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Author Topic: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)  (Read 6878 times)

Offline writerjunkie

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Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« on: February 25, 2009, 01:15:16 AM »
Title: Get The Girl

I knew this was a bad idea. I just knew it from the start, but who knew Reina could be so convincing when she wanted to. I sure didn’t. Or maybe, I was just easy to trick this time, because a part of me really did want to go. I was at first against the whole idea of going to the luau at the beach tonight and I have my reason to be.

That was my original plan. Then Reina came and put me through this whole guilt trip talk and that worked. Who would want to spend their time in Hawaii sulking inside a hotel room? I should be outside having fun to keep memories I will never forget. No one wants the memory of staring at the white colored hotel walls. So, I changed my mind and agreed to join everyone tonight, not knowing it will be my biggest regret.

It was be my worse mistake. I appreciate Reina for trying to help me, really I do and at least I can say I gave it a try, but I really don’t like that I ended up with an answer I already knew long before hand. I was kind of hoping it would have changed. Eventually, I got tired of seeing her be caring and loving with some other girl and I left. I didn’t want to go back to the hotel.

I decided to walk away from the group and went to the water to sit in the sand. I took food with me to make it look like I just went to eat in peace, but I really left to cry in peace. I’m still here. I haven’t left.  I haven’t touched any of my food the whole time I’ve been here either.

I’m not hungry anymore. I’m just sad. I'm sad because she’ll never love me like I want her to and I am a little angry with myself for thinking it would change. I still had some hope that she might have loved me, like me even. What a stupid mistake I did.

We’re only best friends, at least only to her. To me, she’s my world and some one I’m deeply in love with. I doubt she can see that. She is a little out of it sometimes. Especially when she’s eating. She doesn’t even notice the way I’m dressed tonight.

I wore my hair slightly wavy at the tips and down with a flower pinned in my hair. I’m nicely dressed if I don’t say so myself. Why wouldn’t she notice me or talk to me? I don’t smell bad. I have on perfume I know she likes.

That doesn’t matter anymore though. She seems so happy and into Eri. I’m not jealous of Eri, not anymore at least. I’m just pass the point where I’m tired of caring. I’m done being put through an emotional roller coaster. I tuck a piece of my hair from my face and sniffle a few times.

Another tear trickles down and I carefully wipe it away so I don’t smudge my make-up. I wrap my arms around my bunch up knees and bring them closer to my chest. I look out into the ocean through the dark. I can barely see ahead of me, but the ocean is still so pretty. The crashing waves are somewhat relaxing and the smell the ocean blows through out is still pleasant.

Everything is so pretty, but I’m still so very sad. I gave her a chance, I’ve given her many chances, but I shouldn’t have. Tonight is the last one and after today there will be no more. I’m finished with everything. I know you can’t just stop loving someone, but I’ll make that simple.

Or…I’ll try to. My eyes start to tear again more frequently. I don’t bother to wipe them way this time. I hope they’re both happy. I burry my face into my knees and just cry, I can stay here all night.

It’s a lot better than seeing those two. But I know I can’t stay all night and I know for sure can’t stay here forever hiding either. Everyone will worry and come look for me. Then they’ll ask questions and I don’t want that. I’ll just stay here for a little longer. It’s no big deal.


I turn around and of all the people that could come to get me, Eri’s the last one on my list at the moment. I look straight ahead and don’t bother to turn around again. I hear the sand shuffle as she makes her way to me. Then sits next to me. I still don’t look at her, but I can feel her looking at me, boring holes into the side of my head. I pick up a fistful of warm sand with my right hand.

Then I feel it slip through my fingers smoothly. When my hand is empty, I do it again. We sit in silence for a while as I keep playing with the sand in my hand. I look to my hand and watch the tiny grains collect back to the bottom.

“Why are you here by yourself?” She asks.

Does she really want to know? Right now is not the best time to talk to me. I might say all the harsh things I’ve been thinking in my head about her for a while. I wonder if she notices. Maybe not since she’s always daydreaming or so busy swooning over Ai. That makes me so angry thinking about it.

“I wanted to eat in peace.” That isn’t completely a lie. I do want to be here alone. I want to be away from everyone and sulk, but I’m also kind of hoping Ai would come after me when she sees I’m gone. I guess she never noticed.

“Oh,” Eri whispers.

It goes silent again between the both of us. I’m both angry and sad right now. Angry; because Ai never did come and I can’t believe I thought she would come over here and sad; because…well…I just got my heart broken again. This is turning out to be such a depressing night isn’t it?

“I don’t like her you know,” Eri interrupts. “At least not in the way you think I do.”

I finally face her when she breaks the silence with something I never though I would hear. She looks away cowering. She starts drawing little circles in the sand.

“Ai’s nothing but a friend to me.” She mumbles. “And she likes me just as a friend too.”

She doesn’t need to lie to me in my face! I see everything with my own two eyes. I’m not stupid. She looks back to me and she has on a very honest face. Either she’s really good at lying or she’s telling me the truth. I put my hand down. How does she know the way I’m feeling about Ai?

“You don’t have to believe me, but she doesn’t like me Gaki-san. You’re the person she likes. I like someone else.”

I stare at her in surprise. The part about Ai liking me is what I really don’t believe. Eri faces the sand and stops drawing little circles. She sits completely still. I don’t have anything to say and she doesn’t either it seems.

“It’s the truth Risa.” She gets up and smacks the sand off her hands. “She just has a hard time telling you she loves you. I’m gonna go back now. I think everyone is leaving.”

She walks away leaving me alone. That means I have time to take this all in and think. She wouldn’t say such things to mess with my emotions. That doesn’t seem like her. She couldn’t be lying either.

She seems to know how much of a touchy subject this is to me. Did I hear correct? If she doesn’t like Ai and Ai doesn’t like her and if Ai does like me then I’m done thinking. I’m just going back to the hotel. I’ve had enough these games.

I get up, take my plate, and make my way to the others. I spot a garbage bin nearby and dump my food inside. In the distance I see the table were everyone once was now empty, but as I keep walking I see that there’s one person left. I can’t see who it is that well at first but after a few feet I can see clearly who it is. It’s Ai. I feel myself freeze.

I don’t know what to say. I stop in my tracks. Ai notices me. We stare at each other from across the table.

“Hey.” She blurts out.

“Hey.” I weakly say back.

She starts cleaning the table in silence. She has to have something to say! I stand there watching her. Waiting for her to confess her love to me like Eri said, but all she focused on doing is cleaning that damn table. My body sinks down in defeat.

There’s nothing she has to say after all. I think it’s best if I go back to my room now. I start walking again through the sand and I can feel tears burn my eyes and then slowly they fall down. I keep walking and never wipe my tears away. Isn’t this the walk of shame or the walk of rejection?

I’m not sure. They’re both equally bad. I shouldn’t have come here!

“Risa um…”

I turn around hoping she’s going to say what I wanted her to say all along. She looks back towards the table and goes quiet again. I guess she isn’t going to say what I hope she was. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think she would say something like that. That she would confess to me.

I’ve been fooled a lot in one night and it’s getting tiring. Ai scratches the back of her ear still looking down to the table.

“Good night.” She mutters

I feel my heart sink to my feet. “Goodnight.” I repeat back, in a sad tone.

I turn around going towards the hotel. I’m done. I’ve had enough. This is it. When I’m half way towards the boardwalk I see sand behind me flying everywhere and someone grabs my arm.

I really don’t care if it’s some crazy murder because they just might be doing me a favor. The person spins me around and instead of doing something horrible to me like strangling me, they kiss me. I stand there with my eyes open in shock. I’m too stunned to move. They pull way and I look into all too familiar soft eyes.

“I um…I hope that answers your questions.” She stutters.

I open my mouth, but no words come out. I just stare at her taken back. She looks at me with a small smile on her face. I feel that I’m in some sort of dream and I would hate it if I woke up. I close my mouth after trying to talk and smile instead.

 Her hands shift to my waist and bring me closer against her. I press my head to her chest and my arms lift up from my sides to wrap around her neck. I inhale quickly and take in her sweet scent. I pick up my head to look back into her eyes. It really does answer everything for me.

Ai wipes away my tears and smile. She holds me tighter waiting for me to say something. I’m not sure if I can though. I sniffle and continue to get lost in her eyes. These aren’t tears of sorrow; these are tears of joy.

Ai places a kiss on my cheek softly then kisses me fully on the lips. This time I finally kiss her back. She pulls away and I stand there with my eyes still closed. I’m too dazed to keep up with reality. If this really is a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up and be with her forever.

I hear her laugh and I open my eyes. I feel myself blush. She hugs me, resting my head to her steady heart. The sound it makes is soothing. My heart swells and I feel like I’m going to die of joy.

 I have this huge smile on my face. We stay in comfortable silence after that. Maybe Reina was right. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea. I’ll have to remember to thank her later.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 05:14:01 AM by writerjunkie »

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2009, 02:02:25 AM »
Misunderstandings, misunderstandings... Good thing that Eri and Reina helped out in the end, though. :D

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 02:27:05 AM »
When I first read the story I thought that the narrator was Ai-chan, so when she started talking about Eri swooning over Ai, then I was like "She's swooning over herself? :?". Then I used my brain and realised that it was Risa narrating  :lol:
Brill fic btw :twothumbs
I loved the plot, the detail, the setting, everything. :D
Aww, go turtle! :onioncheer:

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Offline Haruka

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 03:26:08 AM »
Freak me out xD

I read it pretty bad and I Misunderstandings a lot xD

I have to read it like 3 times for stand o_O

I have my mind in Colloge x_x

Keep write cause, you¡re doing it very good =)

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline JFC

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 06:07:10 AM »
A lot of times, the hardest part really IS just taking that FIRST step.  Aichan and Risa obviously are clear examples of that here. Risa kept wanting to Aichan to make the first move, and for all we know, Aichan was wanting Risa to do the same.

It's a risk, of course, especially when they weren't sure of how the other felt. As they found out though, getting past that first step makes the rest of the journey a LOT easier. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Haruka

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 09:42:03 PM »
A lot of times, the hardest part really IS just taking that FIRST step.  Aichan and Risa obviously are clear examples of that here. Risa kept wanting to Aichan to make the first move, and for all we know, Aichan was wanting Risa to do the same.

It's a risk, of course, especially when they weren't sure of how the other felt. As they found out though, getting past that first step makes the rest of the journey a LOT easier. :yep:

I'm agree with you o_O

Always take the first step is pretty hard and you think you just gonna screw it up xD

But, well sometimes you just have to risk... if you do not risk you do not win =3

It's just Love could destroy you or make you reborn xD nothing else xD

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 05:44:23 PM »
A million thank yous to TanaKame for prompting this!! :P Both Ai and Gaki have this thing where they seem to be afraid to push the other into anything. I don't know how to explain it but while it can be adorable at times, it can also be painful.

Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2009, 05:45:16 PM »

 :love: TakaGaki So cute!!!!!!!!!!

Q: Why must Gaki suffer in most of Takagaki fanfics??? :sweatdrop:

In most of the fics is always Ai, the emofag (that word is stuck in my brain XD), has to be self torturing and make Gaki worry...  :thumbdown:

Anyway, the fic was nice... though now I'm getting use to read a more emotional Gaki... which is not so bad  :)

Keep the good work!!! :twothumbs

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2009, 06:11:30 PM »
Aaw that was a cute fic! :D :heart:

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2009, 09:27:20 AM »
I thought it was gonna be angsty at first. Glad everything worked out :)

More TakaGaki or KameMame fics please *begs* You write so good that you leave me craving for more after every read. *sobs* I'll cry unless I get my daily fix :P

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2009, 07:21:03 AM »
i love it... :mon lovelaff: cute!!

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2010, 12:56:53 AM »
1st step .....

Kame 07 save the day XD XD

Offline ShiroiHana

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2010, 07:14:13 AM »
ah, people got different views of something
one could see it as this thing and other people could see it as something else.
and, that's when the power of talking and action used lol
that's what i feel when i read this story

Risa is having a..what is typhoon
That doesn’t matter anymore though. She seems so happy and into Eri. I’m not jealous of Eri, not anymore at least. I’m just pass the point where I’m tired of caring. I’m done being put through an emotional roller coaster. I tuck a piece of my hair from my face and sniffle a few times.
at some point, when everything seems so painful it will eventually make one become immune with it. i mean, like when we use some spray like thing to prevent mosquitoes's bite, at some point the mosquitoes will be immune it. this line is like that thing.
but, i am glad that it ends in a good way :D
this time also, sankyuu for a fun ride, writerjunkie-san~ ^_^

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Re: Get The Girl [One-shot] (Ai/Risa)
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2011, 11:00:59 PM »
i love it  :D

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