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Author Topic: The Coven [CLOSED]  (Read 14998 times)

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Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2009, 01:23:16 AM »

I don’t understand. Does Fujimoto-sama hate me? She was never easy to understand, but I’m too afraid of her to try and look pass her tough exterior. Maybe it isn’t a wall. She’s just cold hearted and cannot love anything. Why am I here then? Why hasn’t she killed me or give me to another mistress to use me as a sex tool? I’ve never been so lost.
Poor Eri. She has no clue. :(

Then again, why would she? She has no reason to think that Miki or any of the Coven members would (or even could) feel that way about their slave girls.

“I’m sorry.” JunJun apologizes

I gulp and gain my posture. My body is still on edge. My instincts are still taking over, just a little. I roll to the left to see her. She’s worried about me. I suspect she would be. She’s seen me in a devastating condition and I still haven’t told her what happened. She’s clueless, but if I do tell her anything she will be brought into a problem that’s continuing to grow. It’s best if she doesn’t know anything. I can’t risk her safety.
Oh Eri, she doesn't want to risk anyone else getting hurt, so she's willing to suffer alone. Thing is though, Junjun is willing to risk getting hurt, because she doesn't want Eri to have to go through it alone.
:gmon tears:


“Isn’t love supposed to be gentle? Aren’t you supposed to be caring? But then again, how do you know you love someone if you’ve never experienced it? Is it supposed to hurt?”


“Eri, what are you saying? Did Miki force you to do something against your consent?!”
Maybe Eri does get that Miki's acting different around her, and maybe she's starting to consider possible reasons why. :O

I have to come up with something to steer her attention away from Fujimoto-sama. I don’t want her to take part in this mess. If something were to happen to her it would be my fault and I cannot live with the guilt.

“Do you love me, JunJun?”

She’s speechless. I put my hand over hers and trace her fingers with my index finger. I don’t know what I’m saying. All I know is that I need someone to show affection towards me. To tell me they love me and won’t hurt me like Fujimoto-sama did. I just…need someone to be gentle with me.

While it's understandable that Eri would want to be comforted given what she just went through, the question here is, why did Eri REALLY ask Junjun that in the first place? Does Eri feel that way for Junjun? If she doesn't, but Junjun does, then it's not really fair for Eri to deceive Junjun like that. Likewise, if she did it only to keep Junjun's mind distracted from thinking of Miki-sama, then again, that's not doing it for the right reasons.

Then she kisses me.
Shit. Eri needs to sort her feelings, and FAST! She said she doesn't want Junjun to get hurt by what's going on with Miki-sama, but she doesn't realize that she might end up hurting Junjun herself now that the other girl has confessed to her.  :shocked:

On another note, this sucks because I really want to celebrate and go "OMGASS! ERIJUN!!!"  :heart: :heart: :heart: " but I get the feeling I probably shouldn't.  :-X

I tangle our tongues together and images fill my head. I can see Fujimoto-sama glaring at me with such intensity in her oil slicked colored eyes as if she’s going to consume me and it scares me but at the same time it…excites me? I can almost hear the things she would say to me. She would tell me how I’m hers and she would claim me as hers in such a rough way brings only more excitement within me. She will be rough yet her touch will be so soft, smooth as silk yet firm to still hold me in place and tell me she’s still in charge. I shift as these thoughts and let out a low moan. I pull away from JunJun and look to my hands in shame. What’s wrong with me? I’m afraid of Fujimoto-sama. She treats me bad and does such bad things but I want to be near her to feel her touch again?
Frak, Junjun's going to get her heart broken once she and Eri realize how Eri really feels (if this little passage is any indication).   :cry:

:mon scare:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline ayase909

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Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
« Reply #61 on: April 29, 2009, 12:57:39 PM »
wah!  :scared: i haven't commented for the many days i think....baka me!  :on kimbo:

anyway.....for the last 4 chapters i read......this fic is not about GAMilicious, that i concluded... :bored: well, Aya's planning to kill miki-sama, how dare she.... :on shady:....and well, good thing this is not a TanaKamei, since the neko-chan hates her....Reina's being a badass/yankii again here!  :on cigar:

er.....well, they're planning to kick mikitty's butt out of the coven, not good!  :tantrum:
but hey, i assume this would be a FujiKamei fic?  :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:    ne, ne oishite kudasai, author-san!  :hehehe:

hmm....miki's in love with eri and vice versa....haha, can't wait for the next chapter..... :kneelbow:

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Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
« Reply #62 on: June 01, 2009, 11:55:11 AM »
daisuki~~ cant wait for another update.
just wonder will miki kill eri(probrably she wont~)
will sayumi has a lover?? just like maki has reina.

Offline takagakifan

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Re: The Coven(UPDATE 4/26)
« Reply #63 on: August 10, 2009, 07:26:42 PM »
Oh My Gosh! that was soooo effing good! :thumbsup and slighty twisted :twisted: but in a great way! :twothumbs

why haven't i read this before? whats going to happen to Eri? to Miki? will there be more takagaki? and when are going to update? lol

...hopefully soon or else :onionwhip: (hehe considering the fic that seemed most appropriate XD)
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

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