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Author Topic: Outside the Script (Chapter 5 up March 4th)  (Read 5566 times)

Offline Ada XD

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Outside the Script (Chapter 5 up March 4th)
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:50:31 PM »
I know, I know  XD This is posted at H!O too and probably some of you already read it, but I came to realize that... here are more readers than on H!O o_o
xD Anyway I kinda rewrote it, to make it neater 8D
I reached pretty far with the plot and I know exactly what to write in the end, so it will be yet another fast updated fic ;D
Enjoy :heart:

Chapter 1

A black car stopped in front of an imposing building, its wheels squeaking loudly and disturbing the passer-biers. Yet what drew their attention better was the pair of high heeled shoes that rushed out of it.

"Thanks for dropping me by, I'll make it up to you."
"No worries. And good luck!"

That kind of brief conversation was likely to happen only when one of the two had really important things to do, so the taller woman took off her glasses that reflected her best friend, closed the door of the car after her and dashed up the stairs of the shiny edifice.
Once in the elevator, her heart still pumped inside her chest with no intentions of slowing down too soon, as the adrenaline and nervousness took over her usual calm self. She pushed violently against the 8th button several times, and just when the doors were about to close, a firm hand stopped them from doing so.
Long legs, short skirt and low cut white blouse. Add in a beautiful curly hair too, and there you have the perfect combination to make anyone's nose bleed.

Stepping slowly into the rather small lift, she reached over that same button, her perfume making the impatient woman next to her feel dizzy.
"Are you here for the auditions?" she spoke up plainly, leaning her back against the big mirror.
"Yes... I think I might be too late though."

As she was scanning the short woman before her from head to toes, a playful smirk crept from side to side, the older probably finding her fidgeting and the flush in her cheeks extremely adorable. "The stars are always late darling, so don't worry about that."
Wow. So she has guts. Feeling even more nervous, the younger tried to smile and to not let her eyes wander down at the beautiful legs in front of her.
"Well good luck with the director and the scenarist, I heard they're quite harsh. Are you ready to face them?"

She considered how to reply such a question. If this model-like woman was going to be competition and make things harder for her to get in, it was more than necessary to fake a bit too much of a self confidence. "Really? And oh... of course.  I guess I'll just go there and cry my eyes out till they give me the main role~"
The older raised one eyebrow, her charming smile fading away. "The main role is taken by uh... Niigaki Risa? You didn't know that?"
Dang. "No I didn't...Thank you for the info anyway."

Nodding, she took a glance at her watch, as our little uneasy woman found the way up to 8th floor unusually long in the company of this beauty. Her  eyes couldn't resist the torture anymore so they immediately got glued to her knees and her expensive black boots. She cleared her throat eventually and stared at the interesting grey ceiling instead, changing the subject before getting busted while drooling all over her.
"You're not new around here are you?"
Looking up quickly, that flirty smile was already on her face again "You got that right. What's your name?"
"Takahashi Ai"
They shook hands as the elevator hit 8th floor, her bright gaze sweeping Ai's face.
"I'll see you around, Ai!"

She got out of the elevator as quickly as she entered it and disappeared behind a corner without another word, much to Ai's astonishment.
Looking in the other way, her heart started racing again as she clenched her fists: a bunch of noisy women were gathered in front of a door, probably waiting for the same thing as her.
That must be the audition room. I came just in time!
She straightened her shoulders and approached them, feeling how all the eyes turned in her direction. Now what? With no idea of what to do next, she tried to start some conversation with a long haired brunette.
"Excuse me... Do you happen to know why the auditions aren't started yet?"
She was rather tall, so it felt awkward for Ai to stare at her from her height... "Oh yes. The director her hotness isn't here yet...but the scenarist together with the staff are in that room"
"I see... How great! I was worried I was going to miss this."
She smiled warmly then sipped from her coffee, looking around. "Damn. She really likes to make us wait."
Ai giggled and leaned against the wall, hesitating whether to ask or not what was most itching the insides of her mind. "So uhm..  the main character, is already casted?"
"Well yeah. It didn't surprise me though... I worked with Gakisan in a play some years ago. She's very professional."
Ai nodded, as if asking her to tell more. "Who knows what was the producer thinking; Casting someone before the auditions are over is against the rules."
"Oh... and what's the producer like?"
A smile formed on the taller girl's face out of no where as she leaned in "Let me just tell you this... Take care around her, I heard she likes young pretty girls"
"Yeah. She often locks herself with them in her office so..."
Her eyes popped open "What the-"
"She even had problems with the police.."
"I. cannot. believe. this." her jaw dropped.
"Haha gotcha, the last one was a lie. We like to joke around about her~ But if we ever get busted, we're dead. Yoshizawa-san is not very friendly"
"My god. Well I surely won't get into problems cause I'm far from young"
"But you're hella cute. I'm JunJun by the way"

The door suddenly cracked open and they were invited inside, one by one, in murmurs of curiosity and anticipation. A young woman shushed them down and waited for everyone to take seats, then spoke up.
"The director will be here any minute, so let me introduce you to our staff in the meantime"
She was wearing something rather more formal that the other ones, so Ai assumed she was the scenarist. Nothing creepy nor fierce about her so far.
Michishige Sayumi aka the makeup artist seemed quite familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it. The first thing that caught her attention was her adorable smile, even with all those layers of makeup on her face.
JunJun shifted closer to Ai's ear, whispering a bit too loudly "I heard she has a fling with the scenarist Kamei Eri."
She frowned and eyed her wryly "You're 'hearing' too much stuff, JunJun."

Another girl stepped forward, holding her a cute little speech under everyone's stunned looks. Ai poked her newest friend with her elbow, leaning in "Is she... the youngest?"
"Yeah. It's still a mystery what an adolescent is doing here!" She didn't take her death glare off the smiling Aika for one second; she was oh so ready to eat her alive.
Some minutes later they already had their first impressions of all the staff members, so they proceeded to ask questions. Kamei-san wasn't as serious as Ai's been told earlier that day. She laughed out loud and joked with them, but suddenly stiffened when the door opened.
"Hello ladies" Ai's head turned around in a flash, recognizing the voice.
Two women made their appearance in the room, and her wide eyes followed them suspiciously as they walked to the front.
"So now that the director Miss Fujimoto Miki is here, we should start" Eri said somewhat frowning while handing scripts to everyone, as Miki sat on a leathered seat in a corner, looking straight at Ai.The woman I met in the elevator is my boss?!

She came back to her senses and analyzed the situation. Meeting Miki in the lift would only mean two things : either Ai was going to be kicked out, or pass the audition. Pretty simple actually. Her eyes unknowingly casted to Miki's side, where this woman she had never seen before was standing solemnly. Now that Miki wasn't looking, she poked JunJun again "Jun? Who's the one that entered with the director?"
"That's Gakisan. Isn't she so pretty?"
She certainly was. The gloss on her lips glistened in the strong light and her fringe was parted, revealing two beautiful black orbs. The air conditioner made a few strands of her long hair levitate gently...
"Okay girls" a violent clap snapped Ai away from her reverie "Let me see what you got. You over there"
She gulped when Miki pointed at her, then mimed a barely visible and innocent "Me?"
"Yeah you. Come to the front and try to act what's on the script"

She felt the blood rush to her head as all the eyes were on her again, waiting for her to start. 


xD Ok so I didn't edit TOO much of it *lazyyy*
But the chapters improve as I went on D: This one is a shizload of months old D: *can't even remember xD* so you'll get more quality reading in the next chappies <3
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 04:48:44 PM by Ada XD »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Outside the Script (First Chapter 12th of August)
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 06:21:36 AM »
This is here!! :inlove: :inlove: Yay! *does happy dance*

Offline Ada XD

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Re: Outside the Script (First Chapter 12th of August)
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2010, 06:33:11 PM »
^ Aww I really appreciate the enthusiasm ;_; :heart:

Did I do wrong in rewriting and posting it here? oxo The views keep increasing but it didn't receive too much love D:

Chapter 2

As Ai stepped to the center, quiet chatters could be heard from all sides of the room. She stiffened hearing them, and her trembling hands weren't able to browse the script properly anymore.

"Urgh. I thought beginners weren't allowed to be here."
"We're wasting our time, someone just tell her to get the hell out."
"Who brought her here anyway? She seems so lost."

In a try to hide the panic that quickly overwhelmed her, her mouth opened.... but nothing came out. The rescue came from that same voice, this time with a tint of nervosity in her tone.
"Wait, wait, dear; there's a problem."
Uh oh. That's one heck of a change from 30 minutes ago in the elevator.
"Is it just me or I'm being taken by a jackass?" She sat up from her chair quickly, frowning like mad at the rest of the girls. As she stepped angrily to the back, everyone exchanged stunned looks, wondering what could have possibly made her so furious. She arrived at her target, a blond girl that sank more into her chair as Miki leaned in, shouting into her ear "Do you think I'm deaf or what, miss Hanon?"
The girl that eyed Ai suspiciously in the first place was now gulping under the unpredictable director "No miss!" 
"Then may I know.. Why the hell did you start talking all that shit about this girl?"
Ai just stood there speechless listening to Miki's harsh scolding, not able to believe how the director herself would lose her grip like this, just because of some mean comments.

Watching Hanon pretend she didn't know what her boss was talking about, Miki continued sarcastically "Oh why don't we kiss the director's ass till she makes us celebrities, and in the meantime we kick out all the new girls before they get their chance. Was THAT what you were thinking honey? Just lie to me and I swear you'll never see a filming studio in your life."
The girl looked up shaking, not knowing what words would be adequate to use for apologizing.
"Okay so you thought you're better than her. Move you ass over there and start first. Now!!" She nodded desperately and joined Ai in front of everyone with the script in her hands, begging that those lines would quickly stick to her mind in all this stress.
The director came back to her chair again, sighing and rubbing her temples with one hand.  "Go ahead, I don't have all day"

First time seeing Miki to defend someone with such a passion, Gaki was surprised too, and in the good way. A tameless director that could always control any situation was what she was looking up at.
Hanon inhaled deeply, then brought the pages closer to her face.

"Do you think a gun is making you stronger? All lies... I'm not afraid of what's to happen, because what I lived with her was worth every tear. I... belonged to her. Now that she is not here anymore, go ahead and pull the trigger. Save me from all this suffering already. Shoot me!"
Satisfied with her dramatic performance, a wide smile appeared as she looked up, expecting for the applause. None was heard though.
Of course, Miki already predicted this would happen, and with a disgusted look on her face, she waved her hand lazily so that Hanon would make room for Ai.

A weird silence filled the room, everyone staring back at Ai. Ignoring her racing heart, her hands tightly gripped on the paper. She couldn't possibly let Miki down after what she had done for her, by putting up a cheap performance, so she swore to herself that she would give it all in that minute.
Throwing the script down, she faced her 'rivals' with determination.
The facial expression fully changed, showing off two sad eyes that pictured the exact border between vulnerability and anger.
"Do you really think a gun can make you stronger...?" Her lips arched upwards into a sarcastic smile as she continued to draw emotion in to the indifferent and cold words. Someone entered the room in the middle of the monologue, but Ai didn't let herself get distracted."Now that she is not here anymore," numerous tears from both eyes kept coming out to stain the white carpet and her jeans, as she fell on her knees "go ahead and pull the trigger." Her blank stare into nothingness was unwillingly creeping out some of the girls watching her. "Save me from all this suffering and shoot me already!!"

Watching that no one reacted when she screamed out at the end, Ai started to curse at herself for overdoing it, and real tears were just about to come out again.
Sniffing, she brought the sleeve up to wipe her eyes and got up, with Miki already at her side, patting her shoulder.
"This might be a bit too sudden" she looked at Ai and then at the shocked mass of girls. Oh yes, they knew what was to come. "... but I decided to make a change in the cast. This woman here... What's your name?"
Ai stared at her obliviously. What? We already met...
The director forced a smile and lightly squeezed Ai's shoulder; she immediately understood that Miki didn't want the others to find out they already knew eachother.
"Takahashi Ai..."
"Oh Aichan. You will be replacing Niigaki for the main character, and she will play the co-protagonist"

The gasps that followed afterward made Risa (and also Ai) understand that it wasn't a joke. She bounced off her seat and dragged herself quickly towards Miki, not taking her dark scrutinity from her face "You can't do that."
"Why not?" Miki questioned, falsely cheerful.
"B-Because Yoshizawa-san already gave me that role!"
"Well as far as I remember, I have the same authority." That was one big lie that only herself knew, but who would dare to defy the words of the one that initiated the whole movie project? She raised one eyebrow in pride and looked to the side, noticing the uninvited woman was already gone. "...I do whatever I want~"
Trying to hold back tears, Risa's voice came in a shaky, short whisper "You're the worst"
"I've heard that before... Now calm down and think how many other girls would want to be in your place. You're either here or out sweetie."
Risa felt a shiver sweep over her as she lowered her head, somehow managing to restrain herself from pulling Miki's damn hair out.

"Allright everyone, Kamei will give you different scripts, evaluating each of you. Expect the official cast list in a few hours. Now if you excuse us, me and the two stars have things to discuss."
They certainly didn't look like a movie couple from that angle, Miki noticing the awkwardness between the two. Still, she was trusting herself and her... 6th sense, if it can be called like that.
Ai was looking down stressed out, her lips dry and her face almost pale, while Gaki still had the frown on with her arms folded above her chest.
Not good at dealing with too much tension, Ai spoke up quietly "Fujimoto-san, I think I'm fine with any other role, I don't want to cause problems.."
"First off..." she lit up a cigarette and sat on her desk with her legs crossed "call me Miki. And second... You guys would need to have faith in me, because I know what I'm doing. You stop obeying me and.. there will be no movie, which obviously means no more fame. Are we clear?"
She took their silence as an affirmative answer.
"Good. Now Gakisan... I hope you're ready for a radical hairstyle change, and Aichan ... you're not too shy to film hot love scenes, are you?"

« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 06:42:32 PM by Ada XD »

Offline YumePouk

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 2 up August 15)
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2010, 06:51:21 PM »
 :cow: Yatta  :cow:

you post this story here.....
great now I can read the story when I want even at work....  :D
I was lurking on H!O   :nervous

but I do really like this story and I can't wait to read more about it

keep your work  :thumbsup
Like I didn't hear it, like I couldn't hear it.... I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 2 up August 15)
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2010, 06:54:19 PM »
*whistles* Sexy love scenes~! Even though I already know about the stuff that's up on H!O, it's still kind of exciting to read it again. Like a good story should be like :D

Never you mind the lurkers, they will pop up eventually.

Offline Ada XD

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 2 up August 15)
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2010, 07:05:37 PM »
@YumePouk : Thank you <3 and really?  :grin: I'm glad to hear that  :heart:
@ rndmweird :   XD but that's one epic craptastic version D: and I HAD to rewrite it, (even if just a bit so it wouldn't sound retarded) because the chapters that follow are way better. So now that my conscience is settled, updates will come faster <3

Offline YumePouk

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 2 up August 15)
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2010, 07:20:24 PM »
:mon sweat: I wanna give another reason to my co-workers to ask me
"Why do I have a big smile on my face"

Yeah for faster post  :cow: :mon beam:
now my day at work will not be that boring  :mon thumb: :mon thumb:
Like I didn't hear it, like I couldn't hear it.... I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

Offline fallenxangel24952

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 2 up August 15)
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 04:58:07 AM »
Wow I really like your Story :tama-lotsaluv:

can't wait for more TakaGaki~ :whistle:

Offline Ada XD

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 2 up August 15)
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2010, 01:59:05 PM »
@ YumePouk : aww that't cute XDD
@ fallenxangel24952 : Thank you! <3

Chapter 3

Miki couldn't help but giggle at the shocked faces before her. She climbed off the desk and walked around the couch, puffing from her cigarette with elegance, her eyes suddenly cold and unsympathetic.
"Don't stare at me like that. Yossie probably won't be happy with the cast change I made, so she will want to watch you two interact on camera. Right away. If things don't work out as I thought they would, then.. You probably know what's going to happen."
Ai looked to her side worriedly. A thoughtful and still frowning bean was staring down to the floor and tapping her shoes in annoyance, probably wondering if there was a way to stop this charade. There's no way I'm going to give up on this role so easily. She promised me!

The director straightened her shoulders to stand before them. Irritation was taking over her too, as she had more important things to do than hold a ridiculous speech. 
"There are two dressing rooms for the protagonists in the far back of the studio. From today onwards the one on the right will be Aichan's, filled with lolita short dresses and other hot outfits like that, while the one on the left will obviously be Gakisan's, cause it has a shitload of badass outfits, matching her character in the movie. Mitsui will help you dress up, and then you'll go to the make-up artist. Do not get up from that chair till she makes you pretty cutiepies."
"And then?"
"Well nothing much,..." Miki leaned down over Risa and took some strands of hair in her hand "...You'll have your hair cut while Aichan will be studying her script with me"


The center of attention moved to the back of the room, where the door had been slammed open by this beautiful woman, interrupting Kamei from her indications babble. Her high heels clacked loudly as she walked straight over to the scenarist with a mesmerizing sway of hips, gently sliding one script out of her arms.
"Sorry I'm late. Now when do I start?"
Kamei was lost in her intense stare for a second. "I-In an instant miss, please take a seat."

Sayumi took notice of the intruder peeking at her turtle a few times, and wished deep inside that someone would spread mean comments about her just like they did with Ai Takahashi, but it was more than obvious that no one would dare.
"Ok, is everyone ready?"

The mass of anxious yet-to-be-discovered talents nodded in unison, except for the 'late lady' that replied with a sly grin instead, immediately catching Kamei's attention.
Fed up with all those cheap ways of flirting, Sayumi decided to take action.
"Hold on. Eri, ... I mean Kamei-san. You shouldn't have let her in if she was already late." Reina raised one eyebrow as the bunny faced her with her arms on her hips offensively "Who are you and how dare you show up like this?"

The answer came on a slightly louder tone : "Tanaka Reina. But who are you to tell the lovely scenarist right here what to do?" she scoffed, not ashamed to show her amusement.
"Well maybe you knew if you would have arrived a bit earlier? I'm not introducing myself again just for you."
"Huh? I didn't even ask you to do it. I don't care." Her smile was as carefree as it can get, but her eyes sharper than a hawk's that misses nothing.
The bunny stepped closer with her cheeks blazing red from anger. "Get out."
"Make me." Reina shot up from her chair to everyone's surprise,  and tilted her head upwards to show her confidence.

"Wow, calm down." Eri shouted, quickly breaking in between them to draw them back from the brink of something dangerous "Sayu, please let us start already. If we don't finish this, Miki will eat us alive, and we don't want that, do we?"
The bunny obeyed and went back to her chair pouting, her ego being stomped on by Reina's victorious smile.


"So what are going to do is show Yossie two scenes: one in which the main character, aka you, is being aroused on some back alley by two drunktards, and one near the middle, where she and her lover, aka Gakisan, are having sex on the bed. Is it okay with you?" 
Ai stiffened and gripped harder on the chair at Miki's straightforwardness. Though she considered that it wouldn't be proper for her to make problems in the first day of work, this was her only chance to tell Miki about how uncomfortable she is feeling at the thought of it.
"Don't worry, it won't get too far, and besides... You were looking with a certain interest at Niigaki back there."
Her eyes snapped wider as she looked at her director through the mirror. As much as she wanted to deny it, she couldn't say a word because just then, Sayumi was working on the gloss, the last touch of her makeup.   
Miki laughed it off and walked to Ai's side to see her better. "Now that we've gotten you dressed up and ready, just read the script and wait for Gaki here. I need to check the audition list Kame did, so ... see you in 10 minutes. By the way- God you look so hot in those jeans"

Ai's cheeks flushed as Miki stepped out the door, humming something and playing with her hair.
"You'll get used to her" Sayumi backed away from Ai's face to look down at her masterpiece "I'm done, you can get up now."
The older pushed the chair away and checked herself in the mirror, a suggestive grimace quickly replacing the half smile she had earlier. Those jeans were indeed short, but it flattered her legs very well, and her red strapless top barely reached till her bellybutton.

"Don't you like the outfit? Mittsi did a good job choosing them." Sayu added, wiping her hands with a towel.
"I look ridiculous. It does look like what a strip club singer would wear though, but... I'm not used to them."
"Oh but you will."  she meticulously arranged the brushes and little bottles together in a corner, then turned around "Knowing Mikitty, she'll turn her own movie plot into a mild porn. Oh, if Yoshizawa-san allows her, that is."

A brief smile crept Ai's lips again as she opened the script to memorize the scenario. Miki was indeed a fascinating woman...
She turned a swift glance back at the bunny, long dozed off in her own dreamland. "Is something wrong? You look lost in thoughts."
"Nothing much. Just that someone pissed the hell out of me in the audition room. But just wait and see what I have in store for her." Before she could reply or ask for more details, Ai's jaw dropped when Gaki entered the room skipping and smiling from ear to ear.
"Gakisan! Looking good~" Sayu exclaimed.
"Feeling good! Actually this was a great idea. I love my new hair!"
"Glad to hear that." Sayu sighed sadly. "Now please excuse me, Imma leave you two alone to practice."  and she was right out the door, leaving the two in an awkward silence.

Unaware of why her movie co-star had just had a split personality change, Ai's one and only concern was how to get closer to the bean and improve their relationship, that didn't start too nicely.
... For the sake of the movie, of course.
"It really suits you." she took some more steps hesitantly to look at it, and Gaki found herself in front of two beautiful dark eyes she hasn't gotten the chance to observe better. "Very stylish~ Now I wish I would get a haircut too." Ai added tactfully, her eyes suddenly cautious.
Gaki smiled back, then quickly looked down to leaf through her script. "Shall we start?"
"Oh, uh... yeah."
"It says two gorillas will push you in the wall ...  oh that sounds painful. Then they rip that shirt off you ... Actually it's not much to rip out of it anyway- Then I come with a gun... cool, I like to play the hero-" Ai laughed quietly and followed the lines along with Risa's soothing voice "and after I make them run away ..."
"We hug. This is all? it shouldn't be too hard. Right?"
Gaki shook her head "There's a note: tight and touching. AND probably Miki is waiting to attack us with lots of indications and other stuff. That woman can ramble about a hug all day. You do have some head pills right? Just in case."
Ai felt a strange, warm squirm inside her chest as their giggles filled the room, up until Gaki flipped the page. "The characters share a kiss as the ... huh?"
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 09:36:16 PM by Ada XD »

Offline fallenxangel24952

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 3 up August 17)
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2010, 04:39:44 PM »
TakaGaki in a movie~
If there is one I definitely would watch it...

can't wait for TakaGaki Rabu Rabu scenes~ :ding:

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 3 up August 17)
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 10:21:26 AM »
Cool! This fanfic is very interesting!  :twothumbs

LOL at pervy Mikitty. :lol:

And the characters share a kiss as the what? :roll:

Can't wait to read more. :D

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 3 up August 17)
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2010, 03:55:42 PM »
"I heard she has a fling with the scenarist Kamei Eri."
Whoa! Gossips gossips  :D

.The woman I met in the elevator is my boss?!
Ain''t that cool?  XD

"Oh Aichan. You will be replacing Niigaki for the main character, and she will play the co-protagonist"
Hmmm, very interesting TakaGaki rivalry

you're not too shy to film hot love scenes, are you?"
:w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t: lol

"Well nothing much,..." Miki leaned down over Risa and took some strands of hair in her hand "...You'll have your hair cut while Aichan will be studying her script with me"
The boss is talking. I so love you Miki  XD

6th gen love triangle  :w00t:

where she and her lover, aka Gakisan, are having sex on the bed

 :drool:  :drool:  :drool:

she'll turn her own movie plot into a mild porn
:w00t: lol

"The characters share a kiss as the ... huh?"
She didn't know?  XD


Offline Ada XD

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 3 up August 17)
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2011, 06:47:37 AM »
Sorry for the late replies ;_;

@fallenxangel24952 : Me too, definitely  :drool:
@kano-chan : Thanks :3 And you will see  :twisted:
@krisz : (at your last comment) Well probably they didn't expect it so soon xD And Miki rullz my socks  :oops:

This is what boredom did to me xD
I`m not quite expecting to see many people still interested with this fic but meh~ Here goes nothing.

Chapter 4

Her heart tightened as she walked into the filming studio. Everywhere she looked, there were people scanning her up and down with doubt, as if noticing her stress and whispering to eachother. She plopped into a chair nearby and linked her arms in her lap, putting on the most bored expression she got in a try to make people stop staring at her.

Just minutes before the first shooting to start, Ai's phone rang several times until she finally found it in her large bag. At the sight of that familiar number, some of her tension loosened up in an instant.
"I'm here to pick you up. Are you done yet?"
"Lin! Oh god. We have filming to do, like right now!"
"I know, isn't it crazy? I'm scared as hell! ... I want you here LinLin. Come watch me."
"...You mean up there? What if I get lost?"
"Just take the elevator to 8th floor and ask people around for the filming studio. I know you'll make it. Please hurry."

She turned off the phone completely and threw it inside, because Miki and Gaki were coming her way. She was expecting her director to be in higher spirits, because a serious Miki was definitely creeping her out.

"So Aichan. You need to look vulnerable the whole time. If you include screams and tears, you better make them genuine. Even if you'll only be in... whatever you have underneath that shirt.. Don't try to cover yourself up from Gakisan, because that's not the first thing that the character would think of. Just run into her arms and hug her; you need to inspire pity in this okay?" Ai nodded quickly, trying hard not to forget any detail.
"Now Gakisan, when you have your gun towards the two guys, be confident and make sure you look the most confident you can, otherwise they wouldn't be afraid of your character. You need to spook even Kusumi, the cameraman herself. And when the hugging scene comes, ... I trust you guys to interpret and continue the whole situation on your own."

Miki smiled and threw herself in the chair with 'Fujimoto' written on it, screaming her lungs out at whoever wasn't in their positions. "For God's sake, Kusumi! Stop it with the cookies and move your arse behind that camera now!"

Ai was looking down, trying to focus on how to enter the character faster, when a hand gently landed on her shoulder. Lifting her eyes, she saw Gaki's comforting smile, that gave her the much needed confidence "You'll get used with all this stress." and the fact that LinLin was just opening the door and looking around for her, only made things even better. She was ready when everyone was ready.

"Action!" Ai stepped backwards with tears already formed in her eyes, the two grinning guys cornering her. When one of them pushed her in the wall, it wasn't hard for her to fake the pain, because it hurt for real. Soon, her winces turned in loud gasps and cries for help, that gave LinLin goosebumps; the straps of her top were ripped, and it fell loose. They chuckled and pulled the rest of it, smashing her against the wall again. Ai was crying endlessly and Koharu made sure to not lose any of those reactions, while Gaki was sitting on the side turning more nervous with each passing second. "Can I enter now? NOW?"
Miki watched carefully for the right moment and allowed Gaki to make her appearance. "Alright you disgusting cowards, party's over. Take your filthy hands off her or I'm blowing your heads off." Only Ai's whimper could be heard as she supported herself against the wall, one of the two pinching her cheek. Her face was horribly red and swollen from all that crying. Her long hair was loose and matted, and she looked up at Risa with the largest, most fearful eyes.
"Do you really have the pants to pull the trigger? Why don't you come and have some fun with us huh?" The following bang made Ai cover her ears and squeeze her eyes in terror. The bullet passed dangerously close to his head and into a pole light. "I swear I'm not gonna miss next time." They lifted their hands and backed off, knowing that she wasn't joking, by that frightening look she gave them.
When they were out of the camera frame, Ai dashed towards her savior, her body fully sinking into Risa's as if she was someone sent from God. The younger kissed her forehead and stroked her hair, anything to make her calm down. But she wasn't.

"Cut!" Everyone started clapping and cheering, including LinLin, and Ai wiped her tears, laughing and bowing nervously.
"Hey! Shut up all of you! Their work here isn't done yet so save that for later!" Miki was still apparently in a serious mood, so no one disagreed with her.
After Mittsi gave her a towel which she immediately wrapped around her torso, Ai headed towards a very impatient LinLin.
"How was it?"
"It was fabulous! Awwww I'm so proud of you~" She gave her best friend a big bear hug before asking what she most curious of. "So... three hours since you've met her and you're already filming lovey-dovey scenes together? Who is she?"
Ai rubbed her forehead, sighing. "She was the main character till three hours ago. But Miki, aka the craziest director I've ever met, thought it was a good idea to give me the main role instead. Niigaki-san was kinda mad at me but now ... I think we're starting to get along?" At the last words, a shy smile formed on her face, also making LinLin's features brighten up with a grin from ear to ear.
"You like her don't you?"
"Well she is pretty, and nice,.... but-"
"Haha I knew it! Wait- did I hear a 'but'? what's the 'but' for?"
"But.. I don't know. Just imagine: Someone pops up and steals the role of your life away from you, out of nowhere, in just 5 minutes. How would you feel towards her?"

The younger chinese girl rubbed her chin and seemed to be really thinking hard for a few seconds "I'll probably want to steal all her food? Uhm wait no- I meant I would seriously hate her. But if it was you... I wouldn't be angry. You rock."
"Shut up!" Ai smacked her forehead giggling "Did you lock your car? I need you to stay for the next scene too, which happens to be a perverted one... someone might need to pick me out of here if I die from a heart attack or something."
"Oh yes, I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world."
Ai smiled contently and gave her friend another hug, when she felt a rather unconfortable aura coming from behind.

"May I know why aren't you in your dressing room yet?"

Recognizing the voice, Ai jolted around in a flash. "Fujimoto-san! I was just ... on my way there."
"Go, now."
Ai left the two alone and fled like mad towards her destination, somewhat worried for LinLin's life.
"Nice to meet you, Fujimoto-san." She stuck her hand out, smiling widely.
"Oh, hi there."

There was an awkward silence where Miki was looking around to check on how the setting was changing, and LinLin quickly thought on a way to end it.
"One question I really really want to ask you. Is Niigaki-san that good with guns? Not even the best shooters could have hit the light pole from that distance"
Miki half turned, bursting out in a loud laugh, confusing LinLin even more. "Ah, innocent child. Those were special effects. I don't trust Gaki to shoot for real with all these people moving around the studio."
"Oh, I understand. My compliments to whoever wrote the script, this part was very interesting and I'm sure the other ones will be just the same."
"Really? Was there something you didn't like in this?"
"Well if I was the author, I wouldn't have made the main character so weak, comparing to her love interest. Also, the two characters barely just met right? Would you kill a guy for arousing someone you don't know?"
"Hmmm, you do have a point here."

Ai's outfit for the next scene featured tight white pants with a sleeveless, caramel colored, buttoned shirt. As Sayumi wiped the previous make-up, too eccentric for her current outfit, Ai noticed something was wrong with the bunny again and decided to ask her what was wrong.

"I just saw the list with the contestants that passed the audition. That annoying brat was first on the list, and I'm pissed because I'm gonna have to see her everyday. Hmph."
"I'm sure you two will make up in the end."
"I doubt it. Tanaka Reina did something more than just throwing shameless comments at me."
Ai's eyes snapped open, startling Sayumi and almost making her poke the brush into the older's eye. "Tanaka Reina? Seriously?"
".... You know her?" Sayumi questionned, still focused on the make-up.

"Yeah... Don't worry, we're not actually... good friends either."
Aichan~ Are you ready?
The knocks at the door and the familiar voice made Ai's cheeks turn into a warmer pink, something that Sayumi noticed. She got closer to her ear with a sly smirk. "So now she's calling you Aichan?"
The older shoved the bunny away and threw a quick glance in the mirror to check on her look one last time. "Y-Yeah, come in."
Another badass outfit that Gaki was totally owning and that Ai was totally drooling over, formed by tight jeans, sneakers and a big T-shirt. "Mikitty summoned us again in the studio, together with all the staff and the contestants that passed the auditions. Everyone is waiting to watch this scene."
"Oh no."

Offline kano-chan

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 4 up March 3rd)
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2011, 07:52:14 AM »
Hmm...Gaki's got something up her sleeve? ;) How can she befriend someone who just took her role so easily? :O

I wonder why Ai-chan drools at Gaki, but Gaki doesn't drool at Ai-chan. XD :lol: She's HAWT, you know? :P XD

I'm worried for Ai-chan. :(

Offline shenlog

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 4 up March 3rd)
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2011, 06:57:31 PM »
Aichan knows Reina... and it seems as something happened between them  :huhuh
anyway... I'm waiting for perv scene  :w00t:

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 4 up March 3rd)
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2011, 04:46:33 PM »
@ kano-chan : Answers will come with time  :twisted:
@shenlog : Yay! 8D Thanks for reading~ Here is the next chap  :D

Chapter 5

Following Risa into the studio, Ai kept asking herself on and on what has she gotten herself into.
The set was completely different, but it wasn't the first thing that really caught her attention. Around 10 feet away from the bed and the romantic sweet candles, chairs were randomly scattered in front of small monitors, and lots of familiar faces greeted her curiously: JunJun made everything to show her support, like waving her hands, winking, or smiling widely. Sayu and Aika were rooting for her too, and even LinLin, that was dangerously close to Miki's seat. Finally spotting the last person she wanted to have there, Ai's tension multiplied.
A small smile forming on Reina's face as she lifted her eyebrow made our main character experience an unknown mix of feelings. It was the last thing she saw before Miki pulled her by the hand.

"Let's not make the big boss wait and finish with this. Aichan, sit down."
She complied quickly, trying to find her focus once again and ignore all the eyes that watched her every movement.

"Since this part isn't too detailed on the script, I'll have to show Gaki what she has to do."
"... But I know what I need to do."
"You shut up and pay attention."
Gaki pouted and folded her arms above her chest as the director knelt in front of Ai, her face expression softening. Miki's hands first landed on her legs, slightly parting them and moving herself closer. While caressing her cheek with one hand and with the other gently clutching at her collar, she cleared her throat and spoke up "This is the part where you rub your cheek against my palm affectionately. I wanna see your cutest smile here"
As Ai did what she was being told, Miki felt her knees getting weaker, but she didn't let it show.
"Okay, just let us film already." Gaki was getting pissed again, lifting suspicion through the ones watching and annoyance from the director.

"Can't you just shut your mouth and be patient?"
"No. We're supposed to finish this quickly. Why are you keeping us all behind with insignificant details?"
"Hey! They're very important! ... But then again what would you know about what I want to do with MY movie?"

Gaki rolled her eyes and prepared herself for a comeback, when a sad-looking Aichan made them stop. The little quarrel clearly amused the auditors too, as they were chatting silently behind the monitors.

"Fine..." Miki finally gave in and got up on her feet, pressing her fingers against her aching temples. "... Aichan, do whatever you think it's fine. And Gaki... Just unbutton half of her shirt, then rip it all. Push her on the bed and... Wait, you said you knew what you have to do."
"Yes I do. Thank you Mikitty~" Risa lightly shoved the director back to her seat, then turned towards Ai with a focused and determined look.

When Gaki placed her hands on her knees, an unusual warmth rushed through Ai's body. She held her breath unknowingly, fixing her eyes on the girl in front of her, and tried to throw aside all the hints of attraction she was feeling in reality. Risa moved herself closer and completely skipped the cheek part, her fingers moving along the smooth neck line and downwards to her chest. A few buttons were unstrapped relatively fast, and at the feeling of exposure, Ai's cheeks turned pinker. She tensed even more when the younger ripped the rest of them and pulled the cloth to the sides.

The older found that mesmerizing. The way those chocolate eyes moved from side to side on her figure with an unusual glint, made Ai feel a bit aroused. She could positively tell that the bean was quite delighted by the sight, and she could even see it on her face.
Gaki licked her lips before snaking her arms around the diminishing shape of Ai's chest to her waist, then trailed kisses from her abs, all the way up to her chin. That was when Ai forgot about the audience and about her job, since the squirming in her stomach and the warm sensation in her lower area took over her senses.

She brought one of the hands she was supporting herself onto the bed to push Risa's fringe over her head and make her look up. The eye-contact carried eagerness and impatience from both sides, and was so short that probably passed unnoticed, since Ai leaned in quickly to give her co-worker a peck on the lips. That seemed actually pretty natural to the audience, but one single person knew that part was not in the script.

The bean wasn't so surprised, but rather satisfied that her game was going to turn out as she had planned. Their lips moved slowly for a few seconds before separating with a noise, small pause in which the bean placed her hands on Ai's chest and pushed her on her back. Quickly, she crawled on top of her and resumed their kiss, taking grab of Ai's face and plunging her tongue inside.

Moments later, when the kiss was turning up far from innocent, Koharu had already filmed pretty good shots of how they touched or looked at each other. The younger pulled back from the kiss to straddle Ai's waist. She took her shirt off, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she noticed Ai biting her lower lip with her cheeks even more flushed. That was actually the last thing on the script, but she didn't want the little game to be over yet, so she grinned and leaned in again, much to Ai's surprise, that didn't waste too much time before giving in too and enjoying the kiss.


When whistles and claps could be heard again, Risa knew it was time to stop. She rolled off from straddling Ai's belly, then gave her a hand, smiling. Ai showed no reaction, still so stunned at what just happened that she didn't took notice of Mittsi covering her with a towel again.

*** *** ***

When they all gathered in the audition room, Kame told them that the script has been slightly changed, so Miki proceeded in summing it all up for them.

"Most of the action takes place in a strip club. The first scenes are going to be shot at night, when the club is crowded. A band called 'Uranium' , formed by Gakisan and LinLin, makes its debut here. LinLin had chosen the place because it is where her older sister works as a singer. Ai is very famous, admired, envied. Any beautiful girl with an angelic voice would have loads of admirers on her back, but she only sings to entertain. It's obvious she was the love target of many men and women, but only one of them couldn't accept a rejection, and that's JunJun. She pays two of her friends to rape her, but their mission fail when Risa threatens them with a gun and they run away. Ai immediately falls in love, but doesn't dare to make the first step because Risa's sister, her only family, recently died in a car accident and she is still mourning her - hence Risa's phobia for speedy cars. Either in the club or on the streets, JunJun sees the two everywhere together, her anger and frustration growing with each passing day. Their affection and strong bond drives JunJun mentally ill, even more than she already was. When she sees them getting more intimate than usual one day when the club was empty, she is on the verge to kill herself, but decides she will take their happiness first, by killing one of them. While she fully closes herself inside and plans her crime, Ai and Risa's relationship reach their peak and they express their feelings in a passionate night, in Ai's house. From here, everything gets way more easy for them, and Ai joins the band as the third member and main vocalist. JunJun hears from Reina that 'Uranium' wants to leave that crappy strip club and head for bigger things, and in order to stop them, JunJun makes a deal with the owner: he won't let them leave and force them to stay in the club, by secretly changing the contract, if JunJun sleeps with him. That experience appears to be traumatic for her, and she is determined to finish them both at any price. This is where the conflict between the characters takes a bigger turn. JunJun is asking Reina for help, and LinLin witnesses the conversation when they're both deciding on the killing technique. She gets caught while talking to the phone with Ai, telling her about JunJun's plans. JunJun stabs her in the shoulder; it was thanks to the numerous glasses of brandy that she didn't hit her in a lethal area. While LinLin lies unconscious on the floor, Jun grabs the phone and Ai's cries for her sister. JunJun listens carefully, hears a train passing, meaning that her two victims were in Ai's apartment. Up until Ai and Risa got dressed, JunJun was already there with her car and almost knocked them over, in the middle of the street. An intense chase follows, which finally ends with Gaki hitting JJ in the head with an iron bat, just before JunJun wanted to stab Ai. The next scenes are taken place in an hospital, after two days, when the two lovers go to visit LinLin. She tells Ai that 'Uranium' will only have two members from now on, because she won't be able to sing again. The end of the movie shows Ai and Gaki after some time, giving themselves cute smooches in a car and heading towards Las Vegas. ....So. Any questions?"

Reina looked around in the silence; as nobody was saying anything, she lifted her hand cutely "So what role am I playing again?" , making Sayumi snap immediately: "Are you deaf or what? You're the stripper."
"I didn't ask you anything sweetie. Try to not get this mad again, you'll have wrinkles on your face~"
"Oh really? You'll be the one with wrinkles if I come over there!"
"HEY! You two quit it or I'll kick you out in the street."

*** *** ***

Eri sighed deeply while pushing all the papers in her bag, getting ready to leave, when someone hugged her from the back. She totally predicted it, since coming from behind and startling her was Sayu's daily routine.
"I missed you." The younger girl kissed the turtle's shoulder before turning her around, to cup her cheeks and get closer to her face.
"Sayu, please. I'm tired..."
"Oh come on. You didn't work much today and... It's been some time since we..."
"I know, but.. not today. Okay?"

She threw the bag on her shoulder and left the room, leaving behind a depressed Sayumi look bitterly at the door.
Too tired from staring at Tanaka all day?

Offline shenlog

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 5 up March 4th)
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2011, 08:29:54 PM »
Aichan seems to enjoy doing pervy scenes with Gaki  :deco:
I think Miki wants to do pervy scenes with Aichan   :drool:
... and Kame, ditching Sayu for Tanakacchi  :smhid this actually might bring interesting outcome  :w00t:

Offline kano-chan

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 5 up March 4th)
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2011, 07:48:53 AM »
Woo~!!! I would like to see AiMiki! :wub: That'll be so cute(hawt?)! :inlove: Gaki is just sooo evil. She calls it her "game". :bleed eyes:

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Re: Outside the Script (Chapter 5 up March 4th)
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2011, 10:53:38 AM »
this is really awesome, quite amusing to read ^_^
and you update fast eh!

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