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Author Topic: X8RT:(TKP)The Kingdom Paradise [M+A] (Chapter 5+1) UPDATED!!!  (Read 6159 times)

Offline X8RTIER

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  • Love ache!! who cares!! Stone like heart!!
Re: x8rtier: The Kingdom Paradise [Atsumina and others] (Chapter 4) UPDATED!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2014, 01:19:14 PM »



“Yeah~ it’s been a while hasn’t it  *awkward silence*”

“Let’s just say I’ve been living underneath a rock”

“And busy with this dancing thingy at school and moving in another house”

“I think I also actually improved my English grammar”

“Sorry for the long pause~”






Wolfs howled at the full moon but echoes of a medley could be heard across the sleeping kingdom.

A hooded silhouette of which the medley was coming from smirked watching the kingdom from atop a Clift

“I hope you haven’t forgotten about me, Maeda, because I could never forget about you”

“I’ll show you what a real kingdom paradise is”

The silhouette gripped hard on its palm causing it to slightly bleed

“In due time I’ll be taking my kingdom back as the true ruler”

“The real king is back”


“…Yukirin” echoed through Yuki’s ears after dreaming a memory from the past

“ma..cchan” Yuki mumbled remembering a childhood friend from the past, slowly waking up and shifting her body to the left but was stunned after a blur

Mayu’s sleeping face was only a few centimeters from her

‘she really is cute, ….like a doll’ Yuki thought blushing but snapped out of it  ‘BAKA!!!....BAKA!!!... what am I thinking’

Yuki was busy with her thought that she dint notice Mayu waking up and is now staring at her

“ohayou” Mayu said which made Yuki snapped from her thought

“ah..oha----eh!?”  Yuki was surprised, they are now staring at each other until the circumstance finally registered on Yuki’s head

“AHHHHHH----!!” Yuki yelled standing up immediately which made her fall from her bed

“Are you alright?” Mayu asked looking at Yuki

“Yeah..I’m fine” Yuki said , rubbing her aching butt

“Is your butt hurting?” Mayu asked “I can rub it for you if you want”

“Shut up!!” Yuki said with a frown “it’s your entire fault”

“How’s it my fault?” Mayu retorted

 “Why are you even in my room Anyway!?” Yuki said

“No reason really” Mayu answered tired with the conversation while covering herself with the blanket and rested yet again

“What’s going on?” Yuko asked entering the room while carrying a pillow and rubbing her eyes in a cute manner

“Yuko-nee?” Yuki said “what are you doing here?”

“I heard a scream” Yuko said approaching Yuki “and thought you were in trouble”

“I'm fine” Yuki said

“…that’s good..” Yuko said yawning and entered Yuki’s bed “good night” and fell asleep right next to the sleeping Mayu

Yuki just smiled watching her beloved silly sister while scratching her head.

“Sleep tight” Yuki whispered “I guess I’ll go take a quick bath”


“Hey, got everything you need” Sae asked

“Yeah” Sayaka smiled signaling Sae that she’s ready

“Eh? No way, there’s no way your things would fit in that little bag” Sae pointed at a small bag being carried by the other girl

“Its fine it’s not like I’m moving into your house” Sayaka said “I’ll only be staying for some days, that’s all”

“..I.. guess” Sae answered not that contented by Sayaka’s words ‘I guess its fine, I could just lend her some of my clothes if necessary’

“Then shall we go” Sayaka gestured


Haruna lazily entered the room yawning while still wearing her night gown

“Ohayou~” a girl already sitting at the table, reading some papers greeted

“Ohayou~,acchan” Haruna said sitting down facing Atsuko

“Have you slept well?” Atsuko Questioned not even bothering looking at the other girl

“Un” Haruna nod

The other door across the room opened revealing dozens of staff carrying wares and delicious looking steak, salad etc. laying it out in the table

After laying the food the staffs left through the same door.

“Acchan, what have been reading?” Haruna asked already eating her well cooked beef steak

“Request for the upcoming celestial festival” Atsuko said now squinting at the paper she’s reading “Torture café? Sadist café? Cat service Café?......
urgg.. I’m starting to think some things wrong with these people”

Haruna giggled at Atsuko’s distress face “This place always looks so busy….”

Haruna suddenly remembered a memory” Now that you mention celestial festival..”

Atsuko smiled but a hint of sadness knowing what Haruna was about say “it’s already been 13 years since we met and…. 13 years since he disappeared”


13 years ago

The clouds were dark, rained poured down the entire land accompanied by roars of thunder and gusts of winds


“Papa?” A small Atsuko entered the library but saw no one

The small Atsuko wondered off somewhere else while calling out for her dad

She stopped when a maid in front of her knelt down and hugged her, crying

“Onee-chan, why are you crying” Atsuko asked with a confused look

“Atsuko- hime, please do not be sad” The maid said giving a piece of paper to Atsuko “It’s a letter for the kingdom from the king”

The little Atsuko took the paper and read it

In the letter:

“To my kingdom, please do not alarm I will merely leave the grounds of my beloved kingdom forever”

From the king of the fire kingdom


The letter was short but sure enough it was his dad’s writing

Atsuko was staring at the paper, drops of water could be clearly seen in her face

“O..onee- c..chan, I don’t understand” Atsuko asked with a shaken voice  “D.. did papa abandoned me, does he hate me? Was I not a good girl?”

Atsuko asked crying

“Did I do something wrong??, was I useless to him?? ”

The maid simply stared at her sobbing not knowing what to answer

“That’s it isn’t it?? Papa hates me, papa doesn’t want me” Atsuko said as more tears fell down her pleading, confused eyes

The 2 simply stood crying and sobbing

After a few moments

Atsuko finally stopped crying and simply stared down the floor while the maid noticed the floor was shaking

The lights started flickering, the ground started shaking vigorously, and the glass in the windows started breaking one by one allowing the storm to enter
and the sound of the thunder to be heared

The maid was shocked she was losing her balance 

The maid shifted her eyes to Atsuko who was looking down with lifeless eyes mumbling things which the maid couldn’t understand

The maid tried reaching for Atsuko’s hand but quickly withdraw it when she felt a wave of shock from Atsuko

“Hime!!!” the maid shouted

“Maybe I wasn’t supposed to be born, that’s why he hates me, maybe I did something wrong that’s why he abandoned me” Atsuko mumbled not minding
the pieces of glass flying at her, grazing her

“Hime!!! We have to leave!!!” the maid shouted still trying to keep her balance “Hime!!!”

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Atsuko started shouting holding her head like she was in pain

The ceiling started crumbling down also the floor

“Himmeeee!!!!” the maid shouted on top of her lungs

Everything suddenly stopped together with Atsuko who was screaming

The pieces of glass stopped in midair as well as the crumbling cement like the time stopped itself

The maid was speechless until she heard a loud thud

Atsuko has fallen down unconscious then the glasses and cements fell afterwards

Everything suddenly stopped


Atsuko slowly opened her eyes finding herself in her room

Her body ached and was covered in bandages

But remembering what happened the other night quietly her tears again fell down

She locked herself in her room for 3 days not caring the voices persuading her at the other side of the door

*knock knock knock*

“Hime, can I enter?” The same maid from the incident

Hearing her voice Atsuko flinched

Atsuko stood up from her bed and opened the door and saw the maid covered in bruises probably from the incident

Atsuko walked pass the maid ignoring her and made her way straight to the dining table

The maid was stunned the princess she once knew is now empty and simply followed


Atsuko sat quietly eating her breakfast

While the maid stayed by her side silently

“Hey?” Atsuko asked not bothering looking at the maid

“Yes?” the maid answered a little surprised

“Gomen” Atsuko shortly said once again eating her food

“Hime, what hurts the most isn’t what we see but in the state of the beholders treasure” the maid said but realized what she just said “A..A..Ah…, g…
gomenasai Hime,’s a h..habit of mine” she bowed

Atsuko ignored the maid but heard the sound of the trumpets and the main door opening

“That must be the visitors from the Kojima family” the maid said looking outside the window where the main gate is clearly visible

“Visitors?” Atsuko murmured looking outside the window still with emptiness in her eyes

“ah.a..hh…. gomenasai hime…. I forgot to inform you we were having a visitor” the maid bowed again and again “they said their hear to show their
respect t---”

Atsuko clenched the table’s covering and stood up “send them back” Atsuko yelled “tell them he’s not here”

Atsuko left the room leaving the maid dumbfounded

*sigh* “even if you say that…..there’s no way I can do that”


Atsuko is staring lifelessly at the pond, at the small fish clinging into the bigger fish like a family

Atsuko took off her shoes and soaked them at the pond 

The longer she stared at the fish the more she felt annoyed, she then felt a shock run down her body to the water.

The fishes started floating one by one, lifeless.

“Papa!?” someone called out which took Atsuko’s Attention

Atsuko saw a girl seemingly in her age looking around fidgety like she was lost

“Papa!?” the girl called out again

Atsuko decided to ignore her but the girl saw Atsuko alone and decided to ask for direction

“Excuse me?” the girl said approaching Atsuko “Do you happen to know how I can get back to the main hall”


“a…ano…” the girl was surprised when she took a peek at the pond “eekkk!!!!”  And stumbled down the pond couldn’t be called a pond anymore, it was
tinted red and dead fish were clearly visible

“…..” Atsuko ignored the shrieking girl but was surprised when a pair of hands was dragging her forcefully away from where she was sitting

When they were a little further away from the pond the girl let go of Atsuko and rushed to Atsuko’s feet checking every inch of it

Atsuko just gave a surprised and confused look

After checking every inch of Atsuko’s foot the girl sighed in relief “I thought you were injured or something” the girl said

“I’m fine” Atsuko said getting up ‘what a wierdo’

“Looking at it carefully ….EHHHH!!! are those dead fish???” the girl screamed again looking back and forth at the pond and Atsuko “what happened???”

“I killed them” Atsuko said bluntly looking at the girl emotionless

“huh!!!” the girl exclaimed

“……” Atsuko was about to walk out when she felt someone hits her head hard

“What are you doing!!??” Atsuko asked mad holding her aching head

“I should be the one asking you that!!” the girl retorted “why’d you kill the fishes!!??”

“Because they were swimming and it was annoying!!” Atsuko shouted back

“HAH!!!” exclaimed the girl and hits Atsuko’s head once again “they are supposed to swim you big idiot!!”

“I know that Stupid!!!” Atsuko shouts “Will you stop hitting me!!!”

“Why should I!!” the girl was about to hit Atsuko again but this time Atsuko dodged it

Atsuko smirked but that smirked was wiped out when the girl kicked Atsuko making Atsuko fall to the ground

“Don’t underestimate me stupid!!” the girl Smirked!!

“A big words for an Idiot!!!” Atsuko yelled back

The 2 of them stared back at each other and started laughing

“By the way I’m Haruna, Kojima Haruna” the girl said extending her hand to Atsuko

“Atsuko, Maeda Atsuko” Atsuko said and reached for Haruna’s hand “Kojima?”

“Yeah, why??” Haruna asked

“If you’re looking for Dad then his not here” Atsuko said “and hes not going to be back forever”

“Why” Haruna asked

“Because he hates me” Atsuko said looking away but felt another ache

“You really like hitting people in the head don’t you!!” Atsuko said holding her head once again

“I have my reasons!!” Haruna said “and besides there’s no way a parent can hate his own child!! Especially when that child came from him!!! ”

“Huh!!! What are you talking about I came from my mother idiot!!” Atsuko yelled “And besides there’s no way a guy can get pregnant stupid!!!”

“That’s not what I meant!!Idiot!!!” Haruna retorted ”and will you stop calling me stupid!! Stupid!!”

“you were the one who started it stupid!!” Atsuko shouted

“Whatever, what I’m trying to say is that you came from him that’s why you’re a part of him and that’s why he can never hate you” Haruna said

“I don’t understand you like I said I came from my mom!!” Atsuko said with a whining face

“Guahh!!” Haruna yelled frustrated “why are you so stupid!!??”

“What!!” Atsuko said irritated “I’m clearly smarter than you no matter how you see it!!”

“Huh!! Are you telling me I look like an idiot!!?” Haruna retorted

“Isn’t it obvious!!” Atsuko retorted “your spewing things that’s not even possible!!”

“Atsuko- hime-sama, Haruna- hime- sama” someone called out approaching them

“What!!!!!” the 2 of them clearly annoyed looked at the caller at the same time

The maid from earlier was surprised at the atmosphere but was more surprised at the emotion the princess was showing 

“ah.. umm” the maid not being able to remember what she was about to say because of a certain someone

“spit it out already!!” Atsuko ordered irritated

“R..right, King Kojima asked for your guidance for planning the celestial festival and in the process look for Haruna-hime-sama”

“Do it himself, why ask a kid to help out!!” Atsuko yelled but was once again hit by the other girl

“Don’t be rude to papa!!” Haruna yelled “it’s your Kingdom’s festival you’re the one who should be planning it instead of papa!!”

“You should really stop hitting me!!” Atsuko yelled out in pain “Stay away from me until you fix that habit of yours”

“And you, what’s you name!!??” Atsuko pointing at the maid but was smacked again by the other girl “What the heck do you really want me to die that
badly!! Stop hitting my head” but was again hit my the girl

“That was for your language and earlier was because I find your pointing offensive” Haruna said

“Whatever” Atsuko rolled her eyes “your name?”

“huh?” the maid said

“I’m asking your name!!?” Atsuko said

“R..right im the personal assistant maid, Takahashi Aoi or Takao”

“Alright Takao” Atsuko said “come closer”

The maid did as what the princess told her and knelt the same height as her

Atsuko smirked and grabbed the Takao’s uniforms collar and leaned near her ears and whispered something

Haruna couldn’t hear what Atsuko was whispering but she could tell it wasn’t good because the maid was turning blue out of fright or something

“Understand?” Atsuko asked after whispering to her then plan

“ALL OF THEM!!” the maid’s eyes were getting bigger and bigger “ME??ALONE???”

“That’s right” Atsuko smiled “It’s an order, you’re going to do it no matter what or else..”

‘Cute… IF!!! You weren’t devil herself!!’ Takao thought ’I think I prefer you being your gloomy self ’

“You have 3 hours” Atsuko smiled innocently

“ehh!?” Takao’s eyes were almost popping out “shouldn’t the other kingdoms also help it is for the sake of the princesses people!?”

“I don’t know about that” Atsuko gave a serious look “they have been too quiet lately”

“so there you have it you’re doing it all alone no matter what” Atsuko grinned

“wha--” Takao was about to retort when Atsuko cuts her off

“2 hours and 59 minutes and 34 seconds”  Atsuko said “better keep going”

“hai!!!” the maid left running

“What was that all about?” Haruna asked

“You’ll find out soon” Atsuko said thinking

“”what are you thinking about?” Haruna asked

“Nothing” Atsuko said “I’ll deal with them somehow”

“Who?” Haruna asked

“Those lazy bums on the other kingdom” Atsuko smirked

(AN: From what I know you were a bum just a minute as well)


“Your clearly late” Atsuko said at the panting maid carrying a pile or a thousand of papers

“H..H..eavy…” Takao said still panting

“hurry up and take me to that Kojima king” Atsuko said

“ehh!!” Takao shouted with a horrid face

“Hurry up” Atsuko said crossing her arms

“a..aku..akuma” Takao murmured while trying to walk while not dropping the papers


King Kojima was sitting at the table when the door opened revealing Atsuko and an out of breath Takao

Atsuko smirked “you said you wanted to help out for the festival well I want you to do something about the voices of the citizens” Atsuko said pointing at
the papers Takao is holding

“You asked every citizen?” king Kojima asked surprised “That’s Amazing”

‘Actually I did’ Takao thought

“By the way have you seen my daughter?” King Kojima asked

“I think she got lost an hour ago” Atsuko said


“By the way acchan aren’t you going to eat you food?” Haruna asked

“I’m waiting for someone” Atsuko said fixing, piling the paper at the side of the table

“Who?” Haruna asked curious cause from what she remembered she was the only one living here except the staffs


“speak of the devil” Atsuko smiled “Com in”

“h..hai” A girl entered the room “A maid said you called me”

“That’s right” Atsuko said smiling “Sit down Takahashi- san” 

“H..hai” Takamina sat down infront of Atsuko sitting right next to Haruna

“Who’s this?” Haruna asked looking at Takamina

“Haruna this is Takahashi Minami- san, Takahashi-san this is Kojima Haruna”

“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu” Takamina bowed

“Same” Haruna said getting back to what she was eating

“Takahashi-san, you’re not allergic to pork right?” Atsuko asked

“not really” Takamina answered confused

“That’s great” Atsuko smiled getting up from her sit and shifting right next to Takamina

“Then say ahhh~” Atsuko said holding a fork with meat

“eh!!” Takamina was surprised and blushing at the same time

“There’s no ne--ummph” Takamina was cut off when Atsuko shove the food in Takamina’s mouth

“How is it?” Atsuko asked smiling

Takamina carefully chew and gulped, her eyes started sparkling “delicious!!” Takamina said

“Glad you like it”

“Un” Takamina nod

“Again ahhh~” Atsuko said repeating the same motion earlier

 “There’s really no ne--ummph” Takamina was cut off again by the same pattern earlier

“Delicious~” Takamina’s eyes were once again sparkling

Atsuko just smiled

Haruna who was at the other side stared at them “What the heck is going on here?What kind of situation is this”


Yuki had just came out from the bathroom with only towel covering her body and hair

 “Is breakfast ready yet?” Mayu asked sitting right next to the sleeping Yuko

“You’re the one who’s supposed to be informing me” Yuki said going to her wardrobe to change

“I’m not a maid!” Mayu said “im a B.O.D.Y.G.U.A.R.D., a bodyguard! Get it”

Yuki rolled her eyes after hearing what Mayu said “whatever” and continued on changing her clothing

Mayu stared at Yuki changing her clothes

“Wow.. You’re really thin” Mayu said with a blank face “why don’t you eat more?”

Hearing Mayu’s voice shocked Yuki who forgot Mayu was present

“eh……were..s..still here?” Yuki stuttering while blushing

“duh” Mayu rolled her eyes

“GET OUT!!!” yuki yelled 

“Fine, fine… sheesh” Mayu said leaving the room “I still think you need to eat more though no one would want to get married to a skinny monster”

“SHUT UP!!” Yuki yelled


 Yuki finally finished changing and decided to go to the dining hall for a bite of a breakfast

But when she went out of her door she was a little surprised by the person in front of her

“Took you long enough” Mayu said leaning on a wall with a bored face

“Your still here?” Yuki asked surprised

“Yeah, I wanted to be with you” Mayu smiled

Yuki was somehow moved by what Mayu said but instantly shattered by Mayu’s next line

“I dint want you bothering the workers by not knowing how to eat properly” Mayu continued

‘urgg I’m an idiot for believing she could be human for once’ Yuki though

“ohayou~” an energetic Yuko greeted opening the door

“onee-chan?” Yuki said “when did you wake up?”

“Just now” Yuko answered “what are you guys still doing here? Hurry up lets go eat”


“oh yeah after this were going to acchan’s place” Yuko said stuffing food at her mouth

“eh? Nande?” Yuki asked

*gulp* Yuko gulped down the food like a liquid “tsk tsk tsk” Yuko gestures “Have you forgotten it’s almost celestial festival”

“oh yeah” Yuki looked down sad which Mayu noticed but decided not to stick her nose into someone’s business

“’that’ aside were going to be helping acchan prepare for it” Yuko grinned

‘that?’ Mayu thought

While Yuki stayed silent


“Unbelievable, 0_0 it really did took only 5 minutes to reach the city” Sae said with an open mouth “How’d I  even get lost”

“Hahaha told you so” Sayaka said “So where should we head first?” Sayaka asked

“Isn’t it obvious to my house” Sae grinned “follow me” Sae started walking off but not before putting a hood

“What’s with the hood” Sayaka asked

“let’s just say I’m famous here” Sae said

“don’t tell me you’re a famous robber” Sayaka asked jokingly

“that’s not it” Sae said “you’ll find out when we get to my house”




“I’m going to end it here for today”

“I did say I improved my grammer but~”





Offline X8RTIER

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Re: x8rtier: The Kingdom Paradise [M+A](Chapter 5+1) UPDATED!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2014, 01:22:35 PM »

The kingdom paradise

BY: X8rtier



(AN: a little hint on what’s going to happen on the next chapter’s’)

13 years ago continuation~

“Where the heck am I” The little Haruna asked herself stuck on a foreign place

“This is Atsuko’s fault” She whined

“Onee-chan are you lost?” A girl seemingly younger than her asked

“Eh? Dare?” Haruna asked

The little girl just smiled “I heard you mentioning Atsuko-onee-chans name”

“onee-chan?? Atsuko’s your sister??” Haruna asked surprise

“Un” the girl nod

“I’ll take you to her” the girl said and took Haruns’s hand and started leading her

“Cold, why is your hand so cold?” Haruna asked

“I was born like that” the girl answered not even looking at her

After a moment of silence

“Were here” the girl said letting go of Haruna’s hand showing her a door “Onee-chan is there”

Haruna opened the door and surely little Atsuko is there sitting down drinking a cup of hot milk

While king Kojima was busy reading all the paper work together with Takao

“There you are” Atsuko said “Everybody is looking for you”

Haruna glanced at her Father “doesn’t seem like it” Haruna approached Atsuko and sat next to her taking a cup of milk at the table

“Hey that’s mine!” atsuko said

“Your already drinking one you don’t need another” Haruna said

“What are they doing” Haruna said referring to his dad and Takao

“Celestial festival planning” Atsuko simply answered

“Aren’t you going to help” Haruna asked

“I’ve already done mine” Atsuko said

“heh..”  Haruna hummed ‘I bet Takao was the one who did it for her’

“By the way how’d you found your way back here?” Atsuko asked

“Oh yeah, your sister help me out” Haruna said taking a sip

“……..” Atsuko was looking at her like she was crazy

“What’s wrong?” Haruna Asked

“Yeah well here’s the thing I don’t have a sister” Atsuko said

“eh?” Haruna was a little surprised “no way I saw her just earlier, I even touched her”

Atsuko simply smiled and moved a little farther from Haruna

“oi, oi its true” Haruna said trying to be calm

“Like I said I don’t have a sister” Atsuko said

“Then who was that girl from earlier?” Haruna asked now a little scared

“KYAAAAAAA!!!!” the 2 little girls was startled by the sudden scream “Don’t tell such a scary ghost story here” Takao said scared from behind them

‘When did she get her’ the 2 thought

“It’s not a story it’s the truth!” Haruna said

“No way I'm an only child” Atsuko said

“And the only kid in this kingdom” Takao added

Haruna was speechless, thinking in everything they said there could be only one answer she could think off

“Atsuko maybe just maybe…” Haruna was a little hesitant

“Maybe what?” Takao asked

‘urggg.. this girl seriously….’ Atsuko glared at Takao

“Just maybe .. your little sister died??” Haruna asked terrified

“AHHHH!!! STOP IT!!” Takao yelled terrified

“Then don’t listen to it stupid!!” Atsuko yelled

Atsuko can only sigh while face palming

After taking everything in

“There’s no way I would have a sister and I will never have one stupid!!!!!” Atsuko yelled at Haruna with a smack in the head

“What’s going on” king Kojima asked

“papa” Haruna smiled

“we were talking about Atsuko’s sister” Takao said

“Sister?” King Kojima asked in Surprised “I dint know you had one?”

“I don’t” Atsuko said

“How is she?” king Kojima asked

“We suspect her dead” Haruna said

‘How stupid are these people?’ Atsuko thought face palming again


AN Love quote for today:

“Let’s build our relationship like a Lego toy,

If we mess up we can just disassemble it and start from scratch”

Thanks for reading guys~

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