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Author Topic: [T-ara] Birthday.. [EunMin x Soyeon aka SoMin]  (Read 4994 times)

Offline Ando

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[T-ara] Birthday.. [EunMin x Soyeon aka SoMin]
« on: May 22, 2013, 06:07:20 AM »
Alrite...this is the fanfiction right.. XD n I already write this long2 time ago..n the background...hmm, u can said happened while Eunjung is injured.. :P doesn't want to put an exact date.. cause's all imagination after all..




Time goes very slow for injured Eunjung. She rest at her room for a whole day. Sometimes watching dramas n eating at the kitchen.

“I guess I rest again today…” eunjung still under treatment. She can’t move too much. She feel depressed when she make other member work more when she absent especially her wife aka hyomin.


“Are u OK??” ask hyomin after comeback from midnight recording. She look very tired even though she smiling happily when she see her husband eunjung.

“Hmm…i’m OK..U?”

“Absolutely ok..I buy ur fav food..lets eat..” hyomin prepared the food on the table for eunjung.


“U look pale hyomin..” eunjung voice out that words as if she whispered..

“hmm..i’m sry??” hyomin still eating..

“Nope, nothing.. u’re not eating lunch again today?? U look more thin day by day..”

“Really, I dun think so..^.^..anyway..tomorrow we doesn’t hv any work plan..” hyomin look at her husband excited by herself. Anyway, she’s very curious bout something. Something bothered her mind lately.

“Ooo..really…no work plan..”a short reply with a small sigh come from eunjung.

“hmm..eunjung…are u OK?? y u look like that??” ask hyomin directly to eunjung. She can’t stand eunjung that look very weak recently. She’s the one that work everyday. So, she very confuse with eunjung attitude towards her.

“Like what??” eunjung quite surprise when that question come from hyomin.

“like what u doing rite now..its not like urself…y u only doing this to me..” Hyomin unsatisfied with eunjung answer.

“hmm..nothing…” eunjung can’t look directly to Hyomin face. She’s hiding something.

“Sigh” hyomin stand up and goes straight to kitchen n wash her hand. Without looking at eunjung, she go straight to her room.


Next monink..other member are going out. The dorm is quite empty n quiet. Only eunjung n hyomin still in their own room.

Eunjung going out of her room..checking up of hyomin.

“Is hyomin already awake??” she keep thinking n walk in and out of her room. Every 5 minute she check on hyomin BUT there is no sound at all in hyomin room.

After about an hour waiting..she let herself into hyomin room. She look at hyomin that have quite a deep sleep in her own dreaming world. She realize that hyomin look uncomfortable.

“Huh…quite hot” eunjung whispered to herself while her hand at hyomin forehead.


“Hmm..eunjung..what are u doing here??” hyomin awake after a few hours pass. Its already 12 o’clock.

“Ah..u’re awake..” answered the sleepy eunjung weakly..

“yeah..n y u’re here??” hyomin quite surprise with all the mess on the nearest table.

“hmm..nothing..” eunjung stand up n clean up everything.

“huh..whats that??” hyomin can’t see anything. Eunjung action is quite rush. She feel a bit confused.

“Ah, nothing..go wash ur face..lets eat together..” eunjung smile at hyomin that still dun have any idea of what going on..


“U cook??” hyomin can’t believe of what happened..

“Yeah..special for u..” eunjung replied n prepared the table.

“Thx a lot…where the other member??” ask hyomin curious.

“All going out..”


“Y?? are u mad at them??”

“Nope, y should I mad at them…I’m only..” hyomin can’t continue her words. Stuck by uneasy feeling.

“”Only…what? mad at me??” eunjung still playing around with hyomin words.


“Dun mad at me..I’m just worried bout u..sry bout last nite..” eunjung just smile widely as if yesterday didn’t exist.

“its alrite..” hyomin confuse by eunjung action. She feel something wrong. Everything is very strange. Eunjung is totally differ from yesterday n past few week..


while hyomin in her room. Eunjung call someone..

“U buy it??” ask eunjung on the phone.

“yeah, we on the way back..” soyeon replied…


Everyone is back…
eunjung n others are busy preparing a surprised party for hyomin. Today is Hyomin birthday.

After 45 minute, hyomin done bathing n going out from her room..suddenly, she hear someone singing..a love song..

“Eunjung??” She go straight to kitchen n quite surprise with everything..

After finishing her song..eunjung walk slowly to hyomin.

“This is for u..only for u..sry for everything..I never ever think that u will worried like that..” she speak to hyomin..asking for forgiveness sincerely from her heart.

“hmm…everything is ur plan??” ask hyomin still blank bout the situation..

“Yup..plz forgive me..” eunjung begging for forgiveness. She doesn’t mean what she doing for the last 2 weeks.

“Its 2 weeks u know..I told that its not a joke..u look very serious..”

“I know..i’m sry…” eunjung making a cute face n dancing cutely in front of hyomin.

Hyomin doesn’t know how to react to eunjung action. She can’t stand eunjung cuteness..everything that eunjung done is very cute n sometimes sexy..She doesn’t mad at all..she just worried…n a bit frustrated..

Everyone clapping, dancing n singing a birthday song together..they are very happy that everything goes well with eunmin couple…

“hyomin..u really lucky…” soyeon smile at hyomin.

“Yeah..I guess..”

“U buy the cake??” ask hyomin to soyeon that suddenly quiet…

“Yeah..” weak replied by soyeon..

“Thx…u really know my u” short replied but full with meaning. She hug soyeon n leave her alone n go to eunjung that slice cake for everyone.


This have continuation...but will have another title..  :)
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline scottjacks

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Re: [T-ara] Birthday.. [EunMin x Soyeon aka SoMin]
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2023, 10:27:11 AM »
What a cute story! EunMin and Soyeon is truly a couple

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