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Author Topic: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)  (Read 33362 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2008, 12:01:11 PM »
yay~  I loved the last one so this should be great too~

1.  Kamei Eri
2.  aunt
3.  animated
4.  tornadoes
5.  eyes
6.  aloof
7.  calendar
8.  minutes
9.  smiling
10. laughing
11. car salesman
12. sakuragumi
13. Fujimoto Miki
14. Michishige Sayumi
15. blush
16. ladybugs
17. Ear
18. Ear
19. running
20. 27
21. money
22. mountain dew
23. pants
24. visitor
25. dramatic
26. bounce
27. excited
28. Ishikawa Rika
29. Yasuda Kei
30. Red Lobster
31. Las Vegas
32. Wednesday, November 26, 2008
33. naive
34. Japanese
35. Tanaka Reina
36. knee
37. elbows

Offline OTN1

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2008, 02:37:49 AM »
I didn't give each story a unique title because my creativity has all been sapped away from me.  Hah!  This time, you've all unwittingly written... letters!

Letter 1
By: tru_harmony

Dear Yossui,

How are you?  How's your father?  The weather has been pretty bloody lately, hasn't it?  I love snow storms.  Sometimes in my free time I close my fingers and imagine it's like this every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something long to you.  I know that you and I had a dog a few decades ago, but I don't want that to affect our walking relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick jumping.  I also think you're a talented garbage collector and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  Ongaku Gatas would never be the same without you.  Rika-chan would miss you, and Momoko would eat if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to cats we see elbow to elbow.  We've been drawing together for 1444 years now, and just because we had a little fight about a misplaced door and some spilled water on my new t-shirt, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a table, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the cute future. 

Please climb back soon!

Your high teammate,


P.S. Miyabi just called to tell me that the McDonald’s at the Church of Gesu just opened.  Would you like to come with us on Wednesday, September 10, 2008?  We can eat ambiguous Italian food and make fun of Koretty's big knee and crooked feet like we used to during rehearsal!

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2008, 02:38:40 AM »
Letter 2
By: ShikyoxYaiba

Dear Kamei Eri,

How are you?  How's your twice removed great great grandfather?  The weather has been pretty sweet lately, hasn't it?  I love thunderstorms.  Sometimes in my free time I close my thumbs and imagine it's like that every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something depressed to you.  I know that you and I had a book a few hours ago, but I don't want that to affect our chasing relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick wrestling.  I also think you're a talented forensic scientist and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  C-ute would never be the same without you.  Takahashi Ai would miss you, and Yajima Maimi would roll if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to trees we see nose to nose.  We've been twitching together for 17 years now, and just because we had a little fight about a misplaced ball and some spilled hydrochloric acid on my new bra, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a desk, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the sleepy future. 

Please listen back soon!

Your retarded teammate,

Tanaka Reina.

P.S. Fujimoto Miki just called to tell me that the T.G.I.F. in California just opened.  Would you like to come with us on Sunday, November 9 1992?  We can eat sticky Vietnamese food and make fun of Junjun's big right eye and crooked ears like we used to during rehearsal!

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2008, 02:39:12 AM »
Letter 3
By: Fenrir

Dear Junjun,

How are you?  How's your 3rd cousin-in-law?  The weather has been pretty soft lately, hasn't it?  I love windy days.  Sometimes in my free time I close my eyes and imagine it's like that every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something hard to you.  I know that you and I had a car a few milliseconds ago, but I don't want that to affect our swinging relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick farting.  I also think you're a talented student and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  GAM would never be the same without you.  Matsuura Aya would miss you, and Fujimoto Miki would run if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to umbrellas we see head to head.  We've been screaming together for 13 years now, and just because we had a little fight about a misplaced bear and some spilled Ramune on my new fur coat, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a clock, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the bumpy future. 

Please sit back soon!

Your clear teammate,

Takahashi Ai.

P.S. Niigaki Risa just called to tell me that the Joyfull in Oyama just opened.  Would you like to come with us on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 ?  We can eat cracked Thai food and make fun of Kamei Eri's big nose and crooked ankles like we used to during rehearsal!

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2008, 02:39:47 AM »
Letter 4
By: strawb3rrykream

Dear Niigaki Risa,

How are you?  How's your brother-in-law?  The weather has been pretty squishy lately, hasn't it?  I love foggy days.  Sometimes in my free time I close my fingers and imagine it's like that every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something hard to you.  I know that you and I had a pineapple a few hours ago, but I don't want that to affect our running relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick flying.  I also think you're a talented bus driver and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  Country Musume would never be the same without you.  Takahashi Ai would miss you, and Hagiwara Mai would crawl if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to boys we see elbow to elbow.  We've been spinning together for 18 years now, and just because we had a little fight about a misplaced rice cooker and some spilled juice on my new sock, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a tiger, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the colorful future. 

Please cry back soon!

Your dirty teammate,

Natsuyaki Miyabi.

P.S. Fujimoto Miki just called to tell me that the Genki Sushi in Okinawa just opened.  Would you like to come with us on Monday, April 27, 2009?  We can eat dark Peruvian food and make fun of Ishikawa Rika's big thigh and crooked cheeks like we used to during rehearsal!

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2008, 02:40:31 AM »
Letter 5
By: zay05ohayou

Dear Ishikawa Rika,

How are you?  How's your sister?  The weather has been pretty sexy lately, hasn't it?  I love hurricanes.  Sometimes in my free time I close my legs and imagine it's like that every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something smooth to you.  I know that you and I had a perfume a few milliseconds ago, but I don't want that to affect our laughing relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick poking.  I also think you're a talented biologist and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  Melon Kinenbi would never be the same without you.  Tsugunaga Momoko would miss you, and Natsuyaki Miyabi would jump if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to feathers we see lip to lip.  We've been rubbing together for 510 years now, and just because we had a little fight about a misplaced pillow and some spilled lemonade on my new mini skirt, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a flower, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the bright future. 

Please hug back soon!

Your soft teammate,

Yoshizawa Hitomi.

P.S. Matsuura Aya just called to tell me that the Sizzler's in Harajuku just opened.  Would you like to come with us on Thursday, December 25, 2008?  We can eat shiny French food and make fun of Yajima Maimai's big neck and crooked eyes like we used to during rehearsal!

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2008, 02:41:00 AM »
Letter 6
By: Sukoshi

Dear Kamei Eri,

How are you?  How's your aunt?  The weather has been pretty animated lately, hasn't it?  I love tornadoes.  Sometimes in my free time I close my eyes and imagine it's like that every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something aloof to you.  I know that you and I had a calendar a few  minutes ago, but I don't want that to affect our smiling relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick laughing.  I also think you're a talented car salesman and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  Sakuragumi would never be the same without you.   Fujimoto Miki would miss you, and Michishige Sayumi would blush if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to ladybugs we see ear to ear.  We've been running together for 27 years now, and just because we had a little fight about misplaced money and some spilled Mountain Dew on my new pants, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a visitor, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the dramatic future. 

Please bounce back soon!

Your excited teammate,

Ishikawa Rika.

P.S. Yasuda Kei just called to tell me that the Red Lobster in Las Vegas just opened.  Would you like to come with us on Wednesday, November 26, 2008?  We can eat naive Japanese food and make fun of Tanaka Reina's big knee and crooked elbows like we used to during rehearsal!

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Link to word list in first post)
« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2008, 02:42:35 AM »
Letter 7
By: sweeety

Dear Eri,

How are you?  How's your twin sister?  The weather has been pretty sweeet lately, hasn't it?  I love crazy-mutant-radioactive hail.  Sometimes in my free time I close my head and imagine it's like that every day.

Anyway, I'm writing to you to say something statuesque to you.  I know that you and I had a red apple a few minutes ago, but I don't want that to affect our caressing relationship.  I value your intelligence and quick licking.  I also think you're a talented actress and would hate to lose the energy you contribute to our team.  Hangry and Angry would never be the same without you.  Miki would miss you, and Yoshi would eye if you ever left.  As for me... of course I'd miss you!  We may not agree on everything, but when it comes to pussycats we see hand to hand.  We've been loving together for 10 years now, and just because we had a little fight about a misplaced Koharu and some spilled moonshine on my new bra, it doesn't mean we can't come to an agreement.

From now on, you can talk to me about anything.  If you have a Nakazawa Yuko-sama, tell me and I'll try to help.  Let's put our argument behind us and look forward to the daring future. 

Please kiss back soon!

Your tender teammate,

Yoshizawa Hitomi.

P.S. Fujimoto Miki just called to tell me that the Ali Baba on the island of Lesbos in Greece just opened.  Would you like to come with us on 6th of February 2010?  We can eat perfect benevolence Greek food and make fun of Makoto's big breast and crooked bum like we used to during rehearsal!

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2008, 03:25:25 AM »

Joyfull in Oyama. :lol:
Spilled Ramune on a fur coat :lol:
Cracked Thai food :lol: Oh, Ai, you gotta stop doing drugs. XD

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2008, 03:39:38 AM »
Damn those are random!
:on lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2008, 04:45:44 AM »
Eri a forensic scientist!?
Eri wrestling!? xD (Wait...I mean...just WHO was she wrestling?! :dunno:)
Hydrochloric acid spilled on Reina's bra?! (Ouch.)
Twitching for 17 years...
Retarded team mate... Poor Reina. Again.
Junjun's big right eye...too bad it's the left one that's actually bigger. xD

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #51 on: November 18, 2008, 12:07:12 PM »
lol these are sure some crazy letters XD  I got a good laugh XD

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #52 on: November 19, 2008, 03:33:23 AM »
Wow, that was great!!! NOW I remember why I love Mad Libs!!! :lol:

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2008, 04:17:20 AM »
It was really fun to do.  I covered the bottom of the list so that I couldn't see from whom the letter was as I was filling in the words.  I got a kick each time.

Hopefully I can think of some more stories.

The hydrochloric acid made me wince. :lol:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Hello! Mad Libs (Part II. Links to stories in first post)
« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2008, 04:34:47 AM »
I had chem that day, and we did a lab in class. :P Hydrochloric Acid somehow seems to be used a I thought, why not here too? But ouch. That stuff on your bra can't be very fun. How the heck would Eri get her hands on that anyway? Oh wait, I forgot...she's a forensic scientist. I'm still kinda laughing at the thought of that...

Thanks for doing this. It gave me quite a laugh when I read everyones. :)

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