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Author Topic: Ichiban Konshi! [Ohmigah, it's Chapter 1!!!]  (Read 3150 times)

Offline whytphyre

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Ichiban Konshi! [Ohmigah, it's Chapter 1!!!]
« on: September 17, 2008, 04:08:33 AM »
Hey gang, long time no see! Yeah, I totally didn't come and decided to come back after a bit... so on and so forth. But, as I come back,  I come back with a fanfic! I haven't the slightest how many times I'll be able to update because of a school schedule of wonk, but I'll try the best I can!

The Chapters

Prologue [Below]
Chapter 1

The Cast

5 Random Unnameds (all H!P girls)
Umeda Erika - Aligned with the Police
Tanaka Reina - Wonky!
Grumpy Female - Boss-sama
Nakazawa Yuko - Police Chief
-------- - Police Lieutenant
-------- - Police Coroner
-------- - Konshi Mayor

The Deceased
Ichigo and Kouji - Brothers of -----
'Boss' - Father of ------
Mother of --------
Sister and Brother of ---------
Family (Mother, Father, Sister) of -----------
Family (Mother, Father) of -----------


Seven Years Ago

"'Kaa~saaan! 'Kaa~saaaaan!"

As she burst through the large door, her dark purple lunchbox swaying back and forth, and her head held high. There was a small piece of paper in her other hand, laden with crayons of all sorts of colors. She was absolutely adorable, precious, and many other words her parents had called her many times.

".... Oh! 'Toosan!" the girl exclaimed happily, trotting over to the tired looking mass of dark blue uniform and person sitting on the couch, "'Toosan, I drew a picture of us! Look!"

As she held up the paper, the man stared at the drawing for a few moments, his lips smiling but his eyes were showing a different emotion.

"Where's 'Kaasan? I want to show 'Kaasan too!"

The little girl looked around a moment. Where was her mother? They were both supposed to be home right now, but she only saw her father...

"Kitten..." her father said, grabbing the girl's attention. His voice seemed strained, and she could tell. But... she was not sure she understood.

"... What's wrong 'Toosan?"

"... It's about your okaasan..." he continued, picking his little girl up and setting her on his lap, "... We have to have a little talk..."


"Yuuchan! Yuuchan, can I pick one? Please?"

It was like walking into a pet store for the younger of the two women as she pranced about, eyeing all the children with great care. However, the eldest was calm; much more calm than anyone else would have been. It might have been because of the bond the two shared, or the pure fact that she could quite frankly have not cared about the younger's want to adopt a child...

It may have also been the fact that she was drunk, but somehow that did not seem to add into the equation, as even the police chief when inebriated was a better driver than the coroner next to her.

"Naaa... the firs'un upik...'s gunn'be runnin' frum ya."

Simply put; Don't scare the children.

"But... but Yuuchan!"

"... Naaaa.... how'z 'bout yalemmie pik'n?"

"..... Okay Yuuchan..."

The younger looked a little disdained at this, but kept close to the elder, as she eyed the children in front of them. It seemed a little strange that none of them had already run in the other direction at the sight of the scary 'old' lady, but it seemed they had seen enough of her kind.

Nevermind that the orphanage was run by someone meaner, bitchier, and much older.


It only took a few seconds for the elder of the two to point one out, one that looked a little more special than the rest.

Nevermind that she was the tallest in the orphanage.

"Oh! How adorable! I love her! Let's take her home!"

".... Ah'll be inda car..."

The younger paid no heed as the elder sauntered off, probably back to drinking more alcohol. It didn't matter, her child was found!


Six and One Half Years Ago

All she saw, was red. She had no idea how the knife got into her brother's back, but it did, and the other end of it was in her hand...

The look on her elder sister's face told her that she did indeed have something to do with the recently deceased member of her family. However, she was not sure she remembered what.

All she saw... was red.

However, now that her sister seemed to be in shock, it was time to comfort, regardless of what had just happened. Her hand was off of the handle of the blade, and was rubbing the elder girl's bare back and holding her close. Though, at the moment, it was a bit fuzzy who needed more comforting...

But there was little time for that. The elder of the two could already hear their father's men scrambling up the stairs. There was no time to think, or say goodbye.

Not that the younger knew what exactly was about to happen...

However, as the younger was distracted, she took the knife from their brother's... no, he was not a brother. He was a pure monster the way he wanted to violate them both...

She took the knife from the naked monster's back, and, forcing back her tears on her already stained face, she slowly yet forcefully shoved the younger sister away.

And then the murder weapon was plunged deep into a second heart, before the youngest's eyes.

It was strange, the look on her face. To see anything other than the pure happiness she had displayed for so long was just...

Well it was puzzling.

But there was no emotion. No happiness, no sadness. She was devoid of anything really...

And, as the bodyguards came bursting into the room, that was all they saw too. Her eyes were transfixed on the scene in front of her, too caught up in the death of her beloved sister to notice the men behind her having a fit...

And too caught up... to care...


Six Years Ago

"And who am I making this out to?"

Her eyes blinked the bright dots out of them a few times as they focused on the burning paper in front of her...

"Ah... what a lovely name for such a cute little girl..."

Mizu's face was still burned into her mind, as well as the woman's elegantly masculine voice. However, it was slowly burning away, as the paper burned away in front of her.

"And what does a girl like you want to do when she grows up?"

The autograph... it was burning away, and part of her wondered what exactly made it do that. Another part of her already knew... but her beloved Natsuki's name was still intact... the woman's face had already burned away...

All that was left was that woman's name it seemed.

"I hope you've practiced hard then!"

Soon it would all just be a blur... like the autograph that was now ashes... the musical she had just seen...

And the family she had just witnessed die.

Was that her own family? She was not sure... all she felt right now... was the pain. There was too much of it for her to sort out her thoughts anymore...

"Well, that's what all the other thirteen year old girls say!"

All she remembered was her mother pushing her out of the car... she said nothing to warn the girl, just pushed her... just before the big explosion...

Was she dead, along with...

No, they couldn't have died.

She would... just take a nap... see them again when she woke up... maybe the pain will be gone too... and they could take about Natsuki... and her plans to become among the ladies in the Revue...

"Well then, I hope to see you among our ranks soon!"


2 Years Ago

It had taken her a million and nine times, but she finally managed to get through to the woman. She wanted to see their Yakuza family in action, and the only way to do that was to sneak out behind their backs and watch them...

The elder was not pleased by this at all, and showed her frustration by frowning as far as her mouth would allow her to do so, but, as they hid behind the crate, her frustration turned to a bit of excitement. Granted, it was a simple arms trade. She had seen one or two in her lifetime, when her father deemed it safe to take her to one...

However, this was different. They were going against the wishes of dear Daddy and his advisors, the Brothers Kouji and Ichigo... however, what was the harm in it? It was not like they were going to get ambushed...

"... That's the last of them."

The elder swelled with pride as she saw the eldest brother pull a large box out from beneath the truck they had driven. They were strong, her father had picked them out rather well.

Well, except the whole bad drinking habits and that drug thing they needed to kick... but she was not one to complain when it really had nothing to do with her.

The younger was too excited to have any pride as she leaned as far as she dared to against the crate, watching her brothers at work.

"... What are they doing?" she asked in a light whisper. The elder rolled her eyes, and glanced over.

"Well they're about to make sure that no one's going to play dirty... so shush up or they'll spot us..."

The younger gave the elder a pout, but kept her mouth shut. It was easier to do that than argue with her anyways...

As they watched on, the three men were indeed beginning to scout the area, trying to find signs of sabotage, or a back out from the plan. Their system was down pat, and they immediately had the place dry of any suspicious signs before they settled down again.

Now it was time to wait for the buyer...

The younger girl let out a soft groan.

"... How long is this gonna take? I want to see some action..."

"I said shush! Things like this require time and patience..."

"Well, I don't have any of that..."

Rolling her eyes, the elder returned her gaze back to the three men. Everything was set, and once they saw the boring trade happen, she could go home and get some sleep. Then she could seep till noon and not care...

Oh how she ever wanted to do that right now...

Unfortunately for her, the sight of blood interrupted her glorious thoughts of sleep.

Kouji, the younger of the two brothers, lurched violently as his blood splattered from his head, as if a force was propelling him forward into the ground. The other two men, as well as the two women behind the crate, watched in horror as he fell to the ground.

Whirling around, the elder brother held his pistol high, searching for the murderer, his gun arm trembling with anger. The eldest of the three-now-two, scanned the rest of his area, his hand in his coat pocket, unsure of what he was waiting for.

Letting out a gasp, the younger woman's eyes went wide, though before she could properly react, a hand went over her mouth and she was forced into the elder's chest. Even with the flailing and struggling, neither made much of a noise.

"... Ichigo..."

"Dunno Boss... coulda come from anywhere..."

"... It came from your direction, or else he would have gotten shot somewhere else..."

The two men glanced at each other a moment, before returning their eyes towards their respective directions. However, it did not take long for one of them to find where the culprits were hiding.

Though, it was probably not in the most favorable way.

The eldest lurched backwards into the younger man, before staggering, and, after a moment, fell to the ground, hand to the dark spot on his chest. The younger, Ichigo, turned to find out what had happened, but stopped when a bullet hit him in the temple of his forehead.

He too lurched to one direction, and fell to the ground next to the others.

The younger woman, though held back by the elder, found herself in pure rage. It took all of the elder woman's might to pull her back and drag her away from the scene...

Though, not before they heard the voice. That ever present, piercing voice...

"Nee, s'bout time we got 'em... Told you it'd work... But why would anyone listen to the police chief? Hmm?"

And it would haunt them... forever...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 04:55:39 AM by whytphyre »

Offline Estrea

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Re: Ichiban Konshi! [... Prologue up, duh!]
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2008, 04:19:23 AM »
Woo! Our RP come to life! Yay!

Can't wait to see how you adapt it. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Ichiban Konshi! [... Prologue up, duh!]
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2008, 05:03:47 AM »
Well, I'm intrigued.... :lol: The six years ago one is Ai-chan, definitely. And I'm thinking the first one is Reina. And I'm thinking the last one is....Miki XD
Can't wait for more!

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Ichiban Konshi! [... Prologue up, duh!]
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2008, 02:52:42 AM »
Ohmigod so school devours my soul.

Expect an actual chapter on this goshdarned thing in the next few days/weeks... I hope ;.;

Also, kre-kre... 'cause I'm calling you that now... you might be right somewherez... but you might be wrong elsewherez.

However, all three of those H!P members are in the story ^^

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Ichiban Konshi! [Chapter 1]
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2008, 04:52:50 AM »
And here it is, four days later... the Great Chapter 1!!!

Chapter 1


One would wonder what went on in the heads of dreamers as they spoke...

"Mm... that feels good..."

Another would wonder why the first was wondering to begin with...

"Mmm... that's a good place... right there..."

The third would probably run screaming out of the room at the mere thought of it.


And the fourth would follow as the loud noise shot through the dream world of the sleeping form, producing quite a similar result if one were to dump a bucket of cold water onto her.

Shooting up, she drowsily looked outwards for a few seconds. Then she grumbled, and plummeted back into the bed she sat upon, at an attempt towards dream world again.


Again she shot up and looked around, this time without as much drowsy and more anger. Her eyes narrowed. What was going on?


Eyes shooting towards the deep purple device on the side table, she snorted. Who in their right mind would call her now? It was much too early for that kind of thing!


Snatching it up, she flipped it open and started to growl into it.

"This better as hell be good or I'm going to break your head open on a sidewalk and make your girlfriend clean it up..."

"Ah!... B-b-boss-s-s-sama... I... I j-j-ust got int-t-tel... that... t-th-"


Her face had gotten progressively redder as the conversation went on. It was no secret that she was angry, not that she wanted it to be a secret to begin with...

"Ah! Gomen! Gomen!... Y-you need to come down to the office..."


Her voice was strained, attempting to hold back anymore loud noises that would omit themselves.

"... There's information... here..."

"And why is it that you can't tell me here?"

"B-b-because... B-b-b-boss-s-sama... it is kind of important..."

"Kind of more important than waking me up?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and she could hear a whimper, like the man on the other end felt like he was going to die...

"N-no... I guess not..."

"... You guess or you know?"

"... I... It was bad to wake you B-Boss-sama... I will go fling myself out in traffic now..."

She sighed.

"No. That's not necessary. I'm up now. If I find you dead by the time I get there, I'll kill your girlfriend..."

"... I have a daughter..."

"Then I'd kill her instead. Just stay there."

With that, she threw the phone against the nearest wall and plummeted right back down into dreamland.


Men were a pain. I don't know who thought it was a fun idea to think up the idea of men and women, but whomever did it was just a sadistic bastard on the verge of boredom or something like that.

Rolling my shoulder back, I grunted as I started down the hall, half expecting the looks I was receiving. Some were just staring, and others were whispering to their colleagues about how I was going to get it later from the coroner.

Well, I would just have to avoid the coroner... which meant, low and behold, not going downstairs. She rarely came up anyways.

Hopefully Chief was not working on some huge case that would eventually require the coroner to actually do some form of work...

Requiring meaning 'make her hyper,' and 'actually do some form of work' meaning dissect something and trot all the way up the stairs like a little bunny rabbit.

It made absolutely no sense why I was let out of the orphanage with that woman.

I passed by Sergeant Tanaka's desk, and waved politely at the figure there; Mr. Tanaka had always been a kind man, whether he was working or not. I don't think he approved of my status in the police station, but he never said anything to me about it. No matter, I loved him like a dad anyways.

Or an older brother at least. He was a cool guy.

However, as my eyes caught up with my brain, it registered that whomever was sitting in Sergeant Tanaka's desk was indeed not Sergeant Tanaka.

At least when Sergeant Tanaka sat, his feet were not on the desk.

But, whomever was sitting there had their feet on the desk and was flipping through some papers boredly. There was not a lot else that was all that momentous about her, except her large combat boots on the desk...

And that eye. I don't know what was up with it, but one was bigger than the other... wonky, one would say.

I grinned. I had heard about this girl. Sergeant Tanaka's daughter. I never got a name, but she was only a year or so younger...

I made my way over, stopping in front of the desk, and holding out my hand.


For a moment, she did not look up, only stared at her papers, eyes blank of emotion. I would be the same if I had to do paperwork though, so I could not blame her at all...

"... Hey," was the response after a moment. I could see that she was chewing gum now; her jaw kept going up and down as she finally glanced over at me, the same boredom in her eyes. Then her expression contorted.

"... Do I know you?"

I shook my head.

"Nah. We've never met... I'm the daughter of the coroner..."

She cocked her head to one side, swinging her legs back under the desk so that she could lean forward and get a better look at me. Then she shrugged.

"Never heard of you..."

"Well, my named Umeda Erika..."

She gave me another once over, before relaxing back into her chair.


Her eyes were far from cold and calculating, but she kept eyeing me like I was going to lunge out at her and strangle the wonky right out of her eye or something. So I did the same. Upon closer examination, it seemed she too had brusies all over, though were not as extensive as mine.

Either she was a scrapper or she got away before they could really beat on her.

I smiled, and was about to say something else, when a distinct, low, rumbling could be heard. She stared down at her stomach.

"... Shush you. Can't you see I'm havin' a conversation?"

"Oh, I was going to go out somewhere... burgers or something... if you wanna come with..."

She glanced up at me, eyes scrutinizing once more, but then she shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"

I tried to contain my excitement; school was a drag without someone proper to speak with, and the police officers in the office were... older.

At least Lieutenant's age.

Regardless, scaring this one off would be a slightly horrible idea. Only a little bit.

She stood up and joined me by my side [wow, that sounded weird], and we started off. I was home free! Away from anything the coroner could throw at me!


Me and my big mouth.


He sat at his large, wooden desk, eyes wandering over the papers in front of him with intrigue. He knew that there was going to be a bit of turmoil in the next few days, and he was fully aware that he was probably making it worse by doing this... However, as it was, Konshi was a rather boring town when he did not incite a riot here and there. It would have made his job boring...

Well, to be honest, he might have actually had to attempt at his job.

After a few moments, he set the papers down and glanced over at his calendar. With a bright orange pen, he crossed the box off, the one labeled the 9th. He was looking forward to this early Christmas gift to himself. A party of lovely people in a lovely event. However, it was not the event even he was going to look forward to.

It was just the thought of these lovely people being in the same room together made him happy. It always did. They had such a chemistry together...

"One more day," he hummed happily, "One more day until the party..."

Offline Estrea

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Re: Ichiban Konshi! [... Prologue up, duh!]
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2008, 04:59:47 AM »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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