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Author Topic: Big Brother  (Read 3237 times)

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Big Brother
« on: August 12, 2007, 05:56:33 PM »
Right, well you’ve probably guessed what this is so yeah…Big Brother with H!P members. I thought of doing this a while ago but was sure it would have been done already, after quickly checking through the fics it doesn’t look like it actually has (if it has sorry, I didn’t notice it) so I thought I might as well give it a crack. Personally I think this might be a pretty fun idea, I had planned on writing a massive first chapter but I’ll see if there’s any interest first so I kinda made this first post a quick one, I’ll be hoping to make them more detailed in future but you get the general idea. If there is any interest then I might as well post how this is gonna work right now.

You all know how Big Brother works I’m sure, and if not well I can’t be bothered explaining it. But I’m gonna start voting off after the first 3 days in the story (may seem a bit weird of a time period to pick but a week might really drag out). The members vote for who they want to see voted off just like in the real BB…and then there’s public vote…just like the real BB. So whoever end up as the two girls up for eviction…well vote for who you want to leave, this gives me some control over the general direction of the plot (yes there is a plot not just a random set of events) but also let’s you guys be a bit more involved…hopefully. So yeah that’s it…if there’s any questions about how this’ll work feel free to ask, but I’m sure there won’t be as it’s simple enough.

Oh, to clear a few things up, I actually hate BB myself so if you do too then please don’t hate me, I’m sure you agree it’d be awesome to see a H!P/BB programme on TV. Also, I haven’t thought too much about the voting off for the public thing, instead to keep things simple I’ve decided that you guys act as a sort of panel of judges who decide who’s evicted. It’s up to you whether or not you make it public who you vote for, either just post it in here or if you really want to send me a PM to keep it a secret. Oh, don't bother asking how long you have to get your vote in, I guess it'll be a few days at least but if there's hardly any votes then I could extend the time, I won't set anything in stone.

The obvious choice for Big Brother was Tsunku, so I stuck with it, oh lawls, in other words the diary room and overhead voice will generally be Tsunku. I find that creep though I have to admit…Tsunku watching your every move…

Anyways this opening post isn’t very long at all, like I’ve said I just wanna get the setting sorted and see if there’s a general interest..


Day 1
8:00 PM

Rika pushed open the steel door that was separating her from what would be her home for the next week at the very least. She peered her head around with a smile on her face only for it to drop when she saw she was the first person to enter the house.

She had a quick glance around the room she was in, she guessed this was the living room/kitchen area; well it had a microwave anyway. She laid her bag on the floor next to one of the worktops and started to go through one of the overhead cupboards. No wine glasses? No alcohol? Oh well, it would probably arrive when some of the other came in. If it had been someone else they have started to have the slow realisation that this could potentially be the most boring week of their lives, but instead Rika simply sat herself down on one of the kitchen stools and sat in silence.

She wasn’t sat there for long though before the door to the house opened again and a girl appeared who Rika didn’t recognise. She was relatively small (aren’t they all?)  and had long frizzy hair. Rika didn’t think the girl was very well dressed in her jeans and sweatshirt, at least she had made a bit of effort herself. The girl was intently looking in her bag while Rika was thinking this and so it took a few moments before the girl looked up and the silence was broken.

“Ah Rika-chan!” the girl exclaimed with a beaming smile, she sounded more relieved than happy to see Rika though.

“Er, hello” Rika replied nervously, it sounded as if she should know who she was.

“It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to catch up pretty soon eh?”

Rika took a closer look at the girls face, and was surprised to see that she was staring into the face of Konno Asami. It really had been a while, and Rika certainly thought that Konno had let herself go somewhat.

“It’ll be nice to see most people again though won’t it? I suppose you don’t even see people as much as before right?” Konno continued, but Rika didn’t have time to give an answer as the steel door opened again. A much more familiar figure stood in the doorway this time, a rather annoyed looking one at that.

“I wouldn’t have bothered coming if I’d have known you were here” Yossie said throwing a glance at Rika before a s smile crossed across her face.

“Good to see you too” Rika said returning the smile.

“Well, well, what a reunion we have here” Yoshizawa said tossing her back to one side as she strolled across to the table the two girls were sat at. “I hope you two have been practicing….I hope to god you’ve been practicing.”

“Why?” Konno asked puzzled.

“You were awful” Yossie laughed. “Nah, but I hope you’ve been practicing, seriously, we don’t want our goalkeeper rusty after not playing for a year.”

It wasn’t long before the girls were joined by more and more faces; all members of Morning Musume past and present as long as they were still part of UFA.

Order entered into the house:

Ishikawa Rika
Konno Asami
Yoshizawa Hitomi
Jun Jun
Goto Maki
Iida Kaori
Yaguchi Mari
Michishige Sayumi
Yasuda Kei
Abe Natsumi
Tsuji Nozomi
Lin Lin
Nakazawa Yuko
Kamei Eri
Mitsui Aika
Takahashi Ai
Niigaki Risa
Ogawa Makoto
Tanaka Reina
Fujimoto Miki
Kusumi Koharu

It had taken over two hours for all of the girls to get themselves into the house but by the time Koharu had opened the steel door to the house it was buzzing with life and everyone seemed glad to have a big reunion like this. The chatter didn’t really seem to be showing much sign of dying down until a familiar voice was heard on the overhead speakers.

“Well now that you all seem to be a bit more settled I’d like to welcome you all to your new home.” Tsunku’s voice filled the room and a few of the girls unsuccessfully had a look around the room to see if he was in sight. “Could one of you enter the diary room please, it isn’t really big enough for many people and I’d like to talk to you a little more closely.”

There was a short silence before a few of the girls looked around at each other to see if there were any volunteers. Abe stepped forward and turned to face the others,

“I’ll go see what this is about then yeah?”

There were no protests from any of the others so Abe made her way into the diary room which was across the other side of the room. As she let the large metallic door to the diary room shut behind her she heard a latch click behind her. It wasn’t a very large room but it could probably fit up to four people in it, there was a chair positioned in the centre of the room and a camera was fixed into the wall opposite.

“Take a seat please Abe” Tsunku’s voice could be heard again from a speaker in the room she’d just entered. “Firstly I’d like to congratulate you, by volunteering to have this little talk you’ve nominated yourself as the group leader for the next two days. Don’t worry this isn’t too complicated, you’ll be given any instructions on a need to know basis.”

Abe paused for a moment and opened her mouth to speak but was cut-off as Tsunku continued to speak.

“Now, you don’t have to do too much right now as your duties as leader only really start tomorrow, we’ll count tomorrow as everybody’s first official day in the house. For now you’ll just have to inform the others of a couple of things: Firstly there are only twenty beds, and there are twenty one of you, I’ll leave it up to your imagination to work out what to do there. On your third official day in the house you will all be called individually to the diary room to nominate who you would like to be evicted from the house, the two girls with the most votes will then have a vote-off decided by a panel of judges. Under no circumstances may you tell any of the girls who you have voted for, that goes for all of you. Then on the fifth day I will announce who has been evicted and that girl will have two minutes to gather her things and leave the house. Then we will go another three days before we repeat the process, we’ll continue to do so until there are just three girls remaining. At this point we will decide the winner and everybody will be free to leave. It is up to you all to sort out who does what jobs and when, cooking and cleaning are your own responsibilities, organise these jobs as you wish.”

Abe sat in silence until she realised that Tsunku had finished speaking, she wanted to ask some questions but wasn't quite sure of what to ask.

“Oh, ok then.” She simply said.

“You’re free to leave the diary room” Tsunku said sounding very pleased with himself.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 11:48:26 AM by Cookie Holiday »

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Re: Big Brother
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 12:37:57 PM »
That is actually a great idea in my book.

Offline redux

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Re: Big Brother
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 09:52:17 PM »
Glad you think so, well I was gonna leave it for a bit before I posted my next bit but I thought what the hell. Here it is laddies:


As Abe re-entered the living room the girls quickly stopped speaking again and turned to face Abe.

“So how’d it go?” Yasuda piped up “Nothing too extreme I hope.”

“Not really, no” Abe said shaking her head. “Well, where to start?”

Abe ran through everything that Tsunku had just told her to the girls until she finally came to a pause.

“What’s up Nacchi?” Iida said looking a little more concerned than was probably necessary.

“Oh it’s nothing really just…well, apparently there’s only enough beds for twenty of us, which means that one of us is gonna have to-“

“Share?!” shouted Yossie sounding disgusted.

“Well I was actually gonna say sleep on the sofa but you know” Abe said shrugging her shoulders.

Suddenly Yaguchi picked up her bag she’d placed beside her and darted into the bedroom. There wasn’t much time for anyone else to react but they could see through the massive window that separated the living area and the bedroom that Yaguchi had quickly found herself a bed and was already unpacking her things to claim it as her spot. A mad rush followed with all of the girls rushing for the bedroom in almost complete silence except for the odd “Ouch!” as one of the girls was crushed in the doorway. Everyone launched themselves onto a bed and looked on to see who exactly was the unlucky party. But to their surprise everyone seemed to have a bed, there wasn’t anybody left stood in the bedroom, instead everyone was sat down looking a little confused. The Yaguchi pointed out through the window back at the living room they’d just come from. Everybody turned to see Goto still sat down alone in the living room. She stood up and started to make her way over to the bedroom.

“It’s a bit late now” Yaguchi joked as she came through the door”

Goto didn’t say anything, she moved over to the bed nearest to her.

“Move” she finally said.

“Huh?” Niigaki looked up at Goto from her position on the bed.

“Move” Goto said again monotonously, she was staring ahead rather than even looking at Risa.

“No, you should have got in her at the same time as everyone else, it’s your own fault.”

Goto finally looked down at Risa without a hint of emotion on her face.

“You gonna move, or am I gonna make you regret not doing it? I’ve got you for at least another few days so I wouldn’t do anything stupid this early.”

Risa turned to the other girls for support but most of them were making themselves look pre-occupied or were simply turned away in silence.

“Whatever” Niigaki said picking herself up and leaving the bedroom. Through the window she could be seen heading straight through the living room and out into the garden.

A few minutes later some of the girls started to take a look through the rest of the house while others simply sat and chatted. Yossie and Rika were both sat in the bedroom.

“You do realise how crap this is gonna be don’t you?” Yossie said.

“What are you talking about?” Rika asked.

“Not only is this gonna be the most boring time of our lives with no TV or anything, but we’re stuck with some people I’d rather not be stuck with to be honest.” Yossie explained.

“Like who?” Rika asked. This time she was genuinely interested, she was quite keen on hearing who exactly was likely to have a bust up this early into things.

“Well you just saw what idiots Goto and Niigaki are didn’t you? I mean Niigaki was a complete and utter wimp and Goto’s already decided to over step her mark.”

“So you think everyone’s just going to be annoyed with each other by the end of this?”

“I though that was pretty obvious” Yossie replied starting to lose interest herself “Well I’m not gonna put up with any crap, if anyone says anything to me then I’m gonna let ‘em know how I feel about it.”

Rika sat there for a moment thinking, thinking about when exactly the alcohol would arrive. Yossie didn’t seem to pursue the conversation any further so Rika just left it as it was, she’d keep it in mind though that Yossie certainly wasn’t against humiliating any of the other members.

Meanwhile in the garden it had started to rain a light drizzle, sat on a bench outside covered by a wooden overhead were Niigaki, Takahashi and Yasuda.

“I can’t be bothered questioning her to be quite honest” Niigaki said to the other two girls “If she wants to try and act big the moment she comes in her then that’s her problem, she’ll only make more issues for herself.”

Niigaki still had her things with her and so held her bag in one hand while letting it rest onto the concrete floor of the patio, she had her coat pulled up over her but wasn’t actually wearing it, the other two girls had put coats on to come out into the rain.

“Right, it’s not really worth talking to Goto when she gets in her moods like this” Takahashi said sympathetically “You might as well just avoid her for now until she calms herself down a bit, I wouldn’t expect an apology from her though.”

“I won’t be saying a word to her until I get one” Niigaki answered defiantly. Ai just shook her head in exasperation, she realised there wouldn’t be much getting through to either her or Goto.

“I’m off inside,” Yasuda said suddenly and she quickly went back into the house.

“What do you thinks wrong with her?” Takahashi asked.

“No idea” came the blunt reply.

Takahashi had been hoping this would be quite a nice get together for everyone but she realised that she should probably have known better. Still, she was willing to put up with everyone’s “imperfections” for now at least.

It already seemed commonplace in the house but there was an awkward silence between the two girls before Ai noticed someone stood about 30 feet away by a tree in the garden. She squinted to make out who it was to realise it was the scruffy figure of Konno. She seemed very different from before, she’d try to keep in touch with her and Ogawa but for some reason she’d very rarely seen Konno since she went off to university. Now she’d come back to the Hello! Project and she seemed like an entirely different person; maybe it wasn’t such a smart move for Tsunku to bring her back. Ai contemplated going over to Konno but soon dismissed the idea when she realised that she’d probably only get more grief from her as well.

“Well I’m off inside now, it’s getting late you know. It’s about 11 o’clock already, you should come inside soon okay?” she said as she stood up.

“Sure” Niigaki said without looking at her. She was staring right into space, actually staring right at Konno’s back but she didn’t seem to notice she was there.

Ai gave a quick smile not really knowing whether it was for Niigaki’s benefit or her own sanity’s as she turned to go back into the house.

Back inside; most of the girls had gotten themselves ready for bed but Abe and Nakazawa were still in the kitchen area and were soon joined by Yasuda.

“Shit, those kids have already started bickering amongst themselves,” Yasuda moaned strolling up casually to the kitchen worktop.

“Really? Is there a problem?” Abe asked with enthusiasm.

“You’re not a real leader” Nakazawa chimed as Abe turned to face her a little surprised. “Oh come on, you didn’t think anyone was going to take that seriously did you?” she laughed.

“Well they are meant to be the rules-“

“Don’t be so pathetic” Nakazawa said sounding a little annoyed “You know as well as I do that while we’re here everyone is going to do whatever the hell they want, myself included, and Kemeko here.”

Abe turned to Yasuda looking for a little backup but instead she just nodded her head.

“Don’t worry, people only won’t be listening to you for three days, then we’ll have another “leader” right?” she said. Abe couldn’t really tell if she was trying to be funny, supportive or what.

“I guess you’re right, but I’m still going to try and do what I can, I don’t want to be kicked out of here straight away you know?”

“Hell, imagine how embarrassing it will be to be the first person to be kicked out” Nakazawa said happily.

As she finished speaking Takahashi came into the room and headed over to the bedroom calling out as she past the others.


“Don’t be surprised if it’s one of those lot” Yasuda said after she’d left the room.

“Those lot?” Abe asked.

“The kids” she replied. “Well I suppose Takahashi, Niigaki…you know the ones I mean, they’re not so bad, but some of the others piss me off just to look at them.”

“Funny,” Nakzawa said, “I’ve heard a few people who think tehs ame about you.”

Yasuda tried to keep herself from looking annoyed but was probably pretty unsuccessful.

“I’m off now anyone, goodnight”

“Me too,” Nakazawa said, “Goodnight leader” she said turning to give Abe a sarcastic salute.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 09:53:44 PM by Cookie Holiday »

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Re: Big Brother
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 10:15:42 PM »
“It’s a bit late now” Yaguchi joked as she came through the door”

Goto didn’t say anything, she moved over to the bed nearest to her.

“Move” she finally said.

“Huh?” Niigaki looked up at Goto from her position on the bed.

“Move” Goto said again monotonously, she was staring ahead rather than even looking at Risa.

“No, you should have got in her at the same time as everyone else, it’s your own fault.”

Goto finally looked down at Risa without a hint of emotion on her face.

“You gonna move, or am I gonna make you regret not doing it? I’ve got you for at least another few days so I wouldn’t do anything stupid this early.”

Risa turned to the other girls for support but most of them were making themselves look pre-occupied or were simply turned away in silence.

“Whatever” Niigaki said picking herself up and leaving the bedroom. Through the window she could be seen heading straight through the living room and out into the garden.
Damn Goto!!!! :twisted:
But in some way I can imagine it   XD
Poor Niigaki  :cry:

This is great!!!  Keep writing please

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Re: Big Brother
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2007, 04:42:25 AM »
I just want to see who hooks up with who and how they go about trying to find "alone time". ;D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Big Brother
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2007, 06:26:08 AM »
I just want to see who hooks up with who and how they go about trying to find "alone time". ;D

Exactly my thought. Tho' an update will be great.  :) This is one of those stories that just hook you from the start and to see it remain inactive is just....sad.

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Re: Big Brother
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2007, 10:22:06 PM »
Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm writing two fics at the moment (including this one, not two more) and I've not had much feedback yet so I was a little unsure as to whether or not I should keep writing. I hadn't given up on this completely but I'l definately be trying to keep things moving a little more now...thanks for the comments.

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