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Author Topic: Like Ally Mcbeal (but better) [Second Case, First Part] [Updated 07/26]  (Read 5247 times)

Offline Liben

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When you are bored at Geography class and the teacher isn't explaining, you can only do two things: sleep or take a piece of paper and write something.
So I did the second one  :lol:

Enjoy it kudasaii~


That time, when I was at the front of her, I didn't want to believe that she was going to say those hurting words. She put her hands on the table, looking carefully at the record of the session. She sighed as she looked at every page, looking for something that could change everything. But this time it was impossible.

“I think it's evident...” she whispered as she closed slowly her eyes to think better about it.

Takahashi nodded happily with a smile on her face, closing her own record of the session. I could notice a bit of superiority in her gaze, that gaze that I had hate all my life. I stared at her, trying to made an eye contact, put it was impossible at this moment. “Of course. It's evident” She said.

“So...” she muttered “I declare the defendant, Tokunaga Chinami...” she gave out a sigh “guilty”
I couldn't believe it... I had.. lost a judgment...
After a lot of trials without a miserable loss I had lost the first one. Damn Takahashi! This fiscal was always knocking me out! Everyone loved and liked her, she was the hero Takahashi, the girl who send every offender to jail! Yes, the perfect Takahashi Ai...

Because her...
Everything happened because her.

I was playing with my hair in the office, sitting at the front of my computer. I was really sad because my first loss.
“How I hate to be a lawyer...” I whispered under my breathe.
At that time no one wanted my help because the case that I loss. After all the work that I did to win this trial... But... It was impossible.

Suddenly two girls arrived to my office, closing the door behind them. I looked at them and I recognized my boss, Nakazawa Yuko, but I couldn't know who was the other girl.
“Hi” Yuko waved.

“Hi...” I said unenthusiastically as I moved lazily my head.

“Hey! Relax, girl, it's just your first loss. It's not a big deal” she smiled at me, trying to cheer me up.

“But...” I muttered.

“There's no but!” she said. “I have something that will cheer you”

“The head of Fiscal Takahashi? Or the head of judge Goto?” I asked.

“No, but it's better!” she grinned at me as she pointed at the girl who was beside her “This is Yajima Maimi. She'll be your helper”

“What?! I don't need a helper!” I shouted as I arose from my chair. “I've never had a helper! I don't want-”

“Don't be like that, Shimizu!” she exclaimed. “She wants to learn more about law, and you are the best teacher that I know”

“And, besides, I admire you a lot!” she said. I stared at her for a moment, wondering what she admire about me. Then I looked at Yuko again, who was putting her puppy eyes.

“Okay then...” I muttered.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Maimi exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug.

“I-I... can-t breathe...”


« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 12:51:35 AM by Liben »

Sonna Rolling Days~!

Offline Liben

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I changed the tittle ^^''

First Case: Kamei's Nightmare Factory
Part One

Sunday, 27h of April, 2008
Kamei's Dream Factory

“Don't say those words again!” she shouted. Everyone in the factory turned around to see what was happening between those two. They were having a discussion.

“But it's true, Sudou-san! I'm telling you the true!” the other girl exclaimed, sending a pout to the other. “Please, believe me!”

“I won't!” she turned around and looked at the others, and giving out a sigh, she said: “If you say those words again, I'll kill you”

She put on her jacket and she went out from the room, whispering something angrily. The other girl just stayed there, staring at the ceiling, asking herself about what she did to made Sudou-san got angry.


“This is my chance... I'm sorry, Maasa Sudou"

Monday, 28th of April, 2008
Nakazawa&Co. Lawyer Office

“Ah... My head hurts...” I muttered as I joined the lawyer office. “I can't believe it's already Monday... Another boring work day...”

“Shimizu-sama!” someone exclaimed cheerfully near my ear.

“Ah, Momoko, it's you...” I sighed “I have headache, so please, don't shout when you're near me... okay?”

“Oh, I'm sorry” she said, speaking quietly.

“Have you seen my assistant today?” I asked her.

“Your... assistant?” she scratched her head thoughtfully.

“Yes, a girl with two long legs, a cheerful smile, two bright eyes, black hair...” I described her while Momoko started to laugh quietly. “What's so funny?”

“You talk about her like if she were your girlfriend or the woman of your dreams” she smiled.

“What the?! She's just my assistant!” I exclaimed, shocked with the idea.

“If you say so...” she muttered as she went to her office. 

I took a coffee from the coffee machine and I went to my office as I thought about where my assistant was. I started to read the newspaper until someone arrived, exclaiming cheerfully.


“AH!” I shouted, surprised and shocked with her appearance.

“Sorry, I surprised you?” she asked, giving out an smirk.

“I don't think so... you have just make my heart beat faster... Maybe it's a heart attack, but it's okay...” I sighed weakly.

“He, he, he, you're funny as always, Shimizu-sama!” she smiled at me. “I have something that will cheer you and make you smile as me!” she pointed her smile with one of her fingers.

“The head of Takahashi?”

“Again, no!” she sighed “You always ask the same, Shimizu-sama...”

“So, what is it?” I asked with curiosity.

“It's something better” she smiled again. “I have a case for you!”

She gave me an envelope that I opened quickly. “Wow, it's a crime!” I exclaimed. I have always love crime cases.

“Yurina told me to give you this case because she isn't able to protect the defendant” she explained.

“Why?” I rose my both eyebrows.

“Because she is actually dating her” she grinned at me.

“Eh?! Kumai is dating a girl?” I exclaimed, putting my hands on my head.

“What's the problem? Liking girls is a normal thing!” she gave me a pat on my back. “I also like girls”

“What...?” I blushed a little. “Anyway... What is the case about?”

“Get ready because here comes the super-summary of Maimi Yajima!” she exclaimed energetically. “The defendant, Maasa Sudou is accused of murdering Kikkawa Yuu. The victim died by a bullet in her back, and the police found the gun at Sudou's box office. There's no traces on the gun because she cleaned it after using it”

“So that's why everyone thinks that Maasa is the killer, right?” I asked, and after seeing her nod, I added “And when is the trial?”

“Tomorrow” she smiled.

“What?! Tomorrow?! We have to start the investigation right now!” I stood up and I put on my jacket “Where was the crime?”

“At the Kamei's Dream Factory” she took my coffee and drank a little.

“Kamei's Dream Factory?” I asked as I rose my brows again.

“Yes, it's a doll fabric!” she smirked “They manufacture all types of dolls”

“Ah... It's strange, isn't it?” I muttered. “At a dream factory, a crime happened...”

“So, now it's Kamei's Nightmare Factory!” she laughed. “Let's go there!”

“No, no, we have to speak with Maasa Sudou first” I said.

“Ooh... I wanted to see the factory...”

“We'll go later, okay?”

“Okay” she smiled once again “Let's go, Shimizu-sama! We have a lot of work!”

28th of April, 2008
Police Station, Detention Room n.5

“It's here” I whispered as I entered the room. I turned around and looked at my assistant, who was still looking at me. “Yajima-san?”


“Something happens?” I asked.

“It's the first time I'm here” she said.

“It'll be fine” I sighed. “I have been here a lot of times. Don't worry”

“Okay...” she muttered while she joined the room.

We sat at the front of the weak girl who was at the other side of the glass.

“Good morning, Sudou-san” Maimi started.

“Good... morning...” she waved weakly.

“Sudou-san... we know that you didn't do anything to the victim, so don't be afraid”

“Ah...” she looked at us “You are that famous lawyer... Saki Shimizu, aren't you?”

“Yes I am” I answered.

“Wow!” suddenly her mood changed. “Yurina is always talking about you! You are a hero!” she gave out a smile as she said the name of her girlfriend. “So I don't have to be worried anymore”

“Please, tell us everything about the victim” Maimi asked.

“Oh, right” she sighs thoughtfully. “She was a great girl, we were good friends. She was good at kanjis as me, she loved writing with a lot of kanjis and she also knew writing really fast.” She started looking for something in her pockets. “I think that I have a photo of her...” She took out a paper from her pocket and showed it to us.

“Umm... she was left-handed, right?” I asked as I looked at the photo. In the picture you could see the victim writing with a brush. “Can we take it as a clue?”

“Of course” she said, giving it to a guard who was in the room.

“What were you doing when the crime happened?” Maimi asked as she took the photo from the hands of the guard.

“I finished my work at half past two and I went to a restaurant. I stayed there until four o'clock.” she explained.

“Mmmh... Can you tell us the name of the restaurant?” I asked as I looked again at the photograph.

“Okay, the name of the restaurant is 'La bella España'. It's near the factory” she said.

“Oh, a German restaurant?” Maimi asked. I slap my face with my hands.

“No, it's a Spanish restaurant” Maasa corrected.

“Okay, nothing else, Sudou-san” I said. “Thank you for everything. We'll see you tomorrow”

“Thank you” she waved back.

“But we didn't ask her anything at all!” Maimi moaned.

“We have enough information” I said as we left the room.

28th of April, 2008
Kamei's Dream Factory

“Mmh...” I searched the room “The police is already gone”

“Yes” Maimi muttered. “We need to hurry if we want to find something”

We started looking for clues, but we didn't find anything. “Isn't that strange?”

“What do you mean?” Maimi asked.

“There isn't blood here at the crime scene...”

“Maybe the police cleaned it before leaving” she scratched her forehead.

“You are just stupid if you think like that” someone said. We turned around and we looked at her. I was really surprised... what was she doing there?

“Natsuyaki-san!” I exclaimed as I pointed her with my hand. “W-w-w-what are you doing here?”

“You must know it, stupid...” she smirked “I'm going to the fiscal of this case”

“What?!” I was really shocked. I looked at my assistant and I noticed that she wasn't paying attention. She was staring at the eyes of the girl who was beside Natsuyaki-san.

“You have heard it already, right?” she sighed. “I'm going to repeat it anyway... I'm-going-to-be-the-fiscal-of-this-case!” She looked at the girl who was beside her, and she also noticed that those two weren't mentally with us. “Stop staring!”

“I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry N-N-Natsuyaki-san” she muttered.

“She's really shy...” I whispered.

“How cute...” Maimi said under her breathe as she smiled.

“This is my assistant... or something like that” Natsuyaki crossed her arms angrily.

“Ah... You have an assistant too?” I asked.

“Yeah... I hate that girl, but my boss forced me to support her...” she said. “The same as you, I think...”

“Not really...” I muttered. “We are like... friends”

“You continue being stupid as always...” she sighed. “Anyway... the police didn't clean the blood”

“So who cleaned it?” I asked, crossing my arms too.

“My assistant cleaned it” she pointed the poor girl.

“I-I-I-I have b-b-b-blood on my hands...” she muttered, showing us her red hands.

“Poor cute girl...” Maimi whispered under her breathe.

“Natsuyaki-san!” I shouted. “That's illegal!”

“It isn't illegal if the police tell you to do it” Natsuyaki said.

“The police told you to clean it?” I rose my both brows, without believing her words.

“Well, they wanted to wash it but we insisted on cleaning it” she explained before looking at her watch. “Hey, stupid girl, let's go! We have to speak with someone!” She turned at us with an smirk “See you tomorrow, Shimizu Saki”

“Good bye!” Maimi waved Natsuyaki's assistant with a smile on her face as they left the room. “She is really beautiful, isn't she?”

“If you say so...” Suddenly, I saw something on the floor. I bent down and I picked it. “Isn't that...?”

“Yeah, it looks like a ring” Maimi said.

“Not only a ring... an engagement ring” I muttered. “It has something written...”

“You're right...” She tried to read it “Kame...i Yumiko...”

“Kamei Yumiko?” I asked myself.

“Kamei Yumiko... Isn't that the name of a doll?” Maimi scratched her head again.

“I'll call Momoko and tell her to search it on the Internet” I said, taking out the phone from my pocket.

After a while, we had all the information about Kamei Yumiko. She's the daughter of the director of the fabric, Eri Kamei. Her father died when she was just three years old. And it seems that someone wanted to marry her.

“This isn't something helpful...” I muttered.

“Save it! Who knows, maybe it's a big clue!” Maimi exclaimed.

“Okay...” I saved it on my pocket. “Well, let's go to the Spanish restaurant”

“I want to eat a paella!”

“Maimi! We are working!” I noticed that I was hungry too. “Ok, we'll eat and ask them about Maasa”

“He, he, he, you are great, Shimizu-sama!” she smiled.

28th of April, 2008
La Bella España Restaurant

“I thought that the restaurant would be far away...” Maimi said, surprised.

“Maasa told us that it's near the factory, remember?” I sighed. “Anyway, let's ask that waiter about her.”

We walked up to the waiter and he cheerfully greeted us. “Do you want to eat? How many people?”

“Sorry, we aren't here to eat...” I showed him a photograph of Maasa. “Have you ever seen that girl?”

“Oh! She ate here yesterday with a friend” he smiled at us.

“A friend...?” Maimi muttered.

“Can you describe the girl who was with her?” I asked.

“Hm, the girl who was with her was really tall... and her hair was black... Oh! And her skin was brunette”

“That's Kumai!” Maimi exclaimed, smiling.

“Why Maasa didn't tell us that she was with her girlfriend?” I asked myself.

“I don't know...” Maimi put one of her hands on her chin.

“We must go back to the police station and ask her”

28th of April, 2008
Police Station. Detention Room n. 5

“Shimizu-sama, I'm really hungry!” Maimi moaned.

“I promise you that after asking her we'll go to a restaurant...” I sighed.

“He, he, he, thank you, Shimizu-sama!” she smiled again as we joined the room.

“Hey! It's you again, Shimizu and...” Sudou-san pointed my assistant “What's your name?”

“I'm Maimi Yajima” she said.

“Oh, right!” she smirked “I thought you weren't going to come again”

“Yes, but we have something to ask you, Sudou-san” I said. “You told us that you went to a restaurant after finishing your work, but, you didn't tell us that you were with Kumai-san...” I explained. “Can you tell us why?”

“Eh? I didn't tell you? I thought I did...” she whispered. “I'm sorry...”

“It's okay” Maimi said. “Ne, Shimizu-sama, she just forgot it! Can we go to the restaurant now?”

“Wait a second, please” I muttered “Can we ask you more questions, Sudou-san?”

“Of course!” she smiled.

“Right... why do you think that everyone thinks that you are the killer?”

“Because before the crime I had a discussion with her. She thought that Kumai wasn't a good girl for me, so I tell her that if she said those words again, I would kill her...” she explained.

“I see...” I sighed. “But you didn't kill her.”

“Of course I didn't! Yuu was one of my best friends!” she shouted angrily.

“Calm down, we believe you” Maimi said.

“Okay, I think it's clear” I muttered. “Maasa isn't the killer, but the real murderer wanted, for some reason, that Maasa looked like it putting the gun on her box office... But... who?”

Sonna Rolling Days~!

Offline JFC

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Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh...Captain's a lawyer! :thumbsup

Maimi as the assistant = :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Brenda

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Maasa and Yurina :nya: SuMai FTW \o\

Great fic Liben!! :twothumbs

Offline Liben

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@JFC: Domo arigatou! Yep, Captain's a lawyer ^^ I'm glad you liked it ^^

@Brenda: Domo Arigatou! ^^ I'm glad you liked it

Well, another chapter :monster:

First Case: Kamei's Nightmare Factory
Part Two

29th of April, 2008
Justice Court, Hall

I was talking about the trial with my assistant while we waited our defendant. Yajima-san was really nervous because it was going to be her first trial as a lawyer assistant. I tried to calm her, but it was impossible to calm that earthquake called Maimi.
That day Maimi was wearing a black jacket, a white shirt with a red tie and a black mini-skirt. She was really sexy wearing those clothes, but it was just the wrong place to wear them.

“Good morning, Shimizu and Yajima-san” Maasa greeted while she joined the room.

“Good morning, Sudou-san” Maimi smiled at her.

“Have you seen Yurina this morning?” Maasa asked. “She told me that she was going to be here...”

“We haven't see her yet” I said as I shook my head. “But don't worry, she's going to be with you in the trial”

“Hm...” she muttered “I want to kiss her before the trial”

“How cute...!” Maimi whispered, giving out an grin. “It would be great to kiss someone before a trial” Why she looked at me as she said that?!

“MAASA-CHAAN!” someone exclaimed, leaping into the arms of the girl.

“Kumai-chaan!” the other exclaimed, hugging the taller girl.

“Oh, Momoko, you're also here” I said, looking at the small figure who was beside Yurina. “Good morning”

“Good morning, Shimizu-sama” she smiled at me. “How is your headache today?”

“I'm better.” I replied as I stared at the couple, who were starting to get close.

“Eh? You had headache and you didn't tell me anything!” Maimi exclaimed. “You are impossible, Shimizu-sama”

“Why all the assistants call me Shimizu-sama?” I asked myself.

Suddenly I felt that my assistant was falling in silence with no reason; she was still looking at the front. I looked at the front and I noticed why she was in silence: Natsuyaki's assistant was at the room, and they were staring at each other's eyes again. Maimi smiled at her as she played with her hair and Natsuyaki's assistant just stayed there, staring at Maimi and biting her down lip.

“Not again, please...” I muttered, trying to avoid the situation. I looked at Maasa and Yurina, who were already kissing. Then I looked at Momoko, who was staring at them with an angry expression. “Are you okay, Tsugunaga-san?”

“I'm fine! Nothing happens to me! Don't worry!” she gave me a strange smile. She was lying...

“The trial is going to begin. Please, join the room as soon as possible” someone said.

“Good luck, Shimizu-sama! I'll be watching you!” Momoko exclaimed.

“I'll see you after the trial, okay, Maa-chan?” Yurina said as she stroked Maasa's cheeks.

“Okay” she smiled at her girlfriend. “See you~”

“Maimi...” I muttered, waking her up from her own world. “Let's go, the trial is going to start”

“Oh, okay...” she said. “I'll do my best, Shimizu-sama! I promise you!”

29th of April, 2008
Justice Court, Tribunal n.7

As I thought, the judge this time is Natsumi, so I knew that it was a good thing for me this time. I prefer her rather than judge Goto.

“Is the accusation ready?” Natsumi asked, looking at Natsuyaki and her helper.

“Yes, we are, ladyship” the fiscal replied.

“Is the defense ready?”

“Yes, we are, ladyship” Maimi answered.

“I didn't notice that you have assistants!” Natsumi exclaimed, surprised pointing at Maimi and Natsuyaki's assistant.

“Yep, I'm Maimi Yajima and I'm the assistant of Shimizu-sama” she smiled.

“We're wasting a lot of time, ladyship. Can we continue with the case?” Natsuyaki sighed. I need to say that she was right.

“Oh, yes, sorry” the judge said, blushing a little. “Let's start with the trial. Natsuyaki-san, please, your initial argument”

“He, he...” she smirked at me. “It has been a long time since the last time that we saw each other in a trial, right, Shimizu Saki?” she changed her expression into an angry face “But this time I won't lose” she put her hands on the table. “The accusation will prove that the only murderer is the girl who is sitting beside the lawyer!”

“Do you mean that Maimi is the killer?” I smirked, pointing my assistant.

“That wasn't that I meant!” she blushed a little. “I meant that the only murderer here is Maasa Sudou!”

“All right...” the judge muttered. “You can call the first witness, Natsuyaki-san”

“The accusation calls the first witness, the inspector who searched the room, the Inspector Niigaki” Natsuyaki said, crossing her arms.

The woman who was wearing glasses went up to the platform.
After doing the oath, Natsuyaki-san asked: “Name and profession, please”

“I'm Niigaki Risa and I'm Police Inspector” she said calmly.

“Please, can you tell us everything that you know about the crime?” the fiscal asked.

“Of course. The victim, Kikkawa Yuu, died because a shooting of a 34 caliber gun. Before dying, she managed to write the name of the killer using her own blood. As you can see in this photo, she wrote 'Masa Sudo' in hiragana, using her right hand.”

“She wrote Masa Sudo...” Maimi muttered “There's something strange, but I don't know what...”

“Besides, we found the gun in the box office of the accused” she sighed. “But she cleaned it, so there's no traces”.

“Okay... I think it's logical” the judge held her chin. “The defense can interrogate the witness”

“Thank you, ladyship” I said. “Inspector Niigaki...”

“Yes?” she asked.

“There's something wrong in your statement” I said.

“OBJECTION!” Natsuyaki shouted. “Her statement is completely right”

“OBJECTION!” I shouted, beating the table with my hands “If the fiscal didn't let me continue, I think it's because she knows what I mean” I pointed her “So, Natsuyaki-san, spell the name of the accused”

“It's really stupid, but okay” she said, crossing her arms “M-A-S-A S-U-D-O”

“Wrong” I smirked at her. “It's M-A-A-S-A S-U-D-O-U. Double A and U after the O”

“What the...?!” Natsuyaki-san exclaimed. “Well, maybe she wrote it wrong, but, what matters?”

“Objection!” I exclaimed “It's really important because it means that she didn't write it!”

“W-w-w-what do you mean with 'she didn't write it'?” the judge asked, shocked with the idea.

“The victim and the accused were good friends, so it's obvious that the victim must know how to write her friend name!”   

“Objection!” Natsuyaki-san exclaimed “There's no proof to say that it's true”

“OBJECTION!” Maimi shouted. “We have a proof” She took out a paper from her briefcase. “This photo is the proof”

“This... photo?” The judge said, looking at the photo with an thoughtfully expression.

“It isn't the picture, ladyship. Look at the back of the photo. There's something that the victim wrote for the accused” she explained with a expression of satisfaction on all her face.

“There are a lot of kanjis...” Natsumi muttered.

“Yes, ladyship, and she wrote above all of them the furigana version, I mean, she wrote also in hiragana” Maimi gave out a smirk”

“Look at the hiragana, Natsuyaki-san, and tell us... How did she write the name of the accused at the beginning of the note?” I asked as I saw her angry face when she looked at the text.

“She wrote it correctly” she sighed.

“You are great, Shimizu-sama” Maimi whispered.

“It's not time to celebrate it... Look at Natsuyaki's face” I said, pointing the fiscal.

“Why is she smiling?” she muttered.

“You are just wasting our time again, Shimizu Saki” she smirked. “Maybe the victim wrote it quickly and she didn't care about the mistakes... This photo doesn't prove anything.”

“Objection!” I exclaimed. “You're wrong again, Natsuyaki-san... why I'm not surprised with that?” I crossed my arms “Now, look at the picture and tell us... Which hand is she using to write?”

“She is using the left ha-” she noticed it and felt shocked with it “IMPOSSIBLE!”

“I don't understand it...” the judge muttered.

“Ladyship, as the Inspector Niigaki said, the victim used her right hand to write the name of the killer, but, as you can see in the picture, she is left-handed” I explained. “And that only can mean that she didn't write the message!”

“What do you mean with that?!” Natsuyaki asked.

“I think it's obvious, Natsuyaki-san” I smirked “The real killer wrote it, using the hand of the victim, only to inculpate my client, Sudou Maasa!”

“OBJECTION!” Natsuyaki-san exclaimed “I... object... I...”

“Rejected” the judge said. “I think we need a break. We'll have a half-hour break and then we'll continue with the case”

29th of April, 2008
Justice Court, Hall

“Shimizu-sama!” Momoko exclaimed “You were great! You made Fiscal Natsuyaki feel scared!”

“I'm really surprised, Saki-chan” Yurina smiled at me “I've never thought that you were like that in a tribunal!”

“Thank you, girls” I said “But the trial isn't finished yet. We can't celebrate it” Suddenly I remembered something as I saw the Inspector. “Maimi! We have to...” I looked around, but Maimi wasn't there. “Where is she?”

“Your assistant?” Maasa asked “I think she went to the toilet”

“Oh, right...” I sighed “I have to speak with the Inspector Niigaki. Wait here, okay?”

“Okay!” Momoko exclaimed cheerfully.

I walked up to the inspector, who was drinking a coffee as she read the newspaper. “Sorry, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Shimizu-san” she smiled at me as she nodded.

“What time it was when the victim died?” I asked.

“The autopsy showed that she died at 15:09” she replied.

“That's all. Thank you” I said firmly.

“You're welcome” she smiled as she drank some coffee.

I went back to where Yurina and the others were. “There's another proof that shows that you aren't the murderer, Maasa. The victim died at 15:09, but at that time you were in the restaurant with Yurina”

“You're really clever, Shimizu-sama!” Momoko said, clapping as crazy.

“Shimizu-san...” Sudou-san muttered.

“Yes, Sudou-san?”

“Do you know who is the next witness?” she asked.

“The next witness?” I whispered “No, I don't know...”

Suddenly I heard a gasping person beside me. I looked around and I saw Maimi, who was sweating hard. The knot of her tie was undone and the zipper of her skirt was lowered. Then I looked at Natsuyaki's assistant, who seemed to be tired. She was blushing and gasping as my assistant.

“What the...?” I muttered.

“Hi, Shimizu-sama! It's cloudy today, isn't it?” she dissimulated, changing the topic of the conversation.

“Maimi... Why are your clothes like that? And why are you sweating, gasping and blushing as Natsuyaki's assistant?!” I interrogated.

“Ehh...” she muttered.

“You two came from the toilet, right? Something happened there? Did you discuss and fought?” I asked.

“... Do you really want to know it?” she blushed, smiling at me.

“What were you doing, Maimi Yajima?” I asked, crossing my arms.


“Answer me!” I exclaimed

“Okay, okay, okay” she said “We made out at the toilet, nothing else”

“Nothing else?!” I exclaimed “You made out with the assistant of the fiscal, and you say it like it's a normal thing!”


“You're impossible, Maimi...” I sighed.

“Hey, don't be like that with me...” she muttered as she played with her hair “I'm really sad with what happened...”

“Why?” I asked.

“She... she didn't tell me her name” she replied, looking at the floor. “She learned my name really fast because I have said it a lot of times during the trial... but she didn't said her name...”

“How do you know that she knows your name?” Momoko asked.

“Do you really want to know?” Maimi rose her both brows.

Yurina whispered something in Momoko's ear that made her blush. “Ah.. I understood”

“Maybe you should ask her” I counseled.

“I asked her... but maybe she didn't listen me, because she didn't reply” she looked at the floor once again.

“I have the solution!” Maasa said happily. “Before joining the room we wrote our names in a paper, right? Natsuyaki's assistant also wrote her name there, so you just have to look at that paper”

“You're really clever, Sudou-san! Thank you!” Maimi exclaimed as she went to see the paper.

“The trial is going to continue. Please, join the room as soon as possible”


He, he, he, he, he... You won't know the name until the next chapter!  :twisted:

Sonna Rolling Days~!

Offline JFC

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Mang, with all the inter-lawyer flirting, this really IS getting to be more and more like Ally McBeal. XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Kuji

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Besides, Ally McBeal, this is also reminding me of the Phoenix Wright game. XD Especially the Maggey Byrde case in this chapter.
I like the plot of this so far and there can never be enough H!P Kids fic. :3 Some useful terms for you in this story might be things like plaintiff or prosecution. I think fiscal is mainly used only in Spain? ...or so I hear since my besides me the whole debating team I'm on is made up of law students. v_v Oh well. Maasa and Kumai are a cute couple. She's not guilty for sure. D: Sorry Miyabi, you're gonna lose again.

...*flashes Maimi x Saki badge and runs* o.o

Offline Liben

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@JFC: Hehe, the title says everything, right? Like Ally McBeal (but better)  :lol:

@Kuji: Phoenix Wright? Someone told me something about that game... Maybe I should buy it and play in English, that way I'll learn more about law terms in English.
He, he... Maybe it's because I'm Spanish xD And maybe because there's a Tv program called Fiscal Chase, and it made me feel confused. Sorry for being wrong, hehe, but I'm really bad at English.  :sweatdrop: Thank you for the information ^^

Well, I'll upload the next part soon!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 09:17:06 PM by Liben »

Sonna Rolling Days~!

Offline Yankii Heart

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NIce fic!!!! :thumbsup

I was fan of the series...

Ally= Saki???

Anyway, so far I like the story and its development... I like Maimi's part too XDD

If I remember correctlyin Ally Mcbeal they spend half the time in the bathroom dancing Disco music... will they do it to ????

Keep the ggod work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yankii willl be waiting for an update XD

Offline Brenda

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Update please! :pleeease:

Offline Liben

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Update please! :pleeease:

Haha, okaay~!

Kamei's Nightmare Factory, Final Part

29th of April, 2008
Justice Court, Tribunal n.7

“Listen, Maimi. We have to be careful. Natsuyaki can change everything in a second. We can't let her do that” I whispered. I wanted her to listen to me, but she seemed to be distracted again. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “What's up?!”

“Well...” she sighed. “She has a name of a motorbike” she started to laugh.

“Yamaha?” I asked, and it made her laugh stronger.

“Nop... SUZUKI! Hahahahaha” She continued laughing. I slapped my head with my hand and shook it, frustrated.

“Stop, Maimi! We're in a trial!” I exclaimed. She stopped and blushed slightly while she scratched the back of her neck.

The judge Natsumi entered the room and sat down. “Let's continue with the trial of Sudou Maasa. For now, it seems that she's innocent.”

“The next witness will change everything, Ladyship” the attorney Natsuyaki said, crossing her arms. She's always like that. She never gives up until the trial is over. That's the only thing that I admire from her. “The accusation calls the second witness, the owner of the Kamei Dream Factory”

“That's Kamei Eri!” Maasa exclaimed, covering her mouth.

A woman who was wearing strange clothes walked up to the platform.

“Okay, witness, tell us your name and your profession” Natsuyaki asked.

“You should say 'please'” the girl crossed her arms and smirked.

“Tell us your name and your profession, PLEASE” the attorney sighed.

“See? It wasn't that difficult. The word please is polite and cute. Now you look like a person. The difference...” she started talking a lot. She was nervous, so I deduced that she was trying to hide us something, and I could only imagine what.

“PLEASE, TELL US YOUR ###### NAME AND YOUR ####### PROFESSION!” Natsuyaki exploited.

“You must be kidding me, right? I told you to be polite and...” she continued talking like crazy.

“She's Eri Kamei and she's the owner of the Kamei's Dream Factory, the place where the crime happened. She told us that she saw Maasa Sudou shotting her gun at the victim.” Natsuyaki explained, annoyed with the situation. “Please, tell us about what you saw”

“Oh... Right...” she scratched her arm. That's a nervous tic. Whatever she was going to say, it was a lie. “I was walking on the factory when suddenly I heard a discussion. I turned around and Maasa was shouting to Yuu. Kikkawa saw me and gulped. Maasa took the gun out from her pocket and shotted.”

“What about that thing that Yuu wrote on the floor? Why would she write it if she knew that you were in front of her? Did you see how she write it?” I crossed my arms and waited for an answer.

“That was... I... Yuu...” she mumbled a lot of things but nobody understood her.

“OBJECTION!” Natsuyaki exclaimed. “The interrogatory isn't yet, Shimizu, so shut the hell up!”

“Well... you can interrogate the witness, Shimizu-san” the judge Natsumi said.

“Thank you, ladyship.” I rolled my eyes at Maimi. “Wake up. I'll need your help too”

“Okay, Shimizu-sama” she gave me a thumbs up and smiled.

“I'll repeat the question, miss Kamei” I cleaned my throat. “Did you see how she write it?”

“Yeah, I saw it” she muttered. “She wrote it with her right hand”

“But you know that she was left-handed, right?” Maimi asked.

She looked at us shocked. “She was left-handed, Miss Kamei” I said.

“How did she managed to write it with that clear writing?” Maimi pressed.

“Why did you not tell us that?” I asked.

“STOP IT, PLEASE!” she shouted. “Okay. It's true. She didn't write it. I wrote it by myself. I just wanted everyone to know that Sudou Maasa did it”

“She confessed really fast, didn't she?” Maimi looked surprised with that, so I was.

“She seems to be really fragile.” Maasa added.

“Oh... Wait, Maimi. Do you remember what we found at the factory?”

“The ring?” she held her chin with her thumb. “Maasa, was there any relationship between Kikkawa Yuu and Kamei?”

“Well, the daughter of Eri, Yumiko, asked Yuu to get married.” I clapped my hands as I heard that.

“That's right!” I exclaimed. “Miss Kamei, your daughter was going to get married with the victim, right?”

“Yeah” she answered, blushing slightly.

“Did you like the idea?” I asked.

“OBJECTION!” Natsuyaki exclaimed. “What do you want to do, Shimizu?”

“Wait and see, Natsuyaki” she pouted and crossed her arms. “Please, Miss Kamei, answer my question”

“Well... No. I didn't want her to get married with Yuu” As soon as I heard that, I slammed my hands with the table.

“So you killed her” her eyes widened.

“NO! I didn't!” she exclaimed.

“Yes, you did it! And then you blamed Maasa!” I shouted. “And you liked it. You liked it a lot. You enjoyed shotting her, didn't you? Yeah, and you also enjoyed writing Sudou's name on the floor with her own blood!”

“Shut up” she muttered.

“And then you cleaned the gun. You didn't want anyone to find out that the cute owner of Kamei's Dream Factory was a killer” Maimi nodded and continued my words.

“And you decided to save it in the locker of Maasa Sudou, so everyone would think that the murderer was Maasa and not you!” she exclaimed.

“I won't talk if my lawyer isn't here” she pouted.

“I'm here” Yurina stood up from her sit. “Now you can talk, Miss Kamei” Good Yurina. Now we have her.

“But...” she looked down and started to laugh. “I killed her” she muttered and then looked at Maasa with scorn. “You won't scape from me, Maasa Sudou! You won't! AND YOUR LAWYER, AND HER ASSISTANT WON'T TOO. My plan was perfect! IT WAS PERFECT!  YOU WON'T SCAPE FROM ME!”

The police came and brought her away from the tribunal. I looked back at judge Natsumi and she shook her head. “Well, so I declare the accused, Maasa Sudou... innocent.” she stood up and walked up to me. “Congratulations, Shimizu. I knew you could do it”

“Thank you, judge Natsumi” I bowed my head and went to shake Sudou's hand. “Congratulations. Now you are save”

“Thank you” she gave me a quick hug and then went to kiss Yurina. I shook my head and walked up to Momoko.

“You were great, Shimizu-sama” she said, smiling sweetly at me.

“Thank you, but now I'm worried about Yurina. She'll have to defense the woman who inculpated her girlfriend...” I sighed.

“We'll do our best” she patted my shoulder and went to speak with Maimi. I looked back at Natsuyaki, who was glaring at me. I walked up to her and she ignored me.

“You did a good job” I said. She looked up at me and shook her head.

“I musted win this trial” she groaned.

“When the truth appears, it doesn't matter if you win or not” I explained. She looked up at me and I saw a tear falling down on her cheek.

“... Thanks”

“You're welcome”

That was the last time I talked with the real Natsuyaki Miyabi.

Sonna Rolling Days~!

Offline Brenda

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Thanks for the update. This was a great first case!

Have a nice trip to Switzerland! :w00t:   
I will be waiting for the next chapters of your two fanfics! :ptam-kiss:

Offline JFC

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Way to go Captain! :rockon:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Amarghetta

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Funny fic, hope you won't forget about it...

Offline Liben

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Funny fic, hope you won't forget about it...

Hehe, don't worry, I won't. I'll finish 'You Are My Boy' and then continue with that fic. There are 12 cases to write~!

I'll put this short part. I wrote it while I was going back to Spain. I hope you like it =D

Second Case
The crime of the peach
Part one

Tuesday, 29th of April, 2008
Nakazawa & Company Lawyer Office
Kumai Yurina's Office

She was laying on the floor. Her clothes were covered with blood, even without bleeding. She was holding something on her right hand, but she didn't turn her head to see what it was. She stood up slowly, feeling really weak and tired. When she stood up and she analyzed the room, her eyes widened and her heart started to change its pace. Two bodies, also covered with an intense red color, were lying on the floor. She didn't know them, but she saw their faces in another place. Her breathe became irregular when she noticed that they were dead. She bent down and shook their dead bodies. And when she looked at her hand, tears started forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.
It was a gun.

She threw it aside and covered her face with her hands. Her hands were also covered with blood, and now it was covering her cheeks. She turned her face and looked at the window. The glass was broken.
She did something terrible, but she couldn't remember it.

Suddenly, someone opened the door and entered the room. It was a shocked tall girl, who stared at the situation with her widened eyes.

“Kumai-sama..” she muttered with her weak voice. “Kumai-sama... I didn't...”

The girl opened her mouth, but didn't say any word.

“Kumai-sama... don't call the police...” she started to cry more than ever. “Don't call the police...”

The other girl shook her head and turned around, still shocked with what she saw.

The next thing that she heard was that sentence:

“Tsugunaga Momoko, you are under arrest”

Sonna Rolling Days~!

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Uh-oh. :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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