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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Topic started by: cool_kickin_dude on March 07, 2007, 07:10:16 PM

Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 07, 2007, 07:10:16 PM
Here's my newest fanfic. It involves Yui from Viyuden and she has a dark secret as well as the main character. It's more darker than any fanfic I've done before. Hope you enjoy it.

* * * * * * * *

Chapter 1

I hate third shift. I've been working it for 6 months. From all the times I've worked it, I'm surprised I haven't crashed into a ditch. For the last six months or even the past 6 years, I'm surprised I haven't killed anybody.

Being an armed security guard has its strengths and weaknesses. The biggest of course, is the long hours. But of course, the biggest strength is the gun that I carry. No matter how many people have ticked me off, I have to bite my tongue and not fire the gun. If I did, there would be less people around.

I always go out for breakfast before going home to sleep for awhile. I see a girl sitting down, eating her breakfast as I read the paper. I don't know if she is watching me or not. I'm not sure if she sees me as an authority figure as well. It looked like she was motioning me to come over to her.

As I am about to leave for my car, I hear a scream from behind. I looked over and saw her being taken to an alleyway. I didn't see anybody try to stop them. I knew that I had to save her before they do something bad to her.

As I ran to the end of the end of the alley, I saw three guys trying to rape her. I heard one say to her as he slapped her, "Shut up. Nobody's going to save you."

"Get your damn hands off her!" I shouted, pointing my gun at them.

"Get out of here before you get it too," one of the men said.

I cocked the gun at one of the guys. "Not unless you want to eat a bullet," I said.

The three turned away from the girl and focused their direction to me. Two of the men pulled out switchblades. "You're going to die here, along with this bi.."

Unfortunately, that was the last thing he said. That was because I put a bullet right between the man's eyes. The remaining two men looked as they saw one of their fall down dead. The two looked at each other and rushed toward me.

I shot one of the two men in the head, as the girl hit the other guy in the back with her purse. The man turned around, grabbed the girl and held a knife to her neck.
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: Mikitty-saikou on March 07, 2007, 09:32:20 PM


I wasn't expecting for this to get so "dark" so soon.  But interesting prologue so far.
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 07, 2007, 11:01:09 PM
"Put the gun down!" the man shouted.

"Let the girl go and I will," I shouted back. I still had the gun pointed at the guy's head.

"Do you want the girl to die?" the man asked. I could see the knife touching the girl's neck.

"Just put it down," the girl said between tears. She was shaking and her breathing was becoming erractic.

"Last chance," the man said. "Are you going to put the gun down?"

Any other person would go ahead and put the gun down, call the police and try to calm the man down. Unfortunately, I was tired of playing by the rules. I didn't care if I got fired for this, I only cared about the girl right now. I did the only thing I could do.

I fired two shots, the first in the neck, and in the head.

The man fell down as well as the girl. I didn't know if the girl got cut with the knife or not. I ran over and saw that the girl was unharmed. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I would never live with myself if the consequences were different.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"I think so," the girl said.

"We better wait for the police," I said.

"No," the girl replied. "I'll be in trouble."

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Just get me out of here." She had clung onto me as I could hear the faint sound of sirens. Basically, I did the only thing I could do. I took her to my car as we drove away. I found some side streets so we couldn't be discovered.

I took her back to my house and let her use the bathroom. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down. I was waiting for the police to show up, but I was glad that they didn't. A few minutes later, I saw her come to the living room and sat beside me on the couch. She put her head on my shoulder as I stroked her hair.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"I am now," the girl said. "Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome. I had to do what I had to do."

"Can I stay here for a couple of days? I don't want anybody to find me right now."

"What's wrong? Can't you go home?"

"Yes..well, no."

"What's wrong back at home?"

"I don't have a home. My parents kicked me out."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because I'm a singer and..." She didn't say anything else. She was crying hysterically as she hugged me. I knew I had to at least let her stay at my house for a couple of days.

"Don't worry," I said. "You can stay as long as you want."

"Really?" the girl asked. Her eyes widened up as she heard what I said.

"I could use some company here," I said.

"Thank you," the girl kissed me as she hugged me tight.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"My name's Yui. Yui Okada."

Yui Okada? Where did I hear that name from?
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 08, 2007, 10:12:55 PM
Chapter 2

Yui I've heard of that name before.

"You're from Viyuden, right?" I asked.

"That's right," she answered. "We've been performing for awhile now."

"What just happened?" I asked.

"You really want to know?" she asked sadly.

"I won't tell anybody, I swear." My hands were on top of hers, which was shaking. It looked like she was going to cry again, but she looked at me and told me her entire, tortured story.

"This wasn't the first time I nearly got raped," she said.

"What!?" I was practically stunned.

"I nearly got raped almost a year ago," Yui began to explain. "It was after a show and I was finishing getting dressed to go out with the girls."

"Was it from one of the band members?" I asked.

"You could say that."

"You don't need to tell me anything else," I replied.

Unfortunately, she told me the whole thing. She knew every bit of detail to the attack like it just happened back in the alleyway. I didn't want to hear what had happened to her. How the person nearly ripped her clothes off, how he had nearly forced himself onto her. It nearly made me sick, almost to the point of throwing up.

Before I could go to the bathroom, she grabbed onto my arm and threw me back onto the couch. For a small girl, she had enough strength to pull me down. I could tell that she wasn't finished yet with her story.

"You got to help me," she said.

"Why?" I asked. "Those people I killed won't be coming back."

"No, they were friends with that guy."

"Did you know that guy?"

"Yes. He was my friend's brother."

"What?! Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. He's been stalking me for a while."

"Why couldn't you call the police?"

"They never believed me. You're the only person I can trust now."

I knew that what she said was a lie, about being the only person she could trust. I didn't want to hurt her, but I couldn't stand there and watch to see if somebody would eventually rape her. Also, what happened this morning, pretty much knew that my life was changed forever.

I had killed three people.

It could have been worse. They could have killed me and Yui.

I took a deep breath and looked at her. "What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Don't tell anyone about me," she said.

"I promise," I said. "Not a soul."

"Good." Her face was beaming again. Just then, her phone rang. "Hello? Oh hi, Rika!"

It was her bandmate Rika Ishikawa. How could anybody not know her?

I went to my bedroom and laid down on the bed, trying to figure out what had just happened the last hour or so. What did I just do? I thought. I just committed murder on three people. But, they were going to rape, if not kill her if I didn't step in. Suddenly, I heard Yui coming into my bedroom.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Not really," I said. "How about you?"

"I feel a little better now," she said. "Thanks to you, of course."

"You're welcome," I said. "What did Rika say?"

"I asked her if she could come over here," she answered. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all."

"Do you have any secrets?"

That one question. That one word:secret. I had so many secrets to tell her, but is she ready to hear them?

I heard a knock on the door. I jumped off the bed and felt my heart in my mouth. I had a feeling that the police already found about about the murder.

"Don't worry," Yui said. "It's probably Rika and Erika."

I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but I was still scared over what had happened this morning. I took Yui, and waited behind the front door. I still had the gun that I used previously. It still had a few rounds left.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Rika. Can you open the door?"
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 13, 2007, 09:14:06 PM
I opened the door and saw Rika and her friend Erika Miyoshi. They went inside and hugged Yui as tight as they could. All three of them were crying. I almost felt like crying too, knowing that Yui could have been killed a few hours earlier.

Rika and Erika went over and hugged me. I looked at Yui, as she winked at me. I couldn't understand what Yui was trying to tell me. I still had to tell her about myself. Maybe I should tell her in front of her friends, but at the same time, I had made a promise to Yui earlier.

"We don't know how to thank you," Rika said to me.

"We wouldn't know what to do if she was gone," Erika said.

I couldn't say a word. I just led them toward the couch, as I saw Yui go to the bathroom. I looked at Rika and Erika, who were getting too close for each other. For some reason, I've always wanted to experience something with two girls. Please, don't tell me why.

"Are you guys dating?" I asked. Silly question to ask probably.

"We are," Rika said. "We've been dating for a year."

"Two years," Eika replied.

My thoughts soon thought back to Yui. It was almost ten minutes since I seen her. "Is Yui all right?" Rika asked.

"I would say so," Erika said. "She's been through a lot."

"I was talking to him," Rika said.

"Sorry sweetie," Erika said. She kissed Rika on the cheek as Rika returned the favor. The two started making out passionately as I sat and watched. Already, dark thoughts swirled my mind as I wanted to go over there and joined them. The two stopped and Erika looked at me as she winked at me. It looked like she wanted me to come over and join them. As I stood up, I heard the bathroom door open. Yui walked back to the living room and saw what was going on.

"What are you two doing?" Yui asked.

"Sorry," Rika said. "You know how Erika is."

"Whatever." She grabbed my hand and led me outside. "Let's let them have their little private time."

We went outside and walked towards my car. We went inside as I turned on the radio. She had a sweater on, which she took off. Suddenly, it took me back to the living room as Erika winked at me, wanting me to join her and Rika.

My breathing became heavy as another thought crept my mind. It took me back to when those people were trying to rape her. Of course, I wanted to make out with her, but I didn't want to hurt her either. She had fixed her shirt before seeing me get out the car and walking back towards the house.

She got out and chased me down. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I can't do it," I said. "I won't be like those people."

"What do you mean?"

"I really like you, but I can't be like that."

"You those people?"

I simply nodded. Yui took my hand to her lips and kissed it. Then, she put her fingers into her mouth and started sucking onto them. What was I to do?

I really wanted to do her now.
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: Sancho on March 14, 2007, 02:33:27 PM
This is one hot Fic! But, Are you sure it's ok to post it here?
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on March 14, 2007, 10:28:07 PM
Wow, you weren't kidding when you said this was "darker" than your others!
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 15, 2007, 07:34:09 PM
"What are you doing?" I asked.

She didn't say anything. She was still sucking on my fingers as I wanted to take them away from her. However, it looked so good. I was burning up as I was looking at her seductively. I knew I had to do something, but what?

I haven't been with a girl for a while. I mean, I've dated some girls, but not like this. It was almost every fantasy came true for me, but for some reason, I was screwing it up. I finally took my hand away from Yui as I began to walk away again.

"Don't leave," she said. "What's wrong?"

I finally lost control and grabbed her shoulders to the side of the house. At that point, I really wanted to make out with her. Let's face it, after I killed those people, I was wanting her to kiss me.

Now, as I have her pinned to the wall, she had a look on her face. It looked like she wanted me to do this all along. I just couldn't figure out why. She grabbed onto my shirt and I was almost inches away from her mouth. Her eyes was fixed on me, waiting for my next move.

"Well," she said, "what are you waiting for?"

I looked at her and she was smiling. The same girl who was moments away from being raped hours earlier, now wanted me to almost do the same thing. Our breaths mixed with each other before she grabbed my neck and was about to kiss me.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and I saw Rika and Erika coming out. They were fixing each other's shirts as I stepped away from me. Thank goodness they didn't see what was about to happen. To be honest, I'm actually glad to see them.

"Ready to go, Yui?" Rika asked.

"Where to?" Yui asked.

"Back to our house," Rika said. They were talking as I went over to Erika, who was smiling.

"Thanks again for saing Yui," Erika said. She whispered to me, smiling. "Sorry for using your living room."

"Don't worry about it," I replied.

The three hugged me before they got in their car and drove away. I went back inside and sat down in the living room. There was still the smell that I had never smelled before. It was a smell that I had only heard of, it was the smell of sex.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I ran toward the door, not knowing that it could be the police. I opened the door and saw Yui at the door, smiling at me. Right then, I knew what to do.

I led her to the bedroom as she closed the door and locked it. We were near the wall again, as she grabbed onto my neck again. We both looked at each other and finally lost all control.

* * * * * * * *

Okay guys, if you like, I might make a deleted scene of this. Please tell me what you guys think.
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: Mikitty-saikou on March 15, 2007, 08:44:50 PM
Deleted scene please! XD

I kind of like where this is going, so please continue. :)
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on March 15, 2007, 09:21:05 PM
Yes, Yes.... definately YES!!!!XD
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: orangesocks on March 16, 2007, 01:30:34 AM
Oh yes, deleted scene!! XD

Hmm, just like Yui to recover from a situation fast. ha..ha...?(not sure whether or not to laugh seeing as she was about to be raped beforehand)

Well anyways, I like your fic! Awww IshiMiyoshi...XD
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 16, 2007, 07:47:11 PM
Okay, I'll probably put one up..but this will be my first time doing one like this and i'll probably be horrible at it.

Chapter 3

I don't know how long we had laid there in bed. I really don't care. I have the girl that I saved hours earlier laying on top of me. I never realized that this was supposed to happen after saving someone from a attack. The basic thing to do would call the police after an attack, but after what I have done, this would probably be an exception.

I looked and saw that her eyes were closed. I didn't know if she was asleep, nor could I figure out what she was thinking about. I shook her awake and she looked at me, smiling. She kissed me lightly as I put my hands through her hair. It was still soaked in sweat, as there was the same smell that attracted the living room.

"God, you were incredible," she said.

"Never thought this would happen to us," I replied.

"Think of it as a 'thank you' present."

"Hate to tell you, but I think you were wanting me to do that."

"You could say that." We kissed for a few minutes before I felt her body shifting me on top of her. I was no longer looking at the girl who was being dragged in the alleyway. I was now looking at a girl who could be my girlfriend.

Girlfriend? No, couldn't happen or could it?

"You know, you never answered my question," Yui said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you have any secrets? Anything bad happen to you?"

Boy, did she hit the nail on the head. If I had at least two or three days, I would tell her everything. "What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Did your parents kick you out?"

"They did."

"Did they do something bad to you?"

"They did."

"What happened?"

I didn't say anything else. I showed Yui the marks on my arm. There were at least three or four marks from the torture I had to endure. The emotional torture, that is.

"My God," Yui replied. "What did you do?"

"I've been a cutter," I said. "That's what happens when you can't make everyone happy the way you want to."

"Are we alike?" Yui asked.

"What do you mean?"

She showed me the marks that she had on her. They were newly fresh that had occured not long ago. "Did you do that today?" I asked.

Yui only nodded. "I'm sorry," she said. "I was so scared from what happened, that I had to do it."

"That may not be the only thing we have in common," I said.

"You mean..there's more,"

"Yep, it's not pretty either."

"I don't care, tell me." She kissed me for a few seconds before I told my story. I knew I couldn't tell her everything, at least not yet anyway. To tell you the truth, they raped me as well.

The only difference was that they did it emotionally.
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on March 20, 2007, 08:53:38 PM
Wow, i'd like Yui to thank ME like that!!!
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: orangesocks on March 21, 2007, 04:57:18 AM
Horray for confidante Yui! I hope things will improve for the both of them...:ONsad:
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: Ame-kun on March 21, 2007, 05:13:42 AM
Wow :drool:
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on March 21, 2007, 07:30:45 PM
A year ago..

I started work at the security job during that time. I had already got my armed security license. I had been called in to cover someone else's shift, which didn't bother me, since the contractor's job got started over there. Too bad the parents like me having the job.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To work," I answered.

"I thought you had the day off," she said.

"Unfortunately, they need me now."

"Not today, they don't." He had grabbed me by the arm and threw me down. I got right up and began to leave again, before I got hit right in the back. "You're not leaving the house," he said.

"Watch me," I said.

"If you do, then you're not coming back."

I didn't say anything else. I just got in my car and left for work. At least I'm trying to start my life anew without people like them. I began to drive for a while before heading to my job. Unfort, they told me they didn't need me for the day.

Once again, another obstacle set me back a few notches.

I went to some places I knew and stayed out for the afternoon. I didn't want to go back and cause another fight back home. I went to a parking lot, after having something to eat, to think for a while.

That was when I got out my knife and did what came natural to me.

That was at least one incident. To be honest, my life was one big incident to everyone. Maybe that's one of the reasons I applied for a security job license and applied for a gun.

One day, I will kill them for what they put me through for the last few years.

"Oh my God," Yui said. "It was that horrible."

"Worse," I said.

"Well, at least you and I have something else in common."

"What's that?"


Revenge, I thought. The one word that will set us free.

She was already getting dressed as I saw her open the bedroom door. I went over and grabbed her from behind. I could hear her breathe in shallow breaths as I had my hand touching her lips, which she started to suck on again.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm not finished yet," I said.

"Well, then," she said. "Let me take you first."

* * * * * * * *

Okay, I'll probably do the deleted scenes tomorrow. They'll be horrible, but maybe they'll be worth it.
Title: The darkest secret
Post by: orangesocks on March 22, 2007, 03:28:03 AM
Heavens, how dark...I wonder what's going to be in the deleted scenes??
Interesting fic, cool_kickin_dude...:ONsmoke:
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on April 03, 2007, 09:17:47 PM
Revenge?  Sweet little Yui? This is interesting!!
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on April 10, 2007, 05:44:07 PM
After our second lovemaking session, we slept for quite a while before I had to go to work for the afternoon. Last night seemed like a lost place in time as I got dressed and kissed her forehead. I left for outside, got in my car and left. I really wished I didn't have to go to work today. I felt sick to my stomach over what had happened this morning.

I got to my security post and saw one of my bosses telling me what was going on for the day. Of course, one of the stupid security guards(who shouldn't be working in my opinion) was too lazy to get up and get to work. I was wondering if anybody would have found out about what had happened, but they left me to my post and went home.

Unfortunately, the place I work for is so boring. On any given day, I would have more people leave early or ask stupid questions than asking for real help. I sat down and listened to the radio, when suddenly, my thoughts turned back to Yui. I really wished I called back home and tell her to come up here. Problem was, she didn't know where I worked.

I decided to go inside the complex next door and get myself a bite to eat. Surely, someone must have left a newspaper around. As I got something to eat, the workers were leaving from break to get back to work. There wasn't many people that I could consider friends with. I just work with them, and go home every night.

I found a newspaper on the table and looked at it. It had a small article about my interaction. Good thing it had no other information, since there were no witnesses who saw it. I took the paper back to my post and read it thoroughly and put it in my pocket.

I went to the file box and got my check. That is about the only good thing about the job, even if I had to answer every stupid question by customers every half minute or so. The other good thing was that I didn't have to work late either. I waited for the night shift person to arrive, give him my orders and left for home.

I went home after getting my check cashed and didn't see a light on in the house. I wondered if something had happened to Yui. I ran inside and saw that there was a faint light coming from my bedroom. I opened the door and saw Yui, wearing some of my clothes.

If I had her as my girlfriend, it would be her wearing my clothes.

"Oooh," Yui said. "I didn't know you were an officer."

"Security guard," I said. "I also carry a gun."

"How about handcuffs?" Yui asked seductively.

"Not yet," I smiled. "Maybe next time. Want some dinner?"

"Only if you're taking me out," Yui smiled as she kissed me.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on April 12, 2007, 08:24:21 PM
Handcuffs? So Yui likes the kinky stuff, eh? ;D
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on April 20, 2007, 07:27:15 PM
I took her somewhere quiet so we wouldn't be disturbed. Ironically enough, we weren't only but four blocks from where everything happened. Another ironic thing was that, I still had my gun with me as well.

We went inside and saw two familiar people to us. It was Yui's friends(and lovers) Rika and Erika. We went to the private booth and sat down. "I didn't think you guys would be here tonight," I said.

"We didn't either," Erika said. "It's almost like you want to ruin our date."

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't realize."

"Don't worry about it," Rika said. "Why don't you have something to drink?"

"I could use something right now," I said.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Rika said. "Yui, why don't you come with me?"

"All right," Yui smiled. "Back in a few," she said to me. She kissed me lightly before walking hand in hand with Rika. I went to the bar and got me a glass of sake.

I really don't know how or why I started to drink. Maybe the reason for all the pain that I was going through with the parents. I'll probably only drink a couple of glasses, but that would be it. That would also be the very few times that I would drink.

"I didn't know that you drink," Erika said.

"I really don't drink much," I said. "Just when I feel bad."

"You didn't seem to be that way earlier," Erika smiled.


"When you was looking at me."

"I don't deny that."

"Good." She had slipped her hand under the table and put it on my leg. I could feel a shiver going up my spine. She began to move it toward the button of my pants.

"Wait..I thought you're with Rika."

"She won't mind. She's with your girl, Yui."

"Do you girls..?"

"Of course."

I could feel my mouth beginning to get dry. I knew that there was something about Yui, but not like this. I should have done something to Erika this morning, but not with Rika around.

"There's a private room over there," Erika said, pointing towards the other side of the bar.

I gulped the last of my sake and took Erika's hand. "Let's go."

* * * * * * * *
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on April 21, 2007, 06:35:54 AM
Next up...perv chapter? ;D
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on April 25, 2007, 08:00:09 PM
@JFC: check out the perv section. it's already there.

After what seemed to be hours, we finally left the private room and waited for Rika and Yui to rejoin us. We didn't say anything until they got back, probably because we were spent out over what just happened between us. As I saw Rika fixing her shirt, I began to wonder if I should go ahead and make out with her next.

No,I thought. I won't let myself do that, ever.

"So, did you miss me?" Yui asked, as she kissed me.

"Not really," I said.

"I guess you were busy with Erika now, was you?" Rika asked.

"Sorry to say our rooms were next to each other," I answered.

"Don't be," Erika said. "He enjoyed having his way with me."

"Is that so?" Yui asked. She had slipped a hand inside my pants before she slipped it out again.

"Why don't we go ahead and go home?" I asked. It was nothing more that I wanted to do, but just sleep after having three make-out seesions in one day.

"Well, okay." Rika led Erika out as me and Yui followed them. "Would have loved to hear what happened though."

"You wouldn't believe me," I said.

We all left the bar and began to go to our cars, when suddenly, four men came out and tried to rob us. "Gimme your money!" one man shouted.

"Get off me!" Rika shouted.

"Give us your keys!" another man yelled.

At that time, Yui had pulled the gun from my back and shot two people in the head. The remaining two men stopped and started running toward Yui and grabbed her. One guy smacked the gun away before Yui gave him a present, a can full of pepper spray.

I quickly grabbed the gun and fired. Unfortunately, it clicked.

I began to click the gun before I heard the familiar sound of the gun being cocked. I wasn't sure it Rika or Erika had guns, nor did I care. I was not only saving Yui again for the second time, but also Rika and Erika as well.

I fired the first bullet in the first guy's head before I walked over to the guy who got sprayed with pepper spray. I pointed the gun to his head before he stopped me. "Wait," the man said, "we didn't mean to do it, we just needed some money."

I didn't want to hear it anymore. I fired the bullet in him.

"Come on, let's go." I motioned for Yui to get in the car before Rika stopped us. "We'll see you guys tomorrow morning," she said.

"We'll see you then," Yui said.

A few minutes later, we got home and began to get ready for bed. I went ahead and plopped myself onto the bed and fell asleep instantly. It was the weirdest day in my life.

Three lovemaking sessions, and now four people dead.

This is going to be one hell of a day coming up tomorrow.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on April 25, 2007, 08:30:52 PM
Wow they really have the worst luck, don't they! ;D
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on April 26, 2007, 12:44:15 AM
4 dead? That's trouble just waiting to happen.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on May 09, 2007, 01:59:22 PM
Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning and saw Yui gone. I began to panic, wondering if something had happened to her. I jumped out of bed and went to the kitchen, where I saw a note:

I'm going back to my house to get a few things. Don't worry, I'll be back shortly.

xoxo Yui

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she would be alright with her girlfriends watching over her. I went outside to get the morning paper. I didn't need to roll out the rest of the paper to read the headline:

7 people dead; Person and motive unknown

I didn't know why I would look at the paper yesterday if I had done the shootings that day. Guess paranoia struck me in the worst possible way. I skimmed through the paper to see if they found any leads or anything that would connect me to the shootings. All they had to show for it was a picture of the three guys I killed, covered in white sheets. They didn't show a picture of what happened last night, just a description.

I went back to my room and took the gun out of the box. I put it there, just before going to bed last night. It's the same gun I use when I'm working. Wonder what the cops would say to that if they wanted to ask me questions about it? They probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Within a few minutes, I got some spare clothes and decided to take a shower. Least I had a little more energy than when I went home last night. My thoughts went back to last night in the private room. I could still hear Yui's moans(and also could be Rika's as well) fresh in my mind.

As soon as I turned off the shower, I heard the front door open. I wondered if some total stranger would come in and try to take me out. I should have gone ahead and got my gun before taking a shower. I ran to my bedroom and got my gun, loaded it, and waited for the person to come toward my bedroom. Sure, there would be blood, but I have ways of disposing of a body if I need to.

That was when a voice stopped me in my tracks. "I'm home! Where are you?"

"Sorry, I didn't know." I began to put the gun back in the box, before I saw Yui standing in my bedroom. She was still attractive as ever, even what had happened to her yesterday.

"Let me see it," Yui said, pointing toward the gun.

"Why?" I asked.

"Come on, let me see it." She took the gun from me and began moving it up and down her face, feeling the cold steel. "Can I have a gun?" she asked.

"I believe we can work something out," I smiled.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: glcorps2002 on May 09, 2007, 02:21:00 PM
For a second there I thought she was going to get shot by him, or she would accidentally shoot herself!
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on May 10, 2007, 12:02:24 AM
^ Ditto. o_o
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on May 16, 2007, 07:34:34 PM
I took her out to a firing range, not far from the house. I began to use it frequently before I got a job as a security officer. If it wasn't for the job, I would have used it for my evil options. As we got out, we could smell the smoke from the firing guns. There wasn't many people over there, as it gave us enough time for me to give Yui some lessons.

I saw my instructor, who was finishing up a lesson with someone. He instantly knew me and motioned me over. "How have you been?" he asked. "I haven't seen you in quite a while."

"Can you teach her?" I asked, poiting to Yui.

"Of course, come on outside." We all went outside to the firing range, where the instructor showed Yui some points about firing a gun. I got myself a cup of coffee and watched Yui preparing herself to fire. I walked over and saw her fire her gun at the target. I was surprised to see that she hit the head part of the target every time, just like what she did last night.

"I'm impressed," the instructor said.

"That's what I say," I replied.

"Let's get you a different target, more far away." The instructor put out a new target and sent it far away. I was thinking that she would hit it at least once or twice. That was when I was taken by total surprise. I could see that she hit it every time.

I could see it from far away and I could not believe what I was seeing. Every bullet Yui had fired hit the head portion of the target. I looked at the instructor, who had the same look on his face. Something told me that she knew how to fire a gun a long time ago.

The instructor retrieved the target and gave it to Yui. I looked at the target, which had a big hole at the top. "Have you fired a gun before?" the instructor asked Yui.

"You could say that," she answered.

"Do you have a gun license?"

"That's why I'm here."

As the instructor and Yui left to fill out the paperwork, I got my gun out and began to fire at the target. I knew who I was firing the bullets at, since they would getting them soon. I looked over at Yui, who was coming outside with her new gun.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Just about," I answered.

"Take good care guys," the instructor said. "There's a lot of weirdos out there."

"Tell me about it," I said. Unfortunately, I never told him about the people I killed over the past twenty-four hours.

A few minutes later, we got in our car and took off. We were quiet for a few seconds before I spoke anything. "Why didn't you tell me you knew how to fire a gun?" I asked.

"You never asked," she smiled.

We both went somewhere out to eat, hopefully to avoid any trouble. Unfortunately, we always seem to be finding it these days. That was when someone grabbed me from behind. "Give me your money or I'll kill you," one person said.

I could feel the blade about to go deep into my back. I couldn't reach for my gun, thinking that it would set the guy off. He dragged me to an alleyway, almost like the same one from yesterday. I waited for Yui to follow me into the alley, but to no avail.

He led me into an abandoned building and closed the door. He then put the blade to my throat, ready to slash me with it. "How do I know you?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I read the paper, hearing that someone like you killed some of my people."

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you kill them?" he asked, putting the blade closer to my throat.

"If I did, I would tell you." I waited for him to put the blade down before I would make a move. When he did, I took off for the other side of the room before he caught up with me and threw me down.

He tried to get his knife out before I took out my gun and shot him in the hand. He arched over before I shot him in the knee. He collapsed and was put his hand over my gun.

"You''re the guy who shot them," he said. That was the last thing he said.

I shot him in the head, with all of the bullets left.

I began to laugh. In times like this, having power to murder felt real good.

I walked out of the building, which was when I saw Yui. She led me out of the alley and put me in the car without any hesitation. I believe she let me go ahead and take care of the guy.

I went to the bathroom and held the door shut. I took one the razors from the wash basin and slashed my arm. I watched the blood trickle from my arm, as I heard the door open. I saw Yui, closing my bloody arm and hugging me.

"Yui..," I said.

"Shhh..," she said, putting her finger to her lips. She kissed me, lightly before deepening it. If I hadn't slashed my arm, I would have taken her in the bathroom.

Our passion for each other and our passion to murder people is a desire that will never go out.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: usagi_no_kami on May 17, 2007, 06:44:30 PM
This would make an awesome movie!!
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on May 29, 2007, 07:31:52 PM
I wasn't sure how long I was in my bed, nor how I managed to get there. What I did notice was my arm being bandaged up from what I had done to it hours before. I got out of my bed and searched for Yui. It was when I heard gunshots that got me to run outside to see if anything happened to her.

To my surprise, she was hitting a picture of what seemed to be either her attacker or someone else. I stood and watched her fire round after round until there was a big whole in the picture. My mind went back to where we were at the firing range and she hit the target from afar. That was how good she was.

After she was finished, she turned around and saw me. She went over to me and smiled. I saw that she still had the gun in her hand. For a brief moment, I thought that she was going to point it at me. I don't know why I would think that. I mean, I'm her protector. Why would she do something like that to me?

"You want to shoot?" she asked.

"No thanks," I answered.

"Why not?"

"Maybe next time."

"What happened today?"

"I'm not sure. It seems that everybody's been trying to kill me these days."

"Do you think your dad would send those guys out to kill you."

"Of course not. He would probably kill those guys too."

"Do you have a picture of your dad?"

"Actually, there is one." I went back into the house and got the one remaining photo of my dad left. The rest of them I had burned or destroyed in some other fashion.

"Why don't you take some shots at him?" Yui asked.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Why not? You may meet up with him someday."

"I just hope he doesn't hurt you like he had done to me."

"He won't," Yui said, putting the gun in my hands. "As long as we're both alive, he'll never hurt us." She took the picture and put it in place. I looked at the picture from afar and knew that I had a vendetta to complete. I also knew that Yui had one as well, considering if her attacker was still alive.

She put her hands on top of mine, which was holding onto the gun as I began to fire. With each bullet into the picture, my mind bacame more clearer than it had been before. Never before was I more sure to take out my father than what I was doing right then.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on May 31, 2007, 11:13:47 PM
If he's not careful, his anger is going to take control of him, and he's gonna flip out like that Korean dude did at Virginia Tech.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on June 05, 2007, 07:29:28 PM
Later that night, I was sitting down watching TV, seeing if they said anything about the killings. Luckily, there wasn't anything about it as the news kept talking about the same junk as it always did every day. Yui was taking a shower as I drank a little sake that I had stored days earlier before I brought her home.

I was about to turn off the TV when I heard the shower stopped. I began to wonder if Yui was in the bathroom, cutting herself. I went to the bathroom, knocked on the door and asked if everything was ok. "Yui?" I asked.

"I'm in the bathtub," she said, "unless you want to come in."

"No thanks," I said. "I'll see you in a few."

I turned off the TV and went to the bedroom and got ready to go to bed. That was when Yui came out of the bathroom and met me in the bedroom. I looked at her, who was wearing a white top and light blue pajamas. If I could have looked closely, I could have seen that she had on white underwear.

"Are you ok?" Yui asked.

"I'm fine," I said. I was blushing a little bit and I could tell from Yui's smile that she knew what I was staring at her differently. There was nothing more that I wanted to do, but take her right there and then.

"I bet I know what you want," she smiled.

"Well, maybe tomorrow," I replied.

"I bet you wouldn't even make it half the night without me."

"I bet I could."

"We'll see about that."

Later that morning...

I couldn't tell what time it was, but I knew that I couldn't take it anymore. I was sweating and I couldn't go back to sleep. I looked over at Yui, who had her back turned to me. That was when I saw them, those white panties.

That was when I made my move

* * * * * * * *

The next sound I heard was the telephone ringing hours later. I walked over to the living room and answered it. I looked at the clock which read 5:30 AM. "Hello?"

"This is your grandfather. I have some bad news."

"What is it?"

"I hate to call you this early, but your father's dead."

That was when everything fell apart or fell into place, so to speak. Luckily, neither myself or Yui had to face him after all.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: glcorps2002 on June 06, 2007, 11:28:43 AM
I bet Yui had some of her people do it! You know she has people.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on June 06, 2007, 11:58:54 PM
"I hate to call you this early, but your father's dead."

That was when everything fell apart or fell into place, so to speak. Luckily, neither myself or Yui had to face him after all.
So like, what happens now? With the main target for his anger gone, will he be able to deal with all of that pent-up emotion in a good way? Or will he snap and go postal on a bunch of innocents?
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on June 21, 2007, 06:20:36 PM
Chapter 5

Six weeks later...

Everything was going fine, almost for the first time ever. Yui and I have been serious all that time, as well as a little going-out time with Erika on the side. Yui knew about it, but she didn't mind me having a tryst with her best friend as well. Rika knew about it as well, but she didn't mind either, hoping that she would have her chance at me also.

The day that I got the phone call from my grandpa about my father beind dead pretty much changed everything. The next few days were like a whirlwind, with the funeral and all. Nobody said anything to me about what had happened with my father. I had finally got the news of him dying from a heart attack from one of his friends.

Nothing else happened after that, my mom never said a word to me or anyone else about it. I have been through that route for several years and could pretty much care less about it anymore. I knew they didn't want to have anything to do with me anyway, besides, I was the main point of why everybody in the family went their separate ways.

But, that's all in the past, or at least that's what I thought.

Erika had called me up, wanting to go to the mall with her. I would have said no, but the idiot workers at work wanting me to cover for them. I decided that they should get another doormat to work for them, since they just want to get their paycheck and go home.

Me and Erika had a great time, we had fun at the mall. We went to a clothing store and bought everything we could. At one point, Erika wanted me to come with her in the dressing room. I wanted to at first, but there were dozens of people in that one store alone. That didn't stop Erika from trying to pull me into the dressing room.

"Come on," she said.

"Not here," I said.

"Why not?"

"We'll get caught."

"So? It's part of the fun."

I looked at her and let go of her hand before I looked around a little bit more. A few minutes later, Erika came from behind me with her clothes and whispered, "I'm going to punish you when you get home."

"What are you going to do?" I laughed.

We laughed for a few minutes before paying our stuff and leaving the store. We haven't went far before someone was following us. It didn't scare me much until we went to the second floor of the mall. That was when I turned around and saw someone familiar to me, someone I haven't seen in quite sometime.

"Where have you been?" the person asked.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on June 21, 2007, 08:06:51 PM
^ I'm guessing it's Kei.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on July 12, 2007, 01:50:49 PM
"I don't believe it.." I was looking at my aunt and uncle, who I haven't seen in almost a year and a half. It was a long story in itself to say the least. You see, there had been a lot of anger between everyone in my family. It mostly had to do with my sister leaving home and living with her fiancee.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We heard what happened last night," my aunt said. "We got a call from your grandfather."

"What happened?"

"He had a heart attack. Your mom's been hysterical ever since."

"Figures." I hated to be cold, but I bet he didn't die that way.

"So, who's your girlfriend?" my uncle asked.

"Oh, her.." I looked over to Erika, who was smiling at me. I knew I had to tell Yui about this when I got home. However, I knew I had some catching up to do with my relatives as well. "This is a friend of mine, Erika," I said.

"Don't you mean girlfriend?" Erika asked me.

"It's so good to see you again," my aunt said, hugging me. "We all missed you."

"You going to the funeral?" my uncle asked.

"I would, but I don't want to," I said.

"I know you two never got along, but it would make your mom feel better by going."

"Sorry, but to be honest, he doesn't deserve a funeral in my opinion."

"You don't want to be stubborn like him, don't you?" my aunt asked.

"I'm not like him at all!" I yelled. "Besides, grandpa hated him as well."

"Look, you don't have to stay for the entire thing," my uncle said. "Just talk to your mom for a few minutes and you can leave."

"Fine," I sighed. "When is it?"

"The viewing is tonight," my uncle explained, "with the funeral starting tomorrow."

"All right, I'll be there tomorrow."

"Why don't you go and see your mom?" my aunt asked.

"I will," I said. "I'm going in a few minutes."

"We'll see you tomorrow," my uncle said. "Please call us if you need anything."

As they walked away, I couldn't help but wonder where all the time went for the last year and a half, not seeing them. They lived about a two-hour drive from my house and I didn't have the time to drive over there and talk to them.

"Are we going now?" Erika asked me.

"We are," I answered, "but not to my mother's."

"So where to?"

"A place I haven't been in a long time."
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on July 13, 2007, 03:35:49 AM
^ Where's that? :dunno:
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on July 20, 2007, 02:11:28 PM
A few minutes later, I was in my car, driving toward the place I thought I would never be able to see again. I didn't say much to Erika during the trip, knowing that she would probably understood when we got there. I just couldn't understand how things have got this messy so very quickly.

My grandfather's house was almost like a mansion in my eyes. I say that because when I was young, I always thought he was rich. It had a long driveway and a pool, but the house was not one of those extravagant houses you would see on TV.

As we made our way onto the driveway, I could not help but wonder who would be expecting us there. I knew my aunt and uncle wanted me to go see my mom, but we never got along much either. I had a feeling that the two would show up at my grandfather's before I would. Sure enough, I was right.

There was their car, alongside my grandfather's car beside it. I saw the two before I put the car in reverse and made my way out of the residence. I drove as fast as I could through the end of the driveway before I stopped.

"Is something wrong?" Erika asked.

"There is," I said. "I knew I had should have come here sooner."

"Why didn't you?"

"Afraid of my father."

"You still could have went over there."

"Both him and my grandfather never got along. I guess he thought that if I went there, he would think I would take his side. My grandfather and I got along better than him and his son, let's just say."

"You can still go now."

"I'll go later tonight. Besides, there's something I have to get out of there anyway."

"What is it?"

"Something I know my dad will never get now."

* * * * * * * *

I drove Erika back to her place before I went back home. She pouted at me, knowing that my punishment would have to wait for later. At least I knew she had my phone number and she could always come over anytime. As I drove home, I had this feeling that things were going to get worse than it already was. But I knew that after I got my secret from my grandfather later tonight, I knew that nobody would hurt me or Yui again.

I pulled up to my house and saw the blinds shut. I wondered if something happened to Yui, as I frantically ran into the house and went into every room. That was when the smell of sweat hit me, which mixed with some perfume. I went into my room and saw that my bed was messed up. As I began to make it again, I was pulled back by Yui as she kissed me deeply.

It felt good, so good.

Her tongue impacting every pore of my body.

I looked up and saw Yui with her shirt almost open and her shorts way short to wear outside without causing trouble. "Did you miss me?" she said sweetly.

"Why are the windows shut?" I asked.

"Just in case somebody sees us."

"You mean about the killings?"

"Of course."

"I thought that was all over with."

"You can't tell these days, even I have to watch my back sometimes."

"You mean right now?"

"What do you mean?"

I gave her a perfectly good reason to. She didn't stopped me at all.

* * * * * * * *
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on July 20, 2007, 06:41:41 PM
So he's got something at his grandfather's place, eh? Hmmm...and his dad didn't know that it was there? How about the grandfather? Did he know about this hidden item or did our protagonist manage to secretly hide it there without anyone noticing?
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on July 31, 2007, 06:31:00 PM
Later that night, I went back to my grandfather's, hoping to not run into them. Luckily, they had a spare key to the place(which I also had a spare from all those years ago just in case) to which I let myself in.

I began to walk around the place, unaware that they might be coming back soon. They have a mobile trailer that they take trips on, sometimes as little a week to a month. I saw some suitcases from their bedroom, which told me that they would take another trip after my father's funeral. They pretty much never got along with him either.

It was then that I remembered that I had left something very precious to me. I had hid it in a secret place near their computer room during my last visit to them. I had hid it while they were gone and wondered if I would be able to get it back. I began to look around the place to see where I had hid it after all this time.

I checked under the beds, the desk, the closet, everything before I began to panic. I wondered if they had thrown it away after all this time. That was when I sat down and looked down at the floor. I saw that the vent was open ajar and there was little breeze.

I took off the vent and saw a small box which I took out. It had everything that I needed for the past few months. I looked inside and I nearly cried. It had papers to get a apartment and several hundred dollars that I had kept for all this time. I took out the papers and read the back of them, which had information on where I needed to sign up to get an apartment.

I took the money out and put it in my pocket before I realized something was missing from it. I had remembered something very important was not in the box. I began to panic again before I saw it on the floor. It must have dropped with either the papers or the money.

It was a key, a key to my new future that I had forgotten from so long ago.

Suddenly, I heard someone making their way inside. I listened closely and heard the sound of heels clicking onto the floor. I walked slowly toward the living room and saw Erika looking around. I knew she was wondering what I was doing here..or maybe to punish me.

Too bad she was about to be punished. It was her fault making me want her just as bad as Yui. That night in a small room in a bar never left my mind, there was so many things I wanted to do to her. I sneaked into the room and looked to the left, the fireplace burning. I looked to the right, the blinds shut from the door. I couldn't tell if the door was locked or not, but that didn't matter.

I sneaked up from behind her. She had on a black skirt and a black jacket on. Before she knew what happened, I tore into her.

* * * * * * * *

Yep, another perv chapter..please tell me what you think of them, guys!
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on August 21, 2007, 01:41:22 PM
Chapter 6

I went to the funeral parlor by myself that night, hoping not to run into my mother and sister for the few minutes that I would be there. I had my radio playing classical music the whole trip. It usually calms me down when I feel depressed. However, it hasn't worked for the past few weeks since I met the girls.

As I drove to the entrance of the parlor, there were a few people outside the doors. I looked and saw no one familiar to me. I got out of the car and could feel the eyes leering down upon me. They probably were thinking that I had something to do with what was going on.

I went inside the funeral parlor and began to walk hastily to where the coffin would be placed. I looked around, hoping no one would see me go inside the room before I closed the doors behind me. I began to walk towards the coffin, which was open. There was a cold chill in the room, which could either come from me or the room. As I came closer to the coffin, I had a fear that he would wake up and attack me in the room.

I wanted to say something..anything that I could think of..

All of a sudden, I began to hear voices making their way towards the room. I hid under one of the pews as the doors began to open. All I could make out was more people that I never knew. They talked for a few minutes before I heard someone familiar come to the room.

It was my mother, of all people.

"Why isn't he here?" she asked, referring to me. My grandfather walked into the room as well.

"I tried calling him," he said, "still no answer."

"He better show up at the funeral," my mother's voice rose. "This is his father, even though he never got along with him." She walked away, along with a few more people. I was still freezing in the room(or it could be me) as I laid under the pews. A perfectly bad place to hide during a wake.

After what seemed to be a half-hour, everyone in the room began to leave as I crawled out from the pews and left the room as well. I looked around to see if anybody was still around before I left the parlor and made my way home. I felt like someone was behind me the whole time, as I kept looking in the rear view. From what had happened between tonight and the killings from weeks earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to be someone there.

I got home sat in my car for what seemed to be an eternity before someone knocked on the car window. I looked over and saw that it was Rika, the one person that I haven't talked to much. The one person that I would never take at all.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

I motioned her over and she got in the passenger side of the car. I didn't ask where Erika or Yui was. Besides, I was glad to see her anyway.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on August 31, 2007, 04:45:26 PM
I've never got a chance to talk to Rika until tonight, even when she first thanked me for saving Yui. She seemed to be a nice person to talk to. Honestly, I'm glad for it from all of the intense lovemaking sessions I've had with her friends over the past few weeks. It was a different approach to what I have just been through tonight.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Just a few hours," she said. "Are you okay?"

"Not really."

"What happened?"

"Let's just say I had to get rid of some past demons in my family."

"What do you mean?"

I had to tell her everything, even the stuff that I didn't let Yui know about because she was already traumatized enough as it was when she nearly got raped. I don't know how long time had passed when I finished telling my story when it started to rain outside. I stretched out a yawn before I reclined my seat back to get some sleep.

"Why don't you sleep in the back?" Rika asked.

"Probably because I'm too tired to move," I answered.

To my surprise, Rika had pushed the seat forward and led me out of the car and got in the backseat. I almost began to fall asleep immediately when Rika laid down beside me. I didn't mind, I knew she wouldn't do anything as I slept.

* * * * * * * *

Hours later...

I don't know why, but I began to scream, which woke Rika up. I looked up from my car window and saw that it had stopped raining. I began to relax as Rika began to hug me. "It's all right," she said. "You just had a bad dream."

"I knew I would have one," I said.

"What happened?"

"I dreamed that he wasn't dead at all. Thank goodness it was a bad dream."

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"I am for right now. Tomorrow, I gotta do a few things."

"What are you going to do?"

"Some stuff I haven't been able to do in years."

"Just curious, do you mind sleeping in the car with me?" Rika smiled.

"That was my question," I said. "Besides, I'm too tired to go back inside."

"Good, because you're warm..."

* * * * * * * *
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on October 08, 2007, 12:20:57 AM
Chapter 7

The next morning...

I waited outside a building, hoping they would hurry up and get here already. They were supposed to have been here almost a half hour ago. A person was shaking his head in unison with mine and motioned me inside.

"I hate to tell you, but we may have to go ahead with the proceedings," he said.

"Let's go ahead with it," I answered. "I have a busy schedule for the day."

"Let's do that," he said. He had an envelope on the desk which he began to open. He sat down as he began to read, skimming through the parts of the letter. It took him several minutes before he finally got to my part of the contract.

"It says here, 'To my son, I bequeath to him my car and the rest of my inheritance'."

"Like, what else," I asked.

"I'm not sure," the man said. "What car did he meant?"

"I know which one," I said. "I'll go ahead and get it now."

As I began to leave, I saw the people whom I saw last night at the funeral parlor(whom I had hidden from). It was my mother and sister. "What are you doing here?" my mother asked.

"Just leaving," I answered. "I'm going to get the car and leaving."

"You don't know how to drive it."

"Watch me." I left the two ladies as I got in my car and drove away. Of all the places I hated to go in this town, their house was the worst of all. Before I did, I had to pick up some people.

* * * * * * * *

"You sure about this?" Yui asked.

"I have to," I answered. "Just to get my inheritance and leave quickly."

We both went in my car as we drove as fast as we could to my mother's house. I was going so fast, I didn't see the police car far away in one of the places that caught speeders. If it wasn't for Yui shaking me from my trance onto the road, I would have been caught by the police, especially after everything that had happened.

I slowed down just enough to turn onto the road that led to my mother's house. That was when I saw a police car behind us, however, it couldn't have been the same one from the speed trap section. Fortunately, we turned onto the road as the cop went the other direction.

"So, where is it?" Yui asked.

"Gotta get the keys first," I said, "let's hurry."
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on October 08, 2007, 06:37:58 PM
The presence of the cop cars were a bit worrisome, but what's really curious is this car that that he's supposed to pick up. Makes you wonder if there's something secret hidden within it.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: cool_kickin_dude on November 09, 2007, 09:44:46 PM
We drove onto the gravel road, making that long ways back toward the barn. I remember it so well, since some of the beatings happened there. There was no time to look at the past, however. I had to get the car and drive it out of there before they would come back home.

There was only one problem with the car in question: it had a stick shift.

I never could drive it to save my life, but I knew I could always get it later. What really was on my mind was what was inside the car.

I got out of the car and began to open the barn door as Yui waited inside impatiently. I went to the car and opened the door. Sure enough, ther it was: the key to the inheritance. Something that the family never knew about, if they even did.

I closed the car door, then the barn door as Yui was about to leave our car. "Let's go," I told her.

"What about the car?" she asked.

"Forget it," I said. "I got what I came for."

"Now what do we do?"

"Figure out what they've been hiding all along."

We drove as fast as we could away from the place that was my hell for so long. I went back to the guy who told me about the inheritance. He was about to close up until we met up with him.

"What is it?" I asked him about the key.

"The rest of the inheritance," he said.

"We know that," Yui replied. "Where is it?"

"It's at the storage facility," he answered. "You guys might want to hurry."

The storage facility, I thought. That's not far from my workplace.

We went over there just as the sun was beginning to set. I hated to go up there, since the place was near my workplace, since they might start asking questions ver why I wasn't there at work the past few days. I didn't care much about that at the present time.

We drove inside the facility and started going around every storage garage there was. I kept looking at the key, which had a number engraved on it and looking at the garages at the same time. We drove around a few times before we stopped.

"Where is it?" Yui asked.

"We're here," I said.

We both got out of the car and went ot the garage door as I opened the garage door..

That was when my life was changed completely for the second time, the first being when I met Yui.

"What is it?" Yui asked.

"Freedom," I smiled.
Title: Re: The darkest secret
Post by: JFC on November 09, 2007, 11:09:55 PM
Plane tickets?