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Author Topic: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations  (Read 29247 times)

Offline Fenrir

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #80 on: April 26, 2007, 02:13:04 PM »
Thats it! I'm done with this book!! No more! All done! *crashes on the bed*  :)

Translated by Fenrir

MM x Tsunku 2

Part 2


Tsunku to Morning Musume

In each member’s interview, they talked about “Tsunku” in their point of view.
Now, Tsunku will talk about each and every girl from his view.
From their impression during the auditions, to how they have grown recently, and to future challenges… watching over them with a sharp eye as a singer who stands out by himself, we can actually feel the saying that the members have said, “Tsunku sees everything!” Moreover, without copying the characteristics of a singer and including his character and aim in the range of the works he puts out, this is also a “key” interview to understanding the “singer producer`s” technique of production.

Morning Musume Members

Yaguchi Mari

As the new leader, I saw her recognizing her position after knowing about Iida and Ishikawa graduating . She also is slowly mailing me about those things. I think she is the type where she feels that she doesn’t plan ahead well, so her personality is bad, so in order to have a good, fun personality, she makes quick enthusiastic decisions. In that way, even as a leader, she has a sense of reassurance. Well, she will be the oldest, but I have expectations of her becoming leader and maybe rejuvenating the group.
It’s just that, not limiting to singing, she wears down her voice a lot, so I want her to be careful there. It seems even I’m worried about it, but it seems that she talks too much in a lot of various work. Moreover, she is the leader, so the cheer of “Alright, let’s go,” will probably increase, so I’m a little worried there, but well, she will do her best. As the shortest leader in Japan (laughs).

Ishikawa Rika

When I think that Ishikawa has turned already 20, I’m filled with a deep emotion (laughs). Comparing when she first joined, there is a great sense of ease. I nostalgically remember when she was negative, but now she has become a positive character. She’s energetic and seems to be having fun. She doesn’t only always say rational things, so the younger members adore her. When she just joined, for a little while, she was on a high geta (Japanese footwear), so lowering it was my work, but from some period of time, she found the shoe size that fits her, so from then onward, I didn’t notice anymore. She may have not been the so called, “super main character,” but as the main person, she always did her best.
I thought that Ishikawa’s graduation being at the same time as Iida’s was ok, but well, I thought it would great if she does her best to the fullest on the her last Morning Musume tour. There really isn’t a deep reason behind it. I think after she graduates, she will basically be the focus of Viyuden’s activities. I thought that Ishikawa would be ok no matter when her graduation was. She probably thought that she shouldn’t think about her graduation until Iida’s graduation. But, from now on, Ishikawa will also start to change. I think she will face her graduation all out. I look forward to that now.

Yoshizawa Hitomi

Recently I sense great stability, so for me, it’s a good point to rely on. I can see that she is “my pace,” but when she tells us what she wants to do and what she wants to express, she does it accurately and promptly.
Before I felt that she was a bit soft, but now, I feel she has rooted. I think that’s great. She doesn’t seem the type to have fun with anybody, so it seems there was a period of time where she seemed lost like, “Where should I go?” But I wonder if she has found how to have fun and be herself in Morning Musume. Right now, she is doing futsal with great enthusiasm and it’s a great way to be aware of how you conduct yourself.
That enthusiasm comes out in the song, “The Manpower!!!” I think it puts out girl power. I would she will be happy if, from hereafter, she is aware of even more perfect songs for her. Those strong types of songs are her specialty, so if she is able to sing songs like “Furusato,” or mellow songs, I won’t have anything to say.

Takahashi Ai

Takahashi has changed recently. From around the middle of this year, she is able to talk about her self confidently. Before, there was a period of time where she was really reserved towards the older members, but slowly that reservation disappeared. I think she finally is able to stand on the same stage with everybody. Therefore, I’m quite relieved and we are able to talk about fun things.
Also, I think as a singer, you leave a track record. Actually, she is very mature more than the 5th generation image people have 2-3 years ago. I think it would be good if she sings a little more mature songs now. Speaking of which, she also sang my debut song from my solo album, but the sense of ease and stability at that time was overwhelming. I thought, “This is impossible except for Takahashi.” This might be her position after Ishikawa’s graduation, but I feel like I can leave things up to a certain point to Takahashi. It’s just, well, it’s not written in stone yet. That part is pretty free and I think it will be created while flowing through it.

Konno Asami

Recently, Konno’s instability when she joined has also completely disappeared. The feeling of, “If they let me do this, what will happen,” really bursts out from her. I created the song, “Namida ga Tomaranai Houkago,” completely in mind that Konno will be singing it. Even at the latest Hello! Project live, from the very beginning, I definitely wanted to see Konno sing, “Momoriro Kataomoi.”
Before I said that Konno was “Morning Musume’s Yamata Hanako [Talent; her debut song was also produced by Tsunku],” but she has grown even more. Now, she might be like “Morning Musume’s Shimada Tamayo [Comedian; has appeared on H!M many times as a guest].” If there is a wall, she will definitely punch right through it. She’ll keep any “promise” (laughs).
It’s still a little difficult for her singing wise, but she is at ease with her sense of place and character. So, well, I think it’s ok the way she is now. If I say this and that, it seems that the interesting factor will disappear.

Ogawa Makoto

It seems she went home to Niigata until yesterday and she sent picture mail. She wrote “The snow is really great,” but it was just an all white picture (laughs)! Well, that is like Ogawa. No matter what happens, she’s a very straightforward kid. If she is worried, she would immediately mail, saying, “I’m like this right now.” She is really pure and an organized kid. However, if you are in this world, sticking out the “perfect self” is not always profitable. And if that continues, you think that you can’t do it anymore and become depressed. She is like that, so I think there were times where she was lost.
But, I think she is calm now. She doesn’t get worked up and she works well with the 6th generation. She seems to have fun. Well, the feeling right now is that it will be a little take a little longer for her to tell what she wants in this world.
But, it’s still not there. This girl’s sphere is most likely to become even more mature. Her sexiness hasn’t come out yet…it could also be said that there is no pressure.

Niigaki Risa

Loving Morning Musume to death, she joined 5th generation as the youngest member. So, she is the one having the most fun still. Being in Morning Musume. I have never seen a tired face of hers being in Morning Musume. Just awake for one second, in one second she wants to be with everyone in Morning Musume. To continue having that feeling for 3-4 years now is really amazing.
Anyways, since joining, her level of brightness is amazing. I feel that her liveliness is completely different from Tsuji’s, Kago’s and Yaguchi’s. And her tension is naturally high. She is probably originally a very happy person. So doesn’t that help the other members? We are like that too, but when I see her dancing energetically, we just naturally think to do our best too.
Her voice is steady, but still in the range of being energetic. But I think that is fine with the role she is playing now. I think her mature expression is just a little further away.

Fujimoto Miki

I feel that she has been in Morning Musume for awhile that her solo days are nostalgic. In the beginning she had the face of, “It doesn’t matter if I’m here or not,” but, I think she finally understands the meaning of being in Morning Musume recently. Even if her position was different when she was by herself, she thinks quite positively.
If it’s from my view, I think her position right now is very cute. From hereafter, if that part continues to grow, I think it will be interesting as she goes into a position where more people should follow. Not in a role where thing will stir going “Wah!,” or “Gya!” (laughs). If she says, “I don’t know,” everybody will say, “Can’t be helped,” and help her.
Well, someday, the time of her graduation will come, but how it will come, I don’t know. It’s just I want to create a solo album that screams, “This is amazing!” Her voice as a solo is very distinct, so I want to use that in the composition.

Kamei Eri

She is originally a “Tokyo girl,” but rather than that, she is very naïve. She has a really cute and pure image. When she joined, I felt that she knew too little about anything in society, but I feel that she finally has position that fits her age. She has become dependable. She looks delicate, but surprisingly she has parts of her that are gutsy (laughs). So, even in singing there is some leeway, naturally. The inherit freshness and purity comes out no matter what song she sings.
Also, this can be said for all of 6th generation, but what she needs from now on is the sense of security to go as a solo singer. That needs to become stronger. If they don’t get a little more hold on parts, like a sense of stability in singing and how to tell a message, no matter how well you sing, people will simply stop saying, “She is great at singing.” In order to make people properly say, “She puts feelings in as a singer,” this is the problem for this year and after.

Michishige Sayumi

Michishige is really interesting. She really thinks and worries about her own position, like, “It would be troublesome if I grow taller.” “Why?” “I don’t want to be the biggest in Morning Musume.” (laughs). But it’s natural. About the position of “cuteness,” it’s close to the full bloom of Kago’s character. Sayumi is close to the fairy tale-like Kago around when Kago joined Tanpopo. Recently, some parts of become weak, but as per “Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari,” it’s a vague bloom. Her smile has changed. I have said a while back to her, “You are funny,” but I think it’s about time it will penetrate among other people.
When it was time of “Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari,” she was the fastest person to reply. By mail. That song might be helpful to the actual people. The script is like a play and it’s like a stage, so it’s the same as being able to do a kiss scene. According to the song, it is like “I’m like this kind of kid,” so it might give her confidence about her position right now.

Tanaka Reina

When talking about singing, She is the certainly the strongest among 6th generation. So, I greatly value it and is at ease with it, but in one moment, it seems there was a period of time she got lost looking for her position. Especially around the time of “Shabondama,” I think she had a heavy burden on her. She also had the unit, Aa! Of course there was some expectation of it on this side, but for her, I think it was really difficult for her to carry the main lead. Actually, about that, it also seemed she took a step back.
But, recently she is completely defiant… She understands that position has nothing do with her and I can feel that she is having fun.
Where should I change? Originally, she already likes herself, but recently, I have the impression that the “like” vector has really changed. Her sense of fashion has changed dramatically from before… Whenever something happens, I also expect it to be Tanaka, but I wonder if she knows that (laughs).

Graduated Morning Musume members

Nakazawa Yuko

I really like the 2 singles made. I think it really fits with Nakazawa’s voice. Her singing is more stable once she graduated. I feel that the power of her where she thinks she has to do her best has come off her shoulders.
It has been a while since her graduation and I thought that there isn’t a lot of times where the original people sing something like “Renai Revolution 21,” but at the last Hello! Project live, they sang and danced that, and while saying haa haa hii hii, I saw that she was keeping up with it. I thought that that part was really great.
Like Inaba (Atsuko), she is different from the other kids who want to sing and dance in this world even from before; Nakazawa was a 24 year old OL when she joined. For example, it is like a 25 year old who started playing the guitar to be suddenly told to create a song. So, I think there were some tough parts, but even in that condition, she has fun doing it. It likes graduating and being able to exert the unrestrained part of yourself. She seems to be having more fun now. She doesn’t have to decorate herself.

Goto Maki

Of course she is good at dancing and singing, but more than that, as an entertainer, she can create a unique position and I felt that again during last year’s tour. Just any more and a sexy aura will come out, so without being like a regular “Rock’n’roll older sister,” I think it would be great if we can make a sense of scale like Goto. For example, a Roppongi hostess gives you a business card saying, “It’s a secret,” and on the back is a phone number. So, actually, she has given this to everybody, but you think that she only gave this to you and you become all excited. We had a talk of that kind of feeling of intimacy live can be done by Goto Maki, of course talking to Goto herself (laughs). She laughed though. In a way, she is like a Madonna and in a mature meaning, it feels like family. I think the only person in Hello! Project to be able to create that kind of stance is Goto.
For singing, she has something like, “Te wo Nigitte Arukitai,” but recently there is also a mellow track. I have pride that she continues to swing to the right and to the left, so I’m not worried about being fresh. Also, if she is able to establish a new entertainer shape, I think that will be amazing.

Yasuda Kei

It’s been awhile, but she sang a lot at the New Year’s Hello! Project live and I received mail from her, “I got to have a great experience.” She probably saw Morning Musume from an outside point of view and that triggered her to think about her own position.
The present goal for this year is how wide will the genre go. Even if it takes one or two years, while her singing technique improves, I think it will be good if she establishes a style of expression. She is a kid who can sing, so if she can’t sing perfectly, then Yasuda Kei’s character won’t come. So in order to achieve that, I think she should go and shoot for various things from now on.
But, well, she has said, “Isn’t it fine to waft in Hello! Project without worrying about anything for awhile?” She be confused and at loss at what to do, so I think it will be good to start thinking about it once you find something you want to do. Until then, I think it’s good to do various work and to expand yourself. If you dwell upon just singing, I think the opposite will happen and you will just make yourself become narrower.

Abe Natsumi

Even looking at her activities after graduation, the sense of ease doesn’t change. She’s a kid who creates herself by herself. It’s just that she has a “standard” she likes to incline to. Therefore, from hereafter, if she can have a somewhat degree of an adventurous heart and challenge various things, I think a new road will open again. For example, she has 6 more years before becoming 30. I feel that creating a “standard” for yourself right now is wasteful. When you decide a goal for yourself, it will become boring.
At first she was a little worried about what kind of feeling she should have singing “Koi no Telephone Goal.” If we have a talk like, in order for Abe Natsumi to always be “Abe Natsumi,” challenging songs like that are needed, she will immediately understand. For me, I think that kind of song is a song that brings up a level of freshness in her. Even for the next song, I can already see what it will be. Also, I wonder how much fun she will have with it.


First, if we’re talking about Tsuji and Kago, letting them graduate at the same time was really the right answer. Is it better to separate the “similar” factor of the two of that are really alike or put more emphasis on the “similarity” between them, but I think there is a little of both. To be able to create things for these two is extraordinary fun (laughs). For now, while the two are together, I can also go on a lot of adventures. It is because of those two that I’m able to have a great time thinking of this or thinking of that (laughs). For me this is the most challenging item. So, I think that thinking a little ahead for each thing is ok.

Tsuji Nozomi

Without changing from before, her instantaneous ability is still outstanding. I don’t know how much she is aware of it, but her instantaneous force of her voice is really talented. Pulling on that, Kago’s sharpness will also come out. I look forward to how she will train herself for her future from now. If it’s anything like it right now, it’s like a working person who gets into professional baseball and what he will do to become a major leaguer from hereafter. But, I think the W right now, it’s ok for those to two to just have fun.
Speaking of her personality, I think there was one period where she was really worried. Right now, perhaps other people besides me might think, psychologically, she’s like the older sister. From when she joined Morning Musume, she did things with wonderful freedom (laughs). But recently, she suddenly became maiden-like. I also look forward to what direction this will turn out to be.

Kago Ai

Kago also recently had her heart change. Starting from this year she suddenly started saying Kansai phrases. When she joined, she really didn’t like it, but recently, even on the phone she speaks in Nara dialect. I wonder why. Probably because she created the “Morning Musume Kago Ai” character, so I can imagine that this time she wants go as Kago Ai of her hometown.
Her singing has gotten really good and you can hear her singing at ease. When she is singing solo at Hello! Project, she shows a face not shown even in W or in Morning Musume. If I had to say something then, when she joined Tanpopo, a feeling like something shimmering came out. Something like a full light came out, but it was really super cute. When she is with Tsuji, that cute part is immediately shut out. It’s both good and bad. But, if she is solo, suddenly she would be like an older sister. It seems she has that part in her.

Iida Kaori

Graduating right front of my eyes, I wonder if she had a lot of fun everyday when she was “one of the 12 people.” Abe graduated before her, so I think she couldn’t take it easy. From hereafter, I hope she establishes her position as everybody’s older member soon within the wide framework of Hello! Project. Hello! Project itself should become even wider by having her in that kind of position.
She will be turning 24 on her birthday. She was a kid at first, but once she passed 20, she rapidly carried her age. But, with her solo album, it seems she still can grow a little more. Iida is really from a “good girl” to a “mature adult.” From hereafter, how that part will go is important. I’m pretty sure that she has thought about turning the same age as Nakazawa, who she thought as mature when Nakazawa joined Morning Musume. I look forward to see how she will live that part and for while I will watch quietly.
One to two years after debuting, I also never thought about how Morning Musume will be like right now after continuing for 7 years. When Goto joined, I thought that it would be better if everybody could be as independent as much as possible in a short time. It’s just, I have thought that if this continued for 20 years, it would be amusing to have a special case where members who are married and even have about 3 kids still say, “I’m Morning Musume,” (laughs). Always as a special case. If it is Iida and Nakazawa, I had an image of them possibly being like that.


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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2007, 04:03:43 PM »
It's cute that everyone seems to look at Tsunku like this father figure, and he comes across as he looks at them like his kids! Hello!Project must be a much closer family than I thought.
Thanks again for the translations, Fenrir. :)

Offline katatsumuri

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2007, 10:30:17 PM »
Thanks for all the hardwork in translating, Fenrir.  :kneelbow:

Offline frblckstr1

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #83 on: April 27, 2007, 05:44:02 AM »
:thumbsup Fenrir for translating!

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #84 on: May 09, 2007, 11:41:08 AM »
Great Job Fenrir ...  :heart:
I think it's getting me deeper to know their character, eventhough it's 3 years old interview.  ;D

credit: straw-chan

Breakthrough .... Ima Koko de Sakebuzee !!!

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #85 on: May 09, 2007, 05:01:09 PM »
Fenrir, really, thanks for doing these translations, I loved the member ones, but it is really great to hear Tsunku's views on them.

Nice one :D

on Tsuji
"But recently, she suddenly became maiden-like. I also look forward to what direction this will turn out to be."

lol if only he knew!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 05:02:29 PM by ggliff »

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Re: MM x Tsunku 2 Translations
« Reply #86 on: May 11, 2007, 04:22:13 PM »

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