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Author Topic: [KaiXAcchan YukoXRiku MarioXMiichan] I think I'm in love with you! CHAPTER 3  (Read 4770 times)

Offline brunot

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   I think I'm in love with you!

       ~ ~ Prologue ~ ~

       ~ ~ Kai Pov ~ ~

It's all so beautiful, the sky is illuminated by many bright stars, I love this place because here I feel like I can get a star just stretching my hand. I often came here with my father before all this happened, it's really hard to sit here and get emotional. I feel tears dripping on my face I can't do nothing but let them fall.


"Otosan. Okasan ... I miss you! " I'm still looking at the sky. "You miss me too right?".

I'm looking to the sky for a little more time now quieter. Closing my eyes slowly I remember the day I lost them.


Three years ago my parents died in an assault on our company, my father is going to pick up some papers that he had forgotten in his Office. My mom and I have been expecting you in the car, we were going to a family dinner my brother older Sae, was coming to New York, he we find in restaurant irai


But before we could go my father was attacked by two hooded men covered their faces could only see his eyes through the holes of the masks, they shouted "spend money, spend money!" my father did not react to the thieves, he was going to get the money from your wallet giving the guys pointing the gun at his head.


 "What's taking so long? I'll see how my father 's! " I leave the car heading towards our company and in the Hall I see everyone with panic, I walk a little further to see what was happening and I see my father holding his arm with eminent pain on his face.

"Kai honey have you found your father?" MOM comes up behind me holding my arm happy, I looked at her scared, see her smile disappeared from his face when she sees my dad bleeding.

"Honey!" She screams trying to go where my dad was, but with a cry of my father, "don't run get Kai!" Right behind him come two hooded guys and start hitting him.

"DAD!" I desperate cry trying to go help my father "let him!"-

~ ~ End  Kai Pov ~ ~




~~ Pov Anyone ~ ~


'' Is that guy he's there again, '' she thinks while looking the boy carefully. He always comes here it doesn't matter if it's raining or if it's too hot he always comes and sits next to the Lake.

Sometimes when he's there are two boys, I think they're your friends, one of my friends Miichan has a small crush on the taller with shorter hair, although she does not confess this written on your face. Have Yuu-chan she and simply a squirrel crazy, she loves boobs, she has something with the brown haired boy, something really strange, don't know him officially, but from what she tells of ' Nyan-Nyan ' is like the inverse role who begins with the perversions is she ... Of course I couldn't expect something opposite of Yuko.


I come to this Park twice a week for running and also relax, the noise of the birds, trees have the Lake with fish is very beautiful I love this place since I was a little girl.

But two years ago it was sold to a really big company, at first I thought it was going to be demolished to build a building or something, but that's not the Park remains free.

"Acchan, hurry up if we're going to be late" I look to see who calls me, is Miichan and Yuko is on your side.


"I'm coming" I look to where the boy's before, but it looks like he's gone I go to the girls that are waiting for me.




So that's it for now so what do you think of the prologue? This is my first fanfic I hope you enjoyed.

  :on lol:

Sorry for the mistakes ^^ Hehe grammar is not my forte and English is not my first language

 (I Ship Atsumina) :luvluv2:
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 09:18:52 AM by brunot »

Offline cisda83

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 09:52:37 AM »
Woah... Mafia.... Gangster story....?!

Interesting prologue....

Can't wait to see how Atsuko and Kai get together

What's happening to Kai... after the scene where Kai saw his father being beaten?

Thank you for the nice story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline liabont

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 01:29:59 PM »
Woah... Mafia.... Gangster story....?!

Interesting prologue....

Can't wait to see how Atsuko and Kai get together

What's happening to Kai... after the scene where Kai saw his father being beaten?

Thank you for the nice story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

thank you, i hope you update again please  :twothumbs

Offline AtsuminaForever

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2014, 04:03:35 PM »
Author-san, update please!! I love your fic!! Atsumina hehe

Offline takashu

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2014, 04:11:49 PM »
sae is kai brother ???
what actually happened to kai after he saw her father got beaten ? and how about his mother ?

thank you for your hard work.... update soon please...!!

Offline littlewave500

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2014, 05:12:26 PM »
Great Story. I love it. I'm curious what will happen

Offline brunot

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2014, 08:28:58 PM »

So here's chapter one I hope you enjoy ^^

Don't kill me if it's too boring. I will give my best in the next chapter.  :dozing:



 Chapter 1


 Past nightmares and someone?




* flashback * * Three years ago "


"Kai won't be able to go to your game something big happened, but I'm rooting for you!" He listens to the voice on the other end without saying a Word. "I know you're going to be the best, still work hard! I'll be rooting for you always my son! " After not listening to any sound the boy handing his cellphone to his mother and goes to where their friends are waiting for him.


"I want the best of you today boys!" The coach calling all in a wheel passing the details of what they would do.


"This victory and we can go for thin!" Coach says animating all except kid who look in the stands clearly looking for someone. "Kai we're counting on you!" He puts one of his hands on the boy's shoulder, looking with hope.


"Right!" He says a little discouraged. All are in their brands the Judge blows the whistle and soon begins to depart, they are losing 1-0, the coach doesn't understand why Kai is dropping the ball pass over him.


His mother was crazy screaming from the stands the encouraging, the judge blows the whistle to end the first half, Kai takes a bottle of water sitting in the Bank completely ignoring his coach.


"Why, he's not coming? does your job is better than your son? " Kai squeeze bottle with hatred in your eyes imagined being your father that he's pressing hard.

"If it was Nīsan he would come on time!" Kai let escape by jumping the bottle and snorting with anger.

One hand and placed on top of the boy's shoulder angrily. "Did you really think I would lose this game, I would never stop coming!" He is embraced by the kid hard. "You came!".

"The traffic was angry, then lost the first time, I'm sorry!" The man moves away from the embrace of his son to face him. "Then I saw we're missing, go back and show how good is Takahashi Kai!" He Kai hair mess.

The judge calls back players, shortly after having rung Kai get good bids, but the goalkeeper managed to get the ball in the last minute and free to take goal, ' Takahashi Kai doesn't give up that easy ' the boy was playing the ball down near the goal he was free his friend passes the ball and he can score, the game had already ended, Kai's team spent the finals after they turned to 3-1.

 * End flashback *


Kai was still writing together with on that day, as was amazing after they won it comes out to celebrate with your family-

"Hey la-z-boy your coffee's ready!" Sae appears in the fourth of the Kai calling for your breakfast.

"What's wrong with this outfit?" Kai walks alongside his older brother.

"I gave some slack to employees today, I even made your coffee!" He had sparkles in his eyes.

"I didn't mean that I meant-" He recalling what his older brother said a few seconds. "You did what?" He was amazed, his brother cooking, he had never cooked probably Kai would be hungry the rest of the morning.

"Come on I prepared everything, Sayaka taught me a little!" He is so excited, he didn't mean to Kai that was his first attempt, to Kai get worried.

The two are now in the dining room Kai this sitting in his usual spot while Sae brings you pancakes and orange juice.

"Itadakimasu!" Kai cuts a piece of pancake and sipping, Sae's eyes glow while waiting for the trial of Kai.

 "Hm!" Kai chewing your pancake, and grab your juice taking a SIP quickly, "is not so bad ..." Sae has a smile full of teeth. "really it's good?". Sae question anxious.

"It's horrible!" Kai takes a little more juice pair get the bitter taste out of your mouth! "I think you better leave this apron for real cooks" it goes toward the kitchen looking for some fruit or something edible.

 "Is that bad?" He asks. "Taste for yourself!" Kai picks up an Apple and back to dinner.

"Argh!" He gasps immediately your food out. "How about we go out for dinner tonight?" He tells Kai that just laughs and agrees.

The best cook in the world written apron is played by the table. Sae tried but he is better at work than in cooking.

"Let me give you a ride today!" Sae come with Kai until the stairs that go up to their rooms upstairs.

"I'm just going to get my stuff." Kai rises quickly and enters your room ' keys, wallet, cell phone, folder ok this all here! "

"Ready!" He walks up to his brother the accompanying the exit door.


~ ~ Car ~~

"You're going to company today?" Kai question while looking the scenery out the window.

"Yes I have to do something now and the uncle asked my presence!" Sae watching the road but sometimes looking at the boy beside him.

"You know I have to get back to New York, I have to solve problems there too and Sayaka cannot take care of the baby all alone!" He explains the situation to Kai that did not seem to be calling, but his brother knew he was sad that he had done all the work breakfast.

"It's okay! I'm going to go now. Sae slope your car pro young out.

"But there are still a few blocks to his school are you sure you want to go?" Sae asks the young man beside him.

"Okay I'm going to walk, I'll take to pass a bakery perchance?" He messes with Sae and his gift for the kitchen.


"It's really cold Today!" Yuko whining while rubbing your hands are freezing. "Acchan let me warm you up!" Yuko makes puppy eyes to Atsuko.

"I have a coat and I really don't care to lend it!" Acchan pull the jacket out of his bag. "This place underneath that and you will no longer be cold!" Acchan come ahead of Yuko ignoring the pouting sad that Yuko did the Acchan.

"Ohayo Acchan. Yuu-chan! " Miichan comes close to the two that were having a fun discussion, Acchan blocking Yuko harassment and less doing itself as victim because Acchan leaves no touch her.

"Ohayo Miichan!" Both say to the other girl.

"Let's go inside before we freeze out here!" Yuko hooks one of the arms of Atsuko and Miichan does the same on the other side.

The three girls are on the inside is now at the end of the winter season, it's been two years since Acchan came to live with his father and new mother. Earlier this year she was reunited with their childhood friends Yuko and Minami.

She was transferred to Sakura High School, an elite college, at first she only knew Yuko and Minami, but soon was knowing most girls of your living room. At first when I arrived in this College was surrounded by boys wanting to go out with her, but none of them called their attention.

"Let's go before Kasai-sensei arrives!" Her friends taking her by the arm to your living room.


"For little girls don't you go to direction!" A brown-haired woman enters right behind of the two girls.

"Next I will not permit any delay in my class!" She turns around to his desk taking his papers to begin your class.

"Sensei's sexy today also" it was possible to hear some kids whispering among themselves about his beautiful teacher.

"So let's start class!" She turns to write something on the Board.

"Maeda-san," a young man who sits beside calls your attention.

"Yes?" She turns to see what the boy wanted.

"I have notes from the previous class," he takes his folder a few leaves reaching to Atsuko. "You were sick right? so I made a copy for you.

"Arigatō. Watanabe-san! " She leans in a little bow to the boy.

"I sent yesterday, but had commitments in student" He finishes talking and will continue writing what Sensei was passing on the Board.


~ ~ Kai Pov ~~

Sae will return to New York in a week, He enciste me to go along with it so I can meet my nephew. I only saw him for pictures, really wanted to meet him and Sayaka my brother's wife.

I wish I could say yes, but I can't after that accident with my parents I can't get off of that House, although I do about three years after their deaths, but to me it's like it was yesterday that everything had happened, as if every time I slept would be how to restart the day, I would come back to the same place to view the same scene over and over.


I'm still trying to figure out how it happened, why did it have to be like that, I don't understand.


I'm still walking, until I realize that I'm not even close to my school and Yes back to the park where we were always together when I was a kid.

Sit next to the tree where we used to be, it is still possible to see our names in the tree. ' Kai Takahashi, Toshio Takahashi, and Ann Takahashi. And good coming here I really like this place.

 I'm there for a few moments and go towards the Lake. It's cold, but I can support. A chilly fara not this feeling of happiness disappear so easily. I have my headphones now is playing one of my favorite songs of AKB48. I feel sleepy, I think I'm going to close my eyes for a few minutes.

~ ~ ~ Kai ~ Dream ~ ~ ~

It's all dark around me I see only a light following a runner, I approach her I see people now they're all looking at me, this feeling again, what's going on? I feel that my hands are wet, see blood but that shit is that?.

"No!" Someone shouts, I look forward and see ... Mom.

She's with open arms in front of me, I hear a loud noise ... And then I see it falling in front of me. My father is yelling in despair ... I can see a little smoke coming out of the barrel of the gun. "Mom!" I desperate cry coming to your side she is bleeding heavily. I'm panicking because it again because ... "You Bastard!" I say running toward the guy, but I feel an immense pain reaching my stomach, stopping the hand where pain can see blood on my shirt.

"Your idiot what's taking so long, it's just kill him and get the folder ..." Listen to weakly another guy getting closer of the two, my father is lying on the ground and I'm on my knees in a lot of pain. Hear police sirens approaching. "Hell is the police take the folder and go." The guy who had hit me shouted to the other two, I see them now very blurry. "What about this kid?" One of them asks. "He's going to die soon, hurry the boss is waiting!".

Try to alevantar me, but I just feel everything around me spinning, Caius on the floor watching the blur of the three fleeing and soon see all dark ...


I hear a noise annoying beep ... Bip ... Bip ... Bip, that noise is forcing me to open my eyes wake up slowly, looking around I see some appliances, and what were you doing the annoying noise, I see that there's something in my right arm. This is a hospital now I see it clearly.

"You woke up" a woman in a white coat enters the room.

"Who are you?" I ask trying to sit, but I feel pain in my stomach.


"Calm down don't work so hard, I am Maeda Asuka, I'm doctor responsible for you".

She goes to the monitor beside me, and write some things in your Clipboard. "You're lucky you didn't hit any organs" She says still noting something. "You are young and strong, the scar will be small won't look who got shot"

"Bullet? that bullet? " I look at her frightened Recalling by reason of having gone to the hospital. "This is Not a dream isn't it? It's all a bad dream, my parents are OK right? " I look at the medica she has a sad face.

"Kai!" Sae enters the door, smiling but her smile does not seem to be true.

"Sae what's happening our parents okay isn't it?" He looks down.

"I'll let you guys talk alone" She walks away leaving me and Leaves the room.

"Our fathers." He was trying his best not to cry, but can't see tears streaming down her face.

~ ~ ~ End dream Kai ~ ~ ~

I wake up scared, that nightmare, I really wish it was just a bad dream and that when I awoke to find my mom and dad again, but that wasn't possible this nightmare was what really happened.
I take my hand to my face, I realize that it's wet. "Damn it, why am I so weak" Say Shorty more for same.

"You're not weak!" I turn to see who it was.

"Leave!" I see him approaching. "You're so strong!" He says trying to cheer me up. ' He's a good brother after all ' I think still watching.

"I miss them, it was very good to come in here right?" He asks looking couple in the Lake.

"Yes!" I just smile just for a moment as if everything was as before.

'' Don't worry, your brother will always be here with you! " Sae realizing that pulls me messing up my hair.

"We weren't going to have dinner out today?" He plays me still holding his arm.

"Yes we will" I can't let go. "Let's go then?"


"I'm just, I'm going to stay a little longer." I say while I look at the Lake.


"Ok! I'll get the car you hope in front of the Park then! " I waved with his head and he continued his way to the car.

"MOM, dad I love you!" Give one last look to the Lake and go.

Some time later we went to the restaurant that Sae had reserved our table. A woman takes us on top until a table near the window and close the balcony was probably the best table in the restaurant. Sae look to your menu with salivate, I do the same when I realize that they serve Katsudon my favorite dish.


~ ~ End ~ ~ Kai Pov




~ ~ Pov Acchan ~ ~


"Acchan!" I see Yuko call me excitedly, and Miichan by his side.


"You came!" Yuko says if hooking into my arm. "Of course she turns!"Says Miichan.


"This same Miichan I wouldn't miss the birthday of my best friend." I give a smile to Yuko that seems to have tears in their eyes.


"I'm so happy!" She says while he holds me tight.



"Okay Let's go, people are starting to talk about." Miichan pulls Yuko to let me breathe a little.



We entered the restaurant and ordered by the Bureau that Minami had ordered before we came, A boy takes us to our table.


"What the ladies will want to?" The waiter puts the menus on the table, and wait for our orders.



"What I ask?" Yuko was so lost in your choice everything looked so good.



"I think I'll stick with the Nigirizuchi" Miichan says.


 "Takoyaki for me." Miichan and I hope the answer to Yuko, she took a few seconds and asked the waiter had already retracted the menus.



We were talking animatedly while we waited for the dishes, Yuko was quite excited, we were having a great time.


"So who is your boyfriend Yuko?" Miichan curious question about how is the kid that Yuko was leaving a couple of weeks.



"And who is Nyan-Nyan who you talk so much about" I ask I am also curious about him.



"Well he is ... You will see when he arrives, "She says looking for entered the restaurant.


"Serio he turns here?" Miichan question.


"In a few minutes he will get" She says joyfully.


A few minutes later two guys approaching our table. Yuko's boyfriend and the kid who likes Miichan.

"Yuu chan" He says coming close to Yuko and embraces. "Happy birthday!" He's a small black box.


"Yuko-san" the other girl from Something Yuko also "Riku told me at the last minute so the gift is small!" He says.



"It's not okay that's good" She says taking the boy's gift.


"I already forgot" she looks at me and then Miichan for both boys. "This is Nyan-Nyan" she smiles and poses.


"Yuko-" He makes a face to her and introduces himself to us. "I'm Kojima's nice to meet the Riku's best friends of Yuu chan" He says gleefully.


"It's a pleasure to meet the famous Nyan-Nyan of Yuko." I say and then see him blush. "I am Maeda Atsuko".


"Minegishi Minami!" Miichan is a little nervous.


"And this is the best friend of Riku!" Yuko of a small Pat on the back of the kid next to you.


"Shinoda Mario Desu!" He says bowing in greeting. We had already presented to us. He stayed a few more minutes he had a commitment to treat, he said it was faster then join us again.


"Yuu chan will not open your present?" Riku question while sits beside Yuko.


"Only if you gave me a Kiss!" she said pouting for the kid. He's been fast red.


Miichan clears the throat cutting to the Chase now Yuko was in pouting Riku Embarrassed and I didn't know what to do.


~ ~ ~ End Pov Acchan ~ ~


For now is that I hope you enjoyed the chapter 1.


My English is not so good so I'm sorry for the mistakes, and thanks to everyone for their comments. Working hard on the next chapter.


Arigatogozaimasu! By reading this fic  :kneelbow:

Offline brunot

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 07:04:06 AM »

Well this is the chapter 2 took some time to post ... I had an accident with my arm and typing with one hand is boring and too time consuming so I decided to finish once I fully recover  :mon squee:


All comments are welcome. Thanks to all who have read and liked. :nya:




Chapter 2

 Who are you?



Everything is so quiet, the streets are calm only some people passing on the outside lights everywhere, we're already at the end of winter is still cold. But that's not what's important now people that are inside of the restaurant is what really matters.


~ ~ Restaurant conversation between brothers ~ ~


It's been over half an hour since Kai and Sae had arrived at the restaurant, their requests were already on their way to your table, they were talking about what had happened in the morning. To Sae's cell phone starts ringing, Sae ignores the first call while their requests have just arrived.

"Aren't you going to answer?" Kai looks at his brother in front of you. "it may be the Office?".

"No!" Sae says turning their attention to your food. "If you can wait a little longer." He smiles and soon begins to eat his food.


"You're really Leaving?" Kai look suspicious to his brother Sae is always concerned with work and when your phone rings usually must be because of something in the company.

"Baka!" Sae looks at Kai holding his laugh while making a shateada guy to the boy. Kai apologizes knowing that his older brother this and he's soon binco only laughing along with Sae.

"Let's go eat your food-" your phone is ringing again, Sae now take your cell phone looking for the identifier. Keiko calling.

Sae still holds your cell phone looking for Kai. "I have to answer is, be back in a few minutes" He says moving away from the table.

"Talking Leaves." He is now near the exit of the second floor away from the multitude of tables.

"Mr Sae ... Something urgent has happened we discovered something about the accident we need your immediate presence ... " The person on the other end of the line continues to talk with Sae.

"Ok ... be there ASAP ... keep me posted ... I need to know about something when reach. I have to get this over with "Leaves off your phone, he seems more relieved this news is great, now we just need to find a way to explain to Kai.

"Sae what this happening?" The boy asks his older brother when he goes back to his desk.

"Kai something came up ... I'm going to have to go back to New York today ... ". He looks at Kai for a few seconds. "For how long this time?" Kai question like he wasn't interested.


"Two months something very important that I need to solve ... You can come along if you want. " Sae tries to convince the boy sitting in front of it would be easier for him to be able to explain something that has been saving for a few years.

"Two months, this is serious." Kai says surprised. "You wouldn't go to a week ... What's so important to last two months? " He says hitting with one hand on the table. Some people looked at them just ignore and Kai back to look at leaves with rage in his eyes.

"If by Sayaka you could bring her to live here-" the blond is interrupted by his brother who is getting a bit frustrated with him.

"It's not because of Sayaka ... I just can't tell you anything ... Here wouldn't be a good place to discuss this subject "Sae if controls to not fight with Kai.

"Why not?" Kai is getting really angry. ' why don't you tell us why this suspense? '. He thinks still very angry.

"I just can't say." Sae says turning their attention to food.

Kai looks at his brother for some time after leaving said he has no more desire to stay here. "I'm pleased!". The blonde says if alevantado your place.

 "Kai you haven't touched in your food!" Sae look to the plate of Kai in front of the cutlery all had not been touched it was clear that he was very angry. "Look is your favourite food Katsudon ..."

"I'm not in the mood to eat Katsudon or whatever ... I'm leaving! " Kai tries to go towards the saida from the second floor, but is stopped by Leaves that was holding his arm.

 "Kai I don't want to fight with you. Just trust me! " Sae says still held the arm of Kai.

"Trust you're serious?" Kai has a look ironic mixed with anger.

"This is very serious let's talk later sit down and let's finish dinner" Sae tries once more.

"I have nothing more to talk about with you" Kai pulls his arm and goes toward the stairs.

"Kai!" Sae says seeing the kid leave angry, but when he was trying to go after the kid was stopped by someone calling him.

 "Leaving?" A very familiar voice calls.

 "Uncle Seiji?" He looks stunned for the avia called. "You are here!"

"Of course, but that boy was Kai?" He throws a look at saida where the boy spent as a hurricane.

"Yes he was" Leaving your best smile while trying to ask your uncle for dinner another day.

 His uncle accepts while trying to lure him to his desk, but Leaves no rush your time isn't much since you've booked your trip to two hours later, he has to at least apologize to Kai but your uncle's preventing forcing getting along with him in his dinner.


Kai had fought with Sae a few minutes ago, the boy walks towards the saida quite irritated without looking closely to sides ends up hitting someone.

"Hey, watch where you're going you asshole!" A short-haired, tall, look for Kai while the angry boy is surprised he knows this person.

"Mario! What are you doing here? " Kai was surpresso for a few minutes to recognize the restaurant was familiar. But Kai didn't even realize it at the beginning this is one of the restaurants that belong to the family of Mario.

"I was working on some matters that my father had asked for" Mario says Kai pulling out the door.

Mario looks at Kai for a brief time until something arise in his mind, he drags Kai until outside the restaurant to put their plan into practice. He pulls his phone from the Pocket while digitizes a quick message to Riku, taking advantage of the distracted blond for a moment he takes a photo and sends along with the message, and when Kai back to him again, he presses the Send button fast while hiding your cell phone in the Pocket again.

"Riku said his girlfriend would come here to celebrate her birthday ..." He says trying to distract the boy again, While the push. "I didn't know you'd be here ... Riku was downstairs so you could have gone ".

"Riku this here?" Kai look for Mario while they're still walking. "Wait you said dates of Riku?" He is confused when Riku was dating, of course he had heard something, but thought it was only gossip.

"Now he's gone to party of Yuko, I met her a week before becoming official" Mario had seen her and Riku in a meeting, Mario was having lunch when the two entered the same diner. Riku was happy holding hands with Yuko while the girl was flushed. Soon after they request their snack Mario comes close to their table and finally meet his girlfriend "Squirrel" by Riku.

"What does she look like?" Kai didn't know how the girl was he had heard rumors about her, but none seemed to be true.

"Well she's cool ... She is small for the size of Riku, She is busy as a chipmunk, and from what I've heard from some of her friends she loves boobs "Mario attempts to describe Yuko good he hit almost every Yuko points.

"You could say that she complete ... good to his male part" Mario has a big smile on his face he knows that Yuko is sometimes misused.

"She seems to be fun ... But she loves boobies? haha really the missing part in Riku your perversion "Kai laughed a little. Mario and Kai know Riku for quite some time, they know that the other boy is a little feminine for most of them.

"So come on" Mario for a taxi while pulling Kai inside. "You're going to have the party right now, you can meet her there!".

"Wait ... We're going where? " Kai after being pushed into the car together with Mario wasn't totally according to go to this party. "I'm not going now."

"Too late we're on our way" Mario smiles. "You've been stressed out these days, and Yuko-san has two friends along with her today who knows you don't get one?". He has a smile really fun.

"I don't feel like" Kai tries to hide his blush looking to the other side avoiding the sadistic smile of Mario. "I'm not in a good time today"

"Ok, Ok" Mario of the shoulders, in fact he knows why Kai this as well, but he doesn't want to mess with that now, he tried to use the idea to meet a girl, but seems to have gotten worse.



Had already passed a few hours from the restaurant, the girls now went to a party that Riku organized to celebrate the birthday of Yuko. Mario had sent a message warning that the meeting already at the party, he would take longer because of an accident. That's what Riku avia said to the girls, but didn't say anything about his little plan with Mario.

~ ~ ~ Party ~ ~ ~

Yuko was really surprised about this party that Riku had prepared she thought would be just a few friends, but it seems like all of the gang and the gang of Riku were there. It had been a while since they arrived at the party that Riku organized in a dance club. He rented for one night one of the vip areas of the club where they could celebrate the birthday of Yuko, there were party outside the vip area and inside only outside liquor was legalized. Inside the vip room there was loud music, soft drinks and neon lights everywhere people dancing and jumping around, most people who were at the party was underage. Being just friends of Yuko and Riku.

Miichan was next with Atsuko in a table they were breathless, the two were being held by the boys to dance, while Yuko and Riku had vanished in the midst of the people.

"Where is Riku and Yuko?" Miichan look at all possible places looking for Yuko.

"I don't know, I think they must have been hiding for ... well you know" Miichan look confused to Acchan. "What I don't understand?" Atsuko Miichan asks to get closer while says something in your ear.

Miichan begins to blush thinking about the possibility of Atsuko is correct. "They do that here?".

"Do what?" Yuko arises after scaring Miichan the other girl.

"UM, well" Miichan think of something to say to Yuko. "Run ... well to do you know..." Miichan calls Yuko closer to whisper in your ear, Yuko of a small cough like I'm choking. She soon look at Miichan seeing the Red girl.

"Hm ... I do not intend ... Could you explain again the music was too loud I don't intend what they said? " Yuko play.

"But where were you Yuko?" Atsuko ask her doing Yuko stop torture Miichan. "You and Riku disappear virtually Together".

"Someone dropped something on your shirt and I was just helping clean" Yuko says giving an air of innocent.

"Where is it I haven't seen him since you arrived did he leave?" Miichan question.

"He was Not waiting for Mario" Yuko throws a look fun to Miichan. "Shinoda Mario" Yuko says whispering to Miichan and then laughing seeing the other girl blush.

"Yuko stop torturing Miichan!" Atsuko says seeing Miichan blushing again.

"Where is the bathroom?" Acchan question.

"Stay to the left after the bar" Yuko says looking at Acchan. "It's tight."

"A little" she's got the answer of Acchan.

"I go there so please don't be teasing each other again" Acchan says getting up and going where Yuko had informed.


 * Somewhere * bar-related

* 1A * Employee "drinks from one of the vip areas are over, what do we do?" He asks his boss.

* Unknown * Chief "Send reset immediately the client paid very well for tonight. His party is the most important he's paying for everything upfront. Move the drinks they replace soon ". He turns to the waiter and says. "They replace only the drinks without being the alcoholic you understand, no alcohol!".

* Employee * 1a-"what he really said was to replenish the drinks ..." He tries to remember, but just get the last part that your boss had said.

* Employee * desconhecido2 "and then the boss said so?".

* Employee * 1a-"the boss sent reset drinks vip area immediately."

* Employee * desconhecido2 "with alcohol or without?".

* Employee * 1a-"he spoke then of course Alcoholic Drinks with alcohol".

 * End * bar related somewhere So all drinks were being made with alcohol.


 After a few minutes back to the table and Acchan see Yuko Along the Miichan talking animatedly.

"Hey Acchan picked up a drink for you" Miichan says when he sees Atsuko approaching the table.

"Thank You!" She says sitting back and taking the drink.

"My impression or the drink got stronger?" Yuko question after taking a little more of your drink.

"This seems to be more bitter," Yuko Says taking a little more of your drink.

"It seems more bitter!" Miichan agree with Yuko and then skipping a chuckle.

"You guys look strange" Atsuko says watching the two girls who were laughing for no reason.

"But somehow the drink sounds really different!" Acchan says after taking a few sips of your drink.

"I didn't say" Miichan says smiling.

"How many of you have already taken." Acchan question finishing his drink.

"This is the second since you left." Yuko says.

"This is my fourth drink!" Miichan says bragging that managed to take more drinks that Yuko. Shortly after Acchan have left both began to bet who drank more.

"You apostarão right?" Acchan question both who shake their heads in agreement.

"And I won now Yuko has to do a favor for me Hehe!" She throws a menacing look pair Yuko.

"That's no good!" Yuko shows his tongue childishly to Miichan.

"You can stop acting like children." Acchan says, trying to prevent them from starting another dispute or any discussion.

"Ok ... So I'm going to get another drink for you Acchan! " Miichan says happy a little bit more than normal.

"Has a really tasty I'm going to get to you to prove". She soon get leaving Yuko and Acchan on the table.

"This is the best birthday I've ever had," Yuko says happy while looking for some time for the dance floor is playing your favorite song and she couldn't stand by.

"Acchan Let's Dance" Yuko didn't wait for the reply of another girl and drags him to the dance floor. They are dancing for some time until Yuko feel a little light-headed.

"What happened?" Acchan question concerned Yuko almost had fallen.

"It's not just felt a little light-headed think jumped too much" Yuko says leaning on Acchan.

"Let's get back to the table then, after more dancing, my feet are starting to hurt" Acchan says pulling Yuko back to table.

After a few minutes Miichan appears with a different drink that was blue pink and yellow on a bright layer. "Here it is!" Miichan delivers the drink the Atsuko.

 "Thank You!" She says reaching for his drink and then proving "Humm good!" She says returning to take his drink.

 "I know it's really good!" Miichan says smiling.


"Mario what happened?" Riku ask Mario watching the boy concerned. He had sent some messages to Riku, it's been more than twenty minutes that he had arrived.

"You saw Kai?" Mario question concerned.

"Not yet!" Riku look to his friend he seemed very worried. "How long have you got?".

"The more than twenty minutes" Mario says walking with Riku looking for Kai by places within the Club.

"I was tight and I asked him to wait for me while I was going to the bathroom, But when I didn't see him anywhere," he says, still looking for the little hallway that leads to the vip area.

"Have you tried your phone?" Riku question.

"That was the first thing I did!" Mario says walking next to Riku.

"Let's go find him around after we got back to Yuko's birthday there is still a big surprise" Riku opens the door to give it to the other party.


 ~ ~ 20 minutes before ~ ~

Kai and Mario had already arrived, but Mario was needing to pee urgently your bladder was bursting. They enter the Club and go to the place that Riku had rented. After having gone through a small hallway they found the room where it was possible to hear the loud music and people leaping and dancing.

 "Kai I go to the bathroom wait for me here," Mario says while looking for the toilets to more people than he thought some were known but for the most part they are uninvited guests.

"Ok, don't take too long" Kai says the other boy disappear into the crowd.

He feels his cell phone vibrating in your Pocket while he leaves the party going near the corridor to meet your mobile, but when he sees the name on the screen switches off immediately. Without realizing he was lost in the hallway. Walking down the aisle he thinks the party, but not that of Riku.

Kai had seen a large glass door the neon lights everywhere he goes through the door and then you can hear the beat of electronic music and artificial smoke everywhere people drinking and dancing. Everything was so agitated he looks more closely and see people older than would be at the party, but also the young Riku for the party, he was walking to the exit was clear that this was not the party that he was before.

"Kai is you?" He is stopped by a very familiar female voice that soon after if hook around your neck. "It's really you!".

 "R-Ray?" He says surprised. "What are you doing here?".

 "I got a time for fun and you what are you doing here?" She says still hooked on it.

 "I came with Mario's girlfriend's birthday party of Riku!" He says trying to step away from the embrace of Ray.

"He's dating a girl?" She says surprise. "I thought he was-"

 "No he's not" Kai cuts that Ray was going to say.

"All right then, come with me Let's have a drink" she pulls up to the bar. "Let's drink our reunion!" She takes a few drinks with different colors that in addition to being the most expensive was the most delicious.

 "I have to find Riku and Mario" Kai tries to escape, but Ray pulls making him sit down again.

 "Let's just this long time no see" She makes a sad face for Kai who can't say no.

 "Ok just this, for old times ' sake!" They make toasts and Kai takes your drink fast. Ray tries to stop him, but it's too late. "This drink is strong you have to be slow to not get drunk quick" Ray says seeing him cough drink had passed down your throat burning.

"Strong isn't it? I should not have said to drink '' She is prevented from continuing to speak when Kai approaches his face very close to Ray doing the girl blush.

"We're going to have another?" He calls the bartender to get two more drinks. "I was upset, but you made me feel better" Kai has a seductive smile, and when Ray heard these words I couldn't help but be redder.

"Stop these games" she soon returns to his normal.

"Who said I was kidding?" Kai takes a Ray's hands holding tight on her.

"Idiot stop playing!" Ray released his hand back to his drink.

"You're breakin' my heart." He pouts, while get your drink in the bar.

"But why were you sad?" She comes back to face the blonde appearing with another matter to stop being caused by Kai.


"Are you okay?" She asks concerned Kai was looser and laugh sometimes without reason.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" He says while take another drink on the first now no longer feeling burn more.

"You know this drink is strong and you're taking this way ..." She's not liking the attitude of Kai now she knows him well enough to know that there's something upsetting.

 "You're upset about something?" Ray curious question, He must be really upset about something, but she doesn't know why.

 "I don't ..." He looks at her without much reaction. "But when you come back I thought was still traveling in his tour" Kai tries to change the subject fast before Ray have another question that he's not willing to answer.

 "I came back yesterday and I had a day off as I had told you ..." She knows he's just changing the subject to escape the question she had done.

"I hadn't heard right" He has a half smile. "I really missed you." Ray feels your heart tight is much better the view smiling and joking than sad as now.

"I thought I'd never more" He tries to hide his sad face on another smile. In the first year Ray and Kai were colleagues and friends, Kai loved hanging out with her, but one day she had to leave school in her career as a singer he saw in magazines and in some Tv shows that passed their music.

"I missed you too" she pulls him closer to her cuddling with all his strength. "I'm sorry I left you ...I'm really sorry "

"Ray-san?" Someone approaches Ray calling.

 "I have to go now, until next time!" She leans in to give a little kiss on the cheek of Kai. "Have a nice party" she smiles and araiseth up while who called to pull further away from Kai.

 Kai sees fading amid the people he so thinks. "Where is the party of Riku?" Kai tries to get up, but it seems that everything is moving.

He blinks more often to see if your vision stabilizes and he goes back to where Mario said to wait. After a few minutes Kai thinks the party of Riku he sits on a big couch against the wall remained there a few minutes before you feel it spinning again.


~ ~ 20 minutes later ~ ~

"You found him?" Mario asks Riku while still looking frantically. "Not yet I wonder if he's gone?" Riku says.

"Let's ask the security he might have seen the two of them go to the security guard and luckily he had seen someone with similar characteristics that they had given to security.

"He said he saw someone like that next to the stairs to cover" Mario says pulling Riku where are the stairs the coverage.

"Why the rush? and if it's not him "Riku says no very worried unlike Mario that only grew more concerned.

"The guy said it took someone like Kai the area where rises to cover the guy seemed dizzy probably had been drinking." Mario says still walking fast.

"But we're not drinking alcohol" Riku says walking along with Mario.

"In the vip area can be, but the other part drinking is released!" Mario for a bit and explains the reason that could lead Kai drinking. "Kai had a fight with his brother early, they were arguing about him having to leave ahead of schedule and would not return for some time." When Mario had gone to deliver some papers to a friend of his father who was having dinner at the top of the restaurant he can hear some parts of the discussion of Sae and Kai.

"After you have already gone emborra I called him to come, he sort of agreed, but was still very upset, and if he had been drinking at the bar? Know that he is weak to alcoholic beverage. " They both stop and look at each other sharing the same fear that the guy who had seen security was Kai.

"There's no one here!" Riku says after having searched for all the possible places on the roof.

"He's not Really!" Mario can only agree with Riku. "Where it should be then?".

"Let's get back to the party and find him there" Riku downstairs quickly with Mario to the birthday party of Yuko.

After some time the boys arrive at the party go find Riku Yuko while Mario still looks for Kai, and thankfully sees the boy sitting on a sofa and some girls around him he seemed to be asleep, and the girls thought it was so cute that were around him.

"Kai!" Mario cries out making another jumps from his seat.

"What was that?" He looks at Mario scared.

"Where were you I've been looking for you everywhere" Mario says with anger in his eyes. His mood was just hit this Airhead that is in front of you.

"I went to meet my phone out there ..." He tries to explain to Mario that this trying their best to be patient as another boy. "But I ended up in the wrong party was when I met Ray we talked a little before she left ... and by a miracle managed to get here" He ends his little explanation. Mario seemed confused when he was trying to say something was interrupted by a very familiar voice announcing something to the microphone.

"Hello guys and am Kojima Riku for those who don't know me, I did this party to celebrate the birthday of the person I love most in the world, Oshima Yuko! ... So let's sing happy birthday to her. " The music was decreased while the room clapping singing joyful.

Yuko this at your desk trying to contain the tears of happiness, people begin to pave the way for Riku with a big cake pass birthday written Oshima Yuko congratulations on your birthday.

"Congratulations Yuko order" Riku says going next to the girl who was crying.

"I don't need to have everything I wanted now!" She says embracing the Young by his side.

"Still play!" Riku says releasing the hug of the minor.

Yuko blow your candles doing a wish silently. ' I wanted this day to be remembered forever, because it was the best of all with my friends and the person I love most! '.

Riku and Yuko were at a table along with Atsuko Miichan and Mario. They were talking animated while Mario seemed to be nervous again.

 "What is it why are you nervous?" Riku realizing the restlessness of Mario decided to ask.

"Kai he's taking, and this is worrying me, this idiot actually makes me look so" girls look confusing to Mario. Was he Gay?

"Mario you're Gay?" Yuko decides to ask she knows that and were doubting Miichan Acchan. Well apparently he said looked something more than friendship between boys.

"NO!" He practically scream to scare the girls at the table, while Riku was dying laughing at his side.

"I mean ... Kai is not a friend nothing more nothing less. " He says looking seriously for Yuko.

"Ok, ok he's just a friend." She has a little smile while Acchan only looks at fun scene and Miichan sigh of relief.

"Kai is our childhood friend!" Riku begins to explain. "He gave us a big scare, but it seems alright now." Riku look at Mario for some time.

"But where is he?" Riku ask Mario while the kid is still restless.

"In the bathroom." He responds to Riku "a couple minutes which is why I'm worried if he gets into trouble again." Mario this serious and this really worries Riku. Yuko look confusing to both he are talking by signs and this is bothering her.

"You want, please, speak instead of making signs" She says surprising them.

"Ehh." Riku look Yuko surprised. "We were talking about signs?".

"Yes!" The three girls say at the same time.

"Gomen, gomen!" Riku apologizes and then look for Mario waiting he agrees if they should tell something or not. The other boy just shrugged leaving Riku confused he must or not talk about it?

"Good as I can get." The girls look curious for Riku and Mario. Riku of once regarded the Mario who remains quiet.

"I'd rather not talk about it now, Mario finds Kai and bring him here to meet Yuko!" Riku attempts to change the subject while Mario goes after Kai.

Mario reaches the bathroom and see Kai washing your hand as soon as he catches him by the collar of your shirt by dragging the boy out of the bathroom going where the girls were and Riku. Kai is still surprised by the sudden appearance of Mario the pulling out of nowhere.

"Hey where are you dragging me?" He asks, trying to get away from Mario, but the other holds him by the neck the dragging to the table.

"Here it is" Mario smiles to people the table while Kai is still confused.

"He's finally here." Riku if araiseth up your place getting close to the confused blond. "Girls that is" Kai "our friend who we were talking about." Riku leaning on one side of Kai while Mario does the same on the other side.

"Hey why did you say my name like that doing in quotation marks?" Kai had noticed that the girls had a smile on their faces while they look for him.

Miichan takes the opportunity of Riku and Mario are in kind of a fight next to the blond boy to whisper something to Acchan. "This kid is familiar to me...". Acchan look a little more attentive to the boy, he really is familiar, but the lights don't help a lot is a little darker close to the table and neon lights that are passing everywhere won't let her see her face.

"I don't know who is." Atsuko says trying not to stare too much the boy ...

"Ok, Ok!" Riku says trying to contain the laughter.


"Kai I'd like you to meet my girlfriend and Yuko Yuko Kai I'd like you to meet my friend".

"Takahashi Kai desu!" He tilts his head in a small length.

"Oshima Yuko!" She of a smile showing his cute dimples while doing the same.

"Oh and these are my friends ..." Yuko moves a bit to show Miichan and Atsuko sitting whispering something.

"Year." Yuko draws the attention of the two.

Kai looks at them for a few seconds before they introduce themselves, but one of them caught his attention to black-haired girl shoulder height she is really pretty, something about her that really calls his attention and he feels he has seen it before but he really didn't know this would be the first time we are seeing each other.

"Minegishi Minami Desu!" Miichan comes first.

"Takahashi Kai!" He presents himself again.

"Maeda Atsuko!" Acchan presents itself now, but something different in the boy's face when he heard his name.

"Kai Kai!" His friends hold before he fell.

"Are you all right?" everyone asks for the blond he still looks very stunned. ' Maeda ...Maeda ... ' he had thought this name is very familiar when he tried to remember if he actually began to feel a very strong pain in his head making him have dizziness and almost fall.

"I'm fine just a little dizzy" He says rubbing your eyes while his friends helped keep standing.

"Really expensive don't scare us like that!" Riku from a small slap behind your head doing the blonde moan of pain.

 "I-" He caresses the sore back of your head. "Why did you hit me?".

"Why worry about student!" All now were relieved that it wasn't.


It's been some time since the cake of Yuko the party was ending, Riku took her away he still had his "special" gift to give her. People at the party were already leaving even though they were strangers.

"What is happening to the people of this party seem drunk" Mario says accompanying Miichan the output.

"I totally don't think ..." Miichan says nipping the boy's cheek.

"Ouch" he manages to get rid of Miichan while caresses his sore cheek.

"What's the matter with you?" He holds Miichan when she stumbles in itself almost falling, but Mario was faster and get the girl, he supports it now and feel a strong smell of alcohol.

"Did you drink alcohol?" He asks still holding. "Didn't I just drank the who had no alcohol".

"I feel like I'm going to throw up" She puts his hands in his mouth trying not to mess all over the floor or worse Mario.

"Blecch" Mario flips the face avoiding the scene of Miichan be puking. She found a vase with plants and dumped everything there. "Are you okay?" He asks with a face of disgust.

"Much better now!" She wipes her mouth while looking at him. They folks stare at each other for a few seconds until Miichan crumble, Mario takes quickly the arm by avoiding the girl again.

 "Hey, wake up, wake up!" He tries to call the girl, but without response. They are outside the Club, while quickly calls a taxi for girl, but she doesn't wake up. "Wake up soon the taxi is already here, we will need to give your address." He tries again, but it's useless to the girl is now in a heavy sleeper.

"Go or no go? I ain't got all night "the driver says.

"Yes I'm coming!" He gets along with Miichan on the back and then says the address to the driver.

"Your girlfriend seems to have a good time!" The driver says giving a quick glance in the mirror seeing the Young along with the girl she was anchored in his arm while sleeping.

"She's not my girlfriend-" He is prevented by the driver. "You don't have to be embarrassed these days is this normal!" The driver says confused Mario.

' Where does this guy want? Now I don't understand anything anymore ' he thinks confused but soon realizes by looking the driver throws the mirror, after having passed through a small hole in the street car shook Miichan head doing have fallen boy's lap and looked like they were doing well you know ...

"N-no!" He straightens Miichan back to its position, the driver just laughed softly as Mario begins blush until the tips of the ear.

Mario without realizing he had fallen asleep next to Miichan, While they went to the address that Mario said.


~ ~ A few hours after the party ~ ~

Kai this walking through the park that used to go with his father and his mother. He walks up near Lake como was always feeling the frigid wind blowing in his face he sits on the edge of Lake watching.

Without realizing that this being watched by someone else, He just close your eyes for a few minutes. The person who observes approaches without making a lot of noise and calls your name.

"Takahashi-san!" Atsuko appears in front of the boy the scaring.

"Aaa" He says while you manage again. "You scared me!".

"That was not my intention," she laughs while sits near the Lake along with Kai.

"But why are you here?" He asks watching her for some time.

 "I go through here before going home!" She also suggests looking at the Lake. "Why are you here?".

"I come to remind me of some things, I really like this place" Kai look for Atsuko serio.

"Understand" she turns her face not to laugh the expression what he did was really funny.

"I can see you laugh" Kai says turning their attention to thoughtful Lake ' your smile is really cute ' he thinks while still facing the Lake.

"Biizz" Acchan's cell phone begins to vibrate in your Pocket she quickly takes to meet. But it was too late the person had already turned off.

"Well ... I have to go it was a pleasure meeting you Takahashi Kai!" She says while araiseth up.

"It's been a pleasure also Maeda-" Kai feels dizzy when araiseth up suddenly, sense your head spin and everything went black shortly thereafter he ends up falling into not seeing anything more ...

"Takahashi-san!" Atsuko calls the boy several times, but gets no response from him.





Well I just did what I come to mind ... I've got big plans for this fic so this is just the beginning sorry if the meeting between them is not beautiful, but something that will make them have more interest I like so I hope you like it too. :mon heh:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2014, 08:11:21 AM »
I almost forget the story flow. I re-read again to flash back the story.

Offline cisda83

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2014, 12:07:12 PM »
Erm.... Kai kept getting intense pain to be neat Atsuko

Would he remember why he had that feeling toward Atsuko?

Ah... Kai and Ray separate in good term I guess this time around

What's going to happen to the uncousious people?

Kai with Atsuko and Miichan with Mario

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Kakeru15

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Re: [KaiXAcchan] I think I'm in love with you!
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2014, 05:16:45 PM »
Very Like this fic!!! :love:

Hope you will write another chapter....

Can't wait :thumbup :lol:

Offline brunot

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Starting with a small portion of the end of chapter two chapter three soon and I hope you enjoy this working in chapter four.
Sorry if it's confusing or boring.




~ ~ Some time ago in the Park ~ ~

 Kai was talking with Atsuko both were sitting by the Lake, by Atsuko receive a call mysterious she then resolves leaving, she tells the boy that was a pleasure to meet you, but when it was his turn something happens.

Kai feels dizzy when you araiseth up to say goodbye to Acchan. During the party Kai had had a few drinks along with Ray and also at the birthday party of Yuko he drank some more, once the alcohol began to take effect, as the poison of a snake bite that spreads throughout the bloodstream.

Kai does not show much sign of drunkenness. Thus nobody noticed his condition. Atsuko attempts to call the boy, but got no reply ... After a few minutes she manages to get him to say something, he then looks up she tries to keep him on his feet, but it is heavy ...

"Takahashi-san ... Are you all right? " Atsuko says while helps if alevantar, Atsuko passes one of Kai's arms around his shoulders while holding the boy's waist to keep it standing.

 "I ... I've got a pain in my head "Kai says still supported in Acchan.

 Acchan was going to say something until I felt raindrops falling on her face, she then looks around seeing various brands of dripping everywhere is still weak, but soon started to rain more.

"What do I do?" She thinks while looking at Kai again, it seems that the boy is stunned.

Then the heavy rain begins to fall, soaking both Atsuko can't do anything but keep moving along with Kai. She couldn't let the kid in the rain she had to help him.

Even with all the rain Atsuko runs with Kai to your House. She then stops at the front gate of his house completely soaked and so does he. Acchan then push the intercom to make sure someone at home, in a few seconds it appears one of the employees of the big house along with an umbrella.

"Miss Atsuko!" He says stunned while puts his umbrella to protect Atsuko.

 "I don't think that's going to make a difference now," She says smiling as the waiter looks at his side watching a kid leaning against the side of the gate. Seemed to be asleep.

"This kid's with you?" Atsuko then realizes the strange face that the employee made while looking for Kai.

"Yes, please, help me take him inside before you catch a cold." Atsuko and the employee so they get Kai taking him into the House of Acchan.


Chapter 3

 Part 1

~~Kai Pov~~

I open my eyes slowly, but regret then clarity of light the room affects me. (It's like I'm superman and Kryptonite light) I feel a little dizzy my head hurts and I'm nauseous ... Now remember that I had a few drinks with Ray, and that seems to have had a very big effect on me.(after all I'm weak for alcoholic beverages

Sitting on the bed looking at this room still very sleepy ... He seems to be a female room has plush bears and something only girls have ... This must be a dream ... Close my eyes while I lay again waiting soon wake up from this dream.

Still lying I feel something coming up over my belly, this makes me feel ticklish what would that be? Then I hear a ronrono, opening my eyes I can see a gray kitten on top of my belly asking cart ...

"You're lucky I like cats. Despite having an allergy to them "I say while I caress your back watching him stretch.


"Wait I don't have any cats, so that means it's not a dream ... This is not my room where I am and how I got here? "I look at the kitten still on top of me" do you know where I am? ".


"Meow!" the kitten says.


"Sneezy" I end up splashing, it seems my immune is already running out of time. "I'll take that as a no." I mean preventing sneezed again.


Pulling the sheet that was covering me realizing finally that, I don't have any clothes. Literally as I came into the world ... "What the fuck happened? Why am I naked? " I mean while I look around for my clothes, but unfortunately I don't see it anywhere.


All of a sudden somebody opens the bedroom door, seems to be a man, he then soon enters the room without saying a Word, he'd be weird.


After putting some clothes on top of a small table near the door, he finally says something. "Oh, you're awake," He says with a deep voice, while approaching the bed where I was still.


"Who are you? And why am I without my clothes? " I mean while I move the bed without letting the water escape. Keeping my vision for the output, also eye for clothes that this on the table, this just might be my.

 "I'm Takao Yamada!" He winks at me leaving his voice for a more feminine and says "you can call me Taka-chan" he makes a small break while looking at me in a strange way. "What about your clothes I took you was so wet ... And it would be a shame if this gorgeous body and set to get sick so I took for you! " See him writhing in front of me and suddenly he let out a moan stranger his breathing seems strange and something in your bottom a little abnormal. "See her naked body is so. ..".


"Stay away you pervert!" I leap out of bed when he tries to hug me.


"Kawaiii!" He says and when you look at me I see blood dripping from his nose for this guy's bleeding ... Until I realized that I am without water, quickly pull the sheet and cover my body.


Run as fast as possible to get out of that room, but back then to get some clothes, but Takao runs behind me. He holds the clothes to prevent my escape, we have a small fight by clothing, have no choice but to escape luckily get a piece I point a lot but I won't be totally naked.

 Now having a greater distance him see a hall pass for him as soon as possible trying not to drop the sheet that helps me to cover my male part. I still can't wear the only clothes I have left, my underwear, because of Takao that still haunts me for this great home.


"Kai-chan" I hear your voice, coming from down the Hall without thinking twice I walk into a room and shut the door quickly behind me.


"Kai-chan where are you? We're playing hide-and-seek. So the punishment if I find you will be ... " I was looking for a wire in the gap of the door watching pass bounce around the hallway and when he said it I just locked the door as fast as I could. I could feel a cold walking across my spine every time your voice echoed down the Hall.


To make sure the door was locked I'm looking for something a little heavier to lock the door.


Take an armchair that this closer and drag without making too much noise to lock the door, now a little more relieved to realize that this is a large room I see a spiral staircase that would give up.


Finally an opportunity to put his underwear at once, without thinking more about it I put her, and still use the sheet for more protection.


Walk a little further outside near the door down a small step that would give for the remainder of the room where the bed and around a table.


I'm a little curious about the owner of this room I realize you have a picture on the table, I caught and I see you have three people ... But what is it? Why am I in this picture, and this photo is from when I was in the hospital. When my hair was still Brown. Looking for photo more attentive now realize that there's a girl beside me and a woman with a white coat

"That's not the medica Breakfastbuffet in the hospital ... What was your name again? " I say to myself while I try to remember your name ... Why am I so damn bad for memories.


' So the owner of this photo must meet me ... I have to remember what exactly happened ' I think still holding the picture.


~ ~ retracing the steps in my mind ~ ~


I was chatting with Mario before someone calls your name I see is Minami-san or as they call it Miichan, she called Mario for some reason that I cannot say, I didn't want to bother them so I left.


Leaving my feet guide me around, I'm completely aimlessly until you see the Park who always had I now I walked near the lake where I was for a while ...


Closing my eyes for a little while ... Maeda-san appears and ends up scaring me remember talk for a little while, because of your phone that rang, she then if araiseth up and decides to leave. It was over there that I can remember some memories are too short, I remember it was starting to rain.


~ ~ end retracing the steps in my head ~ ~


Eye again for this picture this girl look familiar, but why can't I remember her? This question ran and ran through my head, but I can't find an answer.


Put the picture back in its place, I look at this room for a little more time to get to see what's on the floor above.


When I'm finally on top I see a door, this little place is a bit dark look at the door on a light on ... I'm curious about this so I walk to the door opening without making too much noise.

But all I see is a large amount of steam, I feel my heart race is like something incredible would happen or something like a scene from a horror movie now I dont really know what to feel emotions are alike.


With each step I take my heart seems to go jump out of my chest is it fear? Fear of what? Who knows it could be another strange guy. .. I wonder if I ended up in a gay?


The smoke seems to disappear gradually, now being able to see a figure more like a shadow ...


I can't contain my mouth that falls to the Chin of the vision that I have that would be an Angel? Or a goddess?


A beautiful girl with shoulder-length hair with its soft white skin and wet ... The smoke still remains the bathroom in certain parts can not see, but the two hills they call too my attention I can't resist the male instinct ... As the bottom seems to want to dominate my mind and do "something". My fingers twitch in my thoughts that I really can't think Argh what's happening to me?


Go into shock when she seems to be looking at me, but she still keeps its eyes closed paying more attention to your face I realize she is Atsuko.


"My eyes, my eyes!" She swings her arms in front of you looking for something would be a towel maybe?


"Where's the towel?" She says. Anyway was right that is exactly what she wanted. "I found you!" she pulls the towel to dry your face that still contains the shampoo foam.


Wait ... I feel that the sheet that was covering me this fading until I realize that she is-pulling, try to unwind coming out the other side, but I just slipping in a small puddle.


"Itai!" I mean while I open my eyes and see Atsuko with his face completely red. I could feel his breath could hear his heart beating so fast as mine, to remember that we weren't dressed my face begins to catch fire clearly must be more red than a bell pepper.


"AAAAAAA!" She screams after I lifted off her. Catching quickly the first thing I saw (it was the towel that she was looking for before) to avoid further embarrassment.


"I-I-I-I'm sorry!" Close my eyes fast. She picks up the sheet and covers his body. Still I avoid looking at her. "N-N-n-I didn't mean to get so sorry I-" I can't go on to explain myself when I feel unimaginable pain coming from a "very sensitive" point.


Know the effect that happens in war movies when a bomb explodes on your side, they put that effect-____-no sound is almost this sensation I felt only a thousand times worse, it was as if I'd killed him for a short time.


See Atsuko with that weird guy. .. They talk about something, but I don't listen to "pump Effect" again my vision is not good is like lights flicking on and off seeing just flash them.


Kami-sama I don't think I have more strength to continue here, take me in paradise ...




Chapter 3


Part 2


~ ~ In a place not so far away ~ ~ ~


The morning sun invades the living room showing a beautiful furniture with corner tables sofas and coffee tables a large Tv that is against the wall. The rug with matching armchairs ashes near the large white sofa with two people who were sleeping there.


Wait a minute two people? Yes but who are these people? Let's take a closer look now identifying people who stood by.


A tall brown haired young boy who slept like a baby, for its size that barely fit on the couch he looked really happy sleeping there. And on his arm a girl of normal height with their long black hair your clear skin.


The girl would be Miichan to avia stayed drunk at the party, and Yuko boy who would be Mario who had no choice but to take her to his home.


Miichan seems to have agreed with the light illuminating the whole House, his eyes open slowly to reveal a beautiful boy sleeping like an Angel in the point of view of Miichan.


She can't control herself while traces the jaw line of Mario jumping several goofy laughs in admiration. The kid just moves a few times it still has its heavy sleeper.


Miichan still works in the boy's face, but now it looks like he's starting to get annoyed. She's realizing that he was waking up close your eyes pretending to still be asleep.


And in a few second a young sadist high starts to wake up, opening his eyes slowly he begins to stretch, but only an arm responds when he stretches. Opening one of his eyes while the other rests he realizes that Miichan sleeps on his arm.


He then takes to look more carefully to his face in as you think. ' Is it really true that this girl likes me? If this is really true I can't help but provoke it '


He then sees a clump of hair fell in the face of Miichan, moving to have a more complete vision he purposely misses. "I can't stop looking at this pretty face!".


Mario sees a little goofy smile on the lips of the girl on his arm. "Gotcha!" he thinks and then smiles.


"I can't contain myself when we are so close." He says that on purpose again seeing a little blush on the cheeks of forming Miichan.


Mario so close to your face, more and more near Miichan he then resolves the causes it. "Maybe a kiss ...".


"Chotto matte!" She departs with her face completely red.


The boy then begins to laugh at Miichan. "I was just joking!" It cleans up one of your tears that formed with laughter.


Miichan pouts while araiseth up the sofa with arms between the chest.


"Wait where are you going?" Mario says holding her shirt.


"I'm hungry and angry now where's the kitchen?" She says avoiding looking at the sadistic smile of Mario.


"Stay on the left side after the room ..." Mario araiseth up and loose the shirt. He has another sadistic smile on his face.


Mario seeing the pouting of Miichan trying not to look at him, just makes you want to provoke more the girl, Miichan can feel your face getting warm your heart beat faster and faster each time Mario look straight in your eyes.


"I'm going to the kitchen" Miichan turns fast and try to go to where avia said, but the sudden movement that the boy made-made avia stop immediately. Mario embraces behind holding your arms firm.


"What I said before is really true?" She thinks for a little while.


' What does he mean by that? If what I said was really true? To be hungry or angry? ' She still thinks about an answer.

"Yes it's really true." Miichan turns and stares at the boy for a little while.


"I really-hmmp" Miichan is prevented from finishing his sentence with the tall kid who gave him a kiss that girl really didn't expect.


Miichan resists the kiss for a few seconds, Mario holds the waist of Miichan firm while deepens the kiss the girl has his arms around the neck of Mario, the two just separate the Kiss to get more air.


Mario steals some more kisses from Miichan until Miichan's stomach starts growling loud ... "I'm going to do something for us to eat." He says giving a charming smile Miichan pair that cora too fast.


The two then go toward the kitchen Miichan sits on the counter while watching Mario prepares pancakes at his side. "Wow I didn't know it was so handy for cooking" Miichan enjoy the smell of fresh pancakes and look for Mario with hearts in their eyes. ' he'd be a perfect husband ^ ~ ^ '.


"It's not hard for me since my father is restaurateur and a big Chief ... You know how I have to at least know how to cook for the family recipe "to realize a small blush appear on her face. Miichan couldn't do anything but like this kid.




~ ~ Chapter 3

 Part 3 end ~ ~


Yuko was still asleep, but smells incredibly good at convincing the wake, She roams the apartment following the smell that made up.


She was just with Riku's shirt over her body, her hair was messy, yet she doesn't even bother by her State of dress or your hair, the smell is so good it makes you salivate a lot.


Yuko finally finds the location and cause of the smell coming from the kitchen, she not only drooled because the food to smell really good, but also for the boy who wore only a Black Box shorts and an apron of rabbit, combined perfectly for him.


"Hm smells good" Yuko says passing their tiny arms around the boy who was distracted preparing your breakfast. Riku not of much importance to her for being focused on finishing of preparing coffee.


Yuko not enjoying being ignored by her boyfriend decides to provoke giving little kisses on the back of the neck of Riku.

Clearly having to stand on your toes in order to provoke more whispering something in his ear.


"Nyan-Nyan is so sexy in the morning!" Riku begins to turn red with the provocations of Yuko.


Yuko can't help but laugh at how cute and beautiful Riku's when turns red. She then decides to go to his place at the table leaving the Red boy focus on coffee.


Riku finally finishes preparing the coffee and start arranging for the table. Yuko seems to be upset by her boyfriend did not pay attention to her or answer his provocations.


He had already finished setting the table was the cake you ordered earlier the bakery which is near the apartment of Yuko. He smiled seeing his little squirrel pervert sulking, then decides the result.


Riku approaching his face a few inches from the face of Yuko. The girl prepares to receive a kiss pouting, but what you get is a little kiss on his forehead.

"Come on, don't be upset, look I bought cake earlier" He picks up a piece of the pie by Yuko. "Taste is delicious!".


"I don't want cake ... I want your body and Hump. " Riku puts a piece of cake into his mouth, making her stop talking for a moment.

See Yuko sulking again. Because Riku won't let her be Kinky with him.

Riku then solves the cause without a perverted way. "Oh I can't believe I chose this squirrel to be my girlfriend."


"You know there are really beautiful girls who want to be with me, you know?" He looks at Yuko trying not to let your smile to escape, trying to be serious.


"But Nyan-Nyan-" Yuko tries to say something, but Riku prevents it.


"You know they can wake up as actresses, with the perfect hair or with your perfect outfit, without using wide shirts or messy hair ..." Riku now sees his small squirrel with his cheeks inflated, and his angry face.


"So why did you choose me? Why not choose one of these perfect girls, that never will be with the messy hair or loose clothing ... " She turns to the opposite side of Riku, pretending to be completely feriada by the words that Riku said.

Riku just smiled at his Yuko troublemaker. "But I haven't finished yet! I like my Yuu-chan like this with the messy hair, using only my shirt to cover ... My Yuu-chan sexy that loves to tease me ".
Riku then approaching your face closer and closer to the face of Yuko, closing your lips the lips of Yuko.

"Itai!" He tries to fend off his face, but Yuko keeps putting his arms around the boy's neck.
"Yuu-chan because you bite me?" He's still bent over taking Yuko, as the smallest won't let him get away.

"That was for teasing me with your sexy body ..." She looks at Riku out for a little kiss on the boy, and then seeing him get a little more red.
Now it's your turn to play, Yuko bites his own lip with sensuality, she then approaches the boy's ear and whispers something, knowing that his ear is your weak point of little bites at the tip Yuko urging more.

She with a seductive smile slowly drifts away from the kid, going to the bedroom while the calls suggestively.

"But what about the coffee?" He looks at the table ready and then the words that Yuko whispered to him, repeated in your mind more and more "looks like" Someone '' is ready for a second round "Riku look down after taking the kitchen apron and see that" someone "This excited now.
"The second round ... Second round ... " He then looks at the bedroom door and see your shirt out flying out the door, and then Yuko the calling for the room.

"Fuck the coffee!" He runs into the room and shut the door behind you. "Nyan-Nyan". Yuko says soon watching his boyfriend shut the door, Riku the handle arms and takes her to the bed ... Looks like they'll be busy for the rest of the morning!


So this was the chapter 3 I hope you enjoyed ...
Sorry for the mistakes, Grammar is really not my forte!
Chapter 4 progress, but it will take a long time to post jobs and evidence throughout this month, without much time to continue so sorry.

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