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Author Topic: Zorxie-chan's Storytelling, [My actual love][The fat inside me]  (Read 20810 times)

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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good idea mayuyu XD french kiss :cathappy: :twothumbs
lol yukirin has to do exercise for a whole week :lol:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline ZorxCemoon

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Hello guys, sorry for the long awaiting story, I have recently realized my stories are usually a complete failure.

Although I wanted to post the story as a whole, It would take me days before publishing, so I though I break it to bits.

I have already typed over 13 thousand words, but took a quarter for inspection before release.

Hope you enjoy the story, Going to bed.

I might not update this story after release, might post other couples first.

I hope this story isn't insulting to anyone.

Read my french story ^ !!!!, Lols


(The big inside me)
Chapter 1

I was a loner, never had a friend in my life, except for my best-friend from junior high, everyone else who knew me, never wanted to befriend me nor wanted any involvement that requires my presences.

Life was a wrecking-hell, and living everyday was a torture that could never be repaired.

Students in my academy, were totally different from me, I wanted to be like them.

Although I always try my best to achieve their status, I would fail eventually as I have a compulsive addiction towards intensive exercising.

Anybody whom have gone through what I had, would have given up long before, but I will not, regardless of the challenges or difficulties that lies ahead.

But fortunately my life flipped around, after meeting my first-love.


It was a particularly normal day, taking my usual route to school, I would definitely pass-by some of the cooler kids, and they would immediately cupped each-other’s ears, possibly whisper a hurtful gossip or a word of disgust, whenever I passed by.

I usually ignore their foul-mouth and went straight to school, passed the thorny gates, and jolted directly to class.

Arriving at class, I narrowly crossed my arrogant classmates, and sat impatiently on my appointed seat, waiting for our English teacher’s arrival

Moments later, after an unbearable loneliness, the teacher suddenly enters the class, clasping onto a large ebony suit-case along with her juicy-turkey burger, which was frequently prepared for her lunch-break.

Making her way to her table, she bumps items from left and right, collapsing tables and chairs.

Finally achieving her journey, she began greeting the class, thrusting her body forward, yet again spreading everything in her path, with her fat obese belly.

Straightening her position and unwrapping her burger, probably she couldn’t wait for lunch!, she announces an important announcement “Students” She roared, taking an enormous bite, barbeque sauce pouring down her clothing “We would be having a new-addition to our class, she is waiting outside, so please do be polite towards her”

“Atsuko-san, please come in” The teacher motioned her flabby arms, signalling for her to enter.


Foot-steps could on be heard, but it grumbled the floor, shaking it earthquake-style.

Walking towards the middle, her fat jiggled from her head to her toes, shocking every students with an awe.

“Did you see those babies” “Goodness gravy” “Mmmm…..I could eat her up with a spoon”

Oh….I forgot to mention this, but in our era, the year 2056, the fatter and oilier you are, the more famous and charismatic you will be considered.

“Good morning” Acchan bowed sumptuously, as I admired her bubbled tummy “I am Atsuko Maeda, Nice to meet you all, please take good care of me” Suddenly the class started banging the tables in rhythm, cheering cheerfully.

Students started suggesting or begging that she took a seat beside them, but unfortunately for them, the teacher appointed her placement, directly beside me.

She is beautiful…., I thought as she watered her way through.

“Hello, Nice to meet you” she welcomed, pushing her hand forward, indicating a hand-shake

“Nice to meet you too, my name is… Minami Takahashi....” I softly squealed in excitement, before returning the favor, by grabbing her palm, as soon as we made contact, I could literally feel my arm breaking, even before the hand-shake

After our short introduction, and a newly broken arm, we sat down silently, except for the screeching sound she produced while sitting down, and attended to our boring topics of English and Japanese


A moment of sleepiness has sneakily ended the lesson, allowing me a short break.

As I knew my anatomy teacher would be currently making her slow-paced walk over to our class from the cafeteria, I used the opportunity to speak to the girl, that recently captured my heart.

“Atsuko-san” I shook her sleeves, hoping I am not disturbing her talk with the cooler-few “Hmm?” She responded, pulling herself away from them.

“Do you think?, we could” I blushed bright red, thinking why I am suddenly saying this, but my heart prompted me to do so “Have lunch together…” I scratched my head, ignoring darting glances.

“Sure thing, Minami-san, and please do call me Acchan, that is what my friends usually calls me” She replied politely, before being rudely interrupted by bullies.

“Stay away from her” A student named, Onoe Matsuya walks towards me, pushing me roughly to the ground. “You skinny anorexia bitch, don’t you are get near her” I grabbed my injured arm, and blamed myself for being so weak and thin.

Embracing my brain from expected verbal-abuse, as I usually experienced, I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes tightly.

Curling my body into a centipede form, and continued cursed myself for being born with high metabolism.

A bloodcurdling scream was suddenly sounded, finding the unexpected occurrence, I began slowly opening my eyes, although it wasn’t clear, I would depict a person whom was standing strong, his…. Or her hands were covered bright red, from paint…. Or blood!

Another was lying flat-down, red-substances leaking from the head-area.

Ominous feeling drenched my thoughts, I frantically rubbed my pupils for clarity, and immediately saw my saviour, …Acchan.

She stood there, glaring angrily at Onoe, signalling threatening motive through body-language.

Students from around quickly attended to their leader, but he yanked their helping hands, slamming the ground crazily.

Acchan just faced away from my enemy, and gave me a smile of reassurance, clutched my arms as we went back to our respective places, completely ignoring the minor incident.



The door slammed wide open, a panting person stood stationary at the front-entrance, inhaling oxygen with the typical in and out motion.

“Class….Arggg” She breathed in deep “I am sorry….Arggg….I am late” as she urgently went inside, still gasping air.

Before taking out a wad of paper, from her suitcase “Class, flip to page 195”, Everyone quickly flipped to the page “ Today we would be revising on our food pyramid”.

“As you can see” Miss Watanabe, our teacher’s name, took a chalk from the stand, and drew a pyramid, dividing it to 10 segments.

“Shinoda-san could you tell me what food, should be placed at the top” Mariko just chuckled and pointed at me.

“Takahashi-san could tell you the answer” She suggested.

“Well, Miss Takahashi, would you like to tell the class, what fo….item would be placed under the top category”

“Ermm…..” I gulped in embarrassment, feeling apprehensive “Whole-meal rice, noodles….and bread?” I replied, immediately the class started laughing and insulted me “You eat those, don’t you, Miss anorexia”

I covered my shameful face, weeping softly, but I felt warm-fuzzing grasp upon my hand, and I knew I felt secured

“Now class, you can’t just laugh at your classmate, just because she ate food from the unhealthy section” The teacher protested, before asking another “And would anyone like to tell me, what type of food, should we consume the most frequent?”

Everybody raised their hands, high up “Hmm….Akimoto-san, please tell the class your answer” pointing at the eager Class-rep.

“Chips, Burgers, Pizza and etcetera” Sayaka proudly said.

But unfortunately for her, the teacher wasn’t pleased with her answer “Wrong, that would be food at the moderate level!” She slams her book, harshly against the wooden desk “The answer should be, Chips, Burgers, Pizza and etcetera with extra oil and lard…” Miss Watanabe rubbed her temple “Please do study your homework....., Akimoto-san!”

After her little miniature mock-exam, we were quickly dismissed from class.

I packed by bags neatly, to avoid over-cramping, and went over to Acchan, seeing that she was engaged in a conversation with the others.

Although I wanted to gain her attention, somebody stopped me, and frown chili red.

Understanding the message, I decided not to interfere, and made my way out of this hell-hole.

I rushed back home, alone, and as soon as I arrived, I ran up to my bed-room, ignoring my concerned parents, screaming till my lungs burst, venting my anger on my pillow, bashing it with my fragile arms.

Why does everyone hate me.......

Tears made their way out, soaking my bed moist, as I lay motionless on my bed, swimming in thoughts, before slowly drifting my exhausted body to slumber.


“Arh…..!” I screamed, after dreaming a horrible nightmare.

Perspiring heavy sweats, I brushed it off with my blanket, and looked over to my clock on my right.


Another hour till school, I hastily prepared for school, with a power-shower, and a filling breakfast, which included scrambled eggs and sausages.

Completing the meal, I bid a farewell to my parents, and took a steady stroll to school.

Midway of the journey, I accidentally tripped onto something, falling flat on the ground, but fortunately broke the fall partially with the help of my hands.

“Hey!” Somebody screamed from behind, I tilt my head, and faced the person, I gasped as I recognized the culprit

“Didn't I say to stay the fuck away from her! You made a fool out of me yesterday” He kicked my stomach and my face, as blood started oozing from my nose, after inflicting injuries, he left with his gang, but not before pointing his middle finger at me “Remember, Fuck off…! Or you will regret it”

I rubbed my tummy in agonizing ache, I lay for a few minutes, motionless on the shivering concrete tarmac  “Are you okay? Takamina!” I glared at the incoming voice that was rapidly rushing towards me, realizing it was from my bestie, Oshima Yuko, I cooled off with a sigh “What happened to you?” she voiced her concern, looking around for bruises.

“It is nothing, Yuko, I just….fell down” I lied, covering injured areas.

“You do know that, that was the worst lie that have been ever invented” She smirked at me, pulling me to my feets, allowing her shoulder as support “If you don’t want to tell me, it is fine” She rummaged her pockets and pulled out a name-card “But call me if anything in particular, angers you…. I swear that person would regret ever being born”

“I think it is fine, Yuko, but I would accept the card anyway…” I took hold of the silver intricate card “Thanks”

“Since you are standing fine, I think I would get going” She patted my head “See you kiddo, I am rather late for an important date with Kojima, Bye bye, remember to call me!” waving to me for the last time, disappearing into the side of the corner.

“Good luck with your date” I mumbled to myself, wishing her best of luck.

Once upon a time, There lived two beautiful girls.
One named Watanabe Mayu.
Another named Kashiwagi Yuki.
They fell in love with each other and married.
The end.

Yukirin :heart: Mayuyu
Mayuyu :heart: Yukirin

Offline lezperv

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What kind of world did you just created???!!! Being fat is cool? WTF?!!! LOL. hey nothing against fat people since I"m fat myself, but it was just really funny that, that can be the future XP

I figured Minami was thin the moment you talked about exercising. I really cannot, and let me tell you, CANNOT!!! ever imagine Atsuko being fat lmao that is just a really weird image, but other than that... I WANNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ONOE!!! HOW DARE HE INJURED MY MINAMI!!! *runs around looking for him* He better not show up or he's dead!

anyway, I hope you can update soon  :luvluv1:
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline cisda83

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OMG Minami being bullied by the classmates and that 'guy'

Well true... She got Atsuko's initial attention but would that develop into anything?

Well Minami do tell authority about your bully...

Why is she anorexia?

Was she sick or what?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to see

Thank you for the interesting 1st chapter

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Archer1992

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Re: Zorx's storytelling/The big inside me(Atsumina) Ch1 Updated:15/10/13
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2013, 06:25:16 AM »

hahahahahahahahaha Atsuko Fat that is....X.X

i cant imagine....

continue soon


Offline ZorxCemoon

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Re: Zorx's storytelling/Changed of plan, Tomoyuki tomorrow, Mayuki story today
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2013, 08:18:51 PM »
Hello guys, if there is anyone reading  :cry:, I have finally produce another story after a long while.

Next story is obviously Tomoyuki, so please keep a sharp eye on this couple, reason for the pairing would be included at the end of the story.

The fat inside me, would pause for a while, as I have a schedule for pairings that rotates its shift.

Seems like my stories are getting less funny, and more crude hahahahaha

(Almost all the same)
@lezperz: It   -   for   -   to   -    her   -   simply   -   is   ---------- Thanks
@cisda83: is   -  Acchan's  -  ever   -   being    -   because  -  perfect   --------------- for
@Archer1992:hard -   fans  -  imagine   -   plump    -   she                                    ------------ commenting

Enjoy the story:),


(Treasure at the sea)

I dived into the dark ocean with a fully-loaded oxygen tank, swimming deep into the core, searching for the lost pyramid of Loza, an ancient mystery, that hasn’t been solved for millenniums.

A handful of dozen groups attempted, but no news of them, were ever heard of again.

Tagging along in this formidable journey was my junior apprentice, Kashiwagi Yuki, a dimmed witted girl, with a passionate heart for puzzling solving. Her duties as an assistant was simple, prepare my bags for adventure and cook my meals, and maybe just for my guilty pleasure of looking under her skirt.

Switching our brightly lidded torchlight, we began looking for the structure, we passed by wrecked boats and ships, and found a few hidden buildings, but not what we were looking for. Since patience wasn’t my strong points, we proceeded wandering in a mindless quest for slightly longer. Tired and feed-up we agreed in signal to rusticate the plan, and surface back to shores, surrendering our on-going 6 months search.

We followed the ropes, back to our boat, but fortunately stumbled upon our objective “Chhh….Watanabe to Piggy…Watanabe to Piggy…do you copy, I repeat, do you copy!” I spoke to the microphone attached to my neck.

“Copy that, what is your report? Over!” Our team leader, Atsuko Maeda questioned

“Objective spotted, unlock the ropes”

“Affirmative” Our ropes increased in length

“Pull us back up, when I signal with a tug, this might be a live and death situation we are facing! so please do remember not to wander about your wants”

“Roger that, Good luck”

Doing our short prayers, we dived straight to the only opening, entering the zone, we were slightly surprised that it wasn’t submerged in water.
Knowing that the pyramid has phenomenal power, we ignored our scientific theories and continued our quest for the Delena’s Throat, a faience that was craved in gold, said to contain a form of liquid, which could grant the possessor, immortality.

Yukirin and I removed our helmets and began wandering in amazement.

I flopped my bag down, kneel beside it and unzipped the zipper, stunned by the unexpected occurrence, I spilled the little contents straight to the ground. No food, no water, no weapons.

“Yukirin!” I shouted “Look!” she swapped her attention from the tomb to mine. “Opps” She rubbed her head, smirking “I forgot!”

“You didn’t packed it! because you were watching Sharknado, right?” I accused, wandering why she was obsessed with it “Of..f. Cause not”, guiltiness spreading across her face like butter.

Since there wasn’t a point in fighting, we used the best of the situation, luckily for us, I coincidentally left my detector inside.

"You are lucky I left an essential equipment with us" she just rolled her eyes.

I dragged it out, and started locating with its futuristic scanner, “Beep” It sounded, and a map was created, I just simply followed the route. On our threading journey to the center, we fight ogres and mummies with the help of traps or devious schemes, that involves unfortunate peddles of stone.

We moved faster, as we noticed that we were only inches away from the goal, sprinting around the labyrinth we sudden stopped in our paths, gazing at a huge barricade, which was the last thing standing in our path.

A collection of skeletons laid motionless on the ground, seeing as dust and webs were blanketing them, we came to a conclusion that it had decayed centuries ago, the same time as another group of scavengers who agreed to crossed the path.

There was also a large slab of stone, lying straight up, but its puzzles was engraved in reversed, the words were 1+1=, easily depicted when I slanted my head downwards. A chisel and a stone-hammer were stationary on a stand.

Suspecting it was a trick-question; I rubbed my chin and tried figuring the answer.

Just as I was soon unraveling the brain-teaser, Yukirin pushed me aside, probably unable to hold her temptation. "Yukirin Stop!" I demand, but she ignores my pleaded, took hold of the equipments and knocked a number one.

"RUNNNN!!" I screamed, firmly grabbing her arms, pulling her for escape, as spikes and arrows emerges from every direction, a tunnel too opened, releasing burning hot magma.

We scrambled our way quickly to the entrance with enough time of escape, understanding that the current flowing from the outside, was enough to burst our guts, we took hold of the rope and gave it a strong tugged.

Please be quick, Acchan!......

Nothing......., still positive we tried again, but to no avail, the magma rounded the corner, and was now on its way to our death.

"Pull the ropes, Acchan!" Those were my last few words, as we both disintegrated to ashes.

(In the beach)

Acchan and Takamina rested comfortably on the sands, an umbrella covering their sun-screened skins, "Takamina" she poked her sides.


"I can't solved this puzzle, could you help me...." Acchan passed over her magazine to Takamina for inspection, after a moment, Takamina grinned, "You see this" she pointed to the quiz '=1+1', "The answer is 1 + 1, Silly"

"So it is 1+1=1+1" Takamina nodded for confirmation, as Acchan took back her magazine, and flipped to her second challenge.

"Don't you have to look after the ropes and walkie-talkie?" Takamina added, worrying about her friends.

"Don't worry about that, I am pretty confident they are fine, just listen to this" She reached over to her mechanism, switching it on, instantly a shuttering scream echoed "Pull the ropes, Acchan!...... I don't know whether it is a good time to tell you this,... but I have... always love you,Yukirin.......Arghh.....Chh...." we stared at each-other in disbelieve.

"Let's head home" We acted natural

"I agree"


(Mini-game, answer if you haven't already came across this riddle)

The sphinx, a mythological creature, pushes its claws towards, your throat, but stopped "Answer this riddle, and I would spare your life" Its said

"What creature, walks on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and only one at night?"

-Would appreciate, I would appreciate, a Thanks:) *Greedy face*
Once upon a time, There lived two beautiful girls.
One named Watanabe Mayu.
Another named Kashiwagi Yuki.
They fell in love with each other and married.
The end.

Yukirin :heart: Mayuyu
Mayuyu :heart: Yukirin

Offline hikari_043083

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Re: Zorx's storytelling/Read! The big of us & Treasures at the sea, Updated
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2013, 02:31:11 AM »
If your question said three legs at night, then the answer is a human. At the beginning of life (the morning), he crawls as a baby on all fours. During the middle of his life, he walks on two legs (noon), and at the end of his life (the night), he walks with a cane (three legs). I think I came across this when playing Chrono Cross. However, your question said one leg at night. Either this is a typo or the sphinx is trolling and/or giving us a hard time. *scratches head*
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:24:19 AM by hikari_043083 »

Offline cisda83

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Re: Zorx's storytelling/Read! The big of us & Treasures at the sea, Updated
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2013, 02:35:32 AM »
okay so Mayu and Yukirin... died in the water

While Atsuko and Minami having fun on the beach...

And They don't care about whatever happen to Mayuki...

or they misunderstand the last conversation between Mayuki...

Very weird and confusing... ending...

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline cisda83

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Re: Zorx's storytelling/Tomorrow update^^, Posted mini stupid story
« Reply #48 on: October 20, 2013, 01:32:39 AM »
Interesting organ room?

Serial killer or medical lab?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ZorxCemoon

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Gradually my readers are decreasing in numbers, sad  :bleed eyes:
Anyways I wouldn't be able to post anything soon, I got an interview for a job this Friday, if successful I would be working for long hours.
Since nobody was reading the Kryptonite and Unsatisfied fan, both are already deleted.

Playful words


“Takamina, what do you like about me?”

“Well, nothing at all”


“Because I love everything about you!”

“Yuck! Too mushy”


“Which cup of noodles would you like, Mayuyu?”

“What flavours are there, Bakarin?”

“Hey!- Erm… Curry and Chicken”

“Hmmm….Can I have your milk cup instead?”

“Ehhh......Pshh come follow me”


“What powers would you wish to have, Yuko?”

“Hmmm….Time Stopping! That would be so awesome!”

“Why not immortality or teleporting?”

“Cause I want to grope you, 24/7 with you knowing hehehehe….”

“You do know that, you wouldn’t be able to move if you pause time”

“Why not”

“Because air and other gaseous gas would also be stopped, thus making it solid hard”

“Immortality then…”

“That would be a horrible choice!”

“But you recommended it! Besides what is so bad about living forever!”

“Well immortality allows you to live forever without dying, however you are still an ordinary weak human, can could be easily locked up in a dungeon, tortured for eternality”

“You have been hanging out with Mayu for way too long…”


“Sae-chan, do I look like a male?”

“Erm…. A little”


“A beautiful male?”

“That isn’t any better”

“A male with breast and vagina? Sounds better?”

“Of course not!”

“A male trapped inside a female body?”

“No, it is getting worse every minute!”

“A beautiful male gorilla with breast and vagina, trapped inside a female body?”

“Now we are talking…..Ugh..ha”



“Yes darling?”



“Tomomi are you listening to me, or not!”

“Tomochin, I heard you the last time, so what is it?”

“Oh! I wasn’t calling you, I was calling myself, but apparently I wasn’t responding to the call”

[Mariko and Maachan][Does who don't know Manami Oku, check her out in videos, although she was only in AKB for a short time, she is literally some of the cutest thing!, I pair them up because of a few videos of them being together and neat photoshots.][P.s. to all Marimii fans, I don't get the connection between them, rarely saw a photo of them or video.]

“Oku-chan, you want to have sex today?”

“I am still 13!, Mariko”

“Come on, what about a little fingering?”

“No! that is illegal”



“Who are you calling?”

“Child abuse!”

“Okay! Hmph! No kisses for you then!”

“Mari-chan! Don’t be like that! You know I like your smooches”

“Never! You can continue contacting them”

“Hmmm….I guess…. Caressing is fine…”



“Mom! Rena and I are getting married, she proposed to me yesterday!”

“Ohhh- That is bad news!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Take a seat on the stool, Jurina, we got to talk”

“So, What’s is it you want to discuss about?”

“Well….I didn’t have the courage to tell you before, Rena-… is actually.. your long lost sister!”

“That-that can’t be-e true!”

“I am afraid it is honey, we had to place her in the orphanage to survive”

Bu-but…..No-oo!! Thi-is can’t be-be happ-pening!”

“Obviously she isn’t your sister, she is far too pretty”


This version of "Playful words" would popped up, as time goes by, It's just mini-fun stories.

Once upon a time, There lived two beautiful girls.
One named Watanabe Mayu.
Another named Kashiwagi Yuki.
They fell in love with each other and married.
The end.

Yukirin :heart: Mayuyu
Mayuyu :heart: Yukirin

Offline lezperv

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Re: Zorx's fun stories:), Playful words UPDATED 22/10, [Lots of pairings]
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2013, 04:23:07 PM »
lol Zora, I don't read the other ones cuz they are not Atsumina, its not cuz you lost readers, okay?  :heart:

You made the Atsumina one hella short X3 but its super cute and cheesy nonetheless haha  XD

good luck on your interview  :twothumbs
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline imteedee

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Since nobody was reading the Kryptonite and Unsatisfied fan, both are already deleted.

this practically turned me off in my honest opinion, love your work, we don't write because we're expecting anything from the readers, appreciation may come in the end as consolation, but I write cause I wanted to, in the name of 'sharing'.

and don't ever think no one reads your fics, take a closer look on your 'thread views' Unless you're the one 'refreshing' your page. I don't intend to offend anyone in here. I'm just expressing my opinion, and this goes as well to the future ones who intend deleting their 'work of art'.

more powers, ZorxCemoon

imteedee :deco:
my hat is off. saluting.

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