month. She figured my scandal must've affected you. But, even I didn't know what was going on with you 'cause you were always avoiding me since it happened." She took a deep breath as she continued. "She called me on that day you didn't show up for work, you know? I guess I forgot that I've put her on hold and she overheard us, the argument and all."

She looked at Miki who sat there unresponsive. "Yeah. But that night when she got caught she was really freaking out. She thought she had ruined everything, ruined Morning Musume. She thought she had let you guys down. She was just going crazy over it. I tried to help, but, I don't know what I could've done for her. She always talked about trying to find some way to resolve it, some way to get out of it, and I guess it had to come down to this. I wish it could've happened some other way." She looked at Miki again who was fiddling with her hands once more. "She must've found out about you quitting the group, so she took your place instead. Funny how things turn out like that, ne?"

Miki shrugged her shoulders. "That still doesn't make it right." She mumbled.

"I know." Aya answered quietly. "But in a way I'm thankful for her doing what she did, if that means anything to you. If I was in her situation I wouldn't know what to do. Aren't you at least grateful that you didn't have to leave? I mean, for what? You didn't do anything. I know deep inside you didn't want to leave, not because of me but because you really do love being in Morning Musume, right?" Miki didn't respond but sat there staring blankly at nothing. "You didn't mean what you said the other day, did you?" Aya asked her.

Miki didn't respond again but after a few seconds she finally shook her head.

"Then why say all those things?" Aya added.

Miki sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "You know me, right? Whatever's on my mind comes right out of my mouth, no matter how absurd it is."

Aya silently nodded in response and looked down at the floor. Her face was suddenly overcome by guilt and regret.

"Miki," She nearly choked saying her name. She turned and faced Miki, who sat quietly with her eyes closed now. "I'm so sorry. This whole thing is my fault."

"Then why did you do it?" Miki asked calmly.

"I don't know. I was afraid, I guess." Aya answered hesitantly.

"Afraid? Of what?"

"Of...falling in love with you." Aya finally admitted. Miki opened her eyes this time. She turned her head and finally looked at Aya. Did she hear her right or did she just imagined that? Even with the pained look on her face Aya still looked beautiful, Miki thought. She gave her a look for her to continue.

"I mean, I knew about this for a long time and I've acted like I had no clue. I just didn't know what to think of it. I mean, I didn't mind all that touchy feely stuff, taking baths together, sleeping in the same bed, whatever. But then, I don't know, things just got weird, ok? I mean us, how can we be? You know? You probably don't care what others think but I can't help it. Who I am and what I do, it's a serious thing. So, I'm sorry for frustrating you this whole time but you have no idea how hard it was for me. You know the consequences, being in this business, right? People try to find any little bad thing about you and tear you apart with it. So I tried everything I could to keep us from getting closer. I wanted to say that you joining Morning Musume was sort of a miracle, but I would hate myself if I said that. So I figured if I pretended I was going out with Keita or any guy that it would get rid of all the gossip and rumors about us. I'd rather see myself with someone else on those tabloids, not us. I just didn't have the heart to tell you directly and that really killed me inside. I didn't want to hurt you and I didn't want to lose my best friend."

She looked at Miki whose face was tight and still, not knowing what kinds of feelings she was holding back inside. "The truth is," Aya continued. "The more I tried to push you away the stronger my feelings were for you. And it finally hit me that I realized I was making the biggest mistake of my life. I was only making things worse. I just got so caught up on protecting my career that I didn't realize the other things that were important to me. So forgive me, Mikichan."

"And that's the truth?" Miki concluded.

"Hai. Stupidest thing I've ever done, huh?"

"It's not all your fault." Miki replied with an unexpected answer.

"Eh?" Aya huffed, caught off guard by Miki's response.

"Hearing all that now, from your point of view, it sounds like it's my fault. I mean, I'm the one who caused you all this frustration. Making you worry. Making you do things you wouldn't do. Making you not you. I didn't think loving you would cause all this. And furthermore, did you really do it for us? I guess was just too selfish trying to have you that I didn't realize it. Hearing all this from you now, I sound like some monster."

"No, you're not." Aya replied. "We're both at fault."

Miki sighed and shrugged. Things didn't turn out as bad as she expected, it could've been worse, she thought. At least she now knew how Aya felt about all this. She glanced up at the clock on the wall and realized time went by a little too fast. She turned to Aya one last time. "Well. It's late now, I should be going." She stood up from the couch and started to head toward the door until she felt a tug her on her shirt sleeve.

"Please, stay." Aya pleaded, gently pulling Miki back to the couch. "I really missed you, Miki. It feels like forever since I've seen you. Things are not the same without you around. You don't have to say anything just stay for awhile, please?" Miki agreed to stay and leaned back into the couch. Another awkward silence. What now? Aya told her she didn't have to say anything but Miki hated doing nothing, she came to realize.

"This is stupid." Aya spoke up again, breaking the silence. "I mean, we're best friends, right? We should be able to tell each other everything and anything. Keeping things from each other would only lead to things like this." She turned to Miki. "So, let's make a promise to each other."

"Promise?" Miki repeated.

Aya nodded. "To never keep secrets from each other, to be honest to each other, no matter what it may be. Ok?" She added though it sounded rather plain and all things cheesy.

Miki looked into Aya's eyes and saw sincerity and remorse in them. Of course she couldn't refuse her, no matter what wrong she may have done. She nodded her head and accepted the promise. Aya smiled as she now extended her hand to Miki, her pinky finger pointed at her. Miki saw it and chuckled a bit. Of course, it was like Aya to do silly things such as confirming serious things with a pinky promise.

"Kinda childish, don't you think?" Miki pointed out, but Aya shot her a serious look. Miki responded to it with a smirk and complained no further. She locked her pinky finger with Aya's, giving it a little squeeze before finally releasing their fingers. That was probably the first time they've had physical contact in awhile. Even with that tiny touch Miki could feel it radiating up her arm, giving her goosebumps. Along with that Aya beamed her Ayaya smile at her which she hadn't seen in awhile either. Aya then turned her head and chuckled lightly into the air.

"What's funny?" Miki asked.

"I just didn't expect things to turn out this way." Aya replied. "I thought you'd explode and chew me out by now. I really thought this would be the last time we would ever speak to each other."

"Eh? You really do think I'm a monster?" Miki said hurtfully. "You believe all that Badass Miki Fujimoto junk everyone labels me?"

"Haha, no, I didn't say that." Aya laughed out. It lightened up the mood, finally. Miki was glad to see Aya smiling again. A sign that told her that everything's going to be ok, hopefully. Aya then yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes. "I guess I'm feeling tired now."

Miki hesitated for a moment but finally responded by patting her lap, offering it for Aya to lay on.

"Are you sure?" Aya replied and Miki nodded. Aya gently laid her head on Miki's lap and stretched herself across the couch. It felt a bit weird, she thought, for it was always her doing that to Miki. This time it was the other way around and she found herself liking it. "I've always wondered how it was like from here." She smiled, then she closed her eyes. Miki's heart began to flutter as always but deep inside her heart was a pain that would never go away. She suddenly felt a pressure against her chest.

"How long has it been? Hmm? Since we've known each other?" Aya suddenly asked.

Miki thought for moment though she knew exactly how long ago it was. She could vividly see it in her mind, something she could never forget. It was the greatest moment of her life. But instead she responded with, "A long time, it seems."

"Yeah? Like forever, huh?" Aya replied, yawning in between. "So, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"The usual," Miki answered. "Taping shows and futsal practice. Gets a bit boring after awhile."

"Yeah, I get bored too doing TV and radio shows every week, shooting CMs, rehearsals and all." Aya commented. "Yet, I still love doing them."

Miki stared at Aya's face, following the contours of her profile with her eyes. The feeling in her thigh was beginning to feel numb by the weight of Aya's head but she didn't want to disturb Aya in such a peaceful state. She suddenly found herself leaning over, her face inching closer to Aya's. She closed her eyes and leaned further but stopped herself. Aya's breath tickled her face but she sat back up. Aya didn't noticed anything.

"I want to know something." Miki blurted.

"Hmm?" Aya mumbled half asleep.

"Since we're being honest and all now, do you still have feelings for me?" Miki let it out.

Aya cracked open her eyes. The atmosphere suddenly got serious again. She thought for a bit and looked up at Miki. "Miki, you mean alot to me and I don't want to lose what we have. But..." But. That word that everyone dreads to hear popped up. "But, with everything that went on in the last few months and now the situation with Yaguchi-san, I just feel that it wouldn't be appropriate to be involved in something right now. You know?"

Miki nodded her head. "Oh, I understand." She replied, though to her it meant that it will never happen. Aya turned on her side now and Miki followed the outline of her body, sloping up her shoulders and down her arms then up again to her hips and down her legs. She was so tempted to touch her, even if it was just the strands of her hair, but she resisted. She thought of what to say next, at the same time pins and needles crept up and down her leg. She couldn't find a way to stop it and alas jerked her knee up suddenly causing Aya to wake up.
"I'm sorry," Aya mumbled apologetically, "Was your leg hurting?"

"No, I'm fine. It's ok." Miki assured, insisting Aya to lay back down and she did. Miki sighed as she gathered the courage to say the next thing on her mind. "Are you happy, Aya?"

"Hmm? Of course." She replied. "I'm glad we got this over with."

"I mean, are you really happy with your life right now?" Miki corrected.

Aya shifted a little, just enough to see Miki in the corner of her eye. "I really don't know what's going to happen." She replied. "I have so many things on my mind right now. I find myself changing my mind all the time. Sometimes I don't know what I'm feeling, if it's real or if it'll pass by after awhile." She turned over on her back again and closed her eyes. "I wonder sometimes if I could ever live a normal life again. The idol life is hard but I've gotten so used to it. But then, I dread the day when I'll stop being an idol. I just don't want things to change. My future seems bright and all, but it scares me sometimes."

"Heh, you sound like an old man." Miki responded jokingly. "You're still young. You're far from retirement. Who knows, you'll probably be even bigger than you are now. You never know what's out there unless you give it a chance. Just don't give up singing."

"Nah, I don't think I can ever let go of that. It's the best thing I've ever done." Aya beamed with a smile. "I couldn't see myself doing anything else. Don't you love it too? Singing and performing for people? Making them happy? It's the greatest feeling in the world. If I could turn back time, I'd do it all over again."

"Yeah." Miki responded quietly. With that response from Aya, her fate was sealed. It dawned on Miki that as much as she was important to Aya, she still could not compete with Aya's love for her career. Not this time, she thought.

"Stop talking now. It's so late. Let's go to bed, ok?" Aya suggested. "You know, you're always welcome to stay in--" She stopped abruptly for something fell on her face. She opened her eyelids and it went into her eye. Her reaction was to blink and it the liquid trickled out of her eye and down her cheek. She wiped her face. It was warm and wet. Tears? She realized and looked up at Miki, whose face was streaked with them. Aya sat up now and looked at her. "Miki? What's wrong?"

Miki broke away from her daze. She didn't noticed that she was crying. "Oh, I'm sorry." She apologized, trying to compose herself. She wiped her tears with her shirt sleeve and glanced at Aya, giving her an embarassed smirk. "I was just thinking about something." She started to explain. "I thought about it yesterday. About everything that happened in the last few months. I don't want it to happen again." She looked at Aya and she agreed with her. "You've been through alot because of me, and I feel so bad about that. I don't ask for much, you know? But I guess I can't even have that. So, I thought about it and I've decided I'm going to let you go."

"What?" Aya was caught off guard by Miki once again. "What are you saying, Miki?"

"I'm going to stop chasing you, Ayachan. Just think about it. You said you were serious about who you are and what you do. And I don't think you'd want to live a life of secrecy and risk everything you have, huh? I wouldn't forgive myself if I knew that I was the one keeping you from doing what you want. Besides, I realize there are things that I can never give you. It wouldn't work out anyway."

"What are you saying? You want to start over or something? Back before this whole thing happened?" Aya replied, still a bit puzzled by what Miki's getting at.

"It'd be better if you never knew me." Miki answered. She looked down at the floor, suddenly feeling ashamed to look at Aya. "All I want is for you to be happy, Aya. I don't want you to worry anymore. Just go on and live your life. I can see it in your heart that you really love what you do and I don't want to interfere with it anymore."

"Don't say things like that. What about you? How are you going to feel?" Aya asked her.

"I'll be fine." Miki assured. "I know it's going to hurt like hell, maybe the worst thing I'll ever feel, but I'll endure it. I'll get over it eventually."

Aya was quite amazed to see how well Miki was handling herself in such a mature fashion, but she didn't think what she was saying made sense. Why would Miki suddenly say that? She figured it was one her speak without thinking talk again but she seemed serious this time.

"I don't understand why you're doing this, Miki. This isn't you." She found herself reaching over to Miki, holding her close to her. "Why are you giving up like that? I want you to be happy too. Can't we just go back to then, as friends? Can't you at least keep me in your heart?" She felt Miki's arms around her, embracing her warmly but her body started to tremble in her arms. "Miki?"

"It hurts." Miki started to cry again. "It doesn't matter if I'm with you or not, I'll always feel this way. I feel like I'm dying. It's too much. I don't want to suffer anymore. If I wait any longer, I feel I might lose you forever."

"Lose me? You never did. I'm always here. Even if we aren't meant to be, at least always be there for me. And I will always be there for you too." She gave her a little kiss on her forehead. "I've hurt you so much for so long. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you somehow. I love you, Miki. I mean it."

"Please, let me go." Miki cried into Aya's shoulder. "Everything I've done wrong, yet you were still kind to me. I really don't deserve to be loved by you. What can I do for you?" She released her hold on Aya and let her arms fall limp.

Aya held her tighter. Miki's body continued to tremble in her arms. It made tears well up in her eyes now. "You fool," She whispered. "Why are you doing this? I even cried your tears. I'm not going to let you go."

She felt Miki trying to free herself but Aya only held on tighter, determined to keep it up all night if she had to. They both struggled to keep up their battles against the Sandman but they were both losing. They were drained, physically and emotionally, locked in an intimate embrace but the feelings weren't there. Aya could only think helplessly about the girl who was a complete mess in her arms. She suddenly felt a pain growing inside her chest. It was from guilt. She realized she had already broken their secrets. I want to be with you, Miki. That is what I want. She wanted to say all this time but the words never came out.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: len.chan on October 11, 2006, 09:32:00 PM
I have to say it..
No matter how many times I read this part.. I always cry.. it's amazing :heart:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on October 11, 2006, 09:54:27 PM

you are really awesome DO Me DO Me...
you like to make me speechless don't you...

Quote from: DO Me DO Me
back on track. this was the 3rd hardest chapter to write, a 6 month gap between this and part 14 when I wrote it awhile back.

6 months!!??...i'm kinda happy i didn't know it then XD i would have died waiting...

my thought while i was reading this time was "Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies..."
i wish i read it before...

and then in my mind i just go back to last year an everything went so realistic...

I tried to space out my paragraphs as much as I can. But now it just looks super long. :P

it might seem super long but i loved it. Your work is just so amazing...
"Should've heard how scared she was when she got caught. She called me after it happened. It was that same night you did your radio show with Yossi and-"

what a coincidence :D  it make your story looks even more realistic...

I know deep inside you didn't want to leave, not because of me but because you really do love being in Morning Musume, right?"

sorry but i couldn't help myself laughing at that part :hammerself:

"So, let's make a promise to each other."

"Promise?" Miki repeated.

Aya nodded. "To never keep secrets from each other, to be honest to each other, no matter what it may be. Ok?" She added though it sounded rather plain and all things cheesy.

"Kinda childish, don't you think?"

exactly what i thought XD

Miki hesitated for a moment but finally responded by patting her lap, offering it for Aya to lay on.

"Are you sure?" Aya replied and Miki nodded. Aya gently laid her head on Miki's lap and stretched herself across the couch. It felt a bit weird, she thought, for it was always her doing that to Miki.

that's it. you are the Melodies director !! XD

"Miki? What's wrong?"

Miki broke away from her daze. She didn't noticed that she was crying. "Oh, I'm sorry.[...]You've been through alot because of me, and I feel so bad about that. I don't ask for much, you know? But I guess I can't even have that. So, I thought about it and I've decided I'm going to let you go."

"What?" Aya was caught off guard by Miki once again. "What are you saying, Miki?"


"Please, let me go." Miki cried into Aya's shoulder.[...]Aya held her tighter. Miki's body continued to tremble in her arms. It made tears well up in her eyes now. "You fool," She whispered. "Why are you doing this? I even cried your tears. I'm not going to let you go."

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

She suddenly felt a pain growing inside her chest. It was from guilt. She realized she had already broken their secrets. I want to be with you, Miki. That is what I want. She wanted to say all this time but the words never came out.

somewhere...we all know that...

what a great chapter....i've used every good words to describe the past ones...what am i going to say next time !

you are a goddess :yep: :bow:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: jafeijai on October 11, 2006, 10:44:29 PM
omg....ChrNo, why must you always take what i want to say?! XD

DO Me DO Me = KAMI-SAMA!! :bow::bow::bow:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 12, 2006, 06:09:22 AM
Quote from: len.chan
I have to say it..
No matter how many times I read this part.. I always cry.. it's amazing :heart:

thanks, glad it worked out this way because there's a different ending for this part, one that kinda ended badly than the one posted. I think it would've affected the rest of the story differently if I had used it but now that I think of it either ending would've worked. I might post it as something extra.

Quote from: ChrNo

you are really awesome DO Me DO Me...
you like to make me speechless don't you...

nooo! because if you don't say anything then I don't get any comments :lol:
6 months!!??...i'm kinda happy i didn't know it then XD i would have died waiting...

hehe yeah school and a huge writer's block caused it. And as I've said above, there was a different ending for this part and I had trouble picking which to use.
my thought while i was reading this time was "Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies Forget about Melodies..."
i wish i read it before...

haha the new video's disrupting the story. :lol: at this point, things don't seem to be going well right now and the story's almost over :(
what a coincidence :D  it make your story looks even more realistic...

see? it all connects hehe
that's it. you are the Melodies director !! XD

:o let's just say there's a scene from the video that kinda actually goes with some part of the story. ;)
what a great chapter....i've used every good words to describe the past ones...what am i going to say next time !

you are a goddess :yep: :bow:

Quote from: jafeijai
omg....ChrNo, why must you always take what i want to say?! XD

DO Me DO Me = KAMI-SAMA!! :bow::bow::bow:

oh you guys :oops:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ferrar1 on October 12, 2006, 06:51:30 AM
:bow: to the long awaited sequel !!

That looks really long but then........ it means more stuff to read !!

thank you
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 12, 2006, 04:28:07 PM
so sad, but I'm buying pom-poms and waving them around right now. Also, I'm extremely happy with the spacing (my resolution is weird). You rock °e!
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on October 12, 2006, 09:47:41 PM
Wooow that was freakin amazing. I was actually sitting with my mouth wide open and was speechless. And believe me it takes alot to make me speechless. How do u do it?! U should be a professional writer or be first in line at ur autograph signings :P
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: stefy on October 13, 2006, 03:58:12 PM
this is one heck of a powerfull story... really really touching
your a great writter...WHEN you become a pro writer i'll be second in line, right behind KrazyForKamei
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on October 13, 2006, 04:25:03 PM
Yeah I guessed right! Do I get a cute animal cake as a prize :P
No matter what people say about GAM being just really good friends and nothing more, I don't wanna believe it. And ya story just makes me stand by that XD
Title: Part 16
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 19, 2006, 06:38:43 AM
In case it sounds confusing, this is about a month after from the last part.

Part 16

Aya woke up with silent tears. She sighed at the dream but she kept reminding herself that it wasn't a dream. Thinking about that day still made her cry. She remembered waking up with empty arms. Sleep had finally overtaken her and Miki had escaped during the night. She's hardly seen her since then. It's been almost a month now. Only a few times they would run into each other at work but nothing more than quick glances were exchanged.

Fully awake now, she looked around the room and the blue light of the morning was seeping through the windows. She glanced at the clock and it was still too early to wake up but she couldn't go back to sleep anymore. Instead, she laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. All she could think of was that day that seemed like it only happened yesterday. She kept wondering what she could've said or done differently, not that it mattered anymore. Suddenly another thought came into her mind, last night.

Aya's thoughts were then interrupted by soft breathing next to her. She turned her head and saw Miki's sleeping face facing her, strands of her long hair wisping up with each breath. Aya was taken aback for a moment but now she remembered. She managed to crack a smile at the sleeping girl despite the sudden awkwardness she was feeling right now. Memories of the past flooded into her mind. Back to the days when they would spend the night at each other's places, talking for hours about everything until they fell asleep. However, none of that happened last night. Aya stared at Miki's face. She looked so cute and peaceful, she thought. It has been a long time since she's seen her that way. She couldn't imagine all the things she's been through in the past two months. She still felt guilty for being the cause of it. The smile suddenly disappeared from Aya's face. She then reached over to brush Miki's hair away from her face. She shifted slightly and eventually opened her eyes. Aya quickly retracted her hand.

"G-good Morning." Aya whispered hesitantly.

Miki mumbled. She stretched out her arms and rubbed her eyes. She looked around the room, the blue light looked strange to her. "What time is it?"

"5:33am." Aya answered, "I didn't mean to--"

"Eh? So early!" Miki whined, turning around and going back to sleep.

Aya sighed. "I'm sorry to wake you, I'm just gonna take a shower and go."

The sleepy mass on the bed didn't respond. Aya sat up now and stretched out her arms. The blue light touched her pale skin and made her feel the cold and stillness of the room. She gathered the clothes Miki lent her off the floor and took them with her to the bathroom. In the bathroom she found her own clothes hanging up on the shower rod. They were still slightly damp from last night's rain. Guess she won't be changing back into them, she thought. She looked at herself in the mirror now. Her face didn't look too tired, she thought, which was good because she needed to look her best today. Yet even though she looked okay on the outside, inside she was feeling uncertainty. She didn't know how she was suppose to feel anymore. She then reached over the tub and started the shower, waiting for the water to warm up. Hopefully a hot shower would help clear her mind.

Miki could vaguely hear the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. She forced her self to get up but she laid there like a rock. She turned over again and tried to find another position to sleep. The shower sounded like the rain and it recalled her memory of last night. She was just sitting in her living room watching TV until the doorbell rang unexpectedly. She wondered who could it be at this rather late hour and was quite suprised to find out who.

"A-Aya?" She gasped.

"Hi, Miki. Can I come in?" Asked a rain soaked Aya.

Miki looked at her strangely wondering if she was seeing things. She had no choice but to answer, "Yeah." and moved out of the doorway. Puddles of water dripped on to the floor behind Aya as she entered. "You came all the way here without an umbrella?" Miki asked her.

"Yeah, I hate umbrellas." Aya answered as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Huh? Oh. Well, dry off before you catch a cold or something." Miki grabbed Aya's hand but quickly let go after realizing what she did. "Come on." She then commanded as she lead Aya into her room. She dugged through her drawers and pulled out the first articles of clothing inside and handed them to her. "Here." She said, extending her arm to Aya.

"Thanks." Aya replied and took them. She quickly began to undress.

Miki glanced up and quickly looked away. It's not like she hasn't seen everything already, she thought, but she just felt too uncomfortable seeing Aya this way, especially now. She made an excuse to get herself out of the room by taking Aya's wet clothes to dry in the bathroom. She closed the door to her room and sighed. Is this really happening? She thought. She knocked on her door to make sure. A voice answered "yes" behind the door and Miki realized that it wasn't her imagination. But why is she here? Whatever the reason, it's just not the same anymore, Miki thought as she entered the bathroom this time. She hung the wet clothes over the shower rod and noticed something. "Are these mine?" She asked herself, looking at the dark denim jeans she hadn't seen for some time. She wondered if Aya knew they were hers. If she had come to return them, she had a funny way of doing it.

Miki got out and saw that her room door was still closed. She then noticed the trail of water Aya left behind on the floor. She quickly grabbed a towel and knelt down to wipe it up. She heard the doorknob turn and Aya finally stepped out of the room, now semi-dry except for her hair which kept dripping on the back of her shirt. She saw Miki on the floor cleaning up her mess.

"Oh, no. Let me do it." She insisted, kneeling down next to Miki.

"Don't worry about it. I meant to clean up the place anyway." She pointed out. She didn't bother to look at Aya next to her. "Did you get caught in the storm on the way home or something?"

"No, I just felt like walking in it." Aya replied, watching Miki drag the towel across the floor. "It was kinda nice."

Miki raised an eyebrow. That's weird. She thought. That didn't seem like Aya to do that, but then again does she really even know her anymore? She stood up and tossed the towel to the side. "Should've called or something. I don't have anything to eat or--"

"It's ok." Aya waved her hand. "I wasn't going to stay long. I just came to see you before I go."

"Go? Where you going?" Miki wondered.

"My tour's starting tomorrow."

Miki thought for a moment. "Oh, ok." She remembered hearing about it awhile back. Aya was heading a tour along with Melon Kinenbi and W. She then went over and dug around her bare refrigerator. She had nothing to offer Aya. It was a pitiful sight and she felt even more embarrassed that she's been spending her money surviving off of yakiniku at restaurants for the past few weeks. She felt like such a bad hostess. She finally closed the fridge and sat down on the couch next to Aya, keeping her distance from her.

They exchanged sighs and yawns, waiting for something to happen next. Thunder would roar in the background every now and then along with those sighs and yawns. The atmosphere was so awkward that both of them wished they were doing something else. Miki finally glanced at Aya and noticed her wet hair. She was also kind of huddling her arms together.

"Oh, do you want a blanket or something?" Miki asked. "Don't want to catch a cold."

"I'm fine." Aya replied.

"Still. You're going to be singing and all." Miki insisted and went into her room. She came back out with a blanket and wrapped it sloppily over Aya's shoulders. It was the least she could do to make up for her empty fridge.

Aya gave in and smiled. "Thanks." She didn't expect to see that from Miki but she was glad she did. "So... How you've been?" She asked though it seemed rather late to ask at this point.

"Ok." Miki replied frankly.

Aya nodded her head. "Whatcha been up to?"

"The usual." Miki answered straightforward again.

Aya nodded her head again. The conversation was slowly on its way to crashing down Aya realized as she tried to think up some way to save it. "And futsal?"

"It's good. The tournament's starting soon." Miki answered with more than two words this time.

Finally, it's getting somewhere, Aya thought as she tried to carry it on. "Good luck to you guys."

Miki simply nodded her head. Crashing down again. Aya didn't know what else to say and became frustrated as to why they couldn't carry on a simple conversation anymore. She gave up trying and balled herself on the couch, wrapped up in Miki's blanket.

Miki noticed Aya actions and had been suspicious from the start. She wanted to confront her about it but didn't want to risk having another false accusation or argument breaking out. Besides, they weren't that close anymore, right?

"Why..." Miki started. "I mean, what's on the setlist of your tour?" She asked though she wanted to ask something else. Aya didn't noticed as she recited the list of songs but one song in particular suddenly made Miki giggle.

"What's funny?" Aya wondered. At least it got Miki to do anything but sit there quietly.

"You're going to sing that Melon song?" She chuckled. By that she meant their song, Nikutai wa Shoujiki na EROS. That slow and sexy song that was so not like Aya, music-wise anyway.

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong with that?"

"I mean, you singing that song?" Miki said in an almost teasing voice.

Aya scoffed at Miki. "What? You think I can't be sexy? I've been working on my mature side lately, you know." She replied but Miki couldn't contain her laughter and suddenly let it out. Aya pouted in response but she felt like laughing as well for Miki's laugh was quite contagious. However, she stopped herself from doing so and bore a serious face.

"I'll show you then. Got the song?" Miki shook her head no. "I'll demonstrate it then." Aya said as she stood up in front of Miki. "Ok, you know, it starts off like this." She started to move her body, going along with the song in her head. "And then it's like this." Miki couldn't help but laugh at Aya, watching her gyrate her body to no music, looking so silly right now. Furthermore, Aya wasn't that great of a dancer anyway. "Stop laughing at me!" Aya whined. "You're making me feel stupid."

Miki waved her hand. "No, you're not. It's, so embarassing." Miki gasped between laughs. Her sides began to hurt and tears began to fall from her eyes.

"What? This is far tamer than what your beloved Amuro-san does." Aya mockingly pointed out.

Aya knew that Miki's favorite idol was Amuro Namie. Miki calmed down a bit. She dried her eyes before she gave Aya a smugged look. "But you're no Amuro-san." She retalitated and bursted out laughing again.

"You're so mean." Aya frowned cutely although she was glad to see Miki in such a cheerful state again. She wasn't sure how they suddenly interacted like friends again but she hoped it would continue. She suddenly grabbed Miki's hand and tried to get her to stand up. "Come on, try it with me."

Miki shook her head with extreme objection, but she soon gave in and stood up next to Aya. As Aya lead Miki copied her halfheartedly. She finally sat down, not wanting to continue with the silliness. Aya tried to get her back up but Miki protested once again until Aya poked at her side causing her to shrill loudly. Miki wasn't going to let her get away with that and sought revenge. Somehow it came down to a tickle fight, their laughing and screaming was loud enough to wake up the neighbors. Like old times this scene was making, back when things used to be carefree and innocent. Back when it was all right to be themselves without anyone telling them what to do. Back to when they were best of friends. Seeing the smiles, hearing the laughter again, it was such an euphoric moment. However, that scene ended too soon when one of them tripped and both came toppling to the floor, Miki landing on top of Aya. The laughing completely stopped to absolute dead silence. They looked at each other with great horror.

"S-sorry!" Miki apologized as she tried to push herself up but was completely taken by surprise when Aya pulled her back down, holding on to her. Aya hesitated, her arms had a mind of its own. They wouldn't let go. Miki stared down at the girl underneath her.

"No secrets, right?" Miki said. Aya shook her head. "Why are you here?"

Aya didn't answer right away because her mind went blank. As she searched for her mind, her mouth let it out. "Miki, I want--"

"I knew it!" Miki interrupted.

"H-how did you k-know?" Aya stuttered.

"You're so obvious."

"I'm sor-"

"Shhh." Miki interrupted again. She flipped her hair away from her face so she could look at Aya better. She seemed frightened yet there was a longing look on her face. Miki traced the side of her face with her eyes and ended at her parted lips. Her breath tickled her face again like it did the last night they spoke to each other. She slowly leaned forward, closing her eyes as she got closer, until the sound of thunder crashed in the distance as if it was meant to be cued at that moment when Miki was just barely an inch away. To add to it, Aya had stopped her.

"Wait." She pleaded.


"It stopped raining..."

Miki opened her eyes. It was morning again. Aya was standing in front of the window, looking outside. The storm had died down but everything was still wet outside. She turned her head as Miki quickly closed her eyes pretending to be sleeping still. She heard a disappointed sigh from Aya. Miki cracked open an eyelid and saw Aya gathering the rest of her stuff, getting ready to leave. She stopped by the dresser mirror to look herself over, shaking out the excess water from her newly washed hair.

"Do you have to go so early?" Miki finally spoke up. "You don't leave till noon, right?"

Aya saw Miki from the mirror. She turned around and faced her. "I know, but you know me." Aya answered, recalling how she likes to leave for work hours before she has to.

Miki raised the covers slightly over her face, trying to avoid looking at Aya. "Do you really like going to work that much?" She asked, for sometimes she didn't feel like going at all, especially days like this.

"It's not just that." Aya explained. "Around this time, no one's really out yet. Even the trains don't run until later. I can just walk around freely without being stopped or followed. It's kind of nice to not worry about what's around you even if it's just for a few minutes."

Aya made a point, Miki thought. She never thought about that. It did sound nice to do whatever she wanted without being bothered. "I thought I'd go with you to the studio, but I can't get myself to get up. Sorry." She apologized.

Aya shook her head. "It's ok. Thanks anyway." She noticed Miki didn't seem to want to look at her. "Do you want me to stay for a bit then?"

Miki hesitated for a moment and then replied. "If you want to." With that, Aya cautiously approached the bed and sat down on the side. Miki then turned over on her side, her back facing Aya but still enough to see Aya in the corner of her eye.

"So, did you sleep well?" Aya started, trying to get a conversation going.

"Yeah. You?" Miki replied nonchalantly.

Aya nodded her head. "Yeah. Um, the clothes, they're still a bit wet. I think the pants are yours anyway."

"It's ok, just keep what you have on. You can give it back later."

Aya nodded, tugging at the end of the shirt Miki lent her. She didn't know what else to say, especially when Miki seems to be avoiding her right now. Or maybe she was just tired. "About last night..." She started to say but noticed Miki was starting to doze off again. "Nevermind. I think I should go now." She stood up.

The shifting of the bed as Aya stood up woke Miki again and she apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm just..."

"It's ok, go back to sleep. We'll talk again soon. Ok?"

"Good luck on your tour."

"Thanks." Aya replied. "I'll lock the door then."

"Un." Miki mumbled.

Aya closed the door to Miki's room. A few seconds later Miki heard the front door close and lock. She sat up in bed, looking fully awake. She had been awake all this time actually. She deliberately avoided Aya because she didn't want to her to see her face, swollen and puffy from crying all night. She hardly slept at all. Not only that, since last night she just felt so different being around Aya now that she didn't know what to say or do anymore. She couldn't face her the same way anymore. She was sort of hoping she would leave before she woke up but that didn't happen. She went over to the window now and waited for Aya to walk out. A few minutes later she finally emerged and slowly headed down the street. Miki watched her until she was completely out of her sight. She leaned her forehead against the window and sulked. She wondered if she'll ever see Aya again.

lil_hamz - Sure! You get a kame keeki ( :D hehe I'd freak out if my story turned out to be true. :o

KrazyForKamei & stefy - I don't think I'm that good enough to be a pro but thanks. :D hehe

rndmnwierd - how's the spacing this time? hehe I'll probably go back to the other chapters and space them too.

ferrar1 - I think the last part is probably the longest.

One more! But's not sounding too good :-|
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ferrar1 on October 19, 2006, 07:20:03 AM
Finally, ive been lurking in the fic forums reading other stuff, and ive caught you posting:)

what do you mean next chapter is the last !! Can i at least hope for a happy ending?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Sukoshi on October 19, 2006, 11:32:22 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me

She hung the wet clothes over the shower rod and noticed something. "Are these mine?" She asked herself, looking at the dark denim jeans she hadn't seen for some time. She wondered if Aya knew they were hers. If she had come to return them, she had a funny way of doing it.

Thanks for the update!  The pants part is my favourite!  I can so imagine the girls borrowing stuff and forgetting in real life! XD  (lol like nono with the earring and yossie with rika's shirt!)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on October 20, 2006, 01:01:16 AM
16 :cry:
i have this feeling right now... you know when you want to read everything at a stretch, but in the same time, you don't want it to end ?...happy and sad at the same time...

if i could resume what i thought about this chapter, i think i'ld say
The atmosphere was so awkward

Suddenly another thought came into her mind, last night.

what what what ?:o  

Aya's thoughts were then interrupted by soft breathing next to her.

nooo...that can't be...a guy... ? XD

She turned her head and saw Miki's sleeping face facing her, strands of her long hair wisping up with each breath.

fewwwwwww...but hey wait, Miki ??how?!:shock:

However, none of that happened last night.

what what what !!!?
Miki could vaguely hear the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. She forced her self to get up but she laid there like a rock.

:ROTFLMAO: i so picture that...

Miki looked at her strangely wondering if she was seeing things. She had no choice but to answer, "Yeah."

:lmao: she had no choice...

"Yeah, I hate umbrellas."

i never head that before XD

from now on, it is really...strange... heh...
confusion...embarrassment...hesitation kinda uncomfortable ...

She hung the wet clothes over the shower rod and noticed something. "Are these mine?" She asked herself, looking at the dark denim jeans she hadn't seen for some time. She wondered if Aya knew they were hers. If she had come to return them, she had a funny way of doing it.


Miki raised an eyebrow.


:lmao: .../me---> [ ]
She felt like such a bad hostess.
she wasn't prepared XD

They exchanged sighs and yawns, waiting for something to happen next.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

"It's good. The tournament's starting soon." Miki answered with more than two words this time.


Finally, it's getting somewhere, Aya thought as she tried to carry it on. "Good luck to you guys."

Miki simply nodded her head. Crashing down again.


Aya didn't know what else to say and became frustrated as to why they couldn't carry on a simple conversation anymore.She gave up trying and balled herself on the couch, wrapped up in Miki's blanket.


Aya was heading a tour along with Melon Kinenbi and W.[...] Aya didn't noticed as she recited the list of songs but one song in particular suddenly made Miki giggle.
[...]"You're going to sing that Melon song?"
Eros was the only song that came on my mind XD XD XD...actually it was the only one i saw with aya from that concert XD

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong with that?"

"I mean, you singing that song?" Miki said in an almost teasing voice.


"What? You think I can't be sexy?

oh crap :ROTFLMAO: :ROTFLMAO: :ROTFLMAO: i just can imagine her face while saying that XD images from music fighter came XD

Miki couldn't contain her laughter and suddenly let it out. Aya pouted in response but she felt like laughing as well for Miki's laugh was quite contagious. However, she stopped herself from doing so and bore a serious face.

i wonder if there are any laughing which aren't...oh yeah...Risako one XD

"I'll demonstrate it then."

no way !!! XD XD XD

"Ok, you know, it starts off like this." She started to move her body, going along with the song in her head. "And then it's like this."Miki couldn't help but laugh at Aya, watching her gyrate her body to no music, looking so silly right now. Furthermore, Aya wasn't that great of a dancer anyway. "Stop laughing at me!" Aya whined. "You're making me feel stupid."


"You're so mean."

She suddenly grabbed Miki's hand and tried to get her to stand up. "Come on, try it with me."

oh god.../me is dying badly

Somehow it came down to a tickle fight, their laughing and screaming was loud enough to wake up the neighbors. [...] However, that scene ended too soon when one of them tripped and both came toppling to the floor, Miki landing on top of Aya. The laughing completely stopped to absolute dead silence. They looked at each other with great horror.

/me is completely dead

i love what happen next, so touching :baa60776:  

She deliberately avoided Aya because she didn't want to her to see her face, swollen and puffy from crying all night. She hardly slept at all. Not only that, since last night she just felt so different being around Aya now that she didn't know what to say or do anymore. She couldn't face her the same way anymore. She was sort of hoping she would leave before she woke up but that didn't happen. She went over to the window now and waited for Aya to walk out. A few minutes later she finally emerged and slowly headed down the street. Miki watched her until she was completely out of her sight. She leaned her forehead against the window and sulked. She wondered if she'll ever see Aya again.

Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: jafeijai on October 20, 2006, 01:23:30 AM
waaa.....roller coaster (no idea if that makes any sense, but...) chapter here!! starts off sad that Aya's leaving...then gets a bit happy again cuz of the flashback...then ends off sad again :cry:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on October 20, 2006, 05:01:52 PM did they or didnt they do some cookie baking last night
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 21, 2006, 04:35:36 AM
Mm, GAM cookies. Spacing is great °e but the comp I'm on has an awful resolution...
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 23, 2006, 06:28:44 AM
Sorry no update, just replying to comments
Quote from: ferrar1
what do you mean next chapter is the last !! Can i at least hope for a happy ending?

if you're all good :roll: hehe j/k
Quote from: Sukoshi
Thanks for the update!  The pants part is my favourite!  I can so imagine the girls borrowing stuff and forgetting in real life! XD  (lol like nono with the earring and yossie with rika's shirt!)

I think everyone likes this part because it's so random. I mean, if Aya was going to return them by wearing them to Miki's place then how's she's going to go home? :P
Quote from: ChrNo
16 :cry:
i have this feeling right now... you know when you want to read everything at a stretch, but in the same time, you don't want it to end ?...happy and sad at the same time...

I know I hate when things end but it has to somehow. How I'm going to end it is another thing :P
Eros was the only song that came on my mind XD XD XD...actually it was the only one i saw with aya from that concert XD

and it's the only performance worth watching (actually the whole concert was awesome) I had to mention it in the story somewhere hehe
Quote from: jafeijai
waaa.....roller coaster (no idea if that makes any sense, but...) chapter here!! starts off sad that Aya's leaving...then gets a bit happy again cuz of the flashback...then ends off sad again :cry:

yup, the whole story's been kinda up and down throughout. When you think things are going good then something bad happens. hehe
Quote from: Mikan did they or didnt they do some cookie baking last night

mmm cookies...huh? is that was they call it these days? :roll:

Operation Confusion: Complete :P hehe

well since you all have been patient and I appreciate all your comments, I'll just go ahead and post the last part after this post.
Title: Part 17 [FINAL]
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 23, 2006, 06:35:10 AM
me writing this part = :evil: :embarrassed:

Part 17 [FINAL]

The streets were quiet and bare, just as Aya had mentioned earlier. She could walk around undisguised without any bother. She found herself walking to nowhere in particular, just reflecting the many thoughts in her head. A light breeze rustled against the track pants she borrowed from Miki. She looked down at herself dressed in Miki's clothes. She could feel Miki's presence in them, her smell, her shape, the warmth of her body. It's as if she took a part of Miki with her. But she has, she realized.

Bits and pieces of last night suddenly flashed into her mind. It happened so fast that she questioned herself whether it really happened at all. It was too real to be a dream though. She could still feel Miki's inner strength overpowering her. Agressive, domineering, and desperate. Aya had never seen this side of Miki before. Of course she hasn't, she has never been with anyone else before. Miki acted as if the world was coming to an end and desperately tried to take everything she could get. There was a deep hungry look in her eyes, Aya remembered, as Miki showed no mercy on her. She didn't even give Aya a chance to give back. Everything was all Miki's, there was no stopping her. Maybe she deserved to be treated roughly like that, Aya thought, after all the things she's done to her. A form of retribution perhaps, yet Aya didn't think Miki's actions were out of anger. She saw that Miki was also very careful, not wanting to hurt her but as if to share her inner pain with her and she felt it. Whatever her intentions were Miki consumed her soul that night. She took everything from her till there was nothing else left to take.

Then the whole thing ended in tears. Whether from pain, happiness, regret, or whatever she never found out. All Aya knew was something big had happened, life changing big. She was now face with where to go from there. When Aya finally snapped out of her thoughts she found herself wandering around somewhere unfamilar. She looked around and couldn't remember where she came from. But to her luck, a lone taxicab in the distance was driving by. She hailed for it.

Miki stared wearily at the ceiling. She didn't feel like doing anything today though there was a dance rehearsal scheduled today. She remember the choreographer telling her to call in advance if she couldn't make it. It was still too early to call but she reminded herself to do it later, if she even had the will power to do so. She laid there half clothed in just her bra and pants. Her body suddenly felt so lifeless now, drained of energy.

What now? She thought. She felt cold, yearning for the warmth that fueled her last night, but she's gone now. Last night, she thought, it was more than what she expected but everything she ever wanted. Yet, she couldn't help but feel this lingering guilt and shame inside. Just as those words came into her mind the sky had darkened outside the window. The end of the world is here, Miki thought. She wanted to close her eyes and never wake up again.

What have I done?

Those were the first words she whispered to Aya last night hours after. Aya didn't respond for she was asleep. Her back was facing Miki, the moonlight outlining her body. Miki stared at her, watching her back rise and fall with each breath. Her shoulder stuck out, tempting Miki to kiss it but she resisted. She pulled the sheets over them and returned to her side of the bed. She laid back, staring at the endless darkness above that was the ceiling.

"What have I done?" She repeated to herself. "Why did you let me do this to you? I feel like I've ruined something that's so pure and true."

She turned to look at Aya again who was still in deep slumber. She must be exhausted or maybe even traumatized. "Did I make you this way?" She asked the sleeping girl. "Or did you plan for this to happen? Why do you want to be with me now all of a sudden? And right before you leave, even. Were you going to use your tour to forget everything if something went wrong tonight and just pretend that none of this ever happened? Why are you throwing away everything you've worked hard for?"

She felt anger rising up inside her but she shook her head. "God, what am I saying? Of course, you're not. You would never do that. What is wrong with me?" Her voice started to whimper. "I don't know anymore. I'm so confused as hell. I can't figure you out. Do you really love me or just feeling sorry for me?" She started to cry. "I don't deserve to be with someone like you. How can you even think of me as a friend? I've done so much wrong to you. You don't need me."

She panted, trying to catch her breath but the tears kept coming. She buried her face in her pillow to muffle her cries. "You're so beautiful. You don't know how long I've waited for this to happen. I can't stop thinking of you now, but it's hurting me. I'm just so afraid now. What's going to happen now? Will you look at me the same again? Or will I?" She sniffed and her breath became shallow. "If you disappear in the morning, I understand. I deserve it. You must think I'm a monster now for treating you this way."

She moved closer to the sleeping girl and pulled down the sheet slightly, exposing her shoulder again. "I'm sorry..." She kissed her shoulder lightly and covered it again. "Goodbye...Ayachan." She returned to her side and cried the rest of the night.

"Miki, why are you so hard on yourself?" Aya whispered.

"Excuse me?" A deep voice answered her.

Aya opened her eyes and realized she was inside the taxicab. She noticed her face was wet with tears as well.

"Oh, nothing. Sorry." She apologized to the driver as she quickly wiped her face. Her mind was filled with Miki's thoughts now. She wasn't asleep as Miki thought. She felt bad having to hear those thoughts she wasn't meant to hear but they were coming straight from Miki's heart. She wanted so much to respond to her, to tell her how she really felt, to wipe away her tears, but inside she was scared too.

"Excuse me." The driver spoke to her again, interrupting her thoughts. "Is this you?" He pointed at an advertisement that was posted inside the cab. It was one of the many ads Aya was pictured in.

She nodded it was her. "Wow, Matsuura Aya riding in my taxi. What are the odds?" The driver was starstrucked. "You're much prettier in person." Aya blushed for she wasn't exactly looking nor feeling her greatest right now but she thanked him. Whether he was complimenting or hitting on her, she didn't even care for her mind was too occupied right now. He continued talking as she tried to act like she was listening. "Blah blah blah...blah blah" His words were oblivious to her ears. "Blah blah blah...You have a good future ahead of you...blah blah...I wish you great success."

She managed to catch the last few sentences. Future. She thought.

It had slipped her mind but now she wondered what was going to happen now. She wasn't sure anymore. She thanked him again for his kind words, or at least the ones she did hear. She brought her knees up and rested her arms on them. Her cellphone had fallen out of her pocket when she did that. She looked down at it, noticing the charm that was hanging on it, one of those cheesy "Best Friends" things. Of course, this one had special meaning to her, at least she still hoped it did. All she could think of was her. She imagined Miki must be crying her eyes out in her room right now, she knew that's why she didn't want to look at her. She felt bad for leaving her like that but anyone would've done the same thing in that awkward situation. She was especially not satisfied with the last few words they exchanged and now she wished she hadn't left her. She had the urge to call Miki right now but didn't want to do it with the taxi driver nearby. Instead she typed out a message. She thought of what she should say and began pressing buttons. Finally, with a push of the SEND button, the message has now gone to Miki. She looked out the window now and saw that she was almost to her destination. She hesitated for a moment as she turned to the driver.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to trouble you..."

Miki was awaken by the sound of her cellphone ringing. She rolled over lazily to the nightstand and looked at it. Aya's name scrolled acrossed the screen and she hesitated to look at it at first. She flipped it open and a message appeared.

Miki, it's ok. It simply said.

Puzzled by her message, Miki replied back.

What is? She typed out and sent it back to Aya. A few minutes later she received a reply.

I heard everything last night.

Miki's heart stopped as she read the message. She didn't mean for Aya to hear all those gloomy thoughts of hers. She was just rambling off nonsense again. She didn't even know half of the stuff she was saying. Somewhere in the back of her mind she wasn't convinced that Aya was really ok with it. She shook her head.

"No, it's not ok! How can you say it's ok?" She yelled at her phone.

Aya's probably feeling sorry for her again but she didn't want to be pitied anymore. Miki didn't know how to respond back. Her thumb hovered over the keys but nothing was being typed out. She dropped the phone and screamed. Why does she always have to screw things up? She was going crazy now and Aya must think she's crazy as well. She started to cry again, banging her fists against her bed, not knowing what else to do anymore.

She laid there for the next few minutes looking like a complete mess. Her thoughts clashed in her head, deciding what the final outcome of this whole thing should be. She wanted this to end now, it was killing her inside. Aya's probably already at the studio now, she thought. She won't leave till later though, there is still a chance. But what could she possibly say to Aya if she saw her? How could she face her now? On the other hand, if she didn't go she'll probably never see Aya again. Her mind wondered over and over again.

Maybe this is her way of saying goodbye, Miki figured. Maybe she should say hers as well. Miki reached over to where she dropped her phone. She noticed the "Best Friends" charm on her phone and squeezed it tightly in her hand. She finally opened her phone and began to type her message. She double checked it over and over even though it was only two words. She took even longer sending it, hovering her thumb over the SEND button, hesitating to push it. She finally did it after several minutes and dropped her phone again.

As soon as she did that she could've sworn she heard the sound of a phone ringing. She looked at her phone but it wasn't coming from it. It sounded like it was outside of her room and she realized the ring sounded familar to her. She got off her bed and walked cautiously toward the door. She slowly turned the knob, opened the door, and nearly fell backwards. As if it could only happen in a scene of a drama, there stood Aya right before her eyes.

Their eyes met for a moment and then looked away. Aya looked down at her cellphone in her hand, apparently just received Miki's newest message. But before she could open her phone Miki quickly grabbed it out of her hand and tossed it somewhere in the room. She made Aya jump back in fright.

Miki gawked at her, looking confused as ever. She lowered her head, not wanting Aya to see her shameful face.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked, looking at the floor. "How can you say it's ok? You're just throwing everything away if you--"

"You're right." Aya interrupted. "You're right. I did plan for this to happen. And I deliberately set it up to be right before I left for my tour."

Miki could feel her heart sink inside a little. Maybe she was right about her after all.

"But..." That dreaded word popped up again. "But it's not to forget about what happened, but to change myself." Her answer caught Miki by surprise. "I thought I could use it to find my true self, and come back a whole different person. I want to be someone who knows what's important to them. Someone who knows how to care and love. I just wanted to know if my feelings for you are real once and for all. I gave us a chance. And now...and now..."

Aya slowly approached Miki as Miki backed away, trying to keep her distance. The back of her knees touched the bed and she couldn't move any further.

"And now, I can't be without you." She confessed, wrapping her arms around Miki's bare waist and embracing her gently. She leaned her head against her shoulder, her warm breath touching her neck. "I'm not throwing away anything. I'm just starting something new. I wanted to come back brand new, for you. Just forget the old me that always hurt you. I don't want to leave you anymore. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

She moved her face closer and lightly kissed the side of Miki's neck. Her lips then ventured to the side of her jaw, barely outlining it with her kisses. She then finally found her way to Miki's lips but Miki didn't respond back. "Forgive me, Mikichan. I just miss you already." She whispered into her mouth.

As if ignited by a tiny spark, Miki finally responded. She grabbed Aya's shoulders and pushed her away a bit. She forced her tired tear stained eyes to look into Aya's. There's that sincerity and remorse in her eyes again, Miki noticed. It's sparkling so brightly now. She felt her heart ache as she answered,


A deafening silence came over them. Miki took Aya's hands in hers. "Forgive me, Ayachan." Miki finished before falling to her knees. "I love you so much."

Aya took her up in her arms. Last night started over again, but Aya was sweet, like she always is. Miki surrendered herself completely to her, her body was no longer hers. Aya took care of her. She took her time. Her words whispered into Miki's ear like the wind as she brushes through her hair with the gentlest touch. Her kisses of fire made her body melt inside. She pours her heart out like water, making Miki thirst for more. She's created a love deep enough to drown them both. Sinking or floating, it all felt the same. She's intoxicating. Her lips. Her eyes. Her body. Her touch. There was no fear or shame, just love revealed in its purest form. Every bad feeling and thought Miki ever had was wisked away by her selfless love. It ended in tears again. Their tears flowed together, making rivers on their bodies that washed away all the sadness, pain, and darkness. It's the end of the world. Miki stared into the eyes of heaven whose kiss took her last breath away. She was forgiven. She laid wearily in the arms of her lover.

Can it just stay like this forever?

"I love you too, Miki." Aya whispered as she kissed her forehead.

Miki woke up from what seemed like the longest and best sleep she's ever had. So great that she never wanted to wake up. She squinted her eyes open and the silhouette of an angel greeted her. The sunlight haloed around her, outlining her wavy hair. The angel smiled at her and Miki made her lips smile back at her.

"Hi." The angel said sweetly.

"Hi." Miki yawned. She turned to her side and propped her head up with her hand. Aya laid on her stomach next to her, looking at her cellphone. Her back was exposed all the way down to her hips, like smooth sloping hills of undriven snow. She looked like some artist's masterpiece. It was driving Miki crazy. Her wavy siren hair wasn't helping either. With all the awkwardness completely gone now, Miki scooted closer to her. She lightly ran her finger down her spine and then followed it again with her lips. Aya squirmed from her touch but continued about her business.

"Goodbye, Ayachan." Aya read on her phone. It was the last message Miki had sent her. Miki stopped what she was doing. She took Aya's phone and closed it. She moved up to her now, facing her. The sadness returned to her face.

"Aya, I'm sorry." Miki apologized.

Aya place her finger over Miki's lips. "Shhh, I've forgiven you already."

"But all those things I've said." Miki continued to talk under Aya's finger.

"Shhh, you talk too much." Aya covered her mouth this time.

Miki spat her hand away. "No, really. What's going to happen now? Your career? To us?"

Aya knew this was going to come up sooner or later. She still didn't know the answers herself. She sighed, wondering where she should start. She looked at Miki and took her into her arms. "Miki, knowing you is the greatest thing in my life. I mean it." She started. "As long as I have you in my life, I guess it doesn't matter anymore." She took her phone, pressed several buttons, and deleted the message. "But I know there will be a day when I'll have to let you go."

"Why do you say that?" Miki wondered.

"Because, you're going to leave me and marry a fine man and have all his children." Aya busted out laughing.

"Ehh? No way!" Miki shoved her. "That's not funny."

"Maybe when you're really old or something." Aya smirked as she pulled Miki closer to her. "Even so, no matter what happens, let's always be there for each other. Ok? I can't imagine living my life without you now. Ok?"

Miki nodded her head. "Ok." Aya smiled and stuck out her pinky again. Miki rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on."

"No, you come on." She shook her finger in front of her but Miki ignored her. "Fine." Aya held out something else now, her cellphone. It made a clicking noise.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Miki yelled, blocking her face with her arms. Aya took a picture of her with her phone.

"I just don't want to miss your face while I'm gone." She grinned as she snapped another one of Miki's face.

"Stop that!" She poked at Aya's side and made her squeal. They carried on this poking fight until something struck the back of Miki's mind. "...while I'm gone." Miki caught the last thing Aya said. "Wait a minute." She turned around and looked at the clock. "Shit! I'm late! We both are. You're so supposed to be on your tour right now. Why are you still doing here?" She sat up but Aya pushed her back down, pressing her nose against hers.

"Gomen, Miki. I lied to you." She breathed rather seductively into Miki's mouth. "My tour starts tomorrow."

Miki looked into her eyes but they crossed. "And me?"

"I called out for you. Said you had an emergency errand. They said it's ok." She answered. "Do you still love me?" Her lips curled into a smile.

Miki snorted. Aya sounded so cute. "Sneak." She replied as she stole a kiss from her then surprised her with a smack from a pillow. They attacked each other playfully under the covers, bodies against each other, limbs entwined, heat radiating everywhere. "So, what were you going to do today then?" Miki asked, pinning herself against Aya.

"I don't know. Go home. Think about you. I guess." Aya replied, running her hand through Miki's hair. She felt around the bed and found her phone once again. Another click.

"Stop that, you perv!" Miki attacked her once again. They've tired themselves out again.

"Man, I'm so hungry." Aya groaned, having seem like she hadn't eaten in days.

"Again? You wear me out, Aya." Miki teased.

Aya slapped Miki on her shoulder. "Not that, dummy."

"I was just kidding. I am too."

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Hmm, yakiniku?" Miki suggested, a smile beaming on her face.

"You're gonna get fat from eating all that." Aya pinched Miki's stomach though all she grabbed on was lean (sexy) muscle.

"Wanna take a bath before we go?" Miki made another suggestion.

Aya nodded her head as Miki leaned forward to kiss her once more and got up to get it ready. Aya laid there for a moment, taking in every little thing that has happened since this morning, or rather, since last night. Has it only been a day? It seems as if it went on forever. She sat up, wrapped herself with the sheets and went over by the window. She scanned the vast cityscape below. The sky masked its ruggedness with its red rising sun. The rain is gone but Spring is ending soon, she thought sadly. It has been a long and hard journey, but she was able to overcome it. But without her she couldn't have done it. Things happen for a reason, she believed, even if it does go wrong. In the end it was worth it. As she comtemplated these thoughts in her head, a pair of warm arms held her from behind.

"Don't stand in front of there like that." Miki whispered. "Everyone will see you. Only I can see you like this." She kissed her shoulder.

Aya smiled. She turned around and stared into the face of all that she'll ever need. Though the future still remained uncertain she wanted to take in what she already had right now. She spoke to Miki with her thoughts.

I finally realized, it was always you who embraced me with your undying love. Now I longed to spend every day with you. Looking forward to tomorrow and onwards. When I close my eyes, I want to still see you, your image burning behind my eyelids. Thank you for your love, thank you for making me forget my lonliness. Whatever happens, I will take it in with a smile. I will look on and not turn back. Can we still love like this, 100 years into the future? Will a moment like this come again? Can I love you forever? Will we be able to keep our promises? But for now...

"Miki." She whispered, slightly teary-eyed. "Be my secret."

Miki softly sighed as she wiped the tear that fell from Aya's eye. She replied to her with a tight embrace.

"I'll be anything you want me to be." She whispered back.

It seems to be the only choice they have right now. Will there be a day when the whole world can know of their love? Will it be ready for them? It doesn't matter. A milestone has been placed in their path as they ventured out into their own little world now. Aya turned back to the window and scanned over the city again. This love is a graduation. She thought. I will wait for a new Spring.


Thank you all for reading :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: JFC on October 23, 2006, 06:40:19 AM
Damn that was beautiful. :cry:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ferrar1 on October 23, 2006, 06:55:40 AM
:baa60776: :cry:

What a beautiful story! What an ending! sigh....

You made their relationship sound so real, that whenever i see them together i ask myself are they for real :heart:

And i'm sure i'll be the first to notice the word in italics were taken from Aya's song. I love that song as well. :D  

kono koi wo sotsugyou woo neeee, atarashii haru wo matsu yo...
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: jafeijai on October 23, 2006, 05:30:15 PM
:baa60776::baa60776: so....BEAUTIFUL!! :baa60776::baa60776:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: goosefish on October 24, 2006, 02:26:22 PM
*applauds loudly*
This is way too beautiful!! :tfr9a7wg:  Even reading it for the third or fourth time, it makes me feel all bubbly inside!! And I found myself laughing at how Miki just grabbed Aya's phone and chucked it somewhere. XD
From the beginning of the story the characters have seemed to evolve so much. Like they've grown up a whole lot more and found something really special to them along the way.
You do a really excellent job of displaying emotion, it's something that gets me right in the chest and makes me say 'wow' so many times. So good work, I loved every moment of it! (even the chapter that killed my heart) :D  This is 16 chapters of pure gold I say! :P
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: KrazyForKamei on October 24, 2006, 11:10:51 PM
*applauds too with a standing ovation*

omg thats the end?! I cant believe its over already! Well i guess i couldnt expect it to go on forever.

Gaaahhh that was such a great story! Wow...freaking amazing. The ending was perfect also. You do really make them seem real. It's made me think it over a few times lol.

I think I might reread this one day because I loved it so much ^_^ <3
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 25, 2006, 01:53:32 AM
They attacked each other playfully under the covers, bodies against each other, limbs entwined, heat radiating everywhere.

This part made me think about Melodies. *beams*
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 27, 2006, 07:11:47 AM
Thanks for reading guys :D This was probably the hardest fic I've written in that, well, I've never written one like that before :P But it was fun.

About the "realism", as I've said before I like basing my stories on real events (I'll write up the references for 11-17 later) so in this story it was my explanation of why Mari quit MM. hehe But now ever since that new GAM PV came out it's just a little weird. I mean some of the scenes in that video is exactly how I imagined when I was writing part 17. I'd totally freaked out if what I've written came true :o hehe

ferrar1, you're right I did get that last part from "Zutto..." but the italicized parts also came from "Thanks!" and "Ki ga Tsukeba Anata".

aww, no dissecting of my story from ChrNo yet? :lol:

Anyway, I'll write again. I'm currently working on them.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Sukoshi on October 27, 2006, 08:20:36 AM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me;219416

"Miki." She whispered, slightly teary-eyed. "Be my secret."

Miki softly sighed as she wiped the tear that fell from Aya's eye. She replied to her with a tight embrace.

"I'll be anything you want me to be." She whispered back.

Kyaaaaaaaaa~ :heart:  Wow...just wow....I really love those lines :cry:  It doesn't matter how many times I read's just so good :cry:  

Quote from: DO Me DO Me

I'd totally freaked out if what I've written came true  hehe

oh no...*knocks on wood*  I'd so freak out too!!  If that happens Sayu will be having weird sushi dreams and and...then go off alone to yamaguchi to find herself! :o
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: lil_hamz on October 27, 2006, 04:20:08 PM
Gasps, its over? No... :cry:
But its a good ending so I can't ask for more.
The entire fic was so great, it really was one of the highlights in the fic thread :)
Will you be bowling us over with more great fics?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 27, 2006, 06:26:52 PM
first of all, do you know how embarrassing it is to log on with my name while I'm at school :lol: :embarrassed:
Quote from: Sukoshi;222125
Kyaaaaaaaaa~ :heart:  Wow...just wow....I really love those lines :cry:  It doesn't matter how many times I read's just so good :cry:

I know *gushes* it was one of the lines I wanted to keep in the story, it suppose to link back to the whole pinky promise secret thing if anyone got that. It's actually suppose to be told through the text messaging as Aya leaves to go to the studio but that was a whole different kind of ending and not related to the finalized one I wrote above.
oh no...*knocks on wood*  I'd so freak out too!!  If that happens Sayu will be having weird sushi dreams and and...then go off alone to yamaguchi to find herself! :o

You remember those! XD I really wish I could finish "NG" but it really had no direction (which is kinda ironic since the story's about finding yourself/your direction :P haha)
Quote from: lil_hamz
Gasps, its over? No...  
But its a good ending so I can't ask for more.
The entire fic was so great, it really was one of the highlights in the fic thread  
Will you be bowling us over with more great fics?

you think so? well in the height of all the GAM stuff lately I guess you can say that. hehe well I hope my next stories are just as good as this. Thanks again :D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on October 28, 2006, 11:31:20 PM
Quote from: DO Me DO Me;222100

aww, no dissecting of my story from ChrNo yet? :lol:

aaaaaah ! i'm really sorry , O Goddess Do me Do me, please forgive me.

I knew you updated , but i didn't want to come to read because it was the last chapter:cry:

i just hate that idea of "the end"...i'm always sad when i read the last chapter of a book...

But as you said before, good thing has to end somehow...and it's better to have a great ending than a suspended work...

so here i come !


Part 17 [FINAL]

/me is already crying...
She looked down at herself dressed in Miki's clothes. She could feel Miki's presence in them, her smell, her shape, the warmth of her body. It's as if she took a part of Miki with her. But she has, she realized.

haha...i guess that's one of the reason why girls like to borrow their 愛人 's clothes, isn't it :D  ( i say girls because i don't see a guy wearing his girlfriend clothes.../me stops, it's going off topic)
It happened so fast that she questioned herself whether it really happened at all.
i would like to know what exactly happened XD only what it's said in the last chapter ?:roll:
She could still feel Miki's inner strength overpowering her. Agressive, domineering, and desperate.

aww :cry:
Aya had never seen this side of Miki before. Of course she hasn't, she has never been with anyone else before.
you mean she didn't care about anyone else :P
Miki acted as if the world was coming to an end and desperately tried to take everything she could get.

XD at least it's how you wrote it in the past chapters hahaha...
Maybe she deserved to be treated roughly like that, Aya thought, after all the things she's done to her.'s a clumsy way to tell you she really does care for you...
to share her inner pain with her and she felt it. Whatever her intentions were Miki consumed her soul that night. She took everything from her till there was nothing else left to take.

Then the whole thing ended in tears. Whether from pain, happiness, regret, or whatever she never found out.

(oh god i just noticed the new emoticones they are awesome hahahaha)
When Aya finally snapped out of her thoughts she found herself wandering around somewhere unfamilar. She looked around and couldn't remember where she came from. But to her luck, a lone taxicab in the distance was driving by. She hailed for it.

why...why did i find that funny when it's a sad situation ?!

She didn't feel like doing anything today

oh come on you know you don't feel like doing anything everyday XD
It was still too early to call but she reminded herself to do it later
you know you won't do it:ONbigdeal:
if she even had the will power to do so.

She laid there half clothed in just her bra and pants.



Last night, she thought, it was more than what she expected but everything she ever wanted.

The end of the world is here, Miki thought.


What have I done?
Those were the first words she whispered to Aya last night hours after.

yeah tell me what have you done to question yourself like that ?
Aya didn't respond for she was asleep.Her back was facing Miki

we all know she isn't, she likes to pretend to be asleep, or not to hear...
tempting Miki to kiss it but she resisted.
"What have I done?" She repeated to herself. "Why did you let me do this to you? I feel like I've ruined something that's so pure and true."

what have you done ??????????
She must be exhausted or maybe even traumatized.

"Or did you plan for this to happen? Why do you want to be with me now all of a sudden? And right before you leave, even. Were you going to use your tour to forget everything if something went wrong tonight and just pretend that none of this ever happened? Why are you throwing away everything you've worked hard for?"

i sure want to know also:doh:
I'm so confused as hell.

Hey, same here XD
Do you really love me or just feeling sorry for me?"

I don’t find the words to say what I wan to say here
She started to cry. "I don't deserve to be with someone like you. How can you even think of me as a friend? I've done so much wrong to you. You don't need me."
hey stop torturing yourself you are making me sad…and she loves you
"You're so beautiful.

Oh yes she is…
You don't know how long I've waited for this to happen. I can't stop thinking of you now, but it's hurting me.

To know the person you love also loves you but to know you can be with her…no wonder it hurts you
I'm just so afraid now. What's going to happen now? Will you look at me the same again? Or will I?"
don’t worry too much it’s the end of the world anyway XD
You must think I'm a monster now for treating you this way.
No, I think you are a monster when I see your face when you forget there is a camera on you…you know this killer face XD
"I'm sorry..." She kissed her shoulder lightly and covered it again. "Goodbye...Ayachan." She returned to her side and cried the rest of the night.


So sad…

"Miki, why are you so hard on yourself?" Aya whispered.
what ?
"Excuse me?" A deep voice answered her.
Aya opened her eyes and realized she was inside the taxicab. She noticed her face was wet with tears as well.
 "Oh, nothing. Sorry."

I don’t know how to react here…mix :ROTFLMAO: with :ONsweat:
Her mind was filled with Miki's thoughts now.

When isn’t it ?
She wasn't asleep as Miki thought.
I knew it ! XD
She felt bad having to hear those thoughts she wasn't meant to hear but they were coming straight from Miki's heart.
just like how she felt bad hearing what Miki said in the chapter 2…
"Wow, Matsuura Aya riding in my taxi. What are the odds?" The driver was starstrucked. "You're much prettier in person."
haha..hitting on her ? don’t be a fool hehehe

Aya blushed for she wasn't exactly looking nor feeling her greatest right now


Whether he was complimenting or hitting on her, she didn't even care for her mind was too occupied right now. He continued talking as she tried to act like she was listening. "Blah blah blah...blah blah" His words were oblivious to her ears. "Blah blah blah...You have a good future ahead of you...blah blah...I wish you great success."
blah blah blah XD XD XD XD


She thanked him again for his kind words, or at least the ones she did hear.




She looked down at it, noticing the charm that was hanging on it, one of those cheesy "Best Friends" things. Of course, this one had special meaning to her, at least she still hoped it did.


She imagined Miki must be crying her eyes out in her room right now, she knew that's why she didn't want to look at her. She felt bad for leaving her like that


She had the urge to call Miki right now but didn't want to do it with the taxi driver nearby.
what a good exscuse hahaha

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to trouble you..."
hehehe…going to see Miki ?

Miki, it's ok. It simply said.

[..]What is? She typed out and sent it back to Aya

Yes ,What ?



I heard everything last night.


Miki's heart stopped as she read the message.



She didn't mean for Aya to hear all those gloomy thoughts of hers. She was just rambling off nonsense again.
clumsy clumsy…

She didn't even know half of the stuff she was saying.


"No, it's not ok! How can you say it's ok?" She yelled at her phone.

i so picture this hahaha


She dropped the phone and screamed.
aaaah...i feel tenseness

Why does she always have to screw things up? She was going crazy now and Aya must think she's crazy as well. She started to cry again, banging her fists against her bed, not knowing what else to do anymore.
But what could she possibly say to Aya if she saw her? How could she face her now? On the other hand, if she didn't go she'll probably never see Aya again. Her mind wondered over and over again.
sadness, heart broken, tenseness, headache...poor Miki...
Maybe this is her way of saying goodbye, Miki figured.
i forgot desperate...

She finally opened her phone and began to type her message. She double checked it over and over even though it was only two words.
only two words ? hum..."forgive me ?"..."forget me" ?"thank you " ?hum...

As soon as she did that she could've sworn she heard the sound of a phone ringing. She looked at her phone but it wasn't coming from it. It sounded like it was outside of her room and she realized the ring sounded familar to her. She got off her bed and walked cautiously toward the door. She slowly turned the knob, opened the door, and nearly fell backwards. As if it could only happen in a scene of a drama, there stood Aya right before her eyes.

I wonder why do common drama scene like that sound just so great when you write them ?
But before she could open her phone Miki quickly grabbed it out of her hand and tossed it somewhere in the room. She made Aya jump back in fright.
Miki gawked at her, looking confused as ever.
"What are you still doing here?" She asked, looking at the floor.

/me can't stop laughing... "How can you say it's ok? You're just throwing everything away if you--"
"You're right. I did plan for this to happen. And I deliberately set it up to be right before I left for my tour."
errrrr....if you say so ?...XD
Maybe she was right about her after all.
Aya is evil hahaha
"But it's not to forget about what happened, but to change myself." Her answer caught Miki by surprise.
same here XD

I just wanted to know if my feelings for you are real once and for all. I gave us a chance.

Aya slowly approached Miki as Miki backed away, trying to keep her distance. The back of her knees touched the bed and she couldn't move any further.
why did i laugh ? XD
"And now, I can't be without you."

i'm feeling weird now...happy and sad at the same's almost a torture XD...i love it...hummm...

She confessed, wrapping her arms around Miki's bare waist and embracing her gently. She leaned her head against her shoulder, her warm breath touching her neck. "I'm not throwing away anything. I'm just starting something new. I wanted to come back brand new, for you. Just forget the old me that always hurt you. I don't want to leave you anymore. I don't want to hurt you anymore.

She moved her face closer and lightly kissed the side of Miki's neck. Her lips then ventured to the side of her jaw, barely outlining it with her kisses. She then finally found her way to Miki's lips but Miki didn't respond back. "Forgive me, Mikichan. I just miss you already." She whispered into her mouth.

...ok...i understand why you were embarrassed cute....(forget about melodies, forget about melodies...)

WHAT ??????!!! :ONshock:
"Forgive me, Ayachan." Miki finished before falling to her knees. "I love you so much."

okay....XD....hfhsghighfmiqqediirut <-----that's what i would like to means can't find words XD
Aya took her up in her arms.


the coming part is just so cute..../me's heart is melting..

It ended in tears again. Their tears flowed together, making rivers on their bodies that washed away all the sadness, pain, and darkness. It's the end of the world. Miki stared into the eyes of heaven whose kiss took her last breath away. She was forgiven. She laid wearily in the arms of her lover.
/me dies of Do me Do me's genius goodness writing overload

"I love you too, Miki." Aya whispered as she kissed her forehead.

this time they weren't fighting right, right :cry: ? /me cries

Miki woke up from what seemed like the longest and best sleep she's ever had.So great that she never wanted to wake up.

She squinted her eyes open and the silhouette of an angel greeted her. The sunlight haloed around her, outlining her wavy hair. The angel smiled at her and Miki made her lips smile back at her.


"Hi." The angel said sweetly.


"Hi." Miki yawned.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh hahahhaha :ONhiakhiakhiak:

so it was true :ONfarofflook:


She lightly ran her finger down her spine and then followed it again with her lips. Aya squirmed from her touch but continued about her business.
(forget about melodies...forget about melodies...) *forgot* ....:drool:


"Goodbye, Ayachan." Aya read on her phone.

aaaah...stupid me neee~

"Aya, I'm sorry." Miki apologized.
apology for what ? because she has thought Aya was nice to her only because she felt sorry ?

because she yelled at her ? because she was fighting with her ? because she kissed her ? because she loves her ? awww...Miki Miki Miki Miki Miki....


Aya place her finger over Miki's lips. "Shhh, I've forgiven you already."
(damn you ChrNo i told you to forget melodies!)


"Shhh, you talk too much." Aya covered her mouth this time.
:ROTFLMAO:...i laugh because it kinda destroys the romantic atmosphere hahaha...


"No, really. What's going to happen now? Your career? To us?"
the world is over don't worry


"Miki, knowing you is the greatest thing in my life. I mean it." She started. "As long as I have you in my life, I guess it doesn't matter anymore." She took her phone, pressed several buttons, and deleted the message.


"But I know there will be a day when I'll have to let you go."


"Why do you say that?" Miki wondered.

same question here


"Because, you're going to leave me and marry a fine man and have all his children." Aya busted out laughing.

"Ehh? No way!" Miki shoved her. "That's not funny."



"Even so, no matter what happens, let's always be there for each other. Ok? I can't imagine living my life without you now. Ok?"
hey you ! it means you are going to have an affairs ? XD

omg...hey poor guy, your wife has an affair ...but don't worry, it's not a man but with another woman...

aya and miki aren't lovers...but soul mate...hey poor guy, it was a joke...maybe

Aya took a picture of her with her phone.


"I just don't want to miss your face while I'm gone.[..]"Stop that!" She poked at Aya's side and made her squeal. They carried on this poking fight"

"Shit! I'm late!

why am i not surprised XD

She sat up but Aya pushed her back down, pressing her nose against hers.
lol ...cute...


"Gomen, Miki. I lied to you."
again ? about what ?

"My tour starts tomorrow."
oh that...


"I called out for you. Said you had an emergency errand. They said it's ok."
lol...what a girl...

"Do you still love me?"
what a girl, what a question ! XD

She replied as she stole a kiss from her then surprised her with a smack from a pillow. They attacked each other playfully under the covers, bodies against each other, limbs entwined, heat radiating everywhere.

/me dies of cuteness overload

"So, what were you going to do today then?" Miki asked, pinning herself against Aya.


"I don't know. Go home. Think about you. I guess."

hahaha..."think about you"'re righ...when you love someone, you just can't stop thinking about her/him...(except during exams XD)

"Stop that, you perv!"

"Man, I'm so hungry." [..]"Again? You wear me out, Aya." Miki teased.
again ? XD XDXD lol...


Aya slapped Miki on her shoulder. "Not that, dummy."


"I was just kidding. I am too."


"You're gonna get fat from eating all that."


Aya pinched Miki's stomach though all she grabbed on was lean (sexy) muscle.



"Wanna take a bath before we go?" Miki made another suggestion.
damn you Do me DO me XD


But without her she couldn't have done it. Things happen for a reason, she believed, even if it does go wrong. In the end it was worth it. As she comtemplated these thoughts in her head, a pair of warm arms held her from behind.


"Don't stand in front of there like that." Miki whispered. "Everyone will see you. Only I can see you like this." She kissed her shoulder.


yeah aibon would see you and tell you it's gross XD


the last part....oh no...*cries*


"Miki." She whispered, slightly teary-eyed. "Be my secret."


Miki softly sighed as she wiped the tear that fell from Aya's eye. She replied to her with a tight embrace.


"I'll be anything you want me to be." She whispered back.

what to's beautiful...



hey wait ! i don't believe it said you have written alternative ending didn't you :grin:



what to say...

you know i have this lack of words...unlike you...
you are really a goddess
thank you so much to have written such an amazing fanfic. So realistic, so touching...beautiful
i really enjoyed reading every chapter.
i hope to read more from you here :)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 29, 2006, 06:37:15 AM
^ah, there you are. that "pokemon" thing is so cute :lol: Glad you liked it. :D

oh the alternate ending, that was for part 15 not the final chapter. In fact I guess I'll share it. It comes after the part where Miki's tears fell on Aya's face.

Quote from: first version of the ending for Part 15

"You break my heart." She mumbled as her tears continued to fall. Aya sat up now and looked at her.

"Miki, what are you saying?" She asked.

"It hurts." She cried. "It doesn't matter if I'm with you or not, I always feel this way. I can't take it anymore. If I wait any longer, I might lose you again."

"Lose me? You never did and I never left you. Please, don't be like this. Stop talking nonsense."

"It's not the same." Miki blubbered. "I thought I would be all right just to be friends, even if I couldn't have you, we'd just be friends. But I don't think I can do that anymore. It would always haunt me to see your face everyday. It would be hard for me to just talk to you, knowing that these feelings for you are always there. I just feel like letting you go so I wouldn't have to suffer anymore."

Aya shook her head in disbelief. "How can you say that? What good will that do? Wouldn't I be hurt too? Please, don't say foolish things like that. I thought we already worked things out." Aya grabbed the crying girl and held her close to her. "Miki... Please don't do this. Even if we aren't meant to be, at least always be there for me. Please? I'll always be there for you too. Just...just keep me inside your heart for now."

"I feel like I'm dying. It hurts so much." Miki cried into Aya's shoulder. "I don't deserve to be with you. You're better off without me. Please let me go."

Aya held her tighter. She could feel Miki's body trembling in her arms. "No, I won't. I've hurt you so much for so long. Please forgive me, let me make it up to you. I love you, Miki. I mean it."

"I know. But I don't have your heart." Miki felt Aya's arms loosening but still holding on to her. "I want to be the only one inside your heart. If I can't have it all then I want none of it. You still don't know what you really want, do you, Ayachan?" Miki asked. Aya pulled away and stared at her, completely dumbstrucked. "Even though I said not to give up singing, if you really did love me, you would've said something else than that."

"That's not right! It's like you tricked me into saying that!" Aya snapped.

"Maybe, but the heart doesn't lie, Aya. And I heard yours and there's no room for me in it." She stood up and tried to compose herself, wiping her face with her shirt sleeve. She calmed herself with deep breaths but sniffed every few seconds. She headed towards the door, not looking back.

"If you walk out that door, you'll never see me again." Aya threatened. She bit her lip, she didn't mean to say that but she couldn't think of anything else to say.

Miki paused before the door, not out of hesitation but to give one last remark. "It's ok, you don't have to worry about me getting in your way anymore. It wouldn't have worked out anyway." She reached out for the doorknob but was sudden entrapped by a pair of arms grabbing her from behind.

"Miki, what the hell are you doing? Why are you doing this?" Aya cried, holding on to Miki. Miki tried to free herself but Aya wouldn't let go. They struggled but Aya was determined not to let Miki go. Each time she felt her hands slipping apart she only held on tighter. Miki could feel the soreness in her ribs but she refused to fight back though she knew she could easily overpower Aya. She could also feel Aya's perseverance in her strength, but she couldn't take back what she had said. She finally gave up all her attempts to escape and fell to the floor. It was late and they were both fatigued at this point.

"Please, let me go." Miki said weakly.

Aya continued to hold on to Miki though her arms were tired now. She was determined to keep it up all night if she had to. She leaned her head against Miki's back, listening to her gasping breaths and behind it her heart beating rapidly. She fought hard to keep her eyes from closing. "Never." She whispered.

now I wonder if I had kept that instead of the other one would it change the story? I don't remember why I changed it. I guess either one could've worked but this one is a bit harsher than the other.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 29, 2006, 07:05:28 AM
Both versions are good.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on October 29, 2006, 11:09:23 AM
haha you like pokémon ?
/me is a pokémon fan

It comes after the part where Miki's tears fell on Aya's face.

you mean here ?
"Stop talking now. It's so late. Let's go to bed, ok?" Aya suggested. "You know, you're always welcome to stay in--" She stopped abruptly for something fell on her face. She opened her eyelids and it went into her eye. Her reaction was to blink and it the liquid trickled out of her eye and down her cheek. She wiped her face. It was warm and wet. Tears? She realized and looked up at Miki, whose face was streaked with them. Aya sat up now and looked at her. "Miki? What's wrong?"

well, in the two versions, Aya doesn't let her i guess it wouldn't have changed the end ?
the sentence that i loved to read was
She suddenly felt a pain growing inside her chest. It was from guilt. She realized she had already broken their secrets. I want to be with you, Miki. That is what I want. She wanted to say all this time but the words never came out.

about the promise :cry:

both of the versions are great :cry: really is the end of the world...:ONpleeease:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Sukoshi on October 29, 2006, 12:55:12 PM
*pauses listening to Aruiteru* (a bit too genki for M.A.R.I)

Wow at alternative 15....god I really do love your alternative chapters!  Just the   fact that you took your time to come up with different directions for your story and kept going at it until you were happy with it is just so wonderful!  :heart:  

Thank you so much for posting that!  It was really touching :cry:

Now that Aya's never letting go *unpauses Aruiteru and imagines Ayaya and Miki  laughing happily hand in hand in the PV*:D
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: ChrNo on October 29, 2006, 09:17:18 PM

Now, i saved M.A.R.I forever.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 29, 2006, 09:59:20 PM
^That is too cute :lol:

More references

Part 11- well, most of it is fiction except the fact that Miki really does gesture and burst out talking in her sleep according to what Aya said about her once on a show. And the "Whatever! Just follow the instructions!" part that Miki burst out was actually something that happened to me. I was sleeping and my sister tried to wake me up and that's what I ended up saying. I didn't even remember saying that when I woke up. hehe

Part 12 - I had to ask a friend what Miki's radio show was like so thanks to her. Of course, I didn't go with the exact lineup of her show. The part about Miki not really having guests on her show is true. But the thing is that a few months after I wrote this part Miki finally had a guest on her show, and you know who it was? Yossi XD I'm pretty sure it was about Gatas or maybe I'm just dreaming hehehe.

Part 13 - I guess no one watches K-dramas but the drama Nacchi was referring to was Winter Sonata, because I :heart: Yonsama :drool: but then I made it too vague so I guess no one figured it out. hehe In fics, Tsunku's office is the equivalent to the Principal's office, nothing good can come out of it. :lol:

Part 14 - Miki's suicide dream in the bathroom was inspired by Pinch Runner as ChrNo pointed out. That VTR announcement Tsunku made to the girls reminded me of the one he did back in the 1st 7th gen auditions when he said NO ONE got picked and all the girls were like :o!!! :lol: And of course, the climax of the story, Mari's resignation from MM which was the whole underlying point of the story, hence the title "Milestone..." which that incident was a milestone in her life. Plus it's sneaky acronym M.A.R.I. which many of you figured out. Plus, if I remember the announcement of her resignation was on the 14th of April and this chapter happens to be Part 14. ;)

Part 15 - not much references here, except the mentioning of the Friday magazine with Mari. I really wanted to write about the part where Miki's tears fell into Aya's eyes and she "cried" them out. It just sounds really sad and um...I can't find a word to describe it but it's just so :cry: I just tried to make this as dramatic/mushy/emotional as I could.

Part 16 - The part where Aya says she hates umbrellas is true. On her radio show some time ago she mentioned that she didn't like umbrellas because she was blown away in a typhoon once and got injured. As Sukoshi mentioned, members borrowing stuff from each other and forgetting to return them made me write that pants part which everyone seems to love. hehe And then the tour Aya mentions is her Hello Pro Part 2005 Matsuura Aya Captain Kouen concert with Melon Kinenbi and W (best concert IMO). And I had to mention about her performance with Melon of "Nikutai wa Shoujiki na EROS" Hawtest performance EVAR!

Part 17 - well it speaks for itself. The last few paragraphs (esp. the italicized words) are soo cheesy but it had to end happily huh? It's actually taken from translations of 3 different songs: GAM's "Thanks", Aya's "Ki ga Tsukeba Anata" and of course "Zutto Suki de Ii Desu ka?" As I've replied to Sukoshi's comment, I wanted to keep that "be my secret" line in the story just because it's so *gushy* hehe

and you know what's weird? I finished my story back in August and GAM's 2nd PV came out in October but...

Quote from: Part 17
Miki woke up from what seemed like the longest and best sleep she's ever had. So great that she never wanted to wake up. She squinted her eyes open and the silhouette of an angel greeted her. The sunlight haloed around her, outlining her wavy hair. The angel smiled at her and Miki made her lips smile back at her.

"Hi." The angel said sweetly.

( (
Quote from: Part 17
With all the awkwardness completely gone now, Miki scooted closer to her. She lightly ran her finger down her spine and then followed it again with her lips. Aya squirmed from her touch but continued about her business.

( (
(I know, it's the opposite but it's the same idea)

It's kinda weird how it coincides with each other, esp. because Aya's the one doing everything and her hair is exactly how I imagined it in the video. I'm not psychic! XD

Well I'm updating this all in the first post so if you ever want to read it again you don't have to dig around to find them. :)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 29, 2006, 10:15:12 PM
Maybe Tsunku read your story.....Or had someone translate it for him.
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 29, 2006, 10:23:35 PM
Yeah, I'm sure he steals many ideas from the forums, but he should've taken the good ones. :roll: :P
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 29, 2006, 11:52:30 PM
GAM lesbianism isn't a good idea?
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 30, 2006, 12:17:51 AM
that was already there, Tsunku didn't have to think that up. :roll: :lol:
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: Mikan on November 04, 2006, 08:44:33 AM
*claps* yay! and I got to read it all finally.

I laughed out loud at the "Im hungry"
"Again? You tire me out" remark, that was just too funny. ahhhh, awesome.

Well done and I hope to see more of your work :D

Sorry Im not writing my usual 1000 word replies but Im getting slack and it seems a few other readers have learnt from my habit (good or bad I havent decided)
Title: Milestone: A Reluctant Idol
Post by: kazitakato on November 06, 2006, 11:24:27 PM
aaaa.....another fine Ayamiki piece......Aya-chan<3....and the way u used sum of her songs lyrics as part of her monologue...that was beautiful.....all i can say is "Encore....Encore"