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Author Topic: [O.S. and S. S. Collections] Kissing Galore (Kai x Acchan)  (Read 28410 times)

Offline anonymousstalker

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[O.S. and S. S. Collections]-WK4 POLL- WMatsui
« Reply #60 on: November 29, 2013, 05:59:22 PM »

A/N: Last Update Wow XD for now I'll give myself a break after continuous writing this past 4 weeks... di ko na u2litin toh ang sakit pla sa ulo pagsunod-sunod hehehe :sweatdrop: it's a bit rushed so please spare me  :nervous


The nerve of that woman.

A wonderful Wednesday morning. That's how my day started. I kept on expecting; today's a very important day for me…for us. But hell, she just had to ruin everything. I barged inside the cafeteria with both of my hands clenched into a fist. My friends are already at our usual table, chatting. And without taking a tray I joined them and laid my head on the table.

"Let me guess," Mayuyu said before anybody could ask, "she forgot."

"Yes." I mumbled.

Milky, who was sitting right next to me, patted my back, "That's okay, Jurina-chan."

"It's not okay." Mayuyu told her. "When it was me and Yuki's first month together she bought me gifts and we ate dinner and..."


“W-well you guys already get the picture...” she blushed furiously.

"But Rena's different." Sashihara mumbled. Everyone at the table looked at her, surprised.

"So now you’re on her side, Sasshii . Even if she's a little dense that doesn't mean that she could just forget that today is their first monthsary!" Mayuyu snapped.

I’m glad that Mayuyu's helping me out. For her, when it comes to a relationship everything has to be perfect.

"I mean…" Mayuyu started. Then everyone was looking at her. "We've been waiting for years for these two to be together and when finally they are…"

"She forgets." I finished.

Milky gave Mayuyu an icy glare, "You're not helping."

"What did she say?" Sasshii asked. "I thought you guys were working on a project?"

I recalled the events that took place a few hours ago, "she said that she'd rather read her manga or eat her melon pan."

We were working on our science project that was due on Friday. We were assigned partners and yes, Rena was my partner. She didn't show any signs about tomorrow. Our one month. I thought that she's being silent about it because she'll surprise me. Like BOOM!! So we talked about it the whole night in her room up until it was already late.  And the next thing I knew I woke up sleeping on Rena's bed.

While I found her lying down on the sofa, still asleep. I checked the clock, 7:13 A.M. Today's the day ^0^. So I got out of bed and went towards her.

I shook her and slowly her eyes opened, "Good morning." I whispered.

She grinned, "Morning, Jurina."

Then she did the stupidest thing.




She went back to sleep.

"Calm down, Jurina." I told myself. But it was clear as day already. I started to grabbed her arm and with all my strength I pulled her.

Her body fell down with a THUMP. "What was that for?"  She said irritatingly.

Now she's awake -.-

My hands were on my hips. With my hair still messy, I demanded, "How could you forget!"

She sat up, "Forget what?"

Oh no she didn't.

"You idiot" I pointed a finger at her, "It's our first month together. Our Monthsary!"

"Monthsary?" she stifled a laugh, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

I kept a cool face, "Yes. Monthsary. It's when you and I celebrate because we've survived a month together. We could go watch a movie or something."

Rena isn't the kind of person who would do stuff like that. We're not that kind of a couple. We don't hold hands in public or anything. Our relationship is private but I know that she cares and she loves me. Well that’s what she told me.  But now I'm not so sure.

Then she said, "I'd rather watch TV or eat my Melon Pan."

Arrgghh this so irritating…I then turned to leave when….

"Hey wait!"

I stopped on my tracks… then looked to her.

“Locked the door… Ok!" she winked.


"Whoa. She said that?" Milky asked after I told them what happened.

I nodded. I am so miserable.

"Geez! Those melon pans! She eats them like all the time, holds them with care and everything." I snapped. It was true. Even before, you wouldn't see her without a melon pan in hand. "And have you seen her closet? God. she loves those pans more than me!!"

Sasshii gave a low whistle, "Somebody's jealous…"

Milky kicked her from under the table. Then she turned to face me, "You know that's not true, Jurina-chan."

I don't even know what's true anymore.

What am I going to do?

"Revenge." Mayuyu suddenly spoke up.

“What are you talking about?”

Mayuyu was smiling at me.  And the others were confused,

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Jurina." Mayuyu said with a smile.

An idea clicked. I grinned and nodded at her.


When I opened my eyes I knew that something wasn't right. I fell asleep under the shade of the Sakura tree. I've never seen Jurina since she left this morning.

Monthsary. Yeah. Right. Who celebrates occasions like that?

I yawned. That's when I felt it. One of my manga was gone and something else.

And I know who took it.


I searched for her the whole afternoon. Not in her room. Not in town. The classrooms were all locked. There was only one place left then.

I ran towards our dormitory. .. Tch. I shouldn't have given her my spare key.

"Took you long enough."

I stared at her, sitting at the edge of my bed closed to my closet.

"Where is it?" I asked her.

Jurina pointed at one of my shelves, "I just put it back." Her voice monotone. This is her angry voice. Even if she's mad, she still looks like an angel. My angel.

I sighed, "Not the damn manga. Where's my Melon Pan?"

She had an eyebrow raised, "My my, Rena. You think I stole your Melon Pan?"

I closed the door behind me. "Who else do you think?"

She smirked, like my signature look, "Just me."

"I want my melon pan back." I took a step towards her but stopped.  When she pulled out something inside her pocket.

Her right hand reached out with a lighter. "We need some rules, baby." She said.

She's using my weakness against me.  Oooh…This girl is good.

"This is pathetic, Jurina."

"I'll burn your closet if you don't listen." She hissed at me.

I rolled my eyes. She wouldn't do that but nonetheless I said, "The rules?"

She smiled then put the lighter aside. Then she cleared her throat, "First. Movies, every Friday night. Second. Chocolates and Flowers, one dozen. Third-"

"Are you for real?”  I cut her off.  “This is unbelievable. What kind of rules are those?”

She glared at me, "It's not my fault that you forgot."

I couldn't believe it, "The whole one month anniversary thing? That's why you took my food?"

"Yes." Her legs crossed.

I walked towards her, grabbing her hand and pulled her to me, "You idiot. You seriously want me to celebrate this pathetic thing?"

"No, it's not pathetic." I heard her say.

I wrapped my arms around her, "We shouldn't be counting our days, weeks, months, or even years together. I don't care about that. As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters. You said so yourself…forever is just around the corner."

She then looked at me and said, "I’m still mad you know but…" She closed her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Here." She gave me my melon pan.

"Thanks." I chuckled, "Your third rule?"

She crossed her arms, "Tell me you love me more than your melon pans."

It was silly, I thought. The things that I do for this girl. I tucked her hair behind her ear bent down and whispered, "I love you more than my stupid melon pans. More than anything else."

"Great!" Just like that she was happy. She changes her mood fast. She grabbed my wrist, "Let's go catch a movie. I heard that it’s really good!" She smiled at me, she was still the same Jurina from all those years again but now, she's stronger and more independent.

I nodded, "Hey, Jurina?"


"Happy monthsary."

She smiled and we hold hands.

I can’t help to laugh and loved her more… Now that I found my girl is jealous over a Melon Pan…


P.S I'll still continue Memories (KojiYuu) so don't you guys worry :cow:

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline chichay12

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Re: [O.S. and S. S. Collections]-WK4 POLL- WMatsui
« Reply #61 on: November 29, 2013, 06:03:08 PM »
A/N: Last Update Wow XD for now I'll give myself a break after continuous writing this past 4 weeks... di ko na u2litin toh ang sakit pla sa ulo pagsunod-sunod hehehe :sweatdrop: it's a bit rushed so please spare me  :nervous

MORE PLEASE!! :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak:

Offline anonymousstalker

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[O.S. and S. S. Collections] Kissing Galore (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2014, 03:30:17 PM »

Kissing Galore

Takahashi Kai let out a big sigh as he settled himself into his seat at the classroom. It had been a long day—if by 'long' you meant 'short' and by 'day' you meant 'hour without seeing Maeda Atsuko', which was apparently pure torment. Luckily, he'd managed to get a best view at the back of the room, of Maeda Atsuko…

Picking her nose.

Kai didn't know how Atsuko did it - well, he supposed he did have some general ideas of how picking noses worked - but to her, Atsuko made picking her nose look - of all things - elegant.

Atsuko was sitting on the other side of the room, struggling with her History essay. And Kai wanted to offer help but she knew it was safer to spy on her if he wanted to be alive. Kai watched Atsuko scratch her ear and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Kai! Finally! I was wondering if we could talk—"

"Go away."

"You see, I've got this idea —"

"Go away."

"And I think it might just work—"

"Go away."

Kai glared at his friend: Oshima Yuu who was standing directly in front of him, blocking his view of Atsuko.

"You haven't even heard my idea yet," Yuu said in response to his angry stare.

"I don't have to hear it; all your plans are terrible anyway." Kai fidgeted into his seat, but he still couldn't see Atsuko because of Yuu's strangely curvy hips.

"Seriously, dude you have hips like a woman," he complained.

Finally, Yuu parked in the opposite side. Kai rejoiced; he could now see Atsuko's face if he stretched his neck far enough in that very painful position…

"Are you busy?"


"No you're not," Yuu replied, unconvinced. "You're not doing anything."

"I'm sitting."

"Can your brain only handle one thing at a time?"


"I can smell your pants burning."

Kai frowned at his friend. "Excuse me?"

"I can smell your pants burning because they are so obviously on fire because you are so obviously lying." Yuu said as he smacked his friend's face with a book. Realizing Kai's attention was elsewhere, Yuu turned around and spotted Atsuko in the corner. "Oh, Sh*t."

"Oh, sh*t?" repeated Kai. "What do you mean oh sh*t? What's with the sh*t and the Oh and the Oh and sh*t together?"

"I just don't think stupid idly staring at her is a good idea."

Kai scorn. "It's not like she knows I'm doing it--"


Atsuko slammed her History book shut and marched out of the room. Kai slowly sank back down in his seat.

"See, totally unaware." He said.

Yuu rolled his eyes. "Any who, now that you've got nothing else to look at, you can hear me out."

"I can always look at you instead."

"That’ll be creepy. And that's not looking, that's glaring and ow—you're punching me. Stop it! And stop glaring, you're scaring me. Ow. Ow. Why are you keep doing it?"

"I don't know, it amuses me," Kai shrugged. Another punch, but harder.

"Will you grow up so I can tell you my idea?"

"Can I keep punching you as you do?"


"Okay then…"

"OW! One more punch from you, Midget, and I swear you’ll never see your Mother again!"

Kai tucked his hands under his armpits.

"Your hands will smell after you do that you know," Yuu remarked. "But anyway, my idea is about raising money to go on a date with Nyannyan—"

"OH GOD," Kai let out a strangled cry and tried to smother himself into his desk. Yuu didn't understand what he was doing.

"What?" Yuu asked obliviously. "What wrong word did I say? Hands? Smell? Money? Nyannyan—?"

"That's the one!" Kai pointed at him. "OH GOD! Not her again.."

"What's wrong with Nyannyan?"

Kai removed his face on his desk to face him. "There's nothing wrong with her, there's something significantly wrong with the amount of times you've said it. I tried keeping track but I lost count after FIVE HUNDRED. Why don't you guys just marry already and have babies, huh?”

Yuu pulled a face at that. "You make it sound as though I'm obsessed with her."

"You wrote 'Yuu-chan loves Nyannyan ' on my arm."

"It washed off after a week, I don't know what you're complaining about. Anyway, out of all our friends, I decided that you-" Yuu prodded Kai in the chest "-would be the perfect candidate for my brilliant plan." He ended on a grin.

Kai stared at Yuu. "You picked me because I'm pretty, didn't you."

"Maybe," Yuu admitted. "And if all goes well, these will make my beautiful Nyannyan happy, if I do say myself and if we make a lot we can be rich."

Kai blinked at Yuu. "But I come from a wealthy family, I'm already rich—"

"Well, richer, then! Besides, my parents have disowned me so I have no source of income except selling your possessions."

"You've been selling my possessions?" Kai roared. Yuu didn't flinch.

"Did you still want those magazines under your bed?"

"What magazines are we talking about here? The box in the right or the left?"

"The One Piece magazines on the right. Why?" Yuu smirked. "What's in the left?"

"Nothing!" Kai turned pink. "Now, tell me what this plan of yours is. Are we selling our bodies for money?"

"No, we've done that already."

"We have?" Kai responded dreadfully.

"Yes! Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

"No... Come to think of it, I can't remember anything that happened yesterday," Kai said, horrified.

"Er, yeah, best not try to remember." Yuu patted his shoulder sympathetically. "So, I was thinking…." He leaned in to whisper the idea in Kai's ear.

"No way!"

A kissing booth.

That had been Yuu's brilliant plan. He thought they were a myth because girls didn't seriously pay to kiss a boy behind a booth... did they?

"I'm not sure about this, Yuu." Kai's brow sweated in worry as he watched Yuu set up the booth on the 3rd floor hallway, whistling merrily.

"Of course you're sure," Yuu replied. "You've hooked up with girls, have you not?"

"Yes, but not ten girls one after the other! I NEED BREAKS."

"You can have breaks."

"How long?"

"Ten seconds."

"Forget it, I'm not doing this, it's weird." He started to walk away but Yuu dragged him back.

"Kaaaaiiii," Yuu whined. "Don't wimp out on me now. It's just like kissing a lot of girls at a party or something…except getting paid for it," he muttered the last
part. Kai continued to squirm, still looking terrified by the idea. "Come on Kai, Shinoda and Akimoto won't do it—"

"I wonder why," Kai grumbled.

"Plus, we make a good team, don't you think? I'm the Dark and Sexy choice to kiss, while you're…" Yuu looked Kai up and down, struggling to think of something to say next. "You're…"

"The end of this sentence better be good."

"You're reasonably ‘short’ good looking guy!" Yuu concluded with a clap of his hands. "Plus these glasses make you look smart. You're the intelligent choice."

"While you're the Dumb one."

"Yes! I'm the du—Oi!" Yuu narrowed his eyes at Kai for nearly tricking him. "I’m smarter than you, ." Yuu then spotted two girls making their way down the corridor. "Customers! Midget! To your station,." He dragged a nervous Kai behind the booth.

"Dude, I really, really don't want to do this…"

"Shut up and start pouting those lips," Yuu told him from the corner of his mouth. "Ladies!" he greeted the two approaching students with a handsome smile.

"Would you like to pay us for a kiss?"

"I'd like to pay you to get beat," one of the girls snorted with a dirty look, not stopping.

"Sorry, that's not on offer today," Yuu mumbled in disappointment. Kai snorted from behind his hand. "Wasn't expecting that reaction," Yuu sighed once the girls were out of sight. "I would have sworn the sign would have hooked them in." He pointed to the sign displaying the words: KISSING GALORE.

"You don't get it, Yuu," Kai shook his head. "Girls don't just pay for kisses like in the films, alright? They're far classier than that—"

"I'd like to buy a kiss, please!

Yuu and Kai stared at each other, before looking in all directions for the voice.

"Who said that?" Kai asked.

"Down here."

The boys leaned over the kiss booth and discovered a small girl gazing up at them.

"I'd like to buy a kiss, please!" the girl repeated. Yuu narrowed his eyes at her; she looked awfully like an elementary student...

"What year are you exactly?" he asked suspiciously.

"Second year," the girl replied boldly.

"You better not be lying now," Yuu warned her. The small girl flashed an innocent smile. Yuu remained sceptic. "So, er, who would you like, Me or Takahashi-sempai here?" He slung his arm around Kai's shoulder and Kai began to roll his eyes, thinking Yuu would automatically big himself up for the girl. "See, if I were in your…tiny, tiny little shoes," he marveled at her feet, "I would personally pick Takahashi-sempai here." Kai frowned confusedly. "Takahashi-sempai here is a marvelous kisser."

"I hate you," Kai gritted through his teeth to his friend, realizing Yuu didn't particularly want to be kissed by this girl so he was passing her onto him.

"Who do you want?" Yuu asked again, as the girl contemplated her decision in silence.

"I want…" The girl's finger swirled around before finally settling on a boy. "You."

Yuu squeaked in fear.

"Are you sure you don't want Takahashi-sempai?"

"I'm sure."

"Surely sure?"

"Surely sure."

Apprehensively, Yuu loosened the collar of his shirt, while Kai snickered.

"Well," Yuu brought out the kiss prices he'd prepared in a sheet of paper. "You have a choice of a kiss on the cheek—"

"I don't want the cheek, I want mouth and tongue," the girl demanded.

"WHAT?" Yuu cried. Kai was crackling now. "Your tongue probably hasn't fully grown yet! It's a kiss on the cheek or nothing, missy."

The girl looked clearly unsatisfied, but settled for his offer. "Fine, it'll do."

"Right." Yuu took a deep breath. To be honest, he'd expected much better customers than this. "That'll be a 1000 yen, please."

"No way, I want my kiss first! You're not conning me," the girl said.

"Alright, alright!" Yuu said, defeated. "Let's get this over with."

"Yuu," Kai whispered, "you're not actually going to do this, are you? She looks about eleven!"

Yuu really needed the money. "Think of Nyannyan on hot spring, think of Nyannyan on hot spring," he chanted repeatedly. He leaned forward, turning his cheek ready for the girl to kiss as she stood on her tiptoes. "Think of Nyannyan on hot spring, Think of Nyannyan on hot spring, Nyannyan on—mmmppph!"

The girl had decided she deserved more than a peck on the cheek and turned her head at the last second, kissing him on the mouth. Yuu’s scream was muffled against the girl's lips as he wailed his arms in hysteria, unable to escape. Kai watched in mild amusement for a few moments, until at long last pulled the girl off Yuu, who quickly started coughing for air as he regained surface.

"Thanks!" the girl giggled. She waved the boys goodbye, then ran off down the corridor.

"I think my lip is bleeding," Yuu mumbled painfully, staring after her. "Hey--HEY, WAIT! WHERE’S MY CASH! COME BACK!"

"Leave her be, Dude," Kai sighed. "You made a little girl very happy today. She might have only been sorted at the beginning of the year." He smiled wickedly.
Yuu turned pale.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

Business had been slow for the past two hours they'd been sitting bored behind their makeshift kissing booth. The price of a kiss was now slashed down to 500 yen. 500 yen for a kiss from Yuu, 100 for Kai because Yuu felt like it. Yuu had expected queues among queues of girls lining up eagerly to kiss their faces off. He was thoroughly wrong. It seemed like paying for kisses just wasn't popular these days. Since the little girl that had stolen a free kiss from Yuu, the only customer they had was the woman named Meetan who gave Yuu a tongue.

"Do you smell today or something, Dude?" Yuu asked, scraping his tongue with a toothbrush. "Why do they keep coming to me?"

Kai wasn't complaining. "I can't help it," he shrugged.

"I never imagined this being so degrading," Yuu pondered aloud, sadly. It seemed as though the kiss from Meetan had crushed his spirit. He never thought he'd french an old woman. "I can't believe we've only made 3000 yen, Kai. It's pathetic. Next person that comes down this corridor, you show them some cleavage, alright?"


"I don't know; lift a trouser leg or something. Anything!"

Kai nodded. He would do this for Yuu. Because Haruna really meant a lot to him.

"Aha, I spot someone coming!" Yuu pointed to the distance. Kai and Yuu smiled invitingly at the potential customer until they realized…

"Oh, it's you, Shinoda," Yuu  sighed.

Mario's mouth was open in amusement and bemusement. "I can't believe you agreed to this, Kai." Mario shook his head disappointedly at him. He no longer had any respect for Takahashi Kai. As for Yuu he already lost his respect since the day they’ve met.

"What can I say? I do my bit for humanity," Kai said.

Mario was incredibly bothered by the way Yuu was eyeing him.

"Hey Shinoda," Yuu started carefully, "I know this is wrong on many levels to ask, but heck, I'm desperate. Do you want a kiss?"

"I hope you're f**king joking, Oshima." Mario looked at Yuu with a huge amount of repulsion.

"Come on Mario, I need the money!" Yuu then grabbed Mario's collar and pull him forward, nose to nose. "KISS ME!"

"I'll give you the stinking money without a kiss!" Mario shouted in horror. He looked at Kai for help, but he, for some bizarre reason, had lifted up his trouser leg and was flashing him skin.

"Like what you see?" Kai said with a wink.

"I'm going to leave right now," Mario said, turning around and walking away.

"Shinoda! Oh come on, you know we're friends and we're so confident about our friendship and heterosexuality that we can kiss and not make a big deal out of it! Shinoda! Shinoda, come back! Well, at least tell others we're kissing for money, will you? Shinoda!"

When Mario finally turned a corner of the corridor and disappeared, Yuu turned back to Kai.

"Yeah, cut the leg-flashing now, dude."

"Sorry." Kai dropped his trouser leg. "Was getting in a moment."

"Well done on that, by the way."


"I'm kind of creeped out right now."

"Me too."

"Out of curiosity, though, do you think he would have asked for a kiss from me or you?"

"Oh, definitely you, Yuu."

"Yeah, I thought so, too."


Atsuko had been washing her hands in the bathroom when she spotted in the mirror two of her classmates bustling behind her, both giggling. She groaned inwardly, trying to blend in with the bathroom sinks while she prayed they wouldn't notice her.


She had to work on her bathroom camouflage.

"Yes?" she answered uncertainly.

"You'll never guess what," one of them said excitedly. "You know—"

"Wait," Atsuko put up her hand, signaling for her to stop. "If we're going to be gossiping in the bathroom, may I remind you that it makes me very uncomfortable…"

"But that's what we do," they chorused.

Atsuko sighed tiredly in response. "Look, I'm sorry, but your gossip doesn't interest me—"

"It's about Takahashi Kai!" one of them sung.

Atsuko contemplated her answer for a moment. "Alright, spill," she gave in, coming closer to listen.

"Akicha and I just saw Takahashi Kai and Oshima Yuu with a kissing booth," the dark-haired girl named Kuramochi said.

Atsuko's eyes burst out of her head. "You've got to be kissing—I mean, kidding me! Where are they?"

"Ooo, Acchan wants to get in on the action?"

"I do not!" Atsuko yelled as her cheeks turns red. "I'm the student council president. It's my responsibility to shut repulsive things like that down for the sake of our School." However, the two classmates weren't listening to her anymore, continuing back to gossiping.

"I heard that a girl named Yukirin got a kiss from Takahashi Kai and he wouldn't pull her off!" the one called Akicha said, making the other girl gasp.
Atsuko clenched her fists. "Where are they?"

"Sorry?" Akicha answered distractedly.

"I said where ARE they," Atsuko hissed ferociously again.

"In the 3rd floor main building," they squeaked, cowering at her.

"Thanks." Atsuko rolled up her sleeves and marched out of the toilet.

"I'm bored," Kai complained, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "Can I go now? The grand total of two customers has proved that you are the preferred choice to kiss."

"You're not leaving, I need you for emotional support," Yuu replied. He noticed three girls making their way down the corridor and elbowed Kai keenly in the stomach. "Looks like things are looking up. Customers! And good-looking ones, too!" He started smoothing down his hair.

Kai looked up from the floor and spotted the girls, three 3rd years, rather attractive-looking. He straightened up a bit, coming to attention.

"Hello there," Yuu greeted them with a flirtatious smile. He guessed that the girl in front was the leader of the group named Itano Tomomi; she looked the best looking and the most confident. “1000 yen for a kiss?"

"Make it 10," the girl replied, resting her elbows on the kiss booth.

"Wooow," Yuu commented in delight. "You're my kind of customer! So, who do you want? Me, kissing extraordinaire," he bragged, "or my pal Kai here." He pointed briefly to Kai but kept all his attention all her.

"I think I'll have… I think I'll have the one with the glasses."

Yuu and Kai’s mouths hit the floor.

"KAI?" Yuu yelled.

"Kai?" Takahashi Kai also yelled in surprise.

"Yep." The girl dropped her money on the table and motioned Kai to draw closer. "Come on, then." She parted her mouth a little and Kai squeaked in fear.

"Actually," he started shrilly, "I don't think I can do this—mrrrrfphhh."

Tomomi then grabbed him by the collar and pressed her lips to his. At first, Kai was startled by it all, the idea of kissing someone you don't know, the idea of kissing a stranger for money, the idea of kissing someone who isn't Maeda Atsuko. It wasn't long before he got lost in the kiss, letting off various mental ooooo's and aaaaah's and hmmm this isn't too bad's. It was an impressed wolf whistle from Yuu that made him crash back to reality as Tomomi pulled away from him at last.

"Enjoy?" Tomomi asked.

A blush crept up Kai’s neck. "Well—w-wow, really, that was quite—"

His sight hovered over the girl's shoulder and he spotted a familiar face…


Atsuko’s face was white as she stared openmouthed at Kai, then at the girl named Tomomi who had kissed him who appeared to be gloating with her eyes. Kai tried to search for a sign of understanding in Atsuko's face, that he was sorry, and he hadn't initiated the kiss - but it was no use. Her look of hurt showed she couldn't even begin to comprehend what he'd done. Her face twisted in anger, and she turned on her heel and ran.

"Atsuko!" Kai climbed over the table of the kiss booth and crashed to the floor. Stumbling to his feet, he ran down the corridor after her. "ATSUKO!"

"Oh No," Yuu commented to the girls as they stared at the display. "Well, the show must go on. Next!" He slapped the table, expecting a kiss from the other two.


"Uh oh." He spun around and met one of his Sensei with her hands on her hips, furious. "Sensei! How are you?"

"What is the meaning of this?" She picked up the sign and read aloud, "Kissing galore?"

"Ah, well, you see…1000 yen for a kiss?"

His Sensei glowered at him.

"It's for charity?"

"My office, now."

"Yes, sensei."

"Atsuko!" Kai chased her down the corridor. "Atsuko, will you hold up!" he yelled, beginning to get angry. She then finally stopped and whipped round. Kai drew in a small gasp.

"I don't get it," he said quietly, studying her face. "Why are you crying?"

Atsuko looked down at her feet as she answered truthfully, "I don't know."

Stepping forward, Kai mustered up the courage to wipe away the tears on her cheeks with his thumb at a risk of her pushing him away. But she didn't. He didn't think she'd ever speak to him again, until she did.

"Did you like it?"

"What?" Kai whispered in response.

"Did you like it?" Atsuko asked again, avoiding his eyes. "That kiss back there with that Itano girl?"

Kai knew his answer was important. He couldn't screw it up.

"Maybe," he shrugged lamely. "It was kind of nice."

He knew he'd said the wrong thing.

"You idiot," she hissed, .

"What?" Kai barked.

"That's not what you're supposed to say," Atsuko snapped at him.

"I'm sorry, but what the hell is going on here? Why are you even upset? I'm the one who likes you, remember?" Kai paused. "Remember?"

It looked like Atsuko was about to say something but she held back, biting her lip.

"Prove me wrong," Kai said suddenly. He took her hands in his.. "Prove me wrong, that the kiss back there isn't the best kiss I'll ever experience—"

Atsuko slapped him hard across the face, so much that his head turned completely to one side. Kai felt his cheek burn.

"I don't have to prove anything to you, you insensitive jerk."

She practically threw his hands out of hers and sprinted down the corridor, while Kai clutched his cheek and thought: idiot.

Atsuko sat in the empty Library with her head in her hands. The incident with Kai had happened at least a few hours ago and she had thought of nothing but him. She'd tried studying to keep her mind off things, but it was no use, and she slammed her textbook shut and shoved it off the table in frustration.


She looked up from the floor and spotted Matsui Jun standing shyly in front of her. Kindly, he put her book back on the table and she thanked him in embarrassment.

"What is it?" she asked concernedly. Jun rarely spoke to her. It must have been important.

"Have you seen Takahashi-san? None of us can find him and it's almost curfew. Yuu said he hasn't seen him since he, um, chased after you."

Atsuko's stomach filled with dread. "Don't worry, Jun." She got up from her seat. "I'll go get him."

"What are you doing?"

Atsuko had been right about her thinking of where Kai was. It was dark, only a small amount of moonlight streaking through the windows of their School. Kai hadn't moved from the same corridor they had argued in, still in the same place, his head even turned to the right from the position she had slapped him earlier. He was no longer holding his cheek. It still looked red.

"Have you just been standing here the whole time?" Atsuko sputtered.

"Pretty much," he mumbled shamefully. At least he'd turned his head now, but Atsuko found it difficult to look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry for slapping you; I was out of line—"

"Nah, pretty much deserved it." His voice was croaky and hoarse. Atsuko figured he was still in shock from the slap, though it had been at least six hours. "I'm sorry," he said.

Atsuko didn't understand why he was apologizing. He'd only kissed a girl, yet that had infuriated her to no end. She wasn't supposed to be angry; she was supposed to feel nothing.

"I don't think I can prove you wrong," she said finally. "That kiss you had earlier from Itano-san... I'm not sure if I could do better. My God, you'll probably marry her one day." She smiled painfully at him. "Guys like you marry girls like her."

"What do you mean by that?" Kai asked sadly.

"Rich guys marries a Rich girl, right?"

Kai couldn't believe his ears. "I can't believe you would ever say something like that."

"I can't believe I would ever be jealous of you kissing another girl," Atsuko said, and Kai sighed and cupped her face in his hands.

"I'd rather marry a homeless than that girl," Kai joked, then added seriously, "I'd rather marry you." He stroked her face. "It's always been you. You're the only girl I've ever wanted to be with, and you always will be."

Atsuko just looked up at him with her twinkling eyes, until she said breathlessly, "Kiss me."

Kai kissed her in the dark. The second his lips touched hers, Kai made a noise at the back of his throat and had to hold onto the nearest bit of wall for support. His kiss with Atsuko blew the kiss with the paying customer entirely out of the water. From that day onward, he would kiss her everyday. He'd kiss her every hour. Hell, he'd kiss her every minute. Seconds went too far. As he'd told Yuu: he did need his breaks. He didn't want the kiss to end, but it did. Still, they remained wrapped up in each other's arms.

"Wow. Just…wow." Kai needed a moment to get his breath back; for his mind to wrap around what just happened. "That was amazing, Acchan. You definitely proved me wrong."

Atsuko blushed hard. "Yeah?" she replied shyly, pleased she hadn't disappointed him.

"Yeah." He laced her fingers with his and kissed her hand, and she giggled, and then let out a groan, because she sounded like the girls who gossiped in the toilets.

"So, where's my cash?"

"Don't push your luck, mister."


« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 01:21:53 PM by anonymousstalker »

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline Kriyu

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Re: [O.S. and S. S. Collections] Kissing Galore (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2014, 05:40:12 PM »
I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot while reading your fic  XD
More MAYUKI please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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