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Author Topic: Bishonen No Idol  (Read 3437 times)

Offline Kookyprincess22

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Bishonen No Idol
« on: January 07, 2009, 02:16:00 AM »
Konichiwa Everyone,This is kookyprincess22 speaking and this will be my 4th attempt to make a fanfic.I was talking about ai-chan a few minutes ago in the Ai takahashi thread about her being a boy and I just thought of something similar to hanakimi.and if you do not know what I'm talking about here is a summary.

After a game of "truth or dare" with the other musume,Ai-chan must go undercover as a Johnny's boy in order to know what it's like to be a johnny's boy for 3 months,But what happens when she falls in love with two of the boys(one from kt and the other's from news)?

I'm going to be giving you a little teaser of the 1st chapter here and here is the index if you want any info on the upcoming chapters.

Teaser-Page 1
Chapter 1-The Game Of Truth or dare that started it all...Page 1
Chapter 2-Friends Forever?-Page 1
Chapter 3-Coming Soon
Chapter 4-Coming Soon
Chapter 5-Coming soon
Chapter 6-Coming soon
Chapter 7-Coming soon
Chapter 8-Coming Soon
Chapter 9-Coming soon
Chapter 10-Coming Soon
Chapter 11-Coming soon
Chapter 12-Coming Soon
Chapter 13-Coming soon
Chapter 14-Coming soon
Chapter 15-Coming soon
Chapter 16-Coming soon
Chapter 17-Coming soon
Chapter 18-Coming soon
Chapter 19-Coming soon
Chapter 20-Coming soon
Chapter 21-Coming soon
Chapter 22-Coming soon
Chapter 23-Coming soon
Chapter 24-Coming Soon
Chapter 25-Coming soon

You Can write up your thoughts on the summary and the story and your hopes for the tale.

Chapter 1:The Game of Truth or dare that started it all...

It all started with a little game of "Truth or dare"...

"Ok you go first reina-chan,truth or dare?" Gaki-san said,Morning Musume was having a slumber party and they were playing a game of truth or dare.The current lineup of morning musume were really good friends and have been the longest unbroken bond of momusu.much more than previous lineups.

"Truth" Reina-chan Replied.

"Ok,Reina,What is your most embarrasing moment?" Gaki-san Asked.

"Well,I was playing wii with my friends,and someone suddenly was behind me and started throwing up on me,that was probably my most embarrasing moment." Reina-chan said telling all of the girls about her most embarrasing moment.

"Wow,That's pretty embarrasing." Aika-chan said.

"Ok,Ai-chan,Truth or dare?" Reina-chan asked.

"I don't know about this." Ai-chan replied.

"Oh,come on ai-chan don't be such a wuss." Reina-chan told ai-chan in a taunting tone.

"But what if it involves me and a boy,Tsunku said no boys." Ai-chan scoled Reina-chan,They know the can't date boys unless they're out of h!p.

"Don't worry Ai-chan,a little truth or dare won't hurt anybody won't it?" Reina-chan told ai-chan.

"Ok,I give up." Ai-chan said in a surrendering tone.

"Well,Truth or dare?" Reina-chan Asked Ai-chan in a kinda bored tone.

"Ok,Truth." Ai-chan replied.

"Well then,what is your deepest and darkest secret?" Reina-chan asked.

"I changed my mind,dare!" Ai-chan hesitated.

"Okay miss riida,I dare you to..." Reina-chan asked

Everyone was waiting to find out what will be the dare.
-full chapter in page-
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 03:05:17 PM by Kookyprincess22 »

I'm a ninja pirate.

Offline Kookyprincess22

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chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 02:23:24 AM »
Chapter 1:The Game of Truth or dare that started it all...

It all started with a little game of "Truth or dare"...

"Ok you go first reina-chan,truth or dare?" Gaki-san said,Morning Musume was having a slumber party and they were playing a game of truth or dare.The current lineup of morning musume were really good friends and have been the longest unbroken bond of momusu.much more than previous lineups.

"Truth" Reina-chan Replied.

"Ok,Reina,What is your most embarrasing moment?" Gaki-san Asked.

"Well,I was playing wii with my friends,and someone suddenly was behind me and started throwing up on me,that was probably my most embarrasing moment." Reina-chan said telling all of the girls about her most embarrasing moment.

"Wow,That's pretty embarrasing." Aika-chan said.

"Ok,Ai-chan,Truth or dare?" Reina-chan asked.

"I don't know about this." Ai-chan replied.

"Oh,come on ai-chan don't be such a wuss." Reina-chan told ai-chan in a taunting tone.

"But what if it involves me and a boy,Tsunku said no boys." Ai-chan scoled Reina-chan,They know the can't date boys unless they're out of h!p.

"Don't worry Ai-chan,a little truth or dare won't hurt anybody won't it?" Reina-chan told ai-chan.

"Ok,I give up." Ai-chan said in a surrendering tone.

"Well,Truth or dare?" Reina-chan Asked Ai-chan in a kinda bored tone.

"Ok,Truth." Ai-chan replied.

"Well then,what is your deepest and darkest secret?" Reina-chan asked.

"I changed my mind,dare!" Ai-chan hesitated.

"Okay miss riida,I dare you to..." Reina-chan asked

Everyone was waiting to find out what will be the dare.

"To eat dog food!" Kame-chan yelled.

"To Jump of Mt. Fuji!" Sayumi Yelled.

"To Sniff a Cow dung and eat it!" Jun Jun yelled.

Everyone looked at jun jun like she was a weirdo or something.

"Eh?" Mittsi yelled.

"What,It seemed like a good dare." Jun-Jun explained.

"No,No & No!" Reina-chan yelled.

"Ai-chan,well if you want to know more about johnny's soo bad,Then I dare you to...Go undercover as a johnny's boy and know what it's like for 3 months."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!" Ai-chan asked in shock.

"Reina-chan you've got to be kidding us." Gaki-san said.

"No,I'm downright serious girls,If ai-chan wants to roll with the boys,then she must be one of them."Reina said.

"No way in hell reina,I Am going to dress up like a guy and pretend i'm a johnny's,what if tsunku-san finds out that i'm crossdressing as a guy."Ai-chan told reina,she was worried that tsunku might catch her doing something crazy like this and if he does,he's going to strip her of her leader duties.

"Don't Be A chicken,Takahashi,I know how much you want to be a guy.You even said it yourself on the recent DVD Magazine.That you want to be a guy in your next life.Plus your two future husbands are in Johnny's." Reina-chan told her.

"Kamenashi-kun & Yamashita-kun are NOT my future husbands,Plus I do want to be a guy in my next life,I just don't want to do something so stupid as this." Ai-chan told reina in an angry tone.

"Oh come on ai,I know that you've been looking at them in a loving way when we went to fns & best artist 2 years ago.Yuko even scolded you for doing that." Reina taunted her.

"I was 21,Forgive me." Ai-chan told her.

"Reina,don't you think this is a bad idea?" Risa told Reina.

"Not at all,Gaki.I don't care if she says no,cause if she does,I'm going to tell tsunku about what happened 2 years ago."Reina Told Gaki.

"Everyone is going to be laughing at you ai-chan if you don't do this.The whole world." Reina told ai-chan in a taunting way and closed up at her face.

"Ok,I'm in." Ai-chan said.

"What?" Gaki-san said in a shocked tone.

"Well,Meet me at shibuya 109 tomorrow." Reina-chan said.

"Okay,meet ya there." Ai-chan said

"Fine!" Reina-chan said.

"Reina are you sure this is a good idea?" Gaki said.

"Positive gaki,she'll be fine,It's not like you're in love with her or anything." Reina-chan told her.

"Yeah,im not,i'll be fine." Gaki said worried,she was fibbing in order that reina does not tell tsunku.her and ai-chan have been friends for a long time since auditions.and she actually did have feelings for ai-chan but she could not tell her.

And sooo,the girls kept on talking about the big plot ai-chan will do.they sounded worried but shocked.they all went to sleep waiting what they would expect the next day.
-end of chapter 1-
so what did ya think?

I'm a ninja pirate.

Offline Sancho

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Re: Bishonen No Idol
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 04:01:48 AM »
Interesting story. I hope you can pull it of nicely since there's a lot of Dorama story out there using " Girl disguised as a boy" idea. Good luck on your story.  :) :)

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Bishonen No Idol
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2009, 04:52:00 AM »
Ai-chan disguised as a boy, the concept sounds interesting and I have no doubt you'll make this an enjoyable read. I'll be waiting :)

Offline Kookyprincess22

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Re: Bishonen No Idol
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2009, 03:04:03 PM »
Chapter 2-Friends Forever?

"Ohayo" Gaki-san said to the rest of the girls,she was making breakfast.

"Good Morning,Mame,what smells so good?" Kame-chan said as she smelt something gaki-san was making.

"Monjayaki,a specialty of mine,want some?" Gaki-san asked the girls if they wanted monjayaki that she was making.

"I Do!" all of them yelled,they were so hungry after that huge slumber party they had,but for gaki-san,It was one of the worst nights of her whole life.

"Hey gaki,good morning." Ai-chan was the last one to wake up and she said hi to gaki-san.

Gaki-san just ignores her while she's serving the monjayaki to the rest of the girls,she was still mad after ai-chan gave in to reina-chan's dare in which she would go undercover as a johnny's boy & see what it's like for 3 months.

"Gaki,are you still mad at me for that silly childish dare thing?"Ai-chan told her in a somehow sarcastic tone.

"Hey everybody,can you excuse me for a couple of minutes,I have to go talk to our ignorant leader for a while." Gaki-san told them while in a very angry tone.

"No prob,I'll be in charge Nii-Nii." Her good pal told gaki-san that she'd be in charge while gaki-san was gone.

"Thanks kamei,I knew I could count on you." Gaki-san told Kamei.

Then Gaki-san & Ai-chan went outside in the garden to talk.

"Ai-chan,don't you think this is a really stupid thing you're doing?" Gaki-san asked her,she was actually very mad at her.

"No,If Reina said I didn't do this dare,she was going to tell almost all of japan my secret." Ai-chan answered her,she knew what was going to happen if she didn't do the dare.

"Look Ai-chan,Reina dosen't know what the hell she's doing,you don't even know what the hell are you doing." Gaki-san told her,she was already starting to get angry.

"Wait gaki-san,are you trying to say that I don't even know what the hell am I doing.Gaki,who is the leader of momusu,I am and you aren't so I pretty know what I'm doing." Ai-chan told Gaki-san.

"Ai-chan,You are almost getting me more mad than I already am,I have been your friend longer than that yankee wannabe." Gaki-san told her,tears were already pouring out of her eyes.

"True that you have been friends with me longer than reina,but I want some space,some freedom to do this,trust me!" Ai-chan Told gaki-san.

"Well,If you wanted some space away from me,then why didn't you tell me instead of hanging out with different people anyway." Gaki-san yelled at her while crying.

"I never even did that to you and I wanted to tell you but you were too busy hanging out with kame." Ai-chan talked back to her.

"You do not talk back to your own best friend takahashi,I knew that you've changed ever since you started hanging out with her,you've started not talking to me as much." Gaki-san told her.

"Well,Maybe I don't want to be your friend anymore." Ai-chan told her In an angry tone.

"Wait,you don't want to be friends with me anymore?" Gaki-san told her while she was still crying.

"Not with a girl-woman who gets scared at everything." Ai-chan told her in a stern tone.

"Good,cause I don't want to be friends with a stuck up bitch." Gaki-san

"Fine then to hell with you niigaki risa." Ai-chan yelled at gaki-san.

"Fine,then F*** You Takahashi!" Gaki-san yelled at her & that was the last of it.

~End Of Chapter 2~

I'm a ninja pirate.

Offline Kookyprincess22

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Chapter 3
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 11:46:00 PM »
Chapter 3-From Bishojo To Bishonen

"Ai-chan,Please forgive me." Gaki-san yelled,She was knocking the door loudly,Begging Ai-chan to forgive her.

"Go away Niigaki,I'm never speaking to you again."Ai-chan told her,she was in tears because she regretted fighting with her.

"Come on,Ai-chan,It was just a childish fight,I was just worried about you." Gaki-san told her.

"You didn't have to,I am going to be just fine.Besides,don't you think you're just overreacting?" Ai-chan asked her in a sarcastic tone while in tears.

"No,not at all." Gaki-san Replied.

"Well,do you at least want me to do this?" Ai-chan asked her.

"This is exactly the reason why you are acting so childish,Because you are a kid." Gaki-san told her & then stormed off.

"Fine,Screw you then Niigaki." Ai-chan told her while in tears,She then laid down in her bed & asked herself....

"God,what the hell did I ever do wrong?" Ai-chan asked herself,She was crying and then found a picture of Her and gaki-san on the night stand.She then proceded to look at the picture while a single tear rolled down her cheek & onto the picture frame.


"It's 2001,We see a young girl with black hair and wearing pants sitting down with a suitcase.A young girl with pigtails walked over to her & sat next to her.

"Hey,why the long face?" The Pigtailed girl asked her.She was 12 years old & had a very perky personality.

"I'm just afraid I won't make it into Morning Musume,What If something happens and I don't make it?" The girl with the Long black hair Replied.

"Don't worry,I know you'll make it,You're a really good singer & dancer."The pigtailed girl told her.

"Yeah,maybe I shouldn't worry.Thanks,I'm Ai-chan by the way."The black haired girl Introduced herself as Takahashi Ai,she was 14 years old at the time.

"I'm Niigaki Risa,hey,I like your outfit." Gaki-san Told her.

"Thanks,I Like your pigtails." Ai-chan complimented her pigtails.

"Takahashi-san,Niigaki-san! We need to go!" A person who was on the bus yelled at both of them,they were leaving for the training camp soon.

"Well,It's Time to go."Ai-chan told Gaki-san.

"You seem like a really good friend,wanna sit next to me on the bus?" Ai-chan asked her.

"Yeah,I'll save you a seat." Gaki-san replied.Those times were the good times in their friendship.The times in which they were the best of friends,Not anymore.

We flashforward 7 years & we see Ai-chan still lying down on her bed,crying her heart out.That is,until she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"If it's gaki-san,Please go away." Ai-chan told the person knocking on her bedroom door.

"Don't worry,It's not,It's me,Reina." The person knocking Identified herself as Reina-chan.Ai-chan then got up from her bed to open the door,She then opened the door for Reina-chan.

"Hi Ai-chan,I'm back,Sorry that you couldn't come." Reina-chan told Ai-chan,Ai-chan could not come along because she was too sad to go shopping with reina-chan after her fight with gaki-san.Reina-chan was carrying like 10 bags of clothes,8 of them were full of men's clothes while 2 of them consisted of a wig,makeup & other things.

"Back from buying the entire country?" Ai-chan asked Reina-chan.

"No,I'm back from shopping the supplies that will transform you from a Bishoujo to a Bishonen." Reina-chan told Ai-chan.She was back from shopping for men's clothing in order for Ai-chan a boy & go undercover as a johnny's guy for 3 months.

"I've bought you some clothes,makeup,a wig & huge nylon wrap to make you into an extremely handsome guy." Reina-chan Told her.

"Nylon wrap? why the ###### would you buy Nylon wrap for?" Ai-chan asked Reina-chan why did she buy the nylon wrap for.

"To flatten your chest you dumbass,Now take off your damn shirt & let me flatten your boobs,dammit!" Reina-chan yelled at her & telling her to take off her shirt so that she can flatten her chest.

"Oh no,there is no way in Hell you are making me take off my shirt in front of you,Forget it." Ai-chan told her,she was about to leave but reina-chan stood in her way.

"Wait ai-chan,you wouldn't want tsunku to find out your secret,wouldn't you?" Reina-chan asked her in a taunting tone.

"Fine,If you say so,Miss i'm the queen of the universe." Ai-chan sarcastically told her & then took off her shirt & bra.Reina-chan was stunned as she saw and stared at Ai-chan's bare breasts.

"Whoa." That was all Reina-chan could say.

"What In the world are you staring at?" A shirtless ai-chan asked reina-chan if she was staring at her breasts.

"Oh,Um,Nothing ai-chan! it was not Like I was staring at your boobs or something!" Reina-chan stuttered.She was sweating because of the sight of a shirtless ai-chan would make her want to say something,But she couldn't because ai-chan would kill her if she said anything about her boobs cause it would make her look like a pervert and reina-chan didn't want that,not at all.

"So are you gonna flatten my chest or not?" Ai-chan asked her in a very Impatient tone.

"Yeah! turn around and let me put the nylon wrap on you." Reina-chan said,she then proceded to take out a huge roll of Nylon wrap & some knitting supplies.Next,she cut a huge piece of Nylon and put it around Ai-chan's torso until the ends were left and she could stretch them in order to flatten her chest.

"Ai-chan Are you sure you're gonna be fine,you're not gonna be a chicken or anything?" Reina-chan asked her before she was about to pull the wrap in order to flatten her chest.

"Oh sure,I'll be fine." Ai-chan sarcastically told her.She was actually really scared and nervous about getting her chest flattened.

"Good,cause here it comes." Reina-chan told her and then started pulling on the Wrap like there was no tomorrow.

"Ow! Reina-chan that hurts!" Ai-chan yelled as Reina-chan pulled on the wrap.

"Ai-chan,I'm pulling as hard as I can,will you please calm down?" Reina-chan asked her If she would calm down.

"Okay" Ai-chan replied "I'll calm down."

"Good." Reina-chan said,she then proceded to pull on the wrap,more harder than the first time.

"Ow! Oh god! Reina-chan!" Ai-chan kept yelling,Meanwhile,outside the door,Junjun,linlin,Kame-chan,Koha-chan & Mittsi were eavesdropping into the conversation.

"I wonder what's going on in there." Junjun said.

"Yeah,Me too,I wanna know exactly what they're doing in there." Kame-chan told them.

"Dammit,Reina-chan you didn't have to pull so hard!" Ai-chan yelled.

"Pull what so hard?" Koha-chan asked.

"I dunno,but I've gotta find out." Kame-chan told her.

Kame-chan then went over to the door & opened it.she then saw Reina-chan pulling the nylon wrap ai-chan is wearing.

"Oh my god!" Kame-chan screamed & looked disgusted.

"Holy $#%@! Kame-chan,what are you doing here?!" Ai-chan asked,looking very mad.

"Nothing,I just wanted to see what you 2 were doing." Kame-chan replied.

"Well,we're not doing anything offensive or anything...why are you still standing here? Get the F*** out!" Reina-chan yelled at kame-chan to get out.

"Fine,you didn't have to be so mean,god." Kame-chan said & then closed the door.

"God,that was embarrasing,now let's knit your fake chest." Reina-chan said.

"Yeah,thank god it's over." Ai-chan replied & then proceded her transformation into a dude.


"Ai-chan,are you ready yet?" Reina-chan asked Ai-chan,she was still in the bathroom,getting dressed in her men's clothes & finishing her transformation.

"I'm almost ready." Ai-chan told her.

"Okay,now let's see." Reina-chan told her,Ai-chan then walked out of the bathroom & she was now a dude,Reina-chan was stunned and starstruck at how ai-chan looked,Ai-chan was no longer a girl,no longer a woman,She was finally a dude.

"so what do you think?" Ai-chan asked her.

"You look...I mean you" Reina-chan was still starstruck by the male version of ai-chan.

"Thanks,and what's next,new best friend?" Ai-chan asked her.

"From now on,your name will be Nishiyama Akira." Reina-chan told her that her boy name,the name of the boy Ai-chan,will be Nishiyama Akira.

"Nishiyama Akira,I like the sound of that,so what do you say partner?" Ai-chan asked reina-chan.

"yeah,partner,Good luck,I will be sending out your application soon." Reina-chan told her and Then her and ai-chan hugged,They did not know that gaki-san was standing there,looking like she was about to throw up or cry.she was shocked,angry & amazed at the new put it this way,gaki-san looked like she was stabbed in the heart by her own best friend.

-End of chapter 3-

I'm a ninja pirate.

Offline YumePouk

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Re: Bishonen No Idol
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2009, 02:09:10 PM »
Well as I promise on H!O.
I will made a trailer or this FanFic ^^
So there the link of my work

I hope you will enjoy it
and That will help you a bit to continue it   :wub: :wub:

Like I didn't hear it, like I couldn't hear it.... I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

Offline Haruka

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Re: Bishonen No Idol
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2009, 05:50:34 PM »

Sugoi no BET!!!... or well... Dare o_O

It will be like a Dorama xD

Takahashi Boy, its so hot *o*

The Hell xD update!!!!!!

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline Sancho

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Re: Bishonen No Idol
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 04:39:27 AM »
Sorry for the late reply. I didn't know you already made till chapter 3. Nice follow up by the way. Poor Gaki san. After reading it, I remembered my best friend. We are together from High school till college. After graduating, we barely see each other. In some way, I think I understand what Gaki felt after hearing out Ai saying to Reina that she is her new best friend right in front of her.

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