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Author Topic: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 4: Squeal 8/5/12  (Read 6334 times)

Offline kuro808

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A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 4: Squeal 8/5/12
« on: July 21, 2012, 01:32:43 PM »
Okay I needed a hit over the head for starting a new fic but this time I hope for more momentum in writing it out til the end, it will be short, I know but to at least get it wrapped up for one story without worrying

Trapped in a box

No one asked for this, I never asked for this.  But the life events of my existence only reflect my hardship.  I currently live in a box between two great men, one who was a professor of the arts but fell onto drugs when he was forced out of the university because of his moral choices.  The other man was loving father with mental problems and his children kicked him out quickly.  As for me, I lived half of their lives in age, but lived a full life in my battle.

I, Tanaka Reina, was normal once.  I had the boy crushes and people fear me because of my attitude but behind the armor, I was suffering.  Two families both rich in their pockets and their history, fought over succession.  My father was a businessman for his family company.  He held the second-highest seat below Grandfather Tanaka.  My mother was mostly a housewife but she was skilled in sales for her family company but Grandfather Tanaka was appalled by her work.

Grandfather Tokuda was opposed to Tanaka’s traditional ways and fought till their deaths days apart.  However, the battle only grew with pressure of my father and uncle fighting over succession right between the two families.  Then, the birth of me was the ceasefire to the battle.  Both families were generous to involve me in their actions but only knowing that behind the scenes there was a tally board.  My father was angered about the little competition in the ceasefire period.

My mother was angry too but she had a way to turn it positive and made it as a way to indicate the sharing of the tuition.  Father agreed only as he wanted 50/50 in the first place and that became the bigger issue with my cousins being born.  They fought for fourteen years over the lack of payments on each side that they blindly potted the money with monthly installments to prevent the bickering and a trustee was assigned to give money as they pleased.

Then, a year ago, I had arrived at school with terrible news.  My parents were on a road trip to Osaka to go to the graves and were driven off the road into a ditch.  The day had become a nightmare with no news of my parents until after lunch.  My stomach was cramping from the morning and lunch wouldn’t be kept down if I had eaten but my uncle bowed his head and I knew what the answer was to my parents.

My uncle took me in for a while only to give off to other siblings and eventually I was responsible for my own living with no money given by law.  The trustee’s hands were tied in the situation as housing wasn’t an issue but with the house sold; I had no place to live.  I took to the streets and lived among the homeless that made me vomit every time I passed them.  However, they were nice, kind people who were here by bad luck and they accepted me with open arms.

They did everything for me like offering to wash my clothes, which crept me out at first but they would to the wash at a friend’s place for a small fee.  They got me whatever food was possible for me and eventually they found me a pet kitten, a little furry, orange tabby, it was the thing I began to cherish while being in this situation.  I named it Natsu as it represented the sun and warmth in my life and within the year it grew to a juvenile warm, yet territorial.  Natsu never left my side unless it was school, then it toured the neighborhood until I returned home.

School was the hell I hate the most, many were snooty individuals with no respect for teachers, and if there was any troubles, they would run back to their parents with the best acting they could conjure up and force the teacher out of the school.  However, there was one teacher, no one could oust her, undefeated in 35 confrontations.  Tatsuno Ochiyo  held the highest teacher position in the school only topped by the headmaster and his assistant.

Tatsuno-sensei was in her late 30’s, single, and attractive but her past was mysterious.  Many rumors pointed that she was abandoned by her parents and were raised by wolves.  The other rumor was her parents gave her up because she was too skilled to be considered their daughter and was given to the university for research.

However, Tatsuno-sensei was a normal female growing up in a family that cared for her but she didn’t care for snotty students.  She was strict on me but appreciated my inquiries when I had questions.  The best attribute was her smile, she loved to smile to everyone, who creep people out but she could tell how a student will be based on how they reacted to her smile.  She admitted once that she feared me because I never smiled back but knew I was a great student.

Her specialty was math.  She eloquently went through the topics without pausing to look back and felt that if they didn’t want to listen to her why should she ever repeat it thus starting the competition with the parents.  Many dislike her style of teaching and involving the headmaster into decisions was no easy task.  She had been in discussion to be transferred out but with their grading on the line, they were forced to take their chances in keeping her.

As I found out, she was targeted by other schools to be transferred to them but she insisted to stay until she felt ready to leave.  Thus, today was going to be a good day… so I hope.

“Welcome class, I want to welcome a new student, Kamei Eri .”  Everyone had a cold reception toward her.  “Go ahead do an introduction.”

“I am Kamei Eri, I come from Tokyo, and I like umeboshi.”  Her voice was soft and the nerves seemed to catch her as she quickly bowed and headed toward the empty seat.

Tatsuno-sensei held up her book but her hand seemed kind of shaky as she wrote down her agenda on the board.  It was unusual for her to show that in front of the class and I rushed up to the front to help her.  I held her hand to stop it from shaking but it was vigorous than expected and I escorted her outside when her hand stopped shaking.

“Eri, you need to be her friend.”  She said swiftly

“Friend?  I cannot let her be my friend.  I have to do all those stuff to try.”  I explained to her and she grabbed my shoulder.

“I know your secret, but if you don’t let it out soon, people will find out.”  She warned me as I finally gave into her demand and headed back into the classroom.

I had to give a few glances to analyze her but I felt uneasy about asking a stranger to be my friend.  The clock ticked faster as I tried to approach this in a usual manner but I was heading into roadblocks of my own ability.  I was trying to be myself by being not myself only to realize her face.

“Were you talking to aliens?”

Kuso… She saw me daydreaming

“No… I was just…”


“Yes, I wanted to get my thoughts straightened out before my next class.”

My poor excuses

“By the way, can you show me to the bathroom?”  She asked and where her hands were positioned I knew she was ready to burst.

I grabbed her hand and bulled my way through the crowd and pointed to the bathroom and scatted to the bathroom.  Tatsuno-sensei was behind me as she presented her usual smile.  Personally, I was frustrated in why I should make friends with an immature girl but I began to see the reason as she pointed towards my chest.  Right after the gesture, my heart started to beat a little quicker, she knew how to push my buttons, and eventually I leaned onto the locker as I started to feel light-headed.

“I think you should go to the nurse’s office,” Eri had her head tilted with that weird smile on her face.

“I’ll be okay.  Let’s get to English before we are late.”  I said to her as she grabbed my hand as a child trying to obey her mother but it only made me feel uncomfortable in her soft hands.

I hate roller coasters.  Kirai kirai kirai
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 11:26:52 AM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 1: Trapped In a Box 7/21/12
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2012, 02:01:34 PM »
 another story written by you hehe ! i like it!!! interesting .! cAnt wait for the next chap.. ah is this a tanakame?

Offline darkacex99

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 1: Trapped In a Box 7/21/12
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2012, 11:39:50 PM »
Oh snap a new fiction XDD yay!! Luvin it so far

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 1: Trapped In a Box 7/21/12
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 02:11:24 PM »
new fic huh... wonder how will it be like... :roll:... just hope it will be a sweet one  :lol: so hope to see your next update soon :lol:

Offline kuro808

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 2: Just a Girl 7/23/12
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2012, 11:05:50 AM »
So many comments :lol:

@maike: yeah kinda black and white but it swirls once I get it going

@darkace: thnx haven't seen you comment on my fics in a while XD

@yellow: less violent but still have those tendencies

Just a Girl

We arrived at English class but Kamei refused to let go and drag me into the door forgetting I was behind her.  I took my seat in the middle of the room as I was trying to get my senses back into shape when Eri decided to track a feather that came into the room.  The teacher was attracted to Eri's undivided attention to the feather and swiped it away from her.

"Kamei-san, please say this sentence in English."  The teacher instructed and she squinted for a while before moistening up her lips.

"I... went to... the refrigerator... for milk?"

The class laughed as it was nowhere close to what it was actually saying and I stood up to read it from my position.  "The milk in the refrigerator is spoiled."

"Good job, Tanaka-san."  She praised as I took my seat with four pairs of eyes staring at me like lasers.

English class went smoothly after saving her from near disaster.  Then, after class I sped over to the bathroom to find her sitting next to me for no apparent reason but I had to stay calm while in the position.  After finishing my bathroom break, I came out to find people surrounding a girl.  I pushed through the crowd to find her balled up on the ground being pelted by spitballs.  It wasn't unusual to find anyone bullied but the rare times I do I tend to break up the action.  Then, I heard another one coming my way and Eri snagged it mid-air.

"Thanks."  Eri smiled and threw it to the ground while I dragged her heavy body to the stairs.

"Tanaka-san, you are so kind."  She brushed off the spitballs from her body.

"Don't always count on it, Michishige."

Michishige Sayumi was a sworn enemy once in my life, when she developed into a pompous brat years ago when we first met.  Her father inherited the company through her mother's family and it became the second ranked tech company before the crash.  She quickly annoyed everyone in school only to find that deep inside of her, there was a small hole of hope that people would be willing to see.  I secretly met with her a few times per week to help her with homework and projects before others caught onto my act and was being ridiculed for helping her out.

Then, when I couldn't take any more noise, I saw one of the girls fall to the ground.  Sayu started to rub her hand slowly and the anger on her face was different than the one from her brat attitude.  Sayu gained enough respect from her peers that she was never bothered until high school where our peers were more headstrong but she kept her cool since then and developed a balance between her pompous attitude and her call for friends since then.

"Who started this?"  I asked.

"The same person as always, she can do anything because of her posse."  I gradually shook my head and made a mental note to visit her after school.

I was getting hungry for food but with no money I had to find ways to suppress my hunger until school was done and to avoid anyone else seeing me, I went to the other side of the school where the janitor stayed when she wasn't on duty.  I walked into her shack and a bag was on her shelf next to the pesticides, I never really think about the dangers but it was so good that I would take it before giving permission.  She only caught me once but by luck she would not talk to anyone unless I did one thing for her and drop off the bag of tobacco leaves on her desk before leaving.

She left me vegetables and rice as the usual meal but today there was a small piece of fish I could eat near shack without anyone bothering me.  After taking three huge bites, I turned on the hose and drank from it before consuming the rest and putting the container back into the shack.  I ran back to the school grounds as fast as I could, finding Eri outside of history class.

Luckily, class went by quickly and I headed toward the school ground where a girl with a dark blue jacket was standing there with bubble gum in her mouth.  I marched towards her and kicked some dirt onto her shoes attracting her attention.  She threw the gum past my head but I wasn’t fazed by her act and returned the favor.

“Why are you bothering Sayu?”  I asked as she smiled back.

“She is easy to pick on.  I need a challenge.”  Her eyes turned toward Eri who was walking over to us.

“Reina, are we going to study together?”  She walked over to Eri and faced her.

“You must be new here.”  She was running her finger along her cheek and I pushed her away from her.

“HEY!  That felt good.”  Eri cried as she grabbed the girl’s cheeks and moved them around.

“Stop her…”  Her anger was growing and I grabbed her away from the angry girl.

“Tanaka, you better keep her away from me.”  She warned me as Eri walked over and hugged her.

She quickly turned calm as she wrapped her arms around her and then slowly moved her arms around Eri.  I extended my hand out but she pushed it away from them.  So, I took out my phone and took a picture of the embrace quickly releasing Eri and grabbing my phone.

“You better not send it to her.”  She warned and accidently sent it.

“Gomen, Gaki-san.”  I grabbed Eri’s hand and sped away to the library avoiding the rage that will come soon after.

We arrived with dirt on your shoes but we managed to avoid the librarian’s scorn with our shoes.  Eri pointed to the table where she left her bag and she opened up her notebook to see weird doodles.

This girl will make me frustrated.

“Let’s start with math first.”  I announced as she took out her notebook and worksheet.

Eri wasn’t quick in understanding the content but umeboshi helped in the learning curve but she was still behind in understanding the concepts.  I was getting frustrated with the progress that we were making that I left midsentence to the bathroom to wash my face.  Eri followed me inside and coiled her arms around my body.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Eri.  We all have something we are not great at.”

“What is your worst subject?”  She asked.

It took me a few seconds to answer the question with her arms constricting me but what I didn’t expect was her body heat rubbing so close to my body.  I let out a shiver as Eri giggled into my stomach while my answer was still lingering in my head.

“English, I guess.  We should return outside.”  I broke the embrace and headed outside to the table.

The librarian was hovering over the table and took off my shoes carrying it back to the table hiding the dirt marks on my shoes.  Eri walked over with her eyes aimed towards her and she smiled as she took her seat as I avoided eye contact with her.  I felt a tap on my shoulder and I immediately went to my knees and bowed towards her.

“I was going to ask if you have your card.”  She handed me the plastic and I went back to my seat without saying thank you but when she went away, I saw Eri’s face.

“Don’t you say anything!”  My finger pointed straight at her.

“Reina looks cute when she is in trouble~” I grabbed Eri before she could escape from my grasp causing both of us hitting the floor.

The laughter was instantaneous as the librarian came over again and I bowed to her as an apology.  We both left soon after and I headed my own way as she went the opposite way.  Natsu approached from the corner and ran up to my legs, rubbing her warm body, and purring for food as she led the way into the alley.  The neighbors offered their plates for dinner but I left it for Natsu as I started to finish my homework for the day before the lights went out.

I never expected to live here but living here changed my life.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 2: Just a Girl 7/23/12
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2012, 11:25:20 AM »
 haha nice chapter kuro-kun!!yay! i remember one episode of Hello Morning,hehe eri's refrigerator..good thing she didn't say refrigetah in this story..pft!  hehe im just here!  seriously waiting for the next chapter!

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 2: Just a Girl 7/23/12
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2012, 01:33:18 PM »
So I wrote a long comment, but my phone ditched me and deleted all my hard work. Expect me to comment properly some time later in the nearest future
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 2: Just a Girl 7/23/12
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2012, 01:45:30 AM »
Wow nice chapter, it was tooo cute XD eri is sooo clingy that it should be a crime :)

Saw a little gakikame in there too. Cant wait for the next chapter

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2012, 06:45:27 PM »

Natsu cried with the rain hitting her fur and grabbed the cat to put her inside the box behind me.  She let out a yelp before scratching my skirt and closed its eyes while the rain was coming down like an open basin.  The puddles grew with the rain falling at a quick rate.  My neighbors risked his life to sweep out the stalled water and blocked the alley with trash bags.  Natsu’s whining kept me up but I was adjusted to this routine and watched the raindrops hit the pavement.

The morning sneaked into the horizon and the rain cleared up with my uniform prepped on top of my box.  Natsu pranced out as usual but didn’t expect a visitor.  When I saw her, my chest felt tight as I walked over to her at the end of the alleyway.  She smirked at the location with her umbrella hovering over her head and then tossed a bag to me.

“I pity you.  I really hope you use this the right way.”  She  briefed as she walked away brushing her hair back.

Her shoulder-length amber hair was my last image of her although I like the red devil horns drawn on her but Natsu showed her true feelings by letting out a growl that rocked the neighborhood.  She turned and brushed her body past me to return to the box where a neighbor just dropped off a bowl of fresh food.  I grabbed my uniform and headed into the abandoned room to change.  My body started to shiver and I walked to the closet to find a coat and exited from the back door where the people were starting to depart for work.

I felt cramping in my core with the smells of the morning but I kept moving forward like a horse with blinders until I got to the corner where a voice attracted my attention.

“Good morning.”  She greeted with an umbrella held upright covering her head.

“Good morning, Eri.”  The sign changed from the red hand to the walking man and we both started crossing the street.

Eri was trailing behind as my pace was quick because of the rain but glancing back after a few steps, she was like a small kid entertained with the puddles.  She looked up after stomping in the puddles and ran up to my right side and we pushed through the drops to get to the school’s entrance.  At the entrance, a female was leaning on the door staring at both of us.  Eri took a moment to stare down the female and went to the other entrance as I approached her.

“Tanaka, do you think you can scare Gaki-san by a simple threat?”

“Well… if she cried to you, then it must have not been so simple.”  My reply caused a bit of surprise to her but she fixed it quickly as she tossed an envelope to me.

I tore open the seal and saw the pictures of Eri at her home with her parents.  They looked normal until the 12th picture in my hand and my hands gripped tightly around the picture.  My eyes went straight at her as she confirmed the validity and I stuffed it back into the envelope and toss it back to her.

“Takahashi, does Eri know about this?”  My voice cracked as I asked her.

“No, I confirmed that so if it came out, I can protect her from any retaliation from the students.  As for you, you are alone.”  She informed me with a smile.

“How about…?”  Ai stuck her hand up with a grin on her face.

“Risa has no idea about this either and if she does know, I’ll assure you that she won’t blab about it.”  Ai threw me a package wrapped in newspaper.

I ripped the newspaper off to find a metal container filled with rice balls.  Half of it was marked with brown seaweed and the other half was pinkish.  By the time I looked back up, she had disappeared from my sight and I hurried to my first class where Eri had her hands in front of her holding that cute smirk.  I quickly slid into my seat and placed the container on top of my desk with my books on top of it with the teacher entering.  He had a stare that could make many people turn white and his pasty complexion made him the most hated teacher in the school but it differed from his outside persona of a 30-something single man hanging with high school girls at the clubs.

“Tanaka Reina, please meet me after class.”  His voice ringed into my tired ears as I plopped my forehead onto the table.

I kept the thought on the back of mind that sekuhara could always be implemented at any time but in all seriousness he was terrible with women.  He would get red-faced even at the sight of underwear, even if not intending to look there but the girls loved to flash their cotton panties just to get a reaction but it was a move to distract him.  Luckily, today he was in tuned with social studies and kept writing notes on the board until the bell rung and the class rushed out leaving him and me.

“Your father...” he started with a shrill in his voice.  “He was a hero.”

“Thanks, sir.”

“I never expect to have his daughter in my class and a lovely one at that.”  His voice cracked with his handkerchief in hand wiping the sweat off his face.

“Get to the point, Kato-sensei.  I’m going to be late for class.”  I pleaded and quickly took out a check.

“I know… that you are on the streets, so I want you to use this as a token of my appreciation.  I wanted to give you an apartment but my financial situation is bad at the moment.”

“Hostesses?”  He nodded with a half-smile on his face.

“Fine.  Thank you for your donation.”  I slipped the check into the textbook.

Eri waited outside the class with everyone passing by her as she greeted them with a smile.  I wondered if she was non-human because of her awkward smile but she seemed honest about her own feelings towards people.  I guessed she never had been wronged in her life but what her father is doing will only crush her positive spirit.  Looking at the clock, I sped to the next class where seats are at a premium for chemistry and I managed to get a seat and reserve one for the turtle who dragged in before the bell rang.

“I thought you were going with me.”  She panted as her bag crashed to the floor.

“Well, I was planning to get here before everyone but you kept smiling so I let you have your way.”  I whispered to her as the teacher wrote down the outline for the day.

Chemistry was a dreadful subject but the teacher was the gatekeeper to hell.  He was precise about teaching but his tests usually come out awfully unreadable with handwritten questions.  To make matters worse, his granddaughter was queen bee, she was beyond Sayu in annoyance and arrogance.  However, she had been enviable for her fashion and that what ticked me off.  Sometimes, I forget that she is in this class and I hoped that she wouldn’t be so bothersome but it always pops up one way or another.

“Can I be excused?”  She raised her hand in the usual fashion as he was midway through his sleep inducing lecture and leaves with the loudest door slam waking up everyone. 

I peeked over to Eri who had let out a yawn and smiled at me again as she closed her eyes again with the teacher not attending to us.  Then, he gives us a smile and puts down his book.  The room felt frozen in time as his eyes explored the room and gave a thunderous laugh.  We believed that he had finally gone crazy until he lifted one finger up on his right hand.

“I’m sorry for my granddaughter that “queen bee” you guys refer her as, I will not plead for her but since she is not here, I have a confession.”  He paused for a moment clearing his throat and smiled again.  “Tell her that I know where she lost her innocence.”  The room went into a frenzy as she exited with his chin up and thunderous laugh.

I wasn’t shocked for the news as people gossiped about it but with little knowledge of her seduction plans, I found myself wondering if I would be able to give up my own one day.  It rolled into a bigger thought of escaping the mess and then the blaring bangs of metal broke my dream as I headed to my third class which was my study period.  My body pushed through the crowd and into the library with no one else around except for the librarian with her eyes on me.

I removed my shoes and placed on the bench for the moment before carrying it with me to the table where I started my period going back to the previous thought.  After a few minutes, Eri popped inside that thought and quickly shook it off but I couldn’t avoid the human one or who I thought was human taking a seat across of me with her books pressed to her chest.

“Can I talk to you?”  She said softly with the grip of her book loosening up.


She scooted her chair next to mines feeling her knees awkwardly close before creating a little space between us.  She started to breathed harder than usual and rubbed her palms together before letting out a frustrated grant.  Eri reached out unexpectedly and wrapped my body with her arms constricting me like an anaconda.

“I thought we were going to talk.”  My pitch went a little higher than usual.

“Oh yeah…. I forgot my mother’s birthday.”

“So why are you hugging me?”  I asked as I tried to wiggle out.

“I feel better hugging someone when I’m frustrated and I don’t want to feel this bad again.”

I finally broke her embrace and pushed her head out of the way as I started to work on my next class which was a lab as Eri sat there in frustration with her mother on her mind.

@maike well here it is

@sakura: well I'll be waiting for a proper comment

@darkace: well the gakikame was more of awkward Eri meeting with bully Gaki
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2012, 10:24:30 PM »
  kuro-kun please write some takagaki here! nyahaha! i loved bully gaki?!

Offline kuro808

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2012, 08:45:55 AM »
  kuro-kun please write some takagaki here! nyahaha! i loved bully gaki?!


Noise couldn't overcome the buzzing in Risa's mind.  She was set in her ways of her overbearing emotions towards people, in a way she had bullied people by being annoying.

 She was misunderstood or in others' thoughts she was the thorn on everybody's side compared to her dear friend, who was the master of being advantageous.  She perched above the school watching everything below her unfolding.

 Risa took out the final piece of gum and nest it between her cheek and gums with the worn out wad.  She felt a gust of wind from behind her as an entrance of a guest approached her.

 "I guess the brat has her place at the school."  Ai stated with a smirk.

 "Stop calling me that!  You know why I do this for you."  Risa shot back as she felt the elder girl's hand mold over her bony shoulders.

 "It must be the neighbor who loves to come over, isn't it?"

Ai’s words stunned the bean.  She couldn’t return a reason to the soft spot for her neighbor but she showed her true feelings about her neighbor before walking away from the meeting.  She strolled onto the streets with her head tilted down and was approached by a young female.

“Risa-chan, where are you going?”

“It’s none of your business.”  She replied.

“I made you lunch.”  She offered her gift to Risa.

The bean took a minute to stare at the container and took it from her without saying another word.  She kept walking until the corner where she unleashed a smile.  Risa felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist, she didn’t have to turn but hiding her smile was harder than expected.

“You have to shut up about this.”  Risa warned as Ai turned the bean around and pecked her on the cheek.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2012, 10:21:15 AM »
 woooww!!! is this a new chapter?!or what?! aiyy! i loved it and i love you!! nyehehe!! maikea wants more!!! moreee!

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2012, 11:26:14 AM »
the recent chapter was short, which i have expected a bit more... but never mind wait for your next chapter :nervous
really like that thing about TanaKame and TakaGaki that happened in the fic so far

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2012, 12:35:43 PM »
the recent chapter was short, which i have expected a bit more... but never mind wait for your next chapter :nervous
really like that thing about TanaKame and TakaGaki that happened in the fic so far

Well it wasn't directly dealing with the story... it was just something to bring a character back into the story :lol:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 3: Spiderwebs 7/31/12
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2012, 04:31:38 PM »
the recent chapter was short, which i have expected a bit more... but never mind wait for your next chapter :nervous
really like that thing about TanaKame and TakaGaki that happened in the fic so far

Well it wasn't directly dealing with the story... it was just something to bring a character back into the story :lol:
o ic ...

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 4: Squeal 8/5/12
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2012, 11:27:20 AM »

After school, we went to the gift store across of the school where many husbands would step in for a quick gift for an anniversary or birthdays for their wives.  It was filled with floral scents and a chill of a refrigerator when we enter the store greeted by an elderly woman.  Eri walked over to the trinket section of the store where I took out a bag of money and offered it to the woman.

“Tanaka-san, that girl… she is not welcomed here.”  She whispered to me.

“Let her stay, she won’t do anything to you.”  I shrilled as her head turned towards me giving me a smile.

The woman slanted her eyes towards me and took a stack from the bag while Eri wasn’t looking and handed me a bouquet of roses.  I took the bag back and hid the big bouquet behind me as she showed me a small trinket with a heart.  I showed her the bouquet and she squealed at the size of the flowers and thanked me as we headed out and the woman walked to the backroom in disapproval.

Eri seemed clueless over the situation but with the bouquet, she didn’t have to worry about her mother but I pondered if she was involved.  Then, why was she looking at the cheap section if her family had the money to get what I got and more but she was naïve, indeed she was beyond naïve.  Eri skipped to the corner and stopped when a car came in front of her and took the bouquet.  I ran up to her as she waved towards the car.

“Who was that?”

“My father usually sends bodyguards to get items for my mother.”  Eri explained while they crossed the street and I left to my own path back home as she followed the same path of the car.

The afternoon was usually warm but that sudden chill startled me for a bit feeling the drops hitting my uniform.  I started to pick up my feet and pushed toward the alleyway.  Natsu’s crying was becoming audible and picking her up she was soaked, I ran into the abandoned building to wipe her up.  Natsu followed me inside carefully scratching the floor as she tracked her steps in the evening light.  I threw the rag on top of her body and soaked up the rain water.

“Natsu stay inside.”  My instructions were stern as I headed back outside where the woman from the morning stood outside the door.

“Ms. Tanaka Reina, how’s the money I gave you?”  I pointed to the bag to the right of me.

She gave me a smirk and offered another bag of money.  I stared at her for a moment before dropping the bag onto the muddy ground.  I wanted to grab it but something was lingering in my mind.  Who was she?  Why is she here?  Is she part of that damned families?

She slowly walked away and I reached out to turn her back around.  She stood upright to me as her eyes met mines and I felt a chill down my spine.  My hand instantly released her wrist and she took out a card from her back pocket.

“I’m Fujimoto Miki.  A representative of the Matsumoto Company.”

“Why are you helping me?”  Miki let out a grand laugh before composing herself.

“Because if you think you hate your family, we hate them too.  However… your friend has issues too.”

“Eri knows nothing.”  I replied quickly as Miki let out another laugh.

“You can’t be that naïve that you believe she has no clue about her father’s business.  You have to only see it for yourself and if you want to know, come to the address on the card and you’ll see the true face.”

Was she right?  Is Eri leading me to believe that she knows more than she should or she has no clue but I couldn’t let the enemy lure me back into the people I hated the most?  I had the card with me so I could always opt to look for her but I needed to know but to do it behind Eri’s back would be difficult.  I only had one question for Miki.

“Do you have her number?”  She smiled and shook her head quickly.

Since she couldn’t provide the number, I turned down her offer, and tended back to Natsu who was crying from behind the door.  Miki disappeared from the alley and we both head back to the box where the neighbors had given me a bunch of grapes.  I popped a few into my mouth while my brain coiled around the idea.  Then, I decided to give Miki a visit to seek her information.

I arrived to the mansion where the woman invited me in with a cookie platter in her hands.  I took the first cookie and sat in the chair across of her as she crossed her legs over.  Miki threw a DVD over to me and I pushed it into the portable player.  It started up quickly and it was Eri standing on the corner as a man came over to talk to her.  He escorted her to another place away from the camera and a few minutes later she returned to the same spot.

“What is she doing?  I saw marijuana in the picture.”

“Marijuana?  That wasn’t marijuana; she gave you the wrong information.”  Miki commented.  “She sells her body.”

“Ehhhhhhh!!!!  I thought… no way.”

Miki bit into her cookie as she was being escorted every few minutes outside of the camera angle until about midnight when she leaves with the last shady figure.  I stopped the DVD and threw it back to Miki.  I let out a sigh as I took the rest of the cookies from the tray and left without saying another word.  My return to the alley was greeted by Natsu and a person in a hoodie.

“You have a nice cat.”  She lowered the cap and it was her with heavy makeup.

“I guess we both have secrets.”  Eri nodded.

“I don’t believe it.”  I confessed.  “You don’t look like a person to do that.”

“I guess someone had me on tape, a Ms. Fujimoto, I assume.”  Eri let out a giggle as I was shocked by the knowledge Eri mentioned.

“You don’t do that, do you?”  My voice cracked.

“To be honest… I actually love doing this.”  My jaw dropped when I heard it but Eri quickly laughed it off as I felt her arms wrapped around me.  “I give out charms.”

Eri took out her bag of charms and gave me one to talk about safe journeys with the messiest writing on the item.  She apologized about making me worry but she glanced over at Natsu, who was growling at her, she saw my signal, and quickly clammed up as Eri brushed her fur.  Natsu ran around her feet and then snatched a charm from her hand.  She ran away quickly as Eri followed her until she reached the corner and then backed up to the alley.

“Eri, what’s wrong?”

Two men pushed Eri back into the alley waking the neighbors from their boxes.  The men grasped onto Eri’s arms but the first two came charging.  Eri ran over to other end while we heard a few cries before leaving the area.  I followed her to her house as Natsu managed to slip by the gates and we were on the wet lawn breathing hard as the bodyguards looked over us.

“Kamei-san, is this a visitor?  There are no visitors after hours.”

“We were being chased, let her stay for now.”  She begged as a man came out with a cigar hanging from his mouth.

“Eri-chan, why are you out here so late?”  He asked as he knocked off ashes from the burnt end.

“I wanted to check out something but the bodyguards didn’t let me find out the truth.”  The two big men looked at her father as they had their palms faced up.

He gave them a smile and let them leave the situation as I was lifted from the lawn.  I followed Eri to the house leaving Natsu in the cold.  The interior was bright compared to the outside alley.  I took off my footwear and entered into the bathroom to clean up.  My mind pondered what Eri saw was just an illusion but the relief of Eri not selling her body comforted me.

“Eri, you have my money?” 

“Yes, father.”

“Who is she?”

“Tanaka Reina.”

“Hmm, how long is she staying?”

“I don’t know but if the people are after me, it might be a while.”

“Okay, she is welcome to stay here.”

Thank you, father.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 4: Squeal 8/5/12
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2012, 04:30:17 AM »
i got a feeling there ayaya gonna to appear in this fic, especially when i saw this magical word  "Matsumoto" and the appearance of mikitty. kuro, am i right about it?

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 4: Squeal 8/5/12
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2012, 06:56:17 AM »
 i agree with yellow^ ! when mikitty is there,then ayaya should be there too ! haha

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 2: Just a Girl 7/23/12
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2012, 07:28:04 PM »
"Kamei-san, please say this sentence in English."  The teacher instructed and she squinted for a while before moistening up her lips.

"I... went to... the refrigerator... for milk?"

The class laughed as it was nowhere close to what it was actually saying and I stood up to read it from my position.  "The milk in the refrigerator is spoiled."

"Good job, Tanaka-san."  She praised as I took my seat with four pairs of eyes staring at me like lasers.

Ah, Reina is a show off, nee?  :hehehe:

"Thanks."  Eri smiled and threw it to the ground while I dragged her heavy body to the stairs.

"Tanaka-san, you are so kind."  She brushed off the spitballs from her body.

"Don't always count on it, Michishige."

Also a Tsundere, right?  :kekeke:

“Why are you bothering Sayu?”  I asked as she smiled back.

“She is easy to pick on.  I need a challenge.”  Her eyes turned toward Eri who was walking over to us.

“Reina, are we going to study together?”  She walked over to Eri and faced her.

“You must be new here.”  She was running her finger along her cheek and I pushed her away from her.

“HEY!  That felt good.”  Eri cried as she grabbed the girl’s cheeks and moved them around.

“Stop her…”  Her anger was growing and I grabbed her away from the angry girl.

“Tanaka, you better keep her away from me.”  She warned me as Eri walked over and hugged her.

Owh, KameShige failed  :on lol:

So far it's not very proper comment, but it's better than empty comments my phone tends to make in the end...

I love what you write, this story provides us with good Kamei antics :lol:

I'll be waiting for more of this story :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: A Girl's Tragedy Chapter 4: Squeal 8/5/12
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2012, 12:28:41 AM »

LOOK WHOS BACK!!!!!!!! LOL  :otomerika:
Did you miss me?  :bingo: Lol its ok if you didn't  :) (no its not  :smhid  XD)

This story is REALLY GOOD. The start of it had me hooked because your word choices were so... Im not sure the name for it but I guess intriguing and outstanding it made me want to keep reading and Im glad I did. Its very interesting..
Eri secrets and Reina's family. Miki popping up outta the blue.

I cant wait to see more of whats going to happen next! Theres alot of secrets and Im noisy so I want them all to SPILL hahaha (: Until next time  :twothumbs
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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