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Author Topic: The Neverending Story...  (Read 14639 times)

Offline boykun

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2005, 02:22:31 AM »

"Hey~! Aren't you forgetting someone?" a female voice came from behind the figures. "Hello~ I'm Eri Kamei. I keep this castle up and running." she introduced herself, doing the ai~n gesture.

"Damn I hate stupid introductions.. ai~n.. what the fuck.." Gackt mumbled to himself. "Okay let's welcome our guests." he continued as he walked towards the large hangar door. "JB, go man the turret, Kamei, open the hangar door." JaisBane quickly ran up and took is place on the large turret.

From outside the castle the girls can see a large hatch from the side of the castle open. "Look a welcoming party!" exclaimed Tris. "What the hell is that glowing thing coming out?!" Still hanging from the cables, the girls see a tall figured man slowly walking through the small opening from the hangar doors.

Gackt looked up, spotting three cables and three figures coming down the cables. He reached to his back and pulled out a long-barreled pistol, on the side of it the words 'black stone' were carved. With one hand in his pocket the he aimed and calmly fired towards Suki's direction.

"Suki!!" Rei called to her. Still sliding down the cable, Suki flipped and dodged the bullets with her acrobatic skills. The bullets from Gackt's gun seem to be missing her completely.
"Shit! he's not aiming for me! He's aiming for the cables!" just as Suki said that, the cable snapped from the plane, throwing Suki towards the ground. She quickly managed to throw a grapping hook and catch a ledge at another part of the castle.

Rei pulled out a firearm of her own, shooting back at Gackt. He fired his remaining bullets blindly at Rei's direction as he turned around and walked back through the small opening. "Close the doors, Kamei." He told her. "Those bullets worked very nicely for a first try, good work." Gackt complimented.

"umm.. Gackt~" Kamei started. "What? shouldn't you be thankful of my compliment..?" he asked calmly. "No.. its not that.. look." she pointed at him. "There's a knife on your shoulder pad.. and a bullet hole through your jacket.."

"Well........... they're pretty good, aren't they..?" he chuckled.

"JB~! shoot them down!"

Offline tenkei

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2005, 02:29:32 AM »
Suki's grappling hook caught the stones of Gackt's castle lower than she had hoped. She swung with ferocity downward and slammed hard into the cold stones. The air in her lungs left suddenly, but she was able to keep her grip. She began to climb the cable of her grappling hook as bullets and thunderous explosions sounded above her. She looked up to see their plane smoking like a french prostitute as it left the vicinity of the castle.

Suki continued climbing until she was able to reach a small window to squeeze through, out of the chilly air. As she set her feet down on the castle floor, a glint of light caught her eye in time for her to drop to the ground. She rolled to the side to better position herself as a thick arrow bounced off the stone wall behind her.

"Welcome back, Suki," a familiar voice came from the dark stairwell. "I hope you like Eri's upgrades. I won't lose to you this time," Boykun said, stepping into the light. He had his left arm extended forward where a small crossbow was fashioned on his forearm. "And this isn't the only new toy I have." Boykun chuckled with blood lust as he continued to make his way to Suki.

Suki rolled back and sprang to her feet, in the process pulling two short wakizashis from the straps on her back. "Well, let's party Boychan."
JB aimed at the girls' plane and let his turret do the talking. Huge shells sprang from the double barrels as he poured bullets out of the hanger. Eri jumped out of the way in time to not be injured by one of the giant turret casings, screaming, "Abunai ne~!"

The female agents were already out of view, their cables severed from the plane. And JB had just hit the plane with some well placed shots, causing one of the left engines to errupt in flames.

"Nice deshita~," Hyde said, a mouthful of apple. "But they're already in the castle," he said before taking another bite.

"Then go intercept them you fruity... fruit eater!" JB yelled as he pushed his way around Hyde. "I gotta go find Tenkei."

"ooo~h, burn," Eri said sarcastically and stuck out her tongue.

"Fruit is good for you, you know," Hyde said, pulling another apple out of his pocket with a shrug. "Anyway, c'mon Eririn, I might actually need your help."

Eri jumped up from under a desk. "Honto?!"
Tris and Rei landed on the rampart they were heading for and unclipped their harnesses before they were pulled over the side by them. "Oh, crap, this is already going to shit," Tris growled.

"Well, you did attack MY castle," Gackt said, appearing between the girls and placing his arms around their waists.

Rei looked up at him and was struck by his beauty. Stars filled her eyes as Gackt looked down at her, licking his lip. "I don't think I need you," he said smoothly and spun Rei over the side of the rampart. "But you," he turned to Tris who was still shocked at this man's gall. "I like your neck... it's very pretty... it makes want to break it," he said reaching for Tris's throat.

Tris grabbed Gackt's wrist and twisted as hard as she could, ducking under his arm and spinning behind him. Gackt chuckled. "Wow, you're fast, ne~?" he said as he jammed his elbow into Tris's temple. Tris stumbled back and took a fighting stance. She charged at Gackt, throwing punches and kicks from every martial art she knew. Gackt simply moved his body ever so slightly, dodging each attack with ease, never taking his hands out of the pockets of his pinstriped pants.

Tris gasped for breath. "Who ARE you?"
With stars still in her eyes, Rei tumbled over the side of the ramprt and landed hard on the packed earth of a large courtyard. She groaned as she got to her feet slowly and heard a crisp crunch. She snapped her head towards the sound to see a man, with the coolest hair she'd seen, biting into an apple. A small Japanese girl was standing behind him, peering from around his back.

"Wow, they sent pretty girls to come for us," Hyde said with a smile at Rei. Eri pinched his side.

"Urusei, Hyde-o," Eri said with another pinch.

"Who... who are you?" Rei asked as she pulled one of her 9mm's off her hip. "I see Boykun and Tenkei got help. You and that guy in the turret are new aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's right," Hyde said patting Eri on the head. "I'm sure you know Eririn, here."

Rei moved the gun to point at Eri for a second, but brought it back up to Hyde. "And what do you do here?"

"Me?" Hyde asked. "Well...let's see, shall we?" he said as he tossed the apple over his shoulder and rushed at Rei.

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Offline Asmodai

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« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2005, 07:43:28 PM »
Maki's body stirred.

She raised her body off the ground. Maki's hair was tangled and she was naked and bleeding.

Maki sighed. "This has got to go." she said to herself.

Maki's eyes glowed red as she channeled her energy healing her wounds. Maki then took the threads of time and weaved them into a a new indestrucible white robe for her to wear.

She then leapt into the air plowing her ways through thousands of tons of rock and emerging into the cool Andes night air, the moonlight glinting off her feathery white wings. With a flip of her wrist, Maki summoned a sword of fire and went off to set things right.

The Avex troops fled from the apparition before them.

"Oh my god" screamed Aya Takamoto "It's Maki!"

Maki swept with her sword towards Takamoto incinerating her.

Maki landed at the feet Ayumi Hamasaki triggering an earthquake, which knocked General Flyp to the ground 50 miles away.

Ayumi, knocked onto her back, tried to crawl away from Maki's presence.

Maki picked up Ayumi from the ground with one hand and held her up in front of her. She stared into Ayumi's eyes, absorbing her life force and leaving nothing behind by a dried out husk.

The Avex troops ran, scattering themselves into the jungle, where the rest of Dream was eaten by a grumpy panther.


Nacchi played with herself gently as she looked at her shirenu picture.  "How much longer will the war last?" she asked herself.


Offline tenkei

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« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2005, 07:46:22 PM »
Gackt held up a hand. "Just a second," he said, reaching into his jacket. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and slipped one in his lips. He flipped open a zippo and lit his cigarette the stuffed them back into his jacket. "Okay," he said blowing smoke in Tris direction.

"Don't try to act so damn cool," Tris said as she cracked her neck.

"Oh, I'm not trying," Gackt chuckled. Tris growled at him and rushed his position again. This time she bent low and began to acrobatically maneuver to an unknown ryhtm. Gackt raised an eyebrow an Tris's capoeira and moved from side to side, evading her attacks.

"What the hell ARE you?!" Tris screamed as she threw more kicks at him.

"I'm... Gackt," he said, pausing to take the cigarette from his lips.

"What kind of stupid ass name is 'Gackt'? It sounds like a bodily function," Tris barked.

"What?" Gackt said, stopping mid-dodge. Tris's foot came up from the ground and slammed into Gackt's back. Gackt stumbled a bit. "It isn't... cool?"

"Hell no," Tris answered. "Oh, no! I just Gackt in my pants!" She yelled sardonically and brought her other foot up and connected with Gackt's neck, sending him to the ground. Gackt rolled to the side and kipped himself up with ease before Tris could bring the heel of her boot down on him. "And what's with those clothes?"

"My clothes?" Gackt said in a weaker voice. Tris rushed at him and jammed her knee into his midsection. Gackt doubled over, dropping the cigarette from his lips.

"Your clothes look stupid!" Tris cried as she dropped her elbow between Gackt's shoulders.

"But," Gackt said with a groan from the ground. "Jun Matsumoto wears these pants." Tris flipped forward and dropped her leg across Gackt's throat.

"Yeah? And who the hell is Jun Matsumoto?" Gackt didn't answer.
Rei panicked and blindly squeezed off 3 rounds as Hyde rushed her. Hyde reached her position and slammed the butt of his palm into Rei's chest. Rei flipped over backwards, losing grip on her pistol. Hyde cartwheeled next to her as she rolled on the ground. He stopped on the palms of his hands, threw the weight of his legs forward like a romanian gymnast and slammed the bottoms of his boots into Rei's back.

"Wa~h, kakkoii~!" Eri said from afar.

Rei slid along the patchy grass of the courtyard, but was able to stop herslef and regain her footing quickly. She pulled another 9mm handgun from her belt and brought it up to aim at Hyde, but he was too fast. Hyde was already inches in front of Rei and was bringing his hand up to punch her in the face.

Rei blocked it with her forarm and brought the gun up across her body to slam into Hyde's face. Hyde reacted quickly and grabbed Rei's wrist, twisted it around her so that it looked as if she were hugging herself with her back to him. Rei threw her head back and let it slam into Hyde's nose. Hyde released his grip on her wrists, but pulled the 12-gauge shotgun off of Rei's back. Without thinking, Rei rolled to her left as Hyde let off a blast from her own gun.

From the ground, Rei kicked her feet upwards into the stock of the gun, throwing Hyde's aim off so that he blasted a large hole in the ground next Rei. As she quickly jumped to her feet, Rei pulled a chrome plated Desert Eagle and thrusted it into Hyde's gut. Hyde spun slightly to the side and brought the butt of the shotgun down onto Rei's elbow and then whipped up to the back of her head. As she stumbled from the blow, Rei twisted her body and pulled off a shot from her 9mm, scoring a bullet in Hyde's leg.

Hyde groaned, but brought the shotgun up and leveled it at Rei's face. Rei's eyes grew large as she stared down the barrel of her own shotgun. The pain in Hyde's leg caused him to hesitate leaving Rei a window. She wraps her arm around the barrel of the shotgun, pulling it down and brings her Desert Eagle to rest on Hyde's crotch while raising her 9mm to point directly between Hyde's eyes.

"I think I win, " Rei pants.

"Chigau ne~!" Eri screams as she jumps on Rei's back. Rei panics and tries to wrestle Eri from her shoulders. Rei finally drops down to a knee and flips Eri foward into Hyde who instinctively pulls the trigger on Rei's 12-Gauge.

An apple rolls along the dirt of the courtyard, into an expanding pool of blood and stops, softly bumping into the limp hand of Eri Kamei.
Boykun sighs in exasperation. "Will everyone STOP calling me 'Boychan'?" he screams as he readies another arrow in his crossbow.  Suki gasps and darts forward. She swings the wakizashi with skill, but boykun is able to block with his other arm.

"How the hell," Suki exclaims as the blades of her short swords deflect from Boykun's arm.

"Titanium arm sheaths, sweetie," Boykun chuckles and brings one across her face causing her to stumble back. When she regains her composure, she eyes Boykun aiming his crossbow at her. Suki dives to her left, down the stairs, and tumbles across the cold stones. Suki rolls over and jumps to her feet, pulling kunai from her belt. As boykun rounds the clambors down the stairs, she flings the kunai. Boykun dodges, but the narro hallway leaves him little room and he catches one on the shoulder.

Suki picks her wakizashi up and brings it up in a full armed swing. Boykun uses his free arm to block the swipe and pins her arms agains the wall. Suki grunts and attempts to kick boykun, but he pre-empts her by stomping on her foot. Boykun chuckles as he digs the heel of his boot into Suki's foot.

Suki groans and spits into Boykun's face. "Agh, you bitch!" Boykun cries and pushes her backward. As he pushes Suki away, he flexes his wrist and a steel cable as thick as a broomstick shoots from the armband hes been bragging about.

"Are you serious?" Suki chides him as brings her wakizashi up to attack. The cable slithers in mid air and suddenly goes rigid as Boykun grips it and snaps it from the armband.

"Instant staff," Boykun chuckles and attacks. Suki goes on the defensive, blocking Boykun's strokes and advances. "What's wrong Suki? Can't attack?"

"You're better, I'll admit," Suki grunts as she blockes more of Boykun's attacks. "But you're still not better than I," she laughs and counters one of Boykun's attacks with a quick stab into his side. Boykun grunts in pain and slams the end of his staff into Suki's midsection then brings it up to her chin as she doubles over.

"God, that fucking hurt," Boykun grunts as he grasps Suki's blade and slowly pulls it from his side.

Blood drips from Suki's lip as she gasps for air. "C'mon, let's finish this," she says and pulls a pair of 17-inch sai from sheaths on her boots. She twirls them about her fingers and takes a stance.

Boykun grunts in affirmation and attacks with his staff. The pain in his side is almost too much for him to go on as blood pours from his wound. His speed as slowed greatly and Suki is able to dodge with ease and duck behind and stab one of her sai into Boykun's back. Boykun lets out a gasp of pain and realization as blood starts to drip from his mouth.

Suki leans in, a tear tracing a gleaming path down her cheek, and whispers in Boykun's ear. She chokes out her sobs and pulls her sai from Boykun's back.

From the stairs behind her, JaisBane leaps through the air, screaming his famous battlecry, "WENTZ!!!!!!" He drops down on Suki, knocking her weapons away and pinning her to the ground. "This day has been fucked up..."

Suki lays under JaisBane, helplessly pinned down, but stares at the quickly dying Boykun, a pool of blood rapdily expanding beneath him, and weeps uncontrollably. "Brother... I'm sorry," she whispers softly to him.

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Offline Asmodai

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2005, 09:39:48 PM »
"Excellent." said Masa touching the tips of his fingers together as we watched the battles play out on his satellite survaillance system. "Aedon, harlock follow me."

Masa swiftly turned his back causing his red and gold cape to sweep into the air. Aedon and harlock followed him to an old bookcase. Masa pulled on a copy of "Happy!" in the bookcase. The bookcase swung aside revealing a stone hewn passage way. Masa lead his friends down to an elevator at the end of it.

The elevator went down for what seemed forever.

"Where are we going?" asked harlock.

"To the command centre." Masa replied.

The elevator began to decelerate rapidly, causing aedon to lose his lunch. Masa snorted in digust.

The doors opened a moment later.

"shirenu! kuno!" yelled out harlock as he ran forward to hug them. "How did you get here?"

"We came here from a tunnel from the Avex base." said Kuno. "I knew that we were in the courtyard of Masa's base the second I saw no one was chewing gum. Masa hates gum."

harlock looked over. "Ayaya, Yossie?"

Masa nodded. "Things are falling into place." he said "With Eri dead, the only person who can activate the seal that guards the Hello Morning is Ayaya here. Yossie, of course, has been Ayaya's guardian since Ayaya was a child."

Just then another elevator arrived, and three sweaty females emerged.

"The elevator got stuck." said Nacchi.
"Yep." said Maki.
"XD." said Sayumi.

shirenu fainted and fell to the ground.

Masa picked up a pitcher of ice water from a stand on the far side of the room and poured it onto shirenu. shirenu spurted and kicked Masa in the crotch.

"Ouch!" yelped shirenu.

"shirenu," Masa said calmly "you forgot again that my balls are made of brass. Now can we please get started?"


JaisBane whispered to suki* "Maybe if we make love, the beauty of our love making will bring Boychan back to life."

"That's incredibly stupid." replied suki* rolling out from under JaisBane.

The sudden shift in weight caused JaisBane to collapse on Boykun aggravating his wound.

"Boykun," said JaisBane "I'm sorry."  .... "Where did that shweet bitch go?" JaisBane looked, but he could see no sign of suki.

Offline tenkei

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #45 on: November 27, 2005, 10:09:47 PM »
Rei staggered back, a torrent of blood issuing from the hole Hyde had just put into her side. Hyde dropped the 12-gauge and dropped to his knees next to Eri. "Eririn! KAMEI!!" he screamed as he shook her. She was covered in blood, but Hyde couldn't find where the her sound was. Rei fell backwards, gasping for air as tears filled her eyes.

Hyde stood up and went to where Rei lay dying. "Step back," an accented voice lilted on the wind. Hyde turned to see Suki approaching him. "She's already dying, you've done your business," she said coldly, trying to dry the tears on her face. "Your friend, on the other hand, can still be saved. I suggest you tend to her," Suki said motioning at Eri.

Hyde stood and watched as Suki bent down to pick up Rei and toss her lightly onto her shoulder. She gave one last glance at Hyde before she disappeared through the metal gates of Gackt's castle.

Hyde ran back to Eri's side and lifted her gingerly from the dirt. He held her in his arms and rushed her inside where he stopped short at the sight of Boykun's body.

"Ah shit," Hyde choked out. "JB! Don't just fucking stand there! Get Boy to the infirmary and call Asmo down here right away. He's the only doctor that can save these two!"
Suki met Tris outside the gates. "We can't stay," Suki said quickly. "Call mari to come get us, Tris."

"I already have, but..." Tris looked down.

"Vi can take care of herself. Rei is dying, on the other hand," Suki scowled.

"I know, I know, " Tris nodded. There was a dull hum in the air the grew louder and louder into a thunderous thumping. Over the side of the cliff that Gackt's castle stood on, Mari Yaguchi piltoed a large black helicopter and hovered it close to the girls.

Tris helped Suki load Rei in before strapping herself into one of the seats. "Be strong, Vi," Tris said quietly, "we'll be back for you."

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Offline Asmodai

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2005, 10:50:48 PM »
As Hyde, JaisBane and Boykun met Asmodai in the infirmary......

Flyp stood up. Where had that earthquake come from? Further, his agents were no telling him that the Avex army was no more. Well, it made his life simpler, but he needed to decide what to do next.

Flyp's radio crackled. "General Flyp! Come in!"

"Flyp here."

"Flyp, there's been a development regarding the Hello Morning. We need you to take command for the submarine USS Seawolf and travel to Antartica. You will receive further instructions upon arrival."

Flyp drove his jeep to the port and boarded the ship.

A small girl met him at the dock. "Commander Tsugunaga Momoko, at your service sir."

Flyp followed the girl onto the submarine.

"What!" exclaimed Flyp. "The submarine is entirely crewed by Berryz?"

"Hai." sonar officer Chinami said. "All the officers are Berryz. We call the enlisted personnel 'C-ute'"

Flyp sighed as he sat down in the under-sized pink command chair. "Full speed to Antartica. Engage."

Offline tenkei

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2005, 12:13:19 AM »
Hyde looked down on Gackt where Tris had left him. "Comfy?" he asked, taking a bite of apple.

"Very," Gackt said between puffs on his cigarette. "She made fun of my pants."

"You could've killed her easily," Hyde said, taking a seat next to where Gackt lay.

"Yes. But she smelled good."
Asmodai pushed his way out of the imfirmary, ripping his latex gloves off.

"How are they Doc?" JasiBane asked, seemingly out of breath.

"Well, Kamei will be just fine. She wasn't actually shot. Soem of the pellets scratched her up pretty bad, but no actual wounds. With some rest she be as cute as new," Asmodai chuckled. "But, Boykun suffered critical injuries. I did what I could, but we'll have to see if he can pull through."

JB sat down with a sigh. Asmodai gave him a pat on the back, "I'll be here, don't worry."
"Why the fuck would you fill a nuclear submarine with a gaggle of underage girls? Aren't there any other people on this thing?" Flyp muttered to himself.

"Sir," one of the girls interrupted with a poke.

Flyp looked at the girl then glanced at the staff guide. "Uh, yes... uh, Captain Saki?" The girl smiled up at him.

"There ARE other staff on board, sir. It's just that we're the MAIN staff," she giggled then bounded away.

"Oh, thank God," Flyp sighed

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Offline StreakInTheSky

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2005, 01:28:24 AM »
“JUST HOLD ON VI!!! I’LL PROTECT YOU!!!” Tenkei yelled as he and Vikitty fell from the sky.

“NO!!! I THINK YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE TO HOLD ON!” with that she took out her pda and started making some calculations. As they made their way into the canopy, she threw out a hook which attached itself to a tree branch swinging them around a bit before it snapped. They were thrown 20 feet into another direction when Tenkei lost his hold of Vi.

When Tenkei finally came too from the impact of the fall, all he could think about was his lost love. “Viiii!!! Where are you?!” he walked through the thick brush for a few minutes til he sees her lying on the ground motionless.

“Vi! Thank God you’re safe”

“Tenkei?” She slowly opens her eyes, “I thought I lost you again!” She then greets him with a hug. “I told you to hold on, you asshole!” she screams, hitting his chest. “Don’t ever fuckin do that again!”

“Haha! I’m right here aren’t I?” holding her closer.

“No thanks to me.” She pushes him away, finally getting up. “Vikitty to base… can you hear me?” she says holding her earpiece, but only to be answered by static. “Damn!”

“I guess we better start walking, we need to find a town or at least a village before sundown."

Offline Asmodai

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« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2005, 03:04:11 AM »
Tenkei and Vikitty walked together for awhile through the jungle. A deranged parrot attacked Tenkei, but otherwise the walk was uneventful.

The jungle became thinner and they could see light passing the branches.

"Is it a village?" Vikitty asked.

"No," replied Tenkei approaching closer "it's a Mariott."

The two walked in together.

"Greetings" said the man behind the counter.

"Oh, Hi Coot" Tenkei said "Any rooms open?"

"Yes, of course for my dear friends! You two shall have the honeymoon sweet, with a beautiful, beautiful view of Lake Placid!"

"Err, weren't we in South America?" asked Vikitty.

"We must have gone further through the woods than we thought" said Tenkei.

Tenkei followed Vikitty up to their room.

"Hungry?" she asked.

"Famished." replied Tenkei honestly.

Vikitty called and ordered room service - a side of moose sauteed in chocolate sauce, garden salads, mint ice cream and strawberry cheesecake, with plenty of red wine.

Tenkei gazed at Vikitty as he ate his meal. He had never noticed before how tanned and athletic her arms were, the cute way she wrinkled her nose when she laughed, or the gentle curve of her breasts.

Vikitty could feel Tenkei's gaze, and she didn't mind it. Despite herself, she had fallen in love with Tenkei's ironic sense of humour, his muscular chest, and his sexy Italian accent.

"Have you been in the bedroom yet?" asked Vikitty playfully.

"No, shall we?" replied Tenkei as he swept Vikitty off her feet and carried her across the suite. Tenkei placed Vikitty down upon the bed and kissed her on the lips. Vikitty wrapped her arms around Tenkei's neck holding him close. She could feel his hands slipping behind her military fatigues to undo her bra.

Offline suki*

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The Neverending Story...
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2005, 08:12:22 AM »
Tris remained silent through the rest of the flight back to headquarters. She could tell from the way that Mari had said nothing that this was not a time for talk. Plugging Rei's wound as best as she could with bandages from the helicopter's first aid kit, she felt herself getting angrier and angrier even as she watched Rei struggle to live.

"Let's go."

Picking her friend up into her arms, she leapt smoothly off the helicopter even before Mari had the time to set the craft down properly and with as long a stride as she could take, strode purposefully up to daigong's office, bursting through the doors before the guards could stop her. She knew very well that he had the ability to bring her friend back from the jaws of death and she was not letting ANYTHING, not even death, stop her from making him do it.

Clearing everything off the surface of his desk with a wide sweep of her leg, Tris set the dying Rei down on the table, before she reached out and grabbed their boss firmly by his collar, shaking him HARD even as she snarled into his face with reference to the fact that they had already lost tama-chan because of him.

"We're NOT losing another one dammit!! You OWE us!! You hear me?! YOU OWE US!!!"

[ I wanted to write about the other stuff? But I'm very lost! I didn't understand the submarine bits. XDD Maa... Just make do with this first. XDD ]

Offline boykun

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« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2005, 09:32:03 AM »

"Baby.. I'll warm your heart with my bed.." Tenkei said with his Italian accent.

"..The fuck does that mean..? and why do you speak with an Italian accent..?" Vi stopped him.

"er.. I thought you liked it. Didn't you think it was sexy" he said, sounding confused.

"Well stop it, I don't like it. It sounds more Spanish anyway... now kiss me......."


The night had come with a full moon. The atmosphere in Gackt's castle seemed very glum. The castle was back up and floating, heading towards the signal of Tenkei's transmitter. The Tilde Brigade has been hit hard, with a comrade in bad condition.

Even Gackt was slightly saddened when he found out what happened to his good friends. His shimmering nowhere to be seen. Alone in his room, he gently pressed down on the keys on his grand piano and played a song. The light of the full moon shined through the windows and lit the dark room.

Hyde was in his own room two levels below, having occupied a whole floor of the large castle by himself. His hand gripping the rapier handle tightly, he charged at a training dummy, attacking it from all sides. His steps very precise, moving forward, spinning and jumping back, while keeping the blade focused on the dummy. His movements made it seem like he was dancing, He was an expert swordsman.
Hyde suddenly stopped his movement. Grabbing Eleanor from his thigh holster, he pointed it at the door and fired a shot.

"Shit man watch it!" a voice came from behind the door. "It's me, JB" he said as he came through the doorway. "No apples huh? Look, we're all worried here, but you don't have to be shooting at people." said JB as he sat down and picked up Hyde's acoustic guitar. "What makes you say that?" asked Hyde as he swung his rapier at the dummy. "Well.. you haven't eaten an apple for at least five hours now. When you get worried, you don't have an apple in your hand, and you train really hard. I know you well enough, Hyde." answered JB as he started strumming the guitar.

"How are they doing..?" Hyde asked, putting back his sword on the rack and Eleanor back in the holster. "Eri should be up in no time, she's just sleeping." JB answered. He took a long pause.

"..and Boykun..?"

JaisBane stopped strumming the guitar. "I.. don't know. The good doctor's been watching over him all this time." He placed the guitar back on the stand and started walking towards the door. "Oh that's right.. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go for a little target practice. Teppei here needs to let off a little steam." asked JB as he pulled out his favorite revolver, spinning it around his fingers and finally pointing it at Hyde.

"Sure.." Hyde replied, picking up an apple.



"Wow this is freakin nice~!!" exclaimed ebc as he looked around the beautifully decorated room. "This is the brig?! shit!" He jumped on the pile of beanbags. "Waaaa~!! there's even a foosball table over here!" yelled Sayumi. "Sayu look~!" ebc called. She ran to him across the room. "Jacuzzi!!" He pointed.
Sayumi walked over to the sunglass rack and put on a pair of shades. "Hehe look~! I'm Gackt~!" she said with her hands in her pockets. "There is no reason why the brig can't be.. pretty." she said, making fun of Gackt's persona. Ebc rolled on the floor laughing.


like suki, im not sure what's happening with the other stuff either so im writing about my crew, since she wrote about her's XD
i didn't wanna write the sex scene. lol

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« Reply #52 on: November 28, 2005, 09:32:30 AM »
"What the fuck happened?!" Daigong screamed as he rolled up the sleeves on his dress shirt. "Oh, fuck waffles, this is bad." He began to go to work quickly on Rei's wound, his hands moving with speed a fury. Apart from being an expert field operative, Daigong was also a world class surgeon, but after losing Tama-chan on the table, Daigong refused to touch another patient.

Tris began to explain the entire incident. Tenkei's and Vikitty's fall, Tris's own bout with Gakt, what she thought happened to Rei, and the fact that they had failed their mission. As Daigong skillfully repaired Rei's sounds, he looked up into Tris's eyes, "Where the hell is Suki?"
Suki ran into the bathroom and braced herself at the sink. She peered up into the mirror where smeers of blood and dirt were smudged across her face. She stared for what seemed like hours before turning the tap on and letting the water warm to an agreeable temperature. She cupped her hands under the faucet and splashed her face repeatedly until she bagan to sob softly. The tears came fast and hard, knocking Suki to her knees and finally into the corner, hudled in the fetal position. Suki rocked back and forth, tears and tap water streaming down her face as she pictured the look on her brother's face as she pulled the sai from his back.
With most of the operatives present, the briefing was ready to begin. Masa stood at the front of the room, flourescent lighting gleaming off his shaven head. In the rows of chairs say Maliciel, Shirenu, Goto Maki, Matsuura Aya, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Kuno Thunder, and Harlock. They each had their specialties and tasks to complete for this mission to work. The first task was to rescue EBC and Michishige Sayumi from Gackt's floting castle. This task was relgated to the team of field operatives Maliciel and Kuno Thunder, with Harlock as transport and backup. While these three retrieved their valued team mates, Masa would have Shirenu and Goto Maki train Matsuura for the field.

"Back in the field after so little rest," Mal groaned. "I need a fucking vacation... and some gum."

"Well, it should be pretty easy to get Sayu and EBC back... I mean, these guys just fought a pretty big battle," Kuno reassured Maliciel.

Harlock said nothing, but couldn't wait to see Sayumi again. And give EBC a piece of his mind.

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« Reply #53 on: November 28, 2005, 10:05:32 AM »
“Hello Gackt… It’s Tenkei can you hear me…?”


“Hello this is Vi. I’m alright but I need someone to pick me up.”


“It’s me JB... I hear you loud n clear! Are you alright?! Dude that was some crazy shit flying from the sky like that! Where’d you land?”


“OMG what happened to you?! We’re all so worried about you! Thanks god your safe. What happened to that guy? Well you could answer that later.” answers Aibon, “What’s your location?”


“For some strange reason I’ve found myself in the Marriott at Lake Placid… It’s a long story so I’ll spare you the details. Don’t worry I’m in good hands.” he says winking at Vikitty. “Just come and pick me up, alrigh….” Hyde comes in interrupting their conversation.

“Listen fuckhole! If you didn’t fuck up everything earlier all of this might’ve not happened, fend for yourself, we’re going on another mission. We’re out.” Hyde then cancels the transmission.


“I’m at the Marriot Hotel in Lake Placid. Don’t ask” Vikitty says, smiling at Tenkei.

“Ok I talked to the boss and we’re going to send Mari and Tris to go and pick you up. Stay there.”

“Ok” Vikitty confirmed.


“What was that all about? Tenkei says puzzled. “What happened at the castle?”

“So I guess I’m going to get picked up by my friends. Any luck?” Vikitty says happily.

“I don’t know what happened, but it seems those dicks are leaving me here. FUCK!” He replies slamming the phone. “I guess I’m on my own for now. You go with your friends I’ll ‘borrow’ a truck and go drive; I think I know where they’re headed.”

Vikitty was finally picked up by Mari and Tris. While Tenkei drives off in the direction from which they came.


“Fuck you Hyde! What was that for?!” JB yells enraged.

“We’re gonna hit them where it hurts. Those bastards are gonna pay for what they did.”

“But what about Tenkei?”

“Give him what he wants JB, besides I have a re-match coming.” Gackt interrupts, cracking his knuckles. “Tenkei can take care of himself.”


“Suki I have a new mission for you and your friends.”

“WTF?! We barely got out of the last one!” Suki screams at Daigong, enraged. “Rei almost died back there!”

“But thanks to me she’ll make a full recovery in a couple days. None of her organs were harmed in the fight,” Daigong assures her, “We have bigger, better things to do.” It’s the reason I assembled this team. Our operative Chatin is in the rainforests of South America as I speak, helping to bring us closer to our goal. Once Tris and the others return, I’ll debrief you. We’re going to use Ship5103 for this one. Project Badunkadunk”

“But that hasn’t even been tested yet!”

“And what a perfect time to test it.” Daigong says staring out his office window.

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« Reply #54 on: November 28, 2005, 10:18:12 AM »
Even as Ange mounted the top step of the 1001 steps leading to the temple entrance, she prepared her heart for what was to come. The fit that Yuko was throwing had been within hearing range even before Ange was near the stairs and Ange had been serving Yuko long enough to know what to expect when Yuko was in such a temper.

Inside, Miki and Reina just remained quietly seated on their knees as their mother threw an extremely heated and violent tantrum over the vanishing of the sacrifice and The Chosen One. The guards that had been guarding the room that ebc and Sayumi had been locked in were now all piled in a bloody, senseless heap that Yuko had tossed them in once she had been through with them.


Miki exchanged a quick look with Reina even as Yuko continued to rant, knowing that Yuko was fast running out of vocabulary to curse and swear in since her tirade had been graduating into a relatively milder choice of words. Soon, they would be able to gently remind their mother that she was desecrating sacred ground with the kind of language she had been using. Yuko would then fall on her face with starting her Chief Priestess rites to placate their holy goddess and the two of them could go back to dreary flower arrangements. Anything would be better than sitting there on their knees, getting nothing else but numb legs while listening to their mother rant and rave.

Ange turned her head slightly towards the shrubbery far below where she knew Chatin was only to narrow her eyes at the obvious cheesy grin that he was directing up at her. Turning away from looking at him to the drape over the entrance to the temple sanctuary, Ange took a deep breath before she reached a hand out to the flap, excusing herself before she pulled it aside.

Yuko, red-faced and livid, immediately started snapping at her with renewed enthusiasm, having found fresh fodder with Ange's appearance, to rant, rave and scold somemore.

"Where were you?! You were supposed to be guarding THAT!!"

Ange took a glimpse at the statue sitting high up on a pedestal that had been built above the alter even as she dropped onto a knee with her head held low in demonstration of respect towards Yuko. This same statue over which she was about to break the blood oath that she had taken years ago to protect by aiding Chatin in its theft.

"INCOMPETENCE!! That is what I am surrounded with!!"

Ange barely heard the hail of words that Yuko was raining on her.

Her mind was more occupied with other things.


Back in the brush, Chatin kept a cautious eye and ear out even as he waited. The game plan was to have Ange lure Yuko and all temple guards away before she found some way to avoid the traps protecting the statue. Once she got the statue, she would toss it out to him so that he could escape with it.

Chatin smirked even as he reflected upon how generous he had been in leaving the exciting, albeit arduous task of statue-stealing to Ange. He HAD, after all, been sweet enough to give her a pair of hardy protective gloves. He would never have wanted her pretty hands scorched and melted off by the centuries of ancient poison that the tribal priestesses had been covering the statue with.

"Very practical these jungle people..." Chatin thought to himself.

"Two-fold usage of poison. To protect and preserve the wood of the statue on one hand. To prevent theft through guaranteed death upon contact on the other"

"I am such a gentleman."

Lighting up a cigerette even as he smiled to himself, Chatin leaned back against the trunk of one of the large ancient trees flanking the tribal temple before he flipped the lighter over. Speaking through the transmitter embedded on the underside of the lighter, Chatin contacted daigong direct, not bothering to ask if his chief was free to talk, using as flippant a tone on daigong as he could manage knowing full well that it would irritate the hell out of him.

"How's it going old chap? I certainly hope that you have started to haul ass here. It's getting a bit lonesome having just me out here by myself. The jungle's nice enough I suppose but talking to trees, ants and the occassional snake without them talking back to you is just getting a tad tiresome.

Monkeys would have been better company but they live to high up in the trees and are to restless to stay for long to make any form of conversation meaningful.

I'm sure you would agree on that won't you old chap?"


Mari was quiet on the journey over to Lake Placid. She could tell that Tris was in no mood to talk about what had happened still and she herself knew that she was not about to get answers even as she asked. Deciding to just do her job as best as she could, it was not long before the plane that she was piloting landed at the appointed pick-up point for them to get Vikitty.

Eyeing Vikitty as her colleague climbed into the craft, Mari took a look at how battle-worn Tris was in comparison before commenting drily even as she started the craft up again.

"At least one of us is doing fine."

Tris could not help but turn a little to take a look at Vikitty, asking coolly.


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« Reply #55 on: November 29, 2005, 07:15:26 PM »
"What?! Gackt!" JB called at Gackt's back as he disappeared down a hallway, his aura finally beginning to shimmer again. JB turned to Hyde. "We can't leave Tenkei, man, he's one of us. Hell, he'slike a co-founder!"

Hyde grunted in disgust. "Yeah, and cus of his ass Boykun is lying in there on the edge of death! If Tenkei were," Hyde paused as he started to choke up, but regained his composure, "if he were here, we could've taken those girls!"

JB stared at Hyde and finally shook his head. "We're going for Tenkei," he said. Hyde rushed forward and grabbed JB by the collar of his shirt.

"You just don't get it, man!" Hyde screamed. "She could've died!"

"What?" JB asked, puzzled.

"I mean HE, Boykun could've died," Hyde said, correcting himself.

JB stared at Hyde again before slapping his hands away from his shirt. "This isn't about Boykun, man! This is about Kamei and your fucking guilt! What happened to Eri ain't Tenkei's fault, man, it's your own. So Fuck You, bro. We're going for Tenkei." JB stalked off.

Hyde sat down with his back against the wall and his head in his hands.
"Wikitty! I'm so glad you're okay!" Rei cried happily as she embraced Vikitty. "I was so worried!"

"Me? Look at you!" Vikitty shouted in surprise, indicating Rei layed up in bed, covered in bandages.

Behind the two friends, Tris stared coldly at Vikitty's back.
Flyp headed down a flight of stairs to the War Room where he had told his GROWN up staff to gather for a meeting. He pushed the door open to hear a scarping of chairs against the groud as his staff rose to their feet  to greet him.

"Ah, glad to see some familiar faces," Flyp grinned. "Captain Ping, Colonel SITS, welcome aboard," Flyp turned to the two new faces and waited for them to introduce themselves.

"I am Major Asami, sir. Konno Asami," Konna said with a salute.

"And I'm Major Kimura, sir, Ayaka Kimura" Ayaka said with a salute as well.

"Great!" Flyp called as he motioned for everyone to sit. "Let's get down to business then, shall we. I'm sure you all know why we're here."
Harlock let Raven 2 dip below the clouds. "There she is, guys," he called back to Maliciel and Kuno Thunder. The other two operatives looked out the window at Gackt's floating castle.

"That's the castle?" Mal cried in surprise. "That thing is fucking enourmous..."

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« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2005, 05:18:37 AM »

"Allright get ready!" said Harlock through the intercom as he took Raven 2 right to the side of the castle. The hatch on the bottom of the plane opened as Mal and Kuno looked down on the castle. They slowly propell down the plane and into the courtyard. There were signs of blood on the ground.

"Seems a little quiet.." said Mal. "Maybe they're sleeping." Kuno said sarcastically. The two operatives make their way inside, slowly peeking around every corner. They arrive at a large hall that was dimly lit, located near the hangar. In the middle of the hall was a large table.

"Welcome~" a voice came from the other side of the hall. The sound of a cocked gun followed.


"Well shit.. I guess they know we're here." Mal took a fighting stance. Kuno was ready to drop a flashbang grenade for cover. As he started to pull the pin from the grenade, he felt a hand stopping him.

"No need for that." said Gackt as he held Kuno's hand in place. Mal jumped back and shot a kick to Gackt's throat. Gackt took a step to the side, his neck barely missing Mal's kick. Gackt quickly followed with a short kick to Mal's knee, bringing him down, but the young assasin flipped back to recover.

"Hold on.." Gackt stopped them. "I don't know what you want here, but.. I just opened this nice Merlot.. would you care for a glass?" he continued, showing them the bottle.

"The hell?! This is an attack damnit!" Mal shot another kick at Gackt, who proceeded to step back and push Kuno away, taking the flashbang from his hand in the process.

"Well I don't know, trying to sneak up and attack us isn't the way to do it." a blade came down at Mal, who quickly notices in time to dodge. Hyde took another bite from the apple. "You know, the master of the house offered you a drink, you should've taken it." He charged at Mal while eating the apple. All Mal could do was dodge the attacks from the sharp blade. "Shit, Kuno help, man!" Mal shouted.

"Man, this is some good wine." laughed Kuno, sitting at the table with Gackt. "Yes, I know.. its poisoned." said Gackt, laughing along with him. Kuno paused. "I'm just kidding." The two laughed together.



Back on the Raven 2.. Harlock readied himself for backup, still sitting in the pilot's seat. "Sayu.. I'll get you back.."

"Wow.. this is one nice ship.. and your approach was nice! I could barely hear the engine. Much better than the other one that came earlier. Say~ you wouldn't happen to be from the same group.. would ya?"

"Wh---" Harlock whipped his head around, but could not react before the butt of a pistol fell upon his head. He fell limp over the seat.

"And he's down for the count~!" said JB.


"This is Chatin." He said

"......Chatin, I got your voice mail. They will be there shortly." said Daigong.

"Yessir, the faster the better." Chatin cut the connection. "Damn bastard never picks up the phone now.." He went back to blending in with his surroundings.


"Vikitty.. I want to talk to you.." Tris called to her. "Sure, what is it?" Vi asked. Tris pulled her out of the room, away from Rei.

"Why did y---" Tris was interrupted. Daigong had summoned her, as well as Vikitty and Suki.

"I guess it'll have to wait." said Vikitty as she walked towards Daigong's office.


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« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2005, 05:23:21 AM »
JB pushed Harlock's limp body aside and took the controls of Raven 2. "Ooh, this is pretty posh," he said to himself as he brought the craft down to make a landing in the courtyard. After the touchdown, JB picked up Harlock and tossed him over his shoulder and took a walk down the gangway into the courtyard. As he strolled across the patchy grass, his foot came down on one of Rei's guns and slid across the dirt. JB's legs flew from underneath him as he tumbled backwards. He dropped Harlock with a thud and banged his head against the ground. Stars exploded before his eyes. "And... he's down for--," JB passed out.
Hyde took another bite of apple as he thrusted and stabbed at Maliciel. "Who are you, exactly?" Gackt asked, taking another sip of wine.

"Hmm?" Kuno mused through a mouthful of cheese. "Oh, we're just here to get our friends back," He said and washed the brie down with some of Gackt's Merlot.

"Oh!" Gackt exclaimed and stood up. "Why didn't you say so? Follow me!" Gackt began to leave the room and the hall suddenly became dark.

Maliciel continued to dodge Hyde's attacks as they followed Gackt and Kuno down the hall.

"Yes, we put them in the brig as we didn't know where they came from," said Gackt. He pushed open a large door to look upon a cold, dank room with chains and shackles hanging from the walls. But it was empty. "Hm, that is odd," Gackt said with a nod. He turned to Kuno, "You're friends... are they invisible? Oh, what am I saying... I saw them with my own eyes... or did I?" Gackt looked at his wine. "Maybe it WAS poisoned..."

"Oh, damn," Hyde gasped as he continued to attack Maliciel. "I forgot we remodled last month. They're in the guest room on the 6th floor."

"Ah," Gackt chuckled. "Just a little mix-up. But..." Gackt's eyes grew big as he let his wineglass slip from his hand. "Good gracious... my extra sunglasses!"
The door to the bright, fun filled room burst open, startling ebc and Sayumi. They looked up from their foosball game and saw familiar faces. "Kuno!" ebc called. "Come play some foosball with us!"

"Sweet," Kuno grunted and handed his wine glass to Gackt.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Maliciel asked, panting for breath. Hyde patted him on the shoulder and handed him an apple.

Sayumi threw her arms around Kuno and gave him a big hug. "Hey, KT! I haven't seen you in ages!" She beamed a smile at him. Gackt tapped her on the shoulder.

"Please, return my glasses," he said coldly as Sayumi turned towards him.

Sayu chuckled ebrassedly, "Heh, gomen..."
"Ah, you guys can't leave yet!" Hyde said as the group enjoyed a glass of wine in the group hall. "Tomorrow is the Annual Tilde Brigade Picnic! We're expecting members from the other brigades!"

"Wow, there are other Brigades?" Mal asked as he speared his toothpick through another cube of gouda.

"But, of course," Gackt chuckled. "We are the Main Brigade, but there are 4 others. Tilde Brigades East, West, South, and North. We're not sure who is arriving, but I've been told that the team Chemistry will be coming from Tilde~ East," Gackt smiled. "They're cool dudes."

Just then, a short, yet familiar body entered into the great hall. "I heard my sister was injured... I know the picnic isn't until tomorrow, but I've come a day early to see her. Eric Kamezou desu~!" he said framing his chin with his thumb and index finger.

"Oh, Eric! From Tilde~ East! Have some wine with our new friends~"
"MASA!" Shi called from down the hall and burst into Masa's office seconds later. "I CANNOT work with Matsuura! She doesn't know what the hell she's doing!" Shirenu screamed at Masa.

"Well, you have to make it work, Shi," Masa groaned. "She's the key to the Hello!Morning. With Kamei dead, Matsuura is the only one that can retrieve the stone!"

"How about that Yoshizawa girl? She seems like she knows what she's doing..." Shi pondered.

"Yocchan is only here to keep an eye on Aya, Shi. Just get to work." As Shi left the room in a huff, Masa picked up a new report from his desk and frowned. "Oh, this isn't going to be good."

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« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2005, 08:03:19 AM »

Harlock woke up with the sun shining on his face. "Whoa what happened? foo~"
"You, sir, was pistol whipped by me." JB answered as he came in the room. "Hi here, I'm JaisBane. Sorry for the
bump on your head. You were intruding in our home."
"Sayu-!" Harlock said in shock. He stood up looking around the room for her. "Relax.. bakayarou~!" replied JaisBane, immitating Beat Takeshi. "Your friends are fine, they're not dead. So put some pants on and follow me, we're having a picnic today~"


At a random park in New York, the Annual Tilde Brigade Picnic was about to begin. Everyone in the main brigade was present, with the exception of boykun, who Suki totally owned in their fight. Masa's operatives were there also. Harlock keept his distance from ebc. Eri was alive and well, her brother Eric keeping close to her.

Slowly the members of the other brigades start to arrive. Tilde East was the first, arriving in a Hyundai Accent 1.6liter 3-cylinder Diesel. "Gaaaaackttt~!" a harmonized shout called to him. "Ah the East have arrived," said Gackt, "let me introduce you to them," he continued as he took Masa's operatives to meet the East.
"This, is Tilde East. The brigade unit with the AWESOME vocal prowess members." He pointed to a duo of elite dudes. One was wearing a hat with a stylish goatee. The other, short haired and calm, even more than Gackt himself. "These two are called, CHEMISTRY." Gackt introduced them. "We've just returned from a mission, from the Point of No Return." CHEMISTRY harmonized even when they spoke. "This," Gackt continued, "is one of our best, I believe you've had some beverages from his bar in the castle, yes?" He said pointing to Sayumi and ebc. "Hello there, I am Ken Hirai~~~" He said in an uber high voice even Sayumi could not reach even though she's a girl, showing his vocal prowess. "And of course you have already met Eric, he is their mechanic." said Gackt, pointing at Eric.

The Picnic continued, minutes later, Gackt sensed another group of friends coming. He walked over to a bench, but was surprised to see that someone has occupied it. "Excuse me," Gackt started, "This bench.. is reserved."
"Says who?!" the man asked in a rude tone.

"Says me....!"

A figure came from above, landing on top of the bench. The random man stumbled back. He looked up to see a young man in his twenties, wearing pinstriped pants and a stylish Hawaiian shirt.
"Hi Gakkun~! nice to see ya again.. and mister rudepants man. My name is Jun Matsum--" Before he could finish his sentence another person fell on top of him, this time it was a girl. She wore a cute victorian style dress. With his face on the ground the young man continued, "Matsumoto! Jun Matsumoto.. remember that name~" The girl stood up and introduced herself. "Soshite atashi wa Erizabeth Kyamei desuuuuuuuu~" She then proceeded to blast the random rude man with supercuteness, causing him to have a cuteness overload and have a hardcore seizure. "..Tilde North.. where's the rest of you? well anyways, let me introduce you to our new friends. They tried to break in my castle but failed." Gackt chuckled.


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« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2005, 08:03:59 AM »
"Oh! You tried to break into Gakkun's castle?" Matsujun asked, dropping his hand onto Erizabeth's head. She scrunched up her face and threw his hand away.

She looked up at Gackt. "Where is tenkei-sama, Gakkun?"

Gackt cleared his throat. "Well... we were going to go pick him up today, but Hyde is really mad at him. Plus we couldnt miss the picnic! i mean, Hyde made his special apple salad. Its very tasty."

"Where is my father?" A cute voice demanded from over the hill.

"Well," Gackt said, "that can only be Erikku Kamerin. Which means Tilde West is here. I do hope that Thimas and Tettekete* and the rest are coming. So far, our picnic is lacking people."

Just then a cute girl bounded over a hill and stopped. "Erikku Kamrin desu~! Yoroshiku~!" she shouted to the gathering.

"Ah, Erikku!" Eric Kamezou called from where he sat with his sister, Eri Kamei. "Come say hello to your aunt!"

Harlock leaned close to Ken Hirai who was enjoying a bowl of Hyde's apple salad. "Why do all your guys' op-techs look alike?"

"We don't quite know, but they're very useful," a new voice whispered in Harlock's ear. Harlock jumped forward, knocking the salad from Ken's hand.

Harlock apologized to Ken, but he waved him off, "its ok ok, I'm done with that anyway. I wanna eat a pop tart~," Ken said, raising his voice to womanly levels.

Harlock turned to the person who had scared him. "Hello," he said, putting his hand out to Harlock. "I'm Marimari, and this is OUR op-tech, Elize Kameyama." Next to Marimari stood another of the tilde brigade's op-techs.

"And we're from Tilde South," Gocchin** said with a spanish accent while doing the ai~n gesture. "Pleased to meet you."

Harlock leaned over to Kuno Thunder, "What the fuck is wrong with these people?" he whispered.
Tris waited for Suki to leave first and slammed Vikitty against the wall as soon as they had left Daigong's office.

"Tris, what the fuck?!" Vikitty shouted as she tried to pry Tris's hands from her suit collar.

"You better not compromise this mission, this team, this organization for some... half-wit piece of ass, you hear me, Vi?" Tris growled at her.

Vikitty finally wrenched free of the Tris's grip. "Hey, you girls are my family... Tenkei's.. just a lay, right?" she said as she straightened her jacket.

"That better be the truth," Tris said through clenched teeth as she stormed away.

"Yeah... just-just a lay..." Vikitty whispered to herself without conviction.

*this is forum/irc tettekete... not takahashi ai.
**gocchin is forum member universus, not goto maki as she is already involved in the story. universus goes by gocchin in irc though :p

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