JPHiP Forum

The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Crack-to-Go => Topic started by: Mikan on December 31, 2006, 05:47:02 AM

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on December 31, 2006, 05:47:02 AM
Im becoming slowly insane with the build up for stories in my head so I've made this little One Shot/Short series thread to let them out.

Please comment and be critical because Im also using this to reform my writing style.

I have added an index that I hope is user friendly.

G (General)  -  Fun for everyone.
PG (Parental Guidance) - Minor Violence and such. Not good for those under 12
M  (Mature Audiences) - Mature themes, Slight Slashiness and such.
MA (Restricted to 15+) - Rather Mature. Heavy petting and controversial issues.
R (Restricted to 18+) - Hot and heavy. Sex or mass blood loss guaranteed!
X (Restricted to 18+) - Porn. I wont be using this rating here...

Click on the titles to cut to the fiction!

Great Balls of Fire (
Rika x Miki
(Angst/Sadistic love/Cheap laughs) M

Any other way (
Aya x Miki
(Strange Fluff) PG

Dirty Thrill (
Aya x Miki
(Humour) G

For Crying out Loud (
Rika x ???
(Sexual Comedy) MA

Free Time on Friday[/COLOR] ([COLOR=blue)
Mari x Maki
(Comedy) G

Going Commando
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Nono (And 4th Gen!)
(Humour) PG

Handcuffs (
Reina x Maki
(Perv) R ...but really only MA

I dream of Aya (
Aya x Yossui + Miki         (I blame this sentence of Love x2 feverXD God Im a lame ass)
(Comedy) M......MA-ish

Miki'd (
Miki x Konno
(Comedy?) M

~Seishun~ A Story of Noisy Girls (
Rika x Yossui
(Comedy) PG

Things that go Bump...
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
The True Story (
Yossui x Miki
(Spooky) G

Too Close for Comfort...
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Aya x Miki
(Comedy) PG

When it rains, it pours (
Rika x Maki
(Angst) PG

Let me know if you can think of a better way to set up this index!!
I hope you enjoy looking through this confused Manderine brain of mine!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on December 31, 2006, 06:09:17 AM
Woo~! One shot thread~! <3

It looks like you tried an OTN1 style of writing in that one-shot. Personally, I really like how you wrote it, with Maki's thoughts being clearly spelt out and all, I would really like to see you pursue this direction of writing :]
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 31, 2006, 07:34:38 AM
Rika Maki whoo!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on December 31, 2006, 08:11:14 AM
Title: Dirty Thrill
Pairing: Aya x Miki
Rating: G

Aya heaved a great big sigh. “I don’t know how you managed to con me into this”

”Well, you were a little intoxicated but a promise is a promise. I’m not letting you back out. I’ve waited so long for this moment”

Miki tied her hair back so it would get in the way of there fun.

”I’ve never done anything like this before!! And with good reason, Miki! I’m just not into this kind of thing. It’s…well…messy”

Aya’s voice was panicked and whiney. She backed up against the wall, looking helpless.

”How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it?” Miki grinned deviously “It’s a real rush, you might like it”

”No way mister! This is your sort of thing. You love all this weird, so called ‘thrilling’ - ”

”Bad luck Aya, we’re doing it”

Miki advanced upon the cowering soloist.

”No, Mikitty! I beg you please”

”Aww, come on! Aren’t you even going to co-operate?”

”No! I refuse to participate at all! I’m just going to stay here until you get bored and say sorry for suggesting me to do something so outrageous with you”

”So you’re not going to move?”

”Not an inch”

“Fine then. You’re ass is mine”

Miki flipped the protective visor forward before emptying round after round of paint filled pellets into her buddy.

”Well that was fun” She announced merrily, undressing herself of the armor that her paint covered friend failed to put on. Aya opened her eyes to a glare, the white standing out so vividly against the now blue skin.

”I. Hate. You. SO. Much”

”No you don’t” Miki extended her hand and pulled her friend up. “Now come on, let’s get you outta those clothes”
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on December 31, 2006, 06:19:27 PM
Mikan, I love when you deceive us! :panda_love:
I liked "When it rains, it pours" for two reasons.
At first you don't know who is talking and it's a couple that is a bit unnusual.
But I prefered "Dirty Thrill" better! >.<
It's just my thing, but I love reading funny and quick-witted dialogues. As I said, I also like it when the story leads to one chain of reasoning but the truth is anything like it.
Nice work on both of it!
(ah.... that would be sooooo nice if I could also write in such diferent ways....)
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: black velvet on December 31, 2006, 06:37:21 PM
Yummy. I don't think I can really be critical with you, Mikan. You're style is truly unique!

Sounded like Miki was going to rape Aya there for a second. (Well, you can't really rape the willing, now can you? *cackle*)
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 01, 2007, 09:10:18 AM
Rika comes rushing back with track pants and a yellow Kellogs shirt.
Wait, how did Rika get Aya's shirt?

”No! I refuse to participate at all! I’m just going to stay here until you get bored and say sorry for suggesting me to do something so outrageous with you”

”So you’re not going to move?”

”Not an inch”

“Fine then. You’re ass is mine”

Miki flipped the protective visor forward before emptying round after round of paint filled pellets into her buddy.

”Well that was fun” She announced merrily, undressing herself of the armor that her paint covered friend failed to put on. Aya opened her eyes to a glare, the white standing out so vividly against the now blue skin.

”I. Hate. You. SO. Much”

”No you don’t.”
:lol: That's great! Of course Miki would just be evil enough to take pleasure in completely saturating someone in paintball pellets.  :lol:

Miki extended her hand and pulled her friend up. “Now come on, let’s get you outta those clothes”
Wouldn't be Miki if she didn't say that. :D
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 01, 2007, 12:02:49 PM
Title: When it rains, it pours.
Pairing: Rika x Maki
Rating: PG (Minor, Minor, iddy biddy tiny bit of sexual content at the end)

I feel like a slob wearing such daggy jeans. But it doesn’t matter in the end. It’s raining and I don’t have my umbrella. I’m only wearing a shirt to protect myself from the cold. But like I said, it doesn’t matter in the end.

The icy rain drops soak my shirt and numb my brain. At first I tried not to care but now it’s getting too much. My body is shivering madly and I can feel water in my shoe. It’s like a miracle when I see her at the stop lights waiting.

I start to sprint over changing my pace to something slower on the approach. Inside I feel the need to surprise her. Her umbrella is enough for me to duck under without her noticing.

”Hey, Rika” My words startle her. She jumps, knocking my head with one of the prongs. Her eyes are large and round as she looks me up and down. I must have looked terrible. My face red and white from the winds, my shirt transparent.

 “Maki” Is all she says, as if confirming my identity. The lights change but we don’t walk.

”I got caught in the down pour” I tell her. It’s the half truth. The other part being that it was deliberate. I planned to get lost five districts away from my own and I planned to get wet. I felt like I needed it. I wanted to suffer just a little. I needed to feel a little more like myself. What I didn’t count on was running into anyone I know.

Rika says something to me but I don’t quiet catch it. Perhaps about being cold, or something. She takes my blank look as an affirmation and before I know it I’m being led down the street.

Rika’s house is nice. Warm above all. She takes me upstairs to her room which I can only describe as a pink explosion. She hands me a towel from the back of the door and runs off to another room with a promise of only being a moment. I dry my hair in her absence while having a look at the different photos pinned up on the mirror. Only a few of the people in them I recognize.

”I’m sorry, this is all I could find” Rika comes rushing back with track pants and a yellow Kellogs shirt.


I put them on the study desk and stripped off my wet shirt and bra. I didn’t mean to be so straight forward but my actions seemed to startle her. She turned her back to me suddenly and began to clean up magazines that lay on the floor. I took my pants of and covered my top half with the Kellogs T-shirt. Argh. Even my underwear was wet. Before reaching for the track pants I waited for a moment, watching her, to see if she would turn around but she refused. I wondered if she was embarrassed or perhaps she was trying to give me confidence that she wasn’t looking. In a way it irritated me.

I forgot about getting dressed and approached her from behind. Scooping her under the arms and pulling her into me. She giggled, wobbling from side to side as she lost her balance. I let her go, letting her fall forward onto the bed with two hands before pushing her further, rolling her to face me and straddling her. She stopped giggling and her face became timid. I stroked her soft cheeks to relax her. It relaxed me some what too.

I felt her body loosen up underneath me and soon she started stroking my face in return. I felt so confused inside. This all felt so nice but why was I doing it? Why was I suddenly so impulsive? Where did I want this to go?

I didn’t know. I just wanted it.

I closed my eyes and covered her lips with my own. She embraced me fully.

That good feeling exploded from my heart and even if it was just faintly, I started to feel like myself again.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 02, 2007, 07:48:43 AM
Paintball, heh heh
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 02, 2007, 09:36:18 PM
Hmm... The only thing I'd really complain about is how you often end quotes without punctuation such as "Oh, she's going down" <--- needs a period after the 'down.' :<

But that's just me; if it's a part of your writing style, then you don't have to start incorporating it if you don't want to.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on January 02, 2007, 09:51:38 PM
I always thought the kellogs shirt was Yossui's... or Rika's.... I remember watching it on an interview show about someone not returning a yellow shirt and pants that someone let the other borrow until years later....

DAmmit Mikan, yet another awesome one. This may seem stupid, but I laughed mostly at
”I. Hate. You. SO. Much”

”No you don’t” Miki
. Why? Because me and my bestfriend do that all the time... and it's usually me in Aya's situation XD

Rika and Maki?! for a second I thought it was another Reina and Maki... I guess I read it too quickly. Haha.... Maki was wet. She's always wet. *hugs Foxy Fungo*

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 02, 2007, 11:17:18 PM
Quote from: Owaranai_sLaVe;273372
I always thought the kellogs shirt was Yossui's... or Rika's.... I remember watching it on an interview show about someone not returning a yellow shirt and pants that someone let the other borrow until years later....
Dunno about that. I do know for sure that Aya wore a yellow "Kellogg's" shirt in her 1st Alo! Hello PB. Look:

EDIT -  Pic wasn't showing up, so I reposted it.

( (
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 03, 2007, 06:18:26 AM
Wow....Thats uh...a nice photo. I usually hate bikini shots.. For some reason I really like it...*steals*
Title: Going Commando
Post by: Mikan on January 03, 2007, 05:02:45 PM
Title: Going Commando
Starring: Tsuji
Rating: G
Note: Not based on a true story I swear!!:P
Also the term 'Going Commando' is slang for wearing no underwear. It apparently comes from the army troops who went without underwear to "increase ventilation and reduce moisture"

It sounds complex and borderline impossible but trust me it, it isn’t! It starts off with being late. Your alarm goes off and you stumble out of bed. You strip yourself of pajamas and put on your day clothes. Starting with the bra and then the shirt and then the underwear. But… you realise you don’t have any left in your draw! Well, that’s ok because there should be some in the laundry. So you put your jeans on before leaving your room (people might see you!). And from your room you shuffle to the laundry, picking up your tooth brush along the way and brushing your teeth while you look. No luck, no under garments. Then you remember yesterday Mum did a heap of ironing so they could be in the living room. So you dash to the living room via kitchen but you're stopped.

"Your breakfast is ready. Quick eat it now. You’re late!"

In your haste you spit the toothpaste in the kitchen sink and begin cramming toast down your throat as fast as you can. Naturally you choke at first so you chase it down with milk straight out of the carton. Finding a clean glass seems to much of a hassle.

"Don’t drink out of the cartoon! It's unhygienic for others and don’t walk around while you’re eating! Sit down!"

You obey mother because you know it would be safer. You sit and you chew like there's no tomorrow. But then, your mobile rings. So you chase the sound around the house till you find your phone behind the fish tank.

"Hey! Where are you! You're late!" Your friend says.

"I know!"

You hang up and return to the kitchen but before you can...Dad stops you.

"Have you seen my keys?"


"Alright then...Oh a taxi driver came to the door and said if you don’t come out in the next 5 minutes he's leaving without you"

You withhold your urge to curse and pretend to be civil.

"How long ago was this?"

"About 5 minutes ago…"

Then BANG! You shoot out that door and chase that damn taxi! And in a stroke of luck he hasn’t left yet. So you get inside and thank your lucky stars 'cause you made it.

But what you haven’t noticed is...

You're going commando.

Come on, fess up! How many of you do/have done this?

The idea came to me at work (Yeh, Im a little under stimulated there) and I intend to make this a very very short series.

Yes, only Mikan could write about the horrors of no undies..
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 03, 2007, 08:46:32 PM
LOL~! That happened to m once. And on the same day, I was wearing my pants backwards, and I didn't notice until I went to school that my pants were backwards, and THEN I noticed I wasn't wearing underwear.

And also, I thought I'd point out it says "it means wearing to underwear"
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 03, 2007, 10:04:02 PM
Never been commando, I hate the thought.

And the rest of her day?

But that totally sounds like something Nono would do, lol.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: coachie on January 04, 2007, 12:05:42 AM
Hey, have you posted the "When it rains, it pours" story somewhere else before? I'm pretty sure I've read this before. Deja vu?

And yay for AyaMiki + paintball XD

I could never go out without underwear, ha! Never happend, never will!
Back in elementary school it happened a few times that I went to school in my houseslippers and in high school I wore a sweat shirt inside out for a whole day without realising it.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on January 04, 2007, 01:59:56 AM
Haha actually, I think I find it kinda hot when you're not wearing underwear (well for guys, its not....).

Its happened to me twice. once on vacation and instead of staying at my grandmothers mansion *well its 7 rooms... but its nothing like a fancy mansion* I stayed at my cousins house and forgot to pack underwear. :lol:
And its happened when I didnt do laundry on the weekend. Good thing I had some clean jeans :D

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 04, 2007, 03:55:52 AM
Haha XD
All the stories are coming out!! yeah aparently about 7% of people go commando on a day to day basis. Those people claim benefits such as good circulation but the real reason is they find it sexual...

Thanks Tanachan for picking up the mistake! I read it hundreds of times but never pick it up (Im soooo shit tired atm)

I was in primary school and I forgot to put on underwear (I was a very confused child)

Wearing your pants backwards? Now thats weird...Ive put em on like that but I notice straight away. There is a big Bum space near your crotch, didnt you notice :D

Rndm you gotta try it atleast once. They say women who sleep without undies have less change of getting some cervical thingy...

Msg for Rndom -               < Did you deliberately spell weird like that? Sorry, ive been wondering...thought I'd ask, dont hate me! >

Give it a shot....for Nono?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 04, 2007, 06:23:48 AM
I never looked down, sis! (long story behind the sis thing...)

Also, there's another weird fact I heard...Perofrming the act of fellation can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 40%
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 04, 2007, 03:29:37 PM
Title: Going Commando (Part 2)
Rating: G

The lobby scene upon arriving at the studio would compare easily to a murder of crows ripping a dead kitten to pieces. On the particular day in question, I was the little kitten.

"Geez, Nono! Even I wouldnt dare be this late!" Aibon takes my hand and leads me away from the crowd. We start to run down the corridors which gives me the impression we really are pressed for time. "There has been a change to the schedule. I'll brief you on it a little later. We got to get changed first"

The maze of halls with mysterious doors leads us to the one door with our name on it. Well, the 4th gen's names' on it. Aibon knocks viciously and Yossui answers.


"Im not saying it. Just open the damn door!"

"Nuh ah, you said we arent allowed to open the door to those who dont know our password"

I raised my eyebrows, in dire need for someone to fill me in. Kago shrugged. "We got bored waiting for you so we made a secret society"

"And our dressing room is the home base?"

"Pretty much.."

"So what's the password?"

There was some umming and ahhing to which aibon concluded. "Well, it's not something I want to shout in a closely populated area"

She jerked her thumb to opposite dressing room dedicated to the 2nd Gen + Maki. I suddenly shivered and wriggled on the spot.

"Do you feel a breeze?"

Kago stopped picking the lock to throw me a curious look. "No...why...should I?"

"No, I dont think so. I just felt really cold around the middle"

We both shrugged and went inside the newly opened door. Our entrance startled Yossui, she responded by throwing her magazine under the desk and standing awkwarding in front of it.

"You didnt say the password!"

"We'll argue later. First, we got to get changed!"

Before I knew it, both Yossui and Kago were stripping off and putting on the pre-determined attire for today's show. I looked at my own clothes set on the table before me as I undid the buttons on my jeans. The cold breeze struck again. Bringing with it the reality of my day.

Oh no.

How is it possible?!

I kept spelling kitten as kitchen. Phew, lucky I didnt let that through!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: ChiruChaCha on January 04, 2007, 07:27:33 PM
Hmmmmmm, so want people to be critical about your writing style... well, let me tell you a thing: your writing style is great, I know you have heard this a lot of times so I won't go further with that xD
So yeah, really, I don't know if you are feeling that there's something missing in your fics or if you're looking for a divine inspiration or something like that but in my opinion there's nothing wrong with the writing style.
The comment turned out a little blunt but meh xD
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 04, 2007, 09:12:01 PM
Whoo~! THis is gonna be reeally funny if there's gonna be a basketball challenge and they're in skirts XD.

And I've done the room secret base thing too. THe password I think was like China or something?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 05, 2007, 03:55:24 AM
The lobby scene upon arriving at the studio would compare easily to a murder of crows ripping a dead kitchen to pieces. On the particular day in question, I was the little kitchen.

Reply msg for Mikan- < Yes, I did deliberately misspell wierd. For no particular reason.  >

*crosses fingers and wishes for part 3 to be up soon*
Title: Boom Shakka Lakka...
Post by: Mikan on January 05, 2007, 05:18:45 AM
Rndm! You too? I thought so...Why is everyone getting the blues?!
Ive been trying to think up a Nono/Kago or Biyuuden story for you but Im all outta creative juice for the moment (You have to admit, I've been writing a fuck load!) and also I wanted to write a Rika story for CKD...

Title: Things that go bump...
Pairing: Yossui/Miki
Rating: G
Note: Based on the TRUE STORY of mine, muhahah!

Yossui nudged the body next to her.

"Miki you awake?"


"I cant sleep"

"Me either..."

Miki rolled to face her friend. "I feel like going outside"

Yossui scrunched up her nose. It was the middle of the night and the middle of winter. Both made the idea of going outside unappealing.


"It's a full moon!" Miki shrugged casually.

Yossui chuckled quietly. "You're a total closet romantic"

"Shut up and get out of the bed!"

After putting on a few extra layers the girls shuffled quietly out of the bedroom and downstairs. The floorboards creaked and groaned as they went, threatening to wake the rest of the Yoshizawa family. Hitomi reached the first floor and began searching in the moonlit room for the key to the front door. The sudden onset of silence alerted her that she was alone.

"Miki?" She called in a quiet whisper with no reply. Yossui moved out of the kitchen and retraced her steps.

"Miki?" She tried again.


Yossui spun around looking for a body to the voice. She followed it until she found Miki standing in the living room, looking at the door opposite. Her stance was ridget yet completely focused.

"Miki, what are you doing?"

"I was waiting for you to come back"

Miki pointed at the door which in fact lead to another unused hallway in the house. The only purporse it served today was for storage.

"I didnt come in here, I was in the kitchen"

Miki looked completely dumbfounded. "No way...I saw you come in here and go through that door"

It was Yossui turn to look dumbfounded. She could tell this was no joke. Miki wouldnt be able to keep a straight face this long. So the girls stood in silience for a while, wondering who exactly Miki had followed if anyone at all.

"I'm just going to have a look"

On the off chance that someone had gone in there, Yossui wanted to find out who. She approached the door with Miki close behind. And after a deep breath, she opened it.

I can see clearly this is crap but I wanted it out of my head anyway! I re-wrote it 5 times and can you believe this was the best version? If you want, I can tell you the real story ^^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: katatsumuri on January 05, 2007, 05:29:20 AM
This version looks spooky enough since you said it's something that happened to you. >_<
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 05, 2007, 06:56:25 AM
Must know real story. And I'm sure I'll be out of my funk soon. Just need another shot of happy, if I can find it... *searches through drawers for happy*
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 05, 2007, 09:35:25 AM
Title: Free time on Friday
Pairing: Yaguchi/Goto
Genre: Sick Comedy
Rating: S ...S for SICK...well not this chapter but trust me..its coming...

Mari jumped from the table onto the back of the matured teen. They wobbled a bit and took a moment to steady themselves.

"Hizzah!" Maki cheered, holding tight to her senior's legs around her neck.

Mari struck a power ranger pose. "With our Morning Musume Power combined we are GoGuchi!"

The two megamorphing morons roared and slowly made their way out of the living room. They found it easier than last time as they both were now accustom to moving in unison. Like the saying goes - practice makes perfect. Mari ducked for the doorway as they exited into the main hallway. A little further down, the new addition soloist was standing oblivious to the world. An easy target.

"Something's on the radar!" Yaguchi kicked Goto's left boob for her to turn left.

"Ouch! Not so hard or they won't develop properly!"

"They'll be fine. Just turn left will you!"

Goto obliged. Turning left to face the (still oblivious) soloist.

"Target recognition....Soloist, Matsuura Ayaya. Age: 16. Height: Taller than me..Threat: Medium"

Upon hearing her name, Aya bookmarked her page and looked up. "Hi guys"
She smiled awkwardly. She still wasnt use to all the strange antics that the girls got up to in the privacy of their apartment.

"Do you challenge the GoGuchi?"

Aya's head tipped to the side with confusion. "Uh, no I just was saying -"


Aya's eyes grew with fear at the sudden advance of the GoGuchi. She yelped, wasting no time in running for her life.

Mari and Maki sighed with delight.

"'s always fun teasing the new meat"

"Yeah. I cant wait till we have the proper hazing night though"

Maki nodded in agreement. "We're too now Captain Guchi?"

"To the Kitchen!"

~To Be Continued~

Hehe, The things you get up to when you have too much free time. I couldnt think of a decent title. I was thinking maybe like 'when the TV breaks' but I dont know....
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on January 05, 2007, 02:34:48 PM
I'm loving all this one shots (aparently sometimes two or three shots):baa60776:
This last one is asure promisse to an awesome comedy :panda_love:
just one thing... and please bare with this noobie stupiditie....:ONsad:
What are this ratings lettler? G, S....
What does it mean?:ONdunno:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 05, 2007, 02:59:53 PM
Sorry, Im use to the Australia/New Zealand rating.

G - General Exhibition (means fun for the whole family!)

PG - Parental Guidance (Kids under 12 might want to have a parent with them. Hints at controversial subjects, possible poo bum crap...maybe a little bit of horror. I think the first Harry Potter was PG...)
In fiction land - There are some hints at couples maybe..nothing more than crushes

M - There is some sexual stuff. Like kissing (oooou!tehehe) or some swearing. Violence. Maybe a bit of blood. Same goes for fictions.

MA15+ - You must be over 15 to see this. Sexual content. Swearing. Maybe a bit of nudity..ya to day stuff...
In Fiction land - you'll read about some heavy petting or something maybe a little offensive

R18+ - you gotta be adult. In the land of fiction this means there is hardcore sex involved. In movies? Well..its not a guarantee (Battle Royale is R)

I was just messing around with that S thing. I thought just S for Sick :D

This is my general interpretation of the Australian/New Zealand Moving rating system. I took it and adapted it to fictions. Dont hold it against me~~~~

Dont worry HB!! There is nothing wrong with asking questions~
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on January 05, 2007, 05:10:39 PM
Ye! Thanks a lot, Mikan! :panda_love:
[It makes soooooo much more sense now...]
Title: Happiiiiii~~
Post by: Mikan on January 05, 2007, 05:49:51 PM
Title: For crying out loud!
Pairing: Rika/???
Rating: MA ('cause its sexual)

Warning: This may be offence to some people. The following fiction contains high sexual content. Read at your own risk!
I'm not making it R because I sort of did it in an 'arty' way and I didnt use any naught words :P

A arch my back, pressing myself into her palm. My hips move of their own will. Grinding. Touching. All of it, it feels so good.

I’m drunk on adrenaline. High on love. It mixes in my blood and drowns my mind. The intense sensation that covers me grows stronger, more vivid.

I wrap my arms around her back and pull her on top of me. I want her. I want her in me. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. What ever it takes to rid me of this lust.

I can feel myself nearing my climax. My muscles go tense and I start moaning uncontrollably. I become louder as I start to reach my peak. The final moment has me screaming with pleasure.


I explode internally and collapse back onto the bed, panting. My eyes shut, mouth open gasping for breath. I lay still, in a sort of dream world, regaining my strength and senses before opening my eyes again to a very... unhappy ...

Sorry I wanted the end to be a sorta surprise but the words Miki and Yossui were really close together..:P
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikitty-saikou on January 05, 2007, 07:18:40 PM
^Lol.  That was great.  I really love it when people write about YoCharMi. :heart:

After reading the last sentence; I was a bit shocked. XD  I thought she was with Miki at first and then Yossie was mentioned. Hehe.. Got a few giggles out of me.

Wonder what's coming up next. ^_^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on January 05, 2007, 11:13:33 PM
ya! Great!
Again tensai Mikan got me off guard! :panda_love:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 06, 2007, 12:05:13 AM
It kinda disappointed me since it was so short, but nonetheless, you did an okay job xD Wonder what pissed off Yossie'll do o_o

YoCharMikitty is love <3
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: katatsumuri on January 06, 2007, 12:05:38 AM

is that from a real story too? XD XD
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 06, 2007, 02:16:12 AM
Quote from: Mikan;275443

Title: Things that go bump...
Pairing: Yossui/Miki
Rating: G
Note: Based on the TRUE STORY of mine, muhahah!
Wait, so what happened? C'mon! You can't leave us hanging like this! :baa60776:

Quote from: Mikan;275605
Mari struck a power ranger pose. "With our Morning Musume Power combined we are GoGuchi!"

The two megamorphing morons roared and slowly made their way out of the living room.


"Something's on the radar!" Yaguchi kicked Goto's left boob for her to turn left.

"Ouch! Not so hard or they won't develop properly!"

"They'll be fine. Just turn left will you!"
XD this is great! Especially the "kicking the boob" part. :lol:

Quote from: Mikan;275864
Title: For crying out loud!
Pairing: Rika/???
Rating: MA ('cause its sexual)


Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SNAP!!! Busted! :ONwahaha:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 06, 2007, 05:32:26 AM
It wasnt intentionally based on a true story but ...uh...Yes I have accidently said someone elses name once...

Yuuyami I felt horrible about how short it was!! It when people do really short one shorts! I feel so ripped off. So Im sorry I ripped you guys off. Concider it a 'spot filler' fiction XD

Im off to the movies today but when I come home hopefully I can put up the next 'Things that go bump' and 'Going commando'

Love you all!
Be happy and enjoy what ever season it is, what ever time it is! Its a wonderful world outside even if you cant see that beauty!!

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Blizzard on January 06, 2007, 06:06:00 AM
Damn does my stomach hurt from laughing so much! :ONwahaha:

I'd put a quote from your Mighty Morphin' Musume story here, but I thought the whole thing was frickin' hilarious!  Somehow, quoting the whole story just didn't seem like the way to do it.  It could totally be like a side adventure from Doki Doki!  

As for going commando?  Never have, never will.  It just doesn't seem appealing at all.  But I definately laughed, especially at the "secret society" thing.  Totally reminds me of when I was a kid.  

Last but not least, Rika's little mishap.  Again, I got a good laugh from that.  Don't worry about it's length.  Short stories can be just as good as longer ones if they're well written.
Title: I get into Aya's pants every night, Shizzam!
Post by: Mikan on January 06, 2007, 12:07:23 PM
Title: Things that go bump...
Pairing: Yossui/Miki
Rating: G
Note: Based on the TRUE STORY of mine, muhahah!

Yossui's POV

I reached out for the handle and slide to door. The traction on the rails was gone making it hard and noisy to open. I decided in one hard yank I would throw the door open. And as I did so, I saw what was on the other side.

It stood there. As if it was waiting for me. A strange gray wisp only inches away from where I stood. A semi-transparent cloud. Time became distorted as the moment dragged on forever. This transparent being and I just gazed back at each other, waiting and wondering on who will make the first move.

I should have shut the door again. Or never opened it. That would have been the smart thing to do. But it’s floating had me transfixed now. It danced mysteriously, slowly developing more of a human form. A face. Nose. Eyes. Then shoulders. A body. Arms and legs.

The figure, now fully formed, swayed. Eyeing me with interest. Smirking. Its features were blurred. As if a non-existent wind was rippling the image much like it would to water. I watched cautiously as that smirk grew into a satisfied smile. It's mouth opening a little in silent laughter before widening beyond any humans capability. It lunged forward, arms out. It happened too fast for me to react. I just stood their as it traveled straight through my body, disappearing completely. A shock of harsh static shook my body into a spasm.

Miki yelped as I fell back onto her. My skin still tingling from the static.

"What happened?"

I looked back up at her puzzled expression. "I have no idea..."
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: ChiruChaCha on January 06, 2007, 12:57:29 PM
So that's how dust evolves when you don't clean a room in a while? I shall look out... xD

Now seriously, did that really happen to you?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 06, 2007, 01:52:52 PM
Well, this is elaborate but its pretty much the same. I'll write the real version up soon.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 06, 2007, 04:34:17 PM
"Something's on the radar!" Yaguchi kicked Goto's left boob for her to turn left.

"Ouch! Not so hard or they won't develop properly!"

"Do you challenge the GoGuchi?"

Aya's head tipped to the side with confusion. "Uh, no I just was saying -"


Aya's eyes grew with fear at the sudden advance of the GoGuchi.


Title: For crying out loud!

I knew Rika was really into Miki!

Title: Things that go bump...

*shivers* Creepy
But lol at the title you put in the little box thingy.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 06, 2007, 05:10:47 PM
Title: Things that REALLY go bump (The real story!)
Pairing: Mikan/ (nickname/alias) Asami (..uh...Good friend of mine)
Rating: uh......dunno

Mikan couldnt sleep. It was a full moon, a time when she was particularly restless. She tossed and turned before finally resorting to her friend for entertainment.


*poke poke*


*poke poke poke*


"Do want to see the full moon?"

Asami rubbed her face a little to wake herself up. "Urg. What time is it?"


"3am?!" She hissed. "Are you serious?"

"Course I am! Get up!"

Mikan finished putting her clothes on and dragged her lazy companion out of bed. Together, they tip-toed down the hallway to the kitcen. They kept the lights off and spoke only in whispers as a precaution not to wake the rest of the house up.

"Mikan, Im scared"

Asami suddenly halted in the middle of the kitchen. She pulled on her buddy's shirt to stop her from opening the white sliding door that separeted the kitchen from the living room. Mikan stopped and smiled. The fact that Asami was 6 years older and yet acted the baby of the two never ceased to make her laugh.

"Dont worry" Mikan took hold of her hand "We'll just be quick"

Asami nodded and stood close behind her friend. She always had an unexplained fear of the living room which would later be justified.

"Ah, It's stuck!!"

Mikan put both hands on the door and slid it open in one swift push revealing a white transparent figure on the other side. It seemed to change shape suddenly into something more recogniseable. A person's shape. Before lunging at the front girl.

The contact between the white figure and the girl was heard with a zap. Mikan was shocked with a strangely strong static, sending her back into her friend before rebounding onto the oven.

"Jesus! What happened?! Are you ok?!"

"You didnt see that?!" Mikan rubbed her neck where the ghostly hands had grabbed her. The touch had left a strange tingling sensation.

"No. I was too scared to look"

And that's the truth! haha, sorry I couldnt help write it up like that. I thought it might be more interesting than the 'then this happened' and she said this and blah blah blah...I wanna get one more true creepy story off my chest, if you'll all let me ^^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 06, 2007, 06:58:28 PM
Title: Going Commando (Part 3)
Rating: G
Note: I saw it was my 600th Post so I decided it should be dedicated to those of you out there who like/have/never will or are right now - GOING COMMANDO!!!

I stared in horror down into my pants. How could I be so stupid?! How could this happen!! Oh, Why me!!!!

"Would you like some time alone their Nono?" Yossui laughed.

Yes. Yes I would. I would like to go somewhere, beat myself up for being so forgetful and plan out how Im going to face the nation in less than 5 minutes without any under protection. I just can't do it!!

"Yes, actually. Im going to the washroom"

I gather up my clothes and zoom off the washroom, leaving Yossui rather stunned that I took her joke seriously.

Now in the privacy of the toilet cubical, I smack my head against the side wall hard and repeatively. Once its all out of my system I get changed and step outside to wash my hands. I stare long and hard at my own reflection until something inside me clicks.

Yeah, It was hard getting through the auditions but I did it. It was hard learning out to dance and sing but I did it. And it was hard learning how to put mascara on without opening my mouth but I damn will did that! And it's  definately going to be hard to give the best performance I can today but I'm going do it! Knickers or no knickers!

The washroom door opened slowly and Rika's head popped through the opening.

"Umm...Yossui asked me to come in here to see if you were finished doing whatever it was you came here to do. We are just about to go on set"

"Damn right we are!!"

I took hold of Rika's hand and charged on set. Never in my life have I ever given such a good show.

Like they say - It ain't over till it's over.

Truer words have never been spoken.
I present a collection of NG's made in coversation over a space of 1 hour. This is what happens when Im sleep deprived!!!

Everyone start stretching
NG:Everyone have an erection (I was talking about PE..."And the PE teacher tells us...")

NG:House (I think I said "Take it out of your..."

NG:Tent ("I wanna name my son..."

Funny thought
NG: Funny fought

Plug this one in
NG:Hug with one in (*hands over power cable*...)

Staring at their fingers
NG: Staring at their pictures

I feel this emoticon adequently shows how I feel on this forum ^^
Im so lonely!! Talk to me people!! Let's be friends!!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 06, 2007, 09:43:06 PM
Wow, I think you need to sleep Honey Dumpling. And I need to go to work. But lol at your speech mistakes. And Nono's determination.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 06, 2007, 10:00:26 PM
-dies of laughter at your sleep-deprived mistakes-

-Roffles at Going commando-

You make me roffle mucho, m'dear xD

Nonetheless, I really like how you wrote Things that go bump, that rated G Yossie and Miki one xD -giggles at the Headline Shizzam reference- So yeah, I liked it particularly for it's vivid use of imagery. I've always been fond of that so yeah... xD

Congrats on your 600th <3 My 500th is coming soon >:]
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on January 06, 2007, 11:37:27 PM
Ah... Mikan! I do try my best to post at every update...
But you (thanks for that) do it too fast!  -__-
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: black velvet on January 08, 2007, 01:01:34 AM
OMG. GoGuchi was great. xDDD (Well, so are the others, but that one had me lying in the floor!)
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 09, 2007, 05:08:28 PM
Title: ~Seishun~ A story of noisy girls
Rating: PG
Pairing: Yossie/Rika

"Maaah!" I groan, putting my hands over my eyes to shade off the violent light streaming through the window. It's too early to be waking and I'm much too hung over. I roll away from the window and snuggle into the warm body of Rika.

Wait. Hold it. Rika?!?!

Please let this be an sick illusion played upon me by my own mind. I open my eyes again and painfully scan the completely naked Rika whose arms I am in.

"Shit..." I whimper before glancing down to see my also completely naked body. "Double shit.."

Oh god what did I do. I know we were drinking but I dont ever remember going home with Rika. I stop my mental jog. Now isnt the time. I have to get out of here.

I slid off her arm gently and begin to climb out of bed. Im as quiet as a mouse until Rika's scream sends me 10 feet in the air and crashing to the ground. I take a sheet quickly to hide my shame while Rika does the same with the doona.

There is an awkward silence that the birds highlight with their persistant chirping.

"Did...Did we?" The question leaves Rika's mouth and hangs in the air.

"I'm not sure" I finish.

We both continue to sit in silence. Imagining all the god awful things we might have done last night. I cover my face with my hands. This is so humiliating on so many different levels. Sleeping with my female friend and sitting naked on their bedroom floor would only cover a few.

"I think it would be best if we pretend this didnt happen" I suggest.


More silence

"So would you like...breakfast?"

I nod. Anything to move away from the previous topic. Rika sits up and searches the room.

"Can you see my...umm...clothes anywhere?"

I join in looking with my own eyes. "No Actually...and I cant see mine either"

In a small room not too far away

Mari stops watching the LIVE DRAMA streaming from Rika's bedroom to ask a question of her senior. "Do you think we should go and tell them the truth about us drugging them, stripping them naked, burning all their clothes and put them to bed together so it looked sus?"

Nakazawa leans back in her recliner chair, taking a puff from her fresh cigar and shaking her head. "No...It's much more fun this way"

I know I could have done this better but I wanted to write something. I felt obligated. Thank you everyone for reading my stuff. You have no idea how it makes me feel knowing that someone cares enough to peek at the written goo that oozes from my mind daily
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: freya86 on January 09, 2007, 05:12:51 PM

I apologize, but Freya is temporarily not available since she slipped off her chair in a laughing fit and hasn't yet recovered.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 09, 2007, 05:16:20 PM
Should I put a disclaimer?

Warning may cause fits? Anger/Laughter and other?

Im glad that you found it even mildy amusing. Dont relish the moment too have a fic to publish, right?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 09, 2007, 05:22:01 PM
Roffle, that was was best xD Had me in giggle fits.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 09, 2007, 05:50:55 PM
Title: Too close for comfort
Pairing: Aya/Miki (who else!)

"Aya!! Open the goddamn door this instant!!" I bang my right fist on the bathroom door while my left holds onto the crotch of my jeans. My bladder is squealing in pain. If I dont get in there soon it's going to burst, I swear.

"Too late, Im using it" Aya replies calmly, turning the shower knobs on full.

The sound of the running water cascading down is like pins in my ears. I want to rip them off and scream like a madman. How could she be so cruel? I kick the door with my feet and bang it with my head.

"Let-Me-In-Pleeeeease!! I BEG OF YOU!"

"Im having a shower! Get lost! Watch Tv or something. I'll only be a minute!"

I whine and grumble my way to the living room. Two hands now holding my crotch. I'm under the impression that if I let go, all hell will break loose. Pacing seems to ease my tension so I walk around in circles cursing the bees that infested Aya's apartment. It's because of those pesky things she had to stay with me. For a whole week. I can just say it's being an interesting experience sharing my space with her. God knows I love her! She's a great friend! It's just...GOD! I need to pee!

I dash back to the bathroom, not caring to stop. My body thuds loudly against the door.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease Ayaaaaaaa!! Open the damn door!" I cry

"Im almost done!! Just wait!"

"I swear to god Aya, if you don't open this door right now I'm going to pee on your shoes!!!"

My threat is lame, crude and desperate but right now I'm willing to try anything. Aya's beloved Italian shoes were the first thing that sprung to mind and luckily it seemed to be working. I heard the tables immediately turn off and Aya scambled to put on her towel. She opens the door slightly, body hidden and hair dripping on my wooden floor.

"You wouldnt..." She gives me a cold stare, checking to see if I was serious.

I unzip my fly and glare back to show her I will if I have to.

"Fine!" With a roll of the eyes the door to my flushing medow is opened. The gleaming bowl seems like a beacon of hope. I skip to it with great speed, digging my thumbs under the top band of my underwear and stopping.

"Get out" I flip my head in the direction of the bathroom exit. Aya looks at me like I have sprouted tenticles from my eye sockets.


"Im going to use the toilet"


"It's not a public event. You are not invited to watch so get out"

"Who says Im going to watch?"

I shake my head in disbelief. Taking baths and sharing a bed is one thing but being there while I urinate is just off the chart insane.

"I cant pee while you're in the room"

Aya shrugs and gives me a 'why not' expression.

"Its just not done! I cant do it! It's weird!"

Aya opens the door and gestures for me to go through it. "Well then you can wait till I've finished having my shower"

To be continued

Haha, Yeh. Another one based on true events ^^
Quick poll -
Peeing with significant other in the same room -
Yes or No?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: tanakachi on January 09, 2007, 05:58:29 PM
i would but this is funny as hell, cant wait for the rest XD
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: elgie on January 09, 2007, 06:24:25 PM
I don't mind, but we've been together for 12 years so I'm used to it :P
Though he doesn't allow me to enter the bathroom while he's, ehm, "planting a tree" :D
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 09, 2007, 07:41:53 PM
No, it's just *shudders*

But lol all the same.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: freya86 on January 09, 2007, 08:35:48 PM
Quote from: Mikan;278802

Quick poll -
Peeing with significant other in the same room -
Yes or No?

Yes, why not? It's just natural, and I'm used to it since we do it in my family (at least among us girls :D).

Oh yeah, and story coming right up ... er, okay, not right but later tonight ;)
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 09, 2007, 11:41:46 PM

Wow I missed a lot. And on the Especially after my brother pulled a Bam Margera on me. Video Camera and all.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 10, 2007, 12:24:58 AM
:lol: When in doubt, threaten to pee in da shoes! :lol:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: erink on January 10, 2007, 12:54:02 AM
Once on the way home from futsal, my friends father had to stop an pick something up. We are in the car and my friend keeps saying how bad she has to go to the bathroom. Finally her mother is just like "Well just go in the parking lot!" Keep in mind it is about 8 or 9 o'clock and the parking lot is FAR from empty. So my friend opens up the door, crouches down, and yells at us to stop looking at her. All of a sudden her mother starts freaking out telling her not to, she absolutely can't be serious right? Long story short, she did,  and mother continued to freak out. She gets back in the car and after probably 10 minutes of non stop laughter, she discovers that she totally got some in her sneakers. I was exhausted after the game and laughing like that, I woke up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a bus.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on January 10, 2007, 03:09:25 AM
Quote from: Mikan;278786
"Shit..." I whimper before glancing down to see my also completely naked body. "Double shit.."

Just have to say.... This killed me! :ONxD:

And to you question... Hell no!:ONshock: [It's just too strange to me]
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 10, 2007, 03:57:15 AM
XD at erink's anecdote.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 10, 2007, 06:36:16 AM
Lol@ Erink.
Wow you play Futsal? Thats cool.

In answer to my own poll. Im ok with it I suppose. But only with my girlfriend (of 4 years. Hurray for us!) cause we open? I suppose ^^
Some people say its a learning experience when you pee with friends. I'll have to agree with this.

@Tanachan...Video camera? Dude thats just...wrong...poor you...

@Elgie I think guys are more open to peeing with others cause they do it a lot. And they do it with the door open. It gave me a shock the first few times I stayed at in an 'all boys' family.

@ Everyone who said no Its a liberating experience and a step closer in a relationship. Dont dis it till you try it ^^

Next Question:
Ok, how about shower urination? Im ok with it. If you gotta go, you gotta go so just go with the damn flow, right?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 10, 2007, 07:07:10 AM
As long as you don't recycle the water then it's cool.

But still, the peeing with someone in the bathroom with you. I have tried it. I don't like it.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: haidokun on January 10, 2007, 09:08:39 AM
Title: ~Seishun~ A story of noisy girls
Rating: PG
Pairing: Yossie/Rika

hahaha! i like the story! ^__^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: ChiruChaCha on January 10, 2007, 03:22:25 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm, about the first question, I'm ok with it, besides you save a lot of time instead of waiting for each other(well, I mean in a large family and stuff).This reminds me of a guy I knew who couldn't "plant a tree" without being completely naked from waist down(taking off pants, underwear AND socks and shoes).
About the second question, to be honest I find it a little anti-hygienic...
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: coachie on January 10, 2007, 06:21:16 PM
Mikan it almost seems your polls are more successfull then your stories (judging by the flood of comments XD)

I love your stories they're funny and sexy and that's a good combo!

As for the polls
Q1 - I'm perfectly fine with people I know like family & close friends (even the not so close, really depends on who it is) But I can't pee as soon as there's a stranger around (like at restaurants, work, public toilets)
*chat mode on*
For work I found the perfect solution, our bathroom there has two booths and me and my friend started going at the same time - all the time. We spent nearly hours there chatting, goofing around, laughing our asses off and eventually doing what we actually came for. Looking back at it now I had some of the best time in my workplace toilet - is that lame? XD
*chat mode off*

Q2 - It's ok, I do it a lot I have to admit, but that's just because I have to as soon as I turn on the water XD and since I'm already naked and all...
But I think I wouldn't do it with another person in there.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Blizzard on January 10, 2007, 06:51:50 PM
It never fails to brighten my day when I see that there is a new story/chapter/anything from Mikan!  :pen_clap:

As for your polls:

1. When I was little, my family would.  But just us girls, not my dad!  Now, I prefer privacy.

2. I haven't done it, but I guess I don't really see too much of a problem with it.  Although, wouldn't it just be easier to go before you get in the shower?  Then again, I can see the whole "running water" mind trick making it happen.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 10, 2007, 07:42:20 PM
Dude thats TOTALLY WEIRD!! Getting completely naked waist down? That would take a long time..So he even did that in public toilets? How weird would that be!! taking ur shoes and socks off in the restaurant bathrooms.

Yes, Im aware my polls are more popualr and thats why I thought I should instate them here ^^ I know a lot of people arent big commenters. I mean saying 'yeh I liked it' on every thread gets a bit tedious so by having people reply with their own stories and thoughts makes it more interesting and allows me to keep track of what kind of audience is following me.

I have this habit of tracking people. If anyone comments on something I make notes of what threads they like and what stuff entertains them the most...Im Kinda scary, huh? XD

A Peeing Pal? Hmm..Well...Im SUPER SHY! And I've had a bundle of bad/scarring things happen to me in toilets (*laughs awkwardly*) so I have a fear of the bathroom. I always make sure the public toilets are empty when I go in and empty when I go out. At home, people must be 7m away from me while Im in the toilet otherwise I get irritated. I think my girlfriend is the only person I would allow near me or with me in the bathroom.

@Blizzard Yeah I think I peed with my Mom around, now that I think about it. It must be a pretty normal thing but I grew out of it.
And about the shower peeing...yeah I've been in a shower while someone is peeing and actually...I didnt have a problem with it. As long as they didnt pee on me...I think even then I still wouldnt care 'cause ur in the shower and you can just wash it off.

Im glad we are all being open. Im enjoying these discussions. I have work tomorrow and I intend to chill out afterwards with my workmates so I dont know when I'll be home (I sound like Im talking to my Mom, haha). Yeah so updates on chapters will be coming Friday.

I have REALLY lost interest in Doki Doki. I promise to pick my ass up on that one and finish the thing already....Urgh..
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 11, 2007, 11:37:18 PM
*shrudders* it was...HORRIBLE~! And I'm perfectly fine with shower urination, and one time I had to go bad enough (I was alone when this happened) I went in an elevator
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 12, 2007, 04:10:08 AM
Quote from: Tanachan;280644
and one time I had to go bad enough (I was alone when this happened) I went in an elevator

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 12, 2007, 04:45:18 AM
Tanachan...Im dissapointed..

Oh well, I peed on the floor in the middle of a KFC. Haha.
...I was 3 years old so it's a little different ^^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 12, 2007, 04:45:25 AM
Quote from: Tanachan;280644
I went in an elevator

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 13, 2007, 10:21:04 PM
I was like 5~!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: elgie on January 13, 2007, 10:57:45 PM
Quote from: Tanachan;280644
*shrudders* it was...HORRIBLE~! And I'm perfectly fine with shower urination, and one time I had to go bad enough (I was alone when this happened) I went in an elevator

I once was so disturbingly drunk that I made the girls accompanying me to form a human wall while I started peeing in the very main door of the central university. :P It was late at night, but still we were the middle of the street, just right in the center of the city :D

( (
Right there, in one of those doors :P
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 13, 2007, 11:41:12 PM
LOL elgie! Us and pissing in random places XDXD

And congrats on FOTM!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: meowchi on January 14, 2007, 12:37:59 AM
Shorties but goodies! Congrats on FOTM!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 14, 2007, 03:37:32 PM
Im so happy!

I was really surprised. I thought that this One shot thread more than anything else wouldnt make it to Fanfic of the Month.

Thank you so much!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 14, 2007, 04:01:21 PM
WOO! Congrats on fic of the month~!

-gives you a hardhat- <3
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 14, 2007, 05:07:52 PM
*takes hardhat from Yuuyami. LETS GET BUUUSY!!*

Title: Handcuffs
Rating: R (I over-rated this just to cover my arse)
Pairing: Reina/Maki

Warning: For legal sake and to avoid offending anyone/corrupting those underage this fiction has been rated R. Read at own risk.

The cold metal rubs my wrist raw. I’m naked. On display.
I feel vulnerable and violated and scared to know that I’m enjoying every damn minute of it.

The wine bottle, now half empty, is held limp in Reina’s hands as she sits on the edge of the bed staring at me, teasing me with sadistic eyes, fueled on an intoxication of two kinds.

She abandons the bottle and crawls towards me. Not stopping until her face hovers over mine. Only one hand supports her weight while the other fondles my breasts gently, in a manor totally unexpected.

I moan softly in response to her loving gesture, lifting my head from the pillow in hope of receiving a kiss. My request is answered with the back of her hand. A quick slap leaves my face burning hotter than my wrists. I’m momentarily stunned and unprepared when Reina presses her mouth to my ear and asks -

”Do you want it this way?”

I shake my head to show my protest but she smirks, shrinking away from my face and seating herself between my legs. I can’t sit up to see but I feel a lone finger of hers trace up my inner thigh and along my opening. Another moan escapes my mouth.

”I find that hard to believe”

She rubs the white liquid she has collected between her thumb and forefinger, smirking with satisfaction.

”Maybe you don’t know how much you really want it”

She places her fingers where she had them before and hesitates slightly, checking my reaction before rushing inside of me. It hurts but it’s the pain I was looking for. The pain that sets my insides alight.


”Umm, did you want something?”

I have been staring for a while without realizing.

”Oh, no…Sorry…I was just day dreaming”

If you could call it that.

Reina accepts my explanation but still looks a bit uneasy. There is a moment of uncomfortable silence before she stands up to leave the green room. I call to her as she reaches the door.

”Hey, uh, Reina…”

She stops, hand perched on the door frame. “Yeah?”

”Do you like champagne?”

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 14, 2007, 05:12:32 PM
Title: Miki'd
Rating: M (Gropage)
Pairing: Konno/Fujimoto

Another 32 degree day in a row makes it official, we’re having a heat wave. While everyone is either at home with the AC on full blast or in some cooled room, we, as in Morning Musume, are stuck inside the stuffiest dance hall you can imagine and the worst has happened – the power went out.

”Alright you can all take a break until the light comes on” The teachers sighs, unaffected by the abnormal temperature today brings.

The other members are not dealing as well. Sayumi is pressing herself up against the wall-lined mirror along with Eri and Reina because it’s the coldest thing in the room while Yossie, Miki and Takahashi are lying on the floor. Mako-chan is leaning against my back and I really wish she wouldn’t. It’s the kind of muggy weather where any movement makes you sweat and sticks your clothing to your body. It’s very, very unpleasant.

”I’m going down to the change rooms” I announce.

There is a grumble in response and I leave for the first floor alone.

All the lights are off and I’m a little creeped out. I gather my courage and rationalise. What’s the worst that could happen?

I’d left my spare drink bottle in my bag along with my spare clothes and hand towel. It had become a little warm but its refreshing none the less. I wash my face over the sink and decide that changing out of my shirt and into one baggier might help me cope.

I take my bra off first, pulling it through the arm of the shirt and dropping it carelessly on the floor while I search for that other shirt Im certain I packed.

Oh, here it is.

I grab the corners of my shirt and took it off slowly, like they do it in the movies. Except I bet in the movies they don’t get their arms stuck above their head like I just have. I’ve really deadlocked myself and struggling doesn’t seem to be helping.

There is a click and a thud. Some else has entered the change rooms and by the burning sensation I’m getting all over my body, they are looking at me. I must look like some strange monster running aimlessly around in the dark. A strange monster with their hands tied above their head and boobs showing, that is.

”Hello?” My tiny voice bounces around the change room but there is no reply.

I start to doubt hearing them come in at all but soft footsteps coming in my direction tell me that someone is here.


The stranger snickers. They are standing right in front of me. Through the fabric I can’t only just make out the shape of their body.

”Can you help me out?”

Quiet laughter. I join in nervously. Their hand traces down the shirt and onto my exposed skin, over my breasts and comes to a stop just under. I’m embarrassed that my body reacts, instinctively I curl up. The hand finds it’s way through my defense and continues to gently touch my curves.

Another quiet snicker and I realise that I’ve been abandoned. Left alone to fend for myself.

After a struggled that resulted in bruising my elbow I manage to get the shirt off. I squint through the darkness of the change room to find any clue of who the visitor might have been. There is nothing. Not a trace.

It doesn’t matter much I suppose. Deep down I already know.

Common sense tells me – I’ve just been Miki’d

I was thinking I should make this into a series ^^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 14, 2007, 07:20:12 PM
Hehe~! You should make a series called "The Miki files" and have Miki groping people at different points in different scenarios XD
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Blizzard on January 14, 2007, 10:38:38 PM
That would definately be a fun series!  Miki's victims could form a support group or something, maybe even plot revenge!  Way to many ways something like that could go!  Please continue the greatness!  :ONluvluv2:

Oh, and congrats on fic of the month!  Well deserved!  :tfr9a7wg:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 15, 2007, 03:26:33 PM
Title: I dream of Aya
Rating: M (Some sexual content)
Pairing: Yossui/Ayaya;  Miki

I lie down on the leather couch. My hands rubbing my forehead and eventually through my hair to relieve the mental strain I feel myself under.

"Tell me what's bothering you" She says, crossing her legs in a very professional manner so I go ahead and tell her what's been bothering me. At night. When I sleep.

It's a reoccuring dream. The same almost every time.

Aya is there in my room, undressing slowly while I sit in a growing state of arousal on the bed. She takes her time unbuttoning her blouse, letting it slide off her perfect body before unhooking her bra and revealing her beautiful breasts. As she makes her way towards me, more and more of her clothing comes off until she is standing right infront of me in her underwear. From there she quickly pushes me on my back and climbs ontop, holding me securely by the waist with her legs. It turns me on feeling her grind herself against me. The motion pushes my shirt up a fraction each time allowing me to feel just a little bit more of her lust as it soaks through the cotton fabic. I try so hard to touch her but every time she bats my hands away, scolding me with a seductive look. Sometimes warning me with a simple - "You don't want me to have to tie you up, do you?"

I'm not really into those kind of games but when she says it the way she does I feel like I would be up for anything.

Miki clears her throat loudly cutting my detailed recount short. "Ok, you've disturbed me enough. Let's stop it there"

I sit up on my elbows hopeful that she has some advice for me.

"Ok so let's quickly summerise. You have reoccuring dreams"


"Of Aya seducing you..."


"Ah huh..." Miki nods and taps her chin. "So...this is a problem how?"

I grumble and throw a pillow at her. She isnt a naturally sympathetic person. I knew I shouldnt have told her this but who else could I have told? Rika would have laughed at my face right out but atleast Miki would help me first before using it as some sort of blackmail.

"Seriously Miki, I'll be touring with her soon!"

Miki being the demon she is cackled loudly. "Maybe it's a vision or something. Your subconcious telling you 'you must sleep with Aya'"

"Shut up and be serious!"

Miki finishes up laughing at her own joke. "Yeh, I know. Im sorry. She is way outta you're league"

I snicker and roll my eyes, lost for a proper comeback. "Tell me what you honestly think I should do...Honestly"

"Well..." She sighs and reclines on the chair. Her face shows deep thought. "If I were you, I'd confront the problem"

I had expected something more elightening but that was it. A very vague answer in the scheme of things.


"Meet up with her. Talk to her about it"

"What, are you nuts? Hell no!"

"What's so crazy about it?"

"I dont think she would appreciate hearing about my sexual fantasies involving her. She'd think I was some kind of pervert!"

Miki shrugs. "Come on, thousands of fanboys do it. I think she'd feel a little more at ease if it was you, seeing as you are a friend and all..."

I rub my temples. I can feel that mental tension coming back.

"You know what, dont worry about it!" I stand up and take my coat off of the table by the door. "I'll see you around"

I slam the door behind me but it doesnt stop Miki's last piece of advice from coming out.

"Confrontation is the only cure!!"
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: stefy on January 16, 2007, 05:38:04 PM
hoorayyy for fantasies!! plz plz plzzzzz make a sequal to the Yossi x Aya pairing and the Maki x Reina one... woo~ for once its Reina taking control tho it was only Maki's day-dream

These short fics are great... lets ppl imagine further more on their own, what'll happen next.
Title: This is gonna be long....
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on January 17, 2007, 03:23:59 AM
AH! I don't know how I missed so many! Sorry Mikan, I guess going on a small road trip really messed me up. But my response is in order of your posts...

Your GoGuchi chapter made me laugh so hard... it was so bad that I even laughed at the joining names xD

O___________O I envy your MA story. It was so... good.... AND SO DAMN SHORT! x_X Oh well, gives some inspiration to my YoCharMi fic on here :)

Peeing with significant other in the same room -
Yes or No?
SERIOUSLY, depends. I mean it's rare enough I let my sister walk in on me while I'm peeing, but then again, it's not like I'm intimate with her as if she were my lover or something.
P.S. Tanachan I feel your pain. It was one reason why I hated technology  :bleed eyes:
And I have killed one of my friends.... she ended up peeing on herself... she was like 8 though XD

I get into Aya's pants every night, Shizzam!
... That made me laugh the MOST. I didnt think anything could pass boob kicking (no matter HOW painful that is!), but I guess it's because it reminds me of something my friend said XD

Ok, how about shower urination? Im ok with it. If you gotta go, you gotta go so just go with the damn flow, right?
I agree with coachie.Eh, I'm okay, so long as AAAALLLL the pee is down the drain.

All I have to say about Going Commando III is, be careful of Gym days :) Especially if you're athletic.

.... DAAMMMMMIIIIT! I thought it was a contintuation of Rika/Yossui. Oh well, you made up for it *PLENTY* with making that last part so damn hEhlarious.

I have this habit of tracking people. If anyone comments on something I make notes of what threads they like and what stuff entertains them the most...Im Kinda scary, huh?
Nah, you're kinda awesome. I mean, I would have never thought of this! It's a great way of knowing who reads your stories.... damn, whish I would have thought of that.
Sheesh, all  this peeing talk reminds me I need to go....

OH MIKI! <3 gropage

Ahem, MikixReina <3

E V E R Y THING made me laugh in that Aya, Yossui, and Miki one *woohoo Rika found a way to get in there!*
Starting from :"Ok, you've disturbed me enough. Let's stop it there"
to : Miki finishes up laughing at her own joke. "Yeh, I know. Im sorry. She is way outta you're league"

Mostly because that is how I imagine they really are... because that's how me and my friends are xD

Last, but not least:

Creds to sukshoi since I lost my original stamp =_=;

P.P.S. You're awesome. Congrats on fic of the month. You deserve it, for real.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 17, 2007, 04:20:53 AM
Roffle, I love them all <3

Reina x Maki = HUUUUUUUUUGE Heart from me :]

I love Miki so much when she's trying to play the psychologist xD~!

Hope you put that hardhat to good use again! It's helped me dozens of times :]
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: haidokun on January 17, 2007, 05:55:53 AM
i like that fic of yours "I dream of Aya" :ONluvluv2:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: coachie on January 17, 2007, 12:19:42 PM
Title: Handcuffs
Rating: R (I over-rated this just to cover my arse)
Pairing: Reina/Maki

Sequel please! I bet Reina has some interesting dreams about Maki as well...

Title: Miki'd
Rating: M (Gropage)
Pairing: Konno/Fujimoto

When I read the pairing I was like :o this could be interesting.
"Miki'd - the series" would be awesome!

Title: I dream of Aya
Rating: M (Some sexual content)
Pairing: Yossui/Ayaya; Miki

How's Yossie going to confront Aya? PLZ elaborate XD

Man, I wish I had Yossie's problems XD (all I dream about lately is BS like sleeping with my little sister, gawd I'm sick! Miki-sama can I make an appointment?)

How about a Miki Psychologist series? I bet the girls of H!P have a lot to confess/get off their chests and who could give better advice (or make fun of them) then Dr. Fujimoto! XD
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 17, 2007, 02:00:57 PM
Dr. Fujimoto? Hmm...Hey thats a good idea for a series there coachie...XD

[EDIT] NEWWWWW!!! Index added on the first page!!! YAY!! Check it out, tell me what you! In other news, I finished 2 One Shots and BOTH were lost when my F^cking laptop crashed earlier today. Im Aramaki Mikan reporting and Im about to go bonkers [/EDIT]
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: KrazyForKamei on January 17, 2007, 11:57:21 PM
These are all great! I just got done reading all of them and decided now would be a good time to let you know how super they all are.

My favorites are probably all the Aya/Miki ones, For Crying Out Loud (the end suprised me lol), and the GoGuchi one XD XD They all had me roffleing

I wanna see a Dr Fujimoto series also. Like Dr Phil...cept a hell of a lot hotter and much less annoying :P
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: iacus on January 19, 2007, 10:50:31 AM
I read through all these in a one sitting. Pretty much all of them were in the good-to-very-good category. My personal favorites were the sex ones (Because you're quite good at writing pervs) and Going Commando. (Because you're funny)
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 19, 2007, 11:50:52 AM
Quote from: iacus;286714
I read through all these in a one sitting. Pretty much all of them were in the good-to-very-good category. My personal favorites were the sex ones (Because you're quite good at writing pervs) and Going Commando. (Because you're funny)

Phew, that takes a load of my mind. I always wondered about the pervs....
Cheers XD
Now I can go back to finishing what I started with my mind at ease...

:ONtantrum:  <- Does anyone else think of Yaguchi when they see this?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 19, 2007, 12:47:16 PM
I do! xD

Reminded of that skit part where she wants Yuko to do that peek-a-boo thing and Mari winded up rolling on the floor in frustration because she wouldn't do it xD
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 19, 2007, 01:35:28 PM
Yes!! YES EXACTLY!! God I love that bit!!

Inai Inai baa yatte? XD

Even I would enjoy that game if Yuuko played it with me ^^
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 19, 2007, 07:02:10 PM
Title: Too Close for Comfort (Continued)
Pairing: Aya x Miki

In the history of mankind such words as deadlock and stalemate would arise often. Used to describe battles and feuds to important political movements and revolutions. But never, I bet never, has the term ever been used in reference to a toilet.

I slump back against the cistern and pity myself. Oh, how I wish my friend wasn’t so stubborn.

”I’m going to sing”

I lift my head of the flush button and look at the shivering Ayaya on the floor. She can’t be serious.

”Please don’t” I beg in the most politely way I could manage.

“It’ll help you relax! Trust me”


”Fine…” She echoes and then more silence. Or I thought it was silence. Turns out she was humming the intro. “I….waited till I saw the sun….I don’t know why I didn’t come..”

I can’t think of anything more embarrassing. This moment makes exposing your breasts seem tame. I bury my head in my hands and sigh. This can only get worse, cant it?  

”…You’ll be…on my mind…for…ever…”

It’s a nice song actually. Calm and steady. Like something you’d listen to on a rainy day. Wait a minute.

I take a peak between my legs. One can’t help but squeal with delight “Aha!”

”What?” Aya turns to see what the matter is but I don’t care. I’m too relieved to care.

”I’m peeing!”

She gives me the thumbs up. “Well done”

Sorry, it's a shorty.
Quick poll. Would you rather audio readings of future Chapters or once a week chapter updates?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 20, 2007, 07:52:26 AM
^ That was cute, especially Miki's excitement of being able to pee again. :lol:

Oh, and I'll take the once a week updates.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 20, 2007, 01:45:02 PM
Title: 69 - Great balls of Fire
Pairing: Miki x Rika
Rating: M
Note: I've wanted to do a 69 series. 6 and 9 being the gatas numbers of Miki and Rika, am I right? So I call this little chapter out of my 69 series - Great balls of fire. Enjoy ( ^^)

I pull my uniform off the coat hanger and throw in on the floor along with the rest of my Gatas stuff. I've lost my damn make up bag. Not that I keep make up in there. I've got deodorant and such in there. Stuff that I really need right now.

"Have you seen it?" I ask Rika, not bothering to even look at her.

She sits and continues toweling her hair, being as unhelpful as humanly possible. "Nope"

"Argh!" I throw my shoes aside and stand up. I don’t know where it is. I give up! "Fine, I’m using yours"

I grab Rika's bag before she can say anything, taking out her deodorant and spraying it directly onto my skin. Smells alright. Maybe this girl isn’t as incompetent as I thought.

"You're going to need more than that to dilute the stench of failure, you kn-"


I spray a thin layer over her outstretched hands. "What was that?"

"You're a jerk!" She screams, covering her face with her arms as I try and get some in her mouth. I laugh hysterically. It's my undoing. She plants a foot in my stomach and sends me across the floor. I randomly flail out, taking hold of her legs and pulling her down with me.

It's a mad battle. No rules or mercy. Both of us trying to pin the other but neither succeeding more than a second. Until I decide to play real dirty by sinking my teeth into her upper arm. The soft part just below the shoulder. She shrieks loudly and tries to hit me. But I've got her pinned. There is nothing she can do. And nothing I can do either.

I'm exhausted.

I let my weight crush on top of her while I catch my breath.

"You really are a jerk..." She sighs.

"I know" I press my lips into the fresh I previously attacked. "Meet me on the roof for a smoke?"

Rika kisses my ear, biting gentle. "Give me five minutes and I'll be up there"

I smile into her shoulder, kissing it for the last time before taking my sports bag and leaving the room.

* * * *

I sit with my back against a shed, waiting. Rolling my own cigarettes to kill the time. They taste better this way. Or that's what I think. Rika shows up eventually, taking the cigarette immediately from my hand.

"This can be payment for going through my bag and using my personal products. Got a light?"

I rummage through my back pockets for the lighter, lighting myself up first before throwing it over to her.

"Are you free next Tuesday?"

Click click click

I watch happily as she struggles with the lighter. "Yeh, I might be"

"Well, not that it matters much to me but there's a party and - stupid things not working, Urg - you can come if you want.."

"I'll think about it"

Click click click

Rika starts shaking the lighter madly. I stand up and brush my hands off on my jeans.


I flick the safety off and light her up. Her hands cover the flame from the wind. And in the next moment I watch that flame grow, leaping out onto her hand. Neither of us could believe it. We watched as the eerily yellowish ball ate its way up her arm. It was impressive in a scary way.

When the flames started to get close to her shoulder I grabbed her shirt and with a little help from Rika herself, we tore it off. The winds didn’t help much by blowing the fire onto my own shirt and setting it alight. Once the commotion was over Rika was down to her bra and I was missing half of my shirt.

We took a few moments of quiet time before Rika decided to comment.

"This is all your fault..."

I’m not trying to be funny. I’m just writing to keep my mind of stuff.
Urg. Period pains.

Quick audience question!!(Again, sorry)
What’s your worst run in with fire?

I almost set an entire park on fire. That’s about it. Nothing spectacular.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 20, 2007, 06:33:40 PM
Lol, that's cute. I like how flammable Axe Body Spray is. I sprayed it up my friend's arm once, lit it and my room smelled like burnt hair for hours. His arm was really smooth though.

Ah, the joys of womanhood. I feel your pain.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on January 20, 2007, 06:40:20 PM
My brother and I attempted to set a plastic kiddie playset on fire. Then we got a bucket and filed it with spray axe, then took an axe firebal to it.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Yuuyami on January 20, 2007, 08:24:17 PM
Roffle, Rika and Miki on fire xD Yay literal meanings! <3
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Blizzard on January 21, 2007, 01:51:11 AM
Heh, that was cool little fic.  

On the fire note, my friends and I use to make wd-40 flame throwers.  Just start spraying some wd and put a lighter in front, instant fireball!  The most uncool thing with fire that happened to me was once when I went to light a gas grill.  Someone left the gas valve open from the last time, so the inside of the grill was filled with it.  I opened the lid to the grill, went to ignite it, and had a huge ass fireball coming towards my face.  Stupid me forgot to close my eyes, cuz it looked so damn cool!  I had to get some eye drop burn stuff for my eyes, and didn't have any eyebrows for a while after that.  But damn, it was like movie special effects right smack in my face!  :fire:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Owaranai_sLaVe on January 21, 2007, 06:38:36 AM
Oh, I feel your pain. Ms. flow payed a visit to three of us in the house. that hoe.

Sigh, nothing better than a couple having a wrestle :)
Audio reading? Hmm... doesnt sound bad.
Fire and me? hmmm... I used to be a mild pyromaniac and play with fire actually put my hand in fire and etc etc. But nothing really bad happened. But, I did plug something in, and I was shocked really badly... and sparks came out... and while cooking, I forgot that it wasnt too long after, and I rested my hand on the stove... and I lost my fingerprints for almost a month, so thats a post-fire accident (and I had guitar every week!).

Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 21, 2007, 07:02:52 AM
What is this Axe Body spray? Never heard of it XD

Blizzard@ you're just nuts. Ur eyeballs? Dude, thats gotta hurt!

Tanachan@ None of that surprises me XD

Owaranai@ your not alone. I stuck my hand in a fire to see how hot it was. Answer - very hot, yes. And I have also removed my own finger prints but it was deliberate and ironically to stop myself from playing the guitar (I wasnt avoiding lessons or anything...I didnt have lessons)

Anyoen who cares@ I have my surgery ealry Feb so I wont be able to use my left hand for a while meaning 2 weeks and up. Writing wise I cant really do anything because my left hand would be in a sling and typing one handed could take a long time (a fic with both hands can take me 2 or 3 hours to post. I re-rewrite a lot. I bet none of you would believe the 'great balls of fire' took me 2 days to write.) so one-handed would mean this would take longer (or if my mother finds out, it wont happen at all ). I thought an easy way would be to record the reading and post that up instead (of course I would, once possible post the fiction). Or if you think thats no good I can post something whenever I can. So far we have 1 vote on each side.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 21, 2007, 08:35:48 AM
^ Well, if I may say, although I voted for the once a week updates (and I'm sticking to it), I'll take them either way. :)

EDIT: Oh, and AXE body spray is a type of cologne. If you look at my sig, you'll see that Kagami is wearing some. :lol:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 21, 2007, 09:44:31 AM

Everytime i look at ur sig I think 'WTF' . Care to explain?
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 21, 2007, 10:15:44 PM
^ The pic on the right, next to the Miki haikus.

Kagami is the one wearing the suit. Tendou is the other one. I wrote a little dialogue for them right below the pic. :lol:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on January 22, 2007, 04:32:46 AM
Yeh I got the Haiku stuff. I love then. How do you get them to randomly generate? Its so cool

Yeh I also saw the dialouge and the picture but...What show is this?!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on January 22, 2007, 08:14:53 AM
Quote from: Mikan;289581
Yeh I got the Haiku stuff. I love then. How do you get them to randomly generate? Its so cool
I use a site that lets you upload pics and it rotates them for you. Here's the URL of the one I'm using with the haiku sigs.

Quote from: Mikan;289581
Yeh I also saw the dialouge and the picture but...What show is this?!
It's Kamen Rider Kabuto. :) It's a Japanese Tokusatsu show. We have a thread discussing Toku shows in the DOMO, if you're curious. :D
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: iacus on January 24, 2007, 11:30:34 AM
Funny stuff, but with a title like 69 I thought you were going to go in slightly different direction.                                                                                  On the fire side of things, I once set my cats face on fire.                                                          And on the subject of updates. Just do what you want. your the writer, do whats most comfortable.
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on January 26, 2007, 10:37:31 PM
WOA! About 3 weeks away from the forum and many changes!
Mikan, Congrat's on the Fic of the month! You sure deserve it! ^_^
Loved the last one. It's Miki being evil and foolish in her perfect state!
As for the fic options, you should really do what it's better for you to heal sooner. We want our Mikan-sama in her perfect self as soon as possible!
Good luck! :panda_love:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Mikan on February 09, 2007, 06:35:15 PM
Title: Any other way
Pairing: Aya x Miki
Rating: PG
Note: Dont expect this to make sense. 1 - you'll see...2 - its 4am

Aya fiddled with the bike lock. If she couldnt get it open she wouldnt be able to reach the train station in time!!

Goddamn it! Why wont you open?!

Aya cursed and kicked the bike in anger. It seems these irritating inconviniences only happen when time is of dire importants.

Wait a minute Aya stopped her struggle to look thoughtful Maybe I've got the wrong key

She peered down at her hands to find them completely empty.

What? Oh great! Now I have to go get the spare set!

Abandoning her bike outside her Himeji Household, Aya ran back inside and up to her room. She began frantacly searching all her magazines for her spare key.

It must be glued to one of the pages

She cast aside book after book before stopping dead. In a room not to far away came a noise so quiet she wasnt quite sure she heard it. But it sounded again. Louder. A disorted mechanical buzz. It rang again. Closer. Up the stairs and now outside her door. Aya dropped her magazine to hide under her futon. 'Scared shitless' being a drastic understatement at this time. She knew what lurked outside that door.

And with one ear damagingly loud buzz the twirling blades of a rusty chainsaw bust through the door, completely oblitorating the offending wood before it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Aya jumped up with a start, the cold sweat sticking her fringe to her forehead. The buzz of the nightmare chainsaw still audiable, she quickly looked down at her girlfriend in all her wetfaced glory snoring away contently.  "You...." She trailed off sounding harsh but her face showing nothing but affection.

Miki kickstarted and expelled more salavia onto the once clean pillows before drifting back into a deeper sleep. Still unaware of the racket she has been making. Aya wiped the odd smelling trail from her friends mouth away with her sleeve, leaving a kiss in its place, and snuggling close.

I couldnt love you any other way

I'll fix it up later.

*muffles screams by biting shoulder* Ahhhhhh, the swelling just makes it worse. Why did they call you the moment I felt like I had to write?!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: JFC on February 10, 2007, 06:37:33 AM
:lol: :heart: :lol: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... :heart: :lol: :heart:
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: coachie on February 10, 2007, 03:58:31 PM
the image of a chainsaw-snoring Miki makes me love her even more
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: Tanachan on February 10, 2007, 05:04:55 PM
Quote from: Mikan;286752

:ONtantrum:  <- Does anyone else think of Yaguchi when they see this?

I actually think of either Mari or Kei from the Morning Musume no Hyokorri Hyoutanjima episode of Utaban ^^ WAO! *rolls on floor*
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: black velvet on February 11, 2007, 01:54:02 AM
Kyoooooot. :heart:

That was a pretty good laugh!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: jenmoshka on February 11, 2007, 06:12:08 AM
Gomen ne Mikan...:cry:

Lol! I love the thought though of a small, gorgeous, firey little Miki snoring like a chainsaw...something so comforting about how "real" you protray her XD And side bar...damn you for making me like Aya so much...wiping Miki's spit..damn you!
Title: Inside the Mikan (One Shot Collection)
Post by: 00HB on February 11, 2007, 08:12:31 PM
This seems to fit her exactely! ^_^