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Author Topic: 2009: In Retrospect  (Read 3017 times)

Offline maliciel

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2009: In Retrospect
« on: December 25, 2009, 02:34:51 PM »
So we're finally near the end of 2009, and needless to say it has been quite a ride. As an AKB fan, what was 2009 like for you? Anything that surprised you? Made you really happy? Any missteps? Any releases you were really awed/disappointed with? Share your thoughts, let's have a nice AKBar campfire going.

For me, this is of course my first year - more accurately, first 2 1/2 months - as an AKB fan. But with the power of the Internet (and inherently, Oshima Yuko), I've been able to follow the development of the group since their early days. And I must say this year has been awesome. AKB got me posting again, has been helping me improve my Japanese (which I started at around the same time as when I started following AKB), improved my outlook on life (lol), taught me how to scan PBs and indirectly taught me how to encode DVDs in HQ. In fact, it even got me to learn how to insert JS using Greasemonkey.

I guess it seems a little sappy, but I really do owe a bit to my AKB fandom. I even got myself off WoWcrack to watch AKB48 videos! Haha. In real-time, from when I became a fan nothing much has really happened, but my highlights of the year were probably River and Yuko's PB. Chart-topping, highest selling idol release in 7 years and general badassery. I couldn't experience NYAF first hand, but that's probably another thing that's on my list. Got to work with top notch directors, overseas exposure and definitely showed just how much they're looking forward. I'm definitely looking forward to what's in store in the years ahead.

Then I come to Yuko's PB. Even while I was a fan I still didn't think of AKB as much more than a glorified gravure girl collective. As some of you might have known, I was really disappointed when I first got the PB. But soon it turned into what's probably the best idol-related thing I've bought. So much so that I spent the time to scan it, because it just had to be shared. Corny, but true.  It really opened my eyes to just how much I was missing, not only in Yuko, but in the whole mindset I had of AKB. The personality, the goofiness, the candid nature. All the stuff I missed, and gained in a mindblowing epiphany* when I got the PB.

If you asked me 3 months ago if I would ever consider collecting bromides or actually purchasing releases, I'd give you a firm 'fuck no, you kidding me?'. But I think I just might, now. 2009 has been such a great year for me (or at least, the last 1/4 of it) that I'm a little sad I'll probably never be able to see AKB in its current incarnation live. But you know what, it doesn't really matter all that much.

I think I've said enough. And you?

* Might be exaggerated for dramatic effect
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 03:00:14 PM by maliciel »

Offline Blu-Cherri

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Re: 2009: In Retrospect
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 08:32:32 PM »
2009 is the year my akb fandom renewed itself thanks to their appearence at the paris japan expo(which is was going to attend even before akb were announced).
I had been following their singles but not really much else and not really knowing names etc etc....
seeing Sayaka, Mocchi, Miichan, Nonti and unexpectidly(because I didn't know her before) Rie really left an impact on me. The other girls were also amazing just these 5 really brought the 'idols you can meet' home to me. Catching up on things I'd missed(though still not everything >_>) and following the new news was really amazing.  Seeing their tv shows grow to be bigger and better.(though less daring still awesome).  I discovered the amazingness that is and ever shall be SHIICHAN!!! <3 and my erepyon love grew even more.
SKE48 grew in my eyes and Haruka shone over them(with kanako not far behind) <3


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Offline jafeijai

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Re: 2009: In Retrospect
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2009, 09:14:59 PM »
October XX, 2009. After seeing so many banners pop up on the forum and basically ignoring this section, I finally decided to look up some clips of AKB48 on Youtube. What exactly did I see first? AKB48 promoting Iiwake Maybe on Music Fighter. I'm pretty sure it's true with a lot of others, but Acchan was the one that first caught my eye (Though I didn't know any names then). And from then, the snowball started to grow..

I gave the sub-forum a look and found loads of information about the girls and pretty much anything else related to AKB48. To be honest, it was rather intimidating. Here I was, a complete stranger to AKB48 (minus 1 promotion on Music Fighter) and in front of me were threads of over 48 girls plus threads for the numerous shows they had and whatever else was related to them. It's quite a lot to digest and honestly, I still haven't digested it all.

But here I am, 2 months or so later; posting more often than I did before, able to recognize most of the girls that appear on their shows, appreciating the awesomeness that is Oshima Yuko (though that there is a redundant sentence) and pretty much enjoying the renewal of idol fandom that was starting to disappear.

Offline Blu-Cherri

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Re: 2009: In Retrospect
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2009, 10:16:16 PM »
YAY BANNER LOVE! I'm so glad they helped bring people to the bar :D

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Offline Datalanche

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Re: 2009: In Retrospect
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2009, 10:20:17 PM »
This is my third year of being into AKB48, and aside from a few glitches along the way it's been a VERY strong year for them as far as I'm concerned.

As for the good, I'm really happy to say that I love all of the singles released this year. This was most certainly not the case with 2008. This helped to restore a lot of my interest in AKB48 that had faded throughout 2008. Stages are great and all, but as an international fan that doesn't get participate in that except for when a DVD is released, I really need some encouragement from the singles to keep interest truly alive. The singles this year were fantastic, with even my least favorite one being very good. Also in the topic of the music, I also have enjoyed most of the stages and concerts that happened this year.

AKB48's TV shows were mostly top notch and awesomely entertaining this year. In late 2008, maybe even early 2009 AKBINGO got into a rut that I didn't really enjoy. They repeated bits way too often and it just didn't appeal to me much. As this year went on, they churned out some new bits I really enjoyed and the show got a lot more interesting as the cast seemed to rotate more than in the past. Then, Shukan AKB started in July and has constantly been a highly entertaining show, churning out super awesome bits such as the spicy food contest. I've loved most of the episodes a lot. Nemousu has also been great this year. Seasons 2 and 3 were filled with great stuff.

Another awesome thing that happened was SKE48 Team S. :lol: I didn't pay a lot of attention to them until I stumbled accross Matsui Rena on AKBINGO!. She was so bizarre that I had to learn more. Turns out they are an awesome group of girls who have gotten their skills almost up to par with AKB48 in a pretty short amount of time. Also, Team S is the first team where I can understand why the front members are up front. Maybe I just found girls I like up front by chance, but I can see why Jurina and Rena headline the shows. They are AWESOME.

My complaints list of the year is pretty small. For one, we got hit with plenty of graduation shrapnel. My former AKB favorite, Oshima Mai, finally took off. Though expected it was kind of a bummer. Also, we lost a lot of great underappreciated members in Team B: Gussan, Matsuyuki, and Mikachii. Also, thanks to copyright issues us international fans are not able to easily buy concerts, which SUCKS. :bleed eyes: I also don't really dig the humongous amount of money they charge for AKB's concerts even if they are long, but it would be nice to have easier access to buy them. Hopefully they can get that problem sorted out in 2010.

And of course, the sales this year were great, which is always good for us. Good sales means lasting TV shows, more appearances, more faptastic magazine shoots, and other great things for the girls. I hope 2009 was just the warm up for an amazing 2010 for AKB48. They deserve it. :thumbup

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Re: 2009: In Retrospect
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2009, 11:35:00 PM »
Where to start...

...My AKB48 fandom started soaring in 2008 and when I heard they were coming to Paris I stepped it up a notch. I remember the excitement; Team A is coming! Acchan! Haruna! Then the other list of members appeared. I was a little disappointed at the time, because there were hardly any front girls and I didn't know most of them that well at the time. I investigated them and Moeno really caught my eye so I was exited to get to see her. And of course Kasai, Sayaka and it would be cool to see the infamous Meetan  :lol:

Paris changed everything for me. I waited for hours in order to get a spot near the front. Success! The experience of seeing them live was so much greater than I imagined. The dancing is so intense and they're having so much fun. The concerts, press conference and signing sessions really did change my opinion on a lot of the members. Kasai is absolutely gorgeous. Kana is boring. Rie is radiant. Etc, etc. etc. As you all know, Rena was the big winner of the Japan Expo for me  :wub:

So, what else. The music has been great! Not only the singles, but the stages as well. I thought B4 would flop because I liked B3 so much. That was not the case, fortunately. The Budokan and national tour concerts are very enjoyable as well  :thumbup

The various shows are still going strong. SKE Gakuen is another highlight because Team S = awesome.

I'm fine with the graduations. I'll miss Maimai's antics and would've loved to see Tsukina some more... aw well. I'm looking forward to 2010! The new stages with the new teams are going to be very interesting. Furthermore, S3 is gonna be the best stage ever.
I feel like I'm blabbing too much, so I'll end it here.  :P

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