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Author Topic: The Secrets Within, Ch.2 (12/06/10)  (Read 3725 times)

Offline demon11

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The Secrets Within, Ch.2 (12/06/10)
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:07:55 PM »
Ummm, so here I'm going to start my debut at H!P fics, yep...

Well, since it's a debut: please don't judge me  :kneelbow:

The Secrets Within

Chapter 1: New Plans

“It wasn’t me! I swear I’m innocent!”

“Do you honestly think that I’m going to bought that?!”

Michishige Sayumi, aged 17, was sitting on a chair in the principal’s office. She was trying to not get expelled since this was her last year in school, but that was going to be hard after what she did.

“I swear I didn’t steal that purse,” the young girl answered with a weak voice. She was about to cry, but the principal didn’t seem to notice it. Or maybe he just didn’t want to notice it.

“Then where is it?!” He yelled with a hint of irritation in his voice.

“I don’t know!”

Then she snapped, and began to cry. The principal got up, unable to decide to believe or not believe her, and headed towards his office door. But as soon as he closed that door behind him, leaving Sayumi alone, she stopped her sobs and smirked.

She suddenly got up from the uncomfortable chair and approached the door, concentrating fully on trying to hear the conversation behind it.

“I don’t know what to do,” the principal admitted. “She was the only one in that class when the purse disappeared… But at the same time, she looks so innocent to do such a thing…”

“I know what you mean,” another voice agreed. Sayumi recognised that female voice immediately, it was her English teacher. “Maybe she was the only one there… But, Michishige? We’ve got hundreds of students here that seem to be real thieves, unlike her…”

“I know that, but then who stole the purse? I mean, we’ve got a thief here, and our prestigious school isn’t going to tolerate that. That criminal mind has to be expelled from here!”

“Criminal? Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

Sayumi laughed quietly while picturing the face that the principal could have showed in that moment.

“I’m not overreacting!” He said with embarrassment.

“Oh hello,” another voice joined them, and Sayumi’s body stiffened a little. That was the Maths teacher, also know as ‘the teacher involved in the purse little incident.’

“Good morning,” the principal greeted back.

“Where’s Michishige?”

“At my office. And I don’t know what are we going to do with her…”

“What do you mean?”

“She seems to be innocent, but, if it’s true, then who stole your purse?”

“I believe she’s innocent.”

Immediately, Sayumi ran to her chair again and forced herself to let go fake tears, quickly covering her face with them. However, she couldn’t help but smirk a little at how good her acting skills were.

“Michishige,” the door opened again. “Your teacher is here.”

The young girl managed to erase any signs of happiness on her face and turned around slowly to meet her teacher’s eyes, trying to make her feel guilty.

“Yes? What is it, teacher?” She asked in a low, but cute tone.

“I’m sorry, Michishige. I haven’t found that little thief yet,” the woman answered. “But I bet you didn’t do it, look at you, someone like you would never do that.”

“But,” Sayumi interrupted. “If you haven’t found that person yet, what about your purse?”

“It’ll appear eventually. And, well, it’s just a purse; I don’t think that it will be the reason of making that person take the wrong way on a near future…”

** * **

“And that was how my first encounter with the law was,” a somewhat older Michishige Sayumi said. “They never knew that it really was me, it was so lame.”

The now aged 21 girl laughed loudly on the couch located in the karaoke room that she and her mates had for the night, partly because the huge amount of alcohol that she was consuming was starting to affect her.

The two newest ones that had joined their team looked at her in pure admiration, while one of her oldest buddies rolled her eyes.

“Wow, Michishige-san! So young, and yet so good at your job!” Lin said trying to flatter her senpai. “I hope to be like you someday!”

“And who doesn’t want to be like me?” Sayumi said sarcastically, making the other new girl, Jun, laugh.

“Yeah, Michishige-san is the coolest in the team!”

“Hey! What about me?!” Eri whined. “I’m twice cooler than she is!”

“You wish!” The star of the team laughed while taking another random bottle from the table and pouring its content on her glass. “And you know what Kame?” She asked while taking a sip from it. “Our kouhais are here to second that you’ll never be cooler than me. Right girls?”

“Right!” Jun and Lin said at the same time, making Eri pout.

“Oh! Kamei-san don’t give up!” Koharu, who had just stopped her singing, said. “You know you’re also talented for this!”

“You left this business a while ago you know?!” Eri answered with a hint of faked anger in her voice. “You don’t remember how irritating is hearing her heroic stories over and over again!”

Koharu laughed loudly when she remembered the first day that she was introduced to Michishige Sayumi. She told her that same story of the purse, and gave her a couple of very interesting advices. That girl obviously thought that she was the best at her job, but that wasn’t very far from the reality, so they really had no rights to complain about it.

“My stories are the best! You’re just jealous!” Sayumi said to Eri, and the older girl laughed. “Well, now it’s time for Kamei and me to give you a couple of advices before you get you’re first job.”

Eri and Koharu burst out laughing immediately, and Sayumi narrowed her eyes at them.

“What is it now with you two?”

“We’re fine, please, continue Sayu,” Eri said between laughs, and Koharu just nodded at her in reassurance.

“Whatever,” Sayumi said, turning her attention to her kouhais again. “Listen carefully. The first golden rule consists on this: you can’t give real information about you. Never, you hear that?”

“And what does that mean exactly?” Lin asked, a little lost because of her senpai’s words.

“That means,” Eri continued, trying to hold back her past laughter. “That you can’t be yourself when you’re in front of your victim. I mean, it doesn’t consist on not saying your real name, and give out fake personal data, it consists on acting as your total opposite too.”

“Yeah,” Koharu agreed. “For example, if you’re a shy person, you have to act all extrovert,” she looked at Eri. “Or if you’re a narcissistic guy, you have to act as if you don’t have self-esteem at all,” she laughed while looking at Sayumi.

“Yes,” Sayumi nodded. “Or if you’re a hyperactive brat, you have to act as a calm and mature adult.”

Eri, Jun and Lin laughed out loud when they saw Sayumi’s ex-mate expression.

“You see, that’s just how cool I am,” Sayumi said proudly, while Koharu smiled weakly. “Oh, Koharu stop that face, please. It’s so creepy…”

“Oh, shut up! And go on with your advices!”

“Okay,” Sayumi stopped her laughter and looked at Lin. “Well, the second golden rule consists on make your target trust you. But keeping distance at the same time.”

“So, basically,” Jun interrupted. “They have to trust you, but you have to be careful to not give extra information?”

“That’s it,” Sayumi said while Eri and Koharu nodded. “And that leads us to the third golden rule: you can’t become fond of your target.”

“That’s the most important one!” Koharu exclaimed in a high pitched tone. “If you make friends with them, then you’re totally lost.” Lin and Jun nodded in understanding.

“Be really careful with that,” Sayumi insisted one more time. “We live because the… well, let’s call it fraud exist. And you can’t do your job if you’ve got an interpersonal relationship going on with your target. Got it?”

“Got it!” Lin said with enthusiasm. “So, what’s the fourth golden rule?”

“There’s no fourth rule.”

“And why’s that?”

“Just because.”

“But why?”

“Well, I’ll give you another advice,” Sayumi said somewhat irritated. “If I were you, I wouldn’t do so many questions.”

“Why’s that?”

Eri, Koharu, Jun and even Sayumi laughed at the girl’s incapability of just shutting up.

“Because when you make a lot of questions, people start to suspect,” Lin nodded and Sayumi looked at her clock. “Well girls, I gotta go.”

“So soon?” Kamei asked before checking up her clock.

“Soon? Kame, check out your clock before saying that!”

“God! Is it really so late?” Sayumi rolled her eyes. “Well, I’ll go with you. Are you three staying?”

“Yeah,” Koharu answered. “I don’t have anything to do tomorrow, and these girls haven’t received the indications for their first job yet.”

“True…” Jun thought aloud. “Do you know when the boss will come over to give us instructions?”

“Come over?!” Sayumi, Koharu and Eri asked at the same time, before burst out laughing.

“We have never seen our boss; she just calls us via mobile.” Sayumi said simply while chuckling.

“So then how do you make the treats?” Lin asked stunned.

“She sends us her assistant.”

“It sounds…”

“Scary?” Koharu interrupted and the Chinese girls nodded. “I know, that’s why I left.”

“And you didn’t have problems to do so?”

“No, the boss mysterious aura is scary,” she agreed. “However, she seems to be a nice person.”

“Yeah!” Eri exclaimed and Sayumi took her by the hand to drag her out of the room.

“Well, see you soon!”

** * **

When Sayumi managed to enter in her apartment the sunrise had already come. It was late when she managed to pull Eri out of the karaoke room, but the girl was afraid of going to her house alone at night, and Sayumi lived in the opposite side of Tokyo.

The self called star of the team left her shoes at the door, and headed towards her living room without a problem; the effects of the alcohol were starting to disappear.

But as soon as she passed by that living room, to enter in her kitchen, she noticed a little packet on her couch. However, she didn’t change her direction, and went to her kitchen to grab a milk bottle from the fridge, as if to have a packet that wasn’t in your house when you left were a perfectly normal thing.

She poured some milk in a glass, and sat on her couch, examining the packet cautiously.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to open it,” she thought aloud, and opened it, taking her time to carefully take out its content. But it wasn’t what Sayumi was expecting. “A camera?!” She examined it slowly. “Well, at least it’s a good camera.”

The she noticed a small note that had fell off to the floor when she took out her present.

“I hope you know how to use it. This thing is going to be important to make your next job.

Everything is settled now, so give me a call as soon as you come back from your karaoke night, and as soon as the alcohol effects have disappeared.

-   Takahashi.”

“This woman is crazy…”

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 09:31:09 PM by demon11 »

Offline SarangAi

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.1
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 03:07:19 AM »
I LOLed at Sayu's acting skillz XD

I still don't know what the girls' job is... but it seems pretty interesting, i'll keep a tab on this :D

good start! i think i'll like this.. :lol:

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.1
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 09:55:44 AM »
I agree, definitely interesting, I wonder if Takahashi's assistant is who I think it is?

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.1
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2010, 05:39:47 PM »
Hmm intresting story, Sayu as a carrer criminal  :lol:

I suppose they are all con-artists now, I assume it is from the advice Sayu gave

Hmm what role does Takahashi play, is she the bosses contact, or could dhe be the boss?

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.1
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2010, 06:11:55 AM »
I agree, definitely interesting, I wonder if Takahashi's assistant is who I think it is?
I'm thinking the same :P

Oh what's Sayu's new assignment?

Offline demon11

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.1
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 09:29:46 PM »

Thanks a lot for the replies :grin: and sorry for the lateness  :kneelbow:

I hope to update faster the third chapter XD

Chapter 2: Indications

Sayumi read the note that Takahashi had left her over and over again before calling her.

This kind of communication was something that she was used to by now, however she was still impressed by how her boss was able to leave this kind of presents in her apartment, without leaving a single proof that said that she had been there. And moreover, how she managed to leave them without have never been caught in the act.

“I guess she knows every single step we’re going to make,” Sayumi thought aloud and, just then, she found the contact that she was searching for on her mobile’s agenda.

“Good morning, Sayumi!” A mature, but cheerful voice answered on the other line of the phone. “Are you sober?”

“First of, it’s 7 a.m. and I haven’t sleep yet, so don’t say ‘good morning’. And yeah I’m sober,” Sayumi replied.

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind,” the woman laughed softly. “Well, tell me, have you seen the camera?”

“How wouldn’t I? It’s enormous, a camera for professionals I guess…”

“It is for professionals,” she agreed. “But that’s just because you’re a real professional now.”

Sayumi raised an eyebrow instantly, she wasn’t sure by what Takahashi meant by that. It was obvious that she was planning something big though: she had never talked to her that way, she seemed extremely cheerful and happy, and that was something quite unique when it was about the boss.

“Michishige? Are you still there?”

“Yeah,” she replied and took the camera one more time. “But I don’t get it, why do you give me a camera?”

“It’s simple to understand, I think.”

“Stop with the secrecy then, and tell me,” Sayumi demanded, starting to get impatient. She had the feeling that she was going to be in trouble soon, and it was going to be because of the camera.

“Let’s say that now you’re a photographer.”

Sayumi couldn’t stop herself from laughing out loud. She still didn’t know what was going on, and she didn’t know either why she was laughing when she was worried. It was probably because the effects of the alcohol hadn’t disappeared completely.

“Are you sure you’re sober?” Takahashi asked, between preoccupation and irritation.

“I am,” Sayumi replied trying to calm herself down. “Sorry, but don’t you think that I’ll do a lame job with a camera?”

“Well, as far as I know, you won a competition once. When you were at Yamaguchi.”

Sayumi shut up immediately. How the hell did that woman know that she liked to take photos when she was younger? It was something that scared her somehow, as she had explained before, when she was with her mates at the karaoke room, but she just didn’t want to ask those questions to her boss, probably even more afraid of the answer.

“Yeah, well, photography was one of my hobbies back then…”

“Then I don’t think you’ll have problems with that camera,” the woman sighed. “Shall I keep on going with my explanation?”

“Please, go ahead.”

“You’re going to work as a photographer for M!M Magazine,” Takahashi explained. “Everything is settled, you’ll have you’re first meeting with your boss on Monday.”

“M!M Magazine? Isn’t that the official magazine of M!M clothing line?”

“You just said it.”

“And what the hell am I going to do there?!” Sayumi asked angrily, this plan had no sense at all: she was a con artist, not a photographer, and much less a photographer of a fashion magazine. “Are you kidding me?”

“I’m not,” Takahashi replied. “Do you honestly think that I don’t know what I’m doing?”

“I don’t know what to think.”

“Well, then listen to the rest, everything has a reason.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” Sayumi gave up.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever heard something about Tanaka Akari,” Takahashi started. “In case you haven’t, I’ll tell you that she’s one of the richest women in Japan.”

“Ah yes, I know who she is. She’s the founder of that clothing line and that magazine, isn’t she?”

“Exactly, and she’s the owner of a great fortune, as you can imagine.”

“Now I get it,” Sayumi interrupted her. “You want me to enter there to try to get something from her, right?”

“That’s it.”

“But that isn’t so simple!” She yelled. “How am I going to make that woman become fond of me? She must be very old to become friends with her…”

“Yes, she’s around 50, but that’s why you won’t have to make of her your victim.”


“She’s got a daughter about your age; you just have to make friends with her for now.”

“And how I’m going to meet her?”

“She works as a model for her mother’s magazine, you’ll have to work with her sooner or later,” Takahashi took a pause. “I have to go now; I’ll send you my assistant with your documentation and instructions in half an hour. Goodbye.”

“Wait a minute! You haven’t even told me exactly what I have to do and…” Sayumi tried to stop her from hung up the phone, but Takahashi was a busy person, and only talked on the phone for a determinate couple of minutes, so she didn’t hesitate to leave Sayumi with her questions unanswered. “Damn that woman!”

** * **

Sayumi was trying her new camera when the door bell rang. She hurried up to open the door, since she was still waiting for the indications that the boss hadn’t give her, and the assistant had to do her job…

“Hey Niigaki,” Sayumi greeted as she opened the door, inviting the woman in. “What a lovely surprise, did you want something?”

“Very funny Sayu,” the older girl replied, and took out some documents and papers from her bag just before entering the apartment and taking off her shoes. “Here you go; you’re going to need those I guess.” She handed the papers to Sayu, and the younger led her through the corridor to the living room, where they both sat on the couch.

Sayumi started to read the documents aloud. They didn’t seem to be nothing out of the ordinary: her “new” curriculum, her passport, driving license, IC…

“Look at this,” Sayumi said to Risa while the older was reading the curriculum. “I’m from Tokyo this time, how exotic!” She concluded sarcastically, and Risa laughed.

“And have you read this? You’re pretty important on your niche; it seems that the magazine has accepted you because you’ve given them a lot of reference letters.”

“Really? I knew I’d go far with my talent,” she laughed. “The worst thing is my name: Chii Ruruka. Chii Ruruka? Seriously, Takahashi is running out of ideas.”

“I don’t think Aichan doesn’t have ideas anymore, maybe she just wanted to give you a unique personality, and the name helps on that.” Risa replied while looking at the IC.

“Maybe, maybe… By the way, have you just called Takahashi ‘Aichan’?”

“Yes,” Risa replied embarrassed.

“Aichan, how beautiful… I bet you two share a wonderful relationship… You know, I thought you liked Eri.”

“Come on, stop that!” Risa demanded even more embarrassed and turning red, while Sayumi just laughed.

“Okay, sorry. Now let’s stop fooling around, and tell me what do I have to do on Monday.”

“Well Ruruka, it's quite simple,” Risa explained. “I’ll drive you to the M!M Magazine office, at 8 a.m. Then, you’ll have a meeting with the guy that’s going to be your boss and, as far as I know, I think he’ll introduce you to your mates.”

“I see, but when will I have the chance to meet Akari’s daughter?” Sayumi asked, obviously impatient to start her job, or at least impatient to finish with it.

“I don’t know, I guess that as a photographer you will have to do sessions with different models… And the timetables are up to your boss, so I guess it could be on Monday or in a month…”

“Just great,” Sayumi replied somewhat frustrated.

“Come on, Aichan told me that I should inform you that this time your job won’t go as fast as it normally goes,” Risa said calmly.

“‘Not as fast as it normally goes’?! Normally my jobs take weeks, weeks!”

“I know, and since Takahashi told me that you’d say that, and that you’d be unwilling to do the job, she has told me that this time the trade will be 60-40.”

“60-40? We always go 60-40!”

“Not at all, you always go 40-60!”

Sayumi looked at Risa in disbelief, it was just impossible that Takahashi was so into this mission that she was willing to give her so many benefits.

“Are you honestly saying that she’ll give me more than the half of the benefits?!”

“I’m saying it with the utmost sincerity,” Risa replied with a big smile. “Is there anything else that you want to complain about? Or anymore things to say?”

“Not at all, not at all,” Sayumi said. “Pick me up at 7:15 on Monday, okay?”

“Okay,” Risa laughed at the younger’s interest on money and got up from the couch. “Then I’ll be going: you have to sleep you know, you look terrible.”

“Thanks,” Sayumi replied sarcastically. “Wait a minute, you two haven’t even told me the girl’s name!”

“Really? Well, it’s Reina, Tanaka Reina.”

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.2 (12/06/10)
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2010, 12:03:41 PM »
This is very interesting. I think I just found another fiction to follow :)

Offline oddball

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Re: The Secrets Within, Ch.2 (12/06/10)
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2010, 01:40:34 PM »
Hmm, definatly intresting Sayu seems to have her 'job' now, making friends with Reina to get at their family fortune, I wonder why Ai is lettng Sayu have the majority cut however, something about that seems suspicious to me.....

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