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Author Topic: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 4- 2/29]  (Read 6484 times)

Offline mochi.rini

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Disclaimer: Creative juices have failed to work properly.  But I have been watching too many Taiwanese dramas so if any of you have seen Corner with Love, then you'll recognize it XD  If not, I hope you guys won't go and get yourselves spoiled (or that just won't be very fun XD)  Some things are going to be different though~

Chapter One (this post)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Character Images [will constantly increase as story progresses o(> w <)o]  Since there's not a spoiler code here, I've decided not to post the images since they take up too much room, but if you see my thread on H!O, it's there :D  12/29: They shall now be at the end of each chapter :) 

ONWARDS!  :cool1:


Chapter One

"Oi Gaki-san!  Run down to the market and get some more groceries for me.  We’re gonna run out before lunchtime!”

“Yoshizawa-san…why couldn’t you and Ishikawa-san go get the groceries?  I highly doubt KonKon and Mako-chan could cause THAT much damage if you two went instead of me.  Besides…I’m supposed to be cooking Niigaki style monjayaki for the customers.  They’ve been standing in the rain for hours!  How am I supposed to satisfy the customers with my monjayaki if I’m out getting groceries?!”

Flashing a one hundred watt smile at the bystanders, Risa weaved through the partially-filled back streets of Yamaguchi as she pedaled her bicycle back to her work place.  Yoshizawa-san had given her a strict time limit of a half hour, or else the result would be a pay deduction. 

“At this rate, I’ll owe the café money!” the bean internally panicked as she pedaled as quickly as her short legs could care her. 

As she waved to the elderly and children who wondered through the streets, Risa couldn’t help but smile at the kind treatment given to her by the civilians of Yamaguchi.  Although she’s only been here for a few months, life in Yamaguchi had been very pleasant, as well as adventurous then life in Tokyo had been before she left.  It seemed that every day, there was some exciting event just waiting around the corner.

“In high school, Iida-sensei told me that life is a great pleasure because it has many corners.  Some corners are dangerously thrilling while some corners are filled with surprises.  Whether it's surprises or dangerous thrills, if you don’t walk over there, you definitely won’t know what you’ll meet at the next corner.

Corners are filled with stories, regardless of whether it’s on a person’s path in life or on a crowded street.  It might be yours or it might be mine.  Therefore, I like corners.”

“Arigatou gozaimashita Takahashi-san!”  the store clerk bowed to the woman as she was escorted out of the jewelry store by the manager. 

Stepping out of the large building, Ai was immediately shielded with a large umbrella as she was led to the awaiting Mercedes-Benz.  Using one hand to keep the umbrella in place, the driver opened the door.  Giving the man a gentle smile, the girl slid into the back of the luxury car, laying her sparkling designer purse on her lap as she checked her appearance in her small compact mirror. 

“Perfect,” she whispered to herself before fully relaxing in the cushioned leather seats.  As the car roared to life, Ai couldn’t help but lean her head against the window.  Life as the daughter of a famous electronics company was so tiring, especially when keeping up with a reputation for the world to see.  Watching the scenery change, the heiress couldn’t help by sigh dejectedly.
“I don’t like corners.  If I picked a road to travel, it is because I like the view on the road.  Sometimes, when I make a turn, I end up seeing things that I really don’t want to see.

And sometimes…sometimes unexpected disasters may occur.”

Looking up from the newly recieved text message from her mother, Ai’s eyes widened when the sight of a small puppy sitting in the middle of the road came to view. 

“Watch out!”

And at that instant, the driver slammed onto the brake as the startled puppy retreated into the thick bushes.  At the same time, Ai could hear a loud feminine “USO!”as a thunderous jolt was felt throughout the Mercedes.  Leaning towards the front of the car, a uniformed girl came into sight, flying over the hood of the car and landing on the grey cement with a loud FLOP!

“Therefore…I really don’t like corners.”'s short.  But it's only the start. :)  Here are the promised Character images!~

Niigaki Risa (22)
No I'm not biased!~ XD

Takahashi Ai (23)

I hope you all enjoy (or enjoyed)!~ <3  Rini out~  :hee:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 07:09:32 AM by mochi.rini »
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Ch. 1- 12/27/2011]
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 07:58:38 AM »
Oh yay! This is here too! I can't wait for more chapters!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Ch. 1- 12/27/2011]
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 08:14:04 AM »
Interesting start especially dealing with corners
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Ch. 1- 12/27/2011]
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 04:04:31 PM »
I haven't seen a Taiwanese drama since Meteor Garden  XD So I'm definitely going to savour this!  :P

Promising start so far - we can never have enough TakaGaki fans and TakaGaki fics, seriously, I don't care what anybody else says!  :yep:

The fact that this includes IshiYoshi? OMGGGGGGG.  :wub: I hope they're not just passing characters and they'll be given a subplot or something! 'Coz IshiYoshi is another pairing we can never have enough of!

I really like the feelings and contemplations you've brought up in this first chapter so far - interesting! Gaki and Ai both have differing viewpoints on 'corners' in life - I'm excited to see how their relationship is going to pan out...  :w00t:

At the same time, Ai could hear a loud feminine “USO!”as a thunderous jolt was felt throughout the Mercedes.


Waiting for the next chapter!  :heart:

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Ch. 1- 12/27/2011]
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2011, 01:19:48 AM »
rndmnwierd: Thanks for reviewing twice! (>^ _ ^)>  Hope you enjoy the second ch!

kurosawa87: Thanks for the review ^_^ Hope you enjoy this next chapter!~

Beecubed: Taiwanese dramas are the best :D  I haven't seen Meteor Garden though cause I couldn't find any vids with English subs Dx  Fun fact though, the main girl in Meteor Garden is the main girl in Corner with Love too!~ :D  I'll do my best for some IshiYoshi inclusion  :twothumbs I hope you enjoy Chapter Two!~
This new chapter is coming relatively faster since I've had the first two chapters already typed out for a month  :lol:  Enjoy!~
Chapter Two
"The dog was over here,” Using his index finger, the driver pointed on the hand drawn map setting on the officer’s desk as he recounted the crash that happened only a few minutes ago.  “The girl who crashed into our car came from over here.”

“EHHH!?” The uniformed girl exclaimed, standing up from her seat.  “What do you mean “the girl who crashed into our car”? You guys were the ones who suddenly braked!”

“You must have been in a hurry, right?” the heiress, who held a bored expression as she kept her eyes on the falling raindrops, spoke up from her more comfortable seat on the leather sofa. 

Feeling her temper rising, Risa swung around, glaring at the seemingly-innocent looking woman.  “I was retrieving groceries for work.  Of course I…”

“Does that mean because you were in such a hurry to get to work, we shouldn’t have braked, and instead, mercilessly hit, or maybe even kill, a poor innocent little dog?”

The eyes of the officer and the driver now rested upon the two women.  Upon seeing the heiress’s innocent smile transform into a smug expression, Risa was taken aback.  “But…my bike is broken.”  The younger woman weakly countered, still at a loss of words over the situation.  Feeling flustered, Risa miserably slumped into the wooden chair, burying her face into her the palms of her hands.

Ai could only scoff at the uniformed girl as she resumed looking out the window, watching as people walked by and pointed at the damages on her family car. 

“That worn-out bike of yours isn’t even worth the money it takes to wash Takahashi-san’s car.  Not even once!  Takahashi-san’s car may even need to be polished again because of your actions!”

“You have a point,” the officer agreed with the driver as he turned his attention back to the drawing.  “I believe the verdict has come out now.  It is…”

“She should pay for our polishing costs!”  the driver shouted, accusingly pointing at an already flustered Risa.

Feeling her blood pressure rising far above the normal level, Risa angrily stood up from her seat, knocking the wooden chair onto the ground.  “And why’s that?!” 

Hearing no responses or witty retorts from any of the three in the room, the woman once again swung around to look at the wealthy woman.  Seeing her indifferent manner, the bean, with whatever dignity left, stomped over to the leather sofa and plopped down next to the woman, swinging one arm behind her.  The surprised heiress scowled, leaning towards the opposite direction as she tried to get away from the obviously irritated woman, who only shuffled closer.

“Ojou-san, I realize that if you guys didn’t avoid the dog, a sweet and innocent life would have been lost.”  Ai wrinkled her nose in response as she glanced at the two men for assistance.  They could only give her a look of pity as the uniformed woman ranted on.

“But…” the neutral expression Risa held molded into a look of annoyance as she slammed a fist on the soft cushioned seats.  “You guys braked WAY too suddenly!  You can’t put all the blame on me!  I’m also a victim!”

With her temper no longer held back, Ai shot Risa a piercing stare as the two battled with only a few centimeters of distance between the two. “Then what do you suggest we do?”

“I’ll give you some honest advice,” with that, the bean averted her angry glare at the two men in the middle of the room.  “Get a new driver.”

Stunned, both the driver and the heiress glanced at the officer, who seemed to be pondering upon Risa’s statement.  Not even a minute, the man nodded in agreement.  “She has a point too.”

A partly satisfied Risa finally relaxed a bit, leaning more comfortable, as well as casually, against the leather sofa, her arm still outstretched on the backside of the couch.  Taking a sideways glance at the woman next to her, she couldn’t help but angrily muse, “She really is a glittery sparkling haughty princess.”

Feeling upset about the unofficial loss, Ai heatedly crossed her arms over her chest, lying towards the armrest of the sofa.  “This girl seriously has no manners!”

“I have the final verdict!”  the officer exclaimed with a slight smile, an action that confused the three occupants.  Glancing between the driver and Ai, the man carried on, “You two are at fault.  The fault is unskilled driving.” 

Internally cheering at Ai’s fuming scowl, Risa’s lips began to curve into a slight smile, when the officer unexpectedly switched the focus on her.  “You’re also at fault.  The fault is rushing and not paying attention to traffic.”  It was the heiress’s turn to smirk as the bean’s smile morphed into an apparent grimace.

“The verdict is…Everyone needs to take a deep breath and step back.  There shouldn’t be any more arguments now, right?”
“There she goes, being protected by an umbrella as if the rain’s going to burn holes in her body...” With her arms folded across her chest, Risa bitterly  observed Ai as she stepped into a different Mercedes. ”Honestly, why does this princess need a second car to fetch her when the other one just has a few scratches?” 

The feeling of a vibration broke the bean out of her thoughts as she pulled out her phone.  ”Twenty new text messages and eleven missed calls…I’m a dead bean.”

Not bothering to check every one, Risa went ahead and opened the first message, which happened to be sent from the ever-so reliable Konno Asami. 

Gaki-san!  What’s taking so long?!  Yoshizawa-san is about to blow a fuse.  Ishikawa-san too!  We’ve already had four disappointed customers leave without their monjayaki and there’s still some waiting!  Come back before Boss-san murders us!

P.S. We had to get groceries delivered since you took too long.  It’s getting docked from your pay.  Gomen ne.

Love KonKon \(‘ w ‘)/

”What a nice way to end a text…I guess it's time to face the wrath of Mozuku-man-san.” Risa sighed dejectedly as she began carrying what was left of the bike and groceries.  As she began hiking her way back to the restaurant, out of nowhere, a small fold of papers was thrown a top of ruined groceries.  Turning to the direction where the paper came, Risa was face to face with the heiress. 

“Hey!  What’s the meaning of this?!  Does this look like a trash can to you!?”

“It’s for you to buy a new bike,” came Ai’s uninterested response as she began to roll up the windows.

Annoyed, Risa used her already curled fist to bang on the tinted windows.  “Didn’t you say that you weren’t at fault before?  If you weren’t at fault, then why are you paying for my bike?”

With a visibly arrogant smile, Ai rolled down the window once more “This is my generosity. It doesn't mean that I’m admitting that I was wrong.”  She paused as her eyes locked with those of the bean, her smirk widening.  “I’m not paying you a bike.  I’m giving you a bike.”

“Ojou-san, you’ve completely misunderstood.  What I want is an apology.  Not a bike!”  Risa snatched the bills from the basket and tossed them back into the interior of the Mercedes, where it landed on Ai’s lap.  With a huff, the bean once again lifted the bike and marched on, ignoring the stunned stare from the older woman.  Annoyed, the heiress rolled the window up as she not-so-kindly ordered the driver to drive.
The chubby cheeked brunette smiled kindly at the large group of customers as she once again informed them that their monjayaki chef would be back any moment.  However, her thoughts betrayed her expression as her mind danced wildly, ”Where are you Gaki-san?  If you don’t walk in this very moment, Yoshizawa-san will turn into Godzilla and eat everyone…”

A small bell rung, indicating someone had entered the restaurant, and suddenly, the chef’s white towel flew past Asami, nearly taking her out in the process.  Amidst the abrupt silent, the food loving girl turned towards the door, only to see the figure of a soaking wet Niigaki Risa, accompanied by a stained towel covering her face.

“Where the hell have you been!?”  Yossie screeched, pointing a suddenly intimidating pair of chopsticks at the bean.  Not giving the wet girl a chance to speak, the fuming boss handed the customers his pair of chopsticks before forcefully dragging a depressed looking Risa up the stairs to the living area of the restaurant.  “Take care of her crap KonKon!”

Not wanting to suffer the wrath of Yoshizawa Hitomi, the chubby cheeked brunette quickly complied, running outside to grab the tattered bike and groceries.  At the same time, Rika stuck her head out from the kitchen area, her lips curved into a polite smile.  “I’m so sorry you all had to witness that.  Free drinks for everyone!”
“Honestly Gaki-san?  How much is pride worth?” Yossie, now reasonably calmer after hearing the bean’s story, questioned as a melancholic Risa applied disinfectant to her scrapes and cuts.  “Do you know how many customers left?  Do you know how much money has been wasted on groceries?  Do you know how many take-out customers we’ll lose by having one less bike?  What were you thinking?!”

With her cheeks puffed out, the bean slammed the tube of disinfectant on the small coffee table before glancing up at her boss.  “I’m more miserable than you, okay?!  I originally only had to save one month of earnings in order to return Tokyo, but now, I have to pay for the groceries and that broken bike.”


“You’re gonna say I have to pay for all those free drinks too?  Or maybe you’re gonna be nice and say I don’t have to pay for the bike?”

“You wish!”

“That’s right! I do wish! From breaking a dish here, to buying the wrong brand of groceries, what hasn’t been taken from our salaries?!”

The moment the final customer had left, co-boss Rika found it to be an appropriate time to close for a “well deserved lunch break” although no one was eating.  From the top of the staircase, both Asami and Makoto sat huddled side by side, their eyes wide as they observed all the tension finally being released. Standing next to them was an amused Ishikawa Rika, her arms folded across her chest.

“Therefore, the real sufferer is me!”

Taken aback by the bean’s rant, Yossie slowly lowered herself onto one of the recliners nearby.  Before she could further comment, Risa’s eternal bratty side released itself as she too sat back on the couch.  “I’m not in a good mood anymore!  I’m not working! Today OR tomorrow!”

“What about all the monjayaki dishes?”

“Take it all from my salary!” Risa huffed, her arms folded across her chest as she slowly slid into a half sitting half lying down position.  Other than her heavy breathing, the rest of the room remained silent.

“…How’s your knee?” Yossie hesitantly leaned towards the bean, her voice laced with concern.  From the opposite side of the room, the two waitresses glanced at each other, theirs eyes showing their bewilderment at their boss’s kindness, especially after witnessing the youngest worker’s tantrum.  “Do you need to go to the hospital?”


Seeing that the bean, or rather the brat at the moment, was refusing to speak politely, Yossie let out a loud huff of her own as she stomped away from the living area, making her way past the other three as she went down the stairs towards the kitchen. 

“You say people back in Tokyo call you “The Reaction Queen”?  You might consider changing it to “The Crabby Queen.” Rika joked, laughing at her own gag as she followed the route her partner had just taken, leaving the fuming bean with Asami and Makoto.
“Tadaima!” Ai shouted as she stepped into her family’s large mansion.  Almost immediately, the entire household, filled with the Takahashi family and its workers, combined voices, greeting the heiress with the usual booming “Okaeri~!”

“Did you get Final Fantasy XIII-2?” a slightly accented voice spoke as a smiling girl of Chinese descent took Ai’s coat and placed it in the coat closet.  “I’m totally ready to play!”

Half smiling at the girl’s eternal enthusiasm, Ai shook her head, “Sorry LinLin.  I ran into some trouble today.  Maybe another time?”

“Of course!  Now head on upstairs to your room.  It’s getting late so you should take a shower now or else your hair won’t dry by the time you go to bed!”


“No buts! Up the stairs we go!” 

Confused at LinLin’s unusually persistent attitude, Ai allowed her favorite worker, as well as her best friend, push her towards the staircase.  With a bit of hesitation, the heiress made her way up the stairs, occasionally looking back at the Chinese girl with a questioning expression, only to be shooed away by the same girl. 

Upon entering her now dark room, Ai felt a tight grip on her wrist as she was yanked into her bedroom.  Just as she opened her mouth to let out one of her alarmed man scream, a small and soft object was placed into her mouth to prevent any further noises.  Panic began to flow as the heiress shook uncontrollably.

“Ojou-san, this is a robbery.”
Yay!~ :D  Updated the character image section, but I'll go ahead and add it on this post (and previous one)~  Introducing...

Qian Lin/Lin Lin (19)

Staff of Lucky 7 [Yoshizawa Hitomi (25) and Ishikawa Rika (26): co-bosses; Konno Asami (23) and Ogawa Makoto (23): waitresses]

Thanks for reading!~  Bye for now <(^ u ^)/  :gmon hi:
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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Update!~ Ch. 2- 12/29/2011]
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2011, 05:10:57 AM »
Poor Gaki but with Ai being the way she is, it might as well take it for the sake of receiving :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline badsaints

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Update!~ Ch. 2- 12/29/2011]
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 06:27:50 AM »
Ah this is good! I spent half my lunch hour ignoring my friends & food to focus on your story. Especially at this time when I've lost interest in anything TakaGaki :lol:

Do continue!

Offline arisa03

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Update!~ Ch. 2- 12/29/2011]
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2011, 04:54:55 PM »
Hello! *waves* xDDD I'm a newbie in this section and I decided to give your fanfic a try. ; A ; I actually have watched the Taiwanese Drama so I'm really looking forward to see how you're going to make things flow, the TakaGaki Style or something. xD And I can say that the second chapter really got me hooked into this fanfic of yours. I can't wait to see more. Poor Gaki-san though, and is Ai-chan going to get kidnapped--oh wait it's robbery-- wait what, robbery? LOL

Thank you for this update and please update soon and-oh. Happy New Year! =D
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Update!~ Ch. 2- 12/29/2011]
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2012, 11:01:55 AM »
Yup. Newbie here. :D I love corners. Short comment, but do update soon!

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [Update!~ Ch. 2- 12/29/2011]
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2012, 09:56:36 PM »
kurosawa87: Haha I agree!  Personally, I'd take the money and run XD  Stubbornness can come AFTER spending the cash :P

badsaints: Thank you so much for the kind words! :D  I'm glad you're back in the TakaGaki fandom (though I'm surprised how you could have fallen out of it XD)  I hope your friends and your stomach weren't disappointed with you~ (> w <)

arisa03: Happy belated New Years to you too!~ XD  Thank you for checking out this fic ^^  And thank you for having watched Corner with Love already.  It's such a fabulous drama~ <3  Welcome~

risa_ai: Thank you for the comment! :D  I guess this wasn't as "soon" as you thought huh? XD  Corner are DEFINITELY interesting, except when you suddenly get hit lol :P

And thank you to those who left a thank you~ ^^

-pokepoke- why hello!~ I've disappeared for quite a while huh?  Too much schoolwork, illness, laziness, and overall busy-ness has prevented me from writing further Dx  Sorry it took so long~  I've actually had the majority of this chapter written before I posted Chapter 2, but it needed LOTS of tweaking.  So now, I need to start working on Chapter 4 since it's just a blank document right now ha~a.   

As you can see, I've changed the story's banner.  I liked this new picture better then the old one :lol:  Well, here we go!~  Whoo~oooosh!

P.S:  Everyone thank Beecubed for encouraging me to continue ;)  I might have taken FOREVER to update again if it wasn't for her awesome kindness ^^  THANK YOU AGAIN~

Chapter Three
Feeling a shaky, the heiress felt her balance steadily decline as she swayed back and forth.  Almost immediately, the intruder flipped the light switch on and slowly, the ceiling lights came to life, revealing the face of the trespasser.

“I…you…Miki?” Ai managed to mutter as the revealed intruder lead her to her large queen sized bed.

“Surprise!~”  the woman sang, with her usual mischievous grin in place.  “I might have gone a bit overboard-“

“A bit ovaboard?!  Ya almost gave meh a damn heart attack y’know!” the heiress screamed dramatically as her native Fukui accent slipped out.  A tint of red crept onto her cheeks before Ai dove under to the safety of her warm blankets.

Laughing, Miki crawled under the sheets, lovingly wrapping her arms around the younger woman’s small waist.  “Forgive me Lovely…I guess we really do have different senses of humors, but you know, I really missed you, even though I was only gone for a month.”

Feeling her annoyance slipping away, the heiress rolled over, snuggling into her lover’s chest.  “Its fine…and I really missed you too.  Your month in America felt like years.”

“Gomen ne Lovely-chan.  I had some…business to take care of in America.”

Doing her best to prevent any warmth to fade away, Ai lightly tilted her head upwards to look at her lover.  “Your parents?”

Miki merely nodded her head, confirming Ai’s thoughts.  “I told them about us.”

“How’d they take it?”

“Kaasan…Kaasan is happy for me.  She’ll always be happy for me…”

“And your father?”

“Tousan…he’s an old fashion man.  His ideals remain traditional.”

Fearing the worst, Ai released herself from the tight embrace and sat up, now stroking Miki’s cheeks with her small hands.  “Meaning?”

“He doesn’t like the idea of his only daughter being with another woman.”  With a chuckle, the older woman caught Ai’s hands and intertwined their fingers.  “He’s such a homophobe.  But he won’t be for long if everything goes according to plan...say, are you and your parents busy tomorrow?"

Cautiously eyeing the older woman, Ai shrugged, laying back now to regain the lost warmth.  "I was going to go get Final Fantasy XIII-2 with LinLin...why"

"Because my parents want to meet everyone."

"Ehh?!"  and once more, Ai shot up. Finding no words slipping out, the heiress could only stare with widened eye.  Miki snickered at the sight of her girlfriend's "deer in headlights" expression. 

"And you can't really bail since I’ve been planning this WAY before flying out to America.  Well, you could, but Tousan would probably dislike you more."

“Then I really have no choice now do I?”  A smiling Ai shyly glanced at her lover once more before both women leaned in for the prolonged kiss of the night.


Silence was all LinLin could hear.  Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to secretly send Ai to her room at night when a killer could have been there?  Then again, Miki could easily protect her beloved girlfriend…hopefully.  There were rumors that Fujimoto Miki once fought and defeated multiple gang members without getting any bruises or scratches.  Then again, some of the young maids loved to gossip about every little thing.

“It would have been reassuring if I checked on her before going to bed…but I just got the new volume of Vampire Knights and I HAD to read it!  Zero-san...

Besides…what if they were both doing…NO!   Don’t think gross stuff Lin.  This is Ai-chan and Fujimoto-san’s private life, not some pervy fanfiction!  Though I wonder...have they done it?  Hehe, I bet Ai-chan’s the catcher~”

Slowly pushing the large French doors open, LinLin let herself into the wealthy woman’s room.  A wave of relief flushed through as she saw the peacefully sleeping couple cuddle together, with Miki’s arm tightly secure around Ai, who was snuggling into the older woman’s chest.  Internally cheering at the fact that the two were fully clothed, the Chinese girl couldn’t resist the urge to pump her fists in the air before returning to her stealthier position as she crept to Ai’s side of the bed.  Giving the couple a good long stare, contemplating whether or not to take pictures, the younger girl began rocking the bed from side to side. 

“OHAYO AI-CHAN!~  OHAYO FUJIMOTO-SAN!~”  the widely grinning girl shouted at the top of her lungs, still enthusiastically shaking the bed.  “We’ve got a big day today!”

Hearing the tired groans from Ai, LinLin knew her mission was accomplished as she leaned over to gently stroke the wealthy woman’s hair.  “Ohayo Ai-chan.” 

“Mmm…oha~a” she replied, yawning as she slowly began to drift back to slumber land.  Before the sleepiness could fully hit, the girl jumped at the sudden feeling of softness pressed against her lips.  Moaning softly at the morning pleasure, Ai slowly opened her eyes.  Blinking a few times to adjust her eyes to the bright lighting, Miki’s face was the first thing in sight. 

“Ohayo Lovely-chan.”

Smiling from ear to ear, the wealthy girl quickly leaned forward to return the kiss with a quick peck on the lips.  “Ohayo Miki.”

“Really guys?  As much of a hentai that I’m not, maybe you guys should save this fluff for another day.  We’ve got a mission today!”

“Don’t wanna!”  Ai whined, pulling the silky red covers over her head as she snuggled closer to her beloved.  “I'm tired.”

Chuckling lightly, Miki sat up, taking LinLin's original role of stroking Ai's hair. "It's expected really.  I mean...we kind of went pretty wild last night.  I'm surprised you could keep your screaming down when I-"

Before the older woman could finish, she felt a mild amount of pain slam into her abdomen as she retracted her hands to tend to her now forming bruise.  Ai, who was now mumbling what seemed to be profanities in her Fukui accent, frowned at the joke as she pushed herself off the king sized bed and dragged herself to the bathroom.  However, before she could even enter the spa-like room, the heiress froze, her widened eyes staring intently at her walk-in closet.


Hearing her name being called, the small seventeen year old baby face rushed up the stairs.  Yet, upon seeing the annoyed expression of the heiress, the small girl felt herself shaking when their eyes locked. 


"Ai-chan, she didn't do it on purpose.  Go ahead to the bathroom and let me handle this." 

Scoffing at her best friend's request, Ai hardened her gaze at the maid.  "I've told you once.  My clothes are to be hung in the order of warm colors to cool colors.  Why is that purple shirt in between the yellow top and orange tank top?"

"A-ah sumimasen Takahashi-san.  I'll be more careful in future."  With a quick bow, the seventeen year old rushed into the closet to carefully place the purple shirt in its proper spot, while also checking for any other mistakes that may have been missed.  Seeing that the clothes were now in pristine order, the maid hurried to return to the laundry room in order to tend to Ai's newly bought clothes, though when she attempted to run off, the heiress snatched onto her arm and pulled the young girl close, leaning in to whisper into her ear.

"Don't make the same mistake again Yuuka.  If you like your job, you better do it right.  If you don't like working for me, you can go back to your little whore job with those other three girls."  And with a small push, the maid was released from the tight hold.  Tears slowly sprung from her widened eyes as Yuuka let out a small whimper.  Remaining nonchalant about the situation, Takahashi Ai entered the large bathroom, revealing her annoyance to the entire household when the door was slammed shut once again.

Seeing the small maid in tears, the concerned Chinese girl wrapped her arms the girl, slowly whispering comforting words.  ”Ai-chan…why are you acting this way?  I miss my kind best friend, not this haughty princess character…”


“You guys serve monjayaki here, right?  The good kind like the ones from Tokyo?”

“The monjayaki here at Lucky 7 is a special secret recipe from our monjayaki chef who traveled all the way from Tokyo.  You can’t get her special monjayaki anywhere else you know!”

“Really?  We’ll take two orders then!”

"I’m not working today!”

Risa’s words slowly sunk into Makoto’s mind as she nervously glanced over to the cash register where a bored, though still attentive, looking Yossie stood.  “Well…actually, the chef-“

“Will be ready to serve you in just a few minutes.” A drowsy voice finished off.  Both Makoto and Yossie glanced above them at the living area of the restaurant, only to see a sleepy, but much happier, Risa grinning at everyone. “Chotto matte kudasai!”

Now with her worries gone and mood restored to one hundred percent, the comedic girl glanced back at the customers with an excited smile.  “She’ll be serving you momentarily!”  She repeated with a toothy grin.

Back in the kitchen, Yossie stood side by side with a uniformed Risa as the two prepared the meal by chopping vegetables and mixing the batter.  “Don’t think that monjayaki of yours makes you special.  I could easily remove it from the menu.”

“Yoshizawa-san, that’s a brilliant idea,” the bean responded haughtily, her usual dormant bratty side slowly coming through once more.  “Mako-chan!”

“Hai!” the girl answered, popping here head into the kitchen area.

“Tell the customers that the monjayaki's-“

“Coming right up.”  Rika responded as she and Asami shuffled into the kitchen, their arms carrying bags filled to the rim with groceries.  “Don’t get big headed Mame-chan.  No matter how fabulous your monjayaki is, Hitomi-chan and I are still your boss, as well as the ones who write your paycheck.”

Seeing the Yossie’s lips curve into a smirk, the girl with the profuse chin walked over to her partner and slapped her on the back of the head.  “Stop trying to incite a fight Yossie.  You know Mame-chan’s monjayaki has really helped out business.  Grow up.  Both of you.”

“Yes ma’am!”


“Takahashi Ai-chan is just as our Mikitty described- very beautiful and generous.”

“Arigatou Fujimoto-san.  You’re too kind.”  The heiress flashed an innocent smile at the mother of her lover.  She just had to win the approval from the Fujimoto family!

“Anyways…” Miki’s father started, turning his attention towards Ai’s father.  “Miki says that Takahashi-san’s business has been expanding in Yamaguchi from its origin of Fukui?”

As the men of the family began chatting in business mode, Ai turned to her side, softly smiling at her significant other, who, behind her nonchalant expression, had been running her fingers up and down the heiress’s thigh the entire time.  “You know…” Miki muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.  Leaning closer to Ai, she softly planted a small chaste kiss on the tip of the smaller woman’s nose.  “My father’s still a bit of a silent homophobe.  I don’t think he’s come to fully accept…us.”


“I’m kidding Kaasan.  I know Tousan loves me.”  The woman grinned once more as she resumed back to her previous actions underneath the table.  “Jokes help the mood you know.”

“You’re oh so very right my Mikitty~” her mother cooed at her loving daughter.  “Kaasan is more accepting then old fashion Tousan!  Much nicer too eh?  Shouldn’t we be focusing on the lovely Takahashi Ai-chan rather than business investments?”

Rolling his eyes at his wife’s push-over like behavior, Miki’s father turned his attention to Ai, lazily eyeing her.  “Please, tell us a bit more about yourself Takahashi Ai-san.”


“Takahashi Ai-chan is a dancer correct?  I heard that you’re very skilled at dancing and the fine arts.”

“Hai.” Came the usual one worded response from a blushing Ai.

Seeing her daughter’s shyness, the mother of the Takahashi family quickly came to her rescue, a large grin in place.  “When we were living in Tokyo for awhile, Ai-chan was already taking ballet classes with some of the world’s best instructors.  Though we moved to Yamaguchi when she was still young, her dancing has only gone upwards.”  Oh how she loved bragging about her daughter’s accomplishments.

“Tokyo….” Miki’s mother mused, thoughts of the large bustling metropolis coming to mind.  “I haven’t been to Tokyo in such a long time after moving to America.  I really miss the bold food.  Tonkatsu...monjayaki...takoyaki...the food I've eaten in America just doesn't compare...”

Suddenly, her eyes widened as she turned to Ai with a slightly hopeful smile.  “Does Takahashi Ai-chan like to cook?”

“Well, for her, kitchen stuff-“ as LinLin, who had been surprisingly quite the entire time, came to her friend’s aid, the heiress cut her off.

“I like to.”

The room went quite as both Takahashi adults, LinLin, and even the usually mischievous Miki, stared at her as if she were a foreigner.  “Lovely-“

“Do you know how to cook any of the well-known cuisine from Tokyo?”

“There shouldn’t be a problem if it’s not too complicated.”

“Sugoi!  Tousan~” Miki’s mother turned her attention to Miki’s seemingly uninterested father, who suddenly returned to life as his wife spoke to him.  “In a few days, aren’t you hosting a party for some of your investors?”

“Have you come up with a brilliant idea Kaasan?”

Once again turning to Ai, Miki’s mother took a hold of the heiress’s small hands and lightly squeezed them.  “Why don’t we let Mikitty’s girlfriend showcase her cooking skills?”

Still scrutinizing the unfamiliar girl, the father slowly nodded his head in agreement, keeping his eyes on Ai.  “A wonderful idea indeed. It won’t be a problem, will it?”

“Of course not! It will be unlike anything you’ve ever tasted.”  Ai gave a composed smile, though on the inside, there was an uneasy feeling settling in.  The uncomfortable expressions from those who knew her most didn’t seem to help her either.  "Kami-sama…please find a way to help me pull through."


“Why were you so persistent Ai-chan?  Have you forgotten the very important detail that you suck at cooking!?”
Immediately after meeting with the Fujimoto clan, Ai excused herself before being questioned, using the excuse of running errands with LinLin, though her parents only shot her a pair of even more befuddled expressions.  Now, the two were being driven around Yamaguchi to find restaurants that served unique Tokyo dishes.

“I’m not being persistent Linko.  If Mikitty and I are going to gain her father’s support, I HAVE to impress.  Besides, it can’t be that hard.”

Glancing up once more from her worn-out PSP, LinLin shook her head uneasily.  “Of course!  My mistake.  That’s not being persistent.  That’s being completely insane.  What are you gonna do?!”

“Learn.  And learn quickly.”  Ai answered with her usual short replies as she gave her friend a small smile.  “Don’t worry Lin.  Daijoubu~”

As the two began discussing plans of what to cook and how to pull off the stunt, the driver quickly announced finding a place as the Mercedes slowed down before coming to a complete stop.  Rolling down her window, Ai took in the new environment with a curious Lin Lin leaning on top of her.  Taking a look around, a small chalkboard in front of the restaurant caught her eye.  Squinting to read the hiragana, the heiress's lips began to curve into a satisfied smile.  ”Their store specialty is monjayaki?  Sounds promising enough.”

“I’m not sure about this Ai-chan…this restaurant doesn’t look very famous.”

Breaking out of her thought, Ai chuckled at LinLin’s uneasiness, lightly squeezing the Chinese girl’s hand as an attempt to reassure the both of them.  “That’s fine.  It’s best if it’s not famous.  That way, I won’t get caught.”

 ”Lucky 7…let’s see how lucky you are.”

Fun Fact:  I originally had Miki's character as Sanma-san...but that was kind of awkward lol :lol:  Then I considered Tsunku-boss...more awkwardness, so I was going to make it Sanma-san, but one day, I felt like Miki would fit the role more (and not make it was freakeh XD)  Introducing our lovely Mikitty~

Fujimoto Miki (25)

I'm not too sure why I picked such intimidating pictures of Mikitty :o  then again, all of them are intimidating...XD

I've noticed that a lot of my writing is really... juvenile lol XD  There's more dialogue then action/description, so I need to work on my writing more XD  Thanks for reading!~  Bye for now <(^ u ^)/  I'll be back soon (hopefully~ Hehe)
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 3- 2/18]
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2012, 12:35:03 AM »
MikiAi is quite interesting but at least Risa is a little better from her past failure
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 3- 2/18]
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2012, 12:45:54 AM »
The MikiAi surprised me xD. Aaanndd would you be adding the Rokkies as well? o A o praysforsomekameshigeorsomethinglol. Time for the fated other meeting in that restaurant! xD I can't wait for more, update soon~~ xD
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 3- 2/18]
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2012, 04:33:48 AM »
I've been waiting for this to be updated! Now I know where it's starting to go!! >.< Nnn~! Can't wait!!~!

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 3- 2/18]
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2012, 06:30:19 AM »
No! Ai can't love miki! How bout the bean?!

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 3- 2/18]
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2012, 07:04:15 AM »
kurosawa87- The thought of MikiAi...I always found it interesting as well, though not as addictive as TakaGaki or Kameshige :D  Thanks for commenting!~

arisa03- All I can say is...I love me some Rokkies action :D  Hope this was soon enough heh!  Thanks for commenting :)

rndmnwierd- I shall make you wait forever!~ Mwahaha!  That would be awful wouldn't it? :D  Sorry for the long wait :P  Thanks for the comment too!

risa_ai- Ai can "ai" whoever she wants XD  Lame joke heh.  Thanks for the comment <3

And thanks again for the thank yous!~ (^ 3 ^)

Ah~hhhhh so sleepy~ (> 3 <)  Zzz~  This chapter is kind of a longer chapter since I had so much I wanted to add, but then again, it's sort of a filler chapter XD  HOPE YOU ENJOY IT ANYWAYS! \( ^ - ^ )/  AND I didn't take that long, so that's a bonus, but now I have midterms coming up, so please be patient my lovely friends! :D 

He~eeeere we go!  Pon!~
Chapter Four

"Please enjoy your meal!” Makoto exclaimed as she finished serving the remaining customers at the moment.  Seeing that the restaurant’s regular lunch rush had just finished, the rest of the restaurant remained relatively empty except for one or two customers that remained to eat their lunch in peace.  Just as the girl began to return into the kitchen for her own lunch, the small wind chime hanging on the door entrance rang and entered two well dressed women.  The smaller girl, clearly not of Japanese descent, curiously observed the restaurant interior as the more confident woman sauntered to the nearest window seat.

Never having seen such a woman of high social status, Makoto precariously walked up to the two.  There wouldn’t be any need for bowing would there? “Umm…welcome to Lucky 7.  Please, sit anywhere you’d like.”

Catching a stealthy glance from Ai, LinLin reached into her personal handbag, pulling out a small packet of wet toilettes, and began to wipe down every inch of the table and benches.  Deeming that the furniture was now clean, the wealthy girl sat down, followed by a smiley LinLin who sat on the opposite side of the table. 

”Strange…”  “My name is Makoto and I’ll be your waitress.  What would the two of you like to drink?  May I suggest-”

“Just make one of every dish you have in the restaurant,” Ai interrupted curtly, glancing up at the now incredulous looking woman with a self-assured smile.  “Especially the famous monjayaki.”

Quickly nodding her head, the waitress rushed into the kitchen where Yossie and Risa were cooking lunch for everyone, whilst Rika and Konno were off to the side chopping vegetables, as well as other food preparations.  "Minna!"  Makoto shouted, clumsily stumbling in as she hastily wrote down the expensive order.  "Make one of every dish we have in the restaurant!  Especially the famous monjayaki!"

Glancing up in skepticism, co-boss Hitomi’s eyebrows furrowed as she plated the strip of freshly fried tonkatsu.  "What kind of customer is being such an idiot?"

Makoto huddled in between the two cooks, gesturing for the both of them to lean in closer.  As they did, she quietly whispered, her voice filled with much enthusiasm, "A super refined customer!  I've never seen such expensive looking clothes before!"

"The glittery sparkling kind?"  Risa pondered aloud as the events from the previous day flowed into her mind.

"Doesn't matter!"  Rika shouted as she and Konno began to haul multiple ingredients out of the cooler.  "Both of you need to concentrate on cooking.  KonKon, get ready to help Mako-chan serve.  We're going to make this an unforgettable meal!"


 "Maybe I should go with the omurice.  It's the best thing I've had so far...No, this is too ordinary for Fujimoto-san.  I need something special.  Something with a unique spin to it..." 

With each and every dish that the two servers brought out, Ai continued to find some sort of unpalatable thought for each one.  After taking a single generously-sized taste of each dish, the wealthy woman passed the dishes towards a hungry LinLin, who seemed to be floating in cloud nine as she scarfed down at least half of each dish.  Feeling disheartened with every plate that was being delivered out,  Ai finally called for the two.  "Check please."

"But our chef was about to come out to cook her monjayaki..."

LinLin's eyes brightened up as she looked up from the soft balls of takoyaki.  "Ai-chan!  I love monjayaki!  Let’s at least try it!  Ple~eeease?”

Seeing the younger girl's pout mixed with her deadly puppy dog expression, the wealthy girl finally agreed, nodding her head in approval as Makoto hurried towards the kitchen to grab their "famous" chef, leaving Asami to clear off cluttered table in order to make room for the larger pan to cook the dish.  As a small cart filled with multiple ingredient filled bowls came into the view, the wealthy girl narrowed her eyes at the appearance of the chef.

“Damn you Kami-sama…”

At the same instant, the monjayaki expert looked up and her cheery expression fell flat. 

“It’s YOU!?”  the two shouted in unison.

Both LinLin and Asami paused their action, glancing at the two before glancing at each other.  “Umm…you two know each other?”  the chubby cheeked girl questioned cautiously, sensing the sudden negative aura in the room.

“We don’t!” the bean and heiress snorted in harmony, their glares lingering on each other a few seconds before turning away.

Near silence filled the room.  With a weak chuckle, Asami quickly bowed her head to the customers before wordlessly shuffling back into the kitchen with an armful of empty plates.  Slowly, Ai peeked up at the monjayaki chef, who was already silently beginning to prepare the monjayaki.  Ignoring LinLin’s rapid hand gestures and mouthing, the heiress finally felt the courage to speak up.

“You’re the monjayaki chef?”

“The BEST monjayaki chef.  Name’s Niigaki Risa,”  the bean corrected defensively as she heated up the heavy portable grill.  “Got a problem with that?”

Gritting her teeth, the wealthy woman opened her mouth to retort back when LinLin cut her off.  “Of course not!  But if you are what you claim, you better prove it to me!  I’ve tasted almost everything in the world you know!”

Chuckling at the girl’s spunky attitude, the bean nodded, her lips curving into a small smile.  As she began mixing the batter with the chopped cabbage, LinLin began to question the bean’s skills.  Rather, her curiosity caused her to ask question after question.  Happily, Risa answered each and every inquiry without any hesitation.  On the other hand, Ai could only sit with her arms across her chest, watching the two interact as if they were old friends that were catching up.  Or rather, old friends that were sharing food recipes.  Her previous indifferent expression twisted into a scowl as she observed her Chinese friend’s friendliness make the bean warm up.  With the annoyed feeling of being ignored, Ai focused her attention on the cooking.  At first, everything seemed typical, but as Risa began to pour the cabbage in the grill, the heiress couldn’t help but speak up.

“Why aren’t you making a bank?  Every time I’ve had monjayaki, the chef always makes a bank for the rest of the batter.  Why isn’t there a bank?”

“This is Niigaki style monjayaki.  There is no bank because there isn’t a need for one.  If you make a bank when you cook the monjayaki, the juices won’t spread and there won’t be any crunchy bits.  Without the bank, there’s more crunchy bits and the monjayaki will taste so much better.  That’s why Niigaki style monjayaki is so delicious as compared to everyone else’s” 

Watching Risa finish her speech with a proud smile, LinLin immediately applauded the chef.  “Kakkoii!  I never knew you could do that with monjayaki!  How else do you make it tasty??”

Once again focusing her attention on the Chinese girl, Risa began to explain and show the steps of making Niigaki style monjayaki, from how to add the cabbage and batter to the pan to her personal preferred toppings.  A bored Takahashi Ai glanced around the restaurant, though there was nothing she found that was even moderately interesting.  Turning her attention back to the chef, the heiress couldn’t help but notice the top section of Risa’s uniform was unbuttoned, exposing a small section her collar bone. 

“What the…she needs to fix that…” 

As the bean slightly bent over a little to evenly spread the strands of rice crackers, a flash of black quickly came in and out of her sight.  The small peek was all that was needed as Ai’s cheeks began to warm up.  With an astounded gaze, her soft brown eyes slowly began to trail down from the bean’s collar bone to small opening of her chef jacket.  Not even realizing it, the heiress was leaning closer and closer as an attempt to feed her unexpected curiosity.  Ai, who was nearly lying on the table, shifted her eyes downwards as she caught a glimpse of her target.  Her suddenly dry mouth split apart as her pink tongue rolled over her top lip, never taking her eyes off the "prize".

“Nee Aichan?  What are you doing?“

Jumping back in surprise, the heiress let out the breathe that she didn’t even realize she was holding.  As she wordlessly nodded, her eyes were glued to her sparkling strappy heels, refusing to look up at either of the women.  “I-I was-“

“You were licking your lips Aichan.  Something delicious in mind?”  LinLin questioned with a small smirk, her eyes shining with a knowing look..  The red tint on the oldest woman’s cheeks darkened a perplexed Risa curiously glanced back and forth between the two best friends.

“Uhh...yeah.  I was thinking about…watermelons…?”

Knowing that the mention of watermelon would excite LinLin, Ai shyly glanced upwards.  Surely enough, her friend’s eyes reverted to its normal glow at the thought of the sweet fruit.  Yet, what nearly caused the girl to let out another one of her infamous man screams was the intent gaze Risa held.  The moment their eyes locked, Ai glanced down at the monjayaki once more.  Secretly peeking up, the heiress once again slightly tilted her head upwards, only to feel her cheeks warm up for the umpteenth time as Risa button the upper most part of her jacket.  Locking eyes again, Ai uncomfortably shifted around her seat.

"You're buttoning your jacket," she pointed out dryly.  A moment of silence passed before she realized what she said.  "I mean, is the food done?"

“It’s been done.  LinLin here has been trying to get your attention for while.”  Hearing the bean’s statement, the heiress felt her composure sink once again as her embarrassing actions came to mind.  ”What are you thinking Ai?”

“Where are the spatulas?” Ai finally asked, cutting in midway through LinLin’s rant about her beloved fruit.  “I have things I need to do.”

Rolling her eyes, Risa tapped her well-manicured index finger on the pair of hard plastic chopsticks in front of Ai. “I already told LinLin, but I guess I’ll have to repeat for you ojou-san.  With Niigaki style monjayaki, you use chopsticks.  Both of you need to hurry up and start eating or else it’ll get cold.”

With a quick "Itadikimasu", both LinLin and Ai used their chopsticks to get a hold of the still sizzling monjayaki. Taking in the warm mixture, the heiress’s eyes slowly widened as she tasted the bean's creation.  Surprisingly, she had no negative comments. 

"Oishii~"  LinLin exclaimed before grasping a second piece.  "You are definitely the best monjayaki chef in the world Niigaki-san!"

"Arigatou LinLin!"

Just as Risa turned around to bring the dirty dishes to the back, a small hold on the bottom of her jacket prevented her from even moving a step.  "Wait,” came Ai's voice as she glanced past the girl and focused her attention on the suddenly interesting looking cash register. 

"Her monjayaki really wasn't too bad...what should I do?  I can't lower my head to someone like her."  Suddenly, an idea came to mind as Ai's lips slowly curved into a smirk.  "If I pay her to teach me how to make this monjayaki, then it doesn't really count as me lowering my head."

Seeing that Ai had nothing to say, the monjayaki chef attempted to return to making her own lunch when the same grasp pulled her back, nearly causing the chef to drop and break all the clay dishes.  Before she could even turn around the scold the older woman, Ai quickly stood from her seat, her eyes filled with determination.  "I want to rent this place and learn how to make this monjayaki from you."

"HAA!?"  Risa shouted incredulously as she turned around to face the girl, setting, rather almost slamming, the tainted dishes on the table once more.  "Rent this place?  Learn to make monjayaki?"

"I'll pay whatever tuition you set."


"No way."  came Yossie's voice as she not so coincidentally wandered into sight and walked up to the group.  "Never."

With a relieved smile, the bean grinned, pumping her fists in the air.  "Yatta!  Yoshizawa-san has voiced her decision!  Never means the same as not possible ojou-san!"  Chuckling at the girl's fallen expression, Risa's smile only widened.

Wordlessly, the taller woman slowly advanced towards Ai until she was directly in front of the woman, looking down at her with hardened eyes.  "But..."

"Ehh?  There's a but!?"

Ignoring her worker's confused voice, Yossie lightly grinned at the puzzled heiress.  "If you come during the afternoon break tomorrow, then we can discuss it then."

"Yoshizawa-san!"  Risa squealed as she shook her boss's shoulder.  "It's her!  She…she's the one who destroyed my bike and ruined your mood that day!"

"Really?  Then this shouldn't be allowed!"  the androgynous woman shouted, accusingly pointing her index finger at the heiress.  "You'll have to pay double for your tuition!"

Flashing one of her confident one hundred watt smiles, Ai reached into her handbag and pulled out a neat stack of bills.  "No problem,” the heiress grinned as she handed the bills to an equally happy Yoshizawa Hitomi.  "What time tomorrow?"

"Huh?  Hontou ni!?!"

"Tomorrow afternoon from three to five." Yossie replied, taking the wealthy woman's hands into her own to shake it.


"Alright.  Three to five it is."

"Ehh?! O-ojou-san...!"


"Takahashi Ai desu."

"Chotto matte!"  Risa finally exclaimed, ripping apart the linked hands by force.  Huffing out of frustration, the bean puffed her cheeks as she glanced between her current least favorite people.  "Why is no one listening to me?  Shouldn't I have a say in this?!"

Rolling her eyes at the bean, Ai nodded to Hitomi once more before heading towards the exit with an amused LinLin in tow.

"If you agree to this, I'll quit!  I'll really quit Yoshizawa-san!  No jokes!  Seriously, I'll quit!!"

"Hey!"  the head chef shouted to the heiress.  As the wealthy woman awkwardly turned to the two restaurant workers, she felt relieved when a smile came in sight.  A moment of silence passed before Hitomi continued gently, "Please wear something a little more casual tomorrow.  Okay?"

With a determined nod, Ai turned towards the door once more.  "Got it."  was her only response before heading out the door, followed by LinLin who paid for the meal and waved good-bye to all the workers. 

Risa glared at Ai's disappearing figure and once she was out of sight, the bean turned to her boss.  "Gimme!~"  she exclaimed, partially lunging for the stack of bills.

"Back off.  Sheesh Gaki." Yossie stuck her tongue out at the fuming bean before heading back to the kitchen, already counting the large stack of money in her hands.

Now, Risa stood only in the dining room.  Somewhere in between the entire dispute, the remaining customers had left their payment on the tables and scurried out the door.  It wasn’t their fault.  Who would want to stay to listen to a princess and monjayaki chef squabble?  Shaking her head once more, Risa turned to the kitchen, her expression filled with uncertainty. 

”What should I do…?”


“She quit?  She actually quit?”  Takahashi Ai, clad in a plain blouse and boyish styled jeans, stared accusingly at the frightened duo, her expression filled with annoyance.  “Why does it matter if she quits?  Can’t the bosses make this “Niigaki style” monjayaki?  Or maybe even the two of you?  You all must have seen her make it on more than one occasion!”

“Well…” Makoto started, staring off into space.  “You see, we’re not as passionate about it as Gaki-san.”

“In other words, Mako-chan always messes up the recipe and if she were actually cooking, she would just stare off into space with her mouth wide opened,” Asami snickered as she tilted her head towards said girl, who indeed had the same brief expression as her friend described.

“KonKon!  It’s not just me!  How about Yossie?  She doesn’t have the patience!  Just look at her you guys!  That doesn’t even look like monjayaki, especially with all that black coloring!” 

The girl pointed her finger towards the cooking co-boss who was gently attempting to serve the unwilling customers their monjayaki.  At least, it was suppose to be monjayaki.  With the heat continuously switching from high to low, Yoshizawa Hitomi persistently flipped, stirred, and did any type of action when cooking the monjayaki, as opposed to the bean’s regular calm and patient method.  Yoshizawa Hitomi was far from being patient.

“Shut the hell up Mako!  Rika-chan’s not any better!  She can’t even cook plain rice in a rice cooker!  Whatever you do Takahashi, don’t let her teach you or you’ll be screwed for life.”

“Hey.”  Rika frowned as she threw her partner a look of annoyance.  “It’s not my fault.  I do my share of the work and do most of the cutting.  At least I’m not like KonKon here who just starts eating whatever she’s cooking.  That’s why she and I are the official preparation duo of Lucky 7 after all. “

“Sumimasen Ishikawa-san!  It’s just…the food looks so tasty and I-“

“Forget it KonKon,” Makoto patted her friend’s shoulder in support.  “We’re just not natural monjayaki people.  If you want a good monjayaki-sensei Takahashi-san, then you need to find Gaki-san.”

Seeing that she would find no luck with the current workers of Lucky 7, Ai finally turned to the others with a look of hope.  Slightly nibbling her bottom lip, the heiress had to wonder.  Is it honestly worth it to go through the trouble to find the bean when Yoshizawa could easily teach the recipe of something simple, such as omurice? 

“Do you guys know where she’d be then?”


“It’s so beautiful every day, it’s the season of beginnings…”

How long had it been since she was last here?  Almost a week now?  During this entire mess in Yamaguchi, there was barely anytime to do anything fun.  It was either cook for the customers, run errands, or sleep.  That was all Risa could do for the past few months she’d been in Yamaguchi.

“I feel younger today than I’ll be any day in the future…”

Ai slowly took a step closer to the slim figure, clearly recognizable as the bean.  Who knew that within the smaller unknown urban areas of Yamaguchi there was such a peaceful location in existence?  The heiress stood only a few feet away from Risa as she observed the girl in her natural ways.  Clad in a short skirt and a spotted puffy sleeved blouse, the bean sat on the edge of a large rock, letting her shoeless feet dangle, barely touching the gently waves from below.  Flat across her lap lay a cheap looking, though fully functional, electric keyboard.  From where she was standing, Ai could see Risa’s slender fingers glide across the keyboard, hitting each note with grace, as well as power.  Becoming curious, the wealthy heiress took a step closer, but froze in her spot as the bean completely stopped playing.

“I knew you’d come.  Just stay what you need to say.”

”How did she know I would come?” a surprised Ai mused, staring at the sky as if it would give her answers.  Regardless, the woman took another step closer, taking a deep breath before speaking.  “I-“

Suddenly, the bean spun around, locking eye contact with the other woman.  Without a second thought, Risa scrambled onto her feet, though nearly dropping her keyboard into the lake water in the process.  Smoothing out her floral print skirt, she casually nodded to the wealthy woman as a short form of greeting.

“How come it’s you?  What happened to the others?”

“I want you to teach me how to make your monjayaki.”  Ai persisted, taking another step closer as her hands tightly clutched the handle of her handbag.  Frowning once again, she received a tempered glare in the direction of the bean.  “You just have you make me admit that I’m wrong, don’t you?”

“Ehh??? Make you admit that you’re wrong?”

“This is my generosity. It doesn't mean that I’m admitting that I was wrong.”

Now fully understanding the word’s of the heiress, the bean’s lips curved into an amused smile.  “Ahh.  I guess I could consider it.”

Feeling her patience running out, Ai turned on her heel as she began to stomp away.  There was absolutely no way that the heiress and the low income chef could honestly get along.  It was like mixing oil with water.  Before she could get a step away though, the older woman could hear the bean’s voice calling out to her.  “Why are you being so persistent when you’re the one in need?

Flashing a false smile, though it was clearly obvious that the girl was scowling, Ai marched back towards the bean, standing merely inches away from the slightly taller girl.  On the inside, she knew that Risa was right.  She knew that she was being persistent.  She knew what had to be done.

“I’m sorry.”

Risa’s eyes hardened as she sensed the malice and sarcasm laced in her tone.  Nonetheless, she was not prepared to go down so easily.  Crossing her arms across her chest, the monjayaki chef leaned towards the girl, their faces only mere centimeters apart.  “I thought you said you weren’t at fault?  Why are you apologizing?”

“I didn’t do anything wrong!  But for the one that I love most, I can only…” thinking for the moment, Ai rolled her eyes, feeling the disbelief of what she was about to do.  Never in her life did she ever imagine herself in this situation.  In this position of bowing her head down to someone inferior in comparison to herself. “…I can only beg for help.”

Not saying anything, the bean stood up straight once more, scanning the wealthy girl from head to toe.  This…this was a different Takahashi Ai she was seeing today.  ”Is it because her clothes are actually eye pleasing today?  Or is it because of her change it attitude?  Why do I suddenly want to say…”  “No problem.”

Fully restored with hope, the heiress looked up with wide eyes, her expression plastered with a joyful smile.  “You agree?  You’ll do it?”

“Huh?  Did I?” The bean blinked in confusion of the situation.

“You said ‘no problem’!  That means you agree right?”

Her nose wrinkling as she pouted, Risa turned away, admiring on the bright blue color of the sky.  “Saying stuff like ‘no problem’ doesn’t automatically mean that I agree!”

“What?”  Ai advanced towards the bean once again, lightly slapping her on the front of her shoulder.  Her eyes were only filled with bewilderment. “When a person says ‘I’m begging you’ and the other says ‘no problem’, then it usually means that the other person agreed to the request!  You agreed!”

Scoffing at the girl, Risa turned around and marched back to her spot by the ledge as she began to pack her belongings.  Stuffing her folder full of sheet music and lyrics into its proper place, the girl hoisted the backpack onto one of her shoulders as she used her other arm to lift her keyboard.  “Why can’t I just say ‘no problem’ without having that meaning?  Besides, you said ‘I’m sorry’, not ‘I’m begging.’  They mean completely different things you know.”

Following the monjayaki chef, Ai tightly clutched onto the handle, her knuckles turning as white as snow.  “That didn’t even make sense?  Why are you being like this!? I’ve already paid you know!  No one else in that restaurant even knows how to properly make monjayaki! ”

“It’s your own fault! You gave the cash to Yoshizawa-san, not me.”

“Don’t be like this! At least help me out…”


Standing by the entrance, Ai smiled proudly as she flipped the open sign to indicate that the restaurant was now close for a break.  Taking small strides across the dining area, the heiress ambled to the table closest to the kitchen, where Risa, once again clad in her chef uniform, was powerfully mixing the batter with brute strength.  Before she knew it, the lesson had begun.  Everything flashed before her eyes as she attempted to record the steps down as detailed as possible.  Does the better go first or the cabbage?  What type of oil is the pan supposed to be greased with?  Butter? Sesame oil?

“Monjayaki is a flavorful dish.  All those stir fry and sauté techniques shown on TV have absolutely no use here.  As the chef, you are responsible for making everything perfect.” 

As Risa poured the rest of the batter liquid on top of the already spread cabbage pile, she used her free hand to begin grabbing other ingredients.

“Patience is virtue when cooking monjayaki.  If you cook it on the highest heat possible, you’ll quickly end of with pieces of burnt food.  If you keep mixing it, it will become mushy and unappealing both by sight and by taste.  You must have an internalized clock.

Using her personal brightly colored pen, Ai wrote down each and every word her current “sensei” was saying, as well as writing down the physical aspect of the cooking lesson.  Halfway into making the instructions, a pair of chopsticks was held in front of her.

“Your turn.”

Risa’s back was turned for only a split second before the aroma of burnt food filled her nostrils.  Returning to Ai’s side with an armful of ingredients, the monkayaki chef’s left eye twitched as she observed the wealthy girl’s cooking skills.  Not only did she just toss chopped cabbage into a puddle full of oil that was splattering on high heat, but she was using her hands to brush back her hair whilst touching other ingredients, thus contaminating them.  Before the heiress could proceed, the bean slammed down the ingredients onto the bench, using a backup spatula to scrape away the burning cabbage.

“Here,” she simply stated, holding out a flesh colored rubber band.  “Your hair.”

“No way!  It damages the hair.”  The heiress answered as she reached over for the oil once more.  Her hand barely brushed the metal canister when Risa pulled her back, still dangling the rubber band in front of her face.  Still refusing, Ai scowled at the chef, “Not even if I die.”

“What do you propose then?”   

Without another word, Takahashi Ai grabbed the bean’s hands, ignoring the open mouth stare from the girl.  Having a tight grasp on the pair of hands, Ai reached upwards and placed Risa’s hands onto the back of her head.  “Hold it for me will ya?”  she answered flatly in an unfamiliar accent before once again reaching for the oil.

A few more tries had gone by.  Slowly but surely, the heiress was beginning to understand the concept of cooking and making monjayaki with the Niigaki flair.  With her hands holding Ai’s hair in a twisted ponytail, Risa curiously stood on her tiptoes, peeking to make sure all was going well.  That was all she could really do from where she was standing, besides pulling back any strands of hair that may become loose from the hold and dangle in front of Ai’s face as a potential distraction.
However, as the older woman’s cooking skills quickly improved from their original standpoint, the bean began to become bored.  Once in a while, she’d peek over Ai’s shoulders to look for any mistakes, but there didn’t seem to be much if any.  Still holding her bundle of hair, Risa pressed her button nose on Ai’s hair in order to take care of the small itch on her nose that had been bothering her.  But, along with the sensation of relieving the itch, a sudden smell of strawberries filled her nostrils.  Feeling a bit braver, Risa leaned in closer a second time, taking another gentle whiff of Ai’s hair.  As she went for a third, the woman suddenly spun around, holding up a piece of completed monjayaki in her chopsticks.

“How’s this?”  she asked, her tone filled with excitement. 

As Risa lifted her hands to reach for the chopstick, Ai snatched back the food with a huff.  Instead of giving the food to Risa like she originally intended, the heiress decided to try for her victory meal for herself.  However, the outcome was quite what she expected.  “Why does it taste so funny?”  she questioned, her nose wrinkling as she took in the strange taste.

“You’re acting all prissy!  Of course it’s going to taste funny!  Once more from the top!”  and the two returned to their original positions with Ai cooking and Risa holding her hair.

It wasn’t until towards the end of their lesson that the two actually sat down on both benches.  Cautiously eyeing the food, the bean saw that there was nothing physically wrong with the food that she could see.  Nor was the aroma strange.  With a brave gulp, Risa grasped a piece of monjayaki and dropped it into her mouth.  Slowly chewing and savoring the taste, she couldn’t help but smile at the nervous looking heiress.
“Not bad ojou-san.  You’ve improved just a tad bit if anything.”

With a big smile, the heiress let out a quiet “Yes!” though she was clearly excited.  Quickly grabbing her phone and purse, Ai sprinted towards the door, waving good bye.  “See you tomorrow!” 

“H-hold on!  You want your monjayaki sensei to wash all of these dirty dishes?!” 

“Thanks!” and with that, Ai was out the door.

“…no problem ojou.”


Alone in her bedroom, Ai sat in front of her oversized vanity table, watching herself as she brushed through her drying locks of hair.  After the long day of hunting down Risa, learning to cook monjayaki, and being with Miki for a few hours, it was nice to have a moment alone, though she knew LinLin, who was sitting in her own room, was just dying to play Final Fantasy XIII-2 as she waited for her best friend.  The silence, for the first time in a long time, was refreshing. 

Just as she was about to leave her room, the buzz of an incoming text message caught her attention.  As she unlocked her iPhone and read the good night message from her girlfriend, Ai smiled as her fingers clutched onto the shirt she was currently wearing.  Though it belonged to Miki, the heiress “borrowed” it from her lover’s home one day and decided not to return it.  Even after the multiple washes, the smell of Miki’s perfume lingered on.

”The ones with the smell of perfume are caring, comfortable, warm-hearted, and just perfect.

But…the ones who smell of oil and batter…

“It…It’s splashing!  Do something!”  Ai cried as she leaned away from the sizzling pan, though she continued to occasionally poke the burning cabbage and batter mixture with the short chopsticks.  “Itai!”

Seeing the large amounts of oil splashing on the woman, Risa turned off the hot pan before grabbing the cringing heiress into the small bathroom. 

“Really?  This is a prime example of why you shouldn’t turn the heat all the way up.  I told you at the beginning to not be afraid of the oil, or else it’ll come and find you!

Turning the cold water onto high blast, Risa forcefully rubbed the heiress’s hand and arm under the cooling sensation with the focus to prevent any permanent damages.  Sniffling, Ai used her other hand to wipe away the tears that were beginning to fall.

“Does it hurt?”


“…the ones who smell of oil and batter are rough and wild, like the hot oil that hurt me."

"No…I could never fall in love with an oil and batter-smelling girl.”


Pon!~  I shall now end with a short note of I dunno when I'll update again :D  Hopefully soon cause Spring Break starts on March 17th~ No new characters -gasp-  Well, bye bye for now and enjoy the remainder of Leap Day! (It's 11:52 PM as I type this XD)  Later!~ (^ - ^)/
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 4- 2/29]
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2012, 07:25:53 AM »
There is so much craziness in that restaurant! It's quite lovely, lol. The lessons begin! Now, just a matter of time before they start getting along... or they kill each other...

Perverted Ai is so much lawls, btw

Offline kuro808

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 4- 2/29]
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2012, 07:30:08 AM »
Ai learning the monjayaki stylings of Risa.... I guess you rather learn than admit defeat :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Just Around the Corner {T a k a G a k i <3} [UPDATE!~ Ch. 4- 2/29]
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2012, 08:58:32 AM »
You're awesome! Looks like takagaki is falling in love! XD

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