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Author Topic: PT BOAT MUSUME: CH12 Morning Musume at General Quarters. Naval Artillery Drills  (Read 11614 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: PT BOAT MUSUME: Showers and Study. Miki's Knots
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2009, 05:47:00 PM »
Jun Jun was the happy woman.  Today she would finally get her chance to see Renia, Eri, and Akia in the shower.   She missed the internet but communal showers would more than make up for it.
Oh how I love the way Junjun thinks! XD

Wooooooo baybeh! :shakeit:

“Nee Ai-Chan”   Risa purrs.

“Yes Risa”  Ai says.   

“You dropped your soap”
HELLZ YAH!!!  :drool:

Fascinated, Kusumi was studying the operating manual for the 20 mm guns.  She was learning a lot about shipboard machine guns.  If you fire them too long, the barrels overheat and the guns might jam.  There were a lot of steps involved in feeding a new belt of bullets into the gun.  Unlike in video games, you can run out of ammo very quickly in real life.
The thought of Koharu having control over such weapons is still somewhat disconcerting, but at least she's doing what she can to learn how to use them properly. Hopefully it should lessen the chances of a possible mishap.

Unfortunately for the crew.. Sayumi and Koharu never cracked open the field manuals for operating the galley stoves and food prep stations.   Sayumi was distracted by Lin Lin’s first aid manuals.  Lin Lin had recruited her for CPR exercises and bandage and splint practice.   Koharu was way too occupied with the machine gun manuals to bother learning how to cook.  While it seemed unimportant at the time, this oversight could have significant consequences later.
Have they even taken stock of what they have in ships' stores?Even before knowing how to use the equipment to cook, they should know what they have available to cook. :yep:

Miki gets up and walks over to Aya.  “Hey  Aya-Chan,  Do you know what the difference is between erotic and kinky?”

:on lol: :on lol: :on lol:

Aya = :mon scare:
Miki = :wahaha:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: PT BOAT MUSUME: Showers and Study. Miki's Knots
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2009, 07:22:18 AM »

This is hilarious! XD

They are all going to get food poisoning later on. XD

GAM :heart: Takagaki :heart:

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Re: PT BOAT MUSUME: Showers and Study. Miki's Knots
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2009, 03:26:04 AM »

Offline Demon Eyes

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Re: PT BOAT MUSUME: Showers and Study. Miki's Knots
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2009, 02:28:04 PM »
Damn  XD  It's so fun reading the story especially when they found out their assignments  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:

What's JSDF?

Japan Self Defence Force...I think...

But I agree about the kinds of awesome this is turning into.


Offline AuburnChicken

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« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2009, 07:11:49 AM »
The training started the following morning early.   A heavy regimen of running, pushups, sit ups and stretching got their blood flowing in the morning.  The squad of nine ran around the base perimeter and then into the jungle looking for targets that the instructors had placed the day before.  Each day started off like this.  The GAM instructors provided appropriate motivation and enjoyed yelling at and groping the Musumes that lagged.  Aya Matsuura and Miki Fujimoto enjoyed whipping the Musumes into warriors.   

The daily runs changed a little each day as GAM introduced new elements into the run.  First they introduced bamboo spears and straw man targets.   “When you see a straw man, be sure to stop to stab the target.  Be vicious.  Strike two or three times if you feel the first strike was weak.  The groin has lots of nerves so try to hit that as well” Miki ordered the girls before their run. 

Jun Jun carried a video camera instead of a spear.  Her footage would be instrumental in making sellable DVD magazines highlighting the combat progression of the Japanese singers.  I want to shoot and stab things too, I’m missing out on the fun here. She thought to herself. 

Ai Takahashi did their best to lead by example.  She always stayed late at combat practice to refine her striking technique, remembering to twist the spear after stabbing.  Her first strike was always forceful.  Sayumi was the only girl who smiled while stabbing targets though.   This was probably an effort to look cute while executing violent attacks.  It had the opposite effect though and several of her teammates were understandably creeped out by this. 

Koharu made the fiercest yells as she engaged the targets in her path, shredding them in a flurry of attacks.  Her berserker performance instilled a new respect and fear among her teammates.  “Hyaaaa Hyaaaaa Hyaaaa”  Koharu attacked the straw form.  She targeted the chest, tearing gaping holes in the target.  Then she struck again, in the neck and groin, then the kneecaps, then the thighs, then the arms, and then going for all the joints and then back to the groin… 

“Koharu…. Koharu…. “  Takahashi intervened

“What, I’m killing the target, don’t disturb me” 

“I think you got that one”  Takahashi laughed

“Kill Kill Kill”  Koharu chanted…

Takahashi slowly backed away and ran off looking for another target, putting some distance between herself and the skinny violent girl.  Koharu made one more viscous plunge.  Her chest heaved as she recovered from her exertions.  The target lay in many pieces.  In her repeated stabs, Koharu had successfully hacked off the head and arms and legs of the target and put multiple holes into the groin and chest areas.  “Yatta Yatta Yatta” she yelled.   Jun Jun made sure to capture some footage of Koharu Kusumi waving her spear and dancing in a circle around the fallen straw man she demolished.  It was cute footage.  Otaku would mention this event on forums for years. 

A few days later the girls ran the trail with M1 rifles fixed with bayonets and equipped with live ammunition.  They wore full battle dress uniforms and helmets.  Along the route, squash and rotted pumpkins had been mounted on poles and at different elevations on stands nailed to the trees. The Musume squad had orders to splatter all the rotten vegetables set up along the patrol and bayonet all the straw men.  Added to the course were rope bridges, tunnels, a climbing wall, and other obstacles to toughen them up. 

Ai Takahashi proved to be the best in marksmanship.  Her seriousness and concentration ensured that her shots hit home.  She rarely had to fire twice.  Aya marked her as a candidate for sniper training.  Risa on the other hand, had to improve her technique.  She missed five times on the first target.

“Risa, Risa,   hold your breath when you aim and fire.  Try it again” Ai advised. 

Risa took aim and fired.  100 meters away  rotten squash exploded. 

“YesthesquashisdeadIkilleditIkilledit”  Risa exclaimed, experiencing the joy of accuracy.

“Risa,  ok  breathe.. breathe  calm down before you take another shot.”  Risa set the rifle on safety and slung it across her back before gripping Ai in a bear hug.  “Risa-chan.. whaaaa ummm not so tight.”  Ai was now struggling for a breath, crushed by her friends arms.  The affectionate gratitude was something that Ai treasured though in spite of getting squashed.  This made being a leader worthwhile, feeling Risa’s head crooked in her shoulder and than being twirled around.   

Unfortunately, Risa’s accuracy dropped if Ai was not there.  One time, she fell too far behind and became separated from Ai.  Risa Niigaki ran out of ammo attempting to destroy the targets that day. 

Eri Kamei demonstrated high accuracy ratings with her rifle.   “Hey Eri can you hit that over there, that bunch of bananas?” Jun Jun pleaded pointing to a banana tree.  Eri had some spare rounds so she took steady aim.  The shot clipped the stem holding up the bananas and they fell.  “Eri you’re the best,  let’s put these in our packs so we have something else to eat besides Sayu’s cooking”  Eri agreed.  She fired a few more rounds and the harvest began.  Jun Jun set her camera on the ground to race after the fallen bananas freely.  They filled their packs to capacity.  Eri would later remark on how wise Jun Jun was.  She also knew that the bananna loving Chinese girl would eventually find a way to return the favour.  Eri had some ideas in mind. 
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 10:46:18 AM by AuburnChicken »

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« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2009, 07:27:46 AM »

Near the end of the run, the girls found some straw targets  mounted high up in the trees.  The object of this exercise was to climb the tree and stab the target with a knife.  Koharu was the first to go up.  Her love of trees, light frame,  and monkey like skills allowed her to scale the heights with ease.  Shortly afterwards, she dismembered the target and sent it plummeting to the ground below.  Koharu jumped from the tree, pounced on the target, and as she landed stabbed the target a final time with the knife.  “Arrraaaaah”  she yelled.  In a hyperactive frenzy, she rolled off the target laughing.  Takahashi made notes on her pad observing the progress.  In close quarters combat, Koharu may be extremely competent.  Takahashi did not note that Koharu’s wildcat banshee demon like aggression was quite frightening.  It was a relief knowing that she was on their side and not the enemy’s. 

Eri’s powerful thighs allowed her to grip tree trunks with ease.  Her gracilis, adductor longus, sartorius, pectineus, semimembranosus and  semitendinous muscles were quite developed.  This gave her an advantage in climbing trees to pursue enemies or gain an observation advantage.  Her target fell to the ground with a single knife stab in the chest.  Eri found climbing trees to be quite fun.  She took to climbing trees in her off time as it seemed cooler than hiding in a corner when she wanted to get some peace and quiet.  This became a practical joke for her as she would climb trees near the barracks and throw things like bananas and mangos down on her teammates when they weren’t looking.  Then she invited Koharu to help her setup ambushes against their teammates.  This practice was ended fairly quickly after the the remaining girls teamed up against the two.

Splat   Splat  Splat  “Ack.  It hurts..  What the hell!”yelled Reina.    Koharu and Eri successfully pelted Risa and Reina with rotten mangos.  They surprised their prey from above.  The mangos impacted and splattered on shoulders, backs, and heads.  Covered in smelly rotten mango pulp, Risa was pissed.  Reina was not happy having the sticky fruit juice in her hair and eyes.  What made the ambush worse were the large ants that reside in rotten mango. 

“OhMiGod!  Ants  Ants!”  Risa screamed after receiving a few insect bites.  Frantically she started slapping her neck and forehead, trying to squash the ants that crawled there.  Reina watched her friend convulse with amusement for a few moments before she was bitten herself.   The two started slapping themselves everywhere trying to kill of the ants that crawled on their bodies. 

Jun Jun filmed the entire ambush from her high perch.  Koharu and Eri struggled to maintain their grip on the tree limbs while laughing so hard.  Koharu’s uncontrolled giggles were cut short as a mango exploded on her shin and a second on her face.  Reina was picking up the rotten fruit on the ground and throwing them at their attackers.  Risa finally killed enough of the ants to follow Reina's leadership and started chunking decayed fruit at the girls in the tree.  Eri took several hits on her backside and her legs and then some to her abdomen.  That day Eri and Koharu learned how hard it was to dodge when up inside a tree and how easy it was to run out of ammo up there.  Their hair and bodies ended up drenched in mango juice by the end of the day.  Unfortunately for the attackers,  Risa Niigaki and Renia Tanaka loitered to throw fruit at them for a long time and then called their friends for help.  The other Musumes joined the ground force and began attacking the tree borne ambushers.  Jun Jun protested that she was a “noncombatant.”  The Ground Musumes decided to make an example out of her.  They enacted severe collateral damage on the helpless journalist.  Never again would she climb a tree to record a surprise attack on her teammates.   After hearing many pleadings for surrender and apologies, Ai Takahashi, finally forced the ground team to agree to a cease fire after some rather interesting conditions of surrender that the ground Musumes insisted on.  Beaten, bruised, and humbled, Eri Kamei and Koharu Kusumi climbed down the tree and bowed to the victors.  They were followed by the ground musumes to the showers where reparations would be paid for the unprovoked aggression.   

Jun Jun came down too from the mango tree.  “You’re not supposed to target journalists”  she quipped to Reina.  The sticky fruit juice dripping off her face, arms, and legs and the insects it attracted, annoyed her. 

“Accidents happen you know”  Reina beamed at her.  The smile Reina wore showed anything but regret.  Fruit pulp covered her uniform and skin as well.  “Next time be more careful which side you pick.  You needed a shower anyway.”  With that last statement Reina winked at Jun Jun and followed her to the showers. 

Koharu spent her free time after the shower applying insect bite ointment on Risa, Reina, Jun Jun, Eri, and herself.  That day, she learned that attacking team mates resulted in more work for her as she was the ship’s medic. 

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2009, 07:40:17 AM »
AHA! Ai and Eri are the sharp shooters of the group! *proud* And well...Koharu and spears...are kinda scary. But what REALLY intrigues me is...

Eri would later remark on how wise Jun Jun was.  She also know that the bananna loving Chinese girl would eventually find a way to return the favour.  Eri has some ideas in mind.

I wonder...  :thumbsup


ROTTEN MANGO FIGHT! XD Lawl and Eri and Koharu liking trees. XD

Offline AuburnChicken

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Aboard the JSDF Fujimoto, Instructor Miki was typing into her laptop.  Instructor Aya stood behind her laughing.  Having activated the wireless internet transmitter that arrived with the transport plane, GAM was enjoying their internet access. 

GAM was about to make a pile of money for Morning Musume, JSDF and themselves. 
Aya Matsuura watched as Miki Fujimoto placed the listings on eBay, the internet’s most visited auction site.  Wotas everywhere would bid on this.  Mikitty’s evil mind had been hard at work.  Soon it would pay off.    The girls of Morning Musume were not happy at taking pay cuts to train with the JSDF, communal showers and firearms, notwithstanding.  However, this would certainly brighten their mood.  Aya and Miki were so sure of this, they didn’t even bother to ask the Musumes for permission. 

Soon after this was posted, many wotas saw this and began bidding. 

« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 07:58:37 AM by AuburnChicken »

Offline Amarghetta

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« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2009, 10:29:25 PM »
Hi, AC. I started reading you fic a few days ago, and I like how I always end up laughing with each update. The whole setting is so unlikely that'd probably be great in RL.  :thumbsup

I like how you put special attention to details, and since I'm a sucker for details... Yay for you!  :lol: 

And keep it coming!   I don't know what exactly are your plans with all this, but I'd like to find out.  :)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 01:19:54 AM by Amarghetta »

Offline JFC

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« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2009, 05:12:45 AM »

The GAM instructors provided appropriate motivation and enjoyed yelling at and groping the Musumes that lagged.
Now then, did our two instructors do both of these, or did they designate/choose who'd do what? :P

Aya Matsuura and Miki Fujimoto enjoyed whipping the Musumes into warriors.
Almost no need for the "warriors" part.  :P

Jun Jun carried a video camera instead of a spear.  Her footage would be instrumental in making sellable DVD magazines highlighting the combat progression of the Japanese singers.  I want to shoot and stab things too, I’m missing out on the fun here. She thought to herself.
Aside from the fact that this would indeed make an awesome DVD (because we know it would :yep: ), Junjun's right in that she should also be getting the combat training.  Even if it weren't for the special arrangement, a trainee can't become an effective soldier without the proper training.

Sayumi was the only girl who smiled while stabbing targets though.   This was probably an effort to look cute while executing violent attacks.  It had the opposite effect though and several of her teammates were understandably creeped out by this.
Yeah...creeped out definitely describes it pretty well. :O

Ummm...yeah...guess her excess of energy is being put to good use.

* JFC crosses his legs.

“Yatta Yatta Yatta” she yelled.   Jun Jun made sure to capture some footage of Koharu Kusumi waving her spear and dancing in a circle around the fallen straw man she demolished.  It was cute footage.  Otaku would mention this event on forums for years.
That's probably true. XD

As cute as it is to have that bit about Risa improving when Aichan's there, if that were the case in real life, Risa would likely be a handicap. A sniper's accuracy has to be consistently...well...consistent, and not dependant on any one factor.

Eri Kamei demonstrated high accuracy ratings with her rifle.   “Hey Eri can you hit that over there, that bunch of bananas?” Jun Jun pleaded pointing to a banana tree.  Eri had some spare rounds so she took steady aim.  The shot clipped the stem holding up the bananas and they fell.  “Eri you’re the best,  let’s put these in our packs so we have something else to eat besides Sayu’s cooking”  Eri agreed.  She fired a few more rounds and the harvest began.  Jun Jun set her camera on the ground to race after the fallen bananas freely.  They filled their packs to capacity.  Eri would later remark on how wise Jun Jun was.
A wise move indeed, considering their assigned duties. :lol:

Junjun :heart:'s the :banana: s.

She also knew that the bananna loving Chinese girl would eventually find a way to return the favour.  Eri had some ideas in mind.
Oh dear. Is Eri thinking naughty, naughty thoughts? :twisted:



Takahashi made notes on her pad observing the progress.  In close quarters combat, Koharu may be extremely competent.
Not to mention a bit of a tempest.  :sweatdrop:


:on lol:

Beaten, bruised, and humbled, Eri Kamei and Koharu Kusumi climbed down the tree and bowed to the victors.  They were followed by the ground musumes to the showers where reparations would be paid for the unprovoked aggression.
  Oooooooooooooooh Junjun's going to love this part. :D

Jun Jun came down too from the mango tree.  “You’re not supposed to target journalists”  she quipped to Reina. 


You needed a shower anyway.”  With that last statement Reina winked at Jun Jun and followed her to the showers.
Told ya. :drool:

Koharu spent her free time after the shower applying insect bite ointment on Risa, Reina, Jun Jun, Eri, and herself.  That day, she learned that attacking team mates resulted in more work for her as she was the ship’s medic.
OBURN! Totally forgot about that aspect of it!  :rofl:


You have to admit, it's an ingenious training method. Straw dummies and obstacle courses are all well and good, but it doesn't hold a candle (in terms of effective training) to having actual living, breathing, plotting opponents. The fact that GAM can make some decent coinage on the whole thing is a definite bonus (at least, for GAM it is). 

K, time to go apply for that bank loan.  :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline AuburnChicken

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« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2009, 12:49:50 AM »

Aya Matsuura and Miki Fujimoto stood on the bridge of the JSDF FUJIMOTO observing the activity on the deck.  Their dark tresses danced over their shoulders in the sea wind.  In their hands were aluminum clipboards and waterproof notepads to record the events of the upcoming exercise.   Enough of the classroom lectures the instructors had given the girls each afternoon, it was time to put theory into action.  Today everyone  wore flak helmets and life jackets over their navy grey battle dress uniforms.

Out past the harbor an old Dutch bulk freighter had been anchored for use an an artillery target.   Always consumed with dark humor, the instructors decided to rename the target ship the S.S. MICHAEL JACKSON in honor of one of America’s gayest celebrities and had this name painted on the freighter’s sides in a most obnoxious manner.  The letters were three meters high.  Not surprisingly, the local population protested seeing the eyesore in their harbor.     

The nine girls of Morning Musume scurried about the deck making preparations for departure.  Sayumi Michishige unpacked and stowed away the last package of food supplies in the ship’s stores.  Spam, Spam, Spam and bananas.  The bananas, she hung on hooks that Miki Fujimoto had thoughtfully installed in the ceiling.  Koharu Kusumi and Risa Niigaki ran checks on the shipboard weapons and secured the ammo lockers.  Eri Kamei and Reina Tanaka untied the mooring lines and secured them in the lockers.  Li Chun opened the vents to the engine room and started firing the engines.  The shipboard cameras recorded every detail.  For the first time, the 80 foot warship would go to sea with a full crew of Morning Musume. 

Ai Takahashi wore a white headband with a rising sun on the front.  She was excited to finally get a taste of command.   Her crew reported in one by one as they finished their duties and their stations were reported ready for departure.  Satisfied, she picked up the microphone and ordered reverse speed 5 knots.  Then she spun the helm to right full rudder.  Down below, Li Chun open the throttle.  Everyone caught their breath as the craft slipped away from the docks and turned towards the sea. 

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« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2009, 12:56:39 AM »

Miki Fujimoto placed a hand on Ai and then provided instructions.  “Ok let’s go get that freighter.”

“Speed to 20 knots” Ai Takahashi ordered.  The leader blushed.   Miki Fujimoto’s hand rested on a familiar spot and her knowing smile indicated it wasn’t an accident.  It didn’t last long though as her instructor understood the leader needed to focus.

The boat lurched forward.  Plumes of water flew up at the stern as the propellers created a great wake. 

Aya Matsuura gathered the gun crews in around the 40 mm single gun mount.  Koharu Kusumi, Risa Niigaki, Reina Tanaka, Sayumi Michishige, and Eri Kamei listened to Aya’s direction.

“On board that rusting hulk we have setup straw men targets and mockups of deck gun stations.  Target and eliminate the enemy deck weapons and their crews.  At nighttime, fire at their searchlights.  After that, shell the waterline to create flooding damage.  All right, let’s send that abomination to the coral” 

The gun crew placed all their hands in the circle .  “1 2 3  Banzai  Banzai Banzai” 

Miki Fujimoto looked at the pretty Japanese  girl at the helm with the white headband. 


“Hai,  Fujimoto-san”

“We will be in range soon”

“I understand”  Bringing the microphone to her hand, Takahashi  announced over the PA system. 

“General Quarters General Quarters..  All hands man your battle stations.  Prepare to engage enemy freighter”  The ship’s siren started wailing up and down.  Adrenaline flowed freely through the young leader and the fighting spirit swelled in her.  Around the deck she saw the girls scrambling to unlimber the guns.  “Li Chun,  take us to full speed. Let’s not be a sitting duck here!”

“Aye Captain”  Li Chun called back up through the system.  The three Packard engines roared to life throwing the ship forward in a burst of acceleration.  Sea spray crashed over the bow.  The JSDF FUJIMOTO rapidly closed the distance to the S.S MICHEAL JACKSON. 

The situation topside was chaotic.  Eri Kamei stripped the dust protectors off the gun barrel and secured them in the lockers.  Then she pulled back the hand operating lever preparing the gun for loading.  Reina Tanaka pulled a 20 lb 40mm magazine from the ammo locker.   Each magazine held 4 shells and each shell weighed about 5lbs.  A properly trained crew should be able to fire 120 rounds a minute making the loader’s job quite exhausting in sustained battle.  Carefully, she installed the magazine into loader assembly. 

Akia Mitsui jumped in the trainer’s seat to rotate the gun mount towards the target ship.  Cranking the handles as fast as she could, she brought the crosshairs closer to the freighter.  Eri Kamei jumped into the pointer’s seat to elevate the gun. 

The inexperienced girls were understandably nervous about operating the complex weaponry. 
Aya Matsuura observed their movements and stood ready to assist and instruct should the gun jam during the exercise and to prevent mishaps.   

Meanwhile Koharu Kusumi and Risa Niigaki worked to prep the 20 mm machine guns for action.  They loaded the ammunition belts into the guns according to the procedure they  memorized the week before in lab.  Then they trained their guns on the freighter. 

Miki Fujimoto took over the helm, allowing Takahashi to use binoculars to locate the mock deck guns and straw dummies on the freighter.  The officer in training quickly sighted multiple gun emplacements on the fore and aft of the S.S. MICHAEL JACKSON.   Over the roar of the engines, Takahashi listened for reports from her crew. 

“40 mm gun is ready for action” yelled Tanaka
“Aft 20 mm gun ready for action”  Niigaki called out. 

About a minute later, Kusumi got the belt loaded. 

“Fore 20 mm gun ready for action”  Kusumi called out.  Under her breath, she cursed herself. She was embarrassed at being the last and resolved to practice this again in her off time tonight. 
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 02:40:44 AM by AuburnChicken »

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« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2009, 01:04:52 AM »

“Alright, let’s light up that gay ass freighter”   Reina Tanaka expressed her enthusiasm to her gun crew.   Thrilled to have a chance to fire the 89 inch long gun, Reina Tanaka’s forgot to turn off her mic before yelling this and announced this throughout the entire ship’s PA system.  Her colorful remark earned her some nasty glares from Risa Niigaki and Aya Matsuura.  Akia and Eri dropped their jaws in surprise.  Down below, Li Chun snickered in the engine room.  That grin was shared by the instructor on the bridge as well. 

“Excuse me young lady,”  Aya peered into the Yankee’s eyes with a bit of mock sternness.   

“Ok Sorry, What I MEANT to say was let’s light up that homosexual ass freighter.”  Reina made a point of depressing the mic button while saying this.  Her more politically correct apology diffused tension among the more uptight members of the crew and earned goodwill from the rest. 

Takahashi's voice came over the PA “Enemy deck gun emplacements sighted on the fore and aft sections.  Musumes, you are clear to fire.  Let' em have it”

With that order, the girls of Morning Musume unleashed the naval guns of the JSDF FUJIMOTO on the target ship S.S. MICHAEL JACKSON. 

Boom Boom Boom Boom!  The single 40 mm gun recoiled 4 times, emptying the magazine and ejecting shell casings.   Tanaka quickly went to work pulling out the empty magazine and replacing it with a full one.  Huge shell splashes erupted in the water before the target.  Eri instinctively knew to raise the elevation several degrees.  Mitsui cranked the training handles a little to adjust for the movement of the JSDF FUJIMOTO bringing the guns back to bear on the enemy deck guns on the forecastle. 

Boom Boom Boom Boom! Kamei fired the second salvo.  The ordnance shredded the first enemy gun emplacement on the forecastle.  Tanaka scrambled to replace the magazine again while her crewmates adjusted to target the second deck gun emplacement.  It was demolished moments later. 

On the beach, locals and Hello Project Staff watched the exercise and cheered wildly for the beautiful Japanese girls who were losing their naval artillery virginity and loving it. 

A small speedboat loaded with Hello Project camera crews flanked the JSDF FUJIMOTO to record the events for the Alo Hello Balikpapan DVD.  That combined with the onboard cameras mounted on the JSDF FUJIMOTO created plenty of footage.  This DVD was destined to become a legend.

The nimble PT Boat crossed the bow of the anchored freighter and turned to run parallel to it.  Takahashi quickly spotted multiple dummy targets on the deck representing enemy crew  Several of them had PVC tubes mounted on their shoulders.   The commander quickly understood what they represented. 

“RPG infantry on the enemy bridge and deck. Shoot them down”  the commander announced on the pa. 

Kusumi and Niigaki quickly trained their  20 mm deck guns and opened up.  Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat. The gun barrels blazed and the operators observed their tracers lancing out at the enemy missile infantry.  Machine gunfire raked the bridge, shredded the straw dummies and shattered windows.  Heavier 40 mm shells wrecked the superstructure.

 “Yatta Yatta Yatta We did it! Yatta”   Pleased with her marksmanship, Koharu Kusumi grinned from cheek to cheek.   Risa Niigaki shared the same giddy feeling.  The sea spray against their face, the sounds of the machine guns and thundering roar of the engines, the feeling of pulsating recoil as they fired their weapons, the sight of the bright orange explosions as their ordnance fell on target.  All of this pushed the girls into sensory overload.  Synaptic axons dumped Norepherine into their bodies.   Eri Kamei, Reina Tanaka, and Akia Mitsui continued to load, train, and fire their 40 mm mount, their actions becoming more automatic and fluid as adrenaline flooded their nervous systems. 

The JSDF FUJIMOTO raced alongside the anchored S.S. MICHAEL JACKSON, strafing the enemy dummy crew  with machine gun and artillery fire.   Explosions blew straw men parts into the air and into the water.  Takahashi steered the craft parallel to the target moving towards the stern gun emplacements.  “Enemy gun emplacements on the stern coming in range.  Let’s wrap this up”

Kamei and Mitsui trained their weapon to demolish the last two gun emplacements on stern of the target ship.  Once the targets came within the training angle of the gun, Eri fired.  Boom Boom Boom Boom!  Moments later the merchant ship was totally disarmed.  Secondary explosions erupted from the aft of the freighter blowing the fake deck guns off the ship and into the water. 

Takahashi turned the wheel hard to starboard.  The JSDF FUJIMOTO began a tight turn around the wreck of a freighter.  The chase speed boat followed to record the beautiful girls at their action stations.  Once the warship cleared the battered hulk, the captain set her course for the harbor.  The  flaming S.S. MICHAEL JACKSON burned from end to end in the harbor to the delight of Balikpapan residents and JSDF staff.  The audience was not happy when a fireboat approached to extinguish the fires.   

“Mission Complete:  Secure Stations”  A happy commander Ai Takahashi voiced into the PA.  Covers were reinstalled on the guns and weapons unloaded.  Ammo was secured back in the lockers.  The expanded shell casings were picked up and thrown into the recycling bin.  “Li Chun, take us down to 10 knots”  The Chinese girl responded by cutting the throttle.  The captain set the pt boat for a slow steady cruise back to the harbor. 

All this training has made me hungry
Eri Kamei thought to herself.  Takahashi’s stomach growled.  Miki heard it and laughed. 

My arms are so tired  but we got that gay ass freighter  Reina thought to herself.  Sweat dripped from her arms and shoulders and face.  Her upper arms were quite sore from hauling around so many 20lb magazines. 

Mmmmm this bananna is delicious  Li Chun smiled to herself for having the foresight to hide bananas in the tool locker of the engine room.  Since no one else was in the room to observe her, she feasted on the fruit she harvested the day before.  Shoving the last portion of the fruit into her mouth, she wondered how to hide the peel for a moment before putting it into her pants pocket. 

Collectively all the girls except one were wondering what they would eat after training….And that girl was a nervous wreck. …
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 01:17:30 AM by AuburnChicken »

Offline AuburnChicken

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PT BOAT MUSUME: Ai Takahashi Combat Art
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2009, 02:36:08 AM »

Offline Rayle

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Picture is broken. :(

Offline JFC

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Always consumed with dark humor, the instructors decided to rename the target ship the S.S. MICHAEL JACKSON in honor of one of America’s gayest celebrities and had this name painted on the freighter’s sides in a most obnoxious manner.  The letters were three meters high.  Not surprisingly, the local population protested seeing the eyesore in their harbor.

Sayumi Michishige unpacked and stowed away the last package of food supplies in the ship’s stores.  Spam, Spam, Spam and bananas.
Interesting combination. Something tells me SPAM is one of the few things that Sayu can't render inedible, and we all know where the bananas came from. :P

The bananas, she hung on hooks that Miki Fujimoto had thoughtfully installed in the ceiling.
And of course, Miki had installed those hooks just for hanging the bananas (and for no other reason whatsoever).  :roll:


Captain Aichan FTW!


“Alright, let’s light up that gay ass freighter”   Reina Tanaka expressed her enthusiasm to her gun crew.   Thrilled to have a chance to fire the 89 inch long gun, Reina Tanaka’s forgot to turn off her mic before yelling this and announced this throughout the entire ship’s PA system.  Her colorful remark earned her some nasty glares from Risa Niigaki and Aya Matsuura.  Akia and Eri dropped their jaws in surprise.  Down below, Li Chun snickered in the engine room.  That grin was shared by the instructor on the bridge as well.
Oops. :P

“Ok Sorry, What I MEANT to say was let’s light up that homosexual ass freighter.”  Reina made a point of depressing the mic button while saying this.  Her more politically correct apology diffused tension among the more uptight members of the crew and earned goodwill from the rest.

All this training has made me hungry Eri Kamei thought to herself.  Takahashi’s stomach growled.  Miki heard it and laughed.
Oh boy. Now they have to face Sayu's cooking! :O

Mmmmm this bananna is delicious  Li Chun smiled to herself for having the foresight to hide bananas in the tool locker of the engine room.  Since no one else was in the room to observe her, she feasted on the fruit she harvested the day before.  Shoving the last portion of the fruit into her mouth, she wondered how to hide the peel for a moment before putting it into her pants pocket.
Smart move there Junjun. :yep:

Collectively all the girls except one were wondering what they would eat after training….And that girl was a nervous wreck. …
Eh? :?

Picture is broken. :(
Really? I see it just fine.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Kuji

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Sayu and Koharu scare and amuse me at the same time in this story. The Rainbow Pink duo is quite the pair. XDDDD

Ahaha... gay ass -> homosexual ass.
Reina's political correctness. :rofl:

Offline takagakifan

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favorite qoutes so far:

overcute sugar  intoxicated hormone ridden sexually confused princesses

Eri pointed at Jun Jun and whispered to Sayumi  “She’s hentai, she asked to bathe with me before. It’s weird.”

“Nee Ai-Chan”   Risa purrs.

“Yes Risa”  Ai says.   

“You dropped your soap”

Jun Jun made sure to capture some footage of Koharu Kusumi waving her spear and dancing in a circle around the fallen straw man she demolished.  It was cute footage.  Otaku would mention this event on forums for years. 

Number of times i had to google a word or phrases


GAWD DO I LOVE THIS STORY :mon lovelaff:
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

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