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Author Topic: ' Legendary in the Darkness '  (Read 5047 times)

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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' Legendary in the Darkness '
« on: August 23, 2008, 12:22:44 AM »

The beginning of a disturbing destination ...

The ice is melting …
An immense fire of destruction threatens and begins to disturb the calmness in our planet. And the nature begins to feel it …
She is always the first one in suffering when something approaches …
“ The beginning of a new age will give beginning in very little time ” Two legendary ones of the same blood will face again …
This is the misfortune for them.
These ties  join them mutually and also they are the ties of the destruction. The prediction says “ Only one will live ”
… Meanwhile the two are in life the stock will disturb … The stock and the harmony … they are predestined to fall down …
… The peace will be threatened into extinction… "The hand of the shadows and darkness to light opacity"…
… That light has remained strong so far… Even what is?
… Every 100000 years the earth is covered with the "War Legend"
… Two destinations involved in disasters will be…
What fate will be the victor? What destination open to wait?

Nakazawa Yuko
Abe Natsumi
Maki Goto
Hitomi Yoshizawa
Rika Ishikawa
Miki Fujimoto
Aya Matsura
Ai Takahashi
Risa Niigaki
Eri Kamei
Reina Tanaka
Koharu Kusuma
Aika Mitsui
Jun Jun
Lin Lin
Melon Kinebi
Saki Shimizu
Momoko Tsugunaga
Miyabi Natsuyaki
Chinami Tokunaga
Massa Sudou
Yurine Kumai
Risako Sugaya

Erika Umeda
Maimi Yajima
Kanna Arihara
Saki Nakajima
Airi Suzuki
Chisato Okai

Some of Hello progerc Eggs  And some more.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 02:28:36 AM by Mikitty_Ayaya »

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 01:53:56 AM »
Nice start, but just as an FYI, you might want to just leave your text at the default colour. Making it black makes it a bit hard to see for those of use who use the darker themes that the forum has.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 02:29:39 AM »
Arigato and Sorry.


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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 09:42:15 AM »
Interesting .... I hope you continue  :mon thumb:
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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 07:10:44 PM »
Curious to see how this one goes, got my eye on it.

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2008, 05:11:32 PM »
Thank you all! :)
When I corrects the errors of the writing. :sweatdrop: :doh:
I will place the next chapter.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 11:48:18 PM by Mikitty_Ayaya »

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2008, 11:18:23 PM »
There was an era when Earth was through crucial moments of its existence

Battles for power were seen constantly.

The sword out of its scabbard always was.

That era of the Earth was covered by a blood pool.

Wherever you headed the smell of blood was always perceivable….

The flowers looked withered…

Forests were unsafe…

A dense mist dissipated in the long roads…

And every blessed, his live was not safe if he started a long road trip.

For many earth denizens it looked like war was eternal.

Living beings keep on the war.

Most of the living beings were divided in clans.

"Air" "Fire" "Water" "Ice" "Light" "Darkness"

Those were the clans that existed…

However, two of those clans proclaimed "eternal power" for their linage and their own blood.

"Eternal Power" was immortality among them. Absolute power and respect.

Those two clans were very different, but they were alike in ambition and power.

Those clans were the most powerful among all.
The rest succumbed to their power. They were "light" and "darkness".

Clan "Light" was respected and admired by clans "Fire", "Water" Air" and "Earth", and they coexisted in union of pacifism.

Light was everything for them and always they protected it.

Because without light, there isn't fire or nature or life.

Light was divine.

In clan "Darkness" it was the opposite to "Light"…

Isolated it was…

Isolated and out of reach from the rest.

Clan "Ice" was the only one that followed it and had sworn loyalty.

For clan "Ice" darkness was everything.

Because "Ice" can't live without darkness…

Since its existence was in places where there was no light and heat.
Their survival was always granted in a dense darkness...

The day came when clan "darkness" was tired of living isolated in the vast glaciers, only to see ice and nothing but ice…
Tired they had a hundred of people suggesting to govern all of the land ...
The only difference in the "Clan Darkness" is that power was divided in two. "Clan Shadow" and "Clan Black". The ambition and power of both among themselves led into disagreements and conflicts.
Both families came from the highness, wanted most of the land. Because its inhabitants were increasing.

The wars wrapped them. Until that both kings forged with his hands and fists two polished tombstones placing some notable manuscripts that read:
"Shadow" and "Black" "Never will share power and unity" "Anyone who has contact with one that is not the same "Black Clan" or "Shadow Clan" will be banished from their homes ..."
"And the curse of their gods and wise men will fall on them ..."
Back then everyone had feared, and obeyed to the letter of such briefs.
Until the fate broke and snapped these mandates ...
For the game of fate two young met and fell in love.
The young ones were excited to discover that feeling unusual among them.
"The feeling of love" and the most enigmatic was that the two young were from high royal, pure blood of high lineage ran in their veins.
The boy was one of the heirs of the "Throne Shadow" and the girl was only heiress of the "Black Throne". Their love remained secret...
They knew that sooner or later the truth would be revealed ...
Many times they wondered - How soon? - and - what would happen? -
Tired of hiding, meeting in the evening with the moon as proof of their great love...

The darkness betrayed them...
Being in sight, in the eyes of another heir to the throne "Shadow" the younger brother of the prince.
The prince's younger brother decided to follow his brother, guided by curiosity and intrigue to realize that every fourth day his older brother undertook a road at night.
It did not take long for chaos to overwhelm and anger of the Kings fell on their children...
The anger and fury ran by the winds.
Both young said good bye to their mothers and escaped the chaos.
A manhunt in execution took place. The princes in love ran scared as a hare saving his live...
Banished and dispossessed of their rights were ...
Both kings have removed the right of the throne to his heirs ...
The "King Shadow" still had an heir, but the "Black King" did not have any.
But despite that he had been left without an heir, no change of mind and keeps firmly his decision passing the years.
"King Shadow" never forgot the betrayal of his heir, his eldest son.
His hunting never stopped, no resting day and night...
Do not stop in the heavy snow storms or rainy days or sunny ones.
At first the couple suffered a lot.
They seemed not find space for them ...
It seemed that the world didn't not want them and no place ...
Sad and unfortunate they were ...
Did not find a place to make their home and have beautiful descendants.
When they dared to step on the lands of others, land whose owners were clans Fire, Light, Water, Earth and Air their lives were close to death.
Attacked, thrown out, discriminated and hated were the responses they received from them.
The current couple knew that the other clans were fully entitled to receive them that way.
As the "Dark Clan" has made too much harm since long ago.
Radiated fear and dread to others.
They had mercilessly killed and ousted many powerful armies of warriors without complication or physical burnout.
The "Clan Light" was affected by the latest "Holy War", to the "Dark Clan" only 10 families of the "Light" had survived.

They didn't forget such occurrence and threw stones at the young couple.
The young ones thought that there was not much difference between theirs and those of the "Clan Light" no mater how divine they were, no matter how many books told splendidly of the "Clan Light" they perceived that there was a certain darkness and ambition in their orders and how to leaded their people.
The "Light" is to guide but not for "punishing and ambitioning". Really tired and disrupted, in the brink of death, the two princes deepened in the chambers of the Giant Mountains. And these concealed a large forest that was isolated from everyone.
They discover the wonderful site, which was in possession of a variety of different trees that had enormous fruits.

Where there was a number of different species of animals and not too far away the sound of falling and running water came to their ears, that was a sign that a river was there.

For them that place was a "paradise", happy both for their discovery ran to know the wonderful place.
That place would be their new life. Brimming of energy and happiness built their cherished home into a huge and luxurious castle. They worked hard day and night.
Once their large building was done, they realized that the time had come to have beautiful fruit.
The time elapsed and they got their first fruit.
Their first daughter. The little baby was growing in a surprising pace through the years, for her parents time flew fast.
It took six years and god bless them another fruit full of love. Their second daughter had arrived.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 02:05:31 AM by Mikitty_Ayaya »

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2008, 12:49:29 AM »
Wow, I've been gone since this thing started and I return just as it's updated!  :lol:

A strange start to say the least. :dunno: Still, I have no idea what the direction of this thing is quite going to be yet so I encourage you to add some more!

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2009, 03:46:03 AM »
Well...  :nervous
Maybe, the beginning is different...  :sweatdrop:
Indeed ...  the fic is very different...  :sweatdrop:
I wanted...  started with an explanation of the past.
The development of thestory of this fic is very complicated.  :doh:

« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 10:48:31 PM by Mikitty_Ayaya »

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness ' Chapter 1/1
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2010, 10:52:55 PM »
"We've arrived"
The first thing I saw was a cave that filled my senses with terror.
My hairs stood on end, chills took over my body and quite plainly I started to feel terribly cold.
I looked at the eyes of my mother, and they gave me the strength to go on.
"Mother, why are we stopping?"
"I can not enter that place with you."

Her mother drew her sword and showed it to her daughter.
It was a beautiful sword with a diamond in the middle of the blade.
This was the first time that she had looked so carefully and closely at it.
Maimi looked at her mother and smiled. "I will go. I promise I won't linger," she said.
His mother smiled and stayed there, watching her depart, until her daughter was deep within the cave, which presaged a mystery and certain unknown auguries.
"You can come out now"
"Ah ...
Dear Kanako, you haven't lost any of your skills, not even with the passage of time. You always are alert to concealed presences.
"Your scent is so strong, it's easy to perceive the scent of your soul ..."
"I didn't know that beings like me have souls ..."
"You're a special case, just like the others ..."
"" The others? "
"Yes ... your friends ..."
"AH! Those foolish servants of King Shadow ...They are no longer my friends, nothing binds me to them. Long ago, I stopped mixing with such kinds of people ... "
"You've rebelled?"
"It's fun being a rebel ..."
"Odd ... someone who has never been dominated by any clan"
"Maybe that will change ..."
The being, up to now invisible, only being known by voice, quickly appeared in visible form.
A huge gust of wind blew and the coldness of it formed --
Kanako saw that the wind began to form a human body ...which coalesced into very handsome young man...
His hair was short and jet black, his skin as clear as a vampire's and his penetrating eyes were filled with knowledge and wisdom.
Kanako felt as if the creature's hand had gently caressed her face... his cold, cold hand...
"Why do you say that it may change?"
"The war, the chaos, the monster, the blood, all this is coming ... You know it, but you run away from reality in your little crystal box, where love has made you weak and you withdraw from the truth of what will happen."
"I ..."
"Love is a pure feeling, noble and beautiful ...
To love is a risk... to love is happiness ...
To love is to lose yourself in that feeling, to become weak ... to forget the duty and obligation that was given to us ... Gack Kanako and Kanako Black and broke the rules. They got lost in that love ... "
"Forgive me ..."
"When someone takes my sword, when that person is chosen by my sword ...
You know perfectly the significance of this ... "
"Why have you picked now for this opportunity?"
"Because I can feel that power being exerted within that person. That person is unique ...
That person is the one who will even the scales ...
Only one will live. Only one, Sakura waits her chosen one.
I wait for my chosen one... "
"Which of the two is the one?"
"I do not know yet ...I won't know until the sword makes that one appear."
Did you know that the swords hide their true form ...? "
"Only the ones with a high power range, only the legendary swords"
"Indeed ... these two swords proclaim bloodlust ..."
"Why? Why?"
"Quiet, Kanako ...Quiet ... All in good time, all in good time ..."
"Don't you get tired of waiting?"
"No, because my wait has finally ended," Klaha said.
"You speak in codes, in spells, enigmas. I find it...disturbing ..."
"Hahaha ...
What advice did you give your daughter, moments ago? "
Kanako slightly smiled. "You are correct . I don't know what overcame me"
Kanako turned her eyes toward the young man, but he was no longer there, his presence had completely vanished.
"You've gone ... Thanks, Klaha"

All was darkness ...
The cave had some holes in its roof, which by means of their small lights provided the moon's gleam,
Those little lights allowed her to see where she was going.
The cave was damp, and in some places huge jagged rocks stuck out.
She continued to walk, she did not know how long he had been in this place. Maimi kept walking inside the cave. All was quiet, not a sound was heard. She only heard her own footsteps, along with a hollow sound when she tripped upon something
She went deeper and deeper ...
But ...
At this point she began to hear strange sounds, accompanied by drums. This was something she did not expect. "Drums? Someone else is here, perhaps? Her thoughts were vague questions.
The sound of drums was becoming stronger and stronger.
Upon turning to the right she saw a narrow stairway leading up to a higher area where there was an enormous door. She started to climb these stone stairs.
At first it seemed that she would never stop climbing these steps, which kept going up endlessly. But once she came to the point where she agreed to cut her climb short, Maimi climbed the final step and arrived directly at the door. Without a doubt, the drums were on the other side.
Their sound caused the ground and the stone door to vibrate.
Once she placed her hand upon the doors, the drums stopped and the doors opened. She felt like something was calling her.
Darkense! Darkense! Chosen one! Mixed Blood! Pureblood!
Descendent of powerful legends! Darkense! Darkense! Take me! Grasp me!! Hold me!

It was a voice speaking to her, but where was it coming from? Where?
The darkness lifted and she found herself at the center of a great hall.
It was a great hall, like one in her castle, but this was extremely old and it appeared that many duels had taken place here, because in the stone pillars she could visibly distinguish many marks that only swords could do.
This was doubtlessly a duelng hall. She imagines that long ago people came to combat in this place, or perhaps to train.
Maimi looked in all directions ...
And something caught her attention. She approached two stone statues, statues which had belonged to two warriors.
She touched one of those statues without thinking of the consequences of doing so ...
The roof began to fall. Enormous pieces of it fell to the ground ...
The ground trembled and the pillars looked like they were crumbling
The place was rapidly collapsing and if Maimi didn't do something, she would be buried there.
She ran to the doors, which had stayed open, but they soon began to close with incredible speed. The girl could not believe it, these doors should had been around for many years, carrying their mission out to perfection.
It was too late. She was unable to leave through those stone gates, the doors were sealed. And that wasn't all, the situation was even further complicated when the small Maimi saw that it looked like those warriors's statues were starting to come alive.
These statues had only been stone shells, but what was inside those shells wanted to come to life.
The statues shattered, uncovering two warriors wearing armor.
One of them had one eye of light blue and the other had a single red eye.
The warrior who had the red eye grasped his sword and attacked the other. It was surprising, and terrifying. They battled each other in a fierce duel.
The light blue eyed warrior had black armor, the other one's armor was gray.
The warrior in black armor was thrown to the ground and crashed into one of the great pillars. The collision was so powerful that the pillar began to lean and eventually collapsed.
Maimi's face became shadowed, for her life was in danger, the pillar broke in two pieces, one of which threatened her life.
Her legs were paralyzed, she couldn't budge an inch.
She was paralyzed!!!
She remembered her mother's voice, the promise she had made to her.
An extremely strong wind blew through the hall, destroying all the rubble along with the giant stones, cleaning everything.
The wind took everything in its wake, everything in the hall being dragged and absorbed at its mercy, except for the two swordfighters who continued to fight in that place.
The earth stopped shaking, the wind, having fulfilled its purpose, majestically died down.
A thumping noise penetrated the room, filling it throughout with a disagreeable echo.
She saw that the black armored soldier had collapesed to the ground and his sword flew out of his hand. The soldier in gray armor pointed his sword at the exposed area of his opponent. The tip of his sword was pointed at his enemy's neck.
War, blood, fighting, death and destruction ...
War, blood, fighting, death and destruction ...
No more! No more! thought little Maimi.
"STOP!!!" she screamed.
Her voice echoed, reverberating throughout the corners of the gigantic hall.
In a split-second, the black-armored soldier dodged the blade that threatened his life, skillfully rolling out of the way, jumping back upon his feet, arriving at his sword and picking it up again.
The girl lost sight of the swordsman in black armor and the only thing she saw, was the black katana blade buried deeply into the abdomen of the gray-armored warrior.
The defeated warrior remained standing there. But starting with his feet, he began to turn into mud, all the way up to his face, until he was a statue once again.
However, the other warrior did not become a statue, and came closer to little Maimi.
Standing before the girl, he launched an attack against her with his weapon.
Maimi managed to avoid the attacks against her, but not for long. A pillar had blocked her exit, there was nothing she could do...
She didn't have time to turn around and escape the warrior.
Once again she could hear her mother saying,

Didn't you promise you'd stay alive?
You've got something to do, something really important, you can't allow yourself to die..
You have to fight for life and not always see darkness
Will you do it?
Those words, those words ...
"I promise" was her response to her mother.

At that moment, she felt a fire raging through her veins ...
Heat ran through her body and made her feel more alive.
She wanted to stop that attack, and willing to do anything without thinking of the consequences, she leaned forward and lifted her arm to punch the warrior in the face.
For a second time something unusual presented itself in this mysterious place...
A blue ray of light fell in between her and the warrior.
A beam which did not disappear - it remained. That big blue ray split into many small beams that fell and were scattered throughout the room.
After a time, all those little rays met together again, forming a sphere, which absorbed the shadows coming out of the dar.
The sphere turned black -- it became a black sphere.
The warrior looked at the girl and she understood what was coming ...
Her heart pounded, heavy drops of sweat slid down her face.
The heat was terrible ... it was strange that just moments ago, she felt cold and now everything was hot.
She didn't know what was going on inside that black sphere, which was surrounded by small blue rays.
But something told her to place her hand deeply within it.
Maimi should be protecting herself from the warrior, who was bringing his sword close to her.
She didn't second-guess herself, she plunged her hand into that sphere and grabbed something ...
She held on to the thing and pulled it out of the sphere.
Upon seeing what it was, she was surprised.
It was a reversed-edged Katana, bearing a long blade of black iron, measuring about 180 cm long and very light.
The black-armored warrior abruptly stopped, and looked at Maimi and the sword she was holding with is one blue eye.
She observed the warrior, realizing that the sword he was carrying was identical to the one she had at that moment.
The warrior smiled. The sword she was holding started to make her arm shake and she couldn't hold on to it any longer. The katana rose in the air next to the warrior's katana, both of them fusing into one.
The katana laid itself before Maimi and she picked it up.
"Only one shall live ...destiny lies within you. The weight of destiny falls upon your shoulders, Darkensses," the warrior says to her.
"That's the name by which we are called and known by our enemies"
"What is your name?" asks Maimi.
The warrior places one of his fingers upon Maimi's right eye and suddenly it seemed as though her eye had a piece of ice placed upon it.
It's so cold and icy!! she thinks.
The warrior pulls her by her arm, dragging her toward a big, old mirror in which they could see themselves perfectly.
Little Maimi brings her hand up to her right eye ...
"My eye - it's blue," she says.
"Your eye is blue like mine," says the warrior.
Maimi's light blue eye shines and returns to its normal color.
"Why?" She asked.
"You are Darkensses"
"And that ... what does it mean?"
"We are the keepers of all the darkness" he responds.
"Why haven't you turned into a statue again?"
"I am a spirit that has been waiting for you. I can possess statues, people, anything ...
but they can not touch me and feel me like you can...
You are my Mistress ...
That statue had returned to normal because its spirit abandoned it, stopped possessing it. That spirit still has no Master..
That spirit came to prevent you from acquiring your sword. He wanted to kill you, but I arrived in the nick of time and he failed. "
The soldier removes his helmet, leaving his white face uncovered.
"What is your real name?" Maimi asks him again.
"Klaha. And today you and I will be like the same person."
"Then I will tell you my name --" Klaha interrupts her.
"Your mother Kanako revealed your name to me" he says to her, smiling.
Little Maimi smiles back at him in the same way, and so they both share a warm smile.
"Is there a way out of here?"
"Yes ...
You just have to walk some more "
"Will you come with ?
"Always" Klaha responded to the girl.
************************************************** ************
Kanako was waiting impatiently for her daughter Maimi.
Little Maimi raises her eyes and sees her mother's admirable form a ways off . She runs to meet her and embraces her.
The katana that was destined to belong to Maimi, had already changed form, hiding its true identity. Now it was a plain and simple katana, its blade a normal color.
"It is a beautiful katana, my daughter" says Kanako, hugging her.
"It is."
Her mother hands her a black scabbard, in which she places the katana
"Yes, mother?"
"It's time for our goodbyes."
"I love you. I'll never forget you, mother" little Maimi says, rushing into her mother's arms.
"I love you too, and wll never forget you"
Live!! Live!! Live!!
Those were the last words she told her mother, she was remembering, as she ran through the immense forest.
************************************************** **************************************
"I have to find my mother!" repeated a young woman with black hair.
"Your wait has come to a close, my daughter."
"Mother!" Aya shouted.
Aya stopped running and flipped head over heels. A woman was waiting for her here, smiling at her, Aya didn't know where she had come from or how she had arrived, but that she knew perfectly and well understood.
Her mother was a very mysterious person, and always surprised her.
And from her she could expect anything. There existed no impossible word for this reckless woman who was her beloved mother.
"Did you read my thoughts, mother?" asked Aya
"You were so distracted that they were simple for me to read"
"Mother ...
And my sister? "
"She's gone."
"What?" exclaims Aya.
"Shadowy beasts begin to follow her. It would be better for you to go and meet up with her"
"Very well," says Aya.
"How you've grown, my daughter! I am proud of you"
"Thank you, mother" says Aya, embracing her.
"Aya, don't ever give up! No matter what, keep light in your heart ...
Don't allow the thirst for power or courage to gain victory over you. "
"I don't understand why you're telling me this, mother, but I won't forget it."
"Thank you, Aya, always remember it. Now go and find your sister"
"Yes, I love you mother"
"Me too, my Aya. I love you too"

By: Mikitty_Ayaya
translation: Zunu
I can only say ...
Thank you very much.  :)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 10:58:36 PM by Mikitty_Ayaya »

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Re: ' Legendary in the Darkness '
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 09:49:09 PM »
Nice! I read this in Spanish also, but I can't get bored from it!  :cow:
I reeeeally like the story! Even thought I know what will happen next, I can't wait to see the next update!
Ganbare, MikiAya-senpai!

Sonna Rolling Days~!

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