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Author Topic: Love Debut! [OneShot]  (Read 1809 times)

Offline MayerlingLove

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Love Debut! [OneShot]
« on: October 27, 2009, 08:35:02 PM »
Hi  :)
That's my first fanfic in english, so please be nice  :lol:!
It's a OneShot about Youko and PeiPei... written in Youko's POV...
I hope there are a few people who like it XD!


Love Debut!

I was on the way to the recording studio.
We were supposed to record our first single and I felt very nervous. I didn’t sleep well and was afraid, that the others could hear it in my voice. In voice lesson, my teacher told me to sleep as much as possible, because most of the times you couldn’t concentrate enough on your voice and it sounds different when you’re tired. I wondered if three hours were enough…

In the hallway I met ShenShen. She told me that I would be the fifth one to be recorded. I really liked her, she was nice and when we were troubled or sad, she always took her time to listen to us – she was the best leader I could think of. You just had to trust her. And because of that, I told her a secret, that I kept since the Auditions. I didn’t even tell my parents.

We arrived in the studio and met the other four girls.
“Seems like we’re the last ones”, ShenShen mentioned and laughed. I looked at PeiPei who grinned. “Shouldn’t the leader be the first one to arrive?”, she asked. Then she looked at me.
Our eyes met and I blushed instantly. I prayed to god, that he could let me disappear. What if she knew? Why should I have blushed otherwise? But she couldn’t read my thoughts, so she could impossible knew. Could she?

Then I felt someone hugging me from left. It was ShenShen. She laid her head on my shoulder. I laid my hand on her head and asked: “Is my shoulder comfortable?” Actually I wanted to ask with that sentence why she had suddenly laid her head down on my shoulder in front of her. I didn’t even know, why I wanted her to know, that I’m free. I knew very well that there was no chance, she would like me too. Why should she? I was a normal girl, nothing special compared to girls like ShenShen.
She smiled and answered: “It is.”
Then the door opened and one of our managers came in.
“ShenShen, you’re the first one, come with me please”, she said.
ShenShen muttered “Okay~” and followed our manager.
I sighed and sat down between PeiPei and ReiRei.
ReiRei looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her and drank some water.
I wondered how long ShenShen and the others would need to record. If there was enough time, I could have used the time to sleep. I yawned.
“Are you tired?”, asked PeiPei.
I saw how ReiRei stood up and went to the table to draw something.
I nodded. “I didn’t sleep very well last night…”
“What about sleeping now?”, she asked. I looked in her eyes. “I could wake you up, my recording is earlier than yours.”
“But I can’t sleep sitting…”, I answered. Furthermore I didn’t want her to see me sleeping.
“You can rest your head on my lap…”
I blushed and saw how she started to smirk after she noticed it.
I didn’t know how to answer. It was nice to offer that so how could I have declined?
I laid my head down on her lap and hoped that I could be able to at least pretend to be sleeping. And I hoped, that my face would stop being red soon.


I felt a hand on my waist.
“Hey… wake up!”, a voice told me.
I grumbled and dug my head deeper in that comfortable pillow.
I heard some girls laughing.
“Youko! I knew it, you’re a pervert!”, Anchii shouted.
I lifted my head, saw in what exactly I was digging it and turned as red as a tomato.
“I-I-I-I.. I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!”, I yelled through the room and jumped down from the couch and PeiPei on who I was laying.
“Forgive me!”, I continued and bowed my head.
Then I felt a hand on my head.
“Don’t worry”, told PeiPei’s voice, still chuckling. Then she went out of the room to go to recording.
I looked up in the faces of the other girls that were there.
ShenShen and Anchii.
They looked at each other and grinned.
Anchii walked towards me.
“You… like her, right?”, she asked.
I looked at ShenShen.
“You promised me not no tell anyone!”, I remembered her.
“I didn’t!”
“Youko~, that was more then obvious…”, Anchii protected our leader.
What if PeiPei knew it too, now? What if she stayed away from me now, because she didn’t want me to have any hopes of becoming her girlfriend someday?
I walked a few steps backwards.
“Youko? Are you okay?”, ShenShen asked.
She looked worried. Anchii as well. I wasn’t okay. But I wouldn’t tell them. I ran out of the room in the direction, the toilet was.
I tried to calm down. She knew it.. it wasn’t the end of the world. But I was afraid of her reaction. I didn’t want her to be distant. On top, there were people with cameras in that room. UFA wouldn’t show that part on the DVD, but what if it leaked? That would be nice. The first scandal even before the first single was released. And who would be the guilty one?
Me. Youko.


I burst in the toilet and hoped that nobody would come in now.
I sat there for a few seconds on the floor, then I heard the door opening.
Somebody sat down behind me and laid her hand on one of my cheeks.
I couldn’t see her, but I recognised that hand.
“Lucky… you’re not crying”, she said “I guess I have to forget about that idea I had about you being a crying baby…”
I took her hand in my own and turned around.
“Shouldn’t you be recording?”, I asked her.
She smiled. She had that warm kind of smile that made you feel secure as soon as you see it.
“I messed up all the time… and saw you running in here, so I went after you”, she explained.
I smiled at her and said: “You should go back if you don’t want to be scolded…”
I really didn’t want her to be in trouble because of me. But she wasn’t the kind of girl that was scared of getting in trouble.
She stood up and pulled me up too.
“What about going to eat ice cream or something like that?”, she asked.
I wanted to told her not to, but it was too late, she already went out of the toilet, making me come with her because she old my hand. We didn’t speak until we were sitting in the café near the building we had the studio in.

We just ordered some ice cream. PeiPei leaned against the back of the chair and look straight into my eyes.
“And now tell me.. Why were you running into the toilet like you were chased by a mass murderer?”, she asked.
I looked down on my feet. What could I say?
“I… don’t know”
That really was the best I could think of…  As if she would believe that.
“Ah.. ok…”, she replied.
She believed it!
“.. as if I would believe that”
She didn’t believe it.
“Come on, you can tell me what’s wrong! We’re in the same group after all… that means we will spend a lot of time together. And wouldn’t it be better to spend your time with people you trust?”, she asked and sighed.
She raised my chin with her hand and made me looking in her face.
“I guess it is…”
It wasn’t like I didn’t trust them. I just couldn’t evaluate their reactions yet.
She smiled. Then, the waitress came and brought us our ice cream. PeiPei paid for mine too.
I started to eat it instantly, so that I didn’t have to tell her. Maybe she would forget. But why did I have the feeling, that there was something even more important, that she had forgotten…
“I have the feeling, that we forgot something important…”, I told her to distract her from our last topic.
She looked at me and I could almost see her brain working.  Her facial expression changed.
“Oh shit…”
Then I could hear my cell ringing. I picked up.
“Where the hell are you!?”
“I… am eating ice cream?”
“Ice cream? Is PeiPei with you!?”
“She is… you sound angry, did something happen?”
Then suddenly PeiPei grabbed my phone and said to our manager: “I’m sorry, we’ll be back in no time!”
Then she hang up and stood up.
“Trouble!”, she informed me and started to walk away. I followed her.
“That’s what happens when we leave the studio without telling someone”, she continued.


“Zeng De Ping! Zhao Guo Rong!”
I closed my eyes and remembered that all of that was actually my fault… And that she used our full names showed even more how angry she was.
“What the hell were you thinking!? Because of you all of the stuff has to stay longer then planned!”
What should I say? I remembered that ShenShen told me the last time I was in a situation like that, that sometimes it would be better to shut up and just listen.
“Just running away… You knew exactly that the  two of you would’ve been the next ones to be recorded! Zeng De Ping was already in there! Why did you suddenly run away?”
But it wasn’t PeiPei’s fault at all. She was just worried about me. I decided to ignore ShenShen’s advice and defend PeiPei.
“She isn’t-“
“I’m sorry”, PeiPei interrupted me.
I looked at her.
“I know that my behaviour was inexcusable, no matter what I would say and I promise you that it won’t happen again.”
Our manager sighed.
“I hope that was really the last time. Please think about what you did today. That was really not funny”
After having said that she went out of the room and left me and PeiPei alone.
There was that kind of awkward silence in the room. I knew that she wasn’t going to break it.
“I’m sorry…”, I said and looked on the floor again.
I couldn’t look in her eyes.
I was to afraid to see anger in the eyes that were usually so full of kindness. Why didn’t she say anything?
“Are you angry?”, I asked
 She chuckled.
“Why should I be angry?”, she asked back.
“Well.. because of me you were scolded…”
“I don’t care about that”
Then there was silence again. I thought about how often our managers had scolded me already and couldn’t really believe, why she didn’t care about things like that. I was always sad when I was scolded.
“I think the only scolding, I would take serious, would be yours”
“You’re funny…”, I mumbled.
“That wasn’t a joke”
I looked away from the floor in her face, that was so near, that it didn’t take even one second, till her lips touched mine. She laid her hands on my waist. I couldn’t stay quiet anymore.
“I love you, PeiPei” I blushed.
She grinned.
“I know”, she answered and started to laugh.
“I really made it too obvious, right?”, I asked and joined the laughter.
It didn’t took her long to calm down again. She kissed me another time and replied “I love you too.”


I think it's a bit short and there are a few weird parts in it, but my english isn't the best...
please tell me if you like it or if you don't like it  :)
And thanks for reading  :heart:

JPHiP Radio (15/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Wonder Girls - Girlfriend