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Author Topic: One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]  (Read 48487 times)

Offline stefy

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One Shot [Now Showing: Love Never Found -PART 2]
« on: April 04, 2007, 06:16:22 PM »
No continuation just one chapter stories, the ending or more like the continuation is all up to your imagination. I have about 2 or 3 short stories up my sleeve but.... their all Yossi pairings. Feel free to post your short stories in here if you want to. Here's the first short story I have!

Btw The rest isn't finished yet so I might take sometime to post the others... and I'm friggin slow at these stuff let me warn you... That is unless I have a deadline to meet.

Anyways enjoy~

« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 07:08:59 PM by stefy »

Offline stefy

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« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 06:21:46 PM »
[The Kiss]

"Yocchan! Stop right there!"

Yossi had finally stopped dead in her tracks after countless times the older called after her. Being best friends for years now, there was never a time when they got into an argument. Everyone in school envied their close friendship; "Yomiki" was what others would call them, the two top of the school. So why are they fighting now? No one knew the reason, which was why there was a huge crowd around the pair waiting for something big to happen a fight for example.


The taller turned to glare into the eyes of the shorter girl who was just a few meters away from her. Miki who noticed the crowd that was forming around them ran forward to Yossi, grabbed her arm and pulled her into the empty closet.

"What’s wrong with you? Wait so let me get this straight." Miki snapped staring right into Yossi's eyes as she continued, "Its ok for you to be with Ishikawa even though I don't like it, but its not ok for me to be with Aya-chan because you don't like it."


Yossi snapped back. Miki now looking even more pissed than before, she couldn't believe how her best friend was acting recently. She's been giving her new girlfriend a hard time, especially during futsal practice. Ramming the ball right at Aya instead of passing, purposely bumping into Aya when she walks past her and always giving Aya the death glare that she has never shown before.

"Yocchan, your being ridiculous. I'm not talking to someone so childish until you have some sense knocked into you." Miki began to turn and reach for the door but stopped when Yossi spoke up again.

"You don't like me going out with Rika-chan?"

"No" Miki replied firmly not turning around,


"Because.... you don't belong together!" She screamed, Yossi then grabbed her arm and turned her around to face her.

"But you belong with Aya?"

"No..." Miki replied quietly.

"Really..." Yossi was finding this amusing all of a sudden,

"Then why are you going out with her?"

"I... I don't know.." Miki whispered, "She's like a good friend I let kiss me once in a while.."

"You let all your good friends kiss you?"

Yossi questioned, mocking the girl in front of her at the same time curious as to what Miki's answer is. Surprised at the unexpected question, Miki looked up into Yossi's intensely burning dark eyes. She felt an excited shiver run though her body when she realized what Yossi was going to do next. Yossi was going to kiss her. She leaned in, their lips inches from each other. Yossi paused for a second, giving Miki a chance to pull away, but Miki didn't want to. She raised her head forward to meet Yossi's lips, and they kissed.

Both felt an electric serge run though them, everything exploded. It was like fireworks were exploding. Everything seemed to fit perfectly between the two. Miki felt more and more dizzier from all the emotions and heat running though her body. Yossi loosened her grip on Miki's arm and let one of her hand travel up to Miki's cheek caressing it, then entwined her hand around her neck and traced the skin down back of Miki's neck. Miki felt like she was about to lose consciousness, she was melting in the arms of Yossi. She had to touch Yossi back, which she did. Miki wrapped her arms around Yossi's neck, pulling her closer.

They finally broke apart, gasping for air ,breathing hard. They looked at each other in shock of what they had just done. Not knowing what had just happened between them. But they both knew that what ever it was, nothing was ever going to be the same again.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 06:38:16 PM by stefy »

Offline Mikitty-saikou

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 03:58:17 AM »

I love it!  Even though it's fluff, I loveeeeeeeeeeee it~  It makes me all giggly and warm inside. ^_^
(and it's an automatic win for me, because I love YoMiki pairings :heart: )

Offline Mikan

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 12:56:28 PM »
I couldnt rememebr if I have read stuff by you before or not but I think I have. And I think I liked it. I liked it a lot. Just like Im liking these shot stories. Nice. Very nice XD


Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline orangesocks

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 03:31:13 PM »

I like how they cleared the air between them. Shame about Rika and Aya, though...I guess those two will just have to find comfort in each other(!)  :lol:

Offline jenmoshka

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 03:47:03 PM »
YoMiki FTW!   :heart:   

Any Yossui staring fic wins for me (Yes I am that shallow that I will sit around and wait for the other 'shorts' you have since you mentioned Yossui pairings in all of them!)  Keep up the good work, definately enjoyed the first one!  ;D
:heart: :heart: Forever a Yossui Fangirl :heart: :heart:   

Habitual Forum lurker, undeniably random, crazy Canadian. 

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2007, 04:43:16 PM »
(Yes I am that shallow that I will sit around and wait for the other 'shorts' you have since you mentioned Yossui pairings in all of them!)

I'll definitely be waiting with you. ;D

The last three paragraphs were the best. Very romantic, and I mean reeeaaally romantic description of a kiss but it's all good. xD Nearly melted myself there.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2007, 04:59:36 PM »
Not a huge fan of Yomiki, but I liked the story. It's a promising start for this thread, I hope you post more.

Offline Blizzard

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 05:37:18 PM »
Count me in with Jen and Wuffer.  Anything with Yossui gets a thumbs up from me.  Can't wait to see more, stefy!

Offline nkca_

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2007, 04:46:51 AM »
not really a fan of yomiki but it was a nice story nonetheless

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2007, 08:50:52 AM »
YoMikiiii~ I'm very happy when I read/see these two. I know this is a one shot thread, but is there more?

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Offline stefy

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2007, 03:00:33 PM »
Mikitty-saikou - Its supposed to be fluff... their one shot stories. But glad you loveeeeeeeeeeeed it~

Mikan - cool! A comment by the great Mikan-san~ I think you have read my stuff before when I just started... I think.. Anyways more coming right up!

orangesocks - Haha finding comfort in each other.. I guess so, its all up to you to decide!

jenmoshka - If your shallow... that probably means I am too for thinking of fic only revolving around Yossi, but I didn't say ALL will be Yossi fics just so far all I'v thought of are Yossi fics... but who knows maybe a TakaGaki fic will pop up somewhere.

Wuffer - Realllyyy??? Yay~ Thanks! Glad I made you almost melt hoho

rndmnwierd - Your more of a Tsuji x Kago shipper right? I too hope I'll post more tho... haha

Blizzard - Hope you like this next one then... together with jen and Wuffer. Thanks for reading! Btw... whats FWT?

nkca_ - thanks 4 reading... but don't worry its not all YoMiki that I have in mind tho.

Owaranai_sLaVe - More as in more YoMiki? ehh not at the moment but hope my brain works fast enuf for another YoMiki story...

wow... 9 comments in just one day... thats a first (for me) but anyways thanks! The next one... I'm just gonna post it and run.

Offline stefy

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Yossi x Aya
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2007, 03:05:08 PM »
[Our Little Secret]

"What are you doing"

Yossi casually ask as she hopped onto the bed and sat down opposite a girl who was concentrating very hard on counting a bunch of notes which she stacked neatly on the bed.

"Calculating how much I have left for this trip.." she replied without bothering to look at Yossi,

"He~e.. since when did Aya-chan care so much about money?"

"Last time we went shopping I spent so much.. Mikitan got angry"

"So how much do you have?"
Yossi leaned forward towards Aya to see the amount of money stacked in front of her.

"Not telling you."

"Oh come on!"

"Nope not telling."


Their little squabble continued for the next minute or so before Yossi finally gave up. She didn't really care how much money there was. The truth is Yossi was just so bored to death staying in her hotel room waiting for Rika to come back that she decided to bug Aya whose room was right next door. They weren't exactly close friends, but Aya was the closest form of 'entertainment' Yossi could find. Ai-chan would have been a better choice but Yossi was too lazy to go 2 stories up to her room. 

While watching Aya so concentrative on the deck of notes on the bed, a light bulb appeared in Yossi's mind. A very mischievous grin appeared on her face as Yossi snatched the bunch of notes and jumped out of the bed counting the amount of money in her hands.

"Yossi! Give it back!"

The roles switched this time, Yossi ran behind the chair seeking protection from it. Aya chased after Yossi in the fairly wide hotel room, jumping over the chair and dodging the small tables. They were both moving up and down the bed in circles, Yossi finally decided to give in and turned to face Aya.

"Ok Ok I.. Ow!" Yossi shrieked when she felt something knock into her.

Unexpectedly just when Yossi turned around to face Aya, she was attacked by the younger girl. Aya had pounced onto Yossi sending them both onto the bed with Aya on top of Yossi, their faces extremely close to one another. They both stayed in that awkward position for quite sometime, Yossi waiting for Aya to get off her. Aya on the other hand, looked lost in her own world, staring from Yossi's big beautiful eyes down to her thin yet lustful lips.


"erm... here's your money.. "
Yossi brought her hand, holding the stack of cash, up to their faces to give Aya back her money. Her weak attempt at getting Aya off her failed as Aya took the money and placed it aside still not budging from her position.

"You know... you can get off.."

Aya placed one finger onto Yossi's lips silencing the older girl. With that Aya moved on to touch Yossi's cheek and caressed it gently then traced down to Yossi's jaw line moving back to that thin and lustful lips, Aya traced it with her fingers and unknowingly licked her own. The person whom she fantasized over was right in front of her, and Aya couldn't just let this chance to touch her pass. Yossi was lost for words, she watched as Aya's fingers tickled her skin and the moment she saw Aya lick her lips, she lost it. It was as if she was hypnotized by Aya's little actions, Yossi lifted her head and kissed the girl on top of her.

Aya was shocked at the sudden kiss by Yossi but none the less, she returned the kiss. It was a gentle kiss, something that Aya has never experienced before. With Miki, it was always more of aggressive kisses, both fighting over who gets to be the dominant one. Yossi's kiss on the other hand was different, almost as if asking for permission to continue further. At that very moment Aya came to envy Rika. They both stayed in that position with their lips locked for several long seconds until Yossi made the next move. She wrapped her arm around Aya's waist and swiftly made a turn. Now it was Yossi who was on top of the younger.

In an instant, Yossi had unbuttoned Aya's blouse revealing a light pink bra. Her hand traveled up to Aya's face in spite of the temptations of moving a little lower, but first it was pay back. She traced Aya's face from her cheeks slowly moving down to her jaw line. She continued to head south and stopped just above her breast for a moment teasing the younger girl. Aya moaned into Yossi's mouth, begging for her to continue but that was when she broke the kiss and stared deep into the eyes of the soloist. She looked confused, staring from Aya's eyes down to her half fully exposed body.

"uh... sorry!" that was all Yossi could say before she jumped off the bed looking extremely guilty and dashed for the exit, leaving a very aroused yet confused Aya laying on the bed.

*runs away*
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 08:11:21 AM by stefy »

Offline Blizzard

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2007, 06:39:17 PM »
Ooh, Yossui/Aya (kinda).  Not a very common match up.  Not bad though.  They just got caught up in the moment, huh?  It happens.  You could do a one shot with Miki/Rika now just to get back at Yossui and Aya!   :D

I'm looking forward to more of these!  Oh, by the way, are you going to be continuing High of 85?  I really hope so!   :pleeease:
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 06:40:20 PM by Blizzard »

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2007, 10:48:44 PM »

 At that very moment Aya came to envy Rika.

Yes, I'm sure she did.

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2007, 11:43:25 PM »
Just wondering, are these chapters within the same story, or are they each their own separate story?

Either way, they're both nicely done. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline orangesocks

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2007, 02:42:58 AM »
Ah, the Yossie/Aya one is a one-shot? WHY? Write more! One-shot part 2! 2-shot!

Now Aya's going to unleash all her pent up energy on Miki... :)

Offline Mikitty-saikou

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2007, 03:21:27 AM »
*Reads latest oneshot fic again and again*

I'm with orangesocks, Make a 2-shot for it please~  *sets up a tent*  I'll be awaiting your next one-shots (or your continuation of theses xD)


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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2007, 03:37:06 AM »
*runs away*

*runs after Stefy*

NO!!!! YOU CANT LEAVE IT THERE!!! *Force feeds perv cookie*

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Re: One Shot Stories
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2007, 09:25:04 AM »
¬___¬ Ugh, I'm kinda hating the words "One shot" now.
I liked the way you described the differences in Yossui's and Miki's kisses.

Mooooooorrrreee~ Pwease? *.* (haha and answer to your question: Yes, more YoMiki please... but more of this Aya/Yossui. Very interesting, sorta like "Nobody Knows it")

>>LIFE ~is just another story~2008/12/26<<
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