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Author Topic: Crimson [Chapter Six, 7/9]  (Read 9852 times)

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Four, 6/19]
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2012, 08:06:09 PM »
Ya know, living in this lover-ly castle with Sayu, Reina, and Aika sounds fun :D  TAKE ME AS A TEST SUBJECT PLZ XD

while the other had a slab of raw pork in the center of it, freshly cut and still oozing blood. The knight went pale at the sight of the latter, fighting the urge to vomit as the coppery scent roughly invaded her nose.
Ugggggggh~  :barf:  I feel your pain Risa~  One time, my family went out to eat at this casino buffet and they were serving prime rib.  My dad and my sister each got a slice that was pretty much cooked fabulously on the outside...but not the was so fresh that the cows were probably still mo~oooooing Dx  AND THEY STILL ATE IT!  AND THEY ENJOYED IT DX So gross, so gross Dx  :sweat:

"I think we'd all be wolves by now, Niigaki-san." Reina mused quietly. "Though with each day that passes, I'm no longer sure that's such a terrible thing..."
:O  whatchu talkin' bout Reina? :O

soooo....updatesoonpureaze~ or I'mma creep back at'cha if ya know what I mean o.o
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 08:15:29 PM by mochi.rini »
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Offline Quietriot

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Four, 6/19]
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2012, 11:29:09 PM »
Meh, comment replies later. Been sick today and I'm just totally antisocial atm XD

@kj: ahaha and we just continue to update around the same time~ :heart: Crimson Sayu I def love more than Rockstar Sayu as well, but to be fair, the latter hasn't had the best life, so... This Sayu is gonna continue to be weird and hilarious XD No sexy times yet, but very soon~ There's gotta be at least a few obstacles when it comes to stuff I write. ;)

@darkacex99: thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it :)

@KB: ahaha I promise we don't plan it, but it just keeps happening! XD and I think you might be living my life, maybe. If we lived closer together I would totally be your friend T.T yeah I'm giving Risa more of a break in this story. She's got some things to angst about, for sure, but at the moment, she's a bit distracted ;)

@Rndy: haha glad you liked my reinvention of the story. Hopefully the title is pretty clear now after that? Though the color red is basically a recurring theme here besides that. I've thought about writing other stories with color titles (help my art nerd is showing XD ).

@Rini: I wanna live in this castle too XD and I kinda like meat that's still a bit rare, but to each his own, I suppose. ^^;

Anyways, this is kinda filler and I intended to make it a bit longer but oh well~ next time there will be a bit of rabu rabu and TENSION and mystery anywayz so yeah, haha


Chapter Five

Her heart pounded in her ears like a temple drum, racing faster than she ever thought it could. Risa chalked it up to her body's changing physiology, and besides,  she had other things to focus on. She skidded to an abrupt halt beside a tree, kicking up a spray of snow as she breathed in deeply, tasting the air. Aika was close, but Risa was getting smarter, and she knew she only needed to close the gap between them by a little more before victory would be within reach.

The knight had been staying with the werewolf and her mistresses for over a week now, and was beginning to get used to the way things worked around the castle. For one thing, she learned that none of the servants were actual human beings; they were puppets, enchanted by Sayumi to appear real and to quickly and obediently follow every order. Apparently most of the suits of armor lurking in the castle were also magically engineered, but they were meant to activate only upon the witch's command.

Aika generally stayed pretty close to the knight, something that at first had unnerved her but ended up being more of a comfort due to how large and lonely the castle could be. Besides, the girl was easy to be around, and a well of information for the still-adjusting Risa. The werewolf had shown her most of the castle, save for a few sections that were restricted for even her--something about a few of Sayumi's spells going terribly wrong or the area being cursed during a past siege on the fort. Aika had even taken her to see the baby dragon in the dungeons, whose name she learned was Kemuri.


"Why does Michishige-san even have a dragon?" Risa asked, pushing a hand through the bars of the cage to stroke the creature's nose.

Kemuri was easily the size of a small boat, but he was barely a month old and was incredibly friendly and eager for attention. His teeth were sharp as daggers, but Aika assured the knight that he didn't bite those he felt safe around, and because he was so young he couldn't quite breathe fire yet--just a few sparks. Risa had never seen a dragon up close and thought he was beautiful, his black scales reflecting the candlelight like glass, and smoke billowing almost constantly from his nose.

"Dragon fire has magical properties," Aika stated simply, tossing a few fish into the trough in front of him, "Well, so do their scales and such, but the fire is especially important from what Michishige-san has told me. She... broke a few royal decrees to obtain the egg but she and Tanaka-san could do just about anything and the king would allow it."

"The king seems particularly invested in what they're doing here..." Risa replied, pulling back as the dragon shuffled around in his cage to eat. Aika shrugged, leaning against the bars.

"I know a lot, sister, but I'm not as omniscient as you might believe. Tanaka-san and Michishige-san know what agreement is between them and the king, and neither have seen fit to divulge that information to me."

Risa nodded, used to the fact that the two women had many secrets. She was curious, of course, but would have to figure out all of these mysteries on her own.


The only resident of the castle she hadn't spent a lot of time alone with was Reina. The scientist seemed to be purposely avoiding such a scenario; while she was polite enough whenever they did encounter one another, she always seemed to find some sort of excuse or reason to slip away from the knight. It confused Risa, irritated her to some degree, even, and she began to note the way her body ached whenever the younger woman was in her presence.

The knight mentioned this to Aika one day, and the werewolf had given her a curious glance, humming quietly to herself.

"Perhaps I was mistaken..."

Aika didn't explain her cryptic words, however, and told Risa that she would be watching them. Whatever that meant.

As if she doesn't already watch me like a hawk...

And then today, the scientist had sent servants to her room to inform her that they were to begin her "trials" this morning. Apparently that meant running Risa through every sort of physical test imaginable to see what she was capable of; currently her task was to catch up with Aika and steal from her a bone. The knight wasn't sure what this was supposed to accomplish, but it had been an hour now since this little game started and she was determined now to win it.

What surprised Risa the most was just how hot she felt out in the snow now; she'd abandoned her boots and armor at the starting point, and even now in a thin tunic and tights she was sweating. The temperature was easily below freezing and yet she had trudged through ice and snow with bare feet and no hesitation.

Her sensitive ears picked up the sounds of heavy breathing up ahead, and Risa smirked, easily pinpointing the location of her target. She knew she only had a split-second before Aika was aware of her presence, and so the knight shot forward like a rocket, hoping to catch the werewolf off guard. The knight was successful, slamming into the giant fluffy beast with all the force she could muster and sending them sprawling down a nearby hill, Aika's jaws snapping and missing her arm by inches.

When they landed in the snow, Risa immediately scrambled to her feet, grinning as Aika rose to face her as well, shaking out her fur. The bone dangled from a chain about the wolf's neck and she could tell that Aika was getting tired.

"You're quite strong, Nee-chan." The wolf rumbled, crimson tongue lolling out past ivory teeth as she tried to catch her breath.

"You tried to bite me." Risa accused, not all that angry as she drew her sword from her belt.

"I merely wanted you to take this more seriously," The wolf's lips curled back in an eerie version of a grin, "My lady is testing your limits, after all."

Aika reared up on her hind legs, brandishing tooth and claw and bringing her paws down to swipe at Risa, a clang sounding as the knight brought her sword up to defend herself. Lycan claws could easily rival a steel blade, and as the two traded blows, the clashes rung out through the trees; a battle song for the forest.

Overhead, a small cloud hovered out of place against the blue sky, and atop it sat Reina and Sayumi, the latter carelessly dangling her feet over the edge. They were watching the fight--Reina more intently than her counterpart, of course--and the scientist was continuously making notes on the paper in her lap.

"This is amazing... Reflexes fast enough to keep up with a fully turned lycan..." Reina murmured quietly, "I must take into account the fact that she is a knight, but even the Reds try not to directly engage the wolves in combat if they can help it..."

"She's reaping the benefits of being a wolf without actually being a wolf," Sayumi replied apathetically, playing with strands of her hair, "If we could get the amulet to cease the progress of the venom entirely... Well, think of the possibilities."

"But it's not a cure."

"Who needs a cure when you can be invincible and immortal without all of the side effects?"

Reina chewed on her lip, considering her partner's words. She was thinking of the possibilities, how could she not? Sayumi was right; if they could strengthen the power of the amulet, Risa could live forever, superhuman, and free of the curse that plagued Aika. But not knowing truly what it would do to the knight bothered her, and Reina wasn't about to chase after such an uncertain possibility.

"I agree with you that we need to create a second amulet to be safe. However, for now, we continue searching for a cure." She stated firmly, earning an eye roll from Sayumi, "I'm not throwing five years of research for a whim, not now when we're on the verge of a breakthrough."

"Fine, fine," The witch relented, tossing her hair, "You're so boring sometimes..."

A snarl brought the duo's attention back down to the fight, and Reina watched in disbelief as Risa stood, holding Aika's jaws open with her bare hands. The wolf was thrashing about, attempting to free herself and to swipe at the knight with her claws. Suddenly, Risa twisted her body, flipping Aika onto her back in one fluid motion.

The werewolf lay there, stunned, giving the knight a chance to pick up her sword. Risa slipped the blade between the chain, snapping it off like a twig. She swiftly grabbed the bone, smirking as she held it up in the air for Reina and Sayumi to see.

"My my, this just keeps getting more interesting," The witch stated quietly, and the scientist could only nod as the cloud slowly lowered them to the ground.

Forget superhuman... She's stronger than wolves as well...

The scientist stepped carefully from the cloud into the snow, while Sayumi took the opportunity to lay on her side now that she had the room to.

"Impressive," Reina stated sincerely as she walked towards the knight, "They trained you well at the academy, it would seem."

"You and the witch aren't the only ones to be top of your class, my lady," Risa replied with a grin, dropping the bone into the younger woman's hands. There was a moment where their eyes met and Risa felt that calming warmth wash over her again, but unlike before, Reina refused to hold it for long, shyly looking away. This drew a small frown from the knight, at least until she felt gentle fingers graze her cheek.

"You're burning up!" Reina gasped, concerned, "Feverishly so... Do you feel alright?"

"I feel fine," Risa replied, and it took all of her willpower not to lean into the younger woman's touch, "Amazing, even, like I could climb up the mountain and back."

"I'll have to ask you not to do that," The scientist turned to Aika, who had since pulled herself together, wobbling on all fours. "We need to go back the castle now. If we may..."

The giant wolf nodded, lowering herself so that Reina could climb on her back. The scientist extended a hand towards Risa, who blinked, confused.

"I can run there, you know."

"Not until I figure out whether or not it's safe for you," Reina insisted, "That's why I had you do this in the first place, to see how your body would respond."

Risa thought perhaps the girl was being too cautious, but she supposed that was her job. Besides, the benefits of doing as she was told quickly became apparent as she swung herself up onto the wolf, sliding in behind Reina. The scientist completely tensed up at the contact, but said nothing, even as Risa dared to place her hands on either side of the girl's waist.

"Coming, Sayumi?" The scientist asked the witch, who waved a hand lazily in her direction.

"I have things to do in the forest. I'll be home for dinner, darling~"

Risa chuckled slightly as the girl in front of her huffed angrily. She immediately regretted it when Reina suddenly told Aika to run, very nearly falling off the wolf. The knight retaliated by moving closer to the other girl, though this was half out of necessity at the speed they were moving. She was enjoying her position immensely, but this couldn't distract her from her curiosity.

"What sort of business does Michishige-san have in the forest?" Risa shouted over the wind, ducking just as a branch nearly caught her in the face.

"I've been wondering that for years myself," Reina called back, seeming to relax when she focused on conversation, "I tried following her once, but it didn't get me anywhere. I don't question her methods anymore--she always pulls through on her end, so it doesn't matter."

The knight thought that the witch was a bit strange, but then everything about the castle had been weird to her, and so she decided not to think too much of it. It was much more pleasant to think of Reina anyway, and Risa did, remaining blissfully unaware of everything else around them until they reached the castle.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 04:38:13 PM by Quietriot »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2012, 12:55:12 AM »
Omg update!!! Will edit later


We get to the physical tests! Risa is so badass! :inlove:

And the Tanagaki relationship gets a bit more interesting as it becomes apparent that Reina is some kind of uncomfortable around the knight. And Risa still doesn't realize she's lusting after the girl. XD

There was a moment where their eyes met and Risa felt that calming warmth wash over her again, but unlike before, Reina refused to hold it for long, shyly looking away.
Ah, she really needs to get a grip over this power, XD before it gets her in trouble.

Hmm, so, yeah filler, yet important too. A bit more insight into the castle and stuff.

Feel better!
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 03:49:24 AM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2012, 01:10:49 AM »
omg filler or not i loved it~!

i wonder what sayus up to in that forest now lol
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2012, 01:34:57 AM »

Omg omg omg aika and risa dukin it out for a bone XD
risas feelings for reina are getting stronger, wut she gunna do now :?

Anyways nice chapter  :twothumbs and i hope you feel better, being sick isnt fun  :(
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 01:46:10 AM by darkacex99 »

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2012, 01:46:17 AM »
Ye~eeeeeeeees ultramanRisa...and she's not even at fully power yet, so if she did become full lycan, she could kick butt in human AND lycan awesome is that? :D

"Perhaps I was mistaken..."
wolves got a lovey-dovey radar too? :3

Overhead, a small cloud hovered out of place against the blue sky, and atop it sat Reina and Sayumi, the latter carelessly dangling her feet over the edge.
Weird comment, but that sounds so much fuuuun~  I wanna ride a cloud too :O

:shocked :shocked so coool...♫ I got chills~ They're multiplyin'! ♪

It was much more pleasant to think of Reina anyway, and Risa did, remaining blissfully unaware of everything else around them until they reached the castle.
:mon inluv: TanaGaki~  :deco:

I agree with KB: even if this is a loves  :heart: :heart:
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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2012, 02:45:13 AM »
DUUUUUDE lol Sayu's got some mad awesome powers yo.

You're description of Kerumi made me go liek ZOMG I WANT ONE. MOMMY MOMMY CAN I HAVE ONE?! lol And sayu just keeps climbing my charts here LOL breakin' them royal decrees hhahaha

while she was polite enough whenever they did encounter one another, she always seemed to find some sort of excuse or reason to slip away from the knight.


and she began to note the way her body ached whenever the younger woman was in her presence.

Is that what the kids call it these days? xD

Damn, can I get werewolf blood? That ish would come in soooo handy with my winters ahhah

a small cloud hovered out of place against the blue sky, and atop it sat Reina and Sayumi


if they could strengthen the power of the amulet, Risa could live forever, superhuman, and free of the curse that plagued Aika

Risa could be captain america!!! lol

here was a moment where their eyes met and Risa felt that calming warmth wash over her again, but unlike before, Reina refused to hold it for long, shyly looking away. This drew a small frown from the knight, at least until she felt gentle fingers graze her cheek.


Sayu and her bidness in the forest is madddd sketch lol

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2012, 04:21:09 AM »
^'re in my mind XD Or maybe I'm in yours...or we share (. _ .) I swear, I had the EXACT same thoughts about the Goku-esque cloud ( :heart:) and the Captain America thing (except I haven't read the comics or watched the movie so I'm basing this off my sister's daily fangirling)

-hugs you-  :deco:
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Offline Quietriot

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2012, 04:26:29 AM »
I must admit to being slightly inspired by the nimbus XD

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Five, 6/26]
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2012, 07:28:14 AM »
I'll reply to comments in the morning~ <3

Also, watch as I bs stuff about the immune system and how stuff works XD just suspend reality a bit~ Enjoy~

Chapter Six

"...Does she really have to be here for this?"

Risa felt awkwardly exposed; granted, Reina had seen her naked already, and currently the knight was beneath a sheet, but it didn't leave much to the imagination and she had been unconscious during the previous incident. It was bad enough to have the scientist looming over her, analyzing her like a frog being prepped for dissection; she was getting tired of Aika lurking in the shadows as well.

"I suppose not," Reina replied, busy checking the knight's temperature with some strange device she stuck inside Risa's ear. Half of the objects laying about the lab were things that the knight had never seen before, much less heard of.

"I'm not leaving." Aika stated firmly, earning a glare from Reina--the first time the girl had acknowledged something other than the task at hand since they'd arrived back at the castle.

"I'm not a fragile doll. I can take care of myself. If it makes you feel better you can wait outside, but I don't need you distracting her the entire time."

The werewolf obediently did as she was told but, as Risa noted, seemed a bit worried for having to leave. She was sure Aika probably would do exactly as Reina suggested and wait outside the entrance, ready to jump in in case anything went wrong. Risa didn't blame her; the rational part of her mind didn't trust herself either. But the other part, the part that was becoming increasingly clouded by whatever the venom was doing to her body, was quite happy to finally be alone with Reina.

...At least until the woman suddenly jabbed her shoulder with a knife.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Risa shrieked, jerking back in pain even as the wound quickly closed itself back up again. The scientist seemed unphased, tapping off drops of the knight's blood into a nearby vial.

"I need to analyze this..." Reina murmured, focused on the vial as she set it in a rack next to some other odd chemicals.

"You could have warned me first..."

But the small cut was already gone, and Risa didn't even feel its sting anymore. The scientist wasn't harsh, but she certainly had no issue with manhandling her subject; a fact that was beginning to irritate the knight. As Reina continued with her tests, however, an idea began forming in Risa's mind. 

The younger woman was at the moment, ignoring her, staring into some strange contraption she'd referred to as a microscope. She was mumbling to herself again as well, and Risa couldn't help but be curious. The knight gathered the sheet about herself, making sure to tie it well before hopping off the stone table. She crept quietly up behind Reina, almost close enough to touch her.

"What is it? What do you see?"

"Well, it's fascinating, but, I'm not sure what to make of it," Reina replied, not moving from the machine, "How much do you know about the immune system, Niigaki-san?"

"Not much, my lady. My schooling was spent on geography and navigation," The knight reached absently for the light orb floating around her head, watching as her fingers passed through it, "All I know is that it's responsible for keeping the body healthy."

"Mm, basically that's true. To be more specific--at least, so I can get to my point--everyone has cells, white blood cells, and these fight against anything in your body that isn't supposed to be there; infection, viruses, the like. When you get a fever, it's generally a reaction to things like that, and while it's unpleasant, a fever can actually aid in the movement of these cells as well as kill off some of the invaders.

Your temperature is well above fever level at the moment, which worries me, but I did expect something like this to happen. We've only been able to witness the change from human to lycan twice, but in both instances, the body temperatures of the subjects skyrocketed."

Reina began adjusting a few of the knobs on the machine.

"It's almost as though it's the body's last ditch attempt to destroy the venom, and it's an incredibly violent reaction; hence why so many people don't survive the bites. At these temperatures, blood coagulates, organs shut down--you die. And so I was reasonably alarmed when I realized yours was so high. However..."

The scientist slid a glass plate out from beneath the microscope, and Risa watched as she exchanged this for a fresh one, atop which was placed several drops of her blood. Reina snapped the new plate into place, carefully scrutinizing it beneath the lens.

"Interestingly, it seems as though the amulet has suspended your transformation in a very unique place. What renders humans helpless to the change is the fact that we simply don't have enough time to fight off the venom before it completely takes over; the first transformation happens within hours. But your body has changed only just enough to withstand the temperatures, but not enough that your immune system still resembles that of a human."

"Meaning...?" The information was starting to go over Risa's head, much as she was trying to pay attention. 

"Meaning that it's still trying to resist the takeover. If given enough time, or perhaps some help, you might be able to fight it off yourself."

"But that sounds more like a virus. I don't understand why you keep referring to it as a poison."

"An astute observation," Reina finally turned to face Risa, the pleased grin on her face dropping as she realized how close they were. Her cheeks glowed a faint pink, and she seemed to be purposely avoiding the knight's eyes, "W-well, it is a venom. It's meant to paralyze, disable... Werewolves are predators and normally hunt large things, and the venom aids in that. But with humans, it acts differently..."

Risa fell the inner pull towards the scientist again, unconsciously moving closer to Reina so that the girl was pinned between her body and the nearby shelf. She was acutely aware of the younger woman's breath catching, the sudden spike in her pulse, and the warmth of the blood flowing beneath tempting flesh.

She smells so wonderful...

The knight's hands slowly moved to rest on Reina's hips, and she managed to catch the scientist's gaze for a brief moment before she surged forward to claim the girl's lips. Risa didn't know if it was some strange new instinct that urged her on or if she wanted to do it or both, but she certainly wasn't complaining. And the scientist wasn't resisting much, seeming almost to melt against her as she returned the kiss.

But it wasn't quite enough, Risa thought as the haze inside her head began to grow, and she began tugging at the younger woman's blouse in an attempt to rid her of it. She was successful in her endeavor, but as one of her hands moved upwards to trace against exposed skin, she hesitated, snapping out of her trance as she broke their kiss.

"What...?" The knight traced the thick outline of scars along Reina's collarbone, and as her vision focused she realized they were bite marks.

Wolf bite marks...

"You...?" Risa met Reina's gaze in confusion, but what she got in response was mostly terror, and before she could question the girl, a mass of snarling fur ripped her away and slammed her into the ground.

She struggled against Aika, but the ambush attack meant the werewolf had the upper hand, and Risa made the mistake of looking up into those golden orbs, already feeling sluggish. As she felt consciousness slip away, she could hear the wolf scolding the other girl.

"I told you. She's not in control of herself... And neither will you be around her."

"Alright, I understand," Reina replied, breathless as she searched for her top, "When Sayu comes back, we'll put the collar on her..."

"Good. Because she's likely to kill you otherwise."


Sayumi landed gracefully outside the palace gates just as the sun began to set beyond the mountains, carefully dismounting from her broom. Though she preferred traveling by cloud, it exhausted too much of her energy for the distance it took to get from the castle to the royal city. She sauntered confidently towards the gate, tossing her broom at the nearest guard as she entered.

"Watch that for me, will you darling?"

She was one of the few in the king's employ with the privilege of walking about the palace unescorted, especially without prior invitation, and Sayumi had on several occasions taken advantage of said privilege to explore its many rooms and secrets. But tonight she was due to report to the king directly; something she had secretly done every week for the past five years.

Part of her felt guilty for not telling Reina, and yet, her duty was to the kingdom, and in the end the king was the one who paid her.

Sayumi made her way to the throne room, entering without interference from the guards. She strolled quietly down the long chamber towards the throne, where the king was currently holding counsel with one of his personal advisors. 

When he saw her, however, he waved the man away, and Sayumi waited for the rat to be well out of earshot before she knelt in front of the throne, removing her pointed black hat.

"Your highness."

"I trust you have promising news for me?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She rose, placing her hat back on her head, "We've acquired a new subject for our experiments, my lord."

She watched as his fingers gripped the gilded armrests tightly, prepared to deal with the man's unpredictable temper.

"How is that any more promising than what you've been telling me for the past five years, Michishige? I'm growing impatient..."

"The subject is- was a Red Knight," Sayumi continued, unfazed, "We found her just before the venom took hold, subduing the change with our recreation of the amulet."

The king's grip on his seat relaxed slightly.

"You... Were able to make another?"

"It's not a complete recreation, as there was no time to finish the incantations before using it on the knight," Sayumi replied, picking a stray strand of hair from her cloak, "But it seems to be doing the job."

"And what does my daughter say about all of this?"

The witch glanced calmly at the king.

"Reina seems to believe she can cure this one. The amulet will give us more time than we've ever had before, perhaps."

Grunting at her, the king stroked his beard a moment before rising from his seat, beckoning silently for the witch to follow. This she did without question, until the king led her into a dark room, lit only by a strange red glow in it's center. The glow was radiating from an amulet much like the one Risa wore, fastened around the neck of a woman who was sleeping peacefully on a bed there.

"Ai doesn't have time." His voice rumbled quietly, "She doesn't even have the choice to become a monster. Every day the venom makes her weaker and weaker."

Sayumi nodded slightly, eyes memorizing the face of the heir to the throne, the woman her partner admired more than anyone.

"I understand, my lord. I will remind Reina of the urgency needed for this task."

She turned to leave the king alone in peace with his eldest child, when his voice stopped her at the door.

"And Michishige?"

"Yes, my lord?"

"Don't forget the other task that has been assigned to you as well."

Sayumi's eyes narrowed, but she kept her back to him and nodded again anyway.

"Of course, my lord. The first test is set to begin as soon as I return home."

"Excellent, you may leave now."

She was more than happy to.

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Six, 7/9]
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2012, 07:57:33 AM »
Update!! Yes!!

Finally some Tanagaki alone time! With a little kissing action to boot!

Though I have to wonder now...
Wolf bite marks...

"You...?" Risa met Reina's gaze in confusion, but what she got in response was mostly terror,

Reina's been bitten? But I though she was human...? Especially since it seems that Risa's hypno power works on her... Also, why terror?

"I told you. She's not in control of herself... And neither will you be around her."
If she's not human than this statement makes a little more sense.... And less.

And Sayu, ho man, that is a whole other can of worms. I'm not even going to touch that yet.

EDIT: Omg, I came back because I have a crazy theory!

What if, what if Reina and Ai are one in the same? What if, that amulet somehow split the two of them apart, keeping Ai in a stasis until her brains (Reina) could come up with a cure? But time is running out because the amulet with only slow down the process, not stop it. It could be because of this, not Risa's hypno gaze, that Reina can't control herself around the knight.

Also, cuz Risa's awesome...

Omg, I know this is stupid theory, but if it was true, it's be like, pairing inception! We could have Takagaki in our Tanagaki! :panic: :panic: :lol:
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 09:35:22 AM by rndmnwierd »

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Six, 7/9]
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2012, 12:03:28 AM »
Oh junk an update XD risa and reina chemistry :deco: nice :twothumbs

I like how things are headed, ai is slowly dyin while her sister reina works on a cure gud gud and sayumi has another task that has been assigned to her? I wonder wat i will be :?

Nice sixth chapter :thumbup

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Six, 7/9]
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2012, 03:31:06 AM »
...At least until the woman suddenly jabbed her shoulder with a knife.

So I thought of X-Men and how wolverine can do that same thing with his wounds xD


Sayumi landed gracefully outside the palace gates just as the sun began to set beyond the mountains, carefully dismounting from her broom.

Bloody hell this mental image of Kiki's Delivery Service xD


Curiosity is gonna slay this cat. More por favor  :P

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Crimson [Chapter Six, 7/9]
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2012, 11:18:35 PM »
...At least until the woman suddenly jabbed her shoulder with a knife.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Risa shrieked, jerking back in pain even as the wound quickly closed itself back up again. The scientist seemed unphased, tapping off drops of the knight's blood into a nearby vial.
OH GOD IT'S LIKE GETTING A SHOT! Dx  Actually, it's worse...since there's a freakin knife!  -imagining chef's knife-  At least it was a surprise so she'd didn't have to sit there and spazz out XD

"You could have warned me first..."
No Risa...I don't think you'd want a warning o.O  Last semester when I got a shot (well, it was actually me getting my blood sucked out of me...stupid pnemonuea Dx), RIGHT before the needle pierced my skin, the worker lady shouted into my ear "BIG NEEDLE COMING!"  thanks for the relief lady >.< 

But yeah...take it like a knight Risa XD You should be prepared for this kind of attack~  :lol:

"Alright, I understand," Reina replied, breathless as she searched for her top, "When Sayu comes back, we'll put the collar on her..."

"Good. Because she's likely to kill you otherwise."
quick! A collar!  Or else...there won't be any TanaGaki lovin'  :cry:

Oh no Aichan is dying? Dx  Hurry Reina!  :O  why are they testing her anyways?

moar fik plz :3
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Re: Crimson [Chapter Six, 7/9]
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2012, 04:07:35 PM »
Gah! Just finished reading this chapter and all I can think about is that this fic is so FREAKIN' AWESOME!!  :grin:
I'm loving this even though I tend to avoid werewolves stories since the Twilight craze exploded XD I also kinda hated Tanagaki... until now... Great work!

Will be waiting unpatiently for the next update~!

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