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Author Topic: I am sorry Chapter 3 Finally Updated!  (Read 11034 times)

Offline Konoe

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 2 Updated!
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2014, 11:07:48 AM »
Yuki had a son from that Hiro?! :shocked The son must be around 10 yrs old already.

Is the person tormenting Yuki until now is still Hiro?

I wondered what Yuki's reaction when she finds out Mayu is her doctor. And Mayu, it must have hurt her when she found out Yuki has a son. :(

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 2 Updated!
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2014, 07:12:55 PM »
@ Konoe: Uhm...... I wonder about where the son came from but no worries it will be reveal sooner or later  :grin: And yes the son is aound 9 yrs old. About tormenting.... Maybe yes or maybe no... Yes Yuki will be happy for Mayu since Mayu's ambition is always doctor. Let see how Mayu suffer then... *evil laugh* anyway, thx for reading and commenting.

@ Zita: sorry for making the next that long. :bow: Uhm... I wonder Mayu will take care both of them or not. It's up to Mayu's decision! Let hope that she will take care both of them. Thx for reading and commenting!

@ MayuxMatsuixMusic: hahaha! It's really up to Mayu want to be the father or not but not only Mayu is the problem. Yuki's son is also a problem. He couldn't just accept a woman as a father right? I am having headache for this part.  :panic: anyway thx for reading and commenting!

@ olive29: update all your story especially the sinful love... I am waiting for the next chapter. I wondered will Mayu like Yuki first or the other way round. Thx if you can update! As for the story,  :lol: indeed Yuki was raped but about the father..... Maybe is Hiro or others(?) Uhm... About their feelings, maybe this chapter could help to answer your question. Thx for reading and commenting!

I am sorry for taking so long to update!  :bow: I don't even think that will be anyone will follow this story again. :doh: but now let's enjoy the next chapter!

Chapter 3
"I am sorry that I am late again, Yuki-san." Rena quietly and softly shook Yuki to wake her  up but not to startle the little boy who was sleeping soundly on the patient bed.

"It's okay." Yuki yawned and replied Rena shortly. After stretching herself up, Yuki took her backpack out from the patient cabinet.

"I am going now. Thanks for helping me to take care Hiroyuki, sergeant."

Before going out from the ward, Yuki looked back at her son, still worried about her son's condition. Rena saw the concerned look from Yuki and said, "Don't worry! I will take care him."

"Thanks once again. I am going now." Yuki said and looked at her son once again before going to her working place.

"No problem. Remember to be careful in today job." Before Rena could even finish her sentence, Yuki already lost of sign. She sighed softly and turned her attention to the little boy who was Yuki's son.

"How nice, isn't it? Just sleeping here and not having to worry about anything." Rena mumbled to the little boy but obviously that the little wouldn't hear it. So basically she was talking to herself.

The little boy is named Kashiwagi Hiroyuki. Hiroyuki was the main cause for Yuki to have a huge change in her life as Yuki had Hiroyuki in her high school years. Meanings Yuki got kicked out of her school and transferred to another school in order to finish her high school degree. Not only that, Yuki's parents were frustrated and angry when they knew about Yuki's baby and they disowned their only daughter immediately after they found out. Although Hiroyuki was the main cause, Yuki still loved her son like every mother would do or even more than that. This was one of the reason Yuki named her son as Hiroyuki because Yuki hoped her son could bring happiness to everyone, not because it was a coupling name for her and Hiro. Unfortunately, Hiroyuki's health isn't anywhere good and frequently gets ill and the thing that Yuki's most worried about is Hiroyuki's asthma. This was the reason that her son was admitted into the hospital this time.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Before Rena could have some rest from her long day, she heard the heavy footsteps. The footsteps sound were getting louder and louder. Afraid what would happen, she slowly reached for her gun and prepared if there was any danger.

"R-Re-Rena-chan?" The young doctor shouted out breathlessly when she saw the gun was pointing at her head.

"Mayu-chan! Don't scare me like that." Rena felt relieved when she saw her friend was standing in front of her instead of the one that she thought. Slowly she retracted her gun to her gun holster.

"Aren't you the one who are scaring me now? Pointing a gun on an innocent citizen like me!"

"Lower down your voice, Mayu-chan." Rena didn't hope that the other patient in the ward would wake up due to their conversation especially the ward was full of children. It would be a pain if one of them wakes up.

"Aren't you easily get paranoid these days?"

"Am I?"

"Yes. Yes you are- wait! Where is Yu-Kashiwagi-san?" Mayu sighed in relief in her mind that she didn't blurt out Yuki's given name just like that. Why? Because she still haven't told anyone about her past relationship with Yuki. She hoped it stayed that way. But a part of her still hoped that she could talk to Yuki like the old days.

"Are you about to say Yuki?" Being not allow to answer Mayu any question, she asked another question instead which was in her mind all the time. Of course Rena had been questioning about the relationship between Mayu and Yuki but she always concluded that there's nothing between them except doctor-patient relationship. Even though she concluded in that way, she couldn't help but to think again and again when someone mentioned it.

Startled by the question, Mayu couldn't do anything but left her mouth gaped in shock.

"By any chance.... You know about Yuki-san?"

"Hahaha!! You sure know how to make joke, Rena-chan! Hahaha! Of course, I know her. She is my patient. Huh? It's still early. How about watch some anime to kill the time?" Mayu quickly changed the topic and could only hope that could stop Rena from asking.

Rena couldn't help but to sweat dropped at Mayu's comment but still went along with her idea. With that, they watched some random anime in the ward. Didn't even realize it, both of them slowly drifted to their dreamland.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The ringing sound brought Rena back from her dreamland. Without even bother to open her eyes, her hand started roaming around to search for her phone. Finally, she found a hard solid thingy in her pocket. She took her phone out and opened her mailbox within a second. Lazily she opened her eyes and read the mail that she just received.

'Work done. From Yuki.'

After reading the content, Rena forced herself to wake up even though she was very tired, wanted to get back to sleep. But she still forced herself to be awake as she had something important to do. She stretched herself up and looked around. She saw Mayu was sleeping beside her with her head on the little patient's bed and the anime was still playing.

'When did I fall asleep?'

She thought. Realizing how cold it was in the room she lazily put her jacket on Mayu. When putting her jacket, she saw Mayu's tears were following unconsciously. It surprised her as this was the first time, she saw Mayu crying this much.


"Yukirin again?"

Rena mumbled questioningly but still couldn't bother that much. Before she went out, she heard someone uttered something but this time, it wasn't came from Mayu. It came from Hiroyuki.


"Yukirin? Mamarin? Yukirin? Yuki-Mamarin? It can't be..."

Realizing what she had thought, she shook her head to erase those thoughts. For her, it was ridiculous that Yuki and Mayu had known each other before because both of their backgrounds were very different from each other. It was just really... ridiculous. But she couldn't help but to think the situation over and over again while walking to her destination.

Not long after Rena's departure, Yuki came back from her work. She was surprised to find Mayu in the ward with a laptop on.

"You didn't change at all, huh?"

She couldn't help but to smile at Mayu while approaching Mayu. Unconsciously, she caressed Mayu's cheek gently, feeling the cold yet smooth skin. Her smile grew even wilder but it turned into a frown when she saw Mayu's tears.

"Y-Yuki... Yukirin... D-don't leave..."

Even though Mayu was mumbling, Yuki could hear every single word that Mayu trying to say. The words just arched her heart. It was just like an arrow shoot through her heart. It pained her a lot.

"I-I... S-Sorry."

She quickly walked away. Before her tears could show out, she tried to get some refreshment before going to meet someone who had been sending her mails for a long time.


"What kept you so long?" Instead of answering, the person who just went into the room turned on the television and maxed out the volume. Let the apartment filled with loud music.

"I don't think you can even hear me with this noise." Rena mumbled, felt a little fed up with Yuki's recent cold attitude. Their relationship was not as cold as this before but couldn't understand why Yuki had to be this cold to her recently. Less chit chatting, more on work.

"Can we start now?" Yuki's voice startled Rena and made Rena stopped from her grumbling. Nodded as a agreement, they started their 'business'.

"So... Did you find anything?"

"No. I can't find anything in his pub or even the underground casino. They just look like.... Disappear. Nowhere to find."

"Try his office. Maybe that will work."

"It is too risky." Rena sighed out loud. Everything just couldn't operate with her. She wanted to put out her gun and shoot anything that she felt irritated especially the particular someone that they are discussing. But it was a crime. She couldn't risk her job. If you are wondering what they are talking about, let just say they have some secret with them and lets don't reveal it until it is the time.

"But I found some information. They are going to have a meeting soon but I am not too sure what is it about." Yuki tried to give some information and had some hopes within them but it was a tiny information.

"When and where?"

"Next week Wednesday and about the location... I am still looking for it."

Sighed for the nth times, Rena felt that it was completely useless for them to continue what they are doing. Closed her eyes, trying to think something useful even though she thought it was useless.


"It's okay. It is not your fault that we can't contin-"

"N-No.. No... I mean yes... B-but I also meant that I am sorry for being cold these few days."

Seeing Yuki stuttered made Rena giggled and somehow it also helped Rena to forget their problems for the moment. "Oh you know that you are cold?"

Embarrassed by the way she stuttered and Rena's laugh, Yuki quickly excused herself. Before she could get out of the house, Rena shouted Yuki's nickname loud and clearly.

"Yukirin!" This made Yuki halted her movement and turned to Rena and questionably.

As for Rena, she quietly prayed for Yuki not to reply her because it would show her the truth about 'Who is the Yukirin that Mayu mumbled in her sleep?' But her pray didn't pay off. Yuki answered her call.

"Nothing... Just think the name suits you a lot..." A hint of disappointment could be heard in Rena's voice. Yuki did hear it but she just shrugged it off and walked to the door. Before she turned the knob to get out, she called Rena again.

"Rena-san, I have a request!"


Two doctors just came out from the operation theater. Exhaustion could only describe both of the doctor but they still did their job and told the patient's family about the operation which was a success.

"Mayu-chan, you did well in the operation." Oshima Yuko, Mayu's mentor and friend praised Mayu while they were walking back to their department.

Oshima Yuko also known as Oshiriko for Mayu was Mayu's senior and friend. Both of them had known each other in their college years. They quickly clicked on each other due their favor towards Oshiri. Even though Yuko was Mayu's mentor, Mayu treated Yuko as a sister and friend. She would tell any problem that she had but she didn't tell Yuko about Yuki. She just couldn't do it.

"That's because you taught well... Right?" This made Yuko giggled and somehow it helped Yuko to relax her tense muscle.

"But you looked very exhausted today. Didn't they inform you about the operation?"

"They did. It just... I didn't sleep well." Nodded as an understanding while stretched her arm.

"Didn't go home again?" Mayu frowned at the statement because she already did her best to hide all her belongings from everyone in order to make the others to believe that she went back early. But how? How did her Oshiri fellow know about it?

Seeing the frown that Mayu had, Yuko laughed out loud as this was the first time the CG made that much expression. "You though that you could hide from me?"

Before Mayu could ask anything, Marina greeted both of them at the nurse counter in neurosurgery department. This made both of them realized that they were already in their department.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Oshima and Dr. Watanabe. This is for you, Dr. Watanabe. Your sister left it here and asked you to read it before you get back home." Both of them greeted back and Mayu took the notes that her sister left and read it on the spot but she couldn't understand what did it mean.

"Marina-chan what did my sister tell you before she left?"

"No... She didn't tell me anything. Instead I am the one who told her about the rumors since she asked for it."


"You can't be kidding right, Mayu? The rumors about you and the..... Who is it again?" Yuko said while munching a cake which don't know where it was from. She couldn't help but to be surprised that the CG didn't know about it at all since the CG was always the one who are failing not to know what was happening in her surrounding.

"The slut." Marina answered in an irritated tone and made the atmosphere into cold and dark which scared everyone who passed by but that didn't bother the doctors.

"Yup! Yup! right.... The Kashiwagi girl and you are dating."

Combined the words that her sister left and the rumors. Mayu couldn't help to be frowned.

"Oshiriko-chan, I don't think I can sleep well tonight."

A new character is here. Maybe two? Yuko and Miyuki. But Miyuki came out in the first chapter... Anyway, now Miyuki know about the return of Yuki in Mayu's life. What will she do? Rena found out that Yukirin is the Kashiwagi that she knew. What would she do? Let's wait for next chapter (maybe will be posted in two month again?)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 04:47:06 PM by Haruto Lee »

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 3 Finally Updated!
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2014, 08:11:41 PM »
I like the idea yuki loves mayu this time

Yuki looks do dangerous mission with rena

Wonder if that work will related with mayu's doing here

I want some drama!

But please dobt hurt yuki sama again

Maybe mayu?well event though she already suffer cause of yuki but she still live well right

Drama drama please

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Re: I am sorry Chapter 3 Finally Updated!
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2014, 11:29:29 PM »

I hope Mayu and Yuki back together

Update soon

JPHiP Radio (19/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata