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Author Topic: H!P space survival  (Read 6312 times)

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

  • N.L.N.L (Nono Lover No Longer)
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H!P space survival
« on: August 03, 2005, 07:31:51 AM »
We'll finished my other fanfic...time for another!!.
Ony of my fanfics took place in the past, the other in the it only seems fitting to have one that takes place in the distant future. So here it is, Tsunku has a rather interesting role in this one :D

Chapter 1 - The Mutation

Takahashi's sleep chamber let out a whistling sound as it slowly began to open, her eyes slowly opening as well.

"What's going on??" Takahashi asked as she slowly climbed out of her hypersleep chamber.

"Tsunku wants to talk to us before we get back to Earth," Makoto said as she handed Takahashi some clothes.

"How far are we from Earth?" Takahashi asked as she looked out the windows of their space cruiser.

"We're just passing Saturn right now, so I'm not too sure," Makoto said, staring out the window, gazing upon the beauty of the planet Saturn.

"We'll let's go and see what he wants," Takahashi said as she finished getting dressed. "I still don't like these sleep chambers. We always get covered in that gooey liquid which sticks to your hair and all over your body like slime," Takahashi said as she rubbed a towel through her hair, trying to get the goo out.

"Yeah, you'd think by now we'd have beds that can provide comfort, but they do give us deep and longer undisturbed periods of sleep." Mako said.

"Yeah, can't complain with that," Takahashi said with a smile.

The two girls then continued down the long corridors of their space cruiser to the meeting room.

"Ahh...the pain..." Tsunku said as he held his chest. He then collasped into his chair while still holding his chest, as the pain then went away. "I can't continue to live like this..." he thought as he stood up again. The doors to the meeting room then opened and all Morning Musume girls, plus W and Aya Matsuura walked in.

"Ah girls, please take a seat. We have much to discuss," Tsunku said with a smile. All the girls then sat around the meeting room table.

"Listen girls...I'm sorry we had to cut your space vacation short...but I have some terrible news. I'm dying..." Tsunku said.

" it can't be!" Fujimoto said as she stood up.

"" Kago asked.

"The doctors aboard the ship don't know. There's something wrong with my heart...GAHH!!" Tsunku said, as his heart then began to beat hard. Pain surged through his entire body as he fell against the table. Some of the girls rushed over and helped their producer up.

"I'm alright..." Tsunku said as he stood back up, the pain leaving him once again.

"How long have you known about this?" Tsuji asked.

"I've known for a long time now, but only recently has it really begun to affect me. I don't think I have long now to live..." Tsunku said sadly.

"No..." all the girls said.

"That is what I have summoned all you here for...H!P will disband once we get back to Earth. I'm sorry, that is all..." Tsunku said, all the girls then slowly began to leave the meeting hall, but Ai Takahashi remained behind.

"Tsunku...there must be something you can do. With how far technology has come, there must be a way to save you," Takahashi said as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Takahashi...Medical science has only come so far. Even in an age as advanced as this, there are certain things that can never be heart being one of them. Now go...leave me be..." Tsunk said softly.

Takahashi slowly walked to the door of the meeting room. She looked back at Tsunku sadly one last time then left.

"Ai-chan what were you doing??" Kago asked as she watched Takahashi come out of the meeting room.

"What oh...nothing..." Takahashi said sadly. "Let's just go back to sleep. I want to forget about this discussion until we get back to Earth." The girls then separated and went back to their sleep chambers.

"I can't believe he's going to die..." Takahashi thought as she put on her oxygen mask as her sleep chamber began to fix with liquid. Once the liquid filled her sleep chamber she fell fast asleep.

A few minutes later, Tsunku walked into the H!P sleep chamber room. He slowly walked through the lines of his H!P girls, looking at each one sadly as they slept.

"Farewell girls..." Tsunku said as he laid his hand on Takahashi's sleeping chamber. He then turned around and was leaving the room when...

"Ahh!!" Tsunku cried as his heart began to ache and hurt once again. This time, it was much worse, for it felt like an icy hand was squeezing his heart. Tsunku then fell back and his elbow hit a control panel. It hit #5 and slowly, Makoto's sleep chamber began to empty.

"I can't take it anymore..." Tsunku thought as the pain left him. He then began to run down to the ship's lower levels.

Makoto's sleep chamber finished emptying, as her eyes then fluttered open. "What's going on??" Makoto asked as she looked around from her sleep chamber, the door slowly opening. Makoto then climbed out, her body covered in the sticky liquid goo.

"We're nowhere near Earth..." Makoto thought as she looked out of the ship's windows. "Why am I the only one up?" Makoto thought as she looked at everyone else's chambers, still filled and the girls still sleeping.

Tsunku just reached the lower levels of the enormous ship, as he then burst into the medical labs.

"Why Tsunku...what brings you down here?" a scientist asked.

"I can't take the pain anymore...give me the serum!" Tsunku said.

"But it's not been fully tested. It's still unstable and experiemental," the scientist said. "If you take it now...we don't know what could happen."

"I don't care, the pain is becoming too get out of my way!!" Tsunku shouted as he made his way towards the lab's refrigerator.

"No! I can't let you!" The scientist shouted. Tsunku's heart then began to ache and hurt again.

"Gahh!!!" Tsunku screamed, as he then grabbed the scientist around the neck and began to choke him. The more his heart hurt, the harder he squeezed.

"What was that!?" Makoto wondered. She was still drying the goo off her body when she thought she heard a faint scream. Curious, she began to walk down the ship's corridors to the lower levels.

Tsunku and the scientist continued their struggle, the scientist fighting for his life, trying to break free from Tsunku's grip around his neck. But Tsunku became too enraged and squeezed even harder. The scientist gasped a few more times, then his body went limp.

"What have I done..." Tsunku said as he let go of the dead scientist. He could then feel the pain coming back once again. "Not much time!" Tsunku thought as he made his way to the refrigerators.

Meanwhile, Makoto contined to make her way down towards the ship's lower levels, where just a few moments ago, she thought she heard noises coming from.

"This is it..." Tsunku thought as he held a needle full of liquid. As the pain in his chest got worse, Tsunku breathed hard three times, then stabbed the needle into his chest, the tip piercing his heart as he injected the liquid.

"AAAHHH!!!" Tsunku screamed.

"Huh...there it was again," Makoto thought. This time, she clearly heard a noise, as she then began to make her way quicker to the sound.

Tsunku pulled the needle out of his chest and it fell to the ground and shattered. His entire body began to tremble violently, as he breathed heavily. Just then, the door opened and Makoto looked in.

"Tsunku!!" Makoto shouted.

Tsunku turned around, as he continued to shake violently. White foam then began to fill his mouth.

"Oh my god!!" Makoto said as she quickly back away.

Tsunku then let out an ear piercing scream as he fell to the ground, his body still trembling and shaking. His skin then began to crawl, and his hands began to get larger, with Makoto watching on in horror as Tsunku began to change before her very eyes. Tsunku's body then began to get larger, his clothes shredding as they stretched against his ever-growing body. Tsunku then looked up at Makoto, white foam still coming out of his mouth. His eyes began to glow red, and his teeth began to turn into sharp fangs, as his face transformed. Large spikes began to burst out along his forehead, but Makoto had seen enough, as she quickly got up and ran back up to the higher levels.

A few moments later, the creature that used to be Tsunku then stopped shaking. It lay there for a few moments, then began to get up, its large sharp claws scrapping against the floor as it pushed its way up from the ground. Standing over 7 feet tall, the creature then looked at its large hands, then began to hiss and growl loudly. It then turned to its right and looked into a large mirror, staring into it a few moments. It then let out a bloodcurdling shriek then smashed the mirror into a thousand pieces.

End of Chapter 1

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2005, 07:32:43 AM »
Chapter 2 - Bad News

Makoto was still running as fast as she could to the upper levels. Upon reaching the upper levels, she passed a yellow security glass panel used for emergencies in the ship's corridors. She quickly smashed the glass panel with her elbow, shattering it, as she then pushed the red button. Red lights began to flash along the ship's corridors, as an alarm then began to beep loudly, over and over again. The ship's ten security guards then began to wake up from suspended animation in the ship's security room. Upon waking, they quickly left their chambers, grabbed their weapons and equipment and headed out into the ship's corridors as they were trained to do. Each split up into pairs or teams of three as they spread out along the ship.

Makoto was quickly making her way to the security room, as she then ran into a security team along the way.

"What’s the emergency miss?" the guard asked.

" the lower levels..." Makoto said, gasping for breath. "There's a go look please!!"

"Right away!" The guard said, as he and his two companions and another security team of three headed down to the lower levels, while Makoto continued to run back to the H!P sleeping chambers.

The creature looked around as the security alarms continued to beep. It then exited the medical labs, leapt onto the ceiling of the corridor and began to scurry away from the lab.

The six security guards reached the lower levels of the ship. They raised their guns and slowly began to make their way down the corridor. Sweeping the area, they then reached the medical room. Two guards slowly entered the room, carefully looking around the lab. They then saw the body of the dead scientist. The two guards knelt beside his body, and then waved the others in.

"He's gone..." one of the guards said, turning to the others. His eyes then grew wide as he saw the creature standing in the doorway.

"What..." the guards asked softly, as they then heard growling behind them. The creature then pounced at all of the guards. Gunfire began to erupt from the medical room, as well as screaming. A few moments later, all was quiet.

Makoto heard the gunfire, and knelt down in fear. "Got to wake the others!" Makoto thought as she stood back up and continued to the sleeping chambers. She then reached the sleeping chamber's door. She quickly looked back, then at the sleeping chamber's control panel. She smashed her palm against a large yellow button and all the girl's sleeping chambers began to quickly empty, the doors quickly springing open as well. One by one, the girls began to regain consciousness.

"Quickly! Get up get up!!" Makoto shouted as she shook some of the girls who were still half asleep.

"Mako-chan...What’s going on?" Tsuji asked, as the red lights and loud beeping continued.

"Just get up! Hurry!!" Makoto shouted.

Another security team of two quickly made its way down to the lower levels, they too hearing the gunfire. They then slowly made their way towards the medical labs. The scene they saw shocked them. Their fellow comrades were lying dead on the ground, some slashed to pieces, and one had his head torn right off.

"My god..." one guard said. The guard couldn't take the sight and he threw up. Something then hit his shoulder and he quickly raised his gun and pointed it at the object. The gun began to shake in his he was staring down at a severed human head. The guard then raised his eyes upwards and saw the creature hanging from the ceiling. The creature then shrieked and dropped down on the guard and began to claw at him. The other guard quickly began to fire his submachine gun at the creature, It turned around, roared angrily, then it leapt at the other guard. He screamed, as gunfire continued to fill the air.

"What was that!!?” Matsuura asked, as she heard gunfire outside the sleeping chamber room.

"It's Tsunku...he's changed into some kind of monster...we have to get out of here!!" Makoto screamed. The others were too terrified to protest, so they all quickly got dressed and ran out of the sleeping chambers and down the corridors.

Back down at the lower levels, dead bodies were sprawled about as the creature dropped the last security guard he was holding onto the ground. The creature's wounds then began to close up, the bullet wounds quickly healing. The creature then jumped back onto the ceiling and began to scurry to the higher levels.

Meanwhile, all the girls were still running through the ship's corridors, when they all then stopped.

"Mako...tell us again, what happened?" Kago asked.

"I'm not sure...I saw Tsunku. He was down in the lower levels of the ship. He changed into some kind of monster, right before my very eyes. I ran away and triggered the ship's alarms, then woke you guys up. I'm not sure how it happened or why, but no longer Tsunku. He's a monster now!" Makoto explained, as two security guards rounded a corner, stopped and aimed their guns at the girls.

"Who goes there?!" one guard asked.

"Don’t shoot!!" Makoto said as she held her hands in the air. "We're the Morning Musume girls."

The guards lowered their guns. "What’s going on?" the guard asked as the guards approached the girls.

"It's really hard to explain, but there's a..." Makoto didn't even finish her sentence, when the creature dropped from above and landed behind the two security guards and growled loudly. All the girls screamed loudly, as the security guards turned around quickly and tried to aim their guns at the creature. The creature quickly swiped the guards away with its large claws and let out a loud roar. The girls quickly turned around and began to run away...all except Risa. She was frozen in place. The creature then slowly began to approach Niigaki, hissing and growling as it got closer. Niigaki's body began to tremble, tears running down her face in fear. The creature then brought it large face closer to Niigaki's. Niigaki continued to shake as the creature opened its large, fang filled mouth.

"No...please!" Niigaki cried, as the creature then grabbed Niigaki's head. Niigaki let out a loud scream, and then all was quiet.

The girls continued to run down the ship's long winding corridors, but as they did, Makoto noticed that they weren't all there.

"Wait, stop!!" Makoto shouted, as she stopped in her tracks. Only Yoshizawa and Reina Tanaka stopped, as the other girls continued to run away.

"What is it?" Yoshizawa asked.

"Niigaki...we left her behind!" Makoto said as she looked back down the corridors they had just come from.

"Mako-chan, she's probably already dead. Now come on let's keep going!!" Reina said. She then left Yoshizawa and Makoto and ran away.

"Yossi please, we can't leave her..." Makoto pleaded. Yoshizawa thought for a moment then nodded her head.

"Ok, come on! Let's go back!" Yoshizawa said bravely. The two girls then began to make their way back down the ship's corridors.

"What are we going to do, where are we going to go?!" Tsuji cried out.

"I don't know, just keep running!!" Kago shouted back. The pair had split up from the rest of the group. They ran into the ship's cafeteria and hid behind a snack bar.

"Come on! We have to make it to the bridge! We can call for help from there!" Matsuura said to Miki Fujimoto as the two began to head towards the front of the ship. They too had split up from the main group.

All over the ship, the H!P girls had split up, some into groups, and some went alone. But each headed to a different level, each heading to a different hiding spot.

"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!!" Konno thought as she hid in the ship's engine room. She was hid in a locker, her heart beating furiously. Reina, Michishige and Kamei all ran to the security room. They each grabbed a handgun, loaded it and found a hiding spot around the room. Takahashi and Koharu continued to run down the ship's corridors, as they didn't know where to go or what to do.

"We have to hide! If we stay out in the open, that...thing will find us!!" Takahashi shouted. She then ran into a room but Koharu continued on, tears streaming down her face as she cried and ran.

She then rounded another bend, quickly glancing behind her as she ran. Suddenly, she ran into something solid. She looked up and saw the creature standing in front of her. Koharu slowly backed away as the creature stared at her, hissing and growling. It then rushed at her. Koharu let out a loud scream, as the creature then grabbed her, leapt onto the corridor's ceiling and scurried away, with the still screaming Koharu in its arms.

End of chapter 2

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2005, 07:33:38 AM »
Chapter 3 - The Hunt

Takahashi cupped her ears as she heard Koharu's screams getting softer and softer. She then banged the table she was hiding behind.

"Damn! Why didn't she listen!!" Takahashi thought angrily. She did warn Koharu to hide but the girl just didn't listen.

Meanwhile, Yoshizawa and Makoto were back where they left Niigaki. They found her lying on the ground next to the two security guards.

"Oh no..." Makoto said softly. Just then, Niigaki let out a soft cough and moaned.

"She's alive!!" Yoshizawa shouted, Makoto quickly shushing her. The two girls then knelt down and helped Niigaki up.

"What happened Niigaki?!" Makoto asked.

"I don't know. He grabbed me then...I don't remember. Guess he just let go of me and disappeared..." Niigaki said, feeling a little dizzy. She rubbed her stomach, which was kind of sore.

"Let’s just get out of here and fast!" Yoshizawa said. The girls then began to walk away, supporting Niigaki on their shoulders.

"Wait! The guns...we'd better take them with us," Makoto said, as she noticed the security guards' submachine guns lying next to their bodies. Slowly, she reached down and tried to pick up the guns, when one of the security guard's hands then grabbed Makoto's wrist. Makoto let out a surprised yelp.

"Help me..." the guard said. Makoto stared at the guard, then nodded her head and helped him to his feet. Makoto then grabbed one of the guns from the other dead guard while the other security guard took his own. The four companions then began to walk down the corridors, as the security guard looked down at his fallen friend sadly.

"We're almost there!!" Matsuura said to Fujimoto, as the pair continued their way towards the ship's bridge. The two girls then reached the entrance way into the bridge.

"No!!" Fujimoto screamed as she saw that the control panel was ripped right off the wall. Now they couldn't get into the bridge. "What'll we do now?"

"I don't know Miki...I just don't know..." Matsuura said as she dropped to her knees in front of the sealed door.

The creature continued to scan the corridors of the space cruiser as it walked down them, searching for the other girls. It then sniffed the air, smelling the scent of food in the air. It looked up and a sign reading "Cafeteria" was above the door. It pushed its way through the doors and went inside.

"It's here..." Kago said softly as she looked at the door. The duo quickly ducked down and remained quiet. The creature looked around the room, then at the kitchen. The smell of meat was strong, as it made its way across the room towards the kitchen, the two girls remaining absolutely quiet as they ducked even lower. The creature then reached the kitchen, clawed at the refrigerator and a pile of meat fell out. The creature looked at the meat hungrily then began to devour the slabs of cold meat. Kago and Tsuji looked at the kitchen, then at the door.

"Come on, let's go." Kago whispered. The two began to crawl slowly towards the door, the creature still feasting on the meat. As Tsuji followed Kago, her stomach growled loudly. Kago looked back at Tsuji wide-eyed, as the creature then stopped eating. It raised its head and looked around the room. Kago waved Tsuji back. Tsuji obeyed and hid underneath the table, while Kago scurried on all fours towards the door. When Kago reached the door, she quickly stood up and switched off all the lights in the cafeteria. The creature saw her, let out a loud roar and ran towards Kago. Tsuji saw the creature coming and quickly pushed the table she was hiding under towards the creature. It slammed into the table and fell over, as Tsuji got up and then ran to the door. She and Kago then ran as fast as they could down the corridor.

The creature let out another loud angry roar and quickly got up. It stared at the cafeteria exit for a moment then back at the meat in the kitchen. It hissed once more then made its way back to the kitchen to continue eating.

"Great teamwork!" Kago shouted as she gave Tsuji a high-five. The two girls then continued to run down the corridors to the rear of the ship.

"Let's take her to the security room. It’s the safest place on the ship..." Yoshizawa said, as she and Makoto continued to help Niigaki walk. Makoto nodded in agreement. A few moments later, the girls reached the security room and went inside. Kamei, Tanaka and Michishige jumped out of their hiding places and aimed their guns at the three girls.

"Whoa! Wait, it's us!" Yoshizawa shouted as she held up her hand defensively. The security guard raised his submachine gun at Tanaka, and Makoto aimed her gun at Kamei.

"Go away! This is our hiding spot!" Michishige shouted. Yoshizawa let go of Niigaki and slowly walked towards Sayumi.

"Stop right there!" Michishige shouted, cocking her handgun. Yoshizawa stopped and glared at Sayumi. The room was filled with guns, as opposing sides aimed their guns at one another.

"What do you mean 'your' hiding spot?" Yoshizawa growled.

"Just what I said!" Michishige spat back.

"Now come on Sayumi...there’s more then enough room for all of us..." Tanaka said, her handgun shaking in her trembling hand as she aimed it at Makoto and Niigaki.

"No, get out right now! We got here first, so this is our hiding spot!" Michishige shouted. Yoshizawa didn't budge. Michishige growled, aimed her gun up at the ceiling and fired a shot off. The others girls jumped in surprise and fear. Yoshizawa still did not move.

"Sayumi...calm down. Let’s just let them stay here for now." Tanaka pleaded. Sayumi quickly turned her gun towards Tanaka.

"So you're with them then!" Sayumi shouted. "Drop your gun!" Sayumi ordered. Tanaka sighed and dropped her handgun to the ground. Yoshizawa then leapt at Sayumi and tackled her to the ground. She then ripped Sayumi's gun out of her hand and aimed it at Sayumi. Kamei quickly rushed in and held her gun against Yoshizawa's head.

"Get off of her!!" Kamei screamed. Yoshizawa's hand shook from rage as she continued to aim her gun at Sayumi as she pinned her down. Kamei had her gun aimed at Yoshizawa's head, while the security guard had his gun aimed at Kamei, and Yoshizawa had her gun aimed at was a deadly stand off.

Yoshizawa then dropped the gun, got off Sayumi and began to back away. Sayumi quickly grabbed her gun and the gun Tanaka dropped and aimed it back at both Yoshizawa and Tanaka.

"Yossi, come on. There're other places around the ship we can hide. This isn't the only place," Makoto said. Slowly, Yoshizawa began to back away from Sayumi, though she didn't break eye contact until she was out the door. Tanaka looked at Sayumi who was still aiming the gun at her, then at the door. She quickly ran out the door and tried to catch up to Yoshizawa and the others.

"Sayumi...what was that all about?" Kamei asked as she lowered her gun.

"Survival," Sayumi said as she lowered her guns.

"But they could have stayed here. We do stand a better chance if we stick together." Kamei said. Sayumi quickly aimed her guns at Kamei.

"Far as I'm concerned, it's everyone for themselves. I'll kill each and everyone one of you to save my own life!" Sayumi said, her guns still aimed at Kamei. "Now drop your gun and get out of here!"

Kamei looked sadly at Sayumi, dropped her gun, walked to the door and left. Sayumi quickly ran to the doors, locked them, backed away and sighed.

Kamei held herself as she looked around the empty corridors. She did not know where to go anymore or what to do. She then began to weep as she slowly walked down the dead quiet corridors. She then heard loud footsteps coming from behind her, so she quickly ducked into a room and looked back down the hall.

Sayumi heard noises coming from outside the security room door, as something then began to pound on the door. Sayumi backed away and held her two handguns up and aimed them at the door, as the pounding got louder and louder. Sayumi's hands began to tremble as she continued to aim her guns at the door. The metal doors then began to bend. Sayumi cocked both her guns back, as the doors burst open and the creature let out a loud roar as it stared at Sayumi. Sayumi screamed and began to fire her weapons at the quickly approaching creature. The creature then swung its sharp claws at Sayumi, and then, all was quiet.

Kamei looked down the hall, and then sadly shook her head as she knew Sayumi was now dead. She then quickly ducked back into the room she was at and hid in a small closet.

The creature stared down at Sayumi's dead body. It then exited the room and began to make its way down to the ship's power and engine room.

"Wait stop! Stop...please stop!" Niigaki cried out suddenly. The girls and the guard stopped and looked at Niigaki.

"What’s wrong?" the girls asked.

Niigaki held her stomach and continued to cry in pain. Her body began to shake violently and she also began to cough really hard and loudly. The girls screamed as they watched Niigaki begin to cough blood out. She then coughed out a large object. It hit the ground, as the girls stared at it. The object then began to shake. It cracked open and a small creature crawled out onto the ground, letting out small shrieks. Yoshizawa stared at it for a moment, then rushed forward and stomped on the creature over and over again, crushing and killing it. She then looked down at Niigaki. Niigaki's eyes remained open but she wasn't moving, a small pool of blood forming around her head.

"She's dead guys..." Yossi said. Makoto and Tanaka began to cry, as Yoshizawa leaned down and closed her friend’s eyes and said a small prayer for her. "Come on, we have to get out of here.” The girls then left their fallen comrade behind.

The creature had just reached the power and engine room. Konno began to tremble and breathe heavily as she saw the huge creature appear. She was still hiding in her locker, and Konno quickly cupped her hand over her mouth, as she was breathing quite loudly. The creature looked around the room, then at a power station. It growled then quickly rushed over to it and began to claw and tear it apart. The ship's lights began to flicker on and off as the girls all over the ship began to notice.

"What’s going on?" Fujimoto asked.

"I don't know..." Matsuura replied, as the two continued to look up at the flickering lights.

Just then, all the lights shut off, and the humming from the engines also stopped.

"Emergency power activated. Engines offline, power levels at 70% and dropping. Time till life support fails, 2 days/7 hours," an automated voice said.

Matsuura and Fujimoto quickly ran to the nearest window and stared out the space cruiser. Earth was still quite far away.

"No...We’ll never get home now!" Fujimoto cried, Matsuura thought for a moment.

"Wait! Down in the security room, there’s an emergency beacon. If we activate it, a rescue ship will come and get us," Matsuura said. Fujimoto nodded in agreement and the pair began to make their way back to the security room.

End of chapter 3

Offline Vikitty

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H!P space survival
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2005, 09:09:12 AM »
Third person POV = Good. Keep it up. It's a refreshing change from the self-insertion theme. ;)

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2005, 06:05:38 PM »
definately, Although with how little I appeared in my medieval fanfic I could have totally left myself out :D

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2005, 03:51:10 AM »
Chapter 4 - The Carrier

The creature had just finished clawing apart the ship's power source. It growled as saliva dripped from its mouth. Konno, her hands still cupped over her mouth, looked on, her heart beating furiously, her hands wet with cold sweat. The creature growled and hissed as it looked around the engine room, then it left. Konno let out a sigh of relief, but remained inside the locker.

Fujimoto and Matsuura continued towards the ship's security room, slowly creeping down each corridor, carefully surveying the entire area as they made their way to the security room.

"I can't believe this is happening Matsuura," Fujimoto whispered as she peeked around a corner of the corridor.

"I'm beginning to think we made a mistake, taking this space vacation on a skeleton crew ship. The ship's entirely automated, and we only have one doctor, and our small security force...I'm beginning to think we should have gone on a normal space cruiser instead of our luxurious personal space cruiser. There'd have been a lot more people and crew to help us," Matsuura said, and Fujimoto nodded in a agreement.

"That's what we get for being idols..." Fujimoto said sarcastically, as Matsuura chuckled.

"I wonder how the others are doing..." Matsuura said worridly. But just as she said that, Yoshizawa, Reina, Makoto and the security guard appeared, making their way down the hallway towards them.

"Look!" Fujimoto said as she pointed to the other girls. Matsuura nodded.

"Come on, let's go meet them," Matsuura said. Fujimoto nodded and the girls made their way towards the other girls.

"Matsuura, Fujimoto!" Yoshizawa said happily. Everyone then met up together and exchanged happy hugs and handshakes. Fujimoto then looked around at the group.

"Where are others?? Where are Tsuji, Kago, Koharu or Takahashi? And what about Eri and Sayumi?" Fujimoto asked.

"We haven't met up or seen any of the others. Sayumi and Eri remained at the security room. They claimed it was their hiding spot and kicked us out."

"The security room? That's where we were heading. There's an emergency beacon in that room. If we activate it, a rescue ship will come and save us," Matsuura said.

"Sayumi and Eri locked themselves in the security room, they won't let us in," Yossi said.

"We'll have to try. Where were you guys going?" Fujimoto asked.

"We were first going to the medical room. This security guard is pretty badly wounded. Then we were going to head to the bridge to call for help," Yossi explained.

"Don't bother. That...thing tore the control panel right out of the wall. There's no way inside..." Fujimoto said sadly.

"Damn...well either way, we'd better get going. We need to take care of the security guard. Farewell, be safe," Yossi said.

The two groups then separated ways, with Yossi's group heading down to the lower levels to get to the medical labs, while Matsuura and Fujimoto headed to the security room.

Tsuji and Kago continued to walk down the ship's corridors, holding hands and slowly and quietly walking.

"Aibon, where are we going to go? That creature could be anywhere..." Tsuji said softly.

"I don't know, but we have to find the others." Kago whispered back.

Takahashi thought she heard faint voices, so she quickly crawled out from under the desk she was hiding under and went to the door. The door opened and Tsuji and Kago let out a surprised squeak and jumped.

"Tsuji! Kago! You're alive!!" Takahashi said happily as she ran up to the girls and gave them a warm hug.

"Yes Ai-chan, we're alive...have you seen anyone else?" Kago asked. Takahashi shook her head sadly.

"I was with Koharu, but we split up. I warned her to hide but she remained in the corridors of the ship and that creature got her. I heard her scream, then it took her away..." Takahashi said. Kago placed a sympathetic hand on Takahashi's shoulders.

"It's not your fault. Now come on. Let's stick together." Kago said. The three girls then began to slowly walk down the corridors to the meeting room, located at the middle of the ship.

Konno was still in her locker, when she heard a loud clang. She held her breath and looked out the locker vent. A shuffling sound then slowly began to get louder, as something was obviously making its way towards Konno. She began to breath heavily as she looked around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. She then heard a girl cough. Konno then knew it wasn't the monster and she opened the locker and stepped out. Leaning against a wall was Koharu.

"Koharu!!" Konno said. Koharu looked up and saw Konno. She smiled and began to make her way towards Konno.

"What happened, where are the others?" Konno asked as she reunited with Koharu.

"I don't know, I haven't seen anyone else so far. You're the first..." Koharu said softly, as she then held her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Konno asked, but Koharu quickly shook her head.

"Nothing...Nothing's wrong. It's just...I haven't eaten in so long and I'm kind of weak and not feeling so good..." Koharu said quickly. Konno nodded.

"Well let's head to the cafeteria. There's always food prepared, for whenever we decide to wake up," Konno said. She and Koharu then made their way to the cafeteria.

The creature watched from the ceiling of the dark engine room, its red eyes glowing as it stared down at Konno. It bared its fangs and got ready to pounce on her. Then it saw Koharu standing next to Konno. It hissed and remained on the ceiling, watching as the girls walked out of the engine room. The creature then yawned, growling as it did, jumped down from the ceiling and laid down, falling asleep, conserving its energy for later.

Konno and Koharu continued to make their way to the front of the ship, scanning each room along the way, searching for the other girls. Koharu then stopped and held her stomach once again and let out a small yelp.

"What's wrong?" Konno asked as she rushed up to Koharu.

"Nothing, nothing Konno..." Koharu said as she stood up. Konno looked at Koharu questioningly then continued down to search for the other girls.

"Oh my..." Fujimoto said as she looked at the destroyed doors of the security room.

"It's already been here..." Matsuura said softly.

"What if it's still around here??" Fujimoto asked. Matsuura shook her head and continued to looked around the area carefully.

"We have to go in's the only way we can call for help," Matsuura said. Fujimoto nodded and the two began to carefully make their way towards the door. When they got there, the girls carefully and slowly placed their backs against the wall. Matsuura quickly peered into the room. She then gasped, brought her head back and cupped her hands over her mouth as she started to breath heavily.

"What!? ...what!?" Fujimoto asked. Matsuura then knelt down and began to cry, as Fujimoto then looked into the room as well.

"Oh no..." Fujimoto said sadly, as she saw Sayumi's dead body lying on the ground. She then knelt beside Matsuura and placed her hands on her shoulders and helped her to her feet. "Come on Matsuura, we have to go in..."

"I don't think I can..." Matsuura said quickly. Fujimoto then lead Matsuura into the room, hands still on her shoulders.

"Don't look at her. Let's just find that beacon device, activate it and get out of here." Fujimoto said, she then let go of Matsuura and began to look around the room. Matsuura tried her best to not look at Sayumi, but it didn't help. She then looked down at Sayumi and felt sick, as she then saw the two handguns still in her hands. She leaned down and picked up one of the guns and slid it into her pocket. Fujimoto continued to look around the room for the beacon.

"Where is it!?" Fujimoto shouted as she pounded her fists against the wall, her patience wearing thin as desperation began to set in. Matsuura then looked to the rear of the room, a box with big yellow writing on it was there. "Emergency Beacon!" was written above the red box.

"Fujimoto...Fujimoto..." Matsuura said softly.

"What!!" Fujimoto said loudly, as she turned to Matsuura, Matsuura pointed to something at the back of the room. Fujimoto turned around, saw the box, and began to turn red from embarrasment. "Sorry Matsuura..."

She then made her way over, opened the box and switched on the beacon. A small red light began to flash, 'Emergancy beacon activated," a small screen read.

"Ok it's done, now let's get out of here," Fujimoto said. She then passed the weapons locker. She stopped, made her way to the locker and looked inside. Handguns, two shotguns, three submachine guns, and some grenades were inside. Fujimoto grabbed a submachine gun and a handgun, then grabbed another handgun and held it out to Matsuura. Matsuura shook her head and pulled out the handgun she picked up earlier. Fujimoto nodded her head and put the gun back, she then looked down at the box of grenades. She took two and placed them in her pocket. She and Matsuura then left the room and headed down to the medical labs to meet up with the other girls.

"What's happening to me?" Koharu thought, as she tried her best to cover up the pain she felt inside her stomach.

She and Konno then looked inside another room for any sign of the other girls, Koharu holding her stomach whenever Konno wasn't looking and breathing heavily. Tsuji, Kago and Takahashi then rounded a corner and saw Koharu standing outside a doorway alone.

"Koharu!?" Takahashi said, surprised to see her still alive. Koharu turned her head, saw the other girls and waved. Konno then came out of the room, saw the girls, waved happily and began to run over to the others, but Koharu stayed by the doorway.

"Tsuji! Kago! Takahashi!" Konno said as she hugged each girl happily, As she hugged Takahashi, Takahahshi quickly whispered into Konno's ear.

"Where did you find her?" Takahashi whispered as she hugged Konno, Konno pulled away from Takahashi and looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?" Konno asked. "She was in the ship's engine room where I was hiding." Konno backed away from Takahashi.

"It can't be...she got caught by that took her away..." Takahashi said. Konno quickly looked back at Koharu.

"Is that true?" Konno asked.

"Well, I did get caught but then it...I don't really remember, but it let me go. It didn't kill me," Koharu said quickly.

"Konno, come back to us...quickly!!" Takahashi said, waving Konno over to her and the other girls. Konno looked at Takahashi, then at Koharu and back again.

"No..Konno, please don't leave me. come to me..." Koharu said, waving Konno over desperately.

"What's going on Ai-chan!?" Konno shouted as she stared at Takahashi, confusion in her eyes.

"Konno...Koharu was captured by that creature. There must be a reason it didn't kill her. Now come back to us!" Takahashi screamed, Konno shook her head, as she was utterly confused.

"Konno, don't leave me!!" Koharu cried. Konno looked at Koharu sadly, then at Takahashi. She then made her way toward Takahashi and the others. Koharu dropped to her knees and began to weep.

"You made the right choice Konno..." Takahashi said as Konno reached the other girls. They all then looked at Koharu, as her body then began to tremble. The others backed away quickly. Koharu then fell on her side, holding her stomach and continuing to tremble and shaking.

"What's happening!?!" Konno screamed as she watched Koharu continue to shake. Koharu then began to cough loudly and violently. White foam escaping from her mouth with each cough. The other girls screamed in horror as she then began to cough blood. Her throat began to expand as she contined to cough and choke. Koharu then began to gasp for air as something began to make its way up her throat, blocking her air passage. Koharu then coughed one last time and a large round object fell out of her mouth and rolled along the ground. The girls looked down at the object for a moment, and the object began to tremble as well. It then cracked open and a small creature slithered out, emitting small shrieks as it moved around on the ground. All the girls screamed and ran away, leaving Koharu's dead body and the small creature in the corridor.

End of chapter 4

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2005, 03:51:27 AM »
Chapter 4 - The Carrier

The creature had just finished clawing apart the ship's power source. It growled as saliva dripped from its mouth. Konno, her hands still cupped over her mouth, looked on, her heart beating furiously, her hands wet with cold sweat. The creature growled and hissed as it looked around the engine room, then it left. Konno let out a sigh of relief, but remained inside the locker.

Fujimoto and Matsuura continued towards the ship's security room, slowly creeping down each corridor, carefully surveying the entire area as they made their way to the security room.

"I can't believe this is happening Matsuura," Fujimoto whispered as she peeked around a corner of the corridor.

"I'm beginning to think we made a mistake, taking this space vacation on a skeleton crew ship. The ship's entirely automated, and we only have one doctor, and our small security force...I'm beginning to think we should have gone on a normal space cruiser instead of our luxurious personal space cruiser. There'd have been a lot more people and crew to help us," Matsuura said, and Fujimoto nodded in a agreement.

"That's what we get for being idols..." Fujimoto said sarcastically, as Matsuura chuckled.

"I wonder how the others are doing..." Matsuura said worridly. But just as she said that, Yoshizawa, Reina, Makoto and the security guard appeared, making their way down the hallway towards them.

"Look!" Fujimoto said as she pointed to the other girls. Matsuura nodded.

"Come on, let's go meet them," Matsuura said. Fujimoto nodded and the girls made their way towards the other girls.

"Matsuura, Fujimoto!" Yoshizawa said happily. Everyone then met up together and exchanged happy hugs and handshakes. Fujimoto then looked around at the group.

"Where are others?? Where are Tsuji, Kago, Koharu or Takahashi? And what about Eri and Sayumi?" Fujimoto asked.

"We haven't met up or seen any of the others. Sayumi and Eri remained at the security room. They claimed it was their hiding spot and kicked us out."

"The security room? That's where we were heading. There's an emergency beacon in that room. If we activate it, a rescue ship will come and save us," Matsuura said.

"Sayumi and Eri locked themselves in the security room, they won't let us in," Yossi said.

"We'll have to try. Where were you guys going?" Fujimoto asked.

"We were first going to the medical room. This security guard is pretty badly wounded. Then we were going to head to the bridge to call for help," Yossi explained.

"Don't bother. That...thing tore the control panel right out of the wall. There's no way inside..." Fujimoto said sadly.

"Damn...well either way, we'd better get going. We need to take care of the security guard. Farewell, be safe," Yossi said.

The two groups then separated ways, with Yossi's group heading down to the lower levels to get to the medical labs, while Matsuura and Fujimoto headed to the security room.

Tsuji and Kago continued to walk down the ship's corridors, holding hands and slowly and quietly walking.

"Aibon, where are we going to go? That creature could be anywhere..." Tsuji said softly.

"I don't know, but we have to find the others." Kago whispered back.

Takahashi thought she heard faint voices, so she quickly crawled out from under the desk she was hiding under and went to the door. The door opened and Tsuji and Kago let out a surprised squeak and jumped.

"Tsuji! Kago! You're alive!!" Takahashi said happily as she ran up to the girls and gave them a warm hug.

"Yes Ai-chan, we're alive...have you seen anyone else?" Kago asked. Takahashi shook her head sadly.

"I was with Koharu, but we split up. I warned her to hide but she remained in the corridors of the ship and that creature got her. I heard her scream, then it took her away..." Takahashi said. Kago placed a sympathetic hand on Takahashi's shoulders.

"It's not your fault. Now come on. Let's stick together." Kago said. The three girls then began to slowly walk down the corridors to the meeting room, located at the middle of the ship.

Konno was still in her locker, when she heard a loud clang. She held her breath and looked out the locker vent. A shuffling sound then slowly began to get louder, as something was obviously making its way towards Konno. She began to breath heavily as she looked around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. She then heard a girl cough. Konno then knew it wasn't the monster and she opened the locker and stepped out. Leaning against a wall was Koharu.

"Koharu!!" Konno said. Koharu looked up and saw Konno. She smiled and began to make her way towards Konno.

"What happened, where are the others?" Konno asked as she reunited with Koharu.

"I don't know, I haven't seen anyone else so far. You're the first..." Koharu said softly, as she then held her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Konno asked, but Koharu quickly shook her head.

"Nothing...Nothing's wrong. It's just...I haven't eaten in so long and I'm kind of weak and not feeling so good..." Koharu said quickly. Konno nodded.

"Well let's head to the cafeteria. There's always food prepared, for whenever we decide to wake up," Konno said. She and Koharu then made their way to the cafeteria.

The creature watched from the ceiling of the dark engine room, its red eyes glowing as it stared down at Konno. It bared its fangs and got ready to pounce on her. Then it saw Koharu standing next to Konno. It hissed and remained on the ceiling, watching as the girls walked out of the engine room. The creature then yawned, growling as it did, jumped down from the ceiling and laid down, falling asleep, conserving its energy for later.

Konno and Koharu continued to make their way to the front of the ship, scanning each room along the way, searching for the other girls. Koharu then stopped and held her stomach once again and let out a small yelp.

"What's wrong?" Konno asked as she rushed up to Koharu.

"Nothing, nothing Konno..." Koharu said as she stood up. Konno looked at Koharu questioningly then continued down to search for the other girls.

"Oh my..." Fujimoto said as she looked at the destroyed doors of the security room.

"It's already been here..." Matsuura said softly.

"What if it's still around here??" Fujimoto asked. Matsuura shook her head and continued to looked around the area carefully.

"We have to go in's the only way we can call for help," Matsuura said. Fujimoto nodded and the two began to carefully make their way towards the door. When they got there, the girls carefully and slowly placed their backs against the wall. Matsuura quickly peered into the room. She then gasped, brought her head back and cupped her hands over her mouth as she started to breath heavily.

"What!? ...what!?" Fujimoto asked. Matsuura then knelt down and began to cry, as Fujimoto then looked into the room as well.

"Oh no..." Fujimoto said sadly, as she saw Sayumi's dead body lying on the ground. She then knelt beside Matsuura and placed her hands on her shoulders and helped her to her feet. "Come on Matsuura, we have to go in..."

"I don't think I can..." Matsuura said quickly. Fujimoto then lead Matsuura into the room, hands still on her shoulders.

"Don't look at her. Let's just find that beacon device, activate it and get out of here." Fujimoto said, she then let go of Matsuura and began to look around the room. Matsuura tried her best to not look at Sayumi, but it didn't help. She then looked down at Sayumi and felt sick, as she then saw the two handguns still in her hands. She leaned down and picked up one of the guns and slid it into her pocket. Fujimoto continued to look around the room for the beacon.

"Where is it!?" Fujimoto shouted as she pounded her fists against the wall, her patience wearing thin as desperation began to set in. Matsuura then looked to the rear of the room, a box with big yellow writing on it was there. "Emergency Beacon!" was written above the red box.

"Fujimoto...Fujimoto..." Matsuura said softly.

"What!!" Fujimoto said loudly, as she turned to Matsuura, Matsuura pointed to something at the back of the room. Fujimoto turned around, saw the box, and began to turn red from embarrasment. "Sorry Matsuura..."

She then made her way over, opened the box and switched on the beacon. A small red light began to flash, 'Emergancy beacon activated," a small screen read.

"Ok it's done, now let's get out of here," Fujimoto said. She then passed the weapons locker. She stopped, made her way to the locker and looked inside. Handguns, two shotguns, three submachine guns, and some grenades were inside. Fujimoto grabbed a submachine gun and a handgun, then grabbed another handgun and held it out to Matsuura. Matsuura shook her head and pulled out the handgun she picked up earlier. Fujimoto nodded her head and put the gun back, she then looked down at the box of grenades. She took two and placed them in her pocket. She and Matsuura then left the room and headed down to the medical labs to meet up with the other girls.

"What's happening to me?" Koharu thought, as she tried her best to cover up the pain she felt inside her stomach.

She and Konno then looked inside another room for any sign of the other girls, Koharu holding her stomach whenever Konno wasn't looking and breathing heavily. Tsuji, Kago and Takahashi then rounded a corner and saw Koharu standing outside a doorway alone.

"Koharu!?" Takahashi said, surprised to see her still alive. Koharu turned her head, saw the other girls and waved. Konno then came out of the room, saw the girls, waved happily and began to run over to the others, but Koharu stayed by the doorway.

"Tsuji! Kago! Takahashi!" Konno said as she hugged each girl happily, As she hugged Takahashi, Takahahshi quickly whispered into Konno's ear.

"Where did you find her?" Takahashi whispered as she hugged Konno, Konno pulled away from Takahashi and looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?" Konno asked. "She was in the ship's engine room where I was hiding." Konno backed away from Takahashi.

"It can't be...she got caught by that took her away..." Takahashi said. Konno quickly looked back at Koharu.

"Is that true?" Konno asked.

"Well, I did get caught but then it...I don't really remember, but it let me go. It didn't kill me," Koharu said quickly.

"Konno, come back to us...quickly!!" Takahashi said, waving Konno over to her and the other girls. Konno looked at Takahashi, then at Koharu and back again.

"No..Konno, please don't leave me. come to me..." Koharu said, waving Konno over desperately.

"What's going on Ai-chan!?" Konno shouted as she stared at Takahashi, confusion in her eyes.

"Konno...Koharu was captured by that creature. There must be a reason it didn't kill her. Now come back to us!" Takahashi screamed, Konno shook her head, as she was utterly confused.

"Konno, don't leave me!!" Koharu cried. Konno looked at Koharu sadly, then at Takahashi. She then made her way toward Takahashi and the others. Koharu dropped to her knees and began to weep.

"You made the right choice Konno..." Takahashi said as Konno reached the other girls. They all then looked at Koharu, as her body then began to tremble. The others backed away quickly. Koharu then fell on her side, holding her stomach and continuing to tremble and shaking.

"What's happening!?!" Konno screamed as she watched Koharu continue to shake. Koharu then began to cough loudly and violently. White foam escaping from her mouth with each cough. The other girls screamed in horror as she then began to cough blood. Her throat began to expand as she contined to cough and choke. Koharu then began to gasp for air as something began to make its way up her throat, blocking her air passage. Koharu then coughed one last time and a large round object fell out of her mouth and rolled along the ground. The girls looked down at the object for a moment, and the object began to tremble as well. It then cracked open and a small creature slithered out, emitting small shrieks as it moved around on the ground. All the girls screamed and ran away, leaving Koharu's dead body and the small creature in the corridor.

End of chapter 4

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2005, 03:52:18 AM »
Chapter 5 - Trust...

"What was's the others!!" Eri thought as she heard the screams outside the room she was hiding in. She then climbed out of her hiding spot and burst into the ship's corridors and ran towards the screams. Konno, Takahashi, Tsuji and Kago then sped past her and kept running to the front of the ship.

"Wait, please wait!!" Eri screamed as she began to chase after the others.

One of the creature's red eyes quickly shot open, as it too heard the girls screaming. It then quickly got up, leapt onto the ceiling and began to crawl towards the screams.

"What was that?" Fujimoto asked as she and Matsuura were making their way towards the medical labs in the lower levels.

"It sounds like the other girls...quickly, they may be in trouble!" Matsuura said. She then grabbed her gun out of her pocket and began to run towards the screams, with Fujimoto following behind her.

Takahashi, Konno, Tsuji and Kago then stopped, gasping for air. Eri then caught up with the others.

"Eri, you made it!" Tsuji said. Eri nodded as she tried to catch her breath as well. A few moments later, Fujimoto and Matsuura appeared.

"You all made it!" Fujimoto said happily. Everyone nodded.

"Come on, let's regroup. Yoshizawa and a few others are down in the medical labs." Mastuura said. Everyone then began to make their way down to the lower levels to the medical labs.

Yoshizawa was wrapping bandages around the wounded guard. Three large but not life-threatening scrapes were across his stomach and down his side.

"What's your name?" Yossi asked as she tightened the bandage around the guard's midsection. The guard clenched his teeth together in pain.

"My name name is Brad, Brad Holmes. Sergent Holmes of the H!P security forces, at your service," Brad said, as he saluted the girls.

"Well it certainly feels a little more safe with you around," Yossi said with a smile, as she finished wrapping the bandages and securing them.

"Thanks...but it doesn't seem like we've been of much help..." Brad said as he looked down at his fellow security guards sprawled out all over the medical room floor. Earlier, the girls had covered all their bodies with white sheets upon entering the room.

"Well you're all patched up. Let's get out of here." Yossi said as she helped the guard to his feet. The other girls and Brad then exited the room.

The creature had just reached the spot where Koharu had died. It stared down at Koharu's dead body then dropped from the roof. The smaller creature crawled towards the bigger creature and began to shriek. The bigger creature knelt down and the smaller creature crawled up its arm, then attached itself to the bigger creature's back and seemed to meld into the bigger creature's body. The bigger creature then began to roar and shriek loudly as it began to transform and become even larger, as a large tail came out of it. Its hands got bigger, its claws longer, and its skin began to harden and grow coarser and darker to a deep black color. It now stood 8 and a half feet tall, had a long spiked tail, longer sharper claws, darker harder skin, and more sharp teeth and fangs.

The other girls turned around in fear as they heard a loud roar behind them.

"Come on, move move move!!" Fujimoto screamed. All the girls then began to run the rest of the way.

"Did you hear that...?" Yoshizawa asked. Ogawa, Reina and Brad the security guard stopped. Brad loaded his gun and cocked it back, while Ogawa and Reina looked around in fear. They then heard footsteps fast approaching. Ogawa and Brad aimed their guns down the corridor as the other girls then rounded the corner.

"Whoa wait, don't shoot!" Takahashi screamed. Ogawa and Brad then lowered their guns. Everyone then met up in the middle of the corridor.

"So good to see everyone here and alive!" Eri said happily, Takahashi then stopped and remembered what happened to Koharu. Takahashi then backed away from everyone else.

"What's wrong?" Yoshizawa asked curiously.

"You guys could be infected. I haven't seen any of you for hours..." Takahashi said as she looked at everyone. Everyone else then began to look at the person standing next to them, and slowly began to back away from each other.

"What do you mean 'infected'?" Eri asked.

"While Koharu and I were running down the corridors I told Koharu to hide. I hid but Koharu remained in the corridors. The creature then captured her and took her away. Tsuji, Kago and I then ran into Koharu and Konno. Konno said she met up with Koharu down in the engine room and that she was still alive. And right away I knew something was wrong...and I was right. She was infected with something. She coughed up a large object and looked like some kind of egg," Takakashi said as she stared at everyone else wide-eyed.

"Mmm...I've seen that for myself as well. It happened to Risa. When we left her behind, that creature must have captured her, infected her and let her go...that's why she was still alive when we reached her." Yoshizawa said slowly. She then looked at the other girls and began to back away.

"We're not infected...we've been together all this time. We can vouch for one another." Tsuji and Kago said.

"We haven't either. We activated the ship's beacon, then made our way back to you guys." Fujimoto and Matsuura said.

"And we've all been together in one big group the whole time." Yoshizawa said as she stood next to Tanaka, Ogawa and Brad.

Everyone's gaze then turned to Takahashi, Konno and Eri Kamei, the only girls who were alone the entire time.

" I'm not infected..." Konno said softly, her voice trembling.

"Me neither...I've...I'm...believe me I'm not!" Takahashi said.

"I'm not either. I...please believe me, I am not infected." Eri cried.

"I don't know who to trust..." Yoshizawa said as she and her group began to back away. Tsuji and Kago began to back away as well, same with Fujmoto and Matsuura, everyone looking at each other suspiciously.

"It could be any one of you...we're leaving!" Fujimoto said as she drew her handgun and pointed it at the others. She and Matsuura then began to walk away from the others. Yoshizawa's group also turned around and left, Tsuji and Kago looked at Konno, Takahashi and Eri one last time, as the duo then began to walk away as well.

"Wait, Tsuji...Kago, don't leave me!!" Eri cried as she grabbed Tsuji and Kago's shirts. The pair then pulled away from Eri and kept walking, not even turning around.

"I'm out of here." Takahashi said as she left Konno and Eri alone and began to run down the ship's corridors.

"Konno, please...please stay with me!" Eri cried. Konno became afraid of Eri and ran away.

"No!! Please come back!!" Eri cried as she watched Konno, the last girl, run away and leave her alone. "Come back..." Eri said as she dropped to her knees and began to sob loudly. "I don't want to be alone..." Eri cried softly.

Eri then heard loud growling above her. Her breath began to come out in terrified sighs, as her eyes slowly looked to the ceiling. There she saw the creature. It let out a deafening roar and dropped down onto Eri, as Eri screamed loudly.

"What was that?!" Fujimoto shouted as she pointed her guns down the ship's corridor.

"The creature..." Yoshizawa said softly, as Eri screamed one more time loudly, then all was quiet.

Tsuji and Kago turned around quickly after hearing the creature's roar and Eri's screams.

"Kamei-chan..." Tsuji said sadly.

End of chapter 5

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2005, 06:26:17 AM »
Chapter 6 -

"Where do we go?! Where do we go now?!" Fujimoto shouted as she and Matsuura walked backwards, pointing their guns down the corridor where they heard the creature roar and Eri scream.

"I don't know...let's go back and hide in the H!P sleep chambers," Matsuura said, as Fujimoto nodded in agreement. The two then broke into a run towards the H!P sleeping chamber.

"Poor Eri...she obviously wasn't infected before. We should have let her come with us..." Tsuji said sadly. Aibon nodded slowly in a agreement.

"Nothing we can do now. Let's just go back to the cafeteria and hide...getting kind of hungry as well," Kago said. Tsuji nodded as her stomach growled loudly. The duo then made their way back to the cafeteria.

Takahashi continued on her own, down the ship's winding corridors. Her heart beat furiously as she was both alone and unarmed.

"What am I going to do? I hate being alone!!" Takahashi thought as she continued her way down the corridors. "Wait...the security room is around here. I'd better head there." Takahashi then made her way to the security room.

"How long till we can expect rescue?" Yoshizawa asked.

"With us being this far from Earth with no least a day and a half...if we're lucky..." Brad replied.

"Damn...well let's just find a place to rest for a few hours," Yoshizawa said, and her entire group nodded in agreement.

Takahashi had just reached the security room doors. "Oh my god..." Takahashi said as she stared at the destroyed doors. "That thing is so powerful..." Takahashi then slowly made her way inside, but what she saw shocked her.

"Sayumi!!" Takahashi screamed, seeing Sayumi lying dead on the floor. She then walked up to her, knelt down and looked down at her sadly. "Sayumi..."

Looking at her, she noticed something. "What the...she hasn't been infected. That thing killed her...why?" Takahashi asked herself. "Why would that thing infect certain girls and not Sayumi?" Takahashi then saw the gun in Sayumi's hand.

"The gun! She was were all the security guards. That's why it killed her and the guards, and didn't infect them." Takahashi thought. "Matsuura...Fujimoto, they both had guns!" Takahashi thought worridly. "Got to warn them." Takahashi then burst out of the room and tried to find the other girls.

"We're there!" Matsuura shouted happily as she saw the entrance to the H!P's sleeping chambers. "We can lock ourselves in here and we'll be safe." Fujimoto nodded in agreement and the duo made their way inside, closed the door and locked it.

"Where could they be?" Takahashi thought worridly, running through the corridors, looking for Fujimoto and Matsuura. A few minutes later, she passed the sleeping chamber, looked in and saw Matsuura and Fujimoto sitting against a wall.

"Open up!!" Takahashi screamed while pounding on the door. Matsuura and Fujimoto both drew their guns and pointed them at the door.

"Who is it?" Fujimoto asked Matsuura, Matsuura shook her head.

"I don't know, better check it out," Matsuura said. Fujimoto then slowly made her way to the door, looked out the small window and saw Takahashi pounding on the door. "It's Takahashi, what should we do...?" Fujimoto asked.

"Don't let her in, we can't trust her," Matsuura quickly replied, Fujimoto looked at the door, then at Matsuura and nodded. She then backed away from the door.

"Let me in! I need to tell you something important!!" Takahashi screamed, still pounding hard on the door.

The creature watched from the ceiling of the H!P sleeping chamber room, growling softly as it looked down at Matsuura and Fujimoto.

"Matsuura...let's just let her in..." Fujimoto said softly. "She's all alone out there."

"No! With her screaming like that, that creature will surely come soon and kill her. Don't you see she's attracting it here. If we let her in, that thing could come in also, keep the door locked," Matsuura replied. Fujimoto nodded and sat back down, closed her eyes and covered her ears, not able to listen to Takahashi's pounding or screams anymore.

"Takahashi, go away!!" Matsuura screamed. "You'll bring that thing here with your loud pounding and screaming!!" The creature's long tail then began to slowly desend from the ceiling, behind Matsuura. Fujimoto opened her eyes and gasped in horror. Matsuura gasped as well as she felt something begin to wrap around her waist. She looked down and a big black tail was curling around her waist. It then quickly and violently pulled Matsuura up towards the ceiling, Matsuura letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

"No! NO!!" Fujimoto screamed as she began firing up at the dark ceiling. Takahashi ducked down after hearing the first few gunshots.

"I'm too late..." Takahashi thought. She then began to crawl quickly away from the room, down the corridors.

"Matsuura, where are you!?" Fujimoto screamed as she looked up at the ceiling, searching for her friend and the creature. Her eyes scanned all around the dark ceiling. Matsuura then dropped from the ceiling, and hit the ground. Two bullet holes were visible on her chest.

"Matsuura!!" Fujimoto screamed. The creature then dropped from the ceiling as well. It stood up straight and roared loudly at Fujimoto. Fujimoto quickly aimed her gun at the creature and began to fire rapidly. Bullets hit the creature as it growled and glared angrily at Fujimoto. Then her gun was empty. Fujimoto dropped the gun and began to slowly back away, breathing heavily, her heart beating furiously. Her back then pressed against a wall. The creature looked down at Fujimoto, growled and raised its large sharp claws. Fujimoto screamed one last time, as the creature brought its claws down upon her. All was then quiet, as the two girls were dead.

"Damn!" Takahashi thought, as she pounded her fist against the ship's walls. She was too late to warn Fujimoto and Matsuura. "Wait...Yossi and her group had guns as well. I have to tell them!" Takahashi then made her way to where she last saw Yossi lead her group. But she heard the creature leave the room, so she quickly ducked down in the dark corridors and hid as the creature crawled along the ceiling to where Takahashi was heading.

"Can't go that way..." Takahashi thought. She then looked back and headed in the other direction, but she stopped when she passed the sleeping chambers and went in. She then looked down at Fujimoto and Matsuura.

"Sorry girls...I should have been faster..." Takahashi said sadly as she knelt beside Fujimoto. A grenade rolled out of Fujimoto's pocket. Takahashi looked at it then picked it up. She then searched Fujimoto's pockets and found the other one and took it.

"These might come in handy later," Takahashi thought as she stuffed them into her pocket and left the room. Takahashi began to feel weak. She had been running all over the ship and was tired out. "Better find a safe place to sleep." Takahashi then went to the back of the dark room and curled up underneath a table at the back and fell asleep.

"Get some sleep girls. I'll keep watch," Brad said. The girls nodded and spread out all over the room they had ducked into to. All the girls then closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Tsuji and Kago had just finished eating plate after plate of delicious food in the cafeteria.

"Well I'm stuffed, but I'm..." Tsuji said as she let out a long loud yawn. "Pretty tuckered out...let's get some sleep." Kago nodded and the duo cuddled up together at the back of the kitchen.

"Lt. Charles, come in Lt. Charles!" a voice over a radio said.

"Lt. Charles here!" Lt. Adam Charles of Tokyo's H!P security forces said.

"We've got a distress signal coming from Morning Musume's space cruiser. They are at an all-stop just passed Jupiter. We tried to contact them but there was no response. Since you're at Mars, you're the closest ship near them. I'd like you to take your team and head down there. We're preparing a rescue mission but it'll take us a few hours just to get ready for launch," the voice said.

"Alright, understood," came the reply.

"What was that all about?" Sgt. Andrea asked as she entered the bridge of one of H!P's security ships orbiting Mars.

"We have a distress signal coming from Morning Musume's space cruiser. They are at a dead stop just passed Jupiter and aren't answering any hails," Lt. Charles said. Sgt. Andrea looked worried.

"Ready the men! We leave immediately on a rescue mission!" Lt. Charles said as he strapped himself into the pilot's chair and pushed some buttons on the control panel.

"Very good sir!" Sgt. Andrea said with a smile, as their space ship then began to make its way towards Morning Musume's space cruiser.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

  • N.L.N.L (Nono Lover No Longer)
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H!P space survival
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2005, 06:08:21 PM »
Chapter 7 - It has to be done...

"What was that?!" Tsuji squeaked out, after having been jolted awake by a loud clang outside in the cafeteria.

"I don't know...just hide," Kago whispered. The duo then split up and hid in the kitchen, trying to get a view of what was in there with them. Nono then saw the shadow of a person entering the kitchen, then Konno appeared.

"Konno?" Tsuji said quietly, she then came out of her hiding place.

"Tsuji!!" Konno shouted happily, Kago quickly jumped up and shushed her. "Kago!" Konno said alittle quieter.

"Wait...she could be infected." Kago warned and began to back away, Nono remained where she was.

"Nono please!, I'm not infected...please believe me." Konno said as she looked into Nono's eyes. Nono looked back into Konno's eyes as well.

"Aibon...she's not infected," Tsuji said. She then pulled Konno next to her and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "She stays with us from now on."

", how can you be certain?" Kago asked, keeping a distance between her and Konno and Tsuji.

"Trust me Aibon, I know," Tsuji said confidently. Kago thought for a moment then nodded her head.

"Very well, she stays with us then," Kago said. She then walked over to Konno and Tsuji and hugged them both.

"Thank you both so much!" Konno said happily.

"Let's just try and get some more rest. We'll need our energy later," Tsuji said. The others nodded and they all went back to sleep.

A few hours later, Yoshizawa's group began to stir from their slumber.

"How long have we been out?" Yossi said as she sat up. Brad had loyally remained awake, keeping watch like he said.

"About five hours" Brad replied.

"So sorry about keeping you up. You'd better get some sleep now." Yossi said as she stood up and placed a hand on Brad's shoulder.

"No thanks, I don't sleep."

"What do you mean you don't sleep?" Yossi asked.

"Insomnia...side effect from remaining in suspended animation for long periods of time. Mine is near permanent."

"Oh dear..." Yossi said. "How do you carry on then?"

"You learn to. I've been employed by H!P for many years now. Whenever you girls go on a cruise or a vacation, we go into suspended animation and wait to be awakened. When you girls are done with your vacation or cruise, we come out of suspended animation and go back home, waiting to be called back to work. It's a job like any other," Brad said.

Yossi began to feel a little guilty. She had such a good life...wealth, fame, and a good career, that she forgot about the other working men and women with jobs such as Brad's.

"So, you knew this would happen?" Yossi asked.

"Yes, they warned and explained it to us. But when you need money to live with, a job is a job. Can't complain with the pay either," Brad said.

"Sorry to hear that..." Yossi said.

"Going into suspended animation is the closest thing we get to sleep," Brad said with a smile.

"Well we'd better get going then," Yossi said. She and the others then left the room they were sleeping in and began to walk down the ship's corridors. Just then, Eri came stumbling down the corridors, holding her stomach and crying in pain.

"Eri!!" Reina Tanaka shouted and broke into a run towards Eri.

"Reina! wait!!" Yossi shouted, as she and the others quickly broke into a run to catch up with Reina.

Eri then collapsed to the ground, continuing to cry. Reina reached Eri and quickly knelt down.

"She's infected, Tanaka!!" Yoshizawa shouted, but Reina didn't listen. Instead, she slowly pulled up Eri's shirt and looked down at her exposed stomach. Something was moving around inside her.

"We have to help her!!" Reina screamed. The others looked at each other but didn't do anything. "Do something!!"

Yossi then grabbed Brad's sidearm pistol and held it out to Reina. Reina looked at the gun, then at Yoshizawa.

"End her suffering, that's all we can do to help her..." Yossi said. Reina looked down at the ground, then slowly nodded her head. She then took the gun and slowly cocked it back. The others turned around, as a sign of respect.

The creature inside Eri then began to slowly make its way up towards Eri's chest. Eri continued to cry, as some blood began to trickle out of her mouth. Reina picked up her friend and held her close to her, as she looked down at the creature inside her crawling upwards.

"Please Tanaka-chan, do it..." Eri said softly, her body shaking. A loud crack was then heard inside Eri's chest as the creature had made it into Eri's chest and continued upwards, as Eri let out a small scream.

"Forgive me..." Tanaka said. She then pressed the gun against Eri's chest, where the creature was and began to rapidly pull the trigger. Five loud gunshots echoed throughout the entire ship, waking the others and alerting the creature.

Reina let out an enraged and emotional scream as she pulled the trigger one last time, as her gun then was empty. Eri's body then slumped forward and fell against Reina. Reina began to cry as she let go of the gun and held her dead friend. The others turned around and looked down at the two sadly.

"You did the right thing Tanaka.." Yossi said. Reina looked tearfully back at Yossi, then at Eri and continued to hold her close. Two of Reina's tears trickled from her eyes and landed on Eri's cheeks and slowly ran down her face.

"Come on, we have to keep going..." Yossi said. Reina sighed sadly and nodded her head. She then carefully and slowly lowered her friend to the ground, as she then stood up.

"I'm ready..." Reina said softly. As the others then continued to walk away, Reina looked back once more at her friend, then quickly joined the others.

"What the heck was that!?" Kago shouted after being rudely awoken by the loud gunshots.

"I don't know...but it didn't sound good..." Tsuji said, her voice trembling.

"Well...what are we going to do now?" Konno asked worridly.

"Let's just stay here for a few moments," Tsuji said as she ducked behind a kitchen counter. The others nodded in agreement and quickly hid.

The creature quickly crawled along the ceiling as it made its way towards the gunshots it had heard a few moments ago. It then reached Eri's body and looked down at her. Eri laid on her back, bullet holes visible on her chest, and an empty gun was next to her. The creature growled then dropped from the ceiling and looked down at Eri's chest. The smaller creature's head was visible from one of the bullet wounds, but it was not moving. The larger creature's eyes began to soften as it looked down at the dead smaller creature. Then its eyes then began to glow a bright red as anger began to build up inside of it. It then let out a loud enraged roar, then began to make its way quickly down the corridor Yossi and her group were heading.

"Oh no..." Takahashi thought as she crouched lower behind the desk she was hiding under. "Too dangerous to go out now, will have to wait."

Yoshizawa's gaze slowly began to look behind her, after hearing that creature roar.

"Uh oh...RUN!!" Yossi screamed, as she and everyone and then broke into a run. A few seconds later, they reached a dead end.

"No no no!!" Makoto screamed as she pounded the wall.

"Trapped..." Reina said, another loud roar echoed through the ship's corridors, this time louder and closer.

"Wait wait...there's an emergency hatch around here somewhere. It leads to the upper levels." Brad said. He quickly looked around the corridor, then found the hatch. He quickly opened it and waved the other girls in. The girls nodded and one by one they ducked into the hatch. They then entered a small shaft, with a long ladder going up the shaft as well. The creature then rounded the corner, looked at Brad and roared. Brad quickly ducked into the hatch and sealed it shut. The creature pounded on it, trying to get in.

"That hatch won't hold forever, quickly!! Climb the ladder!" Brad shouted. Tanaka and Makoto quickly began to climb up.

"You're next!" Yossi said, waving Brad over.

"No, ladies first!" Brad said with a smile as he cocked his submachine gun back and aimed it at the door. Yossi nodded and began to climb the ladder. After she was a few feet up, Brad began to climb the ladder as well.

Meanwhile, the creature continued to violently pound on the hatch, as it began to buckle and bend.

"Faster!" Yossi screamed. The girls then began to pick up the pace. The hatch then gave way and burst wide open. Brad and the other girls gazed down in horror, as the creature entered the small shaft, looked up and saw them, letting out another roar.

"*t!" Brad said, as the creature grabbed hold of the ladder and began to rapidly climb the ladder towards the girls and Brad. Brad acted quickly and grabbed his submachine gun, pointed it down at the creature and pulled the trigger. Bullets rained down on the creature, and it stopped momentarily as it was being pelted with bullets. However, that only enraged it even more, as Brad's gun then clicked empty. Brad cursed again and threw his gun down at the creature.

"Keep going!!" Brad shouted up to the girls, as they climbed even quicker. They were now very high up, but still had a long way to go till they reached the top.

"We'll never make it!" Makoto shouted.

The creature very quickly closed the distance between it and Brad, as it then clamped its teeth around Brad's thigh and bit down hard.

"GAAHH!!!" Brad screamed loudly. Yossi looked back and saw the creature biting into Brad's leg. She then loosened her grip around the ladder rungs and slid down towards Brad and the creature, as she then stuck her leg out. The creature looked up as Yossi's foot then slammed into its face, causing it to loose its grip and fall. But it only fell a few feet before grinding its claws into the shaft's walls and coming to a stop.

"Come on Brad!!" Yossi screamed, trying to grab ahold of Brad's jacket.

"No no...go, go on!" Brad shouted, gritting his teeth as he held his leg. A large chunk was torn out of the back of his leg. Yossi sighed, nodded her head and continued to climb the ladder.

"Goodbye Yossi!" Brad called out, as he then took two grenades off his utility belt. The creature looked back up, then leapt back onto the ladder and began to rapidly climb once again. Brad looked down at the fast approaching creature, as he wrapped his right arm around one of the ladder's rungs, while holding both grenades in his left hand. The creature then reached Brad once again, and clamped its jaws around Brad's other leg, biting hard.

"GAHH!!" Brad cried out once again. Yossi closed her eyes tight and continued to climb.

The creature then wrapped its long claws around Brad's waist and began to claw at Brad's sides, Brad breathed heavily as pain surged through his lower body. He then brought the grenades close to his mouth, pulled both pins with his teeth and let go of the ladder. He and the creature then began to fall down the shaft, Brad yelling the whole way down. A few seconds later, the explosions went off, as a big wall of fire began to make its way up the shaft.

"Look out!!" Yossi shouted. She then wrapped her arms tightly around the rungs of the ladder. The wall of fire just about reached Yossi's feet, then began to dissipate and fall back down the shaft. A large cloud of thick smoke then rose up.

The entire ship seemed to rock back and forth after the explosions had gone off. Kago, Tsuji and Konno were thrown around the kitchen. Takahashi banged her head against the desk and became unconscious. Yossi, Ogawa and Tanaka were nearly blown off the ladder. Then all was quiet once again.

"Is everyone alright?" Yossi shouted, as the smoke reached the girls and continued upwards.

"I'm alright." Ogawa shouted, coughing from the smoke.

"I'm still here!" Tanaka shouted.

"Brad..." Yossi said softly, looking down the shaft where he and the creature had fallen down.

"Is it dead?" Ogawa asked, Yossi tried to see down the shaft but couldn't see anything.

"I don't know, I can't see anything. Just keep climbing!" Yossi shouted, as the other girls nodded and continued to climb.

"Sir, we'll be reaching the H!P space cruiser in about 15 minutes." Sgt. Andrea reported.

"Very good Sgt." Lt. Charles said. "I just hope we're not too late..."

End of chapter 7

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

  • N.L.N.L (Nono Lover No Longer)
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H!P space survival
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2005, 02:02:39 AM »
Chapter 8 - Friends till the End

"Come on guys! We're almost there!" Yossi said, as she and her group neared the top of the ladder to the upper decks. Reina reached the top and began to open the top hatch. She opened it and climbed out, with Makoto Ogawa climbing up next.

"Come on Yossi!" Makoto called down. Yossi looked down the shaft sadly. Just moments ago, Brad had sacrificed himself to save the girls.

"Goodbye Brad…" Yossi said softly. She then climbed out the hatch and sealed it shut.

"Where do we go now?" Reina asked. Yossi shook her head.

"I don't know, but we can't stay out in the open," Yossi said, as she led her group down the upper level corridors.

The creature growled softly then began to push its way up from the ground. Large wounds covered its body, but these had already begun to heal and in a matter of seconds, were healed completely. The creature looked up the shaft, let out an angry roar and then left the shaft through the same chamber it had come out of.

"Did you hear that...?" Reina said softly, as she turned around while running. Yossi stopped in her tracks, as did the other girls.

"It's still alive!" Yossi said, shocked and surprised that anything could survive a blast like that.

"It’s unstoppable..." Makoto said. Yossi shook her head sadly, knowing that Brad’s sacrifice was in vain, as the monster was still alive. She and the other girls then continued to run down the corridors.

Takahashi let out a soft moan as she stirred from the ground. She slowly sat up and held her hand to her head.

"Oh...what happened?" Takahashi asked herself, feeling a large round bump on her forehead. Still feeling dizzy, she slowly lowered herself on the ground and laid there for a few moments. It wasn’t long, however, before she heard a growling noise outside the door of the room she was hiding in. Takahashi gasped and crawled back behind the table she was hiding at.

The creature looked at the door, as it thought it had heard a faint sound coming from inside. It growled softly and began to walk towards the door. Going inside, it growled as it looked about the room. Takahashi curled up into a little ball, trying to make herself as small as she possibly could. The creature then looked at the small table in the center of the room, eyeing it curiously, as it began to walk towards it.

"Tsuji...Kago?" Konno said, as she got up from the floor of the trashed kitchen. The explosion earlier rocked the ship, causing dishes, utensils and everything in the kitchen to be thrown around, littering the floor.

"Here..." Tsuji said softly as she slowly lifted herself off the ground and stood up. Konno quickly made her way towards Tsuji, as she then looked around the kitchen.

"Kago, where's Kago?" Konno asked, as Kago was nowhere in sight.

"Aibon...AIBON!!" Tsuji yelled, as she began to frantically search the kitchen.

The creature stopped just as its large claws neared the table, shooting its head back towards the entrance way, as it had heard Tsuji’s screams.

"Tsuji?!" Takahashi thought to herself, as she also heard the screaming. The creature growled loudly and quickly left the room. Takahashi then crawled out from underneath the table and exited the room. She then followed the creature from a safe distance as they both made their way towards the cafeteria.

"Aibon!! Where are you!?" Tsuji screamed once again.

"Here..." a voice said softly from the back of the kitchen. Tsuji heard it and made her way towards the voice.

"Oh no...Aibon…" Tsuji said softly. Aibon was trapped underneath a fallen fridge as she lay on her stomach, with the fridge over her legs and half her back.

"I'm alright Tsuji…" Aibon said softly. Tsuji quickly approached Aibon and tried to lift the heavy refrigerator off her fallen friend. But try as she might, the fridge was just too heavy for the small girl to lift. A roar then echoed outside in the hallways, as Tsuji, Kago and Konno’s eyes quickly turned to the cafeteria doors.

"It’s here..." Konno said softly. "Tsuji! Come on we have to get out of here!"

"No...No! I won't leave Aibon behind!!" Tsuji cried, as she tried harder to lift the fridge off of her friend. The monster then burst through the kitchen doors and stared at Konno Asami and roared loudly. Konno fell onto her back and began to scramble away, but the creature quickly approached Konno, looming over her.

"Oh my god..." Tsuji said, as she knelt beside Aibon and watched the creature stare down at Konno and continue to growl. Konno looked back up at the creature, her eyes gazing up towards the top of one of the kitchen counters. A microwave oven was sitting on top of one of the counters near her. She quickly kicked the counter with her right leg once, then twice, then a third time in rapid succession. The microwave then fell from the top of the high counter, crashing on top of the creature’s head. The creature, stunned, fell to the ground, with Konno quickly rolling out from underneath the creature before it fell on her. The creature then lay still on the ground.

"Tsuji!! Come on!!" Konno shouted, as she stood and made her way towards Tsuji and Kago.

"No...I can't!" Tsuji cried, staying beside her partner Kago.

"Nono...Go! Please, save yourself!" Kago cried.

"Aibon...I won't leave you…" Tsuji said, as tears began to stream from her eyes.

"Nono, I want you to go and go quickly!!" Kago shouted. Tsuji looked away from Kago momentarily. "Tsuji!! GO!!" Kago shouted again.

Konno grabbed Tsuji by the arm, hoisted her up and began to drag her away. Tsuji looked back at her partner, locking eyes as the distance between them lengthened.

"I'm sorry...!" Tsuji called out, as she and Konno quickly left the kitchen, then the cafeteria.

The creature then began to growl as it soon got up. Kago began to breathe heavily, terrified as she heard loud footsteps getting closer and closer to her. The creature, with a swift powerful swipe of its claws, struck the fallen fridge off of Kago. Kago quickly turned around and stared at the creature, as it stared back at her, its red eyes glowing brightly, with saliva dripping out of its large fang-filled mouth. With one hand, it picked up Kago by the throat. Kago gasped for air as the creature then brought Kago’s face close to its own.

"No...NO!!!" Kago screamed, her screams echoing throughout the ship’s corridors.

Tsuji shut her eyes tight as she and Konno continued to run down the corridors, the sound of Kago’s screams tearing her heart in half.

"What was that!?" Yossi asked out loud. The rest of her group stopped and looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Oh no..." Takahashi said softly as she too heard the screams. Konno and Tsuji then rounded the corner and stopped in front of Takahashi. Aibon’s screams then ceased and could not be heard anymore.

"Ai-chan..." Tsuji said softly, staring at Takahashi wide-eyed.

"Yes it's me," Takahashi replied back.

Yossi’s group then rounded a corner behind the girls and stopped a short distance away from them. All the girls looked at each other, no one said a word.

"What if some of them are infected?" Tanaka asked. Yossi looked at all the girls and thought for a moment.

"Yossi!! We’re not infected!" Tsuji shouted angrily, still mad that she left Aibon.

Yossi looked at everyone once more. "I don't think any of us are infected," she said calmly. She then walked towards Tsuji, Konno and Takahashi. Reina and Makoto looked at each other, unsure as to whether they should share Yossi’s confidence in the other girls and join them or not. Tanaka eventually nodded her head and walked over to the other girls, followed by Makoto nodding her head as well and joining the other girls.

The creature then let out another loud roar. The girls heard it and they all quickly ducked into a room and hid. Soon, they heard the creature roar once more, but this time, it sounded further away from them, and they knew that it was headed the other way.

"Aibon! We left Aibon behind!!" Tsuji cried. She then left the room before anyone could stop her.

"Tsuji, wait!!" Yossi cried out. She then cursed and followed Tsuji, followed closely by everyone else. Tsuji ran as fast as she could towards the cafeteria, with the others following from a distance. Tsuji, reaching the cafeteria, made her way to the back of the kitchen where Aibon was.

"Tsuji, you don't know what you’re doing!!" Yossi shouted, as she and her group entered the cafeteria, following Tsuji from a short distance. Soon, Tsuji reached the kitchen and found Kago lying still on her stomach.

"Aibon!!" Tsuji cried out, as she knelt beside her fallen friend. Tsuji shook her partner, trying to wake her up. The others then entered the kitchen and all of them stopped as they stared down at Tsuji and Kago on the floor together. "Aibon!!" Tsuji cried, as she shook Aibon even harder. Kago then let out a soft moan and coughed as she began to move about on the ground. "Aibon!" Tsuji said happily. She held her, as she lifted her off the ground and cradled her carefully in her arms.

"Tsuji...she's infected now..." Yossi said softly.

"Infected? …how do you know??" Tsuji asked, as she held her friend in her arms, protectively holding her partner even closer to her.

"How do you explain that she's still alive? We heard her scream, as we're sure you did," Yossi said, her tone of voice a little firmer.

"That’s right. If you’re not armed, it doesn't kill you. It only infects you..." Takahashi said.

"NO!! She's not!!" Tsuji cried out. Aibon then placed a hand on Nono’s shoulder.

"Tsuji, I am...the creature didn't kill me. I know it did something to me. I can feel something in my stomach…" Kago said softly.

"No...No! You’re going to be alright!" Tsuji said sadly.

"Tsuji...she'll soon have a creature growing inside of her. After a while, it'll grow bigger and burst out of her chest...that will kill her!" Yossi said, with Takahashi nodding in agreement, as she too had seen it happen with her own eyes.

"No..." Tsuji said sadly. "There must be something we can do!" Tsuji once again held her friend protectively from everyone else.

"In a manner of speaking, there is..." Yossi said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Tsuji asked.

"All we can kill her right now..." Yossi said.

"Kill her...NO I WON'T LET YOU!!" Tsuji said, as she grabbed a large sharp knife off of the floor and pointed it towards Yossi and the others. Makoto and Reina quickly drew their guns and pointed them at Tsuji and Kago.

"NO!!" Yossi shouted, as she placed her hand on Tanaka’s gun and slowly lowered it.

"What are you doing?!" Tanaka asked loudly. "Kago is infected. Soon one of those...creatures will burst out of her. I've seen it happen with Eri!" Reina shouted.

"Get away from us!! Leave us alone!!" Tsuji cried angrily, as she held the sharp kitchen knife in one hand, pointing it at the other girls, while in the other hand, she held Kago close to her, protecting her from the others.

"Tsuji, listen carefully. Kago has one of those smaller creatures in her stomach. Soon, it will grow bigger then it will burst its way out of her and kill her..." Takahashi said, as she knelt beside Kago and Tsuji.

", it can't be!" Tsuji cried out, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"No’s true. I can already feel something inside of me..." Kago said softly.

"Tsuji, come to your senses!! We have seen it. We have seen how much pain it inflicts on the hosts as it grows!" Yossi said, looking over towards Reina. Reina nodded her head.

"There was one inside Eri Kamei. It caused her great pain. I...had to end her pain for her because it was too much…" Reina said softly.

"No...I...I won't let you kill Aibon!!" Tsuji cried out, still pointing the knife towards the other girls.

"Tsuji, you have to believe us. You'll be doing Aibon a favor!" Yossi said.

"No...I can't...I won't!!" Tsuji said angrily, holding Aibon close to her.

"Tsuji, do it..." Takahashi said.

"Please Tsuji...I can feel the creature already getting larger..." Aibon said, the expression on her face turning into one of pain.

"I can't kill my best friend…" Tsuji said, as she slowly lowered the kitchen knife.

Suddenly, the others then heard the hum of a ship’s engine, though it wasn't their own. The humming got louder, as a ship then appeared outside the cafeteria’s windows, making its way towards the H!P cruiser.

"What’s that? ...a ship! A rescue ship is coming!!" Yossi cried happily.

"Tsuji...come on, we have to go now! Just leave her then," Takahashi said.

"No...I...I won't leave my best friend!" Tsuji cried out sadly.

"At the very least, end her suffering. Soon, she'll be in tremendous pain..." Yossi said softly.

"Yes Tsuji, please do it..." Kago said softly, as she then gritted her teeth. Tsuji lifted Kago’s shirt up and she and everyone else could see something moving inside Kago’s exposed stomach.

"Tsuji!! Come on! We have to go now!!" Yossi cried out. Tsuji then shook her head.

" guys go then...I’ll stay..." Tsuji said softly.

"Stay?! What do you mean ‘stay’?" Makoto asked.

"I won't leave my best friend!" Tsuji replied back. Tsuji then looked towards Takahashi and noticed the grenades in her pockets.

"Ai-chan, give me one of those grenades..." Tsuji said softly. Takahashi looked at her pocket then at Tsuji.

"What do you mean?" Takahashi asked. Yossi’s eyes grew wide as she realized what Tsuji was planning.

"Tsuji...are you sure you want to do this?" Yossi asked. Tsuji nodded her head as she held out her hand, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Takahashi....give Tsuji the grenade…" Yossi said. Takahashi hesitated for a moment as she stared at Yossi. She then nodded and took one of the grenades out of her pocket and handed it to Tsuji.

"Now go, get out of here!" Tsuji said sadly, as the others began to slowly move away. "Get out of here!!" Tsuji shouted. Everyone else nodded and began to leave the room, but Takahashi and Yossi stopped at the door to the kitchen.

"Goodbye Tsuji, goodbye Kago..." Takahashi said, looking at her friends teary-eyed. She then left the kitchen and joined the others, while Yossi just looked at her friends momentarily. Tsuji looked at Yossi once more and then back at Kago. Yossi sighed sadly and left the kitchen, then the cafeteria.

"Nono...what are you doing, get out while you still can!!" Kago cried, as she then gritted her teeth once again as she felt shocks of pain from her stomach.

"Because..." Tsuji sobbed, as she lifted a small pendant which she wore around her neck. "Remember this? You gave this to me…" Tsuji said, as she opened the locket and pulled out the beautiful nail that Kago had given to her when they got "married", marking the formation of W.

"Yes, I remember…" Kago said, as she pulled out a small pendant she wore around her neck as well. She opened the pendant and pulled out the small but beautifully decorated nail that Tsuji had given to her.

Tsuji then stuck the decorated nail onto her fingernail and helped Kago stick the one she had given Kago, onto Kago’s own nail. Tsuji then held the grenade in both hands and held it out to Kago. Kago looked at the grenade, then at her friend Tsuji.

"Friends forever...friends till the end…" Tsuji said sadly, holding the grenade out to Kago, as Kago nodded. Tsuji then held the grenade with one hand while Kago held it with one hand of her own.

"On the count of three?" Kago asked as she wrapped one of her fingers around the pin of the grenade. Tsuji nodded, leaned forward, and kissed her partner Kago on the forehead.

"Friends forever, partners forever...W forever..." Tsuji said. Kago nodded and sniffled once again, as she then pulled out the grenade’s pin. Tsuji and Kago then let go of the grenade and let it drop between the two of them. Kago then embraced Tsuji in a hug, Tsuji returning it.

"Goodbye Nono..." Kago said between sobs.

"Goodbye Aibon..." Tsuji cried softly.

A few seconds later, a large explosion went off, instantly killing both girls in the blast. The explosion rocked the ship back and forth once again, throwing the girls in the corridors around like rag dolls. Yossi and her group fell to the ground, as the shaking then stopped.

"Tsuji…Kago..." Yossi said sadly, staring back, as smoke began to pour out of the now destroyed cafeteria.

End of chapter 8

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2005, 06:39:07 AM »
I just realized, I never finished updating my space survial fanfic, so here it is :D  :D

Chapter 9 - Safety in Numbers

Yossi gazed on at the smoke that was pouring out of the destroyed cafeteria.

"Why'd she do it?!" Makoto screamed. "Why did Tsuji choose to stay and die?!"

Yossi shook her head. "They were friends...inseparable friends. Do you remember when they first formed W? They made a promise, a commitment to each other, to stay together never leave each other. Aibon was going to die Tsuji chose to die with her. She kept her promise to never leave her friend."

The other girls slowly nodded their heads. "Come on, we have to get down to the lower levels to meet up with the rescue ship." Yossi said. All the remaining girls got up and began to make their way to the lower levels.

"Approaching the H!P space cruiser...we'll dock in two minutes." Sgt. Andrea reported.

"Excellent, are the men ready?" Lt. Charles asked.

"Yes sir!" Sgt. Andrea said.

"We're almost there!!" Yossi said, as she continued to lead her group down to the lower levels. Just then, they heard a loud roar, coming from seemingly far away, but they were sure it was from the lower levels.

"Oh no... It’s already down there!" Reina said, fear in her voice, as she then began to back away.

"Reina, we have to go down there. The rescue ship is down there. It’s our only way out of here!!" Yossi shouted, but Reina continued to back away.

"No...I'm not going down there..." Reina said, as she then turned around and ran away.

Makoto looked back at Reina running away, then at Yossi. "I'm sorry Yossi, but I'm not going down there either." Makoto then turned around and ran down the same corridor that Reina went.

"Damn it!" Yossi shouted as she pounded her fist against the wall of the corridor. Her attention then turned towards Takahashi and Konno, who remained by Yossi’s side. "You’re not going to leave now, are you?"

"No, I'm staying with you," Takahashi said, looking at Konno.

"I'll stay with you too." Konno replied, as another roar then echoed throughout the ship.

"Thanks girls...but we have to hide and fast!" Yossi and her two companions then ducked into a nearby room and hid.

As Lt. Charles’ spaceship began to approach one of the outer docking ports of the H!P space cruiser, the ship’s auto-docking system then started up, with small thrusters kicking in every now and then, helping guide the ship in its docking sequence.

"Contact in...3...2...1..." Sgt. Andrea said, watching from her computer screen, as the ship’s doors then locked onto the docking hatch of the H!P space cruiser. The doors then opened and twenty soldiers began to pour out of the smaller ship and form up neatly and quickly in the H!P space cruiser’s corridors. Lt. Charles and Sgt. Andrea then exited the ship together, with Lt. Charles heading to the front of his soldiers.

"Alright men, I want five teams. Split up into groups of four, and spread out and search the entire ship. Let’s find the girls and any other survivors and get the heck out of here." Lt. Charles said.

"Yes sir!!" the soldiers shouted in unison. They then split up into teams of four and each headed in a different direction to search for survivors. The Alpha team headed to where Yossi and her group were located to begin searching.

"Do you hear that...?" Takahashi asked quietly, "It sounds like footsteps."

"This room is empty, search the next." A voice outside the door said.

"They're here!! Help has arrived!" Takahashi said excitedly as she stood up and ran to the door. The door opened and the four soldiers aimed their guns at Takahashi.

"Don't shoot!!" Takahashi cried out, holding her hands up defensively.

"A survivor!" one of the soldiers said. He then lowered his gun, as Yossi and Konno then came out of the room as well.

"Quick, get them back to the ship! We'll continue to search the ship." the leading soldier of Alpha team instructed to another soldier.

"Yes sir, you three come with me," the soldier said. The girls nodded and began to follow the soldier as he started back to the docking bay, where the rescue ship was waiting.

"Wait! Wait!!" Yossi shouted. The soldiers stopped and looked at Yossi. "There are still two other girls left onboard. They split up from us. They went that way!" Yossi said, as she pointed down the corridor that Reina and Makoto had run down.

"Understood, we'll find them," the lead soldier said. Yossi nodded and continued to follow the soldier to the docking bays.

"Continue with your search!" the lead soldier said, as he and his two other companions then continued to slowly make their way down the ship’s long corridors, systematically searching every room. The creature watched their every move, as it clung to the dark ceiling of the H!P space cruiser.

Yossi and her group then made it to the docking bays and were now onboard the rescue ship. Lt. Charles looked back at Yossi as she entered the smaller space ship. He then nodded at Yossi and turned his attention back to a wall full of monitors and video screens.

"What are these?" Yossi asked, as she approached Lt. Charles.

"These are the video links we have attached to every soldier’s helmets," Lt. Charles explained, as he continued to scan all the monitors, communicating with his soldiers.

"Nothing here sir," one soldier said as Yossi looked at his video monitor as the soldier scanned the room, and nothing was there.

"I’d better be getting back to my unit," said the soldier who led Yossi and her group to the rescue ship. He then exited the ship and began to make his way back towards his companions.

The lone soldier made his way down the H!P space cruiser’s corridors back to his unit, with the creature watching him from the ship’s dark ceilings. It then began to follow him, slowly crawling along the ceiling stealthily.

The three other soldiers from his unit were continuing their search of the ship’s corridors, when the sound of footsteps fast approaching made them quickly turn around and aim their guns down the corridor at the approaching soldier.

"Whoa!! Whoa!! Don't shoot!" the lone soldier shouted, raising his hands up defensively. The others then lowered their guns and went back to searching the corridors.

"This room is empty, search the next!" the lead soldier of Alpha team said.

Hearing the voices outside, Reina came out from under the table she was hiding under in the next room, the familiar sound of human voices making her heart jump for joy.

"I'm in here!!" Reina shouted. The soldiers then quickly made their way to the next room. Reina opened the door and looked at the soldiers gratefully, but then, her face turned into an expression of fear, her eyes growing wide as she saw the creature’s tail descending from the ceiling behind the soldiers. Reina then let out a bloodcurdling scream as the creature’s tail stabbed the lead soldier in the back. The other soldiers then began to open fire at the ceiling, as Reina quickly shut the door, locked it and backed away as gunfire, screaming and shouting continued to erupt outside the room.

"Oh my god...Oh my god!" Reina screamed, as she paced around the room in panic. She then saw a small air vent at the back of the room. Running towards it, she pulled with all her might and the vent came free. She then crawled inside and began to scurry on all fours down the long ventilation shaft.

"What’s going on down there?!" Lt. Charles shouted into his walkie-talkie after hearing gunfire coming from Alpha team’s video screens.

"Alpha leader is down!!" one of the soldiers shouted into his radio, as he then screamed and his video monitor turned static.

"This thing just won't go down!! We're hitting it with everything we- AAHH!!!" another soldier screamed and his video screen then turned static as well.

"Get out!! Get out of there!!" Lt. Charles shouted into his walkie-talkie to the last soldier whose video screen was still operational, showing he was still alive.

"Jammed! ...My gun is jammed!!" the soldier shouted as he pounded his gun, trying to get it working again. The creature then dropped from the ceiling in front of the soldier. Lt. Charles was clearly able to see the creature from the lone soldier’s monitoring camera which was attached to his helmet.

"What is that thing...?" Lt. Charles said slowly, as the creature then rushed at the soldier. He screamed one last time and his video monitor then went static.

"What’s going on?!" Yossi shouted as she quickly approached Lt. Charles and looked at the video monitors and life stats of Alpha team. All four screens were static, three of the life stats were flat-lined, and one still had a faint heartbeat.

"Some kind of...creature just slaughtered Alpha team. Wait...One of them is still alive! Bravo team come in!" Lt. Charles shouted into his walkie-talkie.

"Bravo team here." a voice crackled over the radio.

"Alpha team has been wiped out, but there’s one survivor left. I need a rescue party right away!" Lt. Charles shouted.

Just then, the surviving soldier’s video monitor came back on. The soldier’s helmet was on the ground, aimed up at the creature and the last surviving soldier, filming the creature with the unconscious soldier in his claws. Yossi and Lt. Charles looked on in horror, neither saying a word. The creature then brought its large face close to the soldier’s head and slowly opened its fang filled mouth. A small tube emerged out of its mouth, going down into the soldier’s throat. Yossi let out a small scream as she watched on, as a round object then slid down the tube and into the soldier’s body. Upon its descent into the soldier’s mouth and down his throat, the creature dropped the soldier and left him on the ground, as it quickly scurried away.

"What the hell was that?!" Lt. Charles screamed. Yossi then realized what she just witnessed.

"So that’s how it does it...that’s how it infects its hosts with its eggs..." Yossi said slowly.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2005, 06:39:50 AM »
Chapter 10 – Another lost one?

"What the hell was that?!" Lt. Charles screamed. "What was that thing that just slaughtered my men?!" Yossi just shook her head.

"That "thing" used to be our producer, Tsunku. He somehow mutated into what you just saw," Yossi explained. Lt. Charles shook his head in disbelief.

"Sir! Sir, rescue party ready!" said a voice over Lt. Charles walkie-talkie. Lt. Charles and Yossi both looked at each other.

"Your soldier is now infected with the creature’s egg. Soon it will burst out of his chest...there’s nothing we can do now," Yossi said. Lt. Charles thought for a moment then nodded his head.

"Cancel that order... There are no survivors left from Alpha company. Continue with your search and hurry. Find the other two girls and get them back to the ship ASAP!!" Lt. Charles ordered.

"Yes sir!" the voice of Bravo leader said over the radio.

The lone soldier from Alpha company began to regain consciousness, as he slowly stood up and looked around at the corpses of his fellow soldiers.

"Oh man...what happened??" the soldier said. He had no memory of what had just transpired moments ago. He then picked up his gun and began to make his way down the corridors, his midsection sore. Disoriented, he then entered a room and collapsed on the ground, slipping into unconsciousness again.

Reina stopped scurrying on all fours and leaned against the metal air vent to catch her breath. Her knees were raw and bleeding from scraping against the metal ventilation shaft, the palms of her hands in the same condition.

"I have to get out of here," Reina thought, as she winced in pain from touching her sore raw knees. An opening in the long shaft was just a few meters away so she slowly continued to crawl towards. She then reached the vent and kicked it open, the metal hatch hitting the ground with a loud clang. Reina looked around. Once she was sure the area was clear, she leapt down into the dark room, found a hiding place, hid and waited for help to come.

Ogawa came out from underneath her hiding place, a table, just a few meters from where Alpha company was. She then slowly made her way to the door, opened it and stepped out. She gazed down the hall at the dead soldiers. She felt sick but knew she had to go over there. So mustering up all her courage, she began making her way towards the dead soldiers. Once she got to one of the soldiers, she found what she was looking for, one of the radios. She carefully bent down, took the radio off the dead soldier’s belt and stood up once again. She then saw his sidearm pistol, quickly taking it and putting it into her pocket.

"Hello?! Hello is anyone there?!" Ogawa shouted into the radio as she turned the knobs and pressed the buttons on the radio.

"Sir we're getting a signal from Alpha leader’s radio. Someone is trying to communicate with us," Sgt. Andrea said. Lt. Charles checked the video monitors of his soldiers.

"It’s not any of my men," Lt. Charles said. Yossi heard this and came running up next to Lt. Charles.

"Let me hear!!" Yossi shouted. Lt. Charles handed her his headset and Yossi put it on.

"" a voice said, amidst plenty of static, but Yossi immediately recognized the voice.

"It’s Ogawa!!" Yossi shouted. Takahashi and Konno then came running to the monitors.

"Ogawa!! She's alive!!" Takahashi shouted, as Konno then began to clap.

"Ogawa!! Ogawa, come in, we hear you!" Yossi shouted into the headset’s microphone.

"Yossi is that you?!" Ogawa answered back.

"Yes it’s me Ogawa! Thank god you’re alive!" Yossi said happily.

"Yes, I'm still alive...wait! Hold on..." Ogawa said. Yossi could hear a loud pounding sound in the headset’s earpiece.

"Oh my god’s coming. Please help me!!" Ogawa said. Yossi could hear that she was scared.

"Ogawa, calm down. Hurry, find a safe place to hide. We'll send help as soon as we can," Yossi said quickly.

"Ok ok...I'm going now," Ogawa said, her radio clicking off.

"Quick! We have to send a rescue team down there!!" Yossi said to Lt. Charles.

"Ok, I'll get right on it," Lt. Charles said, as he then took the headset back from Yossi. "Bravo team come in, come in Bravo team."

"Bravo team here," Bravo team’s leader said.

"I need your team to head down to the Alpha team’s last location. There is a female survivor down there," Lt. Charles said.

"Yes sir!" Bravo leader said. He then led the way to Alpha team’s last location and soon reached the bloody scene.

"Oh my god...what could’ve done this?" Bravo leader said, the carnage making him sick to his stomach. Just then they heard a man shout in agony down the hall. Bravo leader quickly led his team to the door where they heard the cry come from. One of Bravo team’s soldiers then opened the door, and they saw the lone survivor of Alpha team shaking violently on the ground.

Back at the rescue ship, Lt. Charles saw what was going on from Bravo leader’s headset video camera. Yossi once again quickly made her way to Lt. Charles side and looked at the video monitor.

"This is what happens. The hosts begin to shake violently, then they cough up blood. Soon, a smaller creature bursts out of the host’s chest, killing the host. I cannot imagine how much pain your soldier must be please, tell your men to end his suffering," Yossi said. Lt. Charles hesitated, but nodded his head.

"Bravo are given authorization to terminate the surviving Alpha soldier, end his suffering..." Lt. Charles ordered.

All the members of Bravo team looked at each other, then at their leader. Bravo leader closed his eyes and then nodded his head.

"Men, prepare to fire," Bravo leader said, as all the soldiers then cocked their guns back and took aim at the lone Alpha soldier.

"Ready..." Bravo leader said. Yossi and Lt. Charles both looked away from the video monitors. "FIRE!!"

Automatic rifle fire then erupted in the ship’s corridors. Ogawa heard it and clicked her radio back on.

"Yossi!! What’s going on?!" Ogawa shouted into her radio. "I can hear gunfire."

Lt. Charles then handed Yossi a hand radio and switched it onto the station Ogawa was on.

"It’s ok Ogawa. They're not firing at the creature. Quick, make your way towards the gunfire. There are soldiers there who are coming to rescue you," Yossi said.

"Ok ok, I'm going," came Ogawa’s voice over the radio, as her radio then clicked off.

Ogawa crawled out from her hiding place and made her way to the dark room’s door, exited the room and began to run towards where she heard the gunfire. The creature watched her from the dark ceiling and began to crawl after her silently.

The Bravo soldiers heard footsteps fast approaching, so they then aimed their guns down the corridor and prepared themselves. Ogawa then rounded a corner and saw the soldiers.

"Its one of the survivors!!" Bravo leader said, as he and his fellow soldiers lowered their guns.

"Am I ever happy to see you guys!!" Ogawa said as she ran towards the soldiers.

Yossi and Lt. Charles could then see Ogawa on Bravo leader’s video monitor. A bright happy smile formed on Yossi’s mouth and she let out a happy laugh...but just then, they heard a loud roar!!

Ogawa looked up at the ceiling and saw the creature, letting out a scream. Bravo team then aimed their guns up at the ceiling and began to open fire.

"OGAWA!!" Yossi screamed. She then turned around, grabbed a handgun she saw lying on one of the rescue ship’s tables, exited the ship and ran to where Bravo team and Ogawa were.

"Yossi!!" Lt. Charles yelled at Yossi’s retreating figure. He then turned his attention back to the video monitors, as one of the Bravo monitors went static.

Ogawa watched on in horror as the creature clawed at one of the soldiers, slicing him open. The creature then leapt at another soldier and bit into his throat, killing him outright.

"You’re going down!!" Bravo leader screamed as he and his last surviving comrade continued to fire at the creature, with Ogawa frozen in place behind them.

The creature then swung its large tail at the two soldiers, knocking them off their feet and slamming them into the wall. The creature then stared at Ogawa and growled. Ogawa trembled in fear. The creature then rushed at her, and Ogawa let out a loud scream as the creature grabbed her. Bravo leader regained consciousness, as he saw the creature leap up towards the ceiling and began carrying the screaming Ogawa away.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2005, 06:40:57 AM »
Chapter 11 - Rash actions

Bravo leader looked over at his last remaining companion as he also started to get up. Both of them stood up, with Bravo leader reaching for his radio.

"Sir, this is Bravo leader. That creature took the girl away...we couldn't stop it," Bravo leader said sadly. Lt. Charles then thought about what was about to happen to her, after she was infected and let go.

"Listen men. After that creature infects that girl with its eggs, she'll end up the same way as the Alpha soldier you had to terminate. I am giving you authorization to terminate the girl if you see her again. There’s nothing we can do for her now, except...end her suffering," Lt. Charles said. Konno and Takahashi heard Lt. Charles and they both ran up to him.

"You mean you’re going to kill her?!" Takahashi screamed, Konno then grabbed Lt. Charles by the shirt collar and slammed him against his computer monitors.

"How could you?! She's our friend!!" Konno screamed. Sgt. Andrea then rushed towards Konno, grabbed her and pulled her off the lieutenant.

"What do you want me to do?" Lt. Charles said, straightening his uniform. "You all know very well what happens to those who are caught and infected." Takahashi and Konno then slowly nodded their heads, sat down and began to weep.

Meanwhile, the creature continued to crawl along the ceiling of the ship, Ogawa still in its arms.

"I've got to do something...I don't want to be infected," Ogawa thought to herself. She slowly and carefully reached into her pocket and pulled the handgun out. She thought about shooting it, but knew that it would be no use, as the creature seemed to be immune to gunfire. Ogawa then looked about as the creature continued to carry her. She then saw what looked like to be a steam pipe, so she quickly aimed her gun at the pipe, firing a few shots at it. It ruptured, pouring out hot steam that burned the creature. The creature let out a shrill shriek, dropped Ogawa and quickly scurried away.

Yossi thought she heard gunshots, so she looked around quickly, as she lifted her radio to her mouth.

"Ogawa!! Where are you? Please answer me!" Yossi screamed, impatiently waiting for a response.

The fall from the ceiling stunned Ogawa and she lay on the ground for a moment. She soon got up...but she still couldn't see, as the hot steam had gotten into her eyes as well, burning them. Blinded, Ogawa began to panic, when she heard a voice coming from the radio that was attached to her hip. She quickly reached for it.

"Yossi!! ...Yossi!!" Ogawa screamed into the radio. Yossi heard it on her radio and quickly responded.

"Ogawa!! Where are you?!" Yossi screamed, her heart beginning to race.

"I don't know! I can't see..." Ogawa screamed. She tried to run down the corridors but her leg tripped on the edge of a pipe and she fell, the radio slipping out of her hands and landing on the ground a short distance away from her.

"Ogawa!! Ogawa!!" Yossi shouted, as she then began to frantically run down the corridors, shouting Ogawa’s name into her radio every now and then.

Ogawa began to panic as she tried to find the radio, but without being able to see, it was much harder as she scurried around on all fours, trying to feel for the radio. Her heart beat furiously with fear, as she then began to scream Yossi’s name loudly.

"Yossi!!" Ogawa screamed. Yossi faintly heard a voice in the distance, but it was difficult to determine where it was coming from. However, the soldiers from Bravo company also heard it, and they began to make their way towards Ogawa.

"Ogawa!!" Yossi screamed. She then rounded a bend, and on the far end of the corridor, she saw Ogawa.

"Ogawa! I'm here!!" Yossi shouted. Ogawa heard Yossi’s voice and tried to get up and run but she ran into a wall and fell back down.

"Where! I can't see, Yossi!!" Ogawa screamed. "Stay right there I'm coming!!" Yossi screamed as she began to run towards Ogawa. Unbeknownst to Yossi, the two Bravo soldiers had loaded their guns and cocked them back as they also neared Ogawa.

"Yossi!!" Ogawa shouted once again, still on the ground.

"Ogawa, I'm coming!" Yossi shouted, getting closer. Ogawa clearly heard Yossi’s voice and a smile spread across her face.

"Yossi..." Ogawa said happily, still smiling. Just then, the two Bravo soldiers came out of a door, a short distance in front of Ogawa and took aim at her. "Yossi..." Ogawa said happily once again.

"NNNOOOO!!!" Yossi screamed as she saw the two soldiers in front of her taking aim at her friend, then begin to fire their weapons. Ogawa’s smile faded as she was showered with bullets. "NNOOO!!" Yossi screamed as she pulled out her handgun and ran towards her friend. Ogawa screamed in pain as she was continually pelted by rifle fire.

"AAHHH!!" Yossi screamed as she began to rapidly pull the trigger on her handgun, hitting both of the soldiers. They fell down dead, as Yossi leapt over their bodies and rushed towards her friend, tears streaming down her face.

"Ahh...Yossi...Yossi!" Ogawa screamed, bullet holes all over her body, as she began to gurgle up blood.

"Ogawa, I got you..." Yossi said, cradling her friend in her arms. "Hang on! I'll get you back to the rescue ship...please, we're going home!"

"I'm not...going to make it Yossi..." Ogawa said, as she then began to shiver.

"Why did they do this?!" Yossi screamed angrily. "They were supposed to rescue us!"

"Yossi...I'm not infected...I got...away..." Ogawa said softly.

"...what?" Yossi asked, looking down at her friend. Ogawa gurgled up some more blood. "Ogawa!" Her body then went limp, her head falling back.

Yossi sadly looked down at her friend, more tears falling down her face.

"Oh no!! No!!" Yossi screamed. She then tried to lift Ogawa up and drag her back to the rescue ship. "Come on Ogawa! I've got you!" However, Ogawa’s limp body was too much for her as they both fell back down to the ground. She tried again but she just couldn't do it.

"Yossi! Yossi come in!" a voice said over her radio. Yossi let go of Ogawa and picked up her radio. It was Lt. Charles.

"Yossi, what happened down there?" Lt. Charles asked. Anger began to build up inside Yossi.

"Your soldiers killed my friend!!" Yossi screamed, her voice shrill with anger and sadness.

"Yossi, that creature captured her, she was infected," Lt. Charles said. Yossi then thought for a moment and Ogawa’s words came back to her. "I'm not infected, I got away..." played in her mind again. But there was only one way to be sure.

Yossi placed the radio on the ground and slowly and carefully lifted up Ogawa’s shirt. She then placed her hand on Ogawa’s stomach, and waited for any sort of movement...nothing. "No!" Yossi cried, she then tried to feel a different place, still nothing. She then tried another place, and another and another, yet she didn't feel any movement inside. Ogawa was right, she hadn't been infected.

Yossi’s heart began to race, extreme sadness and pain filling her heart, as her friend was killed for nothing.

"God damn you Lt. Charles!!" Yossi screamed into the radio. She then threw it against the wall, shattering it into a thousand pieces, Yossi then picked up Ogawa again and continued to cry as she placed her head against her dead friend’s head, tears steadily streaming down her cheeks.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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H!P space survival
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2005, 06:42:02 AM »
Chapter 12 - It's finally over

"All soldiers return to the ship! All soldiers return to the ship. We're leaving!" Lt. Charles ordered. Konno and Takahashi looked at each other in disbelief.

"Leaving? ...Why?!" Konno shouted, with anger in her voice.

"We have no reason to stay any longer. We failed to rescue the girls and I've lost two of my best units...we need to get out of here. I'm not going to let any more of my men get slaughtered needlessly," Lt. Charles replied back.

"But Reina! We don't know that she's dead!" Takahashi said. Lt. Charles just shook his head.

"She was with Alpha team when they got slaughtered. I saw her in Alpha leader’s video monitor." Lt. Charles said. Takahashi and Konno looked at the ground, a lost look in both of their eyes.

"Dead..." Konno said softly. Lt. Charles nodded his head.

"All that matters now is that we get out of here before that creature comes back."

Meanwhile Yossi continued to hold her dead friend Ogawa, her heart aching of sadness and anger. She then slowly lowered Ogawa to the ground.

"I'm sorry Ogawa...I wasn't fast enough to save you..." Yossi said sadly. She then looked over at the two dead soldiers. She got up, walked over to one of the soldiers, took his sidearm pistol out of its holster and cocked the gun back, anger burning in her eyes.

"I will make him pay for this!!" Yossi growled as she began to make her way back to the rescue ship.

The rest of the soldiers had begun to regroup outside of the rescue ship. Their attention then turned to Yossi, who was slowly walking towards the rescue ship, blood all over her hands and shirt, with an emotionless, cold look in her eyes. She walked past the soldiers, the soldiers moving out of the way. Yossi then boarded the rescue ship, as Konno, Takahashi, Sgt. Andrea and Lt. Charles looked back at the ship’s doorway at Yossi.

"Yossi..." Konno said softly, seeing all the blood all over Yossi’s shirt and body.

"Lt. CHARLES!!" Yossi cried angrily as she slowly tread towards him. Sgt. Andrea stepped in front of her, protecting the lieutenant.

"Now just take it easy!" Sgt. Andrea said, but Yossi just smacked her across the face with the back of the pistol she held in her hand, knocking Sgt. Andrea to the ground, rendering her unconscious.

"Yossi!" Takahashi cried, staring at Yossi wide-eyed.

"Yossi! Please just calm down..." Lt. Charles pleaded, putting his hands up defensively.

"You ordered your soldiers to kill my friend, didn't you?" Yossi said. Lt. Charles did not answer. Yossi then smacked him across the face with the back of her handgun then grabbed him by the throat with one hand, while pressing the barrel of the handgun against the bottom of his chin. "DIDN'T YOU?!" Yossi screamed angrily.

"Yossi, I had no choice. She was infected," Lt. Charles said, blood running down his chin from a cut on his mouth. Yossi then pressed the barrel of the gun harder against the bottom of his chin, Lt. Charles wincing in pain.

"No she wasn't! ...she got away from that creature before it had the chance to infect her, and your damn soldiers killed her for nothing!!" Yossi screamed, pulling the firing pin back.

"Yossi!" Takahashi cried out, rushing towards Yossi, and placing her right hand on Yossi’s shoulder, with her other hand on top of the pistol Yossi was holding.

"Takahashi let her go!" Konno said, angry that she lost her friend for nothing as well.

"Yossi no..." Takahashi said softly, her hand remaining on top of Yossi’s shoulder and handgun.

Yossi continued to breathe heavily, glaring at Lt. Charles, as she then wrapped her finger around the gun’s trigger and began to slowly apply pressure. Lt. Charles trembled in fear.

"Yossi please..." Takahashi said softly.

Two teardrops trickled from Yossi eyes, slowly running down her cheeks as she continued to glare at Lt. Charles. She then took her finger off the trigger, her grip loosening around the handgun. Takahashi then took the gun away from Yossi and removed the firing pin. Yossi then lowered her head and broke out into loud sobs. Takahashi held her by the shoulders and guided her to a nearby table, Konno walking up to Yossi as well, holding and comforting her. The trio then sat down at the table, as Yossi continued crying hard.

"Yossi, there’s no way Lt. Charles could’ve known that Ogawa was able to get away from that creature. No one’s ever gotten away once it captured them," Takahashi said. Yossi turned away from Takahashi, not wanting to accept her explanation. "He only wanted to do the humane thing. He didn't want her to suffer."

Lt. Charles then stood up, his attention turning to his Sgt. on the ground, helping her up.

"I say again, all soldiers report to the ship, we're leaving," Lt. Charles said into his radio headset. The soldiers then began to board the rescue ship.

"Reina..." Yossi said softly, looking at Takahashi, her eyes still watery with tears. Takahashi shook her head sadly, "She was with Alpha team when they got killed. Lt. Charles saw her in Alpha leader’s video monitor."

"I understand...let’s go" Yossi said. Sgt. Andrea and Lt. Charles then headed to the cockpit of the rescue ship and began to make departure preparations. The engines of the ship then began to hum, getting louder by the minute.

Meanwhile, Reina was still hiding in the dark room she had dropped into earlier.

"What’s that?" Reina thought to herself, hearing a faint humming noise. As it continued to get louder in the dead silence of the space cruiser, she recognized it as a ship’s engines beginning to power up.

"Oh NO!! They're leaving!" Reina thought to herself, her heart beginning to race, as she was about to be left behind. She quickly came out from her hiding place, rushed to the room’s door, headed out, and broke into a sprint towards the rescue ship.

"WAIT!!" Reina cried out, running as fast as she could.

"Fasten up back there. We'll be departing in just a few minutes." Lt. Charles called back to Yossi and everyone else, as they began putting on their restraining harnesses, getting ready to leave.

"What about that creature, are we just going to leave that creature onboard?" Yossi asked.

"Once we're far enough, we'll launch two missiles and destroy the space cruiser," Lt. Charles said. All the girls looked at each other and nodded their heads.

Reina continued to run down the ship’s corridors towards the rescue ship. She came upon the site where the Alpha squadron was slaughtered. Reina stopped, quickly bending down, and picked up one of the radios on the corpses. She then continued to run towards the rescue ship, raising the radio to her mouth as she ran.

"WAIT!! Please wait!!" Reina screamed into the radio.

Yossi and the other girls thought they heard something, as their attention turned towards the row of video monitors where Lt. Charles radio was. Yossi unbuckled her restraining harness and rushed over to the video monitors and picked up the radio.

"Hello??" Yossi said. Reina’s voice then replied back.

"Yossi! Wait!! I'm coming!" Reina said. "I'm...AAAHHHH!!!" Reina then screamed. Yossi could hear a loud roar in the background.

"Reina...REINA!!" Yossi screamed. "No...NO!!" Yossi then dropped the radio. "Open the doors! I'm going after her."

"Yossi, she's as good as gone. That creature’s probably already captured her by now," Lt. Charles called back, firmly intent on prepping for departure.

"No! I'm not leaving her. I've lost too many people already...too many friends...I won't lose anyone else!" Yossi screamed, grabbing her handgun off the table and rushing towards the ship’s doors.

"Yossi, we can't risk it! We have to get out of here right now," Lt. Charles said. Yossi turned around and glared at him.

"Then give me ten minutes, you owe me that much!!" Yossi shouted. "If we're not back by then, leave without us." Lt. Charles thought for a minute, nodded his head and pressed a button on the control panel and the ship’s door began to open, Yossi then exited the ship.

"YOSSI!" Takahashi and Konno cried out sadly.

Reina began to back away in fear as the creature approached her. Her back then pressed against a wall; she was trapped and had nowhere to go. The creature then grabbed Reina by the head with both of its large claws and lifted her off the ground. Reina kicked and screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. The creature brought its face close to Reina’s and it opened its large fang-filled mouth. A tube then emerged from its mouth and moved towards Reina’s own face.

"No please!" Reina cried out. Suddenly, five loud gunshots echoed throughout the ship, as the creature’s grip on Reina weakened, allowed her to break free. Reina dropped onto the ground, as she then saw Yossi behind the creature, firing her handgun at the creature.

"Yossi!" Reina shouted. The creature turned around and roared angrily at Yossi. Yossi took aim and fired off another shot, hitting the creature right in the eye. The creature let out a loud shrill shriek.

"Reina, come on, come to me!!" Yossi shouted. Reina quickly scurried on all fours towards Yossi as the creature continued to shriek loudly. When Reina reached Yossi, she hurriedly helped Reina to her feet, as the two then broke into a dash towards the rescue ship.

The creature stopped thrashing about and growled loudly. Its eye began to heal up, and in a few moments, it was completely healed. The creature was furious now, as it let out a really loud roar and began to chase after the girls.

"Hurry, we don't have much time left!" Yossi shouted as she and Reina continued to run towards the rescue ship. Upon reaching the ship, Yossi and Reina quickly looked back and heard loud thumping footsteps fast approaching.

"You first!" Yossi said, pushing Reina towards the ship’s doorway. Once she was in, Yossi stuck her head in the doorway.

"LIFT OFF!!" Yossi screamed, as she too boarded the ship. They both then heard another loud roar behind them as the creature appeared at the far side of the corridor. It glared at the girls for a moment then began to make its way towards the rescue ship.

"HURRY...HURRY!!" Yossi screamed. The doors closed slowly, but it wasn’t quick enough, as the creature reached the door just as it was about to seal shut. It stuck its two large claws on either side of the door and began to pry them open.

"We can't take off until the doors are closed!!" Lt. Charles yelled back. The creature pried the doors wider, as it stuck its head in and let out another loud roar. Takahashi and Konno screamed as they stared at the creature’s head in the doorway.

Yossi quickly reloaded her handgun and began to empty it into the creature’s head. It roared and shrieked loudly each time a bullet hit it. When her gun clicked empty, Yossi cursed and threw the empty gun at the creature. Then she remembered something...

She quickly looked around and saw a long pole. She ran to it and picked it up, as the door opened even wider as the creature used all its strength to pry open the doors.

"It’s coming in!" Reina screamed. Yossi then turned to Takahashi.

"Takahashi!" Yossi screamed, as Takahashi looking at Yossi, her eyes filled with fear.

"The other grenade in your pocket...Give it to me!!" Yossi screamed. Takahashi hesitated for a moment then dug it out of her pocket. However, her hand was shaking so badly that it fell out of her hand and rolled away from her.

"Damn it!" Yossi screamed. Reina then dove towards the grenade and picked it up, as she then rolled on her back and looked at Yossi.

"When I tell you to, pull the pin!!" Yossi screamed, the doors letting out a grinding noise as they opened even further, nearly fully opened. Yossi raised the pole, holding it like a spear, as she then ran towards the creature and rammed the pole into its stomach. The creature let out an earsplitting shriek.

"NOW!!" Yossi screamed. Reina pulled the pin and, without being told what to do next, she instinctively threw it into the creature’s mouth. Yossi then pushed with all her might and forced the creature out of the ship. The doors once again started to close. The creature got up, looked at the girls and let out another loud roar before the grenade exploded inside the creature, severing it in half.

With the creature down and the doors finally closed, Yossi fell back on the ground and let out a sigh of relief as the ship finally began to pull away, getting further and further from the H!P space cruiser.

The creature back on the ship began to heal itself, its lower body sliding towards its severed upper body. The two halves connected and began to heal together, reforming the creature.

"Are we far enough away?!" Yossi yelled to Lt. Charles. Lt. Charles looked down at a video screen.

"Almost!" he called back. Takahashi and Konno then unbuckled their harnesses, got up from the table and rushed over to Reina and Yossi who were still on the ground. Both then knelt beside their friends and all four girls held each other in a joyous hug.

The creature was finally healed completely, as it slowly rose up from the ground and stood up. It then threw its head back and let out an extremely loud and long roar that echoed throughout the entire ship.

"We're far enough now...launch missiles!" Lt. Charles said. Sgt. Andrea then pressed two buttons on the control panel and two missiles were launched and rocketed forward for a short distance, before turning sharply around, heading back towards the H!P space cruiser. Yossi and the remaining girls stood back up and walked towards one of the ship’s windows that was facing the H!P space cruiser. They watched in silence as the missiles flew towards their luxurious space cruiser.

A few seconds later, they made contact with the front of the space cruiser and a brilliant flash of light went off, followed by a huge initial explosion. The ship then began to blow apart, section by section, starting from the front, all the way to the back.

The creature looked back down at the long dark corridor as loud, violent explosions went off that shook the entire ship. A huge wall of fire quickly approached the creature, as it let out another loud roar before being engulfed by the wall of fire. The entire ship then blew apart, sending out thousands of pieces of flaming debris that glowed and sparkled brightly as they moved outwards in a sphere like fireball.

"There it goes..." Konno said. She had her arms around Reina’s waist and both girls stared out the window of the rescue ship at the small pieces of flaming debris that used to be their own luxurious space cruiser.

"Yes, there it goes..." Takahashi said, holding her friend and leader Yossi by the waist as well. "...along with all our friends..."

"Don't worry girls. It’s finally over...we're going home," Yossi said. The surviving girls then wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders and shared a big group hug as the rescue ship began to make its way back to Earth.

Offline SeeYa

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H!P space survival
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2006, 11:51:22 PM »
....that was horrible....(it's a good fic...) what hapepned to them....Why did you have to kill Mako? TT^TT and GAM.... at least Yossi and Reina was so sad when they shot Makoto...I thought Yossi was going to die as well...but SHE SURVIVED! sigh....never reading anything like this again.

I swear this reminds me of some random horror movie...I just wanted to stop reading as soon as the first H!P girl died...but I COULDN'T! Just cause I HAD to know...who survived!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 05:31:09 AM by SeeYa »

Offline asheravel

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« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2006, 09:13:51 AM »
wahhh GAM DIED ?!?!?! was a great fic but GAM?!?! >.<"
100% supports YoMiki !~:D

Offline Tanachan

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H!P space survival
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2006, 09:50:22 PM »
*cries* So sad...but very well written.
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

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