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Author Topic: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]  (Read 4623 times)

Offline chocopuddi

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AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« on: August 07, 2011, 07:57:00 AM »
Have mercy on me, this is my first.  :sweat:

Chapter 1

Standing outside the AKB48’s studio, both Yuko and Haruna waited patiently for the other members, while checking their luggage one last time just to make sure they didn’t left anything at home… Especially their underwear. Finally convinced that they got everything inside their bags, Haruna let out a sigh, checking the time on her phone before looking around them. It was her who arrived first, 1 hour and 30 minutes earlier before the assigned time for them to meet up, to be exact. 30 minutes later, Yuko arrived. It made her happy to know that she wouldn’t be alone anymore, but the sad part was… The person who she’ll be spending another few minutes with is the perverted brat.

As expected, as soon as Yuko saw Haruna, she dropped all of her things down (in the middle of the street) and ran to her Nyan Nyan as fast as she could, quickly jumping onto her with both her arms and legs wrapped around her. The two of them fell down as a result, with the poor victim squished by the perverted culprit. Raising her hand up, Haruna didn’t hold back any of her strength, slapping the pervert as hard as she could, throwing her off. Yuko cried out childishly while scratching the back of her head, puffing her cheeks before going back to pick her things up from the street. Luckily, Akihabara rarely had any cars passing by. It was still early in the morning after all.

“If I grow old dumb, it will be your fault, Nyan nyan.” The short girl pouted while rubbing the back of her head and dragging her luggage to the side. “You hit like a pro-wrestler!” She added, only to have the back of her head slapped painfully. “Ita- S-See what I mean?! This is child abuse! CHILD ABUSE!” She flailed her arms around, catching the attention of the few people passing by.

Haruna sighed and slapped her forehead, cursing to herself for coming early. “You’re not a child anymore, Yuko. You’re old. OLD.”

“I’m not old!” she halted from flailing.

“Right… So you’re saying that you’re still a little kid?” Haruna chuckled, putting on a playful smile right after.

“N-No! I’m not a little kid! I-I’m a young adult! Yeah!”

“Oh really? As far as I remember…” The taller one hummed, rubbing her chin with her finger. “Young adults never grope and cling onto people like you.”

At that moment, Yuko froze, her eyes turning to the side as she put on a sheepish smile “W-Well, I-I guess you can say I’m still young at heart… At least…” she muttered shyly, dropping her head down in disappointment. She couldn’t defend herself this time, damn!

Haruna let out another chuckle, her attention quickly turning to the figure approaching them slowly with a big bag on her back. “Ah, seems like someone else is here.” She pointed her index finger out

“Eh? Where?! Salvation!” The midget grinned, immediately turning her head to the direction where Haruna was pointing. “Ah! Sae~!” even though the light fog was still covering most of the girl’s feature, it was easy for Yuko to find out who it was. In fact, even if Sae had a paper bag on her head, she would still be able to guess correctly.

Looking from one side to another, Sae quickly crossed the road and ran closer to Haruna and Yuko, lifting her eyebrows up as she looked at her wristwatch. “Wow, it’s still an hour early and you two are already here? Quite punctual, I see.” She smiled.

“Sae~~!!” Yuko chimed before jumping on the girl’s back as soon as she noticed how the other giant placed her gigantic backpack down, her legs wrapping around her waist tightly. As usual, Sae merely slumped down from the shorty’s weight, letting out a small grunt in surprise. “Did you know? Haruna was being mean to me awhile ago! She slapped my head with her pro-wrestling gorilla strength! It hurt a lot! I swear, if only she has small breasts then I would have mistaken her for a guy!”

Hearing the word breasts, Haruna’s face flushed red, her hand rising up automatically as she slapped Yuko’s head again. “D-Don’t talk about breasts so casually like that, idiot!” Yuko let out a whine again, rubbing the back of her head with teary eyes while still clinging onto Sae’s back.

Sae giggled at the two in response, shaking her head sideways before gently placing the short girl down. “Now, now you two, let’s not fight okay?”

“Yes sir…” Both of them sighed, their heads dropping down at the same time, which made Sae chuckle a little. “Ah!” Haruna quickly added, her head lifting up once again. “Toothbrush…”

“Eh?” Sae blinked.

“I forgot to bring my toothbrush… W-What should I do?”

“You can have mine, Nyan nyan~”

“It might contain unknown virus, so I’ll pass. Thank you for the offer though, Yuko.”

“H-Hey! That’s plain cruel!” The midget whined once again, flailing her right hand up in the air while pouting.

“Look, the AKB bus is here. I heard we’re going to pick the others up from their home, so prepare your things.” Sae announced while picking up her gigantic backpack once again. What’s inside it anyway? Yuko thought. It could be everything inside her house… Or maybe porn magazines! She added.

She then paused, placing her hand under her chin as she let out a quiet hum “Say, say… Nyan Nyan…”

“Hmm?” Haruna turned to the midget, looking at her with a puzzled look on her face. “What’s wrong, Yuko?” Even though she wasn’t the one who was called, Sae turned her attention to Yuko as well, her brows lifting up.

“What does Porn mean?”

Both Haruna and Sae paused for awhile, turning around to fix their things once again. “What should I do about my toothbrush…? I hope there’s a store selling one on our way to Aki-P’s summer house…” Haruna muttered, completely forgetting about the midget and her pointless question.

“Wha- Heeeey, answer meeeee~!”


The three of them sat down at the back of the bus, their luggage neatly placed at the middle where there was a huge space. Letting out a sigh, Yuko immediately sank down on one of the couches inside, her feet placed ontop of the small table placed infront of her, dead tired. Sae settled herself at the right side of Yuko, pulling out her phone to message the other members, telling them that they’re about to pick them up any time now while Haruna… She was already asleep on the other side, her head resting against the window.

“And send…” Sae mumbled as she hit the send button, her phone immediately vibrating in an instant. “Fast!” her right eye twitched, her fingers immediately pressing the buttons on her phone to see who it was.

Minegishi Minami.

A bead of sweat fell down at the back of her head, slowly clicking the view button so she could read her message.

Ah~ Good morning, Sae~! ( ^ _ ^ )/

… goodnight again.
Zzzzzzz… ;;

And that was the end of it.

A bead of sweat fell down on the back of Sae’s head, her eyebrow twitching while her lips arched up awkwardly into a forced smile. “O-Oi, oi… You’re the first one we’re picking up, you know…”

“Sae, no matter how much you try talking to the phone, it won’t answer you if you’re not calling someone you know~” Said the midget in a lazy manner, her back slumped against the couch.

“I know that, idiot! Just go and sleep!”

“Sheesh, feisty.” The midget muttered before fixing her position, slowly closing her eyes as she fell into her dream world.

After a few minutes, the bus stopped in front of a normal looking house… With Minegishi standing outside its gate, sleeping. Wait… Standing while sleeping? Well that’s new, Sae thought. Knowing that the girl wouldn’t budge even if the bus would hunk for a million times, she walked out of the vehicle, grabbing her fellow member by her hair while carrying her bag with her other hand back inside the bus.

“E-?! Wai-! I can walk by myself! Saeeee!” Minegishi whined, holding her hair while she was dragged away by one of AKB’s famous twin tower.

“It’s your fault for falling asleep… outside your house… While standing at that.”

“It’s still early in the morning. A healthy girl needs her healthy sleep. Iiiidiot.”

Sae yanked her hair lightly in response, walking up the bus afterward “Come on, we have the others to pick up as well.”

“O-Ow ow! Just let go of my hair!”


Now four of them were inside the bus; not counting the driver of course. The three, too lazy to stay awake, were asleep ontop of each other, Yuko’s head resting against Haruna’s shoulder while Minegishi was fast asleep with her head lying down on Yuko’s legs. All of them were snoring lightly in unison, as though even in their sleep, they were singing. The poor Sae was too busy messaging the others, Maeda Atsuko to be exact. She was next.

Thankfully, most of them, unlike Minegishi were responsible ones, they were wide awake already, and as soon as they had arrived infront of Maeda’s house, she was already standing outside, waving at Sae with a smile on her face before walking inside the bus.

The same thing happened for Takamina, although she was yawning all the way to Tomochin’s house before joining the three musketeers in they’re deep slumber. Both Maeda and Tomochin were busy updating their blogs by then, taking stolen pictures of the four while they were asleep. And then, they proceeded to Mariko Shinoda’s house, as expected she was well prepared as soon as they arrived- Wide awake at that.

Next stop was Sayaka, who was still sleeping at the time they arrived. Luckily, the Team K Captain had already pack her things the night before, so what Sae did was simply carrying the drowsy Captain up into the bus while both Tomochin and Maeda carried her luggage, dropping her ontop of the four- Who were still asleep nonetheless.

“I can’t believe how much they can sleep…” Maeda muttered while watching the five of them sleeping, poking Yuko’s nose with a stick she got from nowhere before shifting her gaze to Takamina, smiling a little. “I wonder if we can draw on their faces…”

“Go ahead.” Sae bluntly replied, handing Maeda a pack of colored markers. “Take it as their punishment for being lazy.”

“Don’t over-do it though.” Mariko added, watching them from her seat while like Tomochin, was busy updating her blog as well. Why was blogging so important to them anyway?

Seeing how long Maeda took to finally gather the courage and draw on their faces, Tomochin closed her phone after pressing the post button on her blog, picking up the black marker from Sae’s marker pack and quickly proceeding to Haruna. Brushing her hairs away from her forehead, the mischievous gal immediately, yet carefully wrote the words ‘Yuko Oshima’s waifu’ on it.

Sae’s lips puckered after reading hit, quickly turning her head to the side as she tried to hold her laughter in. Mariko didn’t let the chance pass by, taking a picture of Haruna so she could post it in her blog.

Now moving onto her next victing, Tomomi cleared Yuko’s forehead from her messy hair as well, writing something similar to what she wrote on Haruna’s. ‘Kojima Haruna’s Idiot.’ And then, as a final touch, she slowly wrote on her cheek the words ‘Slap here’

All four of them snickered. Nodding to herself, Maeda finally pulled out the purple marker from its pack, opening it before slowly making her way towards Minegishi’s face, drawing her a mustache and a small cat on the cheek.

“Ah, that kind of suits her. The mustache, I mean.” Mariko chuckled, biting her lower lip afterward to hold herself from laughing more.

Deciding to join the two from the drawing fest, Sae took the black marker from Tomomi, reaching out to Sayaka as she drew weird prints on her faces, making a huge circle around her eye before grabbing the red marker and drawing a straight line from the Team K captain’s nose down to the end of her chin.

“I bet Sayaka’s dreaming of perverted things now…” Tomomi placed her hand over her mouth, laughing quietly as she observed the girl’s sleeping face.

“Quick, quick! Draw on Takamina’s face before she wakes up!” Sae quickly handed the rest of the marker set to Mariko, leaving her dumbfounded.

“E-Eh? Me?”

“Who else?” Sae rolled her eyes a little before pushing her towards the Team A’s captain.

Clearing her throat, Mariko slowly nodded her head, pulling out the blue marker as she drew a huge tear on Takamina’s cheek, picking up the black marker right after, drawing the end of her lips a small curve line, making her look as though she was frowning.

“Ah! You’re quite talented in drawing…” Maeda chuckled after seeing Takamina’s face.

The bus stopped infront of a big house not long after. “We’re here!” the driver quietly exclaimed to the girls.

“Quick! Grab your things and leave them behind! I’m sure they’ll be surprised as soon as they wake up!” Sae whispered to them, slowly grabbing the gigantic bag as she made quiet steps outside the bus. Suppressing their smile in, the girls complied, quickly yet quietly grabbing their things before walking outside.


A few more minutes passed before Yuko finally woke up from her long slumber, rubbing her eyes drowsily as she scanned her eyes around the bus. “Eh? Where’s everyone?” She muttered as she sat up, feeling the heavy weight on her leg. Turning her head down, she saw Minegishi sleeping there quietly… With a weird mustache on her face. “Wha- O-Oi Minegishi, is this a new fad of yours?!” The midget didn’t even hold her laughter in, laughing out loudly until the others woke up.

Sitting up as well, Minegishi lazily stretched her arms up before slowly opening her eyes, staring at Yuko’s face quietly. “P-Pfft!” She immediately placed her hand over her mouth. “Y-Yuko! What’s that written on your forehead? ‘Kojima Haruna’s idiot’? And ‘Slap here’? Wow, you sure are one masochist.” She laughed.

“Tone it down, you two…” Kojima muttered, slowly opening her eyes only to watch the two laughing hysterically like the bunch of idiots they were.

The two slowly turned their heads to Kojima right after, with Minegishi laughing more while Yuko immediately flushed red. “W-Wait! What’s with that?! ‘Oshima Yuko’s waifu’?! Does that mean you finally accept me? NYAN NYAN~~!!” The shorty then tackled her down, unconsciously stepping onto Sayaka who was still sleeping despite all the noises going around.

Feeling the sudden suffocating pain on her stomach, Sayaka’s eyes opened, blinking repeatedly as she looked at the people around her. The first one to spot her was Minegishi, who laughed even more while pointing on her face. “Huh? What’s wrong, Minegishi?” Sayaka, completely oblivious, lifted her brows up before puckering her lips after seeing the girl with a mustache on her face. “W-What the-… Why the Mustache?”

“How about you? A nosebleed? Wow, you must be really turned on while sleeping, Sayaka-senpai.” Minegishi continued on laughing, placing her hand on her stomach. “Oh God, my stomach! Have mercy on me..! Hahahah!!”

Slowly turning her head to the window, Sayaka saw a vague reflection of her face, spotting the weird circle drawn around her face and the red mark on her nose. She tried to wipe it away, but to her dismay, it didn’t do any good. “M-Markers…?” Her eye twitched before closing them. Clenching her fists angrily she stared at the big house standing not far from the bus they were in, furiously screaming

« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 05:35:30 PM by chocopuddi »

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: AKB's daily life...?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 08:58:40 AM »
looking forward to your next chap.
dun know what's going to happen in the summer house.

the forever KojiYuu.. :D

Offline AAAice

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Re: AKB's daily life...?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 09:24:54 AM »
Their punishment for being a lazyass. :]] Kojiyuu, Saeyaka, MariMii, Takacchan in one chapter with Tomochin, now where's Tomochiyuu?

I can't wait for another chapter. Summer house

Welcome to JPhip by the way. :]
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: AKB's daily life...?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2011, 11:49:35 AM »
LOL Thank YOU! Can't wait for the next chapter  :twothumbs

It would be so funny if Sae accidently gave out permanent markers........

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Re: AKB's daily life...?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 12:27:47 PM »
that so hilarious!!! I stomach hurts from laughing so much!!!! :rofl:
They are so mischievous :rofl:
I wonder what gonna happen next :grin:
Update soon

Offline Ninjatigerdemon

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Re: AKB's daily life...?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2011, 03:10:30 PM »
Please continue writing more
This is very funny
Please update soon
No ordinary ninja.

Offline chocopuddi

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Re: AKB's daily life...?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2011, 05:34:11 PM »
A quick update before I head off to bed~
I apologize for the shortness  :fainted: I know I fail life...
I'll make it longer on the next post, I promise!!

Chapter 2

As soon as the ever so lively group had finally settled inside Aki-P’s living room, the girls carelessly left their luggage by the doorway, having no idea where they were supposed to place it- And since the bus driver insisted them into bringing all of their luggages inside, leaving nothing inside the bus for he was to leave the mansion.

The five girls, who were busy sleeping earlier, quickly raced towards the restroom, wiping the drawings on their faces off while shouting Sae’s name angrily at the same time.

The poor girl cleared her throat in exchange. “W-Wait a minute here, why am I the only one they’re angry at?!” She shuddered at the thought of the five ganging up on her, slowly turning to her back where Mariko, Tomochin and Maeda stood.

“Karma, most likely” Mariko plainly replied, sitting down on the couch while looking around the room they were in. “This place is quite nice. Hard to believe that this is only Aki-P’s ‘extra’ house…”

“Hey! Don’t just answer like that as though I don’t matter to you-!” Sae tried to protest, only to be cut off by Tomochin sitting down right beside Mariko.

“Are we the only ones here? Just so you know, I’m not that good with cooking or cleaning so…” She trailed off, frowning a little.

Out of defeat, the Genking decided to quietly sit down on the smallest couch, her head dropping down in disappointment with her eyes closed, as though she was ready for the terror which was about to come to her right about… Now.

Walking out of the restroom from the second floor, Yuko brushed her front hair back, wearing a nostalgic costume as she made her way down to the stairs and to the rest of the girls, putting on the usual expression she would use whenever they would tape her with these clothes- The Majisuka Gakuen version of Yuko.

“If you’re not serious, you can’t win!” She randomly exclaimed as she slammed the living room’s door open, startling the girls inside it a little.

“Stop acting cool, idiot.” Sayaka rolled her eyes, chopping the midget’s head playfully before making her way inside the room, finally drawing free. Her eyes immediately locked on her fellow Twin Tower, looking very unpleased for what she had done earlier while they were asleep. ‘Just-you-wait.’ she mouthed, her gaze turning fiercer.

Sae cleared her throat.

Following right behind Sayaka, Haruna stretched her hands up in the air while letting out a yawn, closing her eyes tightly while walking- Until she slammed herself on a wall not far from the door. Yuko snickered, receiving a smack on the head as a result. “Why are you even wearing that?” Haruna’s eyebrows rose up as soon as she noticed her clothes.

 “Oh this? Doesn’t this make you feel all tough and sexy at the same time~?” The childish member chimed, slowly wrapping herself with her arms right after while wiggling around disgustingly… for Haruna at least. “You see, despite this childish front of mine, I’m actually pretty fragile~” She added with a weird accent, receiving another blow on her head. This time, it was from Minegishi, who, just like her, was wearing her Majisuka Gakuen costume.

“You’re supposed to be dead! Go back to your grave!” She exclaimed in an angry tone, but of course, it was only an act.

“Wha- N-No! This is a mistake, it’s me! Oshima… Oshima… Oshima Yuka!” Yuko immediately defended herself, shaking her hand infront of her while rubbing the back of her head with the other, grunting a little. “Most of all, you hit hard… Too hard for my poor brain…”

After letting out a small chuckle, Atsuko finally decided to voice out the question which had popped up on her mind not long ago. “Really though, why are you two wearing those? The movie’s already finished you know. There won’t be any third season no matter how hard you would kneel down in front of Aki-P.” her eyebrows arched down, slightly saddened at the thought of her cool front as the Maeda Atsuko of MajiJo gone.

“Because you see, in this world, there is nothing but seriousness!” Finally, Takamina made her entrance, her fists pumped up proudly while wearing the same costume as Yuko;s. “Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes by the way, Yuko.”

“It looks perfect on you~!” the midget grinned.

“What doesn’t look perfect on me?” The Team A’s captain smirked smugly, her chest puffing in her egoistical proudness.

“Before you two try to act cool, why don’t you grow up a little?” Pointed out the blunt Itano, her head slightly tilting to the side as she crossed her legs together “Not only in personality, but in height as well.” She added with a teasing smirk on.

The two midgets glared at the girl right after, clenching their teeth together as though they were hungry dogs planning to bite her any time now.

Slapping her hand on her forehead, Mariko sighed to herself, wondering why she was always stuck with idiots. Especially Yuko and Sae. Both of them never stopped from unleashing their mischievous activities, especially towards Haruna and Sayaka. Now that she thought about it, a small feeling of guilt started to stir up inside her stomach, along with a small frown appearing on her face.

“You’re quiet.” Minegishi hummed as she placed herself at the other side of the couch Mariko was on, seeing as how Tomochin had already occupied the other side. “Say, Tomochin, where’s Tomo?”


“Ehhh?!” Both Mariko and Minegishi exclaimed in unison, their eyes slightly widening.

“I’m kidding…” A bead of sweat then fell down at the back of Itano’s head, putting on a small awkward smile before letting out a cough to compose herself once more. “Ahem… Anyway… Now that you said it… She’s supposed to be here with us, right? I wonder where she is…”

“Come to think of it, why were we forced to stay here again?” Yuko lifted her brows up, slowly sneaking right behind her beloved Nyan Nyan right after as she jumped onto her, her arms immediately wrapping around her waist as her victim let out a cute yelp in response. Which only turned the perverted midget on more. “Nyan Nyan my beloved~!” She sang, drowning the girl with her ‘friendly’ kisses and hugs right after.

In hopes that she would be able to release herself from the midget’s tight grip, Haruna placed her palm right onto Yuko’s face, pushing her head away from her to avoid her deadly kisses as well. “Wha- Y-Yuko! Stop! S-Someone…! Help!” She continued on struggling as the shorty continued on pressing herself closer to her skinship victim.

“Well… We’re here because Aki-P said that it’s about time we take our breaks after one recording to another. And this was the best rest house he could think of by far. At least it’s far from fans… Is what I remember.” Maeda calmly responded, ignoring the poor Haruna’s call of help. Even if she tried to help her, it would only result into making her a victim as well after all. Best to stay out of it, she thought, pressing her hands together in an apologetic way towards Haruna.

“T-Traitor!” Haruna exclaimed, eventually falling down on the ground with the midget still clinging onto her. “Y-Yuko! Let go of me already…!”

“Nooo~! My Nyan Nyan’s body is always mine to keep!”


The two continued on their usual bickering and hugging while the three- Mariko, Minegishi and Tomochin were too busy wondering where the other member was. Staring at the three, Sae tilted her head to the side, her brows furrowing down a little at the same time. “What’s wrong with them?”

Takamina, standing right beside Sae, simply shrugged in response, rummaging through her luggage in search for something to eat; she hadn’t eaten her breakfast yet! And it was already 10 AM! God, the horror! She thought.

“It seems like they’re wondering where Kasai went.” Sayaka, being the usual serious gal of the group she was, quickly replied to Sae’s question, her eyes locked onto the messy bunch infront of her with a frown plastered on her face.

“Kasai…” Humming, Sae cupped with chin with her fingers, giving it a thought for awhile before- “Ah! I forgot to tell the driver to pick her up as well!!!” she exclaimed, slapping her hand on her forehead afterward. “Ahcha… What should we do…?”

Hearing what Sae just said, Takamina’s attention immediately turned to her, her mouth slightly dropping down. “W-What?! You forgot about Tomo?! How cruel of you!”

“L-Let’s act as though we didn’t notice at all…?” The short haired said in a pleading way, putting on a sorry smile.

Shaking her head sideways, Mariko placed her palm on her forehead gently, pulling out her phone with a sigh so she could message Aki-P about Sae’s clumsiness. “I feel bad for Kasai…” she mumbled, pressing the buttons on her phone right after.


Meanwhile, on a place far from where the girls were…

Tomomi Kasai stood outside her house, waiting for the well known AKB Bus to come and pick her up. But to her dismay, even after 1 hour of standing out there waiting for it, the bus never came, leaving the girl all alone out there.

“Oi… Everyone… Where are you…” She sulked, her head dropping down afterward.

Offline anoni2

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2011, 05:46:52 PM »
aww i feel sorry for tomomi   :(
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2011, 06:47:31 PM »
so sad for tomomi, how can Sae forget abt her? :smh

Offline AAAice

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 08:50:17 PM »
Sae... -.-!

I suppose to be feeling sad for Tomomi right? :]]]]] I can't help but LOL at her current situation. Aww bless the cute Chiyuu girl. Tomochin~! Come and get your Tomomi!
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2011, 10:44:24 PM »
Thank you for updating
Tomomi  was left behind  :shocked
Update soon
No ordinary ninja.

Offline blughise

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2011, 02:18:05 AM »
Hey what is the story of  this fic?   Tomo~mi......... being forgotten.............update soon

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2011, 06:14:43 AM »
Sae! How could you forget Chiyuu!!!

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2013, 06:18:09 AM »
Please update this! >w< I love their interaction in there.. and I feel bad for chiyuu TwT

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Re: AKB's daily life...? Updated! [Chapter 2]
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2013, 10:23:07 AM »
Wah... Sae is supposed to orginase the pick up...

She is supposed to have the list of the members name... that she can tick off once she picked them up...

Now Poor Kasai being left behind standing outside her home for an hour...


Can't wait to see your next chapter

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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