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Author Topic: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi  (Read 52389 times)

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #140 on: March 06, 2016, 04:50:38 AM »
Because SayaIshi is my favorite pairing and I don't want this topic to fall in the depth of the board, I'll post an old/new pic once a week.

Here we go : A sweet memory from Satoyama!

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #141 on: March 23, 2016, 05:14:18 AM »
HQ scans of Gravure The Television Magazine featuring SayaIshi last photoshoot!  :heart:

Gravure The Television Sayashi Riho and Ishida Ayumi Interview Translation

Riho-chan of Morning Musume’s last single, the triple A side song “ENDLESS SKY”  is what I thought your last song was, but actually, “Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi” is more of a song that is in Sayashi-chan’s image.

Ishida: “ENDLESS SKY” has the kind of image the fits that of a spring graduation. So I think many people will be able to empathize with the song.

Sayashi: “Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi” was written for me, you can tell in the lyrics. Especially the parts “I don’t want my heart to be shown, but you noticed I grew out my bangs,” came from real experience. At a time when I didn’t like myself I tried to hide my face by growing my bangs longer and longer, but then Tsunku-san said “Please cut them,” like he was giving me advice. So, the moment I looked at the lyrics, I thought “uwa”. I wasn’t meeting with Tsunku-san everyday, but when we were together I think he was really looking out for me.

Ishida: The title is that of a love song but, in a girls heart, there are things you want to say but can’t; singing about wanting to be noticed, I thought that there were many things Sayashi-san couldn’t say to everyone…is what I thought it is about.

Are there things you haven’t said?

Sayashi: “No, I don’t think there was, but I’m bad with words, so there may have been something I forgot to say (lol). But, I’ve thought about it and, I think the meaning is piled onto the lyrics of love.

When looking at the year of ‘15, when Riho-chan announced her graduation at the end of October, I was really surprised and thought “another graduation!?”

Sayashi: I’m sorry (lol).  However I have been active in Morning Musume for 5 years and I don’t think that’s a short time at all.

Ishida: Although you are still young…

Sayashi: That’s true. It was something that came from a lot of thought, and I had plenty of time for it not to be a half hearted decision.

Looking back on this year, I thought that something happened with Riho-chan’s atmosphere. However, I didn’t think it would turn into graduation.

Sayashi: Ah, its so easy for people to read me…For myself, it wasn’t something I planned either. I value the time I spent with Morning Musume, so this was something I was a bit hesitant about. So as soon as I came to the decision, “It’d be good for you to study abroad early” came from the company, and the graduation timing was decided. Not just what I want to do in the future, but in taking advantage of my current environment; I had considered many things.

Ayumi-chan, before you found out about the graduation, did you feel there was anything (leading up to it)?

Ishida: No…I don’t think I did. When we became Morning Musume ‘15, not just Sayashi-san, we all started thinking of the other younger members, so I felt as if everyone’s consciousness had changed. But, I didn’t expect anyone to graduate.

In the summer there was a period where Riho-chan took a break, I wondered if the others members were worried during that period.

Sayashi: My resting was more of an annoyance to the other members, so I don’t think they worried too much. They contacted me as usual.

Ishida: Because Sayashi-san isn’t the type to always say what she is thinking, I thought that there must be many things she thinks about when she is alone…But, I didn’t take the time to listen to Sayashi-san.

The 9th generation were at the top of the year of ‘15, an important year to be conscious about Morning Musume, were there conflicts up until you decided your graduation?

Sayashi: There were. But, while I was thinking of the group, I was also thinking about my graduation inside myself. Although I didn’t say anything about it, it was always on my mind.

When Riho-chan first joined she said “I want to do it to be the best”, do think this could have been achieved only because you were the center?

Sayashi: That’s right, or rather, to become the best in my role in Morning Musume. My feelings when I said “I want to be the best” were exactly like that because I wanted to do it as a Morning Musume.

When telling the members about your graduation, how did you feel about their reactions?

Sayashi: Ayumi-chan’s crying was unexpected. The 9th generation also said “Out of all the members, Ayumi-chan is the one crying!” (lol)

Ishida: Ahahaha!

Sayashi: But, I think it happened very suddenly for the members.

Ishida: My tears spilled out from nowhere, I didn’t really think anything of it.

Can you analyze the meaning of your tears now?

Ishida: I wonder, I’m uneasy…After she told us she was graduating, Sayashi-san left. An employee said “This may make you uneasy but, graduations and new additions are a thing of Morning Musume…” and I started crying again. “Uneasy” was the keyword that stuck. Not standing on stage with Sayashi-san is a big thing to lose, that was my biggest unease, I think.

It seems that many of the members in the group think similarly to Ayumi-chan, that she is a big presence in the group.

Ishida: Yes, yes, yes.

Sayashi: Since joining I have done my best with performances, I’m thankful to get to think so. But speaking of uneasiness, the uneasiness will come every time a member graduates, I’ve seen the group form from hard work right after someone graduates. Therefore, I think they’ll be fine.

Ishida: Ah…saying that you think we’ll be alright makes me very happy.

Sayashi: Of course with the formation of graduating, for my instance I’ve thought of my influences and if it will be the end of me (lol). When I stop and think about it, it becomes a vicious cycle.

It’s like picturing Morning Musume without yourself, huh.

Sayashi: It may be selfish, but I’m not able to imagine it at all. After I graduate, I think that they’ll quickly form into something new.

Perhaps the chance has come around for other members, right.

Sayashi: That’s right. Since about 2012 I’ve gotten to stand near the middle, but I think it’s nice for that to change. Of course with other girls coming before me,  while I think that I worked hard, it also feels good to graduate before I sputter out (lol). So I don’t think that my timing is wrong.

The two of you have a relationship to that of dance partners, how fun is it for Ayumi-chan to dance with Riho-chan?

Ishida: At dance lessons, when they call out “so-and-so will stand here” in order, the first to be called out is Sayashi-san’s, when they call out “Next, Ishida” I always think “Alright!!”

Sayashi: Nhahahaha!

Ishida: I’m happy just about every time. Fans will say “I like the two of you’s dance battles”, I also like dancing with Sayashi-san, I like myself when I dance with Sayashi-san. Therefore, Sayashi-san’s existence made me like myself.

What is “the self you like”?

Ishida: Its a fun feeling to put out while dancing. When dancing with Sayashi-san, I always have the feeling of “I won’t lose”. I like that me. I like my stronger self over my weaker self, although there are times when I can be weak. During those times, I’ll dance with Sayashi-san and think “Lets do it!” to myself.

For Riho-chan, what do you think of Ayumi-chan’s presence?

Sayashi: Before Ayumi-chan entered the group, I don’t think I did my best with dancing. When the 10th generation entered I thought “Oh no oh no, I’m going to be surpassed!” and said it a lot to my mom and the 9th generation. If I hadn’t had that feeling, my level would be lower than it is now, there was always a need for a high level of performance motivation with Ayumi-chan around. I would think “I can’t lose,”.

You’re enhanced by each other’s presence.

Sayashi: Yes. For me its only a little bit but, in my head it would be like”(sideways glance) What do I do, Ayumi-chan is moving really nicely…” for reference.

Ishida: Eeh (surprise) EEEH!”

You steal glances secretly.

Sayashi: That seems to be so (lol).

Since Ayumi-chan is such a good rival, she probably has something to say to Riho-chan.

Sayashi: Eh, what is it?

Ishida: (with a meek look on her face) Um…

Sayashi: What, what, what is it so suddenly?

Ishida: Eheh (looking up). I haven’t said it to Sayashi-san directly, but it’s an unpleasant thing I’ve thought of…Well, the two of us do things like dance battles, but when Sayashi-san graduates, who am I going to dance with?

Sayashi: I see…I wonder who would be good.

Ishida: When I do “Brainstorming” in the future, I can’t imagine another member doing Sayashi-san’s part in the dance battle.

Sayashi: Aah, you had to say it (lol).

Ishida: That’s right (with misty eyes). When it comes time to sing that song again, I’m very sorry to the member chosen to be my partner, but that is how my feelings are.

Sayashi: I wonder what will happen. But, to whoever may enter, I want…them to do their best.

Ishida: Ah…I see.

Sayashi: Being good at dance is important but, moreover when thinking of the group, I want someone who will work hard.

Ishida: (nod)

Sayashi: The 12th generation are working really hard, but they still have a ways to go. With the 12th generation, one of them will soon get the hang of it like “Oh this is it!”.

Who do you think the first to grasp it will be?

Sayashi: Hmm, I think with how it is right now it would be Makino (Maria)-chan or Nonaka (Miki)-chan.

Ishida: I also think it will be Makino-chan.

Sayashi: She comes from the Hello! Project Kenshuusei like Fuku-chan, and while she had experience dancing, she still needed to make progress. I think Makino-chan (also from kenshuusei) will be at the same point soon.

It seems like 10th generation member Sato Masaki-chan has the motivation as well, what do you think of that?

Sayashi: Maa-chan (Masaki) will say she’s “working hard, working hard” but I’ve not really seen her working hard (lol).

Ishida: Ah, it’s a likely story, huh (lol).

Sayashi: It’s important to say it aloud. But, she’ll just worry about it later. Maa-chan has good qualities, but I’d like her to properly take advantage of it.

I think that there are many memories between the two of you so, can you think of any specific instances?

Ishida: I’ve thought this on my own, our level of trust when on stage is very high. On the last tour there was a time I almost fell on the stairs and somehow she was there to catch me quickly.

Sayashi: With that, I was always by your side during your falls (lol).

Ishida: After, Sayashi-san dropped her microphone and immediately after grabbed mine.

Sayashi: Yes yes, you helped me out.

Ishida: When doing formation dances there will come a time where you might hit someone, and the other members will go “Uwa, watch out” and move away. But Sayashi-san will avoid you by turning away (lol). Its that kind of feeling.

Sayashi: That is the truth. When it seems like I’m going to hit someone, “I’ll go over here,” I think and I jut my shoulder out in that direction!

Ishida: Yeah, it’s an amazing way to communicate it.

Sayashi: Well then, I’ll teach it to the other members (lol).

It’s lonely when someone graduates that you work well with, isn’t it?

Ishida: That’s true. But, we will become Morning Musume ‘16,  so I think I more so have the feeling of “making something different”. It’s a new thing.

After Riho-chan graduates you are staying with Hello! Project, what made you decide to stay with them?

Sayashi: After graduation I thought I would have a lot of freetime, but the company said “You can come back at anytime,” to make a place for me. I’ve had fans who have always cheered me on, and the thought of not having to leave them so suddenly gave me strength. Therefore I’m happy to stay, I’m thankful for it.

After returning from studying abroad, do you think it would be fun to work together?

Ishida: It would be fun!! I think that learning from Sayashi-san’s dance experience abroad would be cool; once Sayashi-san returns, I definitely want to see her dance! It will no longer be “I want to dance together”, I feel like I want to see it like fan from the audience (lol). Of course I would still like to dance together but, first I want to watch!

Sayashi: Waa~ (lol)

With the 12 members as Morning Musume ‘16, how do you see them?

Sayashi: I don’t think I should say anything but, I will be watching them strictly.

Ishida: Ahaha!

Like if they mess up the dance?

Sayashi: That’s right (lol). But that doesn’t mean I’ll tell them.

Ishida: Eh, I want you to say it!

Sayashi: Really? I mean, it’s not good to hear it from someone who’s graduated.

Ishida: Yeah, I see. Then I’ll listen privately (lol).

Sayashi: Ah, that would be better. Answer me when you listen!

You’re going to have to really try to watch the group when you’re abroad.

Sayashi: Yes, I’ll make full use of the net (lol).

In 2016 you’ll walk different paths from each other, what do you each want this year?

Sayashi: Since I will no longer be with Morning Musume, I think I’ll be able to use my free time but, I want to do my best for Morning Musume. I think I was a bother to everyone by the timing of my graduation, so, I want to be able to have confidence in my current situation. 2016 may not be the year where I will say “This is what I’m doing now,” but, I don’t want everyone to be ashamed of me. That’s my ideal 2016.

Ishida: Since Sayashi-san decided to graduate, I’ve been watching Sayashi-san’s back and I think I’ve learned various things again. Sayashi-san’s cool back often comes to my mind. That’s why after Sayashi-san’s graduation, I feel that I will now be the one showing off my cool back to my juniors.  Of course I won’t be able to do it right away, but I think this year it would be nice if I took a step in that direction. Also, fans have recently told me “You are really sparkling during lives,” and that makes me happy, so, when Sayashi-san graduates I’ve thought “I’ve got to give even more of a feeling of glittering on stage,”.

Lastly, what does Riho-chan think of “Morning Musume pride”?

Sayashi: Pride… (contemplates for a bit). After all, because I have been protected by various peoples feelings and power, I guess my feelings are “I am going to protect them too,”.

Having been protected by everyone, you feel you must do it as well.

Sayashi: Yes.

Do you want the other members to have these thoughts?

Sayashi: The feeling is not like “I want to make it there” it’s “I want to be there.”

(holy crap this is the longest interview I’ve ever done! There may be some weird wording that I accidentally missed, so I apologize for that. Otherwise, please enjoy! It was fun to translate, albeit very time consuming. Thank you as always!)

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #142 on: March 23, 2016, 06:29:38 AM »
Since I haven't post for nearly three weeks, here is three pics! Enjoy! :P

Memories of last summer :

Bonus :

« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 07:10:11 AM by Rihoriho~ »

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #143 on: April 02, 2016, 03:38:26 AM »
During Egao no Kimi wa Taiyo Sa photoshoot :

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #144 on: April 10, 2016, 09:22:22 PM »
Final hug during Riho's graduation:

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #145 on: April 18, 2016, 09:17:21 PM »
During Morning Musume's live in Hiroshima, Ayumi wore her Sayamaru socks! :twothumbs

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #146 on: April 27, 2016, 10:50:26 PM »
Memory from PRISM last Budokan :

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #147 on: May 03, 2016, 10:25:46 PM »
Ayumi's long interview for Billboard with parts concerning her relationship with Riho.
Credits to ryu_uchida for the translation :thumbsup

"I will do my utmost with the dance I inherited from you, so here I go!"
This is an interview that connects the end of Morning Musume '15, which coincided with the graduation of Sayashi Riho, and the beginning of the new tale that is Morning Musume '16.
Like a love letter... This was how Ishida Ayumi felt upon appearing on stage to perform the solo dance part she inherited from her senpai Sayashi Riho, a girl who is younger than her but nevertheless the one she had been chasing from behind since joining Morning Musume about five years ago and all the way to the last day of Morning Musume '15.

What are your thoughts on MM '16 and the current tour?
"I got really exhausted after the first concert of the current tour. I think this was because I had the feeling that I had to show something new as we've now become MM '16. Up until recently, I had been doing dance battles with Sayashi-san so maybe I began over-thinking things like exerting by myself the efforts of two people. Because of this, I got very tired."
How did you feel upon learning of Sayashi-san's graduation?
"Everything went white and the only thing that came out was tears. To put it another way, I couldn't think at all at that time. Everyone was gathered in a room and we heard directly from Sayashi-san that she was going to graduate. She then left the room and a staff member said 'I know that you have a lot of worries...' --- and it was at that moment that I started bawling again. Probably, the biggest thing I felt at that moment was anxiety."
After Sayashi-san's graduation announcement, you wrote in your blog, "If I don't say that everything's going to be okay, somehow I get the feeling that everything's going to fall apart. So... It's because it's right now that everything will be fine!"
"I wrote that with the feeling that everyone was worried. I was worried. The fans were worried. The other members wrote things like 'I'm going to do my best!' or "I have to stay positive.' But for me somehow, I wanted to convey even just a little bit that we were one with the fans in worrying."
In all honesty, what kind of existence was Sayashi Riho-san for you?
"I was very often looking at Sayashi-san from behind. There were also times when I got to stand side by side with her but during triangle formations Sayashi-san was the lead and I was diagonally behind. It was like this for "One・Two・Three," for example. After concerts, I would think to myself that 'It was fun!' but at the same time the image of me looking at Sayashi-san's back with the audience as the backdrop would come to mind as well. There was also some frustration there. Of course, I had to admit that I had to stay in the back because Sayashi-san was in front. But I was also a little frustrated with myself for admitting that. That is why when talking about Sayashi-san, although it's not about winning or losing, I don't like being too honest."
So you have this feeling that you had been chasing her from diagonally behind for five years?
"To be sure, but acknowledging that is also frustrating (laughs). But her image from diagonally behind was really cool so there was great admiration there."
At one point, you said that you would never be able to compare to Sayashi-san. But in the end, you two were able to become a pair and your dance battles became something indispensable to Morning Musume concerts. Looking back at it now, it was truly an irreplaceable time, wasn't it?
"That's right. Looking back, I was surprised to find that there were a lot of songs in which the two of us danced together. I never imagined that someday all of this would disappear so when she announced her graduation I began counting the number of songs in which I had the pleasure of dancing alongside Sayashi-san and there were a great many! I felt great joy and sadness after."
You also said this during Sayashi-san's final concert at the Budokan, right? That things are going to get lonely as you won't be able to have dance battles with her anymore.
"I looked back at things properly. This concert, that concert, and that concert too! In all of them we had the chance to dance together. It really surprised me. Hmm... Fufufufu"
Why the laughter?
(continues laughing... then a long silence)
"Thinking that there's an end makes one sad. It never occurred to me that this would end so when Sayashi-san announced her graduation it was such a surprise that it brought me to tears. I realized that we should really treasure every moment. I thought that I would always be able to dance with her like normal, but this wasn't the case. This is what I've been feeling a lot."
Was there anything about that final concert at the Budokan that has left an impression on you?
"What has really remained in my memory is the second song, 'Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai.' From the main stage, Sayashi-san and I walked as leads towards the central platform near the audience. With that kind of production, the two of us having a dance part together, being able to have duet parts with her, the phrase 'No One Can Take Your Place' really hitting home, and a part where we look each other in the eye... In that moment, I was like 'Whoa! Isn't this cool?' I remember this very well."

Watching the Budokan DVD, I felt that Ishida-san was like a little maiden who's in love.
"I get that a lot (laughs). With 'ENDLESS SKY' and others, I cried even though I knew that it still wasn't the last time I would be able to sing with Sayashi-san. But unlike my tears when Sayashi-san first announced her graduation, which were tears of sadness and anxiety, my tears during the Budokan concert were pleasant ones with the feeling of hoping Sayashi-san gets to do her best abroad and of sending her off happily."
What was it like between Sayashi-san's graduation announcement and the Countdown Party?
"What was foremost in my mind was showing to the fans that the 13 of us were having fun. Immediately after Sayashi-san's announcement, I showed the fans my anxiety, so after that I thought it would calm the fans to show that all of us were doing our best and really enjoying ourselves. It was a great time."
What kind of day was the day of the Countdown Party?
"Even after the concert had ended, I didn't get the sense that it was the end. 'Was this really Sayashi-san's last?' It didn't hit me even at the very end. Before that I was always thinking that I wouldn't be able to dance or stand on stage with her anymore so I was expecting to be super sad at the end of the concert but what happened was more like, 'Is this really the end?'"
Perhaps it was like losing your sense of reality?
"That's it. I felt that my sense of reality was gone."
I want to ask this of you precisely because you are Ishida-san. For you, what kind of performer was Sayashi-san and did you think she was an expressive artist?
"The thing that made Sayashi-san's performance great was that it was convincing/persuasive. I really liked this and now that I think about it again, it's something that not even Sayashi-san, who possesses this quality, would necessarily know how to consciously express. It's not something that you can have just by putting your mind into it. Maybe it's something that was born out of her awareness of being a Morning Musume... However, she herself was not the type to have great self-confidence. So how was she able to perform that persuasively? This is what I truly think. Also, her singing was powerful and her dancing, unlike other people, was filled with different expressions and she was able to make the dances her own upon standing on stage. As for me, I'm the type who learns the choreography as taught by the teachers and just performs that on stage. I'm not that good at that kind of originality. That's why I think Sayashi-san, who is able to do this, is cool. At the same time, since we got to dance as a pair and I had more confidence in my sharpness, I was able to do my best in shining more brightly in that aspect. However, from here on out, I'm going to have to discover my own brand of dancing as well. This is something that's been in my mind a lot lately."
Sayashi Riho-san is studying abroad and experiencing various things and assuming she returns to this world as a performer, what kind of performer do you think she will be?
"The image of Sayashi-san is that of one having a powerful voice and a dancing style that hides great power (like that in 'Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi'), but I think that studying abroad will let her develop dancing with more carefree expressions. Also, there's also the fact that entering Morning Musume seems to stop aging. I myself am turning 20 next year but even I can't believe that because I'm still so childish. (laughs) Iikubo Haruna-san, who has passed the age of 20, has mature expressions and such but she also has her junior high school-like playful moments so I still think of her as a child. So for Sayashi-san, who has graduated from Morning Musume, I think she will become even more of a mature woman compared to me, even though I'm older than her."
Would you like to dance together with Sayashi-san on stage again someday?
"I have two thoughts on this. The first is that I want to see her dance as part of the audience. The second is that I want to dance with her in more of a fusion format than a battle format. Seeing her new dance, I want to show her my new dance as well and blending the two and showing this to everyone would be great fun."
And now, starting with Hello Project's winter concert, you have inherited Sayashi's solo dance parts in 'Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi.' How did you feel upon dancing her parts?
"Honestly, I was scared. When the manager told me that I was going to inherit these parts, I did not rejoice. 'Aren't those Sayashi-san's?' But Sayashi-san herself knew that I was going to do her parts. So regardless of how I felt, I wanted to show that I'm taking up this mission. And so I stood on that stage. And when the intro of the song started, I think all the fans were thinking about what would happen to Sayashi-san's dance parts, and everyone had all sorts of emotions about it, but when the time came I appeared in the middle. I remember all too well how I felt at that moment. I was scared... but I also wanted to show myself dancing alone. However, it was not the fans who were in my mind at that moment. It was Sayashi-san. 'I will do my utmost with the dance I inherited from you, so here I go!' On my blog post that day, I read comments which made me feel that I was able to successfully transmit my feelings. There were those who wrote that my hair swinging about reminded them of Sayashi-san and there were even those who gave positive reviews. It made feel a little relieved. I'm glad I was able to express my feelings."
By the way, that was the first time in my life that I cried because of an idol's solo dance.
Just like you said, I saw in your dance everything from fear, sorrow, all the way to determination.
"There was indeed a whole lot of feelings. One was dancing with the thought of having inherited Sayashi-san's feelings. Another was fans who would think of it as a negative that I've inherited the dance. But truly I was feeling a lot of things at the time."
End part:
(after explaining that her goal is to become someone who will be recognized as necessary to the group)
I see. So you want to become an absolute necessity to the group? (the interviewer here is referencing Riho's title of Absolute Ace)
"This talk has somehow turned into something big. (laughs) But, yes, I want to become so."
Interviewer:  Hiraga Tetsuo

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #148 on: May 30, 2016, 09:16:54 PM »

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #149 on: June 06, 2016, 10:37:06 PM »
It was a lot of fun when Riho and Ayumi quarreled on their respective blog.
Let's begin with The Twin Tails Incident! :deco:

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #150 on: July 04, 2016, 10:16:11 PM »

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #151 on: September 20, 2016, 07:41:27 PM »

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #152 on: September 21, 2016, 04:04:40 AM »


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #153 on: October 04, 2016, 07:33:44 PM »
Love Ayumi's reaction! :lol: :thumbsup

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #154 on: October 26, 2016, 11:17:47 PM »

Offline Rihoriho~

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #155 on: November 16, 2016, 08:25:24 PM »
Early days again :

And the translation :

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #156 on: January 06, 2017, 12:11:19 AM »
Happy New Year SayaIshi fans! :yossi:

And thanks to Reina for this indirect kiss :

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #157 on: February 02, 2017, 09:54:33 PM »
When Ayumi took pics of sleeping Riho, it was quite hardcore! :nervous

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #158 on: March 08, 2017, 10:37:23 PM »
Memory of Prism promotional photos :bow:

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Re: The dance aces (Riho/Ayumi) - SayaIshi
« Reply #159 on: April 26, 2019, 12:27:50 AM »

 :heart: :deco: :thumbsup

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