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Author Topic: G.G.U.I  (Read 3829 times)

Offline maverickpanda

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« on: September 20, 2008, 09:13:44 AM »
Hello everyone.  This is gonna be a little wierd cause this is a story that I wrote with Gloopip in mind, because she made me a sig and I wanted to thank her.  So I hope you guys like my newest story, as you know comments always encouraged and welcomed.

And now  G.G.U.I (Gloopip Graphic User Interface)

Click.  The girl who manned the desk jumped at the unfamiliar whir of the computer tower.  The girl pressed her palms against the desk and gently pushed her chair back, the soft squeaks of the wheels muted by the spinning of the furious fan.  The girl ducked her head underneath the desk and looked at the tower, her face glazed over with confusion.  The girl was to fixated on the computer to notice a set of mischievous eyes that watched her.  The mysterious girl snaked her body along the wall, her steps and breath silent as she stalked her prey.  The predator purred softly, watching the unknowing victim fiddle with the computer.  As she neared her target, her body shook with excitement, never had she felt excitement as good as she felt now, nothing could compare to the excitement of the hunt.  She swallowed roughly, feeling a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek, never before had she been so close.  The sweet taste of success teased every taste bud in her mouth with each step.  The girl laughed to herself as she  perched over the other.  The hunter reached out,slowly inching her fingers toward the unsuspecting girl, her tongue running across her moist lips as she savored each moment.  The shaking of her hands stopped at the mere contact of the other girl's skin.  The warmth of the other girl radiated through her fingertips while she ran them across the nape of the girl's neck.  A devilish smirk curled on the girl's lips feeling the other's body stiffen.  The hunched girl quickly shot up, sending her head crashing against the bottom of the desk.  The girl jumped back quickly, her eyes catching the brief hop of the monitor and the keyboard that laid on the desk.

“Itai~” the girl shrieked.

The girl slowly rolled back on the chair, her hand pressed against the back of her head while she sat up.  Her hand feverishly rubbed the back of head as she turned around in the chair, her eyes narrowed ready to pierce her assailant.  The killer intent she bore quickly dissipated as she caught a glimpse of the beautiful huntress.

“Rika. A simple 'Hello' or 'Hey' would of done just fine you know.” the girl explained sighing softly.

“I'm so sorry Yocchan. But you just looked so adorable and I couldn't resist.” Rika replied impishly.

“Ha! Sure sure Rika.  Don't think you can sweet talk your way out of this one.” Yossi playfully barked as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Yossi turned in her chair and faced the computer once more, her cheeks puffed out, her eyes shut tight, and her legs crossed in slight embarrassment.  Yossi's ears perked at the sounds of the creaking floor boards as they seemed to approach her.  Rika leaned over and wrapped her arms around the taller girl, her fingers locked, hands resting on her girlfriend's lap, as she softly presses her body against the seated girl's backside.  Yossi could feel a slight warmth kiss her cheeks as Rika held her body against her own. 

“Does it hurt Yocchan? Let me do something to make it feel better.” Rika cooed.

Yossi tilted her head slightly hearing the other girl's words.  As Yossi contemplated the numerous meanings her statement held, her scattered thoughts were wiped from her mind at the mere touch of Rika's lips.  Rika tightened her grip around Yossi as her lips gently found their way to the top of Yossi's head.  A soft smack echoed in the silent room, her grip around the taller girl loosened as she unfolded her hands.  Rika stood up, her devilish fingertips running up the younger girl's body teasing the girl's body through the thin shirt.  Rika's smile grew wider as she felt a shiver run through the other girl.  Rika could hear the muffled moans from the other girl, as her fingertips kneaded and pinched the knots that populated Yossi's shoulders.  Yossi's tilted her head back and looked up at Rika.

“Okay. You win this round Ishikawa I will forgive you this time. But only because...” Yossi purred softly “you know how to make the pain go away.” 

“Of course...anything for my Yocchan.” Rika muttered under her breath, her cheeks taking on a rosy hue at the sound of her embarrassing words.

Rika looked away from Yossi, clearly she said something that would make Yocchan think she was some kind of child. Rika's fingers stopped, a heavy atmosphere hung between them in the awkward silence.  Rika became anxious, her heart beat quickened and her breathes became shallow.  The deafening silence broke with nothing more than a simple sigh.  Rika looked down at Yossi, her eyes fixed to her hands which were wrapped by Yossi's.  Yossi lifted Rika's hand from her shoulder and brought it closer to her.  Rika felt a sudden charge as Yossi's lips pressed against the back of her hand. Rika could feel her senses go wild, with each passing second the warmth of her breath washed over her bare skin, her luscious lips pressing against her hand, nothing more than heaven.  Yossi looked up once more with a grin on her face.

“And anything for my Rika...” Yossi whispered.   

Though a whisper, Yossi's words echoed in Rika's ears, her face flushed with heat she desperately fought back the tears.  Rika did not know how to react, this was yet another in the many declarations Yossi has made, but something this time made her believe that no matter what happens Yossi would never hurt her.  Rika cupped Yossi's face with her hands and leaned forward, gently laying her lips over Yossi's taking a bit of the girl's breath as she kissed her deeply.  Yossi arched her neck upwards lifting herself off of the chair slightly taking in Rika full enchanting lips.  Yossi greedily took in Rika's lips, softly biting her lower lip feeling Rika's lips quiver as a low purr reverberates in her throat.  Rika inhaled sharply, feeling Yossi's body jump with every stolen breath.  Yossi's arms gave way, her body fell back down into the cushions of the chair,regrettably breaking the passionate kiss.  Both girls gazed at each other and smiled, their bodies heaving as they took in deep breathes.

“Damn...Yocchan..never disappoint.” Rika said between each breath.

“Same can be said about you Rika.” the taller girl replied as she winked playfully.

“Anyway, what are you doing?” Rika inquired.

“I was trying to work this...thing” Yossi answered, her fingers poking roughly against the monitor.

“Really Yocchan?!? I mean honestly, everyone in Japan knows how to use a computer and by everyone I mean EVERYONE. Even little kids know how to use them.” Rika jested,raising her arms as she shrugged.

“Well I am sorry Rika, I guess that just makes me extra special.” Yossi answered with a grin.

Rika was never very good at battling against the famous 'Yoshizawa Charm', she was just so cute and cool.  Rika dropped her arms and sighed loudly.

“Fine. Fine. I'll help you out. For now that is.”  Rika muttered.

Yossi's face washed over with victory. She shot her fists into the air, celebrating her latest victory.  As quickly as her arms were raised, they fell, her fingers gripping the arms of the chair roughly as the chair rolls backwards.  Yossi flailed momentarily, kicking her legs at the sudden movement of her chair.  Yossi desperately fought to regain her balance on the pivoting chair, her feet hitting the ground firmly as Rika slips onto her lap.  Rika peered over her shoulder with a impish grin and looked back at the computer.  Even though Yossi had won the battle, Rika will not lose the war without a fight.

“You could of asked, and I would of moved to another chair Rika. I mean I am not complaining or anything but you know.” Yossi remarked.

“But Yocchan, this seat is so much more comfortable and fun.” Rika purred.   

Yossi could see no fault I her logic.  Yossi placed her hands on Rika's hips and turned her to the side allowing her to watch the computer screen.  Yossi ran her hands along Rika's hips, her roaming hands finding their way underneath the hem of Rika's t-shirt.  Yossi grinned, feeling Rika's body tense at the mere touch of her delicate skin.  Yossi slowly ran her palms against Rika's flat stomach, her fingertips softly drumming against her abs, while others trace a ring around her naval.  Rika had difficulty concentrating on the screen, every shred of concentration was used to hold back any urges she felt under the devilish girl's touch.  Rika lifted her left arm and leaned back, watching as Yossi's head popped out from the hole her arm made.  Yossi smiled and tilted her head to the side and nested it against Rika. 

“Okay Yossi, what were you trying to do on the computer?” Rika questioned.     

“I just wanted to check my email teacher.” Yossi answered as she ticked Rika's bare stomach.

Rika squirmed on Yossi's lap. “Hey stop that! just have to go here and then...” Rika explained the process to Yossi.

After a few minutes Rika looked at the younger girl and giggled at the wide eyed look that she wore.

“Got all that?” Rika asked. 

“So you are telling me that, I can pretty much find anything on the internet? I mean I know you can do a lot but not that much.” Yossi answered as her head nodded slowly.   

“Yup!” Rika squeaked.

Yossi pulled her hands from Rika's stomach, Rika pouted slightly at the absence of Yossi's touch, and rested her hand son the keyboard.  The two sat still momentarily, before Rika looked down observing Yossi's focused eyes dart back and forth following the path of the mouse arrow.

“What are you looking up Yocchan?” The older girl asked, her fingers mindlessly playing against the other's hair.

“Hotties.” Yossi stated frankly.

Rika was a bi taken a back by her statement.  “Why would she be looking at other girls while I am right here? I mean she could at least wait till I am gone or something...honestly!”  Rika thought to herself as she began to lift herself from Yossi's lap. 

“What are you doing Rika? Why are you leaving my oh so very comfortable lap?” The younger girl uttered through pouted lips. 

“Well I figured I would leave you alone with your 'Hotties,' as you so eloquently put it.” Rika huffed, folding her arms across her chest, as her eyes shut tight.

Yossi chuckled and pulled the agitated girl back onto her lap.

“Silly Rika, take a look at the screen.” Yossi exclaimed.

Rika opened her eyes slowly.  Her face became flush at the numerous pictures of herself on the screen.

“How many times do I have to tell you? You, Rika 'Charmy' Ishikawa, is the only girl for me.” Yossi nagged playfully.

Rika snuggled back into her comfortable seat and leaned back into Yossi, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

“Oh Yocchan, always such the teaser.” Rika sighed.

“I know, but look at all these hot pictures of you! Man I love the internet.” Yossi shouted.

Yossi's fingers laid on the mouse, her hand masterfully manuvering the pointer over each picture, the sharp furious clicks of the mouse echo in the room as the two perused through the numerous pictures.

“Yocchan~ this is so embarrassing.” Rika whined.

“Oh look at this” Yossi whispered as she licked her lips quickly.

“J...P...H..!..P? What kind of website is that? A lot of these pictures lead back to this website.” Rika explained.

“Well, lets click it and find out!” Yossi answered as she clicked.

Both girls fixed there gaze on the screen it filled with pink banners and images of fellow H!P girls.  Rika and Yossi looked at one another and then back at the screen, each girl trying to make out the unfamiliar characters that littered the screen.  Yossi rolled her finger over the scroll wheel, the series of clicks matching the travel of the scroll bar. 

“Um...Yocchan? What kind of site is this?” Rika asked.

“I don't know Rika...I can't read English very well.” Yossi retorted.

Both girls fell silent, Rika had decided to give up on deciphering the difficult text, where as Yossi took a more direct approach, clicking on random links.  Rika stretched on her girlfriends lap, as a yawn escaped her lips. 

“Oh!” said the younger girl.

“What is it Yocchan?” Rika asked.

“Well, look at all these pictures. Look look they are really pretty pictures of Hello Pro girls.  Its captain Saki from Berryz and...” she said excitedly as each picture evoked a similar reaction.

“Wow...these are really good.” Rika added.

“Someone named Gloop...something or other made them. Oh look at this one, its us in our Gatas Jackets from our latest video.” Yossi exclaimed.

“Oh what a video...I'm still surprised they put THAT scene in the video.” Rika stated.

“What sce...oh THAT scene.” Yossi shrugged.

“Man, there are a lot of you, seems like someone is popular.  All of these pictures are bringing back so many memories.” Yossi sighed.

“Like what?” Rika rebutted.

Yossi stayed silent. Rika looked down confused at the taller girl's silence.  Rika narrowed her eyes and watched as Yossi's lips curled into a devilish grin, her eyes catching Rika's as she peers at the older with wild eyes.  It took a minute for Rika to decode Yossi's silent message.  Rika felt her cheeks heat once more, squirming on Yossi's lap as her thoughts match those of the other girl.  Yossi reached up and playfully ran her fingers along Rika's jaw, inching the girl's face closer to hers.  Rika apprehensively leaned into the kiss, her doubts falling away as their lips met once more.  Yossi stood up, Rika held tight in her arms, still holding the deep kiss.  Yossi kicked the computer tower, her ears catching the beeps of the powered down computer.  Yossi marched toward the bedroom, hopefully by the end of the day Yossi can make remind Rika of their past.

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: G.G.U.I
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 09:28:43 PM »
lol rika is jealous at her own pics

Offline JFC

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Re: G.G.U.I
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 04:53:23 AM »

“Got all that?” Rika asked.

“So you are telling me that, I can pretty much find anything on the internet? I mean I know you can do a lot but not that much.” Yossi answered as her head nodded slowly.   

“Yup!” Rika squeaked.

“What are you looking up Yocchan?” The older girl asked, her fingers mindlessly playing against the other's hair.

“Hotties.” Yossi stated frankly.

“Silly Rika, take a look at the screen.” Yossi exclaimed.

Rika opened her eyes slowly.  Her face became flush at the numerous pictures of herself on the screen.

“How many times do I have to tell you? You, Rika 'Charmy' Ishikawa, is the only girl for me.” Yossi nagged playfully.
Oh that's smooth. 8)

“J...P...H..!..P? What kind of website is that? A lot of these pictures lead back to this website.” Rika explained.

“Man, there are a lot of you, seems like someone is popular.  All of these pictures are bringing back so many memories.” Yossi sighed.

“Like what?” Rika rebutted.
Don't tell me, lemme guess.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: G.G.U.I
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 05:55:26 AM »
That was awesome!!! :w00t: I love the "Hotties" thing~ :heart: And when they found JPHIP, I was like :shocked: Cuz there are comments I've made here....that I'd rather they not see... :P

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Re: G.G.U.I
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 07:12:08 AM »
 :on woohoo: :on woohoo: :on woohoo:

I WUBBB IT!!! :wriggly:

thanks a lot mav! your awesome :on GJ:

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Re: G.G.U.I
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 07:41:55 PM »
They are so cute together :luvluv1: 
and Yossie is so charming  :wriggly: 

I love this fic
You did a good job mav  :on GJ:

Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: G.G.U.I
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 05:11:55 PM »
I don't how many tmes I have read this... and I still love it the same

Nice Ishiyoshi :cow:

Keep the good work  :love:

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Crystal Kay - My Everything