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Author Topic: Trey-Trey's Short Stories... Principles of Narcissism (Part 3! At last...)  (Read 9215 times)

Offline Treykun

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Re: Trey-Trey's Short Stories... Principles of Narcissism (Part 2 Updated)
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2010, 07:42:16 PM »
Well... I'm updating cause I've seen how many time has passed already... :grin: Sorry... I'll try to update the last part soon, but I'm sick and busy, so I don't know when I'll been able to write... I won't promise anything... XD

Principles of Narcissism

Part 3

What the hell?! She’s kissing me!

Damn! I don’t know how to react…! But, well, seems that my body works on his own, and I’m kissing her back without even know it… And suddenly she pushes me away lightly…

Hey, wait a minute…! Why the hell does she push me away if she’s the one who has kissed me…?!

Suddenly I realise that she’s looking at me deeply, almost like threateningly… She’s scary indeed, and moreover, she’s got a sadistic smirk written all over her face… I don’t know why, but I’m sure that I’m going to end up hurt… But not in a “feelings” sense, I mean literally…

And again, here she comes…

She throws herself at me, and again I fell on the ground with her right on top of me… I wonder how she’s got such force…

“AHHHHHH! STOP DOING THAT, DAMN…!” I yell filled with pain.

“Shut up…”

“Hey, you can’t…!” But before I’m able to continue, she silences me with her lips. I didn’t know that she had feelings for me, in fact I thought that she enjoyed teasing me and making me angry…

Or maybe she just does that because…

“OH MY GOD!” Oh, no…

Perfect timing! We’re dead… aren’t we?

“What are you doing?!” Eri yells from the door, while her eyes wide more and more. “Why didn’t you tell anything to me?!” I swear I’ll kill her… Damn, she could at least close the door! Someone is going to hear us!

I stand up quickly, drag Eri into the room, and slam the door shut.

“Don’t you realize that if someone sees us we’re dead?!” I yell, looking at her dumbfounded expression.

“Don’t change the freakin’ subject!” She yells loudly… If she raises a little more her tone… She’s going to regret it… “Why didn’t you tell me…? We’re friends…!”

“Why didn’t we tell you what…?” I ask with a suggestive look on the face.

“That you’re dating…!” Dating…? Eh?! What…?!

I mean… I’ll admit that I’m in love with Reina… But I’m not sure if she… Or… Or if we… Bah…

“…” I stood there frozen, while Eri looks at me, obviously waiting for a reaction, and Reina… Well… She seems to be serious and expecting for a reaction too… This isn’t going to end up well…

What I’m supposed to say?!

“Erm…” I mutter under my breath. “Listen Eri… Hmmmm… We aren’t dating…” I say trying to explain myself the best that I can right now.

But Eri seems to not understand me… I can say that just by seeing her dorky and oblivious expression…

“I can’t understand that.” She exposes simply.

I look at her briefly, clearly showing her that I think that she’s an idiot… What the hell ‘I can’t understand that’ means?! And now Reina is sat on the floor, clearly trying hard to not laugh at Eri, but when she notices that I’m looking at her, she stops and looks all serious suddenly.

I don’t know which one of these two is weirder…

“What do you mean with ‘I can’t understand that’ Eri?” I ask teasingly.

“I mean that I can’t understand what are doing two friends doing what you were doing… If they’re just friends…”

How many times can she repeat a word in a simple phrase? Whatever… She understands what’s the meaning of friendship… Then, what the hell is she doing interrogating me? Friends don’t do that… Bah …

“Well, a kiss can be friendly.” I say trying to avoid more questions. “So two friends can kiss and that doesn’t have to mean anything… Don’t you understand that?”

“Yeah, I understand that perfectly.” She quickly responses. “The thing I don’t understand is why are two FRIENDS lying on the floor, one ON TOP of other, and in the middle of a heavy make out session…”

Damn, she’s smarter than she looks!

Suddenly, Reina stands up from the floor and takes Eri by the hand to try to catch her attention… Eri paying attention to someone, tee-hee…

“Listen, Eri… We’re not dating…” She tries to explain. “It’s just that we…”

“But Sayumi’s in love with you.” Damn, I am…

Wait a minute…


She hasn’t said that, has she?! It’s just a paranoia… or an horrible nightmare…

But Reina’s looking at me wide eyed and with her jaw dropped…

So this is… real. Shit…

“Erm…” I mutter filled with shame, what can I say right now?! “Erm… Listen, Reina… I…”

“Is that true?!” She asks loudly, while Eri smirks sadistically… Oh god…

Well, let’s do a recompilation of the past events:

1.   Ai obliges me to make the dance team with Reina.
2.   Reina irritates me, as always.
3.   She kisses me, much to my surprise.
4.   Eri catches us red handed.
5.   And she discovers what I’ve been hiding these past… erm… four years? Maybe five?

God, all that time… I should really do something about this… And this is my chance…

“Erm… Y-Ye…”

“Sayu…!” Gaki yells as she enters in the room. “I almost forgot that I told you that I wanted you to help me with the reorganization around the house today!”

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I forget it too! That was close…!

“Sorry, I’m going with Gaki-san bye!” I yell at them, take Risa by the wrist and fly off with her.


All the way to her house she has been looking at me like if I’m a criminal… I guess she has heard our yells… Or maybe she just wonders what we were doing in the dance room more time than the usual… When we three are the laziest members by far…

“What were you doing…?” She finally asks as she leaves a box filled with useless stuff next to her room’s door. Seriously… She should tidy this apartment more often… If it wasn’t because she has the keys, I’d say that the owner of this is Eri…

“Hello…?” Oh yes… I have to find a nice excuse…

“Rokkies’ secret!” Well, that isn’t my best excuse…

“Oh, come on… You could at least try to make a better excuse…”

Hee… She knows me too well…

“Yeah, whatever, I’m not going to tell you…” I say and puff my cheeks, obviously trying to show her that I’m not going to say a single word about this…

And now that I’m thinking about it… I’ve ran away from Reina and Eri at light speed to avoid to answer Reina’s question… But isn’t she going to make me answer it tomorrow?

I guess I’ll have to pretend that I’m sick or something to avoid her…

“So it’s about Reina!” Huh, what?

“Excuse me?!” Does she know me THAT well?

“Yeah, you know… I know that you like her, that’s why I asked Ai-chan to oblige you to make the dance pairing with her…”

My dear Gaki-san… I’m going to kill you…

“Sayumi? What’s up with that face…?” And she starts walking backwards until she reaches the wall… “Stay away from me!”

“This will show you how to mind your stupid business!” And with that, I throw myself at her but she puts her hands on my shoulders and pushes me… Making me fall on my butt…

“Ahhhhhh! That’s hurts damn!” I yell from the floor.

“You deserved it! Damn, why the fuck are you so scared of talk about your thing with Reina?”

“I’m NOT scared!”

“You ARE!”

“I’m NOT!”



Come on… this is ridiculous!

“You know what? This is ridiculous!” Gaki states simply.


“Let’s do another thing… If you aren’t scared as you say… Then prove it…” Eh?!


“Simple, go and confess to Reina!” No way…


“YOU ARE SCARED!” And she laughs… Oh no, no… I’m not. “You are a loser!”

… WHAT?!

“What did you say?!”

“I said that YOU are a LOSER!” Oh yeah? Let’s see who’s the loser now… I’m going to search for Reina and show this idiot that I’m not a loser, and that I’m not scared.

“Hey! Where are you going?!”

“To confess to Reina!” And I run off from her messy apartment… Now she’ll have to tidy it herself! Haha…


Niigaki’s POV

Woo-hoo! Sayu is going for it! I’m going to call Eri right now!


“Gaki-san?! Perfect! I needed to talk with you! GREAT way to break the mood! They were almost prepared to confess to each other!”

“They wouldn’t do it if I wasn’t there to help them, ya know?”

“Hmmm… I know, I know…”

“WHATEVER! Sayu’s going to confess to her right now! She’s still there? They’ll thank us later…”

“Really?! Great, how did you convince her?”

“Simple, narcissist like to have their pride intact…”


There... I'll try to finish this soon... But now, I'm going with my fever to bed... XD :P

« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 08:11:24 PM by Treykun »

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Re: Trey-Trey's Short Stories... Principles of Narcissism (Part 3! At last...)
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2010, 08:01:20 PM »
:w00t:  Update!  :mon fyeah:

Not hard to guess... Huh? XD XD
Your avatar kinda gives it away.

Don't give me ideas... I want revenge because of a couple of things... :twisted: :twisted: XD
:O Am I included?

@kRisZ: *Puffs cheeks* I don't want to reply you! XD XD But oh well... I'll do it just because I'm that good person... XD :grin:
That's cute  :lol:

Hmmmm... Should I??? XD XD  :P I guess I'll have to write about this pairing more... XD
:yep: please do so!

Yess! Sayu kissed back! But damn, Eri's timing sucks  :nervous

“I can’t understand that.” She exposes simply.

“Yeah, I understand that perfectly.” She quickly responses. “The thing I don’t understand is why are two FRIENDS lying on the floor, one ON TOP of other, and in the middle of a heavy make out session…”

 :doh: And here I thought Eri's timing sucks, Gaki-san's was worse...

“Yeah, whatever, I’m not going to tell you…” I say and puff my cheeks
Just like you  XD

“Yeah, you know… I know that you like her, that’s why I asked Ai-chan to oblige you to make the dance pairing with her…”
So she's the culprit.

“Simple, narcissist like to have their pride intact…”
:yep:  nice tactic Gaki-san  :twothumbs

Anyway, why do you have to leave it that way?! That's an ebil cliffhanger  :fainted:

Fever? Get well soon T-kun!

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline kRisZ

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  • ...shiawasekai...
“Well, a kiss can be friendly.”
lol, really  XD

“Yeah, I understand that perfectly.” She quickly responses. “The thing I don’t understand is why are two FRIENDS lying on the floor, one ON TOP of other, and in the middle of a heavy make out session…”
:on lol:  :on lol:  :on lol:

Damn, she’s smarter than she looks!
Damn  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

“But Sayumi’s in love with you.” Damn, I am…

Wait a minute…


 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
If it wasn’t because she has the keys, I’d say that the owner of this is Eri…
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

My dear Gaki-san… I’m going to kill you…
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Oh yeah? Let’s see who’s the loser now… I’m going to search for Reina and show this idiot that I’m not a loser, and that I’m not scared.
:onioncheer:  :onioncheer:  :onioncheer:

And I run off from her messy apartment… Now she’ll have to tidy it herself! Haha…
wrong move Risa  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

“Simple, narcissist like to have their pride intact…”
So ebil Risa  XD  XD  XD

Offline badsaints

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You updated! :cow:

“OH MY GOD!” Oh, no…
Perfect timing! We’re dead… aren’t we?
Why Eri why? Why must you come when TanaShige are MAKING OUT? And you claimed you were helping them? :angry:

“But Sayumi’s in love with you.” Damn, I am…

Wait a minute…

Agree :lol:

“Is that true?!” She asks loudly, while Eri smirks sadistically… Oh god…
Oh wait, did Eri spill the beans on purpose? XD

Now...let's see how the confessions will happen...

Offline yukirei

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Re: Trey-Trey's Short Stories... Principles of Narcissism (Part 3! At last...)
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2010, 01:55:16 PM »
yes, yes, yes! Go ahead and make Reina yours, Sayumi fighting!!! >v<

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