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Author Topic: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 22: Another side: Another Story (10/6)  (Read 71549 times)

Offline Amarghetta

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #300 on: September 25, 2008, 09:57:50 PM »
I can't believe I missed the latest 3 updates. Shame one me!

Also, I can't believe you killed Eri. *pouts* Ok, she jumped to death on her own, but still...
At least she was in peace with herself.

Uhm, with the mention of Hitomi's haircut while describing Yuko, are you trying to imply they're similar?

Oh, and why did you stop right after Rika met Aya through Miki's memories?
I was just as curious as Rika.

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #301 on: September 26, 2008, 06:24:25 PM »
Uhm.. I haven't commented before but I read this ages ago and didn't know it got updated..  :sweatdrop:
Does this still have the elements of Ayashino Ceres or naah?
i had no idea Aya was gonna be in this fic.. but she sounded like she was way in the past..
As gay as it may sound i did cry as i read the coming death Eri..  :cry:
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 06:27:43 PM by zay05ohayou »

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #302 on: September 26, 2008, 06:38:05 PM »
... yo... here as well... hmm... just started... i'm way behind... :lol:

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #303 on: September 27, 2008, 03:32:51 AM »
o_O I didn't realise I got comments...

XD; Could be the fact that I'm in Florida (again) so I hadn't had computer access for a while xDDD;

Sorry for the wait y'all, but I must ask you all to wait even longer. I'm coming home sunday and I'd be too busy catching up with homework. So expect a new chapter (AND a kickassly updated OST) next week o___O;

Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #304 on: September 30, 2008, 09:36:22 AM »

I don't know if I have said this before but It doesn't matter what you do, it will turn out awesome. I read the OCG. Such a good story. The best ending ever. Now I read this non-sequel and is as awesome as the first. Awesome writing.


The calm aura of the slow day was interrupted with Miki’s scream upon entering the kitchen.


Best line ever!...  XD

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #305 on: October 07, 2008, 03:19:00 AM »
Comment replies! It's been forever, mister comment reply box o-o;

Heyyouhiya-chan: Yeah, Miki blames herself for many of the deaths that occured in the past. Such an angsty character :<

Grisours-chan: Poor Miki ;-; But hey, now you get to learn more things in this chapter that you were curious about earlier xD

Ichigo-chan: Aww, adorable xD But some of the questions you may have are answered in this next chapter. Woo! XD

Stefy-san: I'm sorry ;-;... xD Nah, it ain't half-assed. It's a cute lovely comment :B... You'll see how Aya ... passes on in this chapter.

JFC-kun: Yeah, we'll see some things you want to see in this chapter... sorta xD...

Wo-kun: In Miki's room :B... xDD Yeah, Miki's dad is a bitch D<

Ayase: Well now you get to see it here! xDDD

Coachie: xDDD Well we'll see a bit more here! :3 OST update is after the story xD.

Ama-chan: Actually, I wanted to refer to Yuko's hair in Furusato/Love machine xDDD I couldn't figure out how to describe it so uh... there it was o_O xD I'm sure your curiousity will be filled up just a bit more in this chapter.

Zay-chan: Like I said, the beginning was very similar to it, but I said after the beginning arc, everything else will be original xDDD Aww, you cried! -hugs- ;-;

Tru-chan: -waves- xDDD

Yankii-chan: Aww, that's so sweet of you <333333333333

On a final note, I'm sorry for the long wait, it took a while for the muse to get to me xDDD..

I also apologize for my horrible writing in this chapter. It seems almost subjective and lots of telling without showing ;___; So uh... just overlook it and enjoy what's actually happening xD...

By the way, super long chapter xD.

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #306 on: October 07, 2008, 03:19:31 AM »

Chapter 22: Another Side, Another Story

What has happened?

“WHY THE HELL IS MY KITCHEN PINK!?” Miki’s hands shot into her head, grabbing at her hair tightly as if to pull it all off.


Everything she knew and loved…


“Well, when we cook something, it bothers us to have an environment that isn’t all pink…” Koharu beamed happily as she popped her right leg backwards and raised her hands at shoulder-length in generic idol-like pose. Behind her, Sayumi, clad in that trademark heart-shaped apron, was stirring a rather gigantic pink pot with an equally alarming sized ladle.

If this was a manga, Miki’s mouth would drop to the floor—scratch that, Miki’s mouth would drop through the pink floor.

“Hey Mi—HOLY CRAP IT REALLY IS PINK!!” Rika’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she walked into the kitchen, Yuko tagging along with an amused expression on her face.

“Good day to you, Maki-sama!” Koharu piped up, soft brown eyes brimming with energy.

“How can you ignore my distress!?” Miki retorted angrily and smacked the young fox demon in the back of her head.

“Waaaah~!” Koharu cried out as she held onto her head protectively, “Miki hit me~!” The kit then hid behind Yuko, pouting cutely furiously as she clung tightly to the headmistress’s sleeve.

“Come now, she’s only 15, Miki…”Yuko chuckled, patting poor Koharu on the head. “Take it easy.”

“HOW CAN I TAKE IT EASY WHEN MY ENTIRE KITCHEN IS FUCKING PINK!?” the demon roared again, causing all of the birds resting in the trees to disperse and flee the scene. “Even the pink-lover is shocked shitless!” Miki whirled about her foot to point at the frozen Rika, her mouth dropping agape like a certain member of a girl band…

“I…I…” Rika stuttered, her eyes seemingly pried open to the environment around her.

“See!? Shocked shitless!”

“I love it!” Rika clasped her hands together, stars twinkling in her eyes.

“I think she’s shitlessly happy,” Yuko laughed, borrowing Miki’s terms for the greater effect.

“Really? I’m happy you love our paint job!” Sayumi smiled gleefully while she stirred the pink pot with a matching pink ladle. “I’ve missed you so much!” faking the stars in her eyes, the older fox ran to Rika in a pretended slow motion, playing up a clichéd overdramatic scene.

“Oh my goodness, I’ve missed you too~!” Rika, also playing along to Sayumi’s melodramatic scenario, ran in slow-mo towards the younger.

Soon, when they were in each other’s distance, they both spread their arms out wide and clung to each other, popping their leg for the greater cheesy effect.

“Oh Sayumi-chan!”

“Oh Ishikawa-san!”

“Bleeeh!!” Miki pretend to throw up to the side.

“It’s been weeks since I last saw you!” a familiar smile returned to the flesh maiden’s face. “How’s it been!?”

“It’s been so lonely without my number two cutest to talk with~!”

“Awww, my number two narcissist was lonely too?”

“Face it Ishikawa-san, you’re too old be to the number one cutest!”

“She’s right,” Miki cut in, but was innately ignored by the other two.

“I’ve been the number one cutest long before you~!” Rika softly chided with a grin.

“Silly, I’m cuter because of my fox ears and tail~!”

“Silly, I don’t need extras to be cute~!”

“Someone please shoot me…”


Miyabi gaped as she waltzed through the sliding door into the kitchen area.

“That was my reaction!” Miki added in, “You better change my kitchen back to its original colors when you’re done!”

“Well, we’re going to be here for a while…” Koharu said as she placed her index finger on her cheek, her eyes rolled up in an attempt to think.

“How long is a while?” Miki rushed towards Koharu, grabbing the kit by her shoulders.

“Well um… Yuko-san said that we’ll be here until your hand heals…” Koharu said timidly, shrinking back into Miki’s grip.

“A few weeks… a month even… Oh my gahh…” Miki slouched forward, an impending gloom cast over her face. “Does this mean… that everything you guys cook…”

“Will be pink? Yes!” Sayumi exclaimed, popping her foot in the air.

“You’ll be staying over for a while? Yay!” Rika beamed, interlacing her hands with Sayumi’s, “We’re going to have so much fun together!”

“You bet we are!” Sayumi also jumped with glee.

“Neesan… should I get my gun?”

“Yes… Please…”

“Why? Don’t shoot yourselves just ‘cause the kitchen’s pink. Rainbow Pink beer is quite tasty if you ask me!”

It’s easy to come back to good times…

“Well… that was an interesting predicament…” Rika sighed as she walked up the stairs.

“So, Maki, you actually know these people?” Rika thought to herself.

“Yes. I talk with them on occasion. They bring me offerings from the other demons and spirits on their cart once in a while.” Maki’s sharp voice cut into her head, answering her.

“So, there’s more of them huh?”

“Of course. The spirit realm is like a parallel dimension to this dimension. Those two foxes have the papers necessary to cross realms for their business.”

“So you need papers to do it, huh? How very business like.”

“Think of it as what you and your realm’s people call ‘immigration.’ Crossing realms is an important matter. I don’t need papers because I’m the maiden who also happens to be what you would consider a grim reaper.”

“I see… So are you like… the top maiden?” Rika managed to maneuver into her room and toss herself onto her bed.

“Being the grim reaper is the highest honor, yes.”

“How did you get that position?”

“Well… I suppose I could tell you this because you’re my human host. I believe Michishige told you that maidens have different elements, right?”

Rika nodded, but then felt dumb for doing so because the conversation was literally in her head…

“There’s not very many maidens out there. We have our own element that we rule, and our jobs go accordingly. For an example, a water maiden is in charge of the realms’ water flow and is in charge of all water spirits and demons. Think of it as a monarchy government, only there’s dozens because of there’s more than one maiden. I am the maiden of flesh, one of the most powerful elements. Therefore, I have the highest honor and watch over the Twilit sea and I see to it that everyone meets their death counters.”

A memory of Eri flashed in Rika’s mind, and she gripped the bed sheets tighter. So if she was hearing this correctly…

“So no matter what, you HAVE to let people die when their time comes? What if their death counter is defied?”

“Then something horrible will happen. Once hitsuzen—fate—sets things into motion, we can not defy it. If we do, something terrible will happen…”

“Again with the horror?” Rika narrowed her eyes as she turned over on her side, picking idly at the bed sheet once more.

“I’m sorry. I can’t exactly talk that freely of it. When a death is defied, I’ll show you what I mean by terrible. It is far worse than your current fate.”

“You don’t have to remind me of that!” Rika chided sharply. “It’s because of you, I’m stuck into this mess, why didn’t you possess Miki instead? We’re both the same age, you know!”

“You fit my genetic makeup the most out of all the other spawn I sought.”

“What’s with all the freaky horror stuff at the beginning then? Was that really necessary!?”

“I had no choice. I had to warn you that your death might come sooner than you think. I can’t see my host’s own death counter, you know.”

“You can’t see my death counter?”
Rika blinked. If Maki didn’t know when Rika was going to die, then that meant she could… That meant she could die any day… any minute even… And if she died… What about Hitomi? Would she feel sad? Would she feel alone? Would she move on? Or would she find someone else…?

The pulsation happened all too quickly, and before she knew it, she was swept away by darkness’s fluttering wings.

But it’s also easy to come back to the bad times…

“You are a fool…” Maki sighed as she got off of the bed.

Why didn’t you let me go Sephiroth mode on you?!” Rika’s voice was screaming at the back of her head, but the grim reaper paid no attention to it.

“No. There’s something I promised someone. I must at least fulfill that first…” Maki said solemnly. Rika could only sit back and pout while she watched through Maki’s eyes. The maiden walked out of the door and immediately went next door—to Miki’s room. Without even knocking, the golden-eyed woman allowed herself to open the door and enter the demon’s den.

Miki looked up from the bed from reading her manga, surprised at the sight she was seeing. “Maki!?”

“What? I thought you would be used to seeing me?” the maiden replied curtly.

“Well…” Miki looked away and scratched her head almost nervously. “You’ve got freaky ass powers, who wouldn’t be alarmed?”

“I suppose that is a valid reason…” the older woman said solemnly, crossing her arms. “Regardless. I have a message for you.”

“Eh?” Miki tilted her head in bemusement, furrowing her brow. “Someone asked you to pass a message? Who could it be?”

“Who else could it be?” Rika mumbled to herself, already knowing who Maki was referring to.

“From Kamei Eri.”

“Oh…” Miki looked down on the ground, looking crestfallen all of a sudden. “What did she want to say to me?”

“She wanted to give you her thanks. She has lived a bad aftermath after her friend’s death, but after meeting you and Rika, she finally found her peace and passed on without regret.”

“I…I see…” the younger looked up at Maki. “Thank you…”

“You are welcome.”

Maki’s golden eyes glinted slightly, noticing that Miki seemed to be biting her lips. “Is there something wrong?”

“No… Nothing of your concern…” Miki spat back, her eyes rolling away from the maiden’s piercing gaze. “Well… Maybe…”

“What is it?”

“You’re like a reaper, right? I mean, she wouldn’t be able to pass on her message if you weren’t…”

“I am. Yes.”

“Maki… Have you seen someone called Matsuura Aya two and a half years ago?”

“Hmm…” the maiden’s gaze narrowed, attempting to recall all of the souls she has seen. “I’m afraid I can not. Many die each day. I do not keep personal track of each individual. However, I do recall seeing her name somewhere. So perhaps, I might have seen her.”

“I see…”

“If you want, I can look her up for you…”

“No, it’s fine.” Miki quickly cut in. “It’s fine…” she repeated.

Golden eyes narrowed. “You’re easy to read.”

“Then leave me alone,” Miki looked up from underneath her bangs, glaring her best at the other.

“Really, Maki… You should know better than to make people feel worse with your age-old perception skills…” Rika could not help but recall the time where she accidentally fell into Miki’s memories.

“So be it. I’ll come to you again when I will allow Rika her body back.”

“You mean you’re not finished yet!?” Rika wanted to strangle the maiden so much! She wanted her body back, damn it!

“I am doing this to satisfy both of our curiosities. I’m curious about something I have observed and you are curious about Matsuura Aya and how Miyabi came into this household, are you not?”

Rika did not object to that.

Maki levitated down the stairs, landing softly on her feet. She twirled around with an innate grace and continued walking onwards, almost gliding in the air only she was touching land, though barely.

Now Rika was just plain curious. Not because she finally had a chance to figure out who this Matsuura person was, but she also got to know about Miyabi’s origins as well! Killing… three birds with one stone? The maiden walked outside into the garden, right where Miyabi was doing her shooting practice.

Noticing the maiden, Miyabi kept her yen in her pockets and stiffly faced the maiden, the tenseness clearly showing in the way she strained herself with standing straight. “M-Maki-san… Good day to you…?”

“Good day to you too. There is something I want to ask of you, do you want to sit down? I believe this will take a while.”

Miyabi obeyed Maki without any hesitation. She chose to sit on the bridge, dangling her legs over the pond below with all of the koi fish swimming about. Maki did the same as well, sitting in a classic seiza position—where she sat on her knees formally.

“Um… What is it you want to ask of me?”

“Rika managed to stumble upon your sisters’ memories and could not help but wonder how you came into Yuko’s household if your father refused you near Miki. How did this happen?”

Miyabi blinked.

Then her eye lids lowered, remembering the burden of her memories buried deep into the past.

“I am sorry to ask, but if you are not willing to share, I can leave you alone…”

“No. It’s fine. I can tell. I’m old enough to handle it…”

“Well… Here goes…”

No matter what, the past comes back…

My life… It was like a cage…

A lone girl sat in the corner of the dark room. Her knees were brought up to her quivering chest.



All she saw was black.

A black wall.

A black carpet.

A black bed.

A black kimono.

She liked it. It fit her.

They hated it. It didn’t fit her.


Her head rose slowly, mechanical eyes stared back at soft ones.

“Why are you wearing that black kimono? A brighter color would suit you nicely.”

A warm voice.

A soft voice.

Not like her’s.

“I wear it because I like this color,” a cold voice. A piercing voice. Not like any one else’s.

“But Miyabi-sama… Your father won’t like it…You know he thinks you’re losing your mind to the devil… First you get your hair dyed blonde, and you’re only what, eight? Now your infatuation with black is making it worse…”

“So what?” Miyabi looked up to the maid.

The maid bent down so that she was eye level with the other.

“He thinks you’re going to come out like Miki…”

Miyabi gasped.

Fear lit her childish brown eyes. An unspeakable feeling tugged at her heart at the mention of her sister’s name.

“No! I don’t want to be like her! Father says she’s bad! Very bad!” panic clouded the young Miyabi’s eyes. Her voice raised an octave. “I don’t wanna be like her! She’s a monster!”

“Ssh…” the maid hugged Miyabi to her bosom, “It’s okay… You won’t become like Miki…”

“I really won’t, right? I’ll stop liking black. I’ll throw everything black away… I’ll hate black… I’ll turn my hair back… Wait no… it’s black… Do you think Father will be alright if I keep my hair blonde? I don’t want black hair anymore… It will remind me of …of… that demon…Father talks about…”

“It will be alright, Miyabi-sama… It will be alright…”

Father… He used to preach to me all the time that Nee-san was horrible to associate with… That she killed the Mother I never got to see… But that was the least of my worries…At that time, my top concern was being the best dancer of the school…

“You’re not doing it right!” Yusuke raised his voice. “You must move with a greater grace and less shakiness!”

“Y-yes Father!”

He taught me to never trust anyone. Any one could stab my back any minute… And I had believed him. Some friends I had aimed for the number one position, and in my so-called foolishness, I made myself have lower grace than them just to give them a chance… and they totally used me for it… I believed him… I believed my father…

I became as cold as ice.

In order to be the best there is…

I will become emotionless.

In order to be on top…

I will have no mercy.


It frightened me…

Seeing the others my age so care free… I was afraid that I really was different… I wanted to get out… I didn’t want to be number one anymore… I wanted to be a normal kid… Go to a normal school… Have a normal family…

“Nakazawa’s here… and she brought that thing with her…” Miyabi heard one of her relatives say as she walked by them.

Nee-san… I’ve never met her. I was too young to remember anything about her…

Miyabi was forbidden from her Father to go see her sister. She argued that she was already eleven and therefore, had enough judgment to not get tainted by her so-called demon of a sister, but he only kept refusing. 

So here she was, snooping around the garden… If she was caught sneaking around the manor, her father wouldn’t let her hear the end of it! Carefully, she tip-toed among the bushes, hyperaware of her surroundings. Even a simple bird chirping made the hair on her neck rise! She crawled down on her feet, finally deciding that she should just hide underneath a bush and wait until she gathered enough courage to sneak about to the main room.

“Ai ni…”

Miyabi perked up, but not enough to rustle the bushes.

“itsumademo…moeru you ni…”

What a sad voice… Miyabi thought as she maneuvered closer to the beautiful sound. I don’t remember someone with this kind of voice… Who could it be?

“musundeku no wa muzukashii desu ne…
Ai wa moetsukita sono tsugi ni wa…
Watashi wa donna nikkichou wo~…”

Eventually, she got to the edge of the brush, peeking up at the shadow looming over her. She was face to face with who seems to be a woman. However, much to Miyabi’s relief, her back was turned to her. She was clad in a simple black pullover and tan cargo-pants. Short brunette hair jetted outwards, her longest layer being only at the nape of her neck.

This woman also happened to be sitting down on a flat-surfaced rock Indian-style. Her back was lazily arched forward, as if she was waiting for someone to come get her and save her from her boredom. Miyabi needed a closer look, she needed to get a good look at this woman’s face! She had to make sure that this was the person she was looking for… She turned carefully and maneuvered once more beneath the brush, coming around in a circle in hopes of seeing what this woman, possibly her sister, looked like.

“ai ga itsumademo moeru you ni
akai nikkichou wo katta keredo
ai wa moeru kara kieru no desu ka
oshiete kudasai nee nee anata~”

Miyabi blinked in astonishment.

“Nice singing, Miki-tan.”

“Hmm… I thought I could have done better…”

Clearly, this person was Miki.

She looked exactly like Father! The stern eyes… The Roman nose… The sharp jaw… That same piercing voice that Miyabi also inherited from their mother…

“This garden’s even nicer than the one back at Tokyo…”

“No kidding, this is the main house after all…”

It took Miyabi a second to figure out that there was another person with her sister. This other person was sitting on the grass, leaning against a rock opposite of the one Miki sat on. This person had a softer edge to her face than her sister. She was incredibly pale compared to the tan Miki. She had bangs swished to one side of her head and like Miki, her hair was short, but it was not layered like her sister’s.

What caught Miyabi’s attention was the rather confident, strong aura that the other woman exhibited. But at the same time, the other seemed like she was a really nice woman…

Miyabi wanted to get a closer look, but as she slide forward, her arm accidentally snapped a twig. Loudly. The pale woman and Miki turned to look at the source of the noise, causing Miyabi to immediately shrink back into the brush, hoping that they would not notice her.

She watched silently as the other two stared intently in her direction. Miyabi wanted to run away badly. Now she was face to face with the demon her father warned her about…

“Is there something there?” the pale woman asked, tilting her head so as to get a better look.

“You heard it too? I think we’re just too paranoid since our last mission. Maybe it’s just a squirrel or something…”

Miyabi sighed of relief, but realized her mistake and clapped her hand to her mouth.

“There’s someone hiding in the bushes, Tan…A kid, maybe?”

“Really?” Miki’s voice seemed animated with life. Her eyes grew larger with curiosity as she turned around and stared at Miyabi directly in the eye. Miki turned herself around on the rock and planted her feet on the ground, now officially facing the younger.

“Are you supposed to be here?” Miki asked, not looking at Miyabi’s direction anymore and instead, surveyed the area.

“No…” Miyabi squeaked, surprised at her own embarrassed tone.

“Move forward a bit. This rock and Aya-chan is blocking the view from the house,” Miki said quietly, her eyes now downcast, looking at the other.

Miyabi timidly pulled herself out of the bushes, pushing herself closer to her sister.

“I see…You look just like her…” Miki’s eyes narrowed.

“Like who?”

“Like Mother…”

She didn’t know why, but she felt the anger flaring up. For Miki to talk about her Mother like she did nothing wrong…! That was absolutely unforgiveable!

“Yeah… The one you murdered and took away from me…” The younger grit her teeth as she glared at the being towering over her.

The pale woman called Aya looked at Miki worriedly, placing her hand on Miki’s knee. The tan woman did not seem to register her touch and instead, opened her eyes at a normal size as opposed to her earlier glare. Miyabi felt something amiss and she knew it. The glint that was in Miki’s eye was now gone. A sort of glossy look took over her sister’s eyes and she immediately regretted saying those words.

“Is that what Father told you?” Miki said almost inaudibly, almost as if she was confirming what Miyabi had just said to her was true.

“Tan…” Aya shook Miki’s knee slightly, still looking at her face with a concerned expression.

Still ignoring her, Miki continued, “I don’t know what he’s told you, but…” she bit her lip hesitantly, “I did not kill anyone… It’s not my fault that Mother died…It’s not my fault…”

There was a sort of a shimmering light in Miki’s eyes, and Miyabi immediately knew that she was telling the truth.

Always returning…

Miyabi waited anxiously at the low table in the middle of the dance hall. Her father had called her for a meeting with a higher-up that she probably would forget within minutes of leaving, but despite her saying that she no longer cared about meeting others, Yusuke had still commanded her to join the meetings to at least properly say hello.

The almost-teen could hardly contain herself. She wanted to run away from the meeting, but she knew her punishment would be severe if she were to ever do that. In fact, there was an opportunity to run away once, about a month ago when her sister came to visit, but her sister refused her blatantly.

She remembered clinging onto her sleeve as she left. “Take me with you!” she cried out with her eyes. For a moment, she could see the pity and fear in Miki’s eyes, and in that one instance, she thought Miki would truly pity her and would help sneak her out, but no. That didn’t happen. Instead, Miki looked back at her with cold eyes.

And then she yanked her arm out of Miyabi’s grasp and continued walking.

She hated her.

Father was right.

She really was a cold-blooded demon…

Miyabi clenched her fist on her lap, gritting her teeth behind her closed lips. The dark red kimono she wore could not contain her anger. She felt the tension within her push against the constricting fabric, tightening against her body. Remembering where she was, Miyabi began to breathe deeply, feeling the start of the meeting approaching soon. She uncurled her fist and reach out to fiddle with a tress of her hair.

It was almost black.

The dye she placed in it months ago was now faded. If she had ran her fingers in her hair, some locks of hair would be a faint dark blonde. Hearing the voices, Miyabi rested her hands immediately at her lap, exuding a pleasant (but slightly strained) smile to her visitors.

Her father was in a traditional attire, a navy blue kimono with a matching coat and a dark olive scarf. Next to him was a woman of small stature, but she could tell immediately that this person was very strong because of the way she strutted on the floor, almost. She initially thought that this other woman seemed to almost be arrogant, if not cocky. There seemed to be a sort of triumph in her grey eyes.

The same could not be said in her father’s eyes, however.

She knew those eyes very well.

He was definitely pissed.

“Please sit…” her father told the other woman before kneeling on a cushion at the table. The woman obeyed and sat down with a sort of grace Miyabi found very pretty. The woman slid her hand over her shoulder, straightening out a slight crease found in her purple kimono.

Miyabi kept staring at past the woman, hoping that her display was suitable enough for her Father. She remembered being scolded countless times for never looking a guest, for it was rude to not.

“Miyabi, this is Fujimoto Yuko…” Her father said quietly, but sternly.

Fujimoto Yuko-san?” Miyabi blinked, now officially focused on the woman before her.

“Yes… I’ve adopted her… She is now your sister…”

Miyabi blinked again. This woman she has never seen before… Now she was her sister?

“And out of Nakazawa’s request…” her father glared at the other woman, to which she did the same, but with a smirk to accompany her fierce lion-like eyes. Miyabi almost wanted to ask who Nakazawa was, but suddenly remembered that she was the woman before them, now her sister…Ugh, Miyabi was going to take a while to get used to that…

“You are to perfect your dance under her tutorage in Tokyo.”

Tokyo?! Sister!? What!? But Miyabi didn’t let her internal panic get to her face, instead, the alarm showed up in her slightly enlarged eyes. But then, another thought came across Miyabi’s face in the form of a smile.

I finally get to move out…!

“However… You are to return here after you graduate. Nakazawa is only filling up the heir position since you are too young. Once you finish high school, you are to apply for university up here in Hokkaido so you can also watch over the main branch of our dance school…”

At this, Miyabi’s hopes of freedom dropped right through the floor. When she turned to look at the woman who would be her sister, she also had a rather sour expression. At least she was glad she was not the only one who detested her father’s bargain of the decision.

“Also… Absolutely make sure that she does not become like that failed spawn. If I find any trace of her influence in Miyabi… I’m taking her back immediately,” Yusuke’s glare seemed like it could penetrate the depth of her adopted sister’s grey irises.

“…I’ll make sure of it,” Yuko finally said, closing her eyes as she stood up.


The younger looked at her father sharply at the sound of her name, a trained habit she taught herself since her father did not like it when she did not pay immediate attention.

“The maids already packed your belongings. Even if you return to your room, it will be entirely empty. You both may leave now…” Yusuke also stood up, but without a second glance, he revolved about his foot and walked away.

Now Miyabi felt even more nervous than before. Here she was, alone with her…sister? She still had trouble registering the fact that she suddenly had a third sister in the Fujimoto household.

“Are you excited?” Yuko bent over to look down at the younger, tilting her head in a triumphant smile once more. Her dark brunette bangs fell over her eye, to which she simply flipped her hair for the bangs to correct themselves. Again, her grey eyes, contacts now that Miyabi saw her so up-close, looked at her in a certain honest and very real emotional way—a sight she was not used to, since she had been stuck with stern people her entire life time.

Unfamiliar with that look, Miyabi could only observe, stunned at the other. Yuko only smirked and bent over further, her breath tickling her ear.

“Miki was the one who asked me to free you from here. I know it’s only until high school graduation, but it’s the best I can do for now, kay?”

Miyabi’s eyes lit up with energy at what she had just heard.

It was then I realized that Nee-san really wasn’t a bad person at all. She’s not a completely demonic murderer that Father described her as… Nee-san is human too…

“Hey! It’s Miyabi-chan~!” Aya spread her arms out at the door frame with an annoyed Miki behind her.

“Hey, she’s MY sister, don’t you start hoarding her for yourself like you’re her sister!” Miki gritted her teeth in a comical fashion, intentionally becoming angry with her friend.

“H-hi…” Miyabi said shyly, again, staring past their heads so she wouldn’t look at their faces all that much.

“Aww, Miya-chan’s adorable~!” Aya squealed, “Can I hug you!?”

“Damn it, you’re scaring the poor girl!” Miki smacked the back of Aya’s head lightly, eliciting an ‘itai!’ from the pale woman.

“Girls, girls, relax. You’ll have plenty of time to talk to her, she’s staying here for a long time,” Yuko laughed, placing a hand on Miyabi’s shoulder.

Finally feeling that embarrassing feeling again, Miyabi turned and hid behind the long part of Yuko’s kimono sleeve, peeking at the other two women shyly.

“Tan~ Your sister is too adorable, I don’t think I will be able to help it if I hug her too tightly~!” Aya squealed yet again, bringing her fists to her chin and making cutesy eyes at the other.

“Ugh…” Miki placed a hand on her hip and the other on her head. “Miyabi-chan, don’t get too freaked out by Aya here, kay? Please treat her well…”

That was also the first official time I met Aya-san. She and Nee-san were absolutely inseparable… Everything I saw one, the other’s always nearby… If I asked for one, the other would come with her… They were both my role models, I guess. They taught me proper etiquette… Well, Aya did. Nee-san taught me how to be tough, Aya taught me how to do everything else…

“Whatcha doin’ ?” a youthful Miyabi bent over, hands clasped together behind her back.

The pale woman looked over her shoulder to find the younger staring at her curiously. “Target practice,” Aya grinned as she held up a hand filled with yen coins of various sizes.

“How do you do that?”

“Just flick it~” Aya said in a singsong voice, and to prove her point, she flicked a coin into an empty can on the edge of a rock which was about twenty meters away.

Miyabi’s eyes widened in awe. “That’s so cool! Can you teach me how to do that?”

Aya laughed and poked Miyabi in the forehead with her index finger and middle finger, “Maybe some other time.”

And some promises are broken...

“So what happened to her?” Maki asked, after having been egged on by Rika to do so.

“Well…” Miyabi began, swinging her feet back and forth over the edge of the bridge over the curious koi fish beneath her. “There was a snatching mission they had to go on…”


“They had to confiscate ecstasy from a big name yakuza firm. One of their men set fire to the warehouse while Nee-san and Aya was still in it. Nee-san was hit in the face with molten debris…”

“So that explains it…” Rika nodded to herself in the back of Maki’s mind.

“Hnn?” Maki thought back to the other.

“I knew it. Ever since I’ve seen how she walks and how she looks at things… I can officially say that Miki is blind in her right eye.”

“Because Nee-san couldn’t see out of her right eye any more, she could not notice the beams falling straight for her… So Aya pushed her out of the way…” Miyabi’s eyes became gloomy, staring down at the pond.

Maki and Rika remained silent.

“Nee-san wanted to pull her out, but Aya wouldn’t have it. She told her to just save herself and live on… and that’s where Nee-san had to leave because the fire was getting too big and the ceiling was going to splinter her in minutes if she didn’t make a choice right a way…”

“I see…” was all Maki could say.

“After that, Nee-san wouldn’t talk… She wouldn’t move from her room… She wouldn’t eat… Nee-san was very broken…” the sniper pulled her knees up into her chest, burying her chin into the crevice provided. “I wanted to take Aya-san’s place. So I learned how to use guns like she did. Those desert eagles I use a lot… They belonged to her… Every single gun you’d see me use, they all belonged to her…”

“Matsuura-san…” Rika echoed sadly. “She must have been a really great person, nee?”

“I’m not as good as her though… Aya had experience than me. But I’ve been working really hard to become better though…”

“This Matsuura had a profound impact on you,” Maki stated simply, her hand reaching out to fix Miyabi’s bangs.

“Aya-san… She was a person that couldn’t be described… ‘great’ is an understatement… There’s no one out there like her…”

“Did… Miki love her in that way?”

“What was Miki and Matsuura’s …?” Maki began, wanting to project Rika’s question out loud, but was cut off by the teen.

“Lovers. They started out as friends that transitioned to best friends until finally, they inevitably became lovers. I’ve never seen Nee-san so happy… nor have I seen her so broken when she lost her… Nee-san blames herself, you know? If she hadn’t lost the sight in her right eye, she might have dodged the debris on her own and they both would have made it out alive…”

“Miki… She’s been through so much…” Maki could hear Rika crying within her mind.

“Are you done?” Maki finally said after a considerable silence, looking at the other in a gaze softer than her usual uptight one.


“Now… Will you answer a question from my curiosity?” Maki placed a certain emphasis on the ‘my’ part.

Ah yeah… Maki did say she was curious about something earlier… Was she not curious about the same things I am? Rika scrutinized Maki’s vision closer, hoping to find an answer soon.

“Uh… Okay… Ask away.”

“You left out something rather important,” Maki replied solemnly.

Miyabi remained silent. Rika took this as a sign that what Maki said was true.

“Tell me… why is it that you, a human with a human father and a human mother… clearly no trace of foreign blood within your family history…have the blood of a raven demon within you?”

Some things are just meant to never be told.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 05:25:30 AM by Yuuyami »

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #307 on: October 07, 2008, 03:21:47 AM »


Have fun xDDDDDD

By the way, if ever there happens to be 20+ replies, I will write a bonus chapter just for y'all xD.

The first bonus will be the Eri and Risa sidestory, how they met, how they got along, etc xDDD

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Re: Our Cursed Gift II [NON SEQUEL] Chapter 21: Her Past (8/28)
« Reply #308 on: October 07, 2008, 03:58:10 AM »
By the way, if ever there happens to be 20+ replies, I will write a bonus chapter just for y'all xD.
Ooo, reply, people! XD

Great chapter! I really liked Aya's reaction when Miyabi, that was so cute. XD And the story of how Aya died was so sad. :( Maki's question to Miyabi was really interesting, too. Can't wait to see what her answer is. :D

Offline Amarghetta

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“You fit my genetic makeup the most out of all the other spawn I sought.”
That's because Rika's got boobs!
Miki has none in comparison, therefore... XD

You were right about my curiosity... :p
But, you know, that green you used is killing my eyes! I use the gray layout, and I had to highlight in order to read those parts.

So, Miki's problem is just about being blind in one eye?
Here I was, thinking she'd experienced something similar to Eri.
And there's something going on with Miya?
Is she cursed or something?

You better update soon!  :grr:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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*perks up* Eri/Risa side story! REPLY PEOPLE, REPLY!!!

On another note...Oh my. Poor Miki!! T~T *sniffles* And...Miyabi...she couldn't be...  *legasp* Egads, you got me hooked. XD One more loyal follower to your story. :P (I just read it all... *stares at undone chemistry work* ...Crud.)

P.S. Your chapters with Eri's death/story and such almost made me cry... T~T I'm really liking this because I used to love Ayashi no Ceres, so I actually understand a ton of stuff going on...this is great! <3

Offline Aioros

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I am shocked shitless! :rockon:

Nice revelations in this chap.

Miya's childhood and how she ended up with Yuko , her big sis and Aya.
Tragic Miki-Aya story :cry: BUT!!! I have hopes that she's still alive until Maki confirms otherwise. ;)
And WTF Miya's got some demon blood ?! :O

Does Rainbow Pink beer make you twice as drunk than normal beer?  :P

I want that GakiKame sidestory too! :cry:

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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 :farofflook: an update.....YAY!

“Neesan… should I get my gun?”

“Yes… Please…”-------- :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha: this made me laughed.....i really like the sisters,,,their similarities,,,,you know what i mean right???  :on cigar:

what??? miya has a raven demon blood within her????  :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: does miki-sama had it too? they're sisters right?? like to read a charmy mikitty  scene, now that rika knows the sorrowful past of miki, i think she should treat her nicely......but for the still mikitty-ayaya fan..... :luvluv2: :luvluv2: :luvluv2:

oh, before i forgot, author-san.......where's my miya and rii-chan scene???  :pleeease: :pleeease: :pleeease: feature them soon! onegai?? :prayers: :prayers: :prayers:

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I totally cracked up with all the foot-popping at the beginning. And the pinkness.... :D That's absolutely insane.
It's kinda scary that Rika could die any second. But at least she knows why Eri couldn't be saved. I knew there had to be a reason. Maki isn't that cold.
Awww, Eri thanks Miki. My heart just melted a little more. :inlove: Hmm, she's looking for Ayaya still?
AHHHH, poor Little Miya. In a way, she wasn't any better than Miki. But I'm glad that their situation turned out ok. I love Aya's reaction to Miya. Adorable.
Whoa, Miki's blind in her right eye?! Didn't see that coming. But Ayaya is such a hero-ish person, so obviously, she wasn't gonna let Miki save her. That's horrible, though. Miki has gone through so much pain. :cry: I hope good things happen for her soon.

Great update! I'm too sleepy to do a JFC-style comment. It's too much work!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 12:28:12 AM by strawb3rrykream »

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Oh wow. This last chapter really cleared a lot of things.
It also had a lot of emotion, what with the funny start, the cute parts with Aya and Miya, and the tragic story that was being told. Really tragic, I must say. I feel so sorry for Miki ;_;
And I can' forget the end, it was unexpected. I wonder how that type of blood appeared in Miya's body in the first place...
Loved it, keep it up!

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Zomg. I just had to make another comment. (No, I'm not spamming for replies. Don't count this post if you don't want to.) But I just downloaded the OST, and I'm listening to it all now. Recognizing a lot of the songs (but not being able to put my finger on the original names) is making me a happy little girl. xD (The only one I can instantly recognize is End of the Stream...It's To Zanarkand, right?) Egads, this is going straight onto my iPod. (I love Eri's theme, too. So sad... T~T Then again, it's that type of music I like...)

Thankies for the OST! <3

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If this was a manga, Miki’s mouth would drop to the floor—scratch that, Miki’s mouth would drop through  the pink floor.
* JFC curses at the lack of a "jaw drop" smiley.

This is sort of close, though I'm not a fan of the text that's included in it.
Miki =

“Hey Mi—HOLY CRAP IT REALLY IS PINK!!” Rika’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she walked into the kitchen, Yuko tagging along with an amused expression on her face
Rika = :mon spit:
Yuko = :hee:

“Even the pink-lover is shocked shitless!” Miki whirled about her foot to point at the frozen Rika, her mouth dropping agape like a certain member of a girl band

“I love  it!” Rika clasped her hands together, stars twinkling in her eyes.

“I think she’s shitlessly happy,” Yuko laughed, borrowing Miki’s terms for the greater effect.
Rika = :wriggly:
Yuko = :on lol:
Miki @ Rika's reaction = :stunned:

Oh, and "shitlessly happy" has got to be the muthafookin' bestest, most epic line you've come up with so far! 

“Really? I’m happy you love our paint job!” Sayumi smiled gleefully while she stirred the pink pot with a matching pink ladle. “I’ve missed you so much!” faking the stars in her eyes, the older fox ran to Rika in a pretended slow motion, playing up a clichéd overdramatic scene.

“Oh my goodness, I’ve missed you too~!” Rika, also playing along to Sayumi’s melodramatic scenario, ran in slow-mo towards the younger.

Soon, when they were in each other’s distance, they both spread their arms out wide and clung to each other, popping their leg for the greater cheesy effect.

“Oh Sayumi-chan!”

“Oh Ishikawa-san!”

“Bleeeh!!” Miki pretend to throw up to the side.
* JFC grabs a barf-bag for Miki-sama as well as one for himself.


Miyabi gaped as she waltzed through the sliding door into the kitchen area.
Oh yeah, no doubt that Miyabi and Miki are related now. :lol:

“Well, we’re going to be here for a while…” Koharu said as she placed her index finger on her cheek, her eyes rolled up in an attempt to think.

“How long is a while?” Miki rushed towards Koharu, grabbing the kit by her shoulders.

“Well um… Yuko-san said that we’ll be here until your hand heals…” Koharu said timidly, shrinking back into Miki’s grip.

“A few weeks… a month even… Oh my gahh…” Miki slouched forward, an impending gloom cast over her face. “Does this mean… that everything you guys cook…”

“Will be pink? Yes!” Sayumi exclaimed, popping her foot in the air.
:on cloudeye:

Interesting to see Maki actually willing to hold a convo of this type with her.

Even more interesting is the info that Maki tells Rika about the different realms, the "travelling papers", what her specific role is...
 :mon determined:

“So no matter what, you HAVE to let people die when their time comes? What if their death counter is defied?”

“Then something horrible will happen. Once hitsuzen—fate—sets things into motion, we can not defy it. If we do, something terrible will happen…”

“Again with the horror?” Rika narrowed her eyes as she turned over on her side, picking idly at the bed sheet once more.

“I’m sorry. I can’t exactly talk that freely of it. When a death is defied, I’ll show you what I mean by terrible. It is far worse than your current fate.”
Ah, of course, the "machinations of fate" and the requirement to "do what has to be done".  :-\

If Maki didn’t know when Rika was going to die, then that meant she could… That meant she could die any day… any minute even… And if she died… What about Hitomi? Would she feel sad? Would she feel alone? Would she move on? Or would she find someone else…?

The pulsation happened all too quickly, and before she knew it, she was swept away by darkness’s fluttering wings.


“You are a fool…” Maki sighed as she got off of the bed.
Oh crap, don't tell me Maki only told Rika all that so that she'd get all emotional, thus allowing Maki a chance to emerge and assert herself? :banghead:


“You’re like a reaper, right? I mean, she wouldn’t be able to pass on her message if you weren’t…”

“I am. Yes.”

“Maki… Have you seen someone called Matsuura Aya two and a half years ago?”

“Hmm…” the maiden’s gaze narrowed, attempting to recall all of the souls she has seen. “I’m afraid I can not. Many die each day. I do not keep personal track of each individual. However, I do recall seeing her name somewhere. So perhaps, I might have seen her.”

“I see…”

“If you want, I can look her up for you…”

“No, it’s fine.” Miki quickly cut in. “It’s fine…” she repeated.
:gmon tears:

Maki levitated down the stairs, landing softly on her feet. She twirled around with an innate grace and continued walking onwards, almost gliding in the air only she was touching land, though barely.

Now Rika was just plain curious. Not because she finally had a chance to figure out who this Matsuura person was, but she also got to know about Miyabi’s origins as well!
Oh boy. These 2 had better be careful that they don't stir the hornet's nest too much. :O

That...sonnuvabitch!  :angry:

*YUKO GETS MIYABI TO COME TO HER DANCE SCHOOL*'s obviously not pleased because Yuko also took Miki in, and though he probably never asked her, he probably still figures that the two of them have a connection/relationship of sorts. That means the possibility of Miki's presence at the school, which he obviously doesn't want if Miyabi's going to be there.

Yuko must have had one hell of a trump card to get him to let her go with her at this point.

“Miki was the one who asked me to free you from here. I know it’s only until high school graduation, but it’s the best I can do for now, kay?”

Miyabi’s eyes lit up with energy at what she had just heard.
Hell yeah MIKI!!! :rockon:

“Aww, Miya-chan’s adorable~!” Aya squealed, “Can I hug you!?”

“Damn it, you’re scaring the poor girl!” Miki smacked the back of Aya’s head lightly, eliciting an ‘itai!’ from the pale woman.
:mon lol:

Oddly enough, Miki's probably right. Considering the environment they both grew up in, this is most likely the most "emotional" (in a good way) Miyabi's ever seen...well...anyone.

Awww... :oops:

And some promises are broken... :mon oshitwc:

“Now… Will you answer a question from my  curiosity?” Maki placed a certain emphasis on the ‘my’ part.


“Uh… Okay… Ask away.”

“You left out something rather important,” Maki replied solemnly.

Miyabi remained silent. Rika took this as a sign that what Maki said was true.

“Tell me… why is it that you, a human with a human father and a human mother… clearly no trace of foreign blood within your family history…have the blood of a raven demon within you?”
Say WHAT?!?!?!?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Cool new chapter ^^
The pinked up kitchen gave me headaches just imagining it, Miki I can feel your pain xD

Miki is half blind O_O then her mad skillz are even more amazing, I mean with only one eye to handle all the fighting is almost... unbelievable... or is there something we don't know about her yet? ^^

Miyabi + Raven Demon instantly reminds me of Madonna's Frozen video LOL intriguing

And how in the world did Yuko "convince" Yusuke to let Miyabi come with her.

OST here I come!!!!

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raven demon...



So thats why Miya is scary!

Man... Aya's death was noble. If the death of Miki's mom was also cuz she sacrificed herself for Miki, then BOY MIKI'S GOTTA BE REALLY GUILTY. I wonder when and how Miya knew that Aya and Miki were lovers. Did she accidentally see something she shouldn't have seen? :D (not important huh..)

I wub RikaXSayu moment. Amusingly cute how those 2 were arguing over who's cuter!

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