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Author Topic: The Jade Dragon [Chapter Three: Partners in Crime]  (Read 5624 times)

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Re: The Jade Dragon [Chapter Three: Partners in Crime]
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2008, 07:38:47 AM »
^ Thanks very much! Glad to hear that people are still reading after so long!

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Re: The Jade Dragon [Chapter Three: Partners in Crime]
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2008, 09:47:49 AM »
“Have you any idea what time it is?” Hitomi said folding her arms still looking down at Miki.

“Enlighten me.” She said rolling over and letting her eyes close again.

“It’s already gone eleven; we’ve only got an hour left for breakfast you know? So hurry your sorry ass up.” Hitomi replied hurling the other pillow at Miki.
Hmmmm...wonder what made them sleep in like that?  :twisted:

Miki sat up and gave Hitomi a glare showing her displeasure at having to wake up.

“Don’t try that one on me,” Hitomi said raising an eyebrow, “I’m not quite as easy to scare as the others.”

“Yeah, don’t I know it…” Miki replied looking even more irritated.

“But that’s why you love me, right?” grinned Hitomi.

“Ah, screw you.” Miki said throwing a pillow back in Hitomi’s direction.
That might have been the general idea.  :lol:

She was sure Hitomi knew that she still had feelings for her as it was more than slightly obvious but she continued to tease her despite Hitomi’s ongoing relationship with Rika.

When Miki arrived downstairs at sat down at the table Hitomi didn’t seem to notice her sitting down next to her, instead she had a mild look of confusion on her face and was staring out into the reception area.

“Problem?” Miki asked starting on her cereal.


“Risa was yelling something about Reina and how she knows that she’s here.”


“But…how can she possibly know she’s here?” Miki said quieting down but still sounding just as worried.

“She can’t.” Hitomi said but even she had a hint of worry on her face. “This is probably just Gaki-san going off on some crazy adventure of hers.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

“Even so, we can’t risk anything.”

“Oh come on, Risa isn’t that determined.” Miki said rolling her eyes.

“You never know; but that isn’t really what worries me.”
What the...Miki and Yossi are involved in what happened to Reina???  :shocked:

“So what is it that’s worrying you?” Miki asked patronisingly.

“Just after all that happened Lin Lin seemed to be messing around at the reception desk before the staff guy sat back down.”

“What do you think she was doing?” Miki said gulping down more cereal, she knew exactly what Hitomi wanted to hear and so just fuelled her with the questions she needed to get the full story out of her.”

“I know exactly what she was doing.”

“…and that was?”

“Well shortly afterwards Risa came down with Aika and they did some messing around of their own.”
Aw c'mon Yossi, don't change the subject like that! :dizzy:

So...Linlin was there AFTER Risa's first encounter with the receptionist, did something at his desk, then left BEFORE Risa and Aika came down and did their little thing with the distraction and the laxative?  Maybe she was the one who made the highlights on the list that was on the desk that they found?

“Amongst all the junk lying around on the desk I noticed something very interesting.”

“Go on.”

“You remember the list we made of all the rooms in here? Well looks like someone had been having a bit of fun colouring it in.”
Miki and Yossi made that list???

Forgive me for not being very enthusiastic about this detective work of yours.”
"Detective" work? Could it be that they're looking for Reina as well?

“Like I said, someone had fun drawing on our list and they decided to draw over somebody’s name on that list.”


“Don’t be dense.” Htomi said sounding annoyed.



“So…why exactly would someone cross off Reina’s name from the list?”

“Why exactly would Niigaki Risa cross off Reina’s name from the list is what you should be asking yourself.”
But Risa didn't cross of Reina's name. When she found the list the name (which was presumably Reina's) was already crossed off. So then it would have had to have been someone else who had recently (because Risa had remarked about that scent of the marker still being there) seen the list must have done it.


That means


Linlin crossed it off when she was there?  :o

“So what do we do now?”

“Well, we can’t let Risa see the state we left Reina in so what do you think we have to do?”

“Get her out of there.”

“Yes, and now.” Hitomi said standing up.

“What time is it?” Miki asked breathlessly as Hitomi stopped at a room.

“Eleven…” Hitomi said.
Whoa, they either must have gotten there just before Risa and Aichan did or just after Risa and Aichan did.

Hitomi reached into her pocket and pulled out a key. It took a moment for her to find the keyhole in the door with the lights in the corridor flickering but she managed to turn the key and opened the door on its creaky hinges.

“Oh fuck.” Miki said as the door creaked open.

The room was dark inside as the only window in the room had been covered with newspaper; inside there stood a very lonely looking single bed with various coloured stains on it and the surrounding area of the floor.
Looks like it's AFTER, unless the occupant of room found some type of hiding spot. 

“We need to find Risa and get Reina back before she can find out what’s going on.”

“Alright, but you think Risa’s going to let us in her room if she’s got Reina in there with her?”

“She will let us in, I’ll make sure of that; and we’ll make sure she doesn’t tell anybody about this.”

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The Jade Dragon [Chapter Three: Partners in Crime]
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2008, 05:25:49 PM »
OMG, I just remembered that. Linlin must have been in on the kidnapping and probably higher on the baddie chain, either that or she knew and didn't wanna help Reina herself but wanted to point Risa in the right way. or she was bad, either way she was the one that scribbled out the name and I hope in the next chapter you tell this from Risa's POV and tell us how she told Ai and now Ai and her are together <3

  I hope she gets Ai, she deserves her! Poor Risa, misunderstood! Wouldn't it be funny if by the end of this she bonds with Reina and ends up with her instead? lol
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: The Jade Dragon [Chapter Three: Partners in Crime]
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2008, 07:04:53 PM »
takareina :dunno:  :wub: ..... wait no :frustrated: takagaki takagaki  :prayers:

.... anywho i feel so bad for Risa for no one to believe esp. Ai (wait does Risa have like special unknown pysic abilites :? )then to get mixed up in some dangerous things by rescuing Reina... who may be a bad? :mon huh: I dunno guess I gotta wait for the next chapter
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