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Author Topic: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02  (Read 4538 times)

Offline imjuzmi

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The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« on: January 20, 2012, 11:09:05 AM »
Hi guys, this is imjuzmi. I've been lurking and i've been inspired (especially by HashirePomeranian, dream_catcher, divinevengeance, arisa03(?), among others) and so this is what i came up with. I have no idea where this is going to go, so if you guys have any suggestions and i could put it in i would. Hope you guys like it!


Untitled - Chapter 1

   The night was pitch black and chilling, which suited the young girl walking the streets at 2 a.m. perfectly. Yet, the beautiful darkness of the night was interrupted by the occasional artificial street lamps and neon lights of buildings that littered the area. She cursed at the disgusting bright lights, at the foolishness and the stupidity of humans for not seeing what they were doing to the precious earth.

   “Just wait, I will cleanse this earth of you redundant insects.”

   If someone were to take a night stroll and see this girl, they would certainly be shocked by the fact that she was simply wearing a pale brown cardigan over a singlet and figure hugging black jeans topped off by a cap and a backpack. Perhaps, they would also be intrigued by the fact that she was clutching a dark emerald and black jacket adorned with dragons and not wearing it instead. Indeed, many of the people still roaming the streets due to the nocturnal nature of their work or simply for recreation, were surprised to say the least, that such a young girl, they reckoned, no more than 14 years of age, was still out at this time. They simply remained silent when she walked past them, some giving looks of contempt, some of amusement and some even of concern. Of course, those who were worried were apprehensive to talk to her. Such was the cruel nature of reality, why lend a hand when there was nothing in it for them? When it probably meant trouble?

   To the girl, it meant nothing that they left her alone. She didn’t need their help, in fact she didn’t want anyone’s help, not now, not ever. She was strong. That was all that mattered to her.

   As she continued on her path, a white puppy shivering in the cold by an alley caught her eye and for the first time that night, she smiled. She stopped in front of the puppy and took her backpack off her shoulders, retrieving a bottle of milk for the puppy. “You’re just a gorgeous little thing, aren’t you? Hold on, you’ll get your milk soon.” She whispered and grinned while affectionately rubbing the puppy’s head. Just as she looked around for something to place the milk in, she sensed something flying towards her and she easily avoided it. However, she regretted it within an instant as said object which flew past her registered itself as a rock and headed straight towards the puppy. With a yelp, the startled and slightly injured puppy took off, trying to get away from whatever it was that hurt it.

   “Hahaha, look at that dumb thing run. Hey gorgeous, what’s your name? Wanna have some fun with us? Ooh, you’re a little on the skinny side, but I suppose that doesn’t matter.” As previously mentioned, passers-by who were at least worried about the girl shook their heads and seemed to speed up their pace, not wanting to get involved with any kind of trouble.

   The girl stood up slowly, shaking, anger undeniably seething from her very core, intent on destroying the vermin that injured the poor puppy. She looked up, her face illuminated by the street lights she hated, eyes glaring daggers at the guys who were looking to get lucky tonight. “Woo, aren’t you a looker? Looks like we’ve got a good one tonight boys!” The one who appeared to be the leader of the motley crew guffawed and the rest joined in with hooting and hollering. And he was right as well, the girl was beautiful, to say the least. Her angular face had a clearly defined jaw line with blazing jet black eyes and gorgeous features adorning it. She was truly a sight to behold, though due to her beauty or agitation, the leader could not tell.

   “Firstly, you and your piece of shit gang do not deserve to know my name.” The girl hissed through gritted teeth and picked up the dark emerald and black jacket she left on the floor. However, as she tightened her grip on the jacket, a voice whispered into her ear. “No, it’s not worth it. Just leave it be.”

   “But these bastards are asking for it.” Retorted the girl with eyes narrowed into a slit.

   “That’s enough. You don’t want your grandfather to find out about this, do you?” The voice once again replied.

   “But!... Tch. Fine. You win.” The girl frowned and bent down to pick up her backpack. She turned around and strained her eyes to look for the poor white puppy.

   The yankees who were just a few metres in front of the girl were clueless and surprised at the girl’s sudden change in attitude and wondered who she was talking to. Some of the members had started to back away, nervous that the girl had a screw loose somewhere in the head. The leader however, saw his henchmen’s actions and had a different idea. “Come on, you pussies! Look at her! So what if she’s crazy! Even better! She probably won’t be able to point us out if those cops got on our tail!” Said pussies who were at least 10 metres away from the girl now seemed to be struck suddenly by new found inspiration and murmured in agreement with their leader.

   The leader simply chuckled. “Of course I’m right. Now go get her.”

   With a roar, the rest of the yankees charged forward, a frightening sight for the rest of the passers-by still on the streets. Naturally, the girl ahead was aware and taking note of the yankees actions, even if they didn’t make their intentions known by shouting like a bunch of buffoons. When the first yankee, ahead of the rest of the pack, tried to grab the girl, she simply sidestepped and stuck out a foot, causing him to trip and fall face first into the concrete pavement.

   “Ouch, that has got to hurt.” The girl smirked and laughed at her handiwork.

   Seeing their fellow yankee get humiliated like that only seemed to anger the rest of them, and with renewed energy, they burst forward, intent on returning the favour. However, their actions were stiff as they made wide swings towards the girl, who simply yawned and dodged them with only the slightest effort. With her lithe body, she ducked one punch and once she was close enough to the attacker’s body, she crouched low and shot up, driving the power from her legs condensed into her punch into the liver of the yankee who tried. He doubled over in pain and collapsed onto the floor.

   Once again, the girl smirked, however before she could admire her handiwork, she had to wrinkle and pinch her nose. “I think this guy just shit in his pants.” spat the girl as she tried to get as much distance between her and that literal piece of shit lying on the ground.

   “Have you guys had enough? I don’t really want to play with you guys anymore” Her voice sounding like a duck while pinching her nose, a clear sign of arrogance to the yankees that she was mocking them, which only caused their blood to boil even further.

   Before the rest could do anything, however, the leader of the yankees who took his time to walk towards his cronies had seen what had happened from afar and laughed, smacking his followers on the head. “You guys are embarrassing, letting such a small girl get one up over you guys.” He now turned to face the girl, “We could do this the hard way”, pulling a Glock 19 out from under his jacket, “Or the easy way. You choose.” And he grinned, revealing a row of crooked yellow teeth, which repulsed the girl, unfortunate enough to see it.

   “Ooh, I’m so scared.” mocked the girl, as she charged forward, the only thought on her mind being wiping that filthy grin of his off of his face.

   “I see. How sad.” The leader simply alleged and raised his arm.

   “His aim isn’t even close to me, funny how guys like these can’t aim for nuts.” Thinking herself to be safe, the girl simply sped up in closing the distance, where his gun wouldn’t be able to do any harm.


   The girl immediately stopped short as she heard a yelp come from behind her. Her heart wrenched as she thought to herself. “Please, don’t let it be.” Her worst fears were confirmed as she turned around to see the white puppy from before, laying lifeless on the ground, it’s beautiful white coat stained by crimson red blood. Unable to hide her sorrow, a single tear fell as she slumped onto the ground.

   “Hahaha! Now girl, unless you want the same thing to happen to you, why don’t you just come quietly with us? Even now, I promise, I will, treat you well.” Even without looking at him, the girl could already picture the nauseating smile plastered on the leaders face.

   “That’s it. No more Miss nice.” hissed the girl, as she reached forward to grab the dark emerald and green jacket lying on the ground. “Not even you can stop me, Rena.”

   “Why would I stop you. Let me at them.” The voice that only the girl could previously hear, suddenly resounded deep in the ears of the yankees, anger embedded in it. Visibly shaken, the yankees looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the mysterious voice.

   “Kill these insects. Gekikara.” The girl simply said as she threw the jacket into the air.

   “Yes, Jurina… No, Center, my lady.

   A violent gush of cold air suddenly gathered around the yankees, shredding their clothes and cutting straight to their bones, as the street lamps around them inexplicably exploded.

   “What the fuck is happening, boss?!”

   “HOW the fuck would I know!”

   Fear had clearly taken over them, as they raised their arms to cover themselves from the falling glass shards. Just then, the legs of the yankees finally gave way to their weight when they saw the floating jacket in front of them fill out and take the shape of a ghostly pale, yet attractive woman.

   “Hahaha… Ne… Okotteru?” were the last words the yankees would ever hear.

   Jurina slowly picked herself up off the ground and gathered her belongings, cradling the lifeless body of the puppy, planning on giving it a proper burial as she left the bloodcurdling screams and scenes of carnage behind her.


   “The official statement released by the police confirmed that the cause of death was from the cave in of their skulls, although their bodies also suffered extensive damage ranging from broken bones to ruptured organs. The police urge any eyewitnesses to cooperate with them in this bizarre and grotesque case.  The ne - Bzzt”

   “She’s here, isn’t she? The destroyer.”
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:18:20 PM by imjuzmi »

Offline Sok

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Re: imjuzmi's Fanfics - The Destroyer (Chapter 1) 20/01
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2012, 07:15:06 PM »
This is very interesting.  :mon thumb:
I can't wait wait happens next. Thank you.

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: imjuzmi's Fanfics - The Destroyer (Chapter 1) 20/01
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2012, 03:55:13 AM »
Oh? This is interesting. (O o O)

Please update soon!!♥

Offline Megumi

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Re: imjuzmi's Fanfics - The Destroyer (Chapter 1) 20/01
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2012, 06:33:08 PM »
 :shocked: This is very interesting!
Please continue!

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline kahem

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Re: imjuzmi's Fanfics - The Destroyer (Chapter 1) 20/01
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 01:47:25 AM »
Oh detroyer, sounds great!

Offline imjuzmi

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2012, 01:17:41 PM »
A/N: By the way, the powers and some of the plot points in this story are based off of Shaman King, in case any of you were wondering. Terms like Onmyoki (Oldest and most powerful shamans in Japan, with the ability to control the five elements, fire, earth, wood, metal, water and divine the future) and Shikigami (Guardian Spirits) were taken from there as well. HBIC = Head Bitch In Charge. ;D Yeap, so please enjoy the story! :)

Chapter 2
   “She’s here, isn’t she? The destroyer.”
   “Let’s welcome her, shall we?”

   The first of the sun rays slowly seeped through the clouds and forced its way into the dark room of the premier skyscraper in Tokyo, the Akihabara Corporations.

   Akihabara Corporations or AKBC for short basically ran this part of the Earth. It was the company that provided power to the masses after the government decided to give up on nationalization after heavy losses. The free market principle indeed served the country well as efficiency was then kept to a maximum; however, it also meant that those who couldn’t pay for the service were unable to consume it as well. While there was dissidence among the poor, AKBC was now a popular household brand, not only having a hand in utilities, but also expanded its market range into household appliances, transport, food and beverages, etc. Take a gander into the everyday household and it was likely that you would see AKBC plastered in every corner of the residence. It was simple; AKBC had Japan in the palm of its hands. Take down AKBC and you took down Japan.
   Inside the now illuminated room, the face that everyone knew; the prima donna; the head of AKBC, Eiguchi Aimi was having her breakfast. It was a sumptuous spread with the three treasures of the food world, Caviar, Foie Gras and Truffles acting as condiments to bagels, with a barista at the side of the room, brewing fresh coffee from top of the line Arabica coffee beans. Most of the people in Japan certainly couldn’t afford it even once a month, much less every day.
   Suddenly, the door to the room burst open with a slam as a young woman with short hair who looked like she couldn’t care less what would’ve happened to the door, pranced in. She glanced around the room and flashed a smile at the barista that shone brighter than the sun and left him speechless. Clearly beautiful by all standards, the barista could only look down in embarassment. On the other hand, shocked by the loud sound, Eiguchi flinched. She wasn’t amused and she certainly didn’t enjoy having her breakfast interrupted, she cleared her throat and barked. “What do you want, Maeda? Can’t you see I’m preoccupied at the moment?”  Maeda simply skipped forward to the table and picked up a piece of bagel and spread some caviar on it. Staring at her prize with a desire that matched thousands, she was about to dig in when a slightly deep feminine voice boomed. “Ehem, Acchan, remember what we came here to do?” With a drowsy voice, Maeda spoke. “Miss Eiguchi, you might want to hear this.”
   “Or maybe not. This is good!” Maeda exclaimed, bliss written all over her face.
   Eiguchi, even more irritated that her subordinate was eating HER food, narrowed her eyes into a slit. “Spit it out.

   “Have you seen the news last night?”

   “If it has anything to do with how beautiful and successful I am, then I don’t need to know.”


   “Oh no, I’m pretty sure there was never news on that.”


   Eiguchi’s anger had reached its peak. “THEN WHAT IS IT. STOP EATING AND SPIT IT OUT.”


   Eiguchi could hardly believe her eyes. “What the fuck did you just do, Maeda?”

   Maeda nonchalantly shrugged and said, “Following orders? You did tell me to stop eating and spit it out.”

   From the side of the table, the barista was trying hard not to burst out in laughter. Infuriated and embarrassed, more of the former, Eiguchi spat “I could kill you right now, on the spot.” In retort, Maeda plainly shrugged again and smiled.

   Before things could get even further out of hand, the voice from before spoke again, “Miss Eiguchi, we have reason to believe that the destroyer that would destroy Japan, in your prophecy, has arrived.”

   Eiguchi’s eyes widened. “Very well, thank you for telling me this, Takahashi. You would do well in my company were you alive. Unlike your owner.”

   “Thank you very much, Miss Eiguchi. We bid you our leave.”

   With that, Maeda turned and pranced out of the room, slamming the door shut, just as she had when she entered.

   “Tch. If it wasn’t for Akimoto, I would never put up with that stupid girl.” Eiguchi turned and looked at the barista, displeasure clear. However, it turned into a smirk as she spoke. “You. What were you laughing at just now?” “N-n-nothing. Miss Eiguchi.” The barista stuttered as he spoke, knowing full well the temper of the HBIC. “Hmm, funny, I could’ve sworn you were laughing at me, weren’t you?” “O-o-of c-c-course not! I would never do anything to defy you, Miss Eiguchi.” “Very well. Then jump out the window, if you please.” Horrified, the barista stared, wide eyed at Eiguchi, only to be greeted by a sick, plastic smile. “I’ll be off now. Uhh, what was your name again? Oh never mind. It isn’t important. Well I hope to see you on the ground, splattered, when I return. Cheerio!” Eiguchi then stood up cheerfully and strolled out of the room.

   The barista could do nothing but break down and cry. He should have never laughed. “Dear God, please. Save me.”


   “Achoo!” Jurina sneezed. “Someone must be talking about me. Tch.”

   The bustling sounds of the café assaulted Jurina on all fronts, the chatter of excited school goers, the shouts of the waiter, the clatter of the kitchenware, the buzz of the coffee machine; it all seemed so foreign to her. She had never been in a café before, this was a virgin experience.

    Jurina was the grandchild of a famous Onmyoji  and growing up in her family’s mountain villa, there was never anything like a café or a mall that she could visit. She could only play around in the woods or climb the mountain alone or with her grandfather, being the only child. That in essence, was the start of her training by her grandfather. By the time she was 10, she was already in top physical form, much fitter than her peers of the same age and even some adults. Conversely, the first time she visited the city was when she was 10 and even then she was with her granddad, being pulled along without pause, no time at all to fulfil her adolescent curiosity.

   Her needs had also always been provided for by her grandfather. Her grandfather was a genius who homeschooled her and she herself had also inherited some of those genes. While education was no problem, items such as clothing and female necessities stumped him. Jurina remembered when she was young, the clothing that her grandfather would buy were always for boys. It never once occurred to him that he was doing the wrong thing. Well, it wasn’t so much wrong as it was awkward. One day when his friends came over, they sincerely thought that she was a boy, due to the clothes and the dirt stuck to her face as she just came back from playing in the woods. Clothing aside, Jurina also remembered the day her first period came. She had complained of a sharp pain in her stomach and informed her granddad that she was bleeding. He panicked and thought that someone had attacked her, and sent his shikigami to find the assailant. Of course, the shikigami failed to find anyone. And he had used bandages to stop the bleeding. Jurina chuckled to herself as she remembered the look on her mother’s face when she came to visit again. Her mother literally kicked her granddad out of the house, gave him a list of the necessities that a growing girl would need and yelled at him to go buy them. Her mother had also included female magazines in the list and that was when Jurina started to transform from a rowdy tomboy to a young lady, ready to take on the world. Her grandfather would always curse at the magazines that her mother forced him to buy. “Why is this stupid stack of paper so expensive? Look at what this demonspawn of papers has done to you! Look at you, Jurina, look at you! Where did my little girl go to?” After that, he would always sulk in his room and refused to talk to her.

   Before Jurina could continue daydreaming, she was interrupted by a waiter delivering her coffee. As he set down her coffee on the table, he also placed a piece of tissue with a number on it, with a note, saying “Call Me.” She glanced at the waiter once and immediately picked up the tissue and crushed it with one hand, similarly crushing all hopes that the waiter had as well. As he walked away dejected, Rena appeared in the seat opposite Jurina and whispered “Why are you so mean! He was just being nice!”

   “How was that being nice?  Trying to pick me up is NOT nice. That’s called an ulterior motive.”

   “You don’t have to put on that tough girl act around me, you know. I know deep down, you’re just a sweet little girl!” Rena beamed.

    Jurina laughed at her comment and replied “Go away! People are starting to think I’m crazy. And why are you whispering anyway. No one else can hear you!”

   “Fine!” Rena pouted and disappeared, and all Jurina did was laugh again.

   As Jurina picked up her coffee, she noticed that the top of the coffee had a strange drawing that she had never seen before in her life. It was a beautiful picture of a heart and it was all Jurina could do not to exclaim out loud when she saw it. “Ahh, it’s so cute!” She thought to herself and poked the heart a few times, licking her finger each, and enjoying the taste of coffee as well. While Jurina was in paradise from this new found experience, Rena appeared opposite her once again and stuck her tongue out. “See! A sweet little girl!” In response, Jurina simply stuck her tongue out as well.

   While the schoolboys opposite her did think she was a little eccentric with the talking to herself and what not, they still couldn’t help but think Jurina was cute and swooned when they saw her stick her tongue out. “Hey! Come on, she’s cute, go pick her up!” “Why don’t you go!” “Me? Look at me, I would never be able to pick up someone as cute as her!” “Yeah right!” Before the bunch of hormonal boys could finish arguing however, another pair of girls caught their attention as they walked in through the door of the café. “Woah.”

   As the boys scanned the duo, they found that the duo both had dazzling milky white skin, reminiscent of princesses you only saw in fairytales and legs which seemed to go on forever. They were however endowed in different areas as the shorter of the two, wore a pair of shorts that hugged her full hips perfectly, capped off by an anime t-shirt. The other one was wearing a button up shirt that seemed a little tight especially around the chest area, with the top button undone and the rest of them threatening to do the same, together with a simple floral print skirt.

   The girls looked around, seemingly looking for someone and finally settled their eyes on Jurina. They took their time walking towards her, bewitching all the men they passed, according them visual pleasure and physical grievance at the same time, were they accompanied by their lady companions. When they finally reached Jurina’s booth, the shorter one of the two sat herself down beside Jurina, while the taller took the seat opposite her.

   “Hi! I’m Nezumi and this is Torigoya!” The Nezumi girl offered a hand towards Jurina cheerily.

   Not even the slightest bit bothered to take the hand, Jurina yawned. “And so?”

   Torigoya, not even the slightest bit bothered by the question, replied. “Let’s put it this way. We’re here to kill you.”

Offline Prataz

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 01:45:10 PM »
Shaman king. I like  :)

Offline RenaChii

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2012, 09:22:50 PM »
It's getting more interesting~

Please update soon~

Offline SharkAttack

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2012, 10:04:12 PM »
What an interesting concept.

Can't wait to see what happens next!  :D

Offline Sok

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2012, 04:21:25 AM »
Interesting. Can't wait for your next update.

Offline kahem

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2012, 07:11:53 PM »
Oh shaman king~ I hope it's not the same end lol
Lol I like the "Let’s put it this way. We’re here to kill you." Rofl!

Offline msst28

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2012, 01:07:18 AM »
Eiguchi Aimi...
is she the big boss

I dont really familiar with shaman king
but i really like your story
hope you update soon

Offline Megumi

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Re: The Destroyer (Chapter 2) 02/02
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2012, 11:38:44 PM »
 :panic: Shaman King?!

Eguchi Aimi...evil evil!!!!

Can't wait for your next update!
Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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