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Author Topic: Metropolis  (Read 2911 times)

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« on: August 14, 2007, 08:55:35 PM »
Just to set things straight, I haven’t given up on my Big Brother fic already, far from it. In fact I planned on writing two fics simultaneously anyway, one of course will be BB and well. The other is...this one. I wanted to write a completely fantasy fic as well so that’s what I’m gonna be doing here. Yah, I guess that’s all I need to say, in to the action then…


Chapter One: Old Faces

Seeing as you’re not from a round here I guess you’re going to need a bit of a rundown aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’m used to having to do things the hard way around here anyway. This, as you might have guessed, is Metropolis, the single most important city in the world today. Hell, you could just say the single city in the world today. Y’see things haven’t been all that hunky dory around here recently, not one bit. Oh sorry, I guess I’m getting ahead of myself a little here, we need to start at the very very beginning don’t we?

Well it’s currently March 14th 2087, 8:37am to be precise. Though to be honest date and time aren’t that important as they’ll be pretty irrelevant for you. Things have changed a lot in the last eighty years and I’m not even going to try to explain the complexities of things, not right now anyway. I’ll just fill you in on what you need to know; and that’s that there have been a lot of ups and downs between your time and mine, mainly downs that is. For future reference just so you know, world hunger never was solved; poverty just got worse and worse. I suppose you could have guessed that yourselves really but it’s something you need to know if you’re to have a better understanding of the world today.

About fifty years ago poverty in the third world started to increase at a massive rate, and it only took a few more years for it to really have an effect. It’s hard to say exactly how many people died (and that’s because nobody really cares), but I’d say around three quarters of the worlds population has gone down. Now obviously this is pretty grim news, but in the long run this should help all of us left right? After all resources should last longer, less mouths to feed and all that right? Wrong. You see people like to runaway from reality, so in order to hide their own shame from letting all of this happen they’ve decided to go overkill. Governments are determined to show that their country is superior, their regime is the best and that the people have nothing to fear. The sad thing is that most people buy into this crap, the sadder thing is that the people who don’t still have to put up with it.

I could give you a much longer and much more boring history lesson but I’ll spare you. Instead I’ll just say that this place is the fruits of the fat cats labour: Metropolis. Egos got so big that development into industry was considered paramount and the result is this. You guys thought New York was big huh? Metropolis is about one fifty times bigger than New York and the population is just as dense. Everyone who’s anyone lives and works in Metropolis; anybody else is simply dog food. Sure you can try to live and work outside of the city but you’re really signing your own death warrant. There’s no protection outside of Metropolis (hell it seems like there’s no protection in here most of the time) so you’re really just heading the same way as everybody else who’s met their end outside of the city. Resources are horded by Metropolis and seeing as the government running the city has only one concern: the city, that isn’t likely to change.

Don’t get me wrong though, Metropolis isn’t the nicest place in the world to live in…wait, scratch that. Metropolis IS the nicest place in the world to live in, but nicest doesn’t necessarily mean nice. The city’s so huge that areas that were once developed have now been left to rot; you can still just about cope if you live in an area like that but you won’t really be enjoying your existence. It’s usually the case that the closer you get to the centre of the city the more developed and well kept it is. Me? Well thankfully I’m not right on the outskirts but I’m nowhere near the middle either. I know that doesn’t really explain things very well, but I guess it gives you a better idea of just how huge Metropolis really is. I’ve tried to make that geography and history lesson as brief as possible for you so just count yourselves lucky I didn’t go on for longer than I did.

So, I’m Fujimoto Miki, Private Detective. I’m sure there’ll be a few giggles out there, but trust me it’s much more depressing work than you’d think. After all my most common work is murder cases and if someone gets murdered from outside of the city centre then nobody really cares to much, it makes work all the more difficult. I’m not trying to say that I’m say great bringer of justice that you should be in awe of, but I kind of feel that someone’s got to give a damn, even if I am that unfortunate idiot. I’ll admit though that not all cases are worth bothering about, a lot of people on the outskirts of the city are about people who’ve murdered a dozen others before someone else got them. Saying that, you don’t get many people from the city centre coming this far out to hire a detective, but I can’t say I blame them. Plus I don’t like working with those pompous assholes anyway.

Well I think I’ve given you a decent rundown of things so I might as well kick things off properly. It’s currently March 14th 2087, just gone 8:37am to be precise (yeah, time didn’t pass while you were reading that last bit). Things have been particularly dull recently so I’ve taken to these little morning walks, it gives you a little time to yourself as you usually can’t here yourself think by the time it hits mid-afternoon. My offices are really just a flat that I have rented out (though it has got the whole glass door with my name printed on which I thought was quite cool). The only way out is through the back door into the alleyway, so as you can guess it’s nothing spectacular but hey, I’ve seen worse places.

The alleyway is filled with junk as usual and it stinks like a rats ass, it doesn’t really phase me though as I’ve had to put up for it for the past three years now. Which is exactly why I wouldn’t have noticed the girls body cramped up amongst the rubbish except for the quiet moaning noises. I tried to get a little closer to get a better look at them, but not too close, muggers have got me that way before (little eight year old bastard stabbed me in the foot). She may have had a fair amount of cuts and bruises on her, not to mention she even stank out the rubbish, but I could stop my eyes widening when I realised who it was. My old partner, Jun Jun. It’d probably be more accurate to say partner in crime, as that’s exactly what we were, but hey I’m clean now. In fact that’s the exact reason I hadn’t seen in my past three years as a detective, she’d stayed on the wrong side of the law whereas I had learnt my lesson from getting caught too many times.

Knowing her background I probably should have been even more wary than normal but instead I sank to my knees and lowered myself to her eye level. She wasn’t looking at me, she was just staring at the floor, she knew I was there though. I reached out and touched her forehead with my hand, damn was she hot. I pushed her head back slightly and moved her hair from out of the way of her face. Her eyes were staring right at me but she wasn’t making eye contact, she was staring right through me into space. I may have been jumping to conclusions but I’d known this girl a long time, she wouldn’t get herself messed up like this easily so something really bad must have been happening with her.

Maybe my head should have told me otherwise but for some reason I found myself lifting the body up. Or trying to at least, either I’d gotten weaker or she’d gotten fatter. Her body slumped back against the wall but thankfully she was cushioned against a bunch of rubbish bags (you know, rubbish bags likely to be full of glass and metal, damn). I hadn’t tried making any verbal contact but I didn’t see the point as she couldn’t even look straight, what chance did she have of understanding what I was saying? I was no doctor and there was no way I’d have been able to carry her to one so I did the next best thing instead. I got up from my knees and walked away. Hell, to most people she would have been just more trash anyway, and who knows, if I hadn’t recognised her I probably would have though the same right? Well probably not, but I had the faint hope that by the time I got back from my walk she’d be gone, and if not, well maybe she’d be dead, then I definitely wouldn’t have to worry about her.

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Re: Metropolis
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2007, 01:07:58 AM »
Damn, Miki's an  :shakeit:. (I always wanted to use that one.)

Offline JFC

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Re: Metropolis
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2007, 04:53:27 AM »
Damn, looks like the world's gone to shit. :O

So, I’m Fujimoto Miki, Private Detective.
Miki-sama!  :inlove:

The alleyway is filled with junk as usual and it stinks like a rats ass, it doesn’t really phase me though as I’ve had to put up for it for the past three years now. Which is exactly why I wouldn’t have noticed the girls body cramped up amongst the rubbish except for the quiet moaning noises.


She may have had a fair amount of cuts and bruises on her, not to mention she even stank out the rubbish, but I could stop my eyes widening when I realised who it was. My old partner, Jun Jun. It’d probably be more accurate to say partner in crime, as that’s exactly what we were, but hey I’m clean now. In fact that’s the exact reason I hadn’t seen in my past three years as a detective, she’d stayed on the wrong side of the law whereas I had learnt my lesson from getting caught too many times.
Whoa, so Miki used to be a criminal, but has since gone straight, and Junjun was her partner in crime? :o  Does/did she know that Miki has quit being a criminal?

Knowing her background I probably should have been even more wary than normal but instead I sank to my knees and lowered myself to her eye level. She wasn’t looking at me, she was just staring at the floor, she knew I was there though. I reached out and touched her forehead with my hand, damn was she hot. I pushed her head back slightly and moved her hair from out of the way of her face. Her eyes were staring right at me but she wasn’t making eye contact, she was staring right through me into space. I may have been jumping to conclusions but I’d known this girl a long time, she wouldn’t get herself messed up like this easily so something really bad must have been happening with her.
Sounds like Junjun might have a fever? She could be in trouble...something she can't handle on her own.

I got up from my knees and walked away. Hell, to most people she would have been just more trash anyway, and who knows, if I hadn’t recognised her I probably would have though the same right? Well probably not, but I had the faint hope that by the time I got back from my walk she’d be gone, and if not, well maybe she’d be dead, then I definitely wouldn’t have to worry about her.
Damn, Miki's just going to leave her? Did the two of them have a falling out or something, or is Miki following the "worry only about me" philosophy now?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Metropolis
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 10:18:21 AM »
I've pretty much lost the spine of this story that I had saved as it's back on my other computer, but never mind I'll try and keep this going anyways.

Chapter Two: Pandas

Now let me get things straight right now; I don’t need you pre-judging me about my decision to leave her lying there. You obviously don’t know the full story like I do, do you? Hmm, I guess that means I’m going to have to explain myself doesn’t it? Well a lot happened between myself and Jun Jun, like I said we were good friends for about three years. We got to know each other in a pretty unspectacular fashion, the usual way really, a couple of young people living in the slum area of the city. You need to stick to groups to stay alive there really, walking around on your own makes you easy pickings. Things didn’t really get too serious; you just did what you had to do to stay alive really. That’s the way I wanted to keep it anyways but Jun Jun had other ideas, she’d started to mix in with another gang called the Golden Wings. These gangs got pretty popular amongst the youths in the slums, I never really understood it myself; give yourself a dumb name and beat a few people up, apparently that gets you respect. You’re only getting respect from the same scum you’re living with though; you’re not really any higher in the food chain.

It was about that time I realised I wanted out, sure we’d looked out for each other for a long time but calling us friends would be a bit of an assumption. I would have stabbed her in the back at any time if it had benefited me and I’m sure that she would have done the exact same thing. We looked out for each other because we had to, not because we liked each other. It took a lot of time and effort to get myself where I am today, and I’m still not in any great position. Now here I am faced with her again and for all I know she hasn’t changed one bit, which means it’s likely that this is really just some ploy by her. Now what exactly she’d be planning I don’t know, I’m not a mind reader, but there’s no doubt that it was a definite possibility. I didn’t know if she’d come searching for me but if not then it seemed a bit of a coincidence that I’d find her right outside my flat. Though for some reason I found myself rushing my walk, this was supposed to be time to myself but I couldn’t shake Jun Jun’s fragile image out of my head.

I was almost running by the time I’d made my way back to the alleyway and was pretty surprised to see a figure stood of Jun Jun’s body. I wasn’t taking any particular care to be quiet so they heard me coming pretty easily. The girl whipped around and drew a pistol on me, call it second nature but my hands went into the air automatically. I didn’t recognise this girl but she was certainly quick to whip it out…so to speak.

“Who the hell are you?” the girl asked. A fine question for her to ask I thought, she was the one in my back yard not the other way around.

“I just live here” a couple of years ago I would have undoubtedly given some smartass answer in return, I still did that sometimes, but I’d leant to control it a little more as I was sick of getting shot.

“Is that so? Well in that case you can help me get her into your place” I suppose I should have been grateful, I was kind of hoping she’d tell me to get lost and I would have pissed off back the way I came from. If I’d done that though it would have only meant that I’d have been curious as hell about what exactly had happened to Jun Jun and probably would have gone crazy.

Needles to say it was quite  job to get Jun Jun through the door and the up the stairs to my flat, I made sure to watch her feet though, she wasn’t helping herself along which meant it was more likely that she wasn’t faking whatever exactly it was that was wrong with her. We placed her body onto the sofa in the living area before the other girl headed over to the sink and started to was her hands from the dirt she had now covered on them. This told me one thing: she wasn’t from around the slums. When your in the slums dirt gets pretty much ingrained into your hands and you don’t even bother trying to wash it off.

“So who do you work for?” I asked nonchalantly.

The girl turned off the tap and proceeded to dry her hands.

“No-one actually, if you must know” she didn’t bother to look up at me but headed straight for Jun Juns body and started to check her pulse, temperature and the like.

I wasn’t exactly sure what to make of the current situation, was I being kept as a sort of hostage in my own house? Expected to help her? Leave? I decided it was probably best to stay quiet as opening your mouth would more than likely get you into more trouble than it’s worth in this kind of situation.

“I’m Qian Lin” the girl finally said after a few minutes silence. “I used to be a bounty hunter but right now I suppose you could say I’m unemployed.” The whole time she was speaking she still didn’t look up at me.

It was strange to hear someone refer to themselves as a bounty hunter, whether or not she was clean now it was still the kind of thing you’d only want the right people to know about. Potential employers basically, otherwise you’re probably not going to be much use. On top of that something pretty major must have happened to her if she was out in the slums as fees were usually astronomical for the kind of jobs they were given. Obviously I was expecting pretty much everything she said to be, but I did listen very closely to what she had to say just in case she was, on the off chance, telling the truth.

“We’ll be staying the night” Qian Lin said finally getting up and making eye contact with me. Who was I to argue? I did have a spare room that I had always been annoyed at myself at for never using, I guess this might make me feel a little better eh?

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Re: Metropolis
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2007, 02:25:54 AM »
Well a lot happened between myself and Jun Jun, like I said we were good friends for about three years. We got to know each other in a pretty unspectacular fashion, the usual way really, a couple of young people living in the slum area of the city. You need to stick to groups to stay alive there really, walking around on your own makes you easy pickings.
Makes sense when you think about it. If you're in a "less than desirable" area like that, everyone knows that there is strength in numbers.

Things didn’t really get too serious; you just did what you had to do to stay alive really. That’s the way I wanted to keep it anyways but Jun Jun had other ideas, she’d started to mix in with another gang called the Golden Wings.
Ah so Junjun fell in with this gang and possibly thought that joining them would lead to better things.

It was about that time I realised I wanted out, sure we’d looked out for each other for a long time but calling us friends would be a bit of an assumption. I would have stabbed her in the back at any time if it had benefited me and I’m sure that she would have done the exact same thing. We looked out for each other because we had to, not because we liked each other.
Ah, so it was more of a partnership of convenience.  Still though, surely they must have gotten along fairly well (maybe even liked each other a little seeing as how they stuck together for a few years.

for some reason I found myself rushing my walk, this was supposed to be time to myself but I couldn’t shake Jun Jun’s fragile image out of my head.

I was almost running by the time I’d made my way back to the alleyway and was pretty surprised to see a figure stood of Junjun’s body.
Miki went back. for her.  :)

But who's the new person? :?

“Who the hell are you?” the girl asked. A fine question for her to ask I thought, she was the one in my back yard not the other way around.

“I just live here” a couple of years ago I would have undoubtedly given some smartass answer in return, I still did that sometimes, but I’d leant to control it a little more as I was sick of getting shot.

“Is that so? Well in that case you can help me get her into your place”
Ok, so the new girl knows Junjun. The next question does she know her?

“I’m Qian Lin” the girl finally said after a few minutes silence. “I used to be a bounty hunter but right now I suppose you could say I’m unemployed.” The whole time she was speaking she still didn’t look up at me.
LINLIN! :w00t:

She's a bounty hunter? :O  Considering her petitie stature, if she's any good at her job then she must be very good, not to mention very dangerous.  Miki should be careful around her, lest she put her life in danger.

“We’ll be staying the night” Qian Lin said finally getting up and making eye contact with me. Who was I to argue? I did have a spare room that I had always been annoyed at myself at for never using, I guess this might make me feel a little better eh?
It's going to be really interesting when Junjun wakes up and sees Miki standing over her.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Metropolis
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2007, 10:44:28 PM »
This bit's slightly more odd than the other two bits, so if you hate it I can understand! (Don't worry it isn't all like this one)


Chapter Three: Yume

I’d had plenty of restless nights in the past, for plenty of reasons. Tonight though wasn’t out of fear, more morbid curiosity as to what exactly was going on. The spare room was across from my own on the other side of the living room, I was surprised that this Qian Lin had let me stay in their on my own…the spare room that is, Jun Jun was in my own room as there was actually a bed in there). She’d put Jun Jun (I suppose I should explain that her real name is actually Li Chun if I haven’t already, I can’t quite remember.) in the spare room and had set herself against the doorway in the living room that led to Jun Jun. I stayed awake for a couple of hours just lying there staring at the ceiling, there was virtually no noise other than the rare shout or sound of traffic from outside.

How I got there I wasn’t quite sure, but from being in the spare room one second I found myself stood in front of what could best be described as a Mayan temple I guess. Nothing else around me except for desert, I’m pretty sure the desert was purple but I can’t quite remember. Instinct made me start to climb the stairs of the temple and while I did I thought about a lot of things. I’m not trying to create a sob story here but a lot of bad things have happened to me in the past. I’m not gonna apologise for spilling my heart out to you as you’re here reading this, you obviously have some fascination with me for some reason…or whatever reason you may have you’re listening to what I have to say. If you don’t wanna know about my past then I’d just scan over this next bit if I was you.

The beginning’s always a good place to start isn’t it? So I’ll start there. Orphan, in case you wondered, though that isn’t really that rare in the past few years. Kids are usually either a mistake now in the slums, it’s just another mouth to take away the food that’s hard enough to get in the first place right? Petty theft is probably the best way to get by when you’re a kid in the slums, well the only way to get by should I say; if you’re not killed that is. When I was 14 I turned to what may be considered an even less desirable way to get by, prostitution. As I’m sure you can understand this isn’t a part of my life I like to reminisce about so I’ll skip the gory details, instead I’ll just say that the amount of money you make extra from the work than you do simply stealing isn’t worth it simply for the amount of times you have the shit kicked out of you and the money ripped straight back outta your hand. That pretty much leads up to when I met up with Jun Jun and well…you know all that. Sure there a re a lot more major stuff that happened to me but I’ll let you know about it when it becomes relevant okay?

Now my memories not very good so I’m not sure if I was just saying that to you or to myself, but whichever it was after I’d stopped looking back at my past I came back to my present…if that makes sense…probably not. I was back on the stairs and realised I’d been walking for what seemed like five hours, I took a look down and found that I’d gone up about a third of the way up the temple steps…it couldn’t have been more than a few hundred, how time worked in this place confused me. Another thing that was niggling at the back of my mind was why I’d decided to wear a wedding dress, but I didn’t think about it too much as I was determined to get up these steps more quickly. Funnily enough it seemed to work pretty well too; I was at the top in just a few minutes.

I took a quick look around and had to double-take as I expected to see nothing but a view of the desert, instead I saw a figure stood a few feet away looking straight at me with what looked like a smile on their face. It was certainly a genuine smile; I didn’t sense any hostility from whoever this was.

“Right on time, bet you found the second half a bit quicker than the first though right?” as I moved closer I could see it was a girl standing there (for some reason I got the feeling I was going to be meeting more girls than boys in the next few days…call it a hunch). She seemed very pleased with herself, or more specifically with something I seemed to have done.

“Dressed for the occasion I see too!” if only I’d realised at this time that this was a dream, at least then I might have had some control over what was going on. Instead it felt as if I was just on some rail-track, asking questions I didn’t even want to ask, but I asked them anyway.

“Who are you?”

The girl frowned slightly at this question, “Talk about a cliché. If I tell you my name will that honestly make any difference?”

I suppose she did have a good point, still it pissed me off that she was trying to be clever about things.

“We’ll just say I’m you conscience for now right? We can both live with that.”

For some reason this seemed like a perfectly acceptable idea, but then the sky was purple at this moment in time so you know…

“Where are we?” even I knew this was a stupid question, so why did I bother asking it?

“How the hell should I know?!” the girl asked throwing her arms up in to the air, “you made this place up not me!”

“Okay then…why am I here?” looking back on things I can really see what an idiot I was asking this stuff, it’s sort of embarrassing to talk about now.

“We’re just here for a chat really.” The girl said sounding calm again. “If I was you though I’d be a little more concerned with this wedding dress thing you’ve got going on. Instead of asking me that though you decide to ask who I am instead. Why have you got that thing on?”

“…I don’t know.”

“You want to know who I am? You putt a wedding dress on for seemingly know reason and you’re asking who I am? If I were you I’d be worried about what kind of person I was, never mind somebody else.”

This all seemed a bit pointless to me really, this was a dream, of course random crap like this was going to happen.

“Well I do know what that dress is for,” the girl decided to chirp up again as I’d stayed silent, “or “who” I should say.”

This sounded slightly more interesting.

“For your good friend of course: Jun Jun.”

Whatever kind of messed up dream it was, hearing her name made me wake up. No I didn’t wake up in a sweat or scream or jerk up in bed; I opened my eyes slowly and started to forget the dream pretty quickly. I may be clicéd but come on, give me a break.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 10:45:19 PM by Cookie Holiday »

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Re: Metropolis
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2007, 01:10:56 AM »
How I got there I wasn’t quite sure, but from being in the spare room one second I found myself stood in front of what could best be described as a Mayan temple I guess. Nothing else around me except for desert, I’m pretty sure the desert was purple but I can’t quite remember.
Miki's dreaming?

When I was 14 I turned to what may be considered an even less desirable way to get by, prostitution. As I’m sure you can understand this isn’t a part of my life I like to reminisce about so I’ll skip the gory details, instead I’ll just say that the amount of money you make extra from the work than you do simply stealing isn’t worth it simply for the amount of times you have the shit kicked out of you and the money ripped straight back outta your hand. That pretty much leads up to when I met up with Jun Jun and well…you know all that.
So Miki met Junjun when she had hit rock bottom? Could it be that she felt a need to help Miki leave that part of her life behind?  This must have been before they first met that gang that Junjun wanted to join, but that Miki didn't.

after I’d stopped looking back at my past I came back to my present.


I was back on the stairs and realised I’d been walking for what seemed like five hours, I took a look down and found that I’d gone up about a third of the way up the temple steps…


I didn’t think about it too much as I was determined to get up these steps more quickly. Funnily enough it seemed to work pretty well too; I was at the top in just a few minutes.

I took a quick look around and had to double-take as I expected to see nothing but a view of the desert, instead I saw a figure stood a few feet away looking straight at me with what looked like a smile on their face. It was certainly a genuine smile; I didn’t sense any hostility from whoever this was.

“Right on time, bet you found the second half a bit quicker than the first though right?” as I moved closer I could see it was a girl standing there
Miki sure has some strange dreams. :lol:

So who's the girl?

“Who are you?”

The girl frowned slightly at this question, “Talk about a cliché. If I tell you my name will that honestly make any difference?”

I suppose she did have a good point, still it pissed me off that she was trying to be clever about things.

“We’ll just say I’m you conscience for now right? We can both live with that.”
I guess it makes sense, but it'd still be nice to be able to call her something.

“You want to know who I am? You putt a wedding dress on for seemingly know reason and you’re asking who I am? If I were you I’d be worried about what kind of person I was, never mind somebody else.”

This all seemed a bit pointless to me really, this was a dream, of course random crap like this was going to happen.

“Well I do know what that dress is for,” the girl decided to chirp up again as I’d stayed silent, “or “who” I should say.”

This sounded slightly more interesting.

“For your good friend of course: Jun Jun.”
HUH??? :dunno:

How is Miki wearing a wedding gown supposed to be for Junjun? We're not going to get into a whole bunch of psychiatric mumbo-jumbo, are we?

Or is it something simpler like the possibility of...MikiJun??? :w00t:

I'm such a geek sometimes. :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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