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Author Topic: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow (2/?)  (Read 4162 times)

Offline noomuumuu

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SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow (2/?)
« on: August 26, 2012, 06:49:54 PM »
Uh yeah, very otaku fic.  Series that I just started tonight.  I've got an idea of the general length that I'd want it to be but am not promising anything because I tend to lose interest.  :bleed eyes:

AN from tumblr: Gonna start a series because I seem to be in the mood for it.  Won’t add explanations, just know that this is an AU since I’ve always done in-00048-verse up till now.  Will admit to ripping off the likes of Lucky Star, Bakuman and numerous other manga/anime.  It’s one time-line, but the order flits between the past and the present so please take notice of dates and times.

Chapter 1:
Tanabata 2012

Furukawa Airi lay on the grassy slopes beside the Arakawa, gazing up at the heavens.  Being back in Tokyo was such a strange experience.  There were fewer stars here - or rather, the only stars that stood out were the brightest.  The rest were hidden, invisible against the backdrop of a bright Tokyo Greater Area skyline.  The sound of the Arakawa soothed her, the sound of water lapping against the banks rhythmically, the buzz of the city never too far from her consciousness.  Staring up at the summer night sky, wrapped up in a light jumper to ward off the slight chill of the evening, Airi felt more at peace than ever.

“It’s Tanabata,” Airi turned to the girl next to her.

“So it is,” she replied, smiling gently.

“Do you think they met?” the girl asked, never taking her eyes off the sky.

“We can only have faith that they did,” Airi replied, facing the sky again.

“Faith.. It’s so uncertain.” the girl commented lightly, squeezing Airi’s hand with hers.

“It can be much stronger than logic,” Airi paused.

“…and time.” the girl finished for her.

“Yeah, it is,” Airi smiled, turning to face her as their eyes met.


Airi felt herself being gently pulled back into consciousness.  ”Rena-san…” She muttered, hugging her soft toy frog Edgar a little bit tighter.


As she reached out to hit the alarm, she sighed.  Not again.  ”It’s been 4 years since I graduated high school, you’d think that I’d stop having those dreams.” she muttered, climbing out of her futon and pulling on her slippers. 

At the age of 22, Furukawa Airi wasn’t what you’d call particularly successful.  She had skills at drawing, sewing and designing, having gone to schools to learn clothing manufacture and design, however, these skills were not particularly useful in obtaining a high-paying job.  Mainly, she worked as a manager in a small local clothing firm in Nagoya, spending her weekends on her hobbies such as anime, games and cosplay.

Not that she was unhappy about that, of course.  Not everyone had the luxury of being able to make a living from their interests, and she was one of the very few who genuinely loved what she did on a daily basis.  Nevertheless, the passing of time and her lack of progress with her life since graduating from the associate’s college two years ago bothered her slightly.

Plus, the dreams.  They had started as a bother and irritant when she’d first graduated from high school and was trying to force herself to “get over it”.  Now, however, she looked at them with an air of gentle wistfulness, almost a guilty enjoyment.  The last time she’d seen Rena-san was the day before her high school graduation.


Spring, the day before graduation, 2008

“Airi-chan…  Airi-chan!” Rena-san called, gently tugging on her sleeve.

“Ah-yes, Rena-san?” Airi turned towards her, a look of gentle affection on her face.

“…I said, you are going to spend time with me even when you go to college, aren’t you?” Rena anxiously inquired.

”..I.. actually… I… am moving to Nagoya.” Airi looked at the ground.

“…what?” Rena dropped Airi’s sleeve, pulling her shoulders to face her.

“Say it clearly.  To me.” Rena demanded, tears in her eyes.

“My family’s moving.  To Nagoya.  Next month.  I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier, it was too difficult,” Airi said, not meeting Rena’s eyes.

“Why..? Why now?” Rena’s quavering voice, her shaking hands as they held Airi’s shoulders…  it was too much for Airi to take, as she broke down.

“My Dad got a new job, and they were waiting for me to finish high school so we would start a new life together in Nagoya,” she explained, choking up.

“We.. we had so much fun together that I.. I couldn’t find the right time to tell you.” she continued.

“… and it’s been decided?” Rena looked devastated.

“Ye-yes.  I… I’m going to Nagoya.”

“Are you still planning on becoming a clothing desginer?” Rena suddenly blurted out.

“Yes,” Airi’s jaw clenched with determination.

“Good,” Rena replied, her eyes shining through the tears.

“…then we will meet again when we’ve both achieved our dreams.” she continued.

“…what?” Airi looked shocked.

“Until then, no emailing, no calling, no seeing each other.  This will spur us on towards what we want, and when we have achieved it, we can share it with each other.” Rena looked at Airi seriously.

“It could be years, Rena-san” Airi looked at her, desperately.

“We must have faith,” Rena smiled for the first time since the conversation began.

Stepping back a little, she held Airi’s head, petting her as if she were the older one, not Airi, and gently held her.

“See you later, Airi-chan”.


Winter meeting, 2007

Having just obtained her ideal job in Akihabara at a cosplay manga cafe, Airi was certain that things just could not get any better for her.  Although school sucked and her grades never went beyond mediocrity, this job was more than she could ever ask for.  To be paid to indulge in her passions manga and cosplay?  This must be a really great dream, she thought.

This came about through a friendly connection in the form of a senior at school who had just graduated, who used to hold the job and had recommended her for the position.  Although sad at Yuimin’s graduation, Airi was beyond excited at the thought of starting the job.  Cosplaying in maid outfits didn’t faze her, and she’d gone to the interview wearing her self-made Suisuiseki outfit, which had apparently impressed the owner (a 50 year old man who felt a little creepy).  Nevertheless, creepy old men were something that she was used to dealing with, and they all seemed to lose interest immediately once she pretended to be extremely enthusiastic about R-18 yaoi manga.

Truth is, she had always been more interested in bishoujo.  From the classic Key games to harem anime, Airi had an almost obsessive interest in the developing genre of “moe”.  Working in a manga cafe, while providing lots of material for her obsessions, also gave her the chance to talk to many people with similar interests. One such person was a year-mate at her school, Hata Sawako, whom others picked on for giving off a Sadako-like creepy air and being extremely shy.

Sawako also worked at the cafe, joining a few months after Airi, and although their genres of interest differed, Airi enjoyed their conversations about games, and gradually they began to speak outside of work, even at school.

Then there was her.

She would come into the shop every Wednesday during Airi’s shift, wearing the school uniform that identified her as being one of Airi’s school mates, and would stay for a couple of hours at the time.

She had long, black hair, extremely fair skin, contrasted against the dark blazer of the school’s uniform.  There was the pin on her collar which identified her as a class representative, but as Airi didn’t know many people in school, she had no idea who the girl was.  She simply mentally identified the girl as “silent Wednesday 3pm Class-rep-san”, her eyes sweeping across the girl’s clear, beautiful features every time she did a walkabout in the cafe.

How Airi wished that she could dress up Ms silent Wednesday 3pm Class-rep-san.  With those features, that slim body, her extremely pale complexion…  She was perfect for cosplaying as Rei! Or, Nagato! Or any number of those kuuderes…  Airi was almost boiling over with excitement and anticipation every single time Ms silent Wednesday 3pm turned up.

“Airi-senpai, please stop drooling,” Sawako would deadpan, expressionlessly flipping through a weekly issue of Jump as they stood at the front counter.

“Wh-what? I’m not…” broken out of her admiring reverie, she glared at Sawako, taking care to wipe the corner of her mouth.

 ”Why don’t you talk to her? We’re all from the same school, after all,” Sawako continued, almost as if she hadn’t just spoken the unspeakable.

“Ta-talk to her? Are you crazy? She’s… like, I mean, she’s, she’s a class-rep and we’ve never spoken before and I don’t even know her and she would think that I’m some creepy otaku and what if she runs off and never comes back again and I wouldn’t get to see her any more and she would be so awesome for that Nagato cosplay I’ve been making and how would I even begin a conversation with her…” Airi trailed off despondently.

“Just pass her a coffee on the house,” Sawako spoke as if she hadn’t been interrupted by that tirade.

“Oh.” Airi blinked.

Now that it was said, it seemed so obvious.

“If you could stop drooling and imagining her as Nagato with you cosplaying as Mikuru at this year’s winter comiket for one minute, I’m sure that you could have a reasonable and decipherable verbal exchange,” Hata noted tonelessly, passing her a cup of hot coffee.

“I-” Airi didn’t get a chance to reply before she had a tray with the coffee in her arms and was shoved in the direction of the corner that Ms silent Wednesday 3pm always occupied.

Before Airi realised it, she was standing in front of the girl, thanking her ability to remain professional.

“Excuse me,” Airi started, bowing.

“We’ve noticed that you’re a regular customer here at our cafe, and we would like to give you a little something to keep you warm this winter,” she continued smoothly, sliding the hot coffee on the table towards the girl.

The girl stared at her, dark eyes piercingly examining her features, as if looking for an ulterior motive.

“Uh, ac-actually, the truth is, Shawako over there at the counter and I are from the same school, and we don’t want to scare you off or anything, but we were really curious and there aren’t many people with our interests at our school, you know how they’re always talking about boys and dramas and stuff and not so much anisong and manga and anime and uh yeah I’ll shut up now.” Airi stumbled over her words in a poor attempt to explain.

“Uh, I’m so sorry for disturbing you, and we promise never to approach you without consent again,” mortified, Airi bowed again deeply, turning to go.

“…Thanks.” Airi half-turned around, surprised.

“…Airi-chan” the girl read her name tag, smirking.

“You’re very welcome,” Airi bowed again, automatically.

Heading back to the service counter, Airi’s mortification turned into a smile.  She didn’t have a name yet, but she was sure that the girl would be back.  She could feel it.


Nagoya, present day

Furukawa Airi opened the door to the SKE clothing firm, based out of Nagoya.  ”Good morning,” she called, looking around.

“Mornin’ Furukawa-pro” her senpai, Nakanishi “Nishishi” Yuka, called out from her desk.

“Morning Nakanishi-san,” she smiled, heading for her own desk.

“I see you got some sleep last night.  Didn’t spend it reading manga as usual?” Nishishi teased off-handedly.

“Nah, I fell asleep while texting,” Airi replied, casually slinging her bag over the back of her chair.

“Boyfriend?” Nishishi grinned.

“No, a stupid bird” Airi grumbled.

“Who are you calling a stupid bird?!” came a squawk from the tea room.

“Oh, she’s here already.” Airi rolled her eyes, turning her work computer on.

“I’ll have you know that Papi-tan was just sooooooooo adorable last night! I mean, you saw those vids that I sent through my phone didn’t you?  He totally cuddled up to me, Airin!  Not that I don’t love Pucho, Pinot and Popo, but Papi-tan is…” as Takayanagi “Churi” Akane went on and on about her parrots, Mukaida Manatsu arrived.

“Good morning!” Manatsu called from the door.

“Ah! Manatsu!” Churi got up, excitedly repeating everything she’d just said about her birds to Manatsu, who coldly ignored her.

It was yet another ordinary day at SKE clothing. 


« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 06:00:18 PM by noomuumuu »

Offline yukofan

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2012, 12:44:53 AM »
pliz continue :bow:

the first chap is so interesting. i love airin's character here..

pliz make she'll meet rena again soon..

haha..churi <3

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Offline Taivas

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2012, 06:15:14 AM »
It's good to read more from you ;_; The world needs much more RenAirin-fics, yes. Please continue  :)

Offline Pandah

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2012, 06:24:51 AM »
another renairin fic! my dreams are coming true!
the world definitely needs more renairin fics indeed!

the first meeting is just so cute :P

will be awesome when airin and rena meets again!

cant wait til the next update :D

Offline kahem

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2012, 10:56:00 AM »
Maid cafe~ YAY!

Offline Souju

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2012, 12:24:24 AM »
I really like it!

I see that u know a lot about Airin  :thumbsup

Update soon!!

Offline WhiteMeat89

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2012, 07:10:48 AM »
Yay! Another story from you!
I already know it's gonna be good based on the writer :w00t:

Anyways, the story itself is really cute so far and I'm looking forward to more of it!
Kind of curious if Rena ended up drinking that coffee (lol at Airin being suave at first and then breaking) since her stomach can't seem to handle coffees XD
Small as it may be, a company with coworkers you like and a job that you enjoy is already way better than what most people have to deal with for jobs. She's definitely lucky, but I wonder how far she has to go before her dream counts as achieved.

Thanks for writing, and hope you update soon!

Offline Megumi

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2012, 11:44:24 AM »
OH MY GAAAD! A must continue!

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline masokun

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2012, 05:37:47 PM »
It's interesting.. I mean it..really!

You brought the nijigen doukoukai topic  :twothumbs

Surely wait for your update  :bow:

Offline noomuumuu

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2012, 05:59:39 PM »
Apologies again if it’s too otaku for the layman… :p and apologies to the game otaku… because I don’t game, it’s impossible for me to write anything about the likes of FF etc…  This is a school chapter.

Then, now and tomorrow chapter 2:

2007, Spring

It was just warm enough that the snow was starting to melt, but still too cold to do anything outside, when the new school term started up.  Her breath frosting in the morning air, Furukawa Airi trudged through the streets of suburban Tokyo towards her school, half-asleep.  Her hair tied up in a simple high pony tail with a side parting for her fringe, she mindlessly dodged other girls headed on the same path, eyes glazed over and her hands in her blazer pockets.  It was too cold and too early for her brain to function, she grumbled mentally.  Worse, it was math first thing in the morning.

Sitting at her desk - second from the left at the back of the class - she doodled in her notebook as the teacher went on about things that didn’t really matter, like trigonometry or something.  What was on TV last night?  Oh yeah, Bamboo Blade.  Tama-chan is so adorable… Moe… As she thought, her pencil automatically moved across the page of her notebook, next to the bit she’d copied down on graphing functions.  Tama-chan in her keikogi…. fringe falling across her expressionless face…  mmmmmm…  Airi hummed quietly as she drew and the the lesson went on.

She was jarred out of her daze as the bell rung, her notebook covered with drawings of all of the girls from the anime and not very many graphs or formulae at all.  Sighing, she packed her stuff up, taking her sketchbook with her as she walked towards the school cafeteria.

Airi wasn’t the most popular kid, however, she wasn’t incredibly unpopular either.  Being so easy-going, kind and distinctly average meant that she was included by everyone. Not to mention that it didn’t even occur to her to be concerned about her own social standing; she was always worrying about others.

“Airi! Here!” Churi, who was her classmate, called out, waving her over to a group of them seated in the corner.

She waved back, heading over with her bento and her sketchbook.

“What did you think of math today?” Oya Masana, the class representative, asked casually, digging into her lunch.

“Eh, I didn’t get it as usual,” Airi sighed, looking down.

“Yeah, and Yuasa-sensei’s beard is really distracting too, isn’t it?” Churi sighed.  ”Like, I wonder how he cuts it so that it looks identical every single day.  While he was taking about calculating the area of a cosine curve all I could see was the shape of his beard…”

They all laughed as they ate, Airi feeling a bit lost as she didn’t get it.  There, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar figure eating alone at the other end of the table.

“Uh, who is she?” Airi wondered out loud, gesturing in her direction.

Masana glanced over, replying, “Oh, that’s Matsui Rena-san.  She’s the class representative from our junior class, 2-C.  I heard that she was close to Ono Haruka-senpai, you know, Hirata Rikako-senpai’s classmate.  I also heard that they grew apart because she was graduating..”

”..Oh.” Airi looked over again, shrugging.

“Why the sudden interest?” Churi inquired, looking over too.

“Hey, don’t all look at her at once, she’ll figure out we’re talking about her,” Airi grumbled.  ”She just comes to the cafe once in a while,” she explained, standing up as they started to head back to class.

“Plus she’s really pretty,” Churi teased again, nudging Airi gently.

“Well, y’know she’d be really awesome in a Lain cosplay if she wore a wig..” Airi’s eyes glazed over again, her cheeks heating up.

“Oh my God,” Masana snorted as everyone else rolled their eyes.

After lunch was an hour an a half of history, which everyone seemed to snooze through in a glucose-induced haze.  Then it was Airi’s most-hated class of all, gym.

It wasn’t necessarily that she was uncoordinated.  She was surprisingly good at things like dance.  She even had stamina, although her running style tended to leave both teachers and classmates in stitches.  She was definitely a team-player during games, but her ADD meant that she often caught balls in the face.  If she was being honest, it was more that…  gym was the only class that she couldn’t spend sketching and day-dreaming about how to get material to sew her latest cosplay outfits.

Not to mention the fact that unlike the middle-school girls, the high schoolers no longer wore bloomers.  She sighed despondently as she pulled on the t-shirt and neatly folded her uniform, placing it on her desk.  You’d think that people would keep those for the period of time when the girls had the longest legs to show off, she thought regretfully.

“Right everyone, gather ‘round!” the gym teacher called as the group straggled in, Airi near the back and dragging her feet.

“Today we’ll be sharing the gym with the Kendo team, they’ve got a competition coming up next week and so have booked it out for extra practice.  Since it’s practically a typhoon outside there won’t be any running.  Just get through the set of jumps and sit ups we’ve pinned up over there, and you’ll be free for the rest of the period,” the teacher instructed, pointing at a short list on the door they’d just walked through.

As the more sports-minded girls like Churi groaned, a delighted grin crossed Airi’s face as she glanced over the list.  This, she could do easily.  For some unknown reason, sit ups were easy to her, and with her weird energy today, jumps would be over in a cinch.

After she was done, sitting in a corner with her sketchbook, her eyes drifted across the kendo group practicing across the hall.

In particular, this one girl.  Focussed, fast, with an almost palpable intensity that surrounded her.  “Kinda like Tama-chan,” Airi mused. “Except much taller,” she added mentally, imagining the hijinks that would ensue if the kendo team really was composed of moe girls.  Though it would be nice, Airi thought wistfully, that was perhaps shortchanging them.  She knew absolutely nothing about kendo beyond the anime that she’d watched, but from what she could see, the girl was special.  There was no wasted movement, and her footwork was perfect.  Everything was down to economy, balance, speed and grace.

As the girl in the red faced her opponent, each circling the other, tentatively feinting with her shinai, Airi’s pencil scratched across the surface of the paper.  Moving in a couple of feet, then ducking away with surprising agility, backing away again.  Suddenly, “Dou!” was the shout, and she was behind her opponent, a strike scored across the torso.

Turning, her opponent, seemingly frustrated at having been scored on, rushed head-on.  Then it was all over. “Men!” was the cry, the strike on the head and the subsequent elegant block out of the way of her opponent’s raised shinai completing  the victory.

The two then bowed, heading into their respective corners.  Airi looked at the girl in the red facing the wall, who had started removing her armour, placing it with an air of obsessive care on to the mat.  Wiping her face down with the towel, she turned to watched the others, sipping from a bottle of water.

“It’s her!” Airi’s eyes widened with shock.

“Hmmm? Oh yeah, Rena-sans the kendo team’s ace,” Masana commented, hearing Airi’s gasp.

“A second year?” Airi questioned incredulously.

“Yeah, I heard she made the state finals last year, and she was a first year then.” Masana turned back to her manga, her tone almost as if she was talking about walking her dog.

“Amazing…” Airi sighed under her breath.

“Mmm,” Masana, not taking her eyes off her book, replied distractedly.

Going back to her sketch of the kendo figure, Airi added shadowing, emphasising the movement and intensity, but something still seemed off.  Looking up, her eyes met Rena’s across the room, who seemed to have been trained on her for a while now.  Almost embarrassed to have been caught, Rena-san looked away, drinking her water before getting up to talk to the kendo team manager.

As Airi’s class got up, preparing to leave the gym and go home, Airi dithered, discreetly half-turning to watch the kendo team, bringing up the rear of the class.  Just as she was slowly closing the gym door behind her, Rena turned around to look.  Their eyes met again, and this time, Airi blushed, half-bowing in acknowledgement as she shut the door, sketchbook clutched tightly to her chest.

After she had changed out her gym clothes, Airi looked outside, groaning.  It seemed that what her gym teacher had called “practically a typhoon” had taken up temporary residence in the area.  Although she had an umbrella, there was no way that she would venture outside like that.  Besides, in this weather, it was likely that some trains and buses were canceled, and it could be dangerous with flashfloods in the suburbs.

She texted her mom that she was going to stay a little, and pulled out her homework for the day.  After staring blankly at the math for ten minutes, she gave up.  Who was she kidding?  She’d probably ask her elder brother for help with it, since there was no way that she’d be able to figure it out on her own.  Pulling out her sketchbook again, she recalled the look that she’d caught on Rena-san’s face in the gym.

Then there was that smirk when they’d spoken at the manga café.  That intense look, as if she was trying to figure her out, that seriousness that was slightly intimidating, but with her eyes softened around the corners, almost looking slightly amused.  It was impossible to forget.

Before she knew it, she was gripping her pencil again, her sketchbook open to a clean page.  Airi was always a doodler, but she tended to do this in margins in between text, or on spare scraps of paper, or in between other doodles.  For serious drawings, she started with a new page.

Starting with the left eye and moving up to the fringe that fell partially over it, she first sketched an outline.  The side-parting that she’d noticed, perfectly done.  Straight, shiny hair that sat just at shoulder-length, that long, straight neck and angled chin as she looked down at her books…  That concentration in her posture, hair tucked behind her ear, a slight frown on her face.  Airi usually drew in an anime-style but decided to do a full drawing this time in a realistic style.

“Maybe I could submit this for art club,” the thought crossed her mind, and almost as soon, she dismissed it.  There was something missing, she reflected, as she shaded in the shadows of Rena-san’s hand.  There was always something missing.  Putting her head on the table and groaning with frustration, she checked her watch.

“Oh crap!” she sat up, grabbing her bag.  It was now close to dinner time!  She’d been drawing for close to three hours without realising it.  At least the rain had stopped, she reflected, pulling on her outdoor shoes and placing her school shoes in her locker.  She hadn’t even realised that, being so engrossed in drawing.

“Ah! You’re still here!” came an unfamiliar voice just behind her, as she got ready to run for the train.

Turning, she stiffened from shock, and had to hold her locker door to stop herself from falling over. “Ah-you-Ah, Matsui-san!” she stuttered, the blood draining from her face.

“Oh, you know my name now,” Rena raised an eyebrow curiously.

“Ah-yes, I asked Masana-san about you,” Airi blushed, embarrassed.

“You asked about me?” Rena teased, a smile spreading across her face.

“Uh, y- well, I was curious,” Airi looked away, embarrassed.

“Mmm. Would you do me the favour of letting me introduce myself formally then?” Rena then looked at her seriously, offering her hand.

“Oh! Of course!” Airi exclaimed awkwardly, grasping her hand. “Sorry, I’m Furukawa Airi, nice to meet you,” she bowed.

“I’m Matsui Rena.  It’s good to finally meet you, Furukawa-san.  Or should I say Furukawa-senpai?” she tilted her head, looking amused.

“Ah, actually, anything will do, I’m not fussy,” Airi looked away embarrassed, scratching the back of her head nervously.

“Well… then… is ‘Airi-chan’ okay?” Rena looked her seriously in the eye.

“Wh-what?!” Airi coughed, looking around to check if anyone had heard.

“I’m just joking,” Rena grinned.

Just then, Airi’s phone went off.  “Oh crap, it’s my mom.  I’ve gotta go,” she explained hurriedly to Rena.

“That’s alright, it was good to finally be introduced,” Rena smiled, waving her off.

“Right, see you around!” Airi yelled from the door, sprinting in the direction of the train station.

“See you tomorrow,” Rena replied quietly, smiling to herself as she closed her own locker door.

The next day was Wednesday, after all.


Offline yukofan

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Re: SKE fic (RenAirin): Then, Now and Tomorrow (2/?)
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2012, 11:38:59 AM »
thankyou for the update..

i love the development of airin-rena's relatioship..i love the flow of your story..
basically, i love your fic <3

i'm waiting for your next update. hehehe..

visit my tumblr :

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