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Author Topic: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick  (Read 4561 times)

Offline CrypticShadow8

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Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« on: December 14, 2008, 06:33:17 AM »
So yeah I was really surprised when I saw that the forum hasn't been updated all day so I decided to change that. This is just something I've been thinking about for awhile but never really felt like writing. It's just a short one-shot showing Miki and Aya's friendship (cause they're awesome) but hopefully someone will enjoy it.

Ok it's based off of this video which if you haven't seen it the story won't make much sense:

Ok onto the story!

Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick

I sat in the car on my way back to the studio with a smile on my face. My magic trick had gone off perfectly and everyone had believed me. I really didn’t think that it would work out as well as it had. I had even had everyone in Morning Musume believing that something had happened to me. I couldn’t wait till I got back to the studio so that I could see what they had to say. The members didn’t know that I was coming to the studio but Miki was supposed to be coming to sleep over so I figured I would meet her there and then we could go to my house together.
The car stopped as I arrived at the studio. I thanked my driver and then entered the building. I could hear the Morning Musume members just leaving the set and milling around the lobby. Stopping to listen to what most people were talking about I was pleased to hear that the most popular topic was my magic trick. I just loved being the center of attention. Some call that vanity but hey, we should all love ourselves shouldn’t we? Deciding to make my presence known I stepped further into the room.
“Domo! Matsuura Aya deeeees!”
Everyone turned around at the unmistakable sound of my famous greeting. I soon found myself overwhelmed when everyone rushed towards me and tried to speak at once.

“How did you do it Aya?”
“Aya that was so mean!”
“That was amazing!”
“Matsuura-san sugoii!”
I laughed, glad that I had the desired effect on people. “It was magic guys and Princess Ayaya cannot reveal her secrets.” I couldn’t help but laugh as the members groaned and sighed as they realized that I was not going to tell them how I pulled off my trick.
The members went back to talking amongst themselves and that was when I realized that one very important person had not been among the people who had just rushed up to me. Looking around I tried to locate Miki, finally spotting her sitting on a bench by herself across the room. Excited, I quickly ran over to my best friend.
“Miki” Miki looked up as I came over and gave me a quick smile before looking back down. That was strange. I wonder what was wrong.  Deciding that maybe she was just tired form the long recording I figured we should just leave. “Let’s go Miki. You’re staying for two nights right?” I grabbed her arm and started pulling her towards the door eager to get home.
“I forgot my clothes I can borrow yours right?” Miki asked looking over at me with a tiny smile on her face.
I laughed. “Of course, don’t you always.” Every time she stays over she claims to have forgotten her clothes and asks to borrow mine. I think she is just too lazy to pack and she knows I don’t mind. “Come on lets go home I’m starving!”


“So Miki what would you like to eat. Let me guess, meat, meat, and more meat.” I stood in the kitchen looking through the refrigerator trying to find the meat that I had prepared for this occasion knowing my meat loving friend. Miki was sitting in the other room on the coach and I was really worried about her. She hadn’t said one word to me since we left the studio. When I would ask her questions she only responded with nods. I’m usually the one who she comes to with problems so it was really frustrating for me not to know what was bothering her.
“Luckily for you Miki, I marinated some meat so that we could have yakiniku tonight.” Finally finding the container I pulled it out and placed it on the countertop before going into the living room.
I stood in the doorway and looked over at Miki. She was sitting on the coach and the TV was on but she was clearly not watching it seeing as she was looking at the ground. Her elbows were on her knees with her head resting on her hands. She was obviously thinking had about something but whatever it was it didn’t seem too pleasant from the look on her face. Walking over to join her on the couch, I decided to find something to talk about quick to break her out of whatever trance she was in.
“So I did really good with my magic trick huh?” My voice became very excited as I asked the question because in truth I really wanted to know how Miki liked it. Her opinion was more important to me than anyone else’s. I didn’t really expect a response though since she hadn’t been talking all night, which was why it was to my surprise when she answered.
“It was very realistic.” Miki’s voice was low and she never looked up but I was encouraged by the fact that she actually spoke.

“Do you really think so Miki?”
“Yeah” I jerked my head over to look at Miki when I heard her voice crack as she answered. I reached over and grabbed Miki’s chin pulling her face towards me so that I could look at her. I was shocked and quickly dropped my hand when I saw tears running down her face.
“Tan what’s wrong?” Quickly getting over my shock I pulled Miki into a hugging wanting to take away her pain even though I didn’t know what was causing it. As my arms wrapped around her she began to sob. Obviously whatever pain she had been holding in became too much and she just needed to let it out.
“Miki please,” I desperately wanted to help but she wouldn’t stop sobbing. “Tell me what’s wrong.” When she still didn’t respond I decided to just hold her until she calmed down.
After about five minutes of constant sobbing she began to calm down somewhat so I decided to give it another try. “Miki I really want to help so can you please tell me what is the matter.” I was trying to speak as gently as possible because I was a little panicked about what was wrong. Miki didn’t usually cry and if she did I was always the first to know what the problem is.
Miki pulled away from me and looked at her hands, tears still running down her eyes. “You.”
Her response was like a knife in the stomach. I was momentarily paralyzed and could do nothing but stare at her in shock. “Wha.. what do you mean Miki?”
Miki turned back to me with a hurt look in her eyes. “Aya did you think about me for one second today? About how hard that was for me?” I looked at Miki confused not quite sure what she was talking about. She grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little before she resumed talking. “Aya maybe you thought you were just having fun today but to me it wasn’t fun at all. I thought you were dying Aya.” Miki looked away from me again as if the pain was too much. “I thought… I thought you were dead.”
I sat there and thought about what Miki had said and slowly I realized that she was right. I had done the magic trick for me. Because I wanted to do something that would make people talk about how amazing I was. I knew Morning Musume would be watching but I didn’t really think about the implications. I know it was not just Miki who I had frightened either. The announcer had told me that Iida-san and Rika-chan had cried also. But it was Miki who was the most important. Miki was the best friend I had ever had in my life and I don’t know what I would do without her. I relied on her pretty much every day. I thought about how I would feel if I thought something terrible had happened to her and I felt tears come to my eyes.
“Oh Tan.” I reached forward and pulled Miki into a hug again. “I am so sorry, I… I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t realize how badly this would hurt you. You know how I get. I don’t know what I would do if I had been in your position. I probably would have gone hysterical and tore down the whole studio or something. I won’t do it again I promise.”
Miki and I sat in an embrace for awhile more and I smiled knowing that everything was good between us again and Miki would soon go back to being the same old Tan.
“Hey Aya,” Miki pulled away from the hug and gave me one of her sly smiles. “Did you say something about yakiniku?”
Yep, same old Tan.


« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 05:21:49 AM by CrypticShadow8 »

Offline YoukaiChica

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Re: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 06:43:25 AM »
Yes! A GAM pairing! I have been waiting for someone to come along and make a story about them. It's been too long since I've read a good one. And yours is golden! I always pay attention to how a story is written and this one is beautifully done. I thoroughly enjoyed your way of writing and I think you should make another one. Yup. That's what I think.

SO, I'll be waiting....

Ha. Sorry I'm so creepy. I just really really loved this.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 06:45:48 AM by YoukaiChica »

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Re: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 09:31:23 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 01:24:11 AM »
Awww~! Such a cutie patootie story <333

You know, I bet this really happened xDDDD 'cause Miki did seem like she was going to strangle her for pulling off such a stunt xDDD

Oh Aya, you narcissist you xDDDD

Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2008, 07:01:44 AM »

AYAYA WTF?? :gyaaah:

Don't make the 2nd Yankii cry!!! :(  (The first is Yuuko)

Poor Mikitty she really believed her friend/lover/GAM partner died  :cry: 

Sweet GAM fic by the way :cow:

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 11:55:11 PM »
Ngawww.. Crazy little Ayaya~  making Mikitty cry..  :cry: :wub:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline alohellofan

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Re: Princess Ayaya's Magic Trick
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 02:28:01 AM »
This was a cool story. The video was pretty cool too.

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