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Author Topic: Mutant Musume!!  (Read 60504 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #260 on: July 23, 2009, 12:51:25 AM »
In honor and tribute To Jabronisaur, I will be continuing this story soon. He was an avid fanfic writer back in the day when JPM first started, so Jab, this is for you buddy. A common interest we both shared, Fanfic writing.
Definitely a fitting tribute.

Welcome back dude. :thumbsup

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #261 on: July 25, 2009, 07:25:23 PM »
Chapter 82 - Fear Begets Rage

Fujimoto was sitting inside Overlord's tent, with Angel sitting beside her. The two were holding hands, which made Overlord smile as he sat down at his desk in front of them.

 "Glad to see that there are no hard feelings between the two of you," Overlord said, as he sat straight up in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.

 Fujimoto shook her head, "No, I couldn't do that to Angel. I've done bad things when I myself had nightmares and it looks like that's what happened to him," she said, squeezing Angel’s hand.

Just then, someone carrying a large cardboard box in his hands came in through the front entrance. He was very tall, had long parted hair and glasses, his attire being the white trench coat of the Darkness Squad. He looked pretty tough, but his most noticeable features were two long scars running from each corner of his mouth, all the way across his cheeks, and ending just below his ears.

 "Thanks," said Overlord, as the visitor laid the box down on top of the desk, before bowing. Noticing the stares of the two young mutants, Overlord unfolded his arms and gestured towards the visitor.

 "I would like the two of you to meet Rokumo from the Darkness Squad. He's the strategist of the group, and has all the skills necessary for the Darkness Squad to complete even the most impossible of missions quickly and efficiently. Rokumo, this is Typhoon and Angel from Storm Unit."

 The two stood up as Angel moved forward first and shook his hand, followed by Fujimoto.

 "A pleasure to meet you both... I look forward to seeing your elite squad in action on the battlefield soon," he said, holding onto Fujimoto's hand. The scars across his cheeks looked like they could open up at any time, making Fujimoto cringe. There was some unusual movement underneath his trench coat; it did not look natural either.

 Her attention then turned downwards towards her hand as she felt some kind of weird scratching sensation against it. Looking down, her eyes grew wide and she let out a shriek. Sticking out of his trench coat sleeve was what appeared to be a very long and hairy spider leg and it was rubbing against her hand.

 "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya," said Rokumo, as he then whistled, making the hairy appendage retract back into his trench coat sleeve. "Well, I must be off. Have other matters to attend to," he said, before departing from the tent, leaving Fujimoto shaking in fear as she and Angel sat back down, Angel holding onto Fujimoto’s hand to calm her down.

 "Don't worry, he would never hurt you," said Overlord, "No Brotherhood member may cause harm to another. That is our golden rule."

 "But back on topic, the reason I called you here was to help explain Angel’s...special condition. What happened in your tent last night has happened many other times in the past; It's just been a very long time since it got this bad, so I thought that I would try and help you understand it."

 Fujimoto looked over to her companion and he nodded, "You know that I would never intentionally hurt you Fujimoto...but sometimes it's just beyond my control," Angel said, closing his eyes in shame.

 Overlord then took out a video cassette and put it into a player connected to a small TV sitting on top of his desk as an image appeared on screen.

 It was Angel, a much younger Angel who had finally grown his own set of white angelic wings. He was in a large padded room, with a large one-way mirror on one of the walls. He was on the ground, convulsing slightly, as his eyes blinked and moved rapidly, his mind in the throes of a nightmare.

 In his sleep, he began screaming out for his mother and father, as he trembled violently on the ground. Suddenly, his eyes shot wide open, as he got up quickly and began pacing around the room, every now and then, punching the wall so violently the camera began cutting to static with each impact.

 However, the scariest part was when young Angel changed into a young Archangel, complete with black, bat-like wings, long fangs and claws. He began to slash at the padded walls with his claws, screeching and screaming like a possessed demon. Archangel then extended his large wings outwards and let out a long, earsplitting howl, before crashing through the mirror and towards the camera, and then everything turned to white static.

 Sensing that Fujimoto was quite shaken by what she just saw. Overlord stopped the tape and looked back at her.

 "Angel had a very traumatic experience back in his childhood," he said.

 Angel raised his hand. "Do you mind if I tell her?" he asked. Overlord sat back in his large arm chair and nodded, folding his arms across his stomach.

 “When I was just a child... I witnessed the death of my parents at the hands of a mob who hated us just because we were different. My father was killed in our very own home and the mob burned our place to the ground. My mother managed to get away from the mob, but I...I was killed, I don't know how. But in my nightmares, I can see all of it happening as if I'm standing there, watching it all happen again and again, even so far as watching my mother give her powers and life force to save me.”

 "What happened next...I will never forget," said Angel, closing his eyes, his thoughts turning back to that day.


A young Angel was sitting across his mother’s corpse. All he could do was stare blankly into space. Deep inside, he began to feel something burning, as a deep hatred started to grow. His entire body began to tremble with rage, as he began to take deep breaths through clenched teeth.

 Suddenly, he felt an excruciating pain in his back, just behind each shoulder blade. It felt like two red-hot pokers were twisting back and forth. Angel sunk forward, clenching his teeth even harder as he tried to hold back tears, but the pain just grew worse, as his teeth growing longer and sharper. Throwing his head back, he screamed out in pain, rage, anguish and agony. His eyes turned red, and his fingernails turned into razor sharp claws as he let out a bloodcurdling shriek. Two large, black wings then began to take shape from his back as his screams continued. As the wings formed completely, he then fully extended these dark wings outwards, letting out one final screech.

 With the entire transformation complete, he breathed heavily in relief. His mutant powers had finally emerged, triggered by his rage from losing his mother and father. Angel was now Archangel and he had a score to settle.

 Though he had never flown before, it came natural to him as he began to flap his wings, gaining altitude quickly.  Turning back towards his hometown, he howled loudly as he flew as fast as he could, back to his home.

 It wasn’t long before he spotted his house, still on fire with the mob still gathered around it. He soared towards the moon, extended his limbs out, and let out an ear-piercing shriek, before diving towards the mob, claws out, teeth barred.

 There were horrific screams, gargled cries and sheer panic as Archangel began ripping the mob to pieces. Some tried to fight back, but he was moving too rapidly from person to person, clawing, biting, and ripping them to shreds. He spared no one that night.

 Even after he had killed every single member of the mob that attacked his home, he didn't stop there. He took to the sky, flew into the nearby town and slaughtered every man, woman and child. Instinct told him if he lost his family, then every single person from the mob would lose theirs as well.

 Archangel’s new power then materialized, as his breath grew hot and numerous fireballs shot out of his mouth. With this power, he laid waste to the homes and businesses of the town which had a population of about 1,000.

 All through the night, he killed, maimed, and burned buildings down, leaving nothing in the small town standing but a blazing ruin. When his rage finally died down, Archangel changed back into Angel, now donning a pair of white angelic wings, like his mother. Standing in the middle of the town, he surveyed the damage he had wrought, before crumpling to the ground on his knees, his white wings draped over his naked body, partially covering him.

 As his vision began to blur, he noticed the figure of a man slowly walking towards him. However, he was too exhausted to do anything other then try and keep his eyes open for just a little bit longer.

 The stranger then knelt down in front of Angel and removed his black trench coat, covering Angel’s body with it. He then looked down at Angel and smiled.

 "Fear not child, for I am like you, a mutant," he said. "I can take you to safety, but you must trust me. Do you accept?"

 Angel's eyelids grew heavier, but he still managed to nod his head.

 "Then come with me child. Your new home and future awaits you." The man then helped Angel to his feet and supported his limp body as they walked off, leaving the burning town of corpses behind

 "And that man was...Overlord. He found me in the midst of the carnage and took me in," said Angel, "I've been here in his care ever since."

 "Oh Angel...I had no idea you had such a terrible past," said Fujimoto, "But after hearing what be honest, it scares me."

 "I feared it would, and tried my best to keep that part of my life concealed," said Angel. "My nightmares will never stop, nor will my inner rage ever cease, but there’s something inside me that keeps it in check most of the time."

 "That must the love your mother gave to you when she bravely sacrificed her life to save you,” said Overlord. "I believe she's still somewhere inside of you."

 Angel nodded, "I still feel her inside my head from time to time. Sometimes I feel like I can hear her voice, singing to me as I sleep. Near the end of my nightmares, I...I see her, but I cannot reach her. She just stands there, just barely out of reach and sings a soft, soothing melody. Her image is surrounded by a white light; her white wings extended out and she is always smiling at me. Somehow, it always calms me and prevents my transformations."

 "Through many years of intense therapy, meditation and other exercises, we've managed to keep Angel as he is now, good and calm. But his other side, Archangel still exists inside of him," said Overlord. "I don't think we'll ever find a way to rid Angel of that alter-ego, but just know that he's trying his hardest to be good like his parents were. What happened last night was unfortunate, but unavoidable. It happened then, and will happen again. But at least, now you know."

 "Don't worry, Angel. I know you would never want any harm to come to me. So know that I trust you and will try my hardest to help keep you the way you are." said Fujimoto, smiling.

The two then shared a long, warm hug, as tears peeked out of both Angel and Fujimoto's eyes.

EDIT: Fixed, sorry bout the large spaces inbetween from before :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :doh: :doh:

« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 03:57:18 AM by Tyler_Wood_2005 »

Offline Sakura Momusu

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #262 on: July 26, 2009, 02:30:23 AM »
...what the...the excess spaces look so...weird...~  XD

Offline JFC

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #263 on: July 28, 2009, 11:22:16 PM »
Chapter 82 - Fear Begets Rage

Fujimoto was sitting inside Overlord's tent, with Angel sitting beside her. The two were holding hands, which made Overlord smile as he sat down at his desk in front of them.

 "Glad to see that there are no hard feelings between the two of you," Overlord said, as he sat straight up in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.

 Fujimoto shook her head, "No, I couldn't do that to Angel. I've done bad things when I myself had nightmares and it looks like that's what happened to him," she said, squeezing Angel’s hand.
Overlord has a heart after all? :?

First thought in my mind was..."Why so serious?"

The scars across his cheeks looked like they could open up at any time, making Fujimoto cringe. There was some unusual movement underneath his trench coat; it did not look natural either.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.  :huhuh

Her attention then turned downwards towards her hand as she felt some kind of weird scratching sensation against it. Looking down, her eyes grew wide and she let out a shriek. Sticking out of his trench coat sleeve was what appeared to be a very long and hairy spider leg and it was rubbing against her hand.

 "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya," said Rokumo, as he then whistled, making the hairy appendage retract back into his trench coat sleeve.
You're sure that it was a spider leg, right?  Not sure how much of a sleazebag this guy is (if he is one), but yeah, there could be some really WRONG ways of interpreting that scene.  :bleed eyes:

"Don't worry, he would never hurt you," said Overlord, "No Brotherhood member may cause harm to another. That is our golden rule."
Why do I have major doubts about the sincerity of this?  :-\

It's good that he's telling this to her himself.  Better to get this straight from him instead of from someone else who might not know the full story.

Not sure what's harder for Angel...knowing what he did, or having to re-live it the way that he does in his dreams. :O

"My nightmares will never stop, nor will my inner rage ever cease, but there’s something inside me that keeps it in check most of the time."

 "That must the love your mother gave to you when she bravely sacrificed her life to save you,” said Overlord. "I believe she's still somewhere inside of you."

 Angel nodded, "I still feel her inside my head from time to time. Sometimes I feel like I can hear her voice, singing to me as I sleep. Near the end of my nightmares, I...I see her, but I cannot reach her. She just stands there, just barely out of reach and sings a soft, soothing melody. Her image is surrounded by a white light; her white wings extended out and she is always smiling at me. Somehow, it always calms me and prevents my transformations."
The love of a parent is indeed a mighty powerful thing. With luck, Angel's feelings for Miki will also be useful in helping to keep his dark side in check. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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