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General => Akihabara => Video Games => Topic started by: Foxy Brown on March 09, 2007, 06:13:22 AM

Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Foxy Brown on March 09, 2007, 06:13:22 AM
Speaking at the Burning Mad: Game Publishers Rant session at GDC today, Spore developer Chris Hecker has shockingly branded the Wii as “a piece of shit” and slammed Zelda's creator, Eiji Aonuma. (
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Tanier on March 09, 2007, 06:21:51 AM
see what he's saying does have a good point about it being underpowered, but I think its ok if its fun though. I can have "fun" on the psone though so i'll stick with last gen  consoles until there is nothing left for me to play.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: ferrar1 on March 09, 2007, 06:44:38 AM
It's not wrong to say Nintendo Wii takes a giant step back in processors and graphics as the games are indeed simple.

But you can't compare Wii with PS3 (i think when he meant next gen console, he's referring to this) because both are intended for 2 different purpose. 1 wows you with a new way to play games, while the other wows you with the outstanding graphics.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: chera on March 09, 2007, 06:54:23 AM
I sure hope this guy can deliver... I've seen demos for Spore for some time now, and they look great.  But if gameplay ends up sucking ("yippeee...  I'm a bacteria being chased around by amoeba!!!"), this guys gonna be one of the worst hated guys in gaming...
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Koolmon93 on March 09, 2007, 07:24:51 AM
That's so stupid! LOL The Wii is for the simple consumer. I mean who has an HDTV, $600, and all the other shit Sony is trying to sell for the PS3. I mean, the PS3 and Xbox360 are for the hi-tech rich people. The Wii is for people who want to have FUN! They think the Wii is fun, but they want art? Hell, it's a whole new way to play video games! Who really cares if the graphics aren't HD and they support 1080i? It's only $250! For God's sake man, see what Nintendo has to say about your games. I've never even heard of his company!
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Ericks on March 09, 2007, 08:26:06 AM
..and I say Chris Hecker is a piece of shit.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: reine on March 09, 2007, 08:49:03 AM
Quote from: Koolmon93;325374
That's so stupid! LOL The Wii is for the simple consumer. I mean who has an HDTV, $600, and all the other shit Sony is trying to sell for the PS3. I mean, the PS3 and Xbox360 are for the hi-tech rich people. The Wii is for people who want to have FUN! They think the Wii is fun, but they want art? Hell, it's a whole new way to play video games! Who really cares if the graphics aren't HD and they support 1080i? It's only $250! For God's sake man, see what Nintendo has to say about your games. I've never even heard of his company!

umm so you've never heard of maxis, the creator of simcity? the sims?
I still say he's entitled to his opinion although the way he said it is politically incorrect. btw the guy apologized though I doubt he meant it ^.^
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: cege2006 on March 09, 2007, 09:32:10 AM
I believe the point he is trying to make is that although the wii is an interesting new way to play games beyond that it isn't truly a step up when it comes to being a next generation console. I've played the wii and it is fun to fool around with but the main concern I have with it is that I can't help but feel that it is the equivalent of buying another gamecube that has a motion sensor peripheral. I really don't think graphics is important but when it comes down to attempting to create more in-depth games you need that extra bit of processing power in order to allow you to add more options to the game that go beyond appearance. That's where I think he is coming from as a game developer. He sees that for the most part game developers will be limited in what they can create for the game in the long run and when it comes to the wiimote compatibility you'll see a lot of hit or miss products coming out (i.e red steel and need for speed carbon)

It was a very bold thing for him to say that but when you look at the way spore is turning out it's kind of understandable for him to say what he did. The vast amount of things that you're supposed to be able to do in this game are an impossibility to accomplish on the wii console without cutting out a load of features.

Right now I haven't reached a point where I can say that there is a next-gen console I must have in my possession. The 360 is showing a load of promise but I'm not much of a fps fan so until more of the other interesting releases (blue dragon, bioshock, mass effect) come out I'll wait for that one, Sony has kinda lost my respect with its overconfidence of the PS3 console although it hasn't really brought out any games that scream must buy system. MGS4 and Lair may attract me later on. The Wii is a fun console to play but for the most part it's not a system that I've seen yet which has a single player game that you could enjoy for hours at a time by yourself (I don't consider zelda a next-gen game, it was mainly a gamecube portover with added controls.). Mario galaxy and the new smash bros are two titles that really pique my interest right now but those are titles I won't see till probably fall or winter.

The Wii isn't bad for what it is but when it comes down to it it's a no risk console for nintendo (They are making a profit for every console they sell.) and it would have been nice to see them add more options to the console even if it meant that the cost would be a bit higher.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Rick-e on March 09, 2007, 05:11:02 PM
Does next-gen always have to mean better graphic, or stronger CPU? is the revolutionary wiimote not considered next-gen?
Is it wrong to make game just that, a game? something fun to play?
I say this guy is on crack.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: arun.yothin on March 09, 2007, 05:31:14 PM
Not everyone wants the same games. Some people want little simple games that are easy and fun, while others want something advanced where they really have to dig deep and learn a lot to get to the good stuff.

Hecker wants to make games that have lots of things going on in them. Aonuma wants to make that are just fun. There's nothing wrong with either approach as long as they are done well. A game doesn't have to be considered art to be great. But just because a lot of effort is put into the design of the game, like the look and the feel, doesn't mean that it can't be fun.

I doubt Hecker really thinks the Wii is "A piece of shit", but I bet not nearly as many people would've have listened to himn if he just said, "The Wii isn't all that great."XD

After making his statement about the Wii, I hope that Spore doesn't suck.:lol:
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Loopy on March 09, 2007, 08:13:37 PM
This guy is a jackass.  Frickin' publicity whore.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: cege2006 on March 09, 2007, 09:27:53 PM
I honestly feel that it wasn't a publicity stunt (Maxis and EA probably gave him a lot of heat since he apologized for it later.) I just feel that ,in better terms, he was saying that he was disappointed in what nintendo brought in as a next gen console. The wiimote is an interesting new way of playing but it's something that has been done before with the radica sports games.  The wii is fun but it will become difficult for developers down the line to create in- depth games for it. There is nothing saying that simplicity can't be fun (if anyone has gotten to play warioware:smooth moves you would agree that it is a blast to play especially with a nice group of friends.) but sometimes you would like the option of having the best of both worlds. As arun said earlier he probably just felt that it wasn't all that it could have been.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Asmodai on March 09, 2007, 09:49:49 PM
Meh. The Wii appeals to different people than the core gaming demographic. The fact that there's a console aimed at people who aren't die hard console fans is bound to cause some upset.

Same as the PC gamers who label HP/Dell/IBM PCs as crap - ignoring that for 90% of users they work fine and with less headaches than custom built PCs.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: bungeemirth on March 11, 2007, 10:37:22 AM
i dont think the total amount revenue that nintendo receive from wii would justify  the argument that wii is a piece of shit, and from my own personal perspective with the amount of experience that he has, i dont think he is actually qualified to make such statement
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: marktobias on March 13, 2007, 06:15:13 PM
I was at a party at the weekend and someone handed me a Wii controller.... to say I was excited would be an understatement. I've been trying to find a friend with a Wii and up until that moment my search was unsuccessful.

After 5 minutes I was very bored and decided that getting drunk would be more fun.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: LaJon on March 13, 2007, 06:39:00 PM
Quote from: Asmodai;325801
Same as the PC gamers who label HP/Dell/IBM PCs as crap - ignoring that for 90% of users they work fine and with less headaches than custom built PCs.

Yeah.  When it comes to the high-end gaming PC's that they put out, it's typically just a money issue.  But if I had the money...


Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: nox_xie on March 14, 2007, 03:19:28 AM
^^ waa.. delicious..

prefer custom made @ clone rather than prebuild..
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Asmodai on March 14, 2007, 03:44:52 AM
Yeah, I love my computer. It rocks and I built myself and was able to tweak everything I wanted tweaked and leave off the crap PC makers insist on including.
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: akito925 on March 15, 2007, 02:48:40 AM
I love my Wii, you don't likey the wii ???
Title: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: fbi86 on March 23, 2007, 10:50:02 AM
i prefer pc over consoles, consoles are so outdated!
Title: Re: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Dyka on April 02, 2007, 07:26:17 PM
Honestly I'm surprised anyone these days is actually impressed by graphics. They are not getting much better. Oh wow, higher resolutions and a little more realism. That's it. Big whoop. We saw ultra-realism with FF: Spirits Within years ago. What do real-looking graphics do for a game? We got along fine with 2D sprites back in the day. Why is it that now we can barely handle "bad graphics"?

People these days are too caught up in what their system can do as opposed to how much skill is required in a game. That is what made me stop playing games so much. The fact that games became too easy and relied on repetition or impossible skill. Even Gradius V is garbage in that respect because you have so many lives and continues.

Nearly every game these days is garbage, so even though I support the Wii over the PS3 and 360, I still don't really care for it. I'm just waiting for SSBB and I'm good to go interms of console gaming.
Title: Re: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Blu-Cherri on April 20, 2007, 04:40:13 PM
I haven't read the article but I've read what everyone wrote in response.

If he needs more space for his game, more than a Wii gamew can have then why doesn't he do what FF used to do and have up to 7 discs for one game xD.
If it's the graphics and just the graphics he's complaining about, then he's a smelly old shit-head himself.
I used to play DOOM when I was little I played it again a few months ago and loved it!  I also re-played hexen and loved it!
Those games would be considered 'bad graphics' now because of course games have improved a lot graphically but they were still great games!
As someone else said(well im rephrasing it) sometimes sprites look great(meaning they don't work for all games lol).

Title: Re: GDC: Wii Is Piece Of Shit
Post by: Sexykago on April 20, 2007, 10:44:25 PM
Graphics don't make a good game. This has been the problem game makers have failed to see post-4th gen.
The interactiveness the Wiimote adds to the game far outweighs the loss in graphics.
If I cared that much about graphics I would soup up my computer and get the latest computer games. But since the gameplay of console games is still far superior to computer games I see no reason to do that.