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Author Topic: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Aki Urara - updated 8/17)  (Read 145211 times)

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Test of Wills - updated 7/14)
« Reply #540 on: July 15, 2010, 04:45:45 PM »
yay~ welcome back~! X3 and with a guilty pleasure XD dont worry fujigaki's mine too XDD something about those 2 just makes it so wrong and right at the same time XD

ubber cute and i hope u'll stay longer~ X3
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Offline Beecubed

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Test of Wills - updated 7/14)
« Reply #541 on: July 18, 2010, 09:39:45 AM »

Wow, interesting... I haven't read something about this pair before, so this is another first for me!  :D

I really enjoyed it! Light-hearted fun  :heart:  The 'game' between the two was so cute, I can really imagine it! Gaki as Miki's princess... hmmmm, I can really get used to that image  :oops:

You know what? I just think Miki is great as one-half of any pairing, her personality just goes so well with all the other H!P cuties.

Thanks for the one-shot! Looking forward to more!

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Test of Wills - updated 7/14)
« Reply #542 on: July 22, 2010, 05:32:12 AM »
Awesome short! Hadn't imagined this coupling before - Mikitty is always a favorite of mine. Loved the combat of wills between the two.

Also loved the Mikitty leader role....takes me back.... makes me feel nostalgic.

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Family Secrets - updated 8/2)
« Reply #543 on: August 02, 2011, 07:35:52 PM »
@kuro: FujiGaki is awesome :yep:
@rndmnwierd: They are SO right hehe. you saw...not really :nervous I wish I could be though
@writerjunkie: Uhhh...I try, I promise I do. But as you can see, things don't always work out...writing has become something difficult for me, even though I enjoy it SO much. Yeah, I wrote one fic in which they were angsty but fluff is love. :heart:
@kawaii beam: They're odd but SO GREAT!!! :P
@Beecubed: FujiGaki is a great pairing, to me. hehe~ Miki could be a princess too but I always see her as the dominant one XD And yes, Miki and anyone is a great pairing!
@adventwriter: Miki's a fav of mine too. I figured that Miki could be stubborn like that and Gaki's the patient one who will wait for her to come around...though it kinda backfired on her here lol. Yeah, it's been quite a while since she was leader.

*blows dust off of notebook and has a coughing fit*

Yes...I'm sorta back again. It's only been over a year >_<;;; Things have been BUSY AS FUCK, putting it lightly. And I figure that since I'll be off to college soon, writing will take an even further backseat in my life. So while I have ideas, I'm writing. lol~

This fic is weird, I'll be straightforward about that. XD No idea where the idea came from because I rarely ever write about Aika. (Not a big fan of her lol) If I have any fans left, I hope you enjoy! OH! And a quick thank you shout-out to my good friend Kame, she was my beta for this story. :heart: Check out her stories too!

Family Secrets


Stinging pain shot through her little body as 4-year-old Aika tripped on the uneven sidewalk in the small park. The cruel cement dug into her smooth knee, turning it red and raw.

“Owie…”, she mumbled, crying softly and sitting up, “Nee-chan!!!” Inspecting the scrape, little Aika frowned and tried to brush away the little pebbles embedded in her skin. Each stroke of her stubby finger was rewarded by the burning pain of that tiny rock cutting her already injured skin. Stubborn tears fell readily as the child looked around, for her big sisters.

“Damn, again?”, a familiar voice grumbled from above, “You’re so clumsy!” The trembling girl looked up to see one of her older sisters standing there.

Flowing black hair and a cute pale face, Aika’s sister Sayumi was the epitome of a young Japanese girl. Her appearance alone gave off the image of politeness, but she was just the opposite, often spitting words of malice and general unkindness at her younger sibling.

“Get up already, idiot! It’s just a scratch”, Sayumi’s pretty pink lips unleashed some rather tame (in comparison to other occasions) phrases at the injured girl on the ground. Aika whimpered softly as she struggled to push herself up against the little stabs of those same tiny rocks on her palms. She kept her head down, trying to cancel out her sister’s scolding.

“You’re always getting hurt, you damn klutz!”, the 13-year old grumbled, “Learn how to move properly!” She frowned in disgust, glaring down at the crying kid.

“Aika! What’s wrong?”, another older girl rushed over, this one a bit shorter with light brown locks.

“Forget about the little monster”, Sayumi urged the eldest of the three, “She was running around like an idiot, Ai-chan.” Ignoring Sayumi’s pleas, 16-year old Ai deftly lifted the smaller girl into her arms and held her close, carrying her to a nearby bench.

As Aika wrapped her arms around her oldest sister’s neck, she secretly stared at Sayumi standing there. The middle child had her arms crossed, a look of annoyance distorting her delicate features. The 4-year old wondered what she had done wrong, or why she deserved such mistreatment from the pink-loving girl.

Even at her age, she knew that Sayumi was Papa’s favorite. He was always buying her gifts, and though he often bought presents for all three of his daughters, Sayumi always got the best and most expensive items. Sayumi was always the one Papa would greet first, and he would always hug her a second longer.

Especially when that lady would come.

She was always asking for Sayumi, crying like someone stole her favorite Kitty-chan plushie. Papa would yell for that lady to leave and tell her to stop coming here. He would say that Sayumi is happy without her.

Aika didn’t know who that lady was, but Papa would always hug Sayumi tightly afterwards, telling her that he and Mama loved her so much.

Mama…the Mama that Aika never got to meet.

Papa once told her that after she was born, Mama got very sick, and had to go up to heaven. He assured her that it wasn’t her fault, that Mama wanted to stay but heaven wanted her instead. Then he hugged Aika tightly. “I love you, my little princess”, he told her warmly, “and Mama loves you too.”

On the contrary, though, Sayumi often told Aika a different story. Her big sister said that because Aika was such a bad girl, Mama had to go away forever. “It’s completely your fault”, the 13-year old would tell her, “Everything was perfect until you came along.”

The young girl wasn’t sure who to believe. She trusted Papa with all her heart. But on the other hand, Sayumi was in 7th grade and she even had a cell phone. Aika was sure that Sayumi wouldn’t lie to her.

“Aika, this might sting a little, ok?”, her eldest sister’s voice startled her from her thoughts. Ai cleaned her skinned knee with a bit of disinfectant, being as gentle as she could. She softly blew on it to cool the burn, and then covered it with a Kitty-chan bandaid, Aika’s favorite character. The oldest of the three girls then sat next to her baby sister on the bench.

Aika wondered why her sisters were so different. Ai never said mean things to her, was always willing to play with her and held her hand when they walked. She loved them both equally but somehow, it seemed like Ai loved her more than Sayumi did.

“Nee, Aika?”, Ai said, “Are you coming? It’s time to go home” Aika looked up to see her big sisters standing a few feet away. The littlest child scooted down off the bench and ran to join her siblings.

She had better things to think about anyway, like playing with her toys at home, and her friends at school tomorrow.

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Family Secrets - updated 8/2)
« Reply #544 on: August 03, 2011, 07:41:55 AM »
Common middle child syndrome? maybe not but I guess in a way Sayu must be bitter that Aika being the youngest = no love for her :nervous
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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Aki Urara - updated 8/17)
« Reply #545 on: August 18, 2011, 02:00:30 AM »
@kuro: You could look at it that way lol I guess I should have explained it more >_>

I guess my writiing is worse than I thought XD But Family Secrets is supposed to be a kind of messed up family life from the point of view of 4-year old Aika. Their mother died giving birth to her, which is partly why Sayu is such a bitch to her. But the other twist is that Sayu's mother really isn't who she think she is. The woman that comes is Sayu's real mother, and the father is trying to shield Sayu from knowing that she has a different mom.

Yeah...I could have done a better job with making that all less subtle. :nervous

Anyway~ this is another fic that I actually really like for some reason. XD Enjoy and PLEASE COMMENT!!! Just because I'm a lazy writer doesn't mean I don't appreciate reading everyone's input!

Aki Urara

“Mou, Jun~~~”, Tanaka Reina whined cutely from her perch on the barstool up against the cool granite counter. Her pale legs dangled like a child’s from the seat and her head rested on her hands as she watched her girlfriend prepare dinner.

Initially, Reina didn’t care much for the tall Chinese girl at all. The fact that she had a hard time understanding the jumbled, beginner’s Japanese pissed her off, as attempts at conversation often left the younger frustrated and annoyed. But the longer the two foreign exchange students were in Japan and talking with the others, the better they became. That was what allowed Reina to see the real JunJun…and allowed the latter to capture the heart of the former.

“Yes?”, JunJun replied, looking up from finely chopping green onions. Her skills with a knife were nearly flawless and so was her cooking ability. The pair went out on dates, of course, but on the inside, Reina’s favorite thing was to stay home at JunJun’s apartment and have the girl cook for her.

“I want a kiss”, the smaller Japanese girl pouted, her lips pursing as she looked into her girlfriend’s eyes. She grinned a little to herself, knowing that she had the advantage because her lover couldn’t resist her cuteness.

Sure enough, the older walked over and planted a gentle kiss on Reina’s ready lips. “You know I love you, Reina-chan”, JunJun smiled and quickly went back to her preparations.

“I know but still…stupid work doesn’t give us much time for each other”, the 20-year old grumbled, “The only time we can really spend time together is on weekends.” Reina hated that the two had to save their dates for days that began with the letter ‘S’. She couldn’t stand only briefly embracing or sneaking kisses from her lover during work.

Sure, the other girls knew about their relationship and didn’t mind at all, but management…now that’s a different story. In order to hide it, JunJun and Reina were forced to meet up secretly, and regularly dined out with the rest of the girls to avoid suspicion.

“Hai, done!”, JunJun cried out triumphantly, bringing a bowl of steaming gyoza to the counter, followed by a neatly formed mound of fried rice. She sat down on a stool next to her girlfriend and scooted closer.

“You’re such a dork, Jun”, Reina rolled her eyes, “Itadakimasu…MMM!” The gyoza was piping hot and burned her mouth a little. But the tender, chewy skin filled with juicy pork, green onions, cabbage and garlic were worth the scalded spots.

“Where did you learn to cook so well, babe?”, Reina asked, her mouth full of shrimp fried rice.

“My mom, mostly, but I became interested after taking cooking class in school”, the Chinese beauty replied, “It’s kind of my hobby” She smiled as she took a bite of gyoza, her eyes shimmering with happiness.

That look gave the younger chills, scooting closer to the counter, her skirt sliding up a little. “Nee, Jun…do you like cooking for me?”, she asked softly, the end of her chopstick poking at a pink shrimp. Somehow, she couldn’t look up at her girlfriend. She had just asked a question that had been gnawing at her for weeks…whether the woman she loved really enjoyed doing things for her.

JunJun stopped eating, her eyes stopping on Reina’s bowed head. “Reina-chan…I-I…of course I love to cook for you”, she answered in a slightly confused voice, “I love to do everything for you, Reina-chan…because I know it makes you happy”

“But do you REALLY?”, the smaller of the two asked again, her tone showing doubt and a little annoyance. Reina was never good at neither hiding her emotions nor properly conveying them, so her current agitation was evident.

“Reina-chan…I just said that I do, don’t you believe me?”, asked an even more perplexed JunJun. She was used to Reina’s moodiness for the most part, but it still threw her off on occasion. “Baby, is there something wrong?”

The 6th generation member hesitated before speaking again. “I love you, from the bottom of my heart…and I-I know I can be…well, less than easy to handle…”

Reina’s words were cut off, her mouth covered by JunJun’s. A kiss of love and reassurance. A kiss of passion and longing.

Pulling back, the 8th generation member replied, “I love you too, Reina-chan” Her arms wrapped around the thin, pale body in her grasp, pulling closer. Reina’s short black skirt brushed against her equally bare legs. “You’re the most important thing to me, baby”, she whispered, her face gently pressed against Reina’s ear.

JunJun effortlessly lifted Reina up, cradling her against her chest like a small puppy, and carried her out to the veranda. Reina’s bare feet touched down on the cold concrete, quick to maneuver her body in order to lean against JunJun’s taller frame. “Nee, look”, she smiled, “The sky…it’s beautiful” An endless carpet of deep blue dotted with tiny, far-away stars.

The elder grinned as well, pointing out that the sky looked nearly exactly like it did a few months earlier, when she had taken Reina on a surprise date in Okinawa. JunJun’s heart had melted that night, just seeing the look on her lover’s face.

That alone, made everything worth it. As hard as keeping the relationship a secret could be, every smile and laugh that Reina made during their time together was worth it.



“Let’s go on a little trip next weekend. Somewhere outside of Tokyo, away from the city”

“Sure, anything you want”

“And Jun?”


“I’m glad I got to see you tonight”

“Me too, baby, me too”
ReinaJun FTW!!!

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Aki Urara - updated 8/17)
« Reply #546 on: August 18, 2011, 06:21:24 AM »
Reina/Jun FTW my first fail perv fic pairing too

Jun has that little kawaiiness to make this pairing work, other than that tsundere Reina :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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