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Author Topic: JpH!P -RpG IRC (rules and how to get on)  (Read 4619 times)

Offline Daisukirika

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JpH!P -RpG IRC (rules and how to get on)
« on: March 04, 2008, 12:25:09 PM »

For everyone's info the rpg channel in the irc is : #jphip-rpg

To learn more about the irc follow this link.

The Chat can be found using a IRC program or here:

RULES For the IRC.

1. The Main point of the rpg-irc is so that we can actually get more indepth with the rpg. Like-wise it's important that we stay in character.
Since it's possible to change nick, I'd like it if people used the characters that they were playing as their nick while in that chatroom.

I.E. instead of being known as Daisu in the Irc chat , I'd go by Sayu or Sayumi.

2. If at any circumstance that you need to break character while in the chat , please include those statements in a bubble.
For Example: Sayu : (Hey guys i gotta go eat so i'm gonna end my part as sayu here)

3. Let's do our best to have fun, I dunt wanna see anyone arguing and havng fights with each other there.

4. I'll be in the Irc chat always.. the only reason's I won't be in there is cuse I've either restarted my comp or I got d/c. So expect me to always be there... If I'm away I'll mention it in my nick.

5. I'll be making a thread where's I'd like people to post up what they did together in the Irc or I'll do it if i don't see if posted. If you don't want it posted make sure to post that info within a bubble. I'd like to do this that way people can read what's events happened or what people did together. Plus who knows what funny things can happen spur of the moment.

Lastly I'd like to thank Daigong for making the channel. ~~THANKS~~

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