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Author Topic: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Forty-Six -- Nightmare]  (Read 148227 times)

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Five -- This Place is Crazy]
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2007, 11:25:08 PM »
Lol Maasa.

Captain has a mysterious history... I wonder with whom she's in love... :3 Risako?

Double chapter always nice.. :D Thanks for the kindness :heart:

XD That was my favorite part to write.

I actually almost accidentally revealed who it was for a moment there. XDD Thank goodness I caught my mistake and went back to fix it.

;-; I actually don't know if I'll get to post the next one today now. It's storming a LOT outside and the power's going off like, every five minutes.

"The Loft" reminds me of Aladdin's home xD And I personally think who Saki's thinking about is none other than the bitchy Miyabi xD Those two have great chemistry in a way xD

Though I look forward to this dance routine that Momoko's suddenly a part of. I can't help but think of Munasawagi Scarlet because the center's on Miyabi and Momoko xD I wonder what Momo'll think once she finds out that in 'the fishy move' (You know what I'm talking about xD The head swishing and going down the other's leg), her partner for that move is Miyabi xD. I'd imagine Miyabi won't be too thrilled at that either, roffle xD

I like the characterization you put into Momoko. Inevitably, I can see that by the end of this story, she'll be a nicer person and more happy than emo xD

Ai as the instructor makes me giggle for some reason xD I can't really imagine her as a strict teacher, she's more of a nicer teacher in my image of her xD.

Makes me wonder how many more H!P cameos you intend to make :]

Keep up the good work! -gives you the obligatory and famous hardhat to protect yourself from Writer's Block-

Haha, it's totally what I was thinking of.

XDDD I might have to use that and put it in the story. I was going to write that they were dancing to some ambiguous song or whatever, but now.. that's... way too tempting. XDD

I'm kind of writing Momoko the way that I would act myself in such a situation. If that makes any sense. lol

Haha, but a nice teacher would not do for this story. And I'm not entirely sure if there will be any more cameos... perhaps maybe just one other... hm...

-slaps hardhat on to protect self from the storms outside- ...;-;

gosh, they all pretty much live in crappy houses o_o

haha, I just realized the list you wrote out descended according to age order from oldest to youngest
Anyways, Chinami has episodes huh, now what happened that was so horrible that she'll have episodes like vietnam veteran hm..

I feel an obvious, SakiXMiyabi vibe going on >_>
But I want to bring my hopes up that high in case I'm wrong
But what I can do is squeel like a little girl because this story's romance vibe is just so damn adorable >w<

Haha, I laughed so very hard here XDXDXD

What is the reason for the police going after Maasa..
I'm guessing that she was obviously framed for a crime she didn't comitt..

*clinging onto life...Refusing to die from cute overload...*

Now, my slave Post faster!
MUSH*throws a water bottle at you* I have run out of clever or silly name callings for you!
POST!!TYPE!!BE THE FIC!! o_o....dude, scratch that last part <_<

It's not a very fun city to live in. Basically, Risako and Miyabi are the only privileged ones.

lol. I tend to do that with the Berryz. I'm not entirely sure why.
And HM... HM HM... -sirens blaring- PERHAPS YOU MIGHT BE ON TO SOMETHING! -flails around and stuff-

Yay for romance. <3

Lol. I wonder if everyone can picture her falling through the ceiling as vibrantly as I did. Because it was pretty freakin' funny.

Oh me, oh my... what ever did Maasa doooooo? ^_^

I'll probably kill you with the cute sometime during this story. Just you wait.

-throws the water bottle back-
I think that today I will rise above and push YOU around instead!
-prods very hard with a stick-
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Offline Yuuyami

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Five -- This Place is Crazy]
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2007, 11:27:34 PM »
I think you should only do comments when you're about to post the chapter, that way, I can time my infamous wedges in better xD


Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Five -- This Place is Crazy]
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2007, 11:29:06 PM »
[Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]

I didn’t really know what to expect out of the dance lesson that night. I was somewhat nervous, you see… First off, I had to prove myself to Takahashi-san in order to even get the spot… second, I didn’t want to let either Risako or Yurina down by screwing things up… and to be honest, I was worried because I didn’t really remember a thing about dancing…

At least I had kept up the exercising at home. Otherwise it probably would have been rough.

Oh yeah, and the third thing? Natsuyaki was going to be there. I was just about as excited to see her again as I would be to see the doctor for a checkup. (Which isn’t very much at all. I hate going to the doctor. He’s trigger-happy with those syringes of his, and I am terribly needle-phobic.)

Risako and I entered the theatre for the second time that day, and much to my relief we were actually a bit early for practice, because only Natsuyaki and a few other girls had arrived so far, and they were all busy stretching and warming up. She gave me the most angry glare that I have ever received from any single human being, but I wasn’t going to let her bother me.

I merely glared back—something I’m pretty sure she wasn’t expecting, because she blinked a little bit—and then I dragged Risako off to another corner of the room so that we could start getting ready as well.

Takahashi-san arrived a few minutes later, and she didn’t say a word to any of the students as she prepared for the lesson. I assumed that this was just her nature. She didn’t come across as the sociable type to me, anyway. Soon, the stragglers also started to show up, and Takahashi-san clapped her hands three times, which—according to Risako—was  a sign that practice was starting.

I moved into the starting position for the formation of the song. I knew exactly where I needed to be because Yurina had explained everything about it that I needed to know, using my cousin to demonstrate the steps and moves that I would have to make within the routine. Plus, I had watched the troupe go through the entire dance earlier that morning enough times that I probably could have danced in any member’s place.

Takahashi-san must have been reading my mind, because she took that opportunity to drop a bomb on me.


The tall girl standing next to Natsuyaki turned her head to look back obediently at the dance instructor.

“Trade positions with Tsugunaga for a moment. The formation will look jagged with her in Kumai’s old spot, so since you’re about the same height, I need you back there instead.”

Well, crap. The girl named Umeda merely shrugged and wandered over to take my place without complaint, while I… I was left to face my fate. Umeda and Natsuyaki were both centers for this dance… which meant that now the evil girl was going to have to share some of her spotlight with me. She was looking oh-so-thrilled about that.

Looking on the bright side, I was now positioned closer to Risako as well, and she would keep an eye out for me.

The music started, and I quickly began to get the hang of the rhythm and the routine, and at first I was dancing through the song with ease. …Because that part wasn’t the problem. Natsuyaki was the problem, and I had to dance beside her during the entire song.

The tension I could feel at that moment was suffocating.

But it had absolutely nothing on what was about to happen next.

Originally—before Takahashi-san had gotten the bright idea to move me—Umeda had been Natsuyaki’s partner for a move that was slightly… well… it involved getting a bit too close for comfort.

I might as well just pause for a moment to tell you that I am what some people define as being ‘touch-phobic’. I don’t like it when other people touch me, and I keep my hands to myself. The only person I even tolerate coming within my personal bubble is Risako, and even she still makes me twitch sometimes. Plus, the only reason for it is because Risako’s the kind of person that would hug you even if you held a gun to her head and told her not to, so basically I couldn’t stop her from doing it anyway.

So this was going to be VERY unpleasant for me.

Basically, it started out that I had to get up behind her, and there was this weird head thing we had to do while we were rocking from side-to-side. And then I took my hand and starting at her waist, I had to slide it down her leg while she posed in a not-so-innocent manner.

I probably could have died right then. I think Natsuyaki was feeling the same because she looked flustered and for a moment seemed to have forgotten about wanting to murder me. And where was Risako during all of this?

In front of us, snickering, and doing a very bad job of covering it up.

I’m glad someone was amused.

It was bad enough that I had to do this, but even worse that we had to do it over and over again until Takahashi-san was satisfied. Again, Risako wasn’t much help, because my plight never ceased to be funny for her, and a few times, the instructor would stop us and start the song over because she couldn’t keep a straight face.

Soon—but not soon enough, in my opinion—the torture came to an end when Takahashi stopped the song for the final time.

“Good, good… we’re just working the bugs out for now, but this will be very impressive when it comes time to perform. Unfortunately, we have three other songs to work on as well, and they aren’t nearly as polished. I suggest you step it up a bit, because we only have thirteen days left after tonight. Now, go home and get some rest. I’ll see all of you bright and early in the morning.”

She got groans for reply, but she didn’t seem to care much, and turned to me instead.

“Excellent work, Tsugunaga-san. I haven’t seen anyone catch on that quick since Miyabi joined the troupe. I was a little worried that your dancing skills wouldn’t be up to par with your singing, but now… well, if you keep this up, I’ll be sad that you happen to only be a temporary addition to the team.”

I was a little at a loss for words. It had been a while since I had received praise from anyone. And even then, nobody had ever said anything like that to me before…

Takahashi-san walked away while I was mulling this over in my mind, and Risako took the opportunity to jump on me. Again, my lungs had to suffer my cousin’s abuse.

“Oh, I knew that you still had this in you, Momo-chan. Getting you to come here was an awesome idea. I must be a genius.”

Before I could reply—and scold her for her behavior during the lesson—Natsuyaki had walked up to the two of us, and I think that if I believed in spontaneous human combustion that she would have been smoking a little bit.

“You’re just soaking this all up, aren’t you, Momo-chan.”

Her voice was so bitter. Being in the front seemed to be important to her, and I think that she percieved me as a threat to her position. That, or she was jealous that for once, the instructor’s eyes weren’t on her. Either way, I didn’t want to deal with her and her issues with me at that moment. I had had a long, exhausting day, and I was just ready to go to sleep.

“Like a sponge, Natsuyaki-san. Like a sponge.” I replied, in the most sarcastic voice I could muster. “Come on, Risako… let’s go.”

The prodigy wasn’t expecting that, and so she merely stared at us as we left, her mouth gaping just the slightest bit. I had gotten the last word this time, but I figured that she wasn’t going to let go of the grudge she had against me, so it wasn’t over yet.

Believe me, I had no idea what I was getting into.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 03:10:31 AM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Offline Estrea

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Five -- This Place is Crazy]
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2007, 12:41:24 AM »
Me senses Saki/Miyabi vibes too. XD

Is Chinami suffering from a...mental condition? So to speak, anyway...hmm.

Lol @ Maasa falling through the floor. XD

Anyway, write more soon. :P


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2007, 03:13:06 AM »
Me senses Saki/Miyabi vibes too. XD

Is Chinami suffering from a...mental condition? So to speak, anyway...hmm.

Lol @ Maasa falling through the floor. XD

Anyway, write more soon. :P

Lol. We'll see, we'll see.

Something like that...


And I just edited the post above yours, so check it out. :3
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Offline Estrea

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2007, 03:21:33 AM »
Risako’s the kind of person that would hug you even if you held a gun to her head and told her not to

That made me grin. XD

Ahhh, Momo and Miyabi tension UPPPPPPP!!!! *does a happy dance* *trips and falls flat on face* XD Not very graceful here. Hahaha you really have it in for Momo...putting her in that place...XD I can't wait to see more. ^_^


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #46 on: April 15, 2007, 03:41:01 AM »
I keep imagining one of them is going to start something and have an all out brawl XDXD

I couldn't help but laugh at this

I might as well just pause for a moment to tell you that I am what some people define as being ‘touch-phobic’. I don’t like it when other people touch me, and I keep my hands to myself. The only person I even tolerate coming within my personal bubble is Risako, and even she still makes me twitch sometimes. Plus, the only reason for it is because Risako’s the kind of person that would hug you even if you held a gun to her head and told her not to, so basically I couldn’t stop her from doing it anyway.

So this was going to be VERY unpleasant for me.


God, I love this story and of course I love VoA <333
Update my silly writer!!

*Stares at you*

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #47 on: April 15, 2007, 05:38:28 AM »

This is going into a war zone! This rivalry is scary..

Hmm, why I forgot about :heart: Captain x Miya :heart: like in real life.. So, it's not Risako? XD

Hmm, end of idea. Thank for this chapter! Dunno what to say anymore -_-"

Btw, be careful with the storm! Better offline than getting a fried modem :D
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 05:54:01 AM by ziggurat »

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #48 on: April 15, 2007, 09:50:16 PM »
That made me grin. XD

Ahhh, Momo and Miyabi tension UPPPPPPP!!!! *does a happy dance* *trips and falls flat on face* XD Not very graceful here. Hahaha you really have it in for Momo...putting her in that place...XD I can't wait to see more. ^_^

XD Glad to be of service.

Yeah. I'm not going to be giving her a break for a little while, the poor thing. But it'll all turn out okay. This story has a HAPPY ending. X3

I keep imagining one of them is going to start something and have an all out brawl XDXD


God, I love this story and of course I love VoA <333
Update my silly writer!!

*Stares at you*

Miyabi might... lol

I feel so blocked with the other story right now... I don't know why. Grr. >_<

Those faces are really creepy, btw... o_o


This is going into a war zone! This rivalry is scary..

Hmm, why I forgot about :heart: Captain x Miya :heart: like in real life.. So, it's not Risako? XD

Hmm, end of idea. Thank for this chapter! Dunno what to say anymore -_-"

Btw, be careful with the storm! Better offline than getting a fried modem :D

lol Yup. I wouldn't want to get in-between those two, that's for sure.

-whistles innocently-

You're welcome. <3 And no problem, I'm not sure if there's really that much to talk about yet. XD

It's all good now. It passed by. Unfortunately, it's still freezing cold outside. ><

I'm about to post the ch.7 in the next few minutes.
So if a certain wedge would like to claim her spot, she should probably do it now. XD
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #49 on: April 15, 2007, 09:57:54 PM »
-WEDGE- :]

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Six -- No Turning Back]
« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2007, 10:14:33 PM »
[Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]

When I woke up the next morning, it took me a long time to figure out where I was.

Possibly, this was due to the fact that I awoke to find the ceiling on the floor and vice versa. Somehow, I must have fallen asleep upside-down… But then I remembered that that couldn’t have been true, because I was pretty sure that I had gotten into a bed last night.

I tried to move, which happened to be a mistake. See, I was still partially in that same bed, but my legs were the only things keeping me suspended, and so… when I moved, I hit the floor, and my head. At that point, I was very much awake, and I stood up, now armed with a growing bump on the side of my skull.

How lovely.

I’m not much of a morning person. I tend to be very clumsy and grumpy soon after I wake up. That’s why I’m better off living by myself, I guess. And that’s why things like what happened next really annoy me.

“Good morrrrrrning, Momo-chaaaaaaaaaa~n!”

It was a very good thing that I wasn’t holding a weapon of any sorts, because I probably might have gone after Risako with it. Her annoying, perky little voice wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear right after waking up. So I did the best I could by giving her a twitchy sort of glare—as my eyes were still adjusting to the sunlight in the room. Stupid Risako. With her stupid being able to face the world every morning.

She was even dressed and ready for goodness sakes.

“Oh, don’t look at me like that. I made breakfast~!”

I grunted and pushed past her to the bathroom. It was too early for this. Or was it? I didn’t really know. As I looked at my rather disheveled appearance in the mirror, I decided to ask.

“What time is it?”

“A little after six.”

She was standing in the doorway, still wearing that very cheerful expression. I wanted to shut her out after hearing that response. Back home, ten would be the very earliest that I would even dare to start moving. Maybe it was because I wasn’t home that my internal clock was a little messed up.

“What time did you get up, then?!”

“I think it was four or something. I tried to wake you up, too, but I almost pushed you off the bed, so I just kind of left you like that.”

I merely glared at her. She dares to be the reason for my rude awakening, and then she bounces around all happy-like? I was starting to think that the reason I was so sore was her fault, too. She probably kicked me in her sleep. So, naturally, I shoved her grinning face out of the door with one hand and shut it promptly afterwards.


Apparently people in this city had the same idea about sleep as I did.

After I had been given proper time to wake up and get dressed and eat, Risako and I decided to go for a walk, since we had a little bit of time to kill before the morning’s practice. There weren’t many people around at this time of the day, which was sort of surprising, considering how congested the streets had been yesterday afternoon.

Risako was being extraordinarily quiet. Whether it was out of respect for my personal space or because she had run out of things to say or because maybe she wanted to enjoy the quiet too, I didn’t know.

But I wasn’t going to question a good thing.

We continued like this for a while, before I spotted a figure up ahead. Whomever it was was just standing there on the sidewalk, staring up at the sky. It wasn’t until we got closer that I recognized the figure as the magician from yesterday; Tokunaga Chinami, if my memory was working right. She didn’t even seem to notice us as we approached. She just continued to stand there, apparently searching for something in the clouds.

It wasn’t until that moment that I began to suspect that maybe something was wrong with this girl. And maybe that’s why Saki had been so freaked out when she had gone missing yesterday.

I was starting to put two-and-two together (Risako of course, had no idea what was going on, and was just eyeing the female with a puzzled expression.) and so I decided that if Chinami was by herself again, it was probably a bad thing.

“Um, Tokunaga-san…”

No response. Then I did something REALLY, really stupid. And see, there wasn’t any way to have known that what I was about to do was stupid at that point in time, because I had no idea what was wrong with Chinami. So it was a perfectly innocent move.

I just poked her in the arm.

But it sure did set her off.

She jumped like I had prodded her with a hot branding iron, and gave me this wild, fearful sort of look like an injured animal or something, before she darted off in the opposite direction. I cursed at myself inwardly, and before I knew it I was running after her, shouting back at Risako to stay put.

…I am also not the most athletic of people. I’m okay with dancing. But sprinting, and jogging for long periods of time… I’m just really, really slow. Luckily for me, however, Chinami ran off into an alleyway, and when I caught up, she was still standing there, trapped. She was panting heavily—a cornered animal, now—and she was watching me with the most wary of gazes.

“Don’t be afraid of me… I just want to help. I bet Shimizu-san’s worried sick about you.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what to do at that point.

It didn’t really matter, because all of a sudden, two very strong arms grabbed me: one had me in a dangerously firm headlock, and the other was around my waist, and for a moment, my feet weren’t touching the ground. I was extremely frightened, because I couldn’t see my captor in such a position, and I could feel my heart pounding rapidly within my chest.

I didn’t dare to move.

“I’m going to put you down in a second…” It was a girl’s voice, I could tell, even though it was rather deep, and she was speaking very low right next to my ear, as if to intimidate me. “…And when I do, you better get your ass as far away from me as possible, because I have half a mind to kill you for freaking this kid out.”

So it was a misunderstanding. Maybe this girl was one of Chinami and Saki’s friends and had thought that I was tormenting the latter in some way. I supposed that it had kind of looked like that, what with me chasing after her and all…

“I was just trying to get her back to Shimizu-san, and then she bolted, I swear!”


My captor obviously didn’t expect me to say that, for I could feel her hold on me loosen, if only slightly.

“You know Saki?”

“Yes… well, not very well, I just met her yesterday.”

“Wait… you’re that girl… Sugaya’s cousin. The outsider.”

I wasn’t aware that I was such a popular topic. Did people really not visit this city that often? Fortunately, my captor seemed to believe me, and she set me back down on the ground.

I promptly turned around and before I could stop myself, I reached up (well, she was quite a bit taller than me) and slapped her very hard in the face. She didn’t flinch, but she was wearing a very stunned expression as we stared at each other for a moment.

“What the hell was that for?!?”

“You almost gave me a heart attack! There are easier ways of communicating with people!”

She merely frowned at me, rubbing the growing red spot on her cheek. I had hit her pretty hard, because you could almost make out a faint handprint there. Suddenly, I realized that this was the shady-looking female that I had spotted yesterday during the brief moment I had taken up people-watching. Now that I could see her close up, however…

Well, she looked dangerous, I guess. In a stereotypical sort of way. Like, she would fit someone’s average description of a gang member or some punk up to no good: the dark, ripped up clothes… she wasn’t wearing a hat today, and she was in serious need of a haircut. There was also this scar that she had that ran along one cheek from just below her eye all the way to her chin.

And those eyes…

They were darker than anything I could describe, and well… I never have been able to fully explain it. But looking into them… I wasn’t really scared of this girl anymore. For some strange reason… I was curious. About her.

“What is it?” She growled at me, apparently not too fond of the way that I was scrutinizing her.

“Nothing. But anyway, I think you owe me an apology.”

She snorted.

“I don’t owe anybody anything. Especially not some stranger like you.”

“Fine.” I held out my hand. “I’m Tsugunaga Momoko. You are?”

The girl looked at me as if I had grown an extra head. “What the hell? Why do you care?”

“Because if we introduce ourselves, we won’t be strangers any more and then you can apologize.”

“I never agreed to that.”

“Just shut up and tell me your name.”

She was scowling at me now, and stared at my hand as if it was some kind of snake or something. But after a moment—probably when she realized that I wasn’t going to leave—she sighed and rolled her eyes, taking my hand and giving it a half-hearted shake.

“Sudou… Maasa.”

“See, that wasn’t so hard.”

“Saki never told me that you were so damn annoying.”

“Am I? I really thought I was just being polite.”

“Whatever. Weird’s a better word for it.”

“Why is that?”

“Because normal people don’t try to make friends with people that put them in a headlock.”

“…are you implying that we’re friends now?”

“Why would I want to be friends with you?”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

“Because you’re annoying.”

“Oh? I thought I was weird.”

She groaned in frustration, and I couldn’t help but grin. I didn’t know why it pleased me me to get under her skin like that. Maybe it was because when she looked so irritated, she was actually somewhat adorable, rather than frightening. I was feeling strange. Maybe I was sick or something. I wasn’t acting normal, that was for sure.

I didn’t have much time to think about such things, however, because Maasa was staring behind me with an expression similar to the one Saki had worn yesterday when she noticed that the magician had disappeared.

“What is it?”

“She’s gone…!”
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #51 on: April 15, 2007, 11:14:57 PM »
Wahh!! >w<

I'm sort of glad you have a sort of writers block on the other story at the same time I kinda don't you know?
I demand YuriXChii Wuv!! =w=!!

Maasa is...sort of....How do I say this, hmm..."Grr Arghh!"
That's the best I can describe her right now lol XDXD

"Sudou… Maasa.”

“See, that wasn’t so hard.”

“Saki never told me that you were so damn annoying.”

“Am I? I really thought I was just being polite.”

“Whatever. Weird’s a better word for it.”

“Why is that?”

“Because normal people don’t try to make friends with people that put them in a headlock.”

“…are you implying that we’re friends now?”

“Why would I want to be friends with you?”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

“Because you’re annoying.”

“Oh? I thought I was weird.”


P.S. - Stop copying my evil and devious ways! Get your own ways of prodding me!!

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #52 on: April 16, 2007, 12:03:58 AM »
Woo, I'm behind on my reading :p stupid school...

Wow so Chinami's like that because she's got some kind of mental illness? aww >_< good thing Captain is there for her. wonder what caused it? I think she's a dancer too before, right? maybe something happened when she's performing or something? O_o

I'm loving the Miya x Momo rivalry even more ^_^ however I can't help but to think that something's going to go wrong on their actual performance :(

Great updates! thanks! :)

Gaki-san 大好き!

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2007, 02:36:54 AM »
Hah I knew it, a mental illness. Poor Chinami. Let's hope Momo and Maasa can find her!

-sits around and waits- XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2007, 02:38:50 AM »
So much to read! ChinamixYurina SakixMiya MomoxMaasa. But you put a Cute in there! Umeda's Cute, right? I swore that I would never be interested in any of the Kid's groups and I broke that with memorizing the Berryz. I can't do it anymore! I can't tell the Cute girls apart at all! It isn't fair! *sob*




Okay, you're going to update again soon, right?

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2007, 02:57:35 AM »
Heh, another annoying morning for Momo.. :D

Liking all the details.

Momo sure not a morning person.

Urgh, Maasa is a wrestler or something? lol. Momo is so brave to slap Maasa. She can kills you know!

Lol, Chinami ran away again.

Nice chapter FIM!

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2007, 03:12:17 AM »
Wahh!! >w<

I'm sort of glad you have a sort of writers block on the other story at the same time I kinda don't you know?
I demand YuriXChii Wuv!! =w=!!

Maasa is...sort of....How do I say this, hmm..."Grr Arghh!"
That's the best I can describe her right now lol XDXD


P.S. - Stop copying my evil and devious ways! Get your own ways of prodding me!!

XD You're probably going to like the beginning of this next chapter. I can tell, already.

lol. Grr Arghh. <3

What if I start posting dead faces instead? x_x


Woo, I'm behind on my reading :p stupid school...

Wow so Chinami's like that because she's got some kind of mental illness? aww >_< good thing Captain is there for her. wonder what caused it? I think she's a dancer too before, right? maybe something happened when she's performing or something? O_o

I'm loving the Miya x Momo rivalry even more ^_^ however I can't help but to think that something's going to go wrong on their actual performance :(

Great updates! thanks! :)

XD I hate school too.

Yup. Captain wouldn't abandon her like that. <3 And no, Chinami was never a dancer. Saki used to be a part of the same group that Yurina, Risako, and Miyabi are in, though.

It's worrying, isn't it? D:

No prob. Another will be coming along in a few minutes. <3

Hah I knew it, a mental illness. Poor Chinami. Let's hope Momo and Maasa can find her!

-sits around and waits- XD

She's in good hands, don't worry. :3


So much to read! ChinamixYurina SakixMiya MomoxMaasa. But you put a Cute in there! Umeda's Cute, right? I swore that I would never be interested in any of the Kid's groups and I broke that with memorizing the Berryz. I can't do it anymore! I can't tell the Cute girls apart at all! It isn't fair! *sob*




Okay, you're going to update again soon, right?

Yeah, I put a Cute in there... -shuffles feet- >w<

Yeah, update in a few minutes. :3

Heh, another annoying morning for Momo.. :D

Liking all the details.

Momo sure not a morning person.

Urgh, Maasa is a wrestler or something? lol. Momo is so brave to slap Maasa. She can kills you know!

Lol, Chinami ran away again.

Nice chapter FIM!


Thanks, I'm trying not to make it too fast-paced.

Lol I kind of stole that from Loser87. =]

Nah, she's just tough cuz she's gotta be. Lol I don't think Momoko's afraid of her. haha

Yeah, but to a safe place. ^_^

Thank you very much. <3

(heads-up to the wedge if she'd like to make an appearance now)
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Seven -- Nice to Meet You, Too]
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2007, 03:22:44 AM »
Double-update because I won't let my master show me up! -shakefist-
...and now I have to go because my parents are yelling about something. XD

[Chapter Eight -- When Fate Caught Up to Us]

For Yurina, waking up had been extremely difficult and painful lately. She wasn’t yet used to manuevering with the bulky cast on her leg, and it was annoying to sleep in and drag around. The crutches that the doctor had given her were clumsy tools that didn’t help much, and were generally more of a hindrance than a help.

However, she wasn’t moving much more than she needed to everyday. The store that she got her food from was just down the street, but she wouldn’t have to visit it again for another week. Other than that, she only struggled out of her bedroom in order to get to her piano.

Her current situation was ver y stressful. Even though she knew that Momoko was only her temporary replacement… her job was on the line. She had heard stories about performers that would get injured and some of them were never able to fully get back into the swing of things.

And with her troupe… only the absolute best were accepted. Already, she was one of the weaker performers, and she had a feeling that after she recooperated completely… chances of still having a place at the theater were slim.

Yurina rested her fingers on the piano keys, letting out a sigh. She was about to begin playing in order to try and forget some of her worries, when she heard that familiar tapping at her window.

“Good morning, Yurina-chan.”

The tall girl couldn’t help but smile, and as she always did, she leaned over to try and catch a glimpse of her mysterious visitor. But as always, the other girl was hidden from her sight.

“Why do you always hide from me…? Am I ever going to get to see you?”

“…Probably not.”

“Are you afraid of me?”

“…It’s more like… the other way around.”

Yurina was puzzled. “But I’m not afraid of you…”

“I know. I want it to stay that way.”

“I bet it’s not as bad as you make it out to be…”

“People are scared of me because they think I’m crazy. Somehow they assume that… just by looking at me. I don’t want you to see what they see.”

The tall female’s heart hurt for this poor stranger. Never before had she met someone so very broken. She wished that there was more that she could do, more than just playing the piano. But perhaps that the music was all that the other needed right now.

“…I’ve been writing something new lately. There aren’t any words yet, and it’s not quite finished, but… would you like to hear it?”

“Yes… I would like that very much.”


Risako had caught up to me by this point, and as soon as she saw Maasa, she started to freak out just a little bit. And by that, I mean that she picked up this board that was leaning against the dumpster in the alleyway, and started waving it around like a maniac.

“Alright you big bully, back off! I got this piece of wood and… well… I don’t know karate or anything like that but I’ll kick your butt if you hurt Momo-chan.”

Both Maasa and I merely rolled her eyes, and the taller girl turned back to me, wearing a very aggravated expression on her face.

“Well, thanks to you, I have to go find Saki and tell her that I lost the kid.”

I frowned. “And just how exactly is this my fault?”

“If you hadn’t been distracting me, I would have never taken my eyes off of her, and we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”

“Okay, first off, you were the one that went and grabbed me and all that, so that’s your problem, and then secondly, I didn’t see you around when I first walked up to Tokunaga-san, so obviously you weren’t watching her very closely to begin with.”

Maasa threw her hands up in the air, and it looked almost like she was trying really hard not to rip some of her hair out. But she didn’t answer me verbally, so I think that she couldn’t argue anymore because I was right. Risako had been watching our exchange with interest, and was still holding the board, just in case.

“Look, that doesn’t matter, though. You’re right in that we should probably tell Shimizu-san what happened.”

“What do you mean we?”

“Um… wait, Shimizu?” Risako had dropped the board, and she was now very interested in the conversation.

“Yeah, why?”

“Well… I used to know a girl with that name…”


“So, she’s the reason why Miyabi’s such a bitch.”


The prodigy was walking along towards the theatre like she did every morning, where she would be early and would have the stage all to herself for about an hour. There she could practice in peace and quiet, with no one to bother her.

Normally she didn’t stop for anything on her way to work. Didn’t look anyone in the eye or stop to say hello or to gaze at anything around her. She didn’t stop to watch the people performing on the street, because she thought they were beneath her and it was a waste of her time.

But today, something in particular caught her eye.

A small crowd had gathered around a girl who was dancing to some frantic, unknown rhythm that only she seemed to be able to hear. Her moves were complex, intricate, and fluid, and impossible for anyone else to repeat.

And in that moment, when Miyabi recognized just who that girl was…

She could have sworn that her heart almost stopped beating.
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Eight -- When Fate Caught Up to Us]
« Reply #58 on: April 16, 2007, 03:36:59 AM »
Jeez, you are fast! ChinamixYurina is (young, so young) <3

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Eight -- When Fate Caught Up to Us]
« Reply #59 on: April 16, 2007, 03:38:29 AM »
Aha! Saki/Miyabi! Risako thinks that Saki's the reason Miyabi's so bitchy now? Ooooh how interesting. XD I have a few inklings why that is so (I watch too many of this kind of anime and dramas ^^;) but I won't spoil it for the rest. XD

Yurina and Chinami make such a cute pair. I think Yurina's music has a kind of a healing, or at least a calming effect on Chinami. It should be cool when they finally get to really know each other.

Now I wonder what Miyabi's going to do to Saki. XD *hopes for pairing-ness eventually* XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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