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Author Topic: Third Pace First Insight 8/9/12  (Read 21701 times)

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Re: Under Peace Final chapter (9/20)
« Reply #80 on: September 21, 2010, 10:17:45 AM »
I just saw that I could end it, without any other problems but I know it seems weird but what the hell :nervous

Chapter 44

Miya began her prayer as she could feel everybody still behind her and she opened her eyes to see an elderly man by the door.

“Who are you praying for?”  He asked.

“My friend, she got stabbed this morning, and I feel it to be my fault for this to happen.”  The old guy laughed.

“It's never a person's fault for their lack of actions, it just happens, and you seem to care for her a lot.”  Miya stood up and bowed her head down.

“We are really close and my feelings for her is strong, enough to ask her for marriage.”  The old man disappeared as Reina peeked in.

“Rii is in the recovery room, we wanted you to see her first.”  Reina gave a smile as she grabbed her wrist.

Miya began to get nervous as they got into the elevator and couldn't figure out what to say to her friend, her close friend, her girl... friend.  The doors opened and all the smiles led her to the room as she took a breath before opening the door as the dusk appeared through the window.  Rii sat up as she saw Miya walk through the curtain.

“Miya.... I'm sorry.”  She started to cry as she grabbed Miya in.

“I should apologize, I should have protected you, don't hate me.”  Miya wrapped her arms around her mate.

“I need to tell you this.”

“What is it?”

“My wound was in an old area during training, I told my father that I got it fixed but never got around to healing properly and I am going to pay the price.”  Miya let go her grip as took a seat by her.

“I suffered a bacterial infection and it caused me to lose fifteen pounds, now the infection came back because I wanted to fight to make sure she was down before she could get you.”  Miya placed her hand in hers.

“You seem alright to me.”  Rii shook her head.

“For now, but I have to leave the team in the end, I only have a while to stay here, and I am going to live with some family.”  Miya put head on her shoulder.

“I don't like this either, no one wants to, however, don't say that you are going to leave because of injury, because that's chicken of you.”  Rii took a deep breath.

“I know, but Reina and Eri knew that I would leave after because of Ai and Risa, they had to make me swear that I would not take a vendetta for others.  Miya, I have a promise to hold, I know that you want to continue but I can't”  Miya looked down.

“I just can't say anything any more, without you, I don't want to anymore but its a livelihood already, what can I do without killing?”  Rii laughed.

“Reina and Eri gave me a going away present.”  Rii pointed toward the bag and opened it to find a menu.

“We run a gift shop in the shopping center, we make cakes!”  Miya started to tear up as the rest came in.

“Thanks for your help, now we have to do one more thing.”  Reina looked over at Eri.

“Kamei Eri, thank you for you help for this time, I know you got a job back in Japan, and you are going to take the Chinese girls with you leaving that annoying girl with me.  However, I congratulate you on your new offer and I wish you good luck.”  They all bowed toward her before leaving the room looking at Rii.

“So, you got your wish right?”  Rii nodded.

“I will be there in uniform, in the coming weeks.”  All gave her hug as they left the couple alone.

“I want you to be the best but if any guy hits on you, I will release my rage on them.”  Both laughed as they got their last kiss before she left.

Rii laid herself back down and went to sleep as she felt relieved of the duties and hopefully Miya could be a good waitress.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Under Peace Final chapter (9/20)
« Reply #81 on: September 22, 2010, 01:33:50 PM »
Yay! happy Ending  :twothumbs Rii lives and she and Miya get to be together and niether of them have to kill anymore and get to open a store together  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Third Pace First Insight 8/9/12
« Reply #82 on: August 10, 2012, 11:08:56 AM »
First Insight

Risako tied back her golden hair with her sight aiming outside the window, she never fully expected to go like this again after two years being hidden from the world.  She was awoken by a ring from a familiar mate who had been itching for some action but without her connections she had no weapons for her but there was a motive behind going back to the field:  Copycat

That was the code name she had heard from sources around her a copycat had been around shooting carelessly at the victims.  Rii was aware that no one would ever do the same mission again but the copycat was performing it with ease but with two years on the sidelines she needed to get back to straightening up the problems from before.

The problem was.... she needed find the people around her to stop the copycat from striking again.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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